1. A capacitor charged to 20V will have a voltage of 12.74V after one time constant if the battery is replaced with a short circuit.
2. The voltage rating of a capacitor is the maximum voltage that can be constantly applied.
3. The relative permittivity of a capacitor is the relative permittivity of the dielectric in relation to a vacuum.
1. A capacitor charged to 20V will have a voltage of 12.74V after one time constant if the battery is replaced with a short circuit.
2. The voltage rating of a capacitor is the maximum voltage that can be constantly applied.
3. The relative permittivity of a capacitor is the relative permittivity of the dielectric in relation to a vacuum.
1. A capacitor charged to 20V will have a voltage of 12.74V after one time constant if the battery is replaced with a short circuit.
2. The voltage rating of a capacitor is the maximum voltage that can be constantly applied.
3. The relative permittivity of a capacitor is the relative permittivity of the dielectric in relation to a vacuum.
1. A capacitor charged to 20V will have a voltage of 12.74V after one time constant if the battery is replaced with a short circuit.
2. The voltage rating of a capacitor is the maximum voltage that can be constantly applied.
3. The relative permittivity of a capacitor is the relative permittivity of the dielectric in relation to a vacuum.
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The document discusses concepts related to capacitors, transformers, motors, generators and other electrical components.
A capacitor is composed of two conductive plates separated by an insulator or dielectric. It can store electric charge and energy in an electric field. The main components discussed are the plates, dielectric and voltage rating.
Faraday's law states that the magnitude of the electromotive force (EMF) induced in a circuit is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit.
Module Three
1. A capacitor is fully charged after 25 seconds to a battery voltage of 20 Volts. The
battery is replaced with a short circuit. What will be the voltage across the capacitor after one time constant a! 12."# volts $ b! %.&" volts c! 0 volts 2. The voltage rating of a capacitor is $ a! the ma' voltage that can be constantly applied b! the min voltage re(uired to charge c! the normal operating voltage &. The relative permittivity of a capacitor is $ a! the relative permittivity of the dielectric in relation to a vacuum b! the permittivity of dielectric in relation to dry air c! the permittivity of the dielectric #. )agnetic inclination is the least at the a! poles $ b! e(uator c! isoclines 5. *erromagnetic materials can be magneti+ed a! within a band of temperatures b! above a certain temperature $ c! below a certain temperature ". *aradays ,aw -tates that $ a! the magnitude of the .)* is directly proportional to the rate of change of flu' b! the magnitude of the .)* is indirectly proportional to the rate of change of flu' c! the magnitude of the .)* is directly proportional to the magnetic flu' %. To reduce eddy currents in a transformer you would $ a! reduce the thic/ness of laminations in the magnetic core b! increase the thic/ness of laminations in the magnetic core c! reduce the number of turns on the primary winding 0. A transformer has an input of #00V and a ratio of 211. 2f the transformer is delta 3 star wound4 what will the line voltage output be a! 115V b! 200V $ c! &#"V 5age 1 6 )od & 7. What is the phase difference in a circuit with 100V4 drawing 0.5 amps4 consuming 50 Watts a! #58 b! 708 $ c! 08 10. 2n an A.9 circuit4 what happens if fre(uency is reduced a! 9apacitive elements may be damaged $ b! 2nductive elements may be damaged c! There will be no effect 11. A Transformer with 115v primary voltage and a ratio of 511 is supplying a landing light :load 2#v #5 amps! is used4 what is the current drawn a! 205 amps $ b! 7 amps c! #.5 amps 12. A Transformer has #500 secondary turns and %50 primary turns. 2ts turns ratio is a! 11" $ b! "11 c! 13" 1&. Two inductive coils are placed in close pro'imity with each other at 70 degrees. The number of flu' lin/ages is $ a! 0 b! ma'imum positive c! ma'imum negative 1#. A high pass filter will $ a! allow fre(uencies above a certain value to pass b! allow fre(uencies below a certain value to pass c! allow fre(uencies within a range to pass 15. 2f you apply this waveform to this circuit4 what is the output across the capacitor a! ;ero b! 5ulsed negative $ c! 5ulsed positive 5age 2 6 )od & 1". What value is the same as the e(uivalent <.9. heating effect $ a! =oot )ean -(uare b! Average c! 5ea/ 1%. What is the relationship between the voltage and the current in an A.9 circuit containing resistance > inductance a! 9urrent leads voltage by up to 708 $ b! 9urrent lags voltage by up to 708 c! 9urrent lags voltage by 708 10. What shape is the waveform when the input pulse and the time base are une(ual a! -(uare $ b! =ectangular c! -aw tooth 17. A sine wave has 5 amps =)- value. What is the pea/ value a! ".&% amps $ b! %.0% amps c! 10 amps 20. 2n this circuit $ a! current leads voltage b! current lags voltage c! current ? voltage 21. <ecreasing the field current in a shunt motor will a! increase speed and decrease tor(ue $ b! increase speed and increase tor(ue c! decrease speed and increase tor(ue 22. 5ower factor relates to $ a! true power and apparent power b! @W and @VA= c! horsepower and Watts 5age & 6 )od & 2&. 2n a deltaAconnected generator $ a! line volts ? phase volts4 line current ? root & times phase current. b! line volts ? phase volts4 line current ? phase current divided by root & c! line voltage ? root & times phase voltage4 line current ? phase current 2#. 2f current lags voltage by 7084 the circuit is a! capacitive b! resistive $ c! inductive 25. 2n a & phase motor4 if 1 phase is lost4 the motor $ a! remains at the same speed b! runs at 1 third speed c! runs at 2 thirds speed 2". A threeAphase motor has the windings $ a! 1208 apart b! 708 apart c! 1008apart 2%. When measuring the phase and line voltages of a generator4 it was found that line and phase voltages were e(ual. The generator is $ a! delta wound b! star wound. c! either delta or star wound 20. To change the direction of a &Aphase induction motor you would $ a! swap two of the stator connections b! swap all of the input connections c! remove one of the input connections 27. To calculate generator output you need to /now the a! armature speed and number of series conductors b! armature speed and number of parallel conductors $ c! armature speed and field strength &0. 