Questton T.: Pinion 32 30 83 80 Wear Stress Factor, Ko/So, MM 0 - 1 S 6 1.20 24 3 3 3 3 - 1 3 - 1
Questton T.: Pinion 32 30 83 80 Wear Stress Factor, Ko/So, MM 0 - 1 S 6 1.20 24 3 3 3 3 - 1 3 - 1
Questton T.: Pinion 32 30 83 80 Wear Stress Factor, Ko/So, MM 0 - 1 S 6 1.20 24 3 3 3 3 - 1 3 - 1
Third Year Mechan Production Section
Semester, 2000-2001
Ti me : 4.00 Hrs
The Exam Consists of Two Questions in Two Pages.
LI 2
An1 missing data ma1 bc rsasonabll assumad
The sketch shows a concentric speed reducer, which is directly coupled to an electric
motor. The helical geared motor unit works in a paper mill for about 24 hrslday where
no overloads are expected. The electric motor speed is 1750 rpm and the unit output
speed is approximately 70 rpm.
The uni t i s desi gned under the fol l owi ng condi ti ons:
First staqe Second stase
Pi ni on Gear Pi ni on Gear
Tooth width, mm 32 30 83 80
VelociW factor 0,48 0.48 a. 7t 0. 71
Wear stress factor, ko/so,mm 0. 14 0. 14 0. 1s6 0. 156
Wear and lubrication factor 1. 25 1. 25 1. 20 1. 20
Modified form factor 0.54
- (3l z\
Number of teeth 24 109
Module of
mm 3 3 3 3
Normal module of
mm 2. 75 2. 75 2. 75 2. 75
Ratio of dynamic load/static tanqential load 3. 1 3. 1 1. 8 1. 8
Ratio of limiting load for wear/dynamic load 1. 3
1 ?
1. 05 1. 05
The input and output shafts are concentric
The maximum accepted change in the output speed is r 1% of the 70
Pinion 1
ftof. 5rm1 S. ebdd
1"r Sfase
Third Yaar, Machaniaal ?roducfion tcclion
You ere re
MlrCHINe Dttl6tN L00l
uired to
?N^e zJz
Where, K= Kv* KV/ (Ks
Kl ),
F*v=0. 1 5*A%,
Pt =6"b*t t l *K,
hel i x anql e
Use brief answe
Ureful Doto
and clear sketches
Pd= P1
l 11+FI )
A=pt +(KO"b*cos
K2= Kw
Kn /
."Ikn n"uJ, fir^l ,*ahw.
Find the power
that could be transmitted safely by the helical geared
unit undei
wear resistance conditions.
the actual working stresses on the gears
and thus select suitable
materials for them.
Present a Free Hand Sketch for the
unit in at least two views. The
shafts are supported on Rollinq Bearinos.
Hel i cal
equat i ons
Materi al s . mm
Tvpe UTS Yi el d BHN Tvpe UTS Yi el d BHN
GG1 B 15-22
170 c15 50-65 30 140
GG26 23-28
210 c22 50-60 30 155
GG30 25-30
220 c35 60-72 37 170
GS38 3B 18
c60 75-90 49 240
G560 60 36 37MnSi 5 60- 105 50 170-300
st42 42-50 22 130 l BCrNi B 65-1 40 60 190-600
st60 60-70 30 180 50CrV4 70-140 60 200-400
st70 70-85 34 220
to exol ai n the fol l owi no:
2. L Explain the difference between the principle
of torque transmission for
Positive and Friction clutches.
2. 2 What is the difference between slio and creeD in flat brelts
2. 3 How can cyl i ndri cal rol l er beari nos carry axi al l oads ?
2. 4 What is the difference between hydrostatic anO nyOroOynamic aaions 'n
sl i di nq beari ngs ?
2. 5 Why should thrust ball bearings be subjectad
axi al l oad duri nq operal i on ?
Prof. 5am1 J. batd
Dael gn funa 2oor Producti on