2n a shunt motor4 if you reverse both field current and armature current4 the motor will a! stop b! change direction $ c! continue to run in the same direction &1. The permanent magnet in an A.9 generator induces $ a! A.9. in the e'itor generator b! <.9. in the e'itor generator c! A.9. in the main generator 5age # 6 )od & &2. What does the following circuit represent a! 2ntegrator b! ,ow pass filter $ c! <ifferentiator &&. What charge does the nucleus of an atom possess $ a! 5ositive b! Begative c! Beutral &#. What is the ma'imum number of electrons in shell B of an atom a! 1" $ b! &2 c! 10 &5. Two 10V4 20 Ah batteries are connected in parallel and connected across a 10A ohm load. Cow long could they supply normal current before the voltage begins to decay a! 20 hours b! # hours $ c! #0 hours &". A 10 V battery supplies a resistive load of 10 ohms for 1 minute. What is the power supplied a! 100 W b! 10 VA $ c! 10 W &%. A 10V battery supplies a resistive load of 10 ohms for 1 minute. What is the wor/ done a! "0D b! 10D $ c! "00D &0. Three capacitors 10 microfarads4 10 nanofarads and 10 millifarads are connected in parallel. What is the total capacitance $ a! 10.01001m* b! 111m* c! 1.001001m* 5age 5 6 )od & &7. 2f a 1m* capacitor has a potential difference across it of 5V what is the energy stored a! 12.5 D $ b! 12.5 mD c! 25 mD #0. A capacitor is fully charged after 25 seconds to a battery voltage of 20 V. The battery is replaced with a short circuit. What will be the voltage across the capacitor after 1 time constant a! 12."# V $ b! %.&" V c! 0 V #1. Elass is an e'ample of a a! paramagnetic material $ b! diamagnetic material c! coercive material #2. Which of the following is absolute permeability $ a! F b! Fo c! Fr #&. A solenoid of 10 turns per meter carries a current of 5A. 2f the current is reduced to 2.5A4 how many turns would be re(uired to maintain the same magnetic field a! 5 b! 50 $ c ##. The point of coercivity occurs when the a! magneti+ing force applied causes the material to become magnetically saturated. $ b! magnetic flu' is +ero even though a magneti+ing force is being applied. c! magneti+ing force reaches a pea/ positive or negative value. #5. What is the mutual inductance if two coils of 10mC and 500mC have 70G of the flu' transferred from one to the other a! #.5mC b! #57mC $ c! "&mC #". An inductor has 14000 turns of wire and a cross sectional area of 0.001m2. 2f the core has a permeability of 0.0004001 and the coil is 0.1m what is the value of the inductor $ a! 10mC b! 100microC c! 100mC 5age " 6 )od & #%. Three inductors 10 mC4 5 mC and 20 mC are connected in parallel. What is the total inductance a! &5mC $ b! 2.0"mC c! Without /nowing the coupling factor the total inductance cannot be found #0. 2f the current reaches a ma'imum through an inductor of 2A in 15 secs4 what is the current after & secs $ a! 1.2"A b! 0."&A c! 1A #7. 2f the phase voltage in a star connected generator is 200V what will be the line voltage a! 115V b! 200V $ c! &#"V 50. A generator is labeled as having 115V3200V4 20A and 5* 0.0. What is the apparent power in each line that the generator can produce a! 2.&/W b! 2.&/VA $ c! #/VA 51. A starter generator has a a! low resistance series field and a low resistance shunt field $ b! low resistance series field and a high resistance shunt field c! high resistance series field and a low resistance shunt field 52. Thermocouple harnesses are made from the same materials as the thermocouple so that a! they will not corrode $ b! mini Hunctions are not formed c! the resistance is not increased beyond limits 5&. An o'ygen molecule is made up of $ a! two o'ygen atoms sharing electrons b! two o'ygen atoms sharing neutrons c! two o'ygen atoms sharing protons 5#. A capacitor in a single phase A9 motor is to a! prevent spi/es b! bloc/ <9 $ c! provide a phase shift 5age % 6 )od & 55. The slip speed of an induction motor is $ a! stator speed A rotor speed b! stator speed I rotor speed c! stator speed rotor speed 5". The primary winding of a &Aphase transformer a! is delta wound b! is star wound $ c! could be either delta or star wound 5%. The symbol for flu' density is a! C $ b! J c! K 50. A galvanometer measures a! millivolts b! megohms $ c! milliamps 57. A battery rated at #0 Ah will supply 200 mA for $ a! 200 hours b! 5 hours c! 20 hours "0. The un/nown resistance = in the wheatstone bridge shown is a! 1 ohm $ b! # ohms c! 1" ohms "1. Which of the following materials is easiest to magneti+e $ a! -oft iron b! Cigh grade steel c! 9ast iron 5age 0 6 )od & "2. A9 generators are rated in a! /VA=s b! /W $ c! /VA "&. To find which end of an electromagnet is the north pole4 use the a! *lemingLs ,eft Cand =ule $ b! =ight Cand 9lasp =ule c! 9or/ -crew =ule "#. A capacitor with double the area and double the dielectric thic/ness will have a! double the capacitance b! half the capacitance $ c! the same capacitance "5. 2n a transformer4 if the rate of change of current increases4 the mutual inductance will a! increase b! decrease $ c! remain the same "". 2f the bra/e coil on an actuator motor goes open circuit4 the actuator will a! overAride its mechanical stops $ b! stop c! run slower "%. The fre(uency of the output of a # pole generator is #00 C+. The generator is turning at $ a! 12000 =5) b! "000 =5) c! &000 =5) "0. What is the wave shape of the 'Aa'is input of a traversing oscilloscope image a! s(uare b! rectangular $ c! triangular "7. An inductance3resistance motor is a! better than a capacitance motor b! restricted to low loads only $ c! less efficient than a capacitance motor 5age 7 6 )od & %0. The voltage at point A is $ a! % V b! 21 V c! 20 V %1. A #11 step down transformer draws 115 V and 1 A. The output power will be $ a! 20.5 V at # A b! 20.5 V at 1" A c! #"0 V at 0.25 A %2. The voltage induced in the stator of an A9 generator is produced by a! a fi'ed magnetic field $ b! a rotating magnetic field c! an alternating field %&. A low fre(uency supply $ a! may damage inductive components b! will have no effect on inductive components c! will ma/e the circuit operate faster due to the reduced impedance %#. A +incAcarbon battery life depends upon a! the purity of the carbon rod $ b! the amount of +inc c! the amount of the electrolyte paste %5. When chec/ing the s.g. of the electrolyte in a lead acid battery4 you should $ a! chec/ all cells because they may be different b! chec/ only the no. 1 cell because it is the master cell c! chec/ any cell because they will all be the same %". 2f electrons are added to an atom it becomes a! a positive ion $ b! a negative ion c! a neutral ion 5age 10 6 )od & %%. An element whose atoms have fewer than # electrons in their valency shell are $ a! good conductors b! good insulators c! semiconductors %0. 2n a purely resistive A9 circuit4 the current vector is $ a! in phase with the voltage vector b! I70 o out of phase with the voltage vector c! A70 o out of phase with the voltage vector %7. The 5< at the terminals of an open circuit battery with a small internal resistance will be a! more than the .)* b! less than the .)* $ c! the same as the .)* 00. The diagram shows a 200 V long shunt generator. What is the voltage dropped across the series resistor a! 200 V $ b! 0.12 V c! 0.2 V 01. An electrolytic capacitor is used where a! minimum losses are essential $ b! there is a polari+ed input c! high fre(uency A9 is used 02. 2f a connection to an A9 motor is disconnected4 the motor will a! slow down and stop $ b! continue to run c! stop 0&. A band stop filter $ a! stops a narrow range of fre(uencies b! stops fre(uencies either side of a narrow range c! attenuates fre(uencies either side of a narrow range 5age 11 6 )od & 0#. This is a diagram of a a! band pass filter b! high pass filter $ c! low pass filter 05. When comparing the average values of an A9 generator output4 to the pea/ values a! average voltage ? same as the pea/ voltage $ b! average voltage ? 0."& ' pea/ voltage c! average voltage ? 0.%0% ' pea/ voltage 0". A parallel circuit at resonance has $ a! ma'imum impedance b! minimum impedance c! +ero impedance 0%. A resistor dissipates 00 Watts. 2f it runs for # hours 15 minutes4 how much energy is dissipated in total $ a! 1.22# )D b! 20.# /D c! 171.25 D 00. The earth lead of a 2# V e(uipment is 0.5 ohm resistance and carries 00 A. Cow much power does it dissipate $ a! &.2 /W b! 1.152 /W c! 1.72 /W 07. What must you do to ma/e a & * capacitor circuit into a 2 * circuit a! 5ut a 1 * capacitor in series b! 5ut a 2 * capacitor in parallel $ c! 5ut a " * capacitor in series 70. The time re(uired to fully charge a 1 F* capacitor in series with a 100/ ohm resistor is $ a! 100 ms b! 1 s c! 100 s 5age 12 6 )od & 71. A 10 ohm resistor has a 1#.1# V pea/ drop across it. What power is dissipated a! 17.77 W $ b! 10 W c! 1.#1# W 72. This is a symbol for $ a! a voltage dependant resistor b! a variable differential resistor c! a visual display rectifier 7&. 2f a generator speed is halved and the field strength is doubled4 the voltage output will be a! halved b! doubled $ c! unchanged 7#. 5oint A on the armature of the generator shown is producing $ a! ma'imum current b! minimum current c! +ero current 75. An accumulation of hydrogen on the plates of a battery is /nown as a! hydration $ b! polari+ation c! ioni+ation 7". What is the power dissipated in a 500 ohm resistor with a &A flow a! 1.5 /W $ b! #.5 /W c! %50 /W 7%. Which of the following is 1 Amp $ a! 1000 mA b! 1000 A c! 1000 /A 5age 1& 6 )od & 70. A paramagnetic material has a relative permeability of $ a! greater than unity b! less than unity c! +ero 77. What part of a battery is covered in hydrogen during polari+ation a! 9athode $ b! Anode c! Joth the anode and the cathode 100. .lectricity conducts through a! solids only $ b! solids and li(uids c! vacuum 101. The term that describes the combined resistive forces in an A9 circuit is $ a! impedance b! resistance c! total resistance 102. Cow can the direction of rotation of a <9 electric motor be changed $ a! reverse the electrical connections to either the field or armature windings b! interchange the wires which connect the motor to the e'ternal power source c! rotate the positive brush one commutator segment 10&. An e'ample of a good electrical insulator is $ a! glass b! aluminium c! mercury 10#. The only practical method of maintaining a constant voltage output from an aircraft generator under varying conditions of speed and load is to vary the $ a! strength of the magnetic field b! number of conductors in the armature c! speed at which the armature rotates 105. An accumulation of hydrogen on the plates of a battery is /nown as a! hydration $ b! polari+ation c! ioni+ation 5age 1# 6 )od & 10". Which of the following is most li/ely to cause thermal runaway in a nic/elA cadmium battery a! e'cessive current draw from the battery $ b! high current charging of the battery to more than 100 percent of its capacity c! a high internal resistance condition 10%. .lectric motors are often classified according to the method of connecting the field coils and armature. Aircraft engine starter motors are generally of which type a! compound b! shunt :parallel! $ c! series 100. 2f a heavy mechanical load is removed from a series motor a! the speed will decrease and the armature current will decrease $ b! the speed will increase and the armature current will decrease c! the speed will increase and the armature current will increase 107. -tatic charges remaining in an aircraft are dissipated by $ a! the use of a conducting type nose wheel b! bonding the aircraft to a refuel tan/er c! earthing the aircraft as soon as possible 110. Total resistance in parallel for = 1 and = 2 is $ a! = T ? := 1 ' = 2 ! M := 1 I = 2 ! b! = T ? 13= 1 I 13= 2
c! 13= T ? 13= 1 I 13= 2
111. The (uill drive on an aircraft generator a! ma/es possible the use of roller b! damps out any commutator ripple $ c! damps out vibrations 112. The method of ascertaining the voltage of a standard aircraft leadAacid battery is by chec/ing a! the voltage on open circuit b! the voltage with rated load switched NB $ c! the voltage off load 11&. 2f the correct supply were connected to a <9 shunt motor which had lost its residual magnetism it would a! fail to run b! run in the reverse direction $ c! run normally 5age 15 6 )od & 11#. A loss of electrical insulation results in $ a! a short circuit between the supply and earth b! an open circuit between the supply and earth c! an open circuit in the supply 115. A <9 circuit containing a total resistance of 100 ohms has a current flow of 250 mA. The power dissipated in the circuit is a! 0.# watts $ b! ".25 watts c! 5 watts 11". 5ower is the rate of doing wor/. 2t is measured in $ a! Houles3second b! watts3second c! Houles ' seconds 11%. NhmLs law states that1 a! e.m.f. ? current divided by resistance b! resistance ? current divided by e.m.f. $ c! current ? e.m.f. divided by resistance 110. 2f the resistance of a resistor which is in series with two other resistors is doubled a! the current in that resistance is doubled b! the current in that resistance is halved $ c! the volts drop across that resistor increases 117. Nne purpose of a growler test is to determine the presence of1 $ a! a shorted armature b! an outAofAround commutator c! a bro/en field lead 120. Through which material will magnetic lines of force pass the most readily a! aluminium $ b! iron c! copper 121. .lectricity conducts through a! solids only $ b! solids and li(uids c! vacuum 122. The secondary coil of a transformer has 1500 turns and 10 resistance. The primary coil has 1 k resistance. Cow many turns does the primary coil have $ a! 154000 b! 1504000 c! 145004000 5age 1" 6 )od & 12&. Two batteries 12V and #0 Ah each4 are in series. What is the total capacity a! 12V 00 Ah b! 2#V 00Ah $ c! 2#V #0 Ah 12#. 2n a star wound primary transformer4 how could you wind the secondary winding a! star only b! delta only $ c! either delta or star 125. The phases in supply to a 2 phase motor are electrically $ a! 70 degrees apart from each other b! 100 degrees apart from each other c! 120 degrees apart from each other 12". A &0 @VA rated generator has a power factor of 0.0. What is its ma'imum consistent power a! &0 @W $ b! 2# @W c! &%.5 @W 12%. A 50 F capacitor is fed with a current of 25 mA. Cow long will it ta/e to charge it to 100V a! 1 s $ b! 0.2 seconds c! 12 minutes 120. The total resistance of the circuit shown is a! 1.&& Nhms b! 12 Nhms $ c! & Nhms 127. A step up transformer has a! one winding $ b! two windings c! three windings 1&0. The three voltages of a three phase generator are connected $ a! independently of each other b! in series with each other c! in parallel with each other 5age 1% 6 )od & 1&1. ..).*. in an electric circuit corresponds to what in a magnetic circuit $ a! mmf b! flu' c! reluctance 1&2. Time constant of an inductor is a! ,= $ b! ,3= c! , 2 3= 1&&. 5ermanent magnets have a! high reluctance4 low coercive force b! low reluctance4 high coercive force $ c! high reluctance4 high coercive force 1&#. A.9. value that can produce the same heat as <.9. is called $ a! r.m.s value b! average value c! pea/ value 1&5. 2f a battery has got low internal resistance4 then a! on load voltage will be greater than no load voltage $ b! no load voltage will be greater than on load voltage c! no load voltage will be the same as on load voltage 1&". in a parallel =4 ,4 9 circuit4 the value of the capacitor is (uadrupled4 then the value of the impedance would $ a! reduce b! increased c! remain the same 1&%. 2n a circuit 9 ? 25 microfarads and the current flow is #0 microamps for # seconds. What is the voltage a! 12.0V $ b! ".#V c! &.2V 1&0. A &4 5 and 2 ohms resistance is connected in series with a 10 V battery. The voltage across the 2 ohms resistor is a! 10V $ b! 2 V c! # V 1&7. The power in a circuit when voltage and resistance is given can be found by a! V'= $ b! V'V 3 = c! V'V'= 5age 10 6 )od & 1#0. A pie+oelectric device generates electricity through $ a! pressure b! friction c! light 1#1. 9onventional current flow inside a battery is from $ a! anode to cathode b! cathode to anode c! either anode to cathode or cathode to anode4 depending on the active elements 1#2. 5otentiometers are used as a $ a! variable voltage source b! variable resistor c! variable current source 1#&. 2n a transformer core loss is 200 W and copper loss is 220W at no load. What is the core loss at full load $ a! 200 W b! 220 W c! 0 W 1##. 9alculate the speed of a #00 C+4 # pole machine $ a! 124000 rpm b! "000 rpm c! 0000 rpm 1#5. The purpose of end travel microswitch in a linear actuator is to $ a! remain closed and opens at end travel only b! remain open and closes at end travel only c! remain open during normal operation and only close if the actuator overruns its stops 1#". ,inear actuators used in aircraft are of $ a! split field series wound type. b! split field shunt wound type c! compound wound type 1#%. 2f a generator spar/s4 a possible reason is $ a! The brush springs are loose b! The brushes have been placed around the magnetic coil c! )agnetic flu' deflecting the .)* 1#0. The charge on a proton is a! neutral $ b! positive c! negative 5age 17 6 )od & 1#7. in conventional current flow4 what is *lemingLs right hand rule used for a! )otors $ b! Eenerators c! 2nductors 150. 2n a capacitive circuit4 if the fre(uency is increased $ a! the current increases b! impedance increases c! reactance remains the same 151. Three 12 F* capacitors are in series. The total capacitance is a! 12 F* $ b! # F* c! &" F* 152. A 500 ohm resistor carries a & amp current. What is the power dissipated a! 5 /W $ b! #.5 /W c! 500 W 15&. A paramagnetic material has a relative permeability a! less than unity $ b! greater than unity c! e(ual to unity 15#. What is the 5< of a circuit which has a #0 mA current and a 1 / ohm resistance a! #00 V b! # V $ c! #0 V 155. The time constant of a capacitor is the time $ a! for the emf to reach &".0G of ma'imum b! the current to reach %0.%G of ma'imum c! to reach ma'imum current 15". The secondary winding of a transformer has an impedance of 10 ohms and 1500 turns. *or the primary winding to have an impedance of 1 / ohm4 how many turns must it have a! 154000 $ b! 1504000 c! 145004000 15%. A potentiometer has which of the following properties $ a! & terminals b! preset values c! wire wound 5age 20 6 )od & 150. A & ohm resistor dissipates 2% Watts. Cow much current flows through it $ a! & A b! 7 A c! 0.15 A 157. in a 2 phase generator4 how far apart are the windings electrically a! #5 o
$ b! 70 o
c! 100 o
1"0. The -2 unit of wor/ is a! Doules per second :Watts! $ b! @ilogram metres A force c! Doules per metre 1"1. in the circuit below4 what happens to the total circuit impedance if , is tripled $ a! 2ncreases b! =emains the same c! =educes 1"2. in a voltaic cell4 what is the buildAup on the cathode called a! 5olari+ation $ b! -ulphation c! Cydration 1"&. A sine wave has a periodic time of 0.5 milliseconds. What is the fre(uency a! 200 C+ $ b! 2 /C+ c! 20 /C+ 1"#. Three branches in a circuit have currents entering of &A4 # A and 5 A. A forth branch has 10 A leaving. A fifth branch must have a! 2A entering $ b! 2A leaving c! 22A leaving 5age 21 6 )od & 1"5. Where are the output windings on an A9 generator $ a! -tator b! =otor with slip rings c! =otor with commutator 1"". 2f the field strength of a generator is doubled4 and the speed is doubled4 the output .)* will $ a! (uadruple b! double c! stay the same 1"%. 2f the rate of change of current is halved4 mutual inductance will a! double $ b! stay the same c! halve 1"0. 2f a capacitor of 50 microfarads has a current of 25 mA4 how long does it ta/e to charge to 100 V $ a! 200 milliseconds b! 200 seconds c! 150 seconds 1"7. in a Wheatstone Jridge4 the ammeter reads +ero4 and the variable resistor is adHusted to 5 ohms. =esistor 5 has a value of 10 ohms and O has a value of 100 ohms. What is the value of the un/nown resistor $ a! 0.5 ohms b! 5 ohms c! 50 ohms 1%0. in a tuned circuit at resonance4 the circuit will be a! inductive $ b! resistive c! capacitive 1%1. The time constant for an inductor is $ a! ,3= b! =3, c! , ' = 1%2. 2n a <9 motor the pole pairs are $ a! imbedded within the field coils b! part of the armature c! connected to the brush gear 1%&. .ddy currents in a transformer core are reduced by $ a! decreasing the thic/ness of the laminates b! increasing the thic/ness of the laminates c! ma/ing the core from a solid bloc/ 5age 22 6 )od & 1%#. Transformer copper loss on full load is 220 Watts. Nn half load the loss will be a! 110 Watts b! ##0 Watts $ c! 55 Watts 1%5. The earthLs magnetic field is greatest at the $ a! magnetic poles b! geographic poles c! magnetic e(uator 1%". 2f a 1 ohm circuit produces a 50 W output4 the phase angle is $ a! 0 o
b! 70 o
c! #5 o
1%%. A series wound <9 motor4 the field has $ a! few turns of thic/ wire b! few turns of thin wire c! many turns of thin wire 1%0. What effect do the electrons of one atom have upon the electrons of another atom $ a! They repel each other b! They attract each other c! They have no effect on each other 1%7. What is a molecule $ a! The smallest part of a compound b! The smallest part of an electron c! The smallest part of an atom 100. A coulomb is a! one ampere per second $ b! one ampere ' second c! one second per ampere 101. in a circuit containing three resistors of e(ual value connected in parallel4 one resistor goes open circuit. The current in the other two resistors will a! increase b! decrease $ c! remain the same 102. 20 amperes flow for 20 seconds. Cow many coulombs has flowed $ a! #00 b! 20 c! 1 5age 2& 6 )od & 10&. An atom is $ a! the smallest part of an element that retains its characteristics b! the smallest part of a compound that can e'ist independently c! the smallest particle of matter 10#. A neutron is a particle which is $ a! contained within the nucleus of most atoms b! orbits the nucleus of the atom c! contained in the nucleus of all atoms 105. An electric current is a flow of a! electrons from a positively charged area to a negatively charged area b! protons from a positively charged area to a negatively charged area $ c! electrons from a negatively charged area to a positively charged area 10". An element could be considered to be a conductor if it has a! a large number of electrons b! a large number of electrons in its outer orbit $ c! a small number of electrons in its outer orbit 10%. A volt can be considered to be a $ a! unit of electrical pressure b! (uantity of electrical energy c! unit of electrical power 100. 2f the resistance of an electrical circuit is increased a! the voltage will increase b! the current will increase $ c! the current will decrease 107. 2f 2 coulombs flowed through a circuit in 2 seconds4 the circuit would have a! 2 volts 5< b! 2 amps $ c! 1 amp 170. 2n general4 increasing the cross sectional area of an electrical cable $ a! enables it to carry more current b! enables it to carry more voltage c! increases its resistance 171. <oubling the running time of an electrical machine would $ a! double the Houles used b! double the watts used c! double the current used 5age 2# 6 )od & 172. What is &.25 volts in millivolts a! &.25 millivolts $ b! &4250 millivolts c! &254000 millivolts 17&. .lectromotive force is measured in a! Watts b! Nhms $ c! Volts 17#. -i' resistors each of " ohms would be a! &" ohms in parallel b! 1 ohm in series $ c! 1 ohm in parallel 175. A capacitor in a single phase motor is to $ a! provide a phase shift b! prevent spar/ing at the switch c! provide smoothing 17". The mass of an atom is contained mainly in the a! electron $ b! nucleus c! proton 17%. The line voltage from a generator with a delta type connection will be a! higher than the phase voltage b! lower than the phase voltage $ c! the same as the phase voltage 170. Nn a linear actuator4 the field cutoff coil will be energi+ed when $ a! the actuator is running b! the actuator is not running c! only as the actuator commences movement 177. @irchhoffLs law states $ a! the algebraic sum of all the voltages entering or leaving a series of components will be e(ual to +ero b! the algebraic sum of all the currents entering or leaving a series of components will be e(ual to one c! the inverse sum of all the voltages entering or leaving a series of components will be e(ual to one 200. The lines of magnetic flu' from a magnet will $ a! repel each other b! attract each other c! have no effect upon each other 5age 25 6 )od & 201. A photo+oidal cell produces electricity when subHected to $ a! light b! heat c! pressure 202. A thermocouple indicator is basically a type of a! milliammeter $ b! millivoltmeter c! milliohmeter 20&. An electric motor produces a force of 5 B at a distance of 0.2m from the centre of rotation and rotates at a speed of 100 revs3sec. The motors output is a! 100 horsepower $ b! "20.# watts c! &1#.2 watts 20#. A potentiometer varies $ a! voltage b! current c! resistance 205. -tarter motors are usually $ a! series wound b! compound wound c! shunt wound 20". Cow can it be determined if a transformer winding has some of its turns shorted together a! measure the input voltage with an ohmmeter $ b! the transformer will get hot in normal operation c! the output voltage will be high 20%. An advantage of a star connected generator over a delta connected generator is a! a balance load is guaranteed $ b! two potentials are available c! the line and phase voltages are e(ual 200. What does a rectifier do a! 9hanges direct current into alternating current $ b! 9hanges alternating current into direct current c! =educes voltage 207. Two 12V #0 amp hour batteries connected in parallel will produce a! 2#V 00 ah $ b! 12V 00 ah c! 2#V #0 ah 5age 2" 6 )od & 210. When an atom loses or gains an electron it is called a! a current $ b! an ion c! a molecule 211. A circuit has a resistance of 50 ohms and an inductance of 0.2 Cenry. 2f it is connected to a 200 volt 50 C+ supply the reactance will be a! &1.#2 ohms $ b! "2.0# ohms c! ".20# ohms 212. A 2#Avolt source is re(uired to furnish #0 watts to a parallel circuit consisting of four resistors of e(ual value. What is the voltage drop across each resistor a! 12 volts $ b! 2# volts c! & volts 21&. Nf the following which pair of materials would most readily become magneti+ed a! copper and steel b! nic/el and bron+e $ c! iron and steel 21#. The formula for resistance in series is $ a! = T ? = 1 I = 2 I = & ...=B b! = T ? = 1 ' = 2 ' = & ...=B c! 13= T ? 13 :=1 ' = 2 ' = & ...= B ! 215. The core material used for an electromagnet is soft iron because $ a! it demagneti+es easily b! its magnetism is not easily destroyed c! it retains most of its flu' density when demagneti+ed 21". What is the combined value of resistances of # ohm and " ohm connected in parallel a! 2# ohm $ b! 2.# ohm c! 0.2# ohm 21%. 5ermanent magnets in an A9 generator are $ a! to provide initial e'citation b! to control the fre(uency c! to rectify the current 5age 2% 6 )od & 210. The method of ascertaining the voltage of a standard aircraft leadAacid battery is by chec/ing $ a! the voltage off load b! the voltage on open circuit c! the voltage with rated load switched NB. 217. Eenerator brushes are normally made of $ a! carbon b! brass c! steel 220. 2f the voltage across a resistor is doubled $ a! the current is doubled b! the resistance is halved c! the current is halved 221. As the generator load is increases :within its rated capacity!4 the voltage will a! remain constant and the amperage output will decrease b! decrease and the amperage output will increase $ c! remain constant and the amperage output will increase 222. 2f a number of resistors are connected in parallel4 the total resistance is a! the same as the lowest $ b! smaller than the lowest c! greater than the lowest 22&. A charged body is said to have $ a! a surplus or deficiency of electrons b! a surplus of protons c! a deficiency of neutrons 22#. The ratio between apparent power and true power is the a! efficiency b! power rating $ c! power factor 225. The voltage output of a generator is controlled by a! varying the current of the output b! varying the resistance of the output $ c! varying the current of the field 22". The total current flowing in a circuit of 200 lamps in parallel4 each of a resistance of #00 ohm and connected across an input of 100 volts is $ a! 50 amps b! 25 amps c! #0 amps 5age 20 6 )od & 22%. The current flowing in the armature of a <9 motor is e(ual to a! :applied volts A generated volts! ' armature resistance b! applied volts I generated volts armature resistance $ c! applied volts A generated volts armature resistance 220. 2n the circuit shown the 2# volt battery has an internal resistance of 1 ohm and the ammeter indicates a current of 12 amperes. The value of the load resistance is $ a! 1 ohm b! 2 ohms c! " ohms 227. Nne advantage of using Ac electrical power in aircraft is $ a! the greater ease in stepping the voltage up or down b! A9 electrical motors can be reversed while dc motors cannot c! the effective voltage is 1.#1 times the ma'imum instantaneous voltageP therefore4 less power input is re(uired 2&0. The (uill drive on an aircraft generator a! ma/es possible the use of roller bearings at the drive end $ b! damps out vibrations c! damps out any commutator ripple 2&1. The amount of electricity a capacitor can store is directly proportional to the a! distance between the plates and inversely proportional to the plate area b! plate area and is not affected by the distance between the plates $ c! plate area and inversely proportional to the distance between the plates 2&2. When resistors are in parallel4 the total resistance is $ a! smaller than the smallest resistor b! the sum of all the resistors c! larger than the smallest resistor 5age 27 6 )od & 2&&. What device is used to convert alternating current4 which has been induced into the loops of the rotating armature of a <9 generator into direct current as it leaves the generator $ a! a commutator b! an inverter c! a rectifier 2&#. Two similar 12v batteries connected in parallel will produce a! 2#V e.m.f. with twice the capacity of each battery b! 2#v e.m.f. with the same capacity as each battery $ c! 12V e.m.f. with twice the capacity of each battery 2&5. Qnless otherwise specified4 any values given for current or voltage in an A9 circuit are assumed to be a! ma'imum values $ b! effective values c! instantaneous values 2&". 2f a heavy mechanical load is removed from a series motor $ a! the speed will increase and the armature current will decrease b! the speed will decrease and the armature current will decrease c! the speed will increase and the armature current will increase 2&%. 2n a vector diagram showing the magnitude and direction of the inductance4 capacitance and resistance in an A9 circuit $ a! the inductive reactance would be in opposition to the capacitive reactance and resistance at 70 degrees b! the inductive and capacitance reactance would be additive with the resistance subtractive c! it is impossible to show values of this /ind using vectors 2&0. 2f service Bo. 1 is isolated from the supply busbar shown there will be a! an increase in supply voltage b! a decrease in supply voltage $ c! a decrease in total current consumption 2&7. An increase in operating temperature in most electrical devices carrying current results in $ a! an increase in resistance and a decrease in current b! a decrease in resistance and an increase in current c! no effect on the resistance and current 5age &0 6 )od & 2#0. The voltage of a secondary cell is a! determined by the number of plates b! determined by the area of the plates $ c! determined by the active materials on the plates 2#1. The basis for transformer operation in the use of alternating current is mutual a! reactance $ b! inductance c! capacitance 2#2. The e'citer winding in a brushless A9 generator is supplied with electrical power from a! permanent magnets $ b! the busbar c! a rotating generator integrally mounted on the same shaft as the A9 windings 2#&. 2f the crossAsectional area of a conductor is doubled4 with voltage constant4 the current will a! halve $ b! double c! remain constant 2##. .ddy currents in a transformer can be reduced by a! using a special non metallic material b! using a single solid piece of metal $ c! laminations 2#5. 2f two resistors of 5 and 10 ohm respectively are connected in series and the current in the 5 ohm resistor is 1A. what is the current in the 10 ohm resistor a! 13& amp b! it cannot be found without /nowing the applied voltage $ c! 1 amp 2#". The term used to denote the strength of a magnetic field is a! retentivity b! hysterisis $ c! flu' density 2#%. At resonant fre(uency the phase difference between the voltage and current of an A9 supply feeding an inductive and capacitive networ/ is $ a! 0 degrees b! 100 degrees c! 70 degrees 5age &1 6 )od & 2#0. What is the ratio of turns between the primary coil winding and the secondary coil winding of a transformer designed to triple its input voltage a! primary will have three times as many turns as its secondary b! primary will have twice as many turns as its secondary $ c! primary will have oneAthird as many turns as its secondary 2#7. A direct current of 12 milliamperes flows through a circuit which has a resistance of 1000 ohms. The power dissipated by the circuit is a! 12 milliwatts b! 12 watts $ c! 1## milliwatts 250. The voltage in a series circuit $ a! is different in each component b! is the same in each component c! is less than it would be in a parallel circuit 251. Which aircraft circuit would be most li/ely to use fre(uency wild 200V A9 $ a! windscreen heating b! hydraulic pump c! standby compass 252. Why are the iron cores of most induction coils laminated $ a! To reduce the effects of eddy currents b! To increase the core permeability c! To reduce the core reluctance 25&. A #0Avolt source is re(uired to furnish 172 watts to a parallel circuit consisting of three resistors of e(ual value. What is the value of each resistor a! 12 ohm b! # ohm $ c! &" ohm 25#. 2f voltage is 100V4 resistance is 25 ohms4 what is the current a! 2500 amperes $ b! # amperes c! 0.# amperes 255. A soft iron core is used in an .,.9T=N magnet because a! it has C2EC permeability and C2EC coercivity $ b! it has C2EC permeability and ,NW coercivity c! it has ,NW permeability and C2EC coercivity 5age &2 6 )od & 25". The resistance to electrical flow in a wire depends on $ a! the diameter4 length4 material of wire and temperature b! the material only A copper or aluminum c! the length and material of the wire only 25%. A transformer should always have its $ a! secondary open circuit or on load b! secondary shorted or on load c! primary shorted or off load 250. Cow can the direction of rotation of a <9 electric motor be changed a! interchange the wires which connect the motor to the e'ternal power source $ b! reverse the electrical connections to either the field or armature windings c! rotate the positive brush one commutator segment 257. An A9 generatorLs fre(uency will a! always be constant regardless of the generators drive speed b! vary with changes in field strength $ c! be proportional to the =5) at which it is driven 2"0. A short circuit between the supply and earth a! does not matter if the circuit uses the aircraft earth as a return $ b! could be very dangerous as the current drawn will be very high c! is not dangerous as the current drawn will be low 2"1. When two coils are lin/ed by a common flu'4 a voltage can be induced in one by a changing current in the other. This process is /nown as $ a! mutual induction b! the magnetic effect c! self induction 2"2. A circuit consists of & ohm4 5 ohm and 12 ohm resistors in series4 the current flowing in the 5 ohm resistor is 10 amps. What is the applied voltage a! 100v b! 10v $ c! 200v 2"&. 9opper is an inferior conductor to aluminum when comparing $ a! weight for weight b! load for load c! 9-A with 9-A 5age && 6 )od & 2"#. 2n an A9 circuit how is the value of true power calculated $ a! Jy volts multiplied by amps multiplied by power factor b! Jy wattmeter readings multiplied by power factor c! Jy voltmeter readings multiplied by ammeter readings 2"5. A fre(uency wild A9 generator is used for a! instruments and navigation $ b! deAicing loads c! any A9 load 2"". Which of the following is not one of the purposes of interpoles in a generator $ a! =educe field strength b! Nvercome armature reaction c! =educe arcing at the brushes 2"%. Which of the following would be used to calculate transformer turns ratio a! primary turns R secondary turns b! primary turns M secondary turns $ c! secondary turns M primary turns 2"0. A good electrical insulator is a material which a! has more protons than electrons $ b! has its electrons tightly bound to their parent atoms c! contains a large number of positive ions 2"7. To reverse the direction of a series motor a! the direction of the current through the field is reversed $ b! a second series field is fitted c! the direction of the current through the field and the armature is reversed 2%0. Cow many cycles of A9 voltage are produced in a si'Apole alternator of the revolvingAfield type4 with each revolution of the rotor a! *our b! -i' $ c! Three 2%1. The variable fre(uency output from an A9 generator is used for $ a! supplying nonAinductive loads b! the A9 supply instead of using inverters c! driving A9 operated instruments 2%2. The capacitance of a capacitor is dependant upon $ a! the type of material separating the plates b! the rate of change of current in the circuit c! the charge on it 5age &# 6 )od & 2%&. A piece of e(uipment is rated at %50 watts and the applied voltage is &0 volts. The value of the protection fuse should be a! 20 amps $ b! &0 amps c! 15 amps 2%#. The current consumed by a <9 starter motor will a! remain relatively constant over the starting speed range b! increase as the engine speed increases $ c! decrease as the engine speed increases 2%5. When different rated capacitors are connected in parallel in a circuit4 the total capacitance is a! e(ual to the capacitance of the highest rated capacitor b! less than the capacitance of the lowest rated capacitor $ c! e(ual to the sum of all the capacitances 2%". The voltage in a transformer secondary coil that contains twice as many loops as the primary coil will be a! less and the amperage greater than in the primary coil b! greater and the amperage greater than in the primary coil $ c! greater and the amperage less than in the primary coil 2%%. Cow are generators rated a! 2mpedance at rated voltage b! Amperes at rated voltage $ c! Watts at rated voltage 2%0. in a single phase A9 generator4 fre(uency is determined by $ a! the generator speed b! controlling the current flow through the voltage field windings c! the number of pairs of poles 2%7. The ris/ of a fire due to static electricity is overcome a! by fitting static wic/s and insulating all metal components $ b! by connecting all metal components by bonding c! by fitting static wic/s and isolating the battery from inflammable gas sources 200. <ue to armature reaction in a <9 motor $ a! the trailing pole tips are magnetically wea/ened b! the leading pole tips are magnetically wea/ened c! the magnetic flu' is restored by moving the )BA towards the EBA 5age &5 6 )od & 201. Two resistors are connected in series and have an e.m.f. of V volts across them. 2f the voltages across the resistances are V1 and V2 then by @irchhoffLs law $ a! V ? V1 I V2 b! V2 ? V1 I V c! V1 ? V2 I V 202. When an electrical supply becomes openAcircuit $ a! the loss of continuity will prevent its component from functioning b! the fuse or circuit brea/er should isolate the circuit due to the increased current drawn c! the component will operate normally but will not switch off 20&. -ome electric motors have two sets of field winding wound in opposite directions so that the a! speed of the motor can be more closely controlled $ b! motor can be operated in either direction c! power output of the motor can be more closely controlled 20#. The amount of electrical power for a given generator weight is a! determined by the si+e of the aircraft b! greater for <9 generator $ c! greater for A9 generator 205. When resistors are in parallel the total current is e(ual to a! the current through one resistor $ b! the sum of the currents c! the reciprocal of all the currents 20". What is the ampereAhour rating of a storage battery that is designed to deliver #5 amperes for 2.5 hours a! 70.0 ampereAhour $ b! 112.5 ampereAhour c! #5.0 ampereAhour 20%. Cow much power must a 2#Avolt generator furnish to a system which contains the following series loads 5 ohm4 & ohm and 12 ohm a! #50 watts b! #02 watts $ c! 20.0 watts 200. A volt meter is connected a! in series or parallel $ b! in parallel c! in series 5age &" 6 )od & 207. What polarity do interpoles ta/e in a <9 motor $ a! The same as the ne't main pole behind in the direction of rotation b! .ither4 provided they lay on the )BA c! The same as the ne't main pole ahead in the direction of rotation 270. Nn a typical A9 generator the output is ta/en a! direct from the rotor via slip rings b! direct from the e'citer $ c! direct from the stator windings 271. -ince electrical supplies ta/en from a busAbar are in parallel4 isolating some of the services would $ a! reduce the current consumption from the busAbar b! increase the current consumption from the busAbar c! not affect the current consumption4 it would reduce the voltage 272. Nne 5icofarad is a! 1 ' 1012 farad b! 1 ' 10A" farad $ c! 1 ' 10A12 farad 27&. Which of these will cause the resistance of a conductor to decrease a! <ecrease the length or the crossAsectional area $ b! <ecrease the length or increase the crossAsectional area c! 2ncrease the length or decrease the crossAsectional area 27#. The purpose of bonding is to a! give generated static an easy return path to the generator $ b! stop different potentials developing with subse(uent fire ris/s c! ensure all components have been securely fitted 275. The -.2. unit of magnetic flu' density is the a! Weber b! Cenry $ c! Tesla 27". What is the principal advantage of the seriesAwound dc motor a! ,ow starting tor(ue b! -uitable for constant speed use $ c! Cigh starting tor(ue 27%. 2nterpole windings fitted to <9 series wound generators are a! in series with the field b! in parallel with the armature $ c! in series with the armature 5age &% 6 )od & 270. Nne of the chief advantages of alternating current is that it can be transmitted at a high voltage with a low power lossP the voltage can then be changed to any desired value of $ a! A9 by means of transformers b! <9 by means of transformers c! <9 by means of inverters 277. An A9 generator is producing the re(uired voltage but a higher fre(uency than that re(uired. To remedy this4 the following action must be ta/en a! <ecrease the speed of the prime mover4 and then decrease the strength of the field b! <ecrease the speed of the prime mover $ c! <ecrease the speed of the prime mover4 and then increase the strength of the field &00. Cow many amperes will a 20Avolt generator be re(uired to supply to a circuit containing five lamps in parallel4 three of which have a resistance of " ohms each and two of which have a resistance of 5 ohms each $ a! 25.2& amperes b! 1 ampere c! 1.11 amperes &01. The area of a hysteresis loop is proportional to the $ a! energy dissipated in putting the material through a complete cycle of magneti+ation and demagneti+ation b! relative permeability of the material being magneti+ed c! energy absorbed in completely demagneti+ing the material &02. The current flowing through a circuit can be increased to four times its original value by $ a! doubling the applied voltage and halving the resistance b! halving the applied voltage and halving the resistance c! doubling the resistance and doubling the applied voltage &0&. When more than two inductors of different inductances are connected in parallel in a circuit4 the total inductance is a! e(ual to the sum of the individual inductances $ b! less than the inductance of the lowest rated inductor c! e(ual to the inductance of the highest rated inductor &0#. What polarity do interpoles ta/e in a <9 generator $ a! the same as the ne't main pole ahead in the direction of rotation b! the same as the ne't main pole behind in the direction of rotation c! either4 providing they lay on ).B.A. 5age &0 6 )od & &05. What happens to the resistance of a copper conductor when the temperature increases $ a! 2t increases b! 2t decreases c! 2t remains the same &0". The method most often used in overcoming the effect of armature reaction is through the use of a! shaded poles $ b! interpoles c! drumAwound armatures in combination with a negatively connected series field &0%. The core material used for an electromagnet is soft iron because $ a! it demagneti+es easily b! it retains most of its flu' density when demagneti+ed c!its magnetism is not easily destroyed &00. The switch on a <9 circuit containing a fully charged capacitor is opened. The voltage across the capacitor a! drops immediately to +ero b! starts to fall e'ponentially to +ero $ c! remains e(ual to the original charging voltage supply &07. in a & phase generator with balanced load4 the potential between the neutral point and earth is a! e(ual to line volts b! e(ual to phase volts $ c! +ero volts &10. A direct current of 12 milliamperes flows through a circuit which has a resistance of 1000 ohms. The power dissipated by the circuit is a! 12 milliwatts b! 12 watts $ c! 1## milliwatts &11. An increase in which of the following factors will cause an increase in the inductive reactance of a circuit a! =esistance and capacitive reactance b! =esistance and voltage $ c! 2nductance and fre(uency &12. in transformer operation4 hysteresis losses are a! current overcoming coil resistance b! induced current in the iron core $ c! energy wasted in reversing core magneti+ation 5age &7 6 )od & &1&. The starting current of a seriesAwound <9 motor4 in passing through both the field and armature windings produces a a! low starting tor(ue b! speed slightly higher when unloaded $ c! high starting tor(ue &1#. A nonAmagnetic metal $ a! has no permeability b! has high retentivity c! is a poor conductor &15. The power output of an A9 parallel generator system is measured in $ a! @VA b! @W 3 @VA=- c! amperes &1". The shape of the output waveform of an A9 generator is /nown as a $ a! sine wave b! cosine wave c! fre(uency wave &1%. in a circuit containing three resistors of e(ual value connected in series and one of the resistors short circuits4 the effect is for the current in the other two resistors to $ a! increase b! remain the same c! decrease &10. To increase the speed of a shunt motor a resistance is placed a! in series with the armature b! in parallel with the field $ c! in series with the field &17. *re(uency :C+! is the number of cycles per a! revolution b! minute $ c! second &20. 2n a series resistive circuit a! the total voltage e(uals the difference between the individual voltages $ b! the total voltage is e(ual to the sum of the individual voltages c! the total voltage is the same as the highest individual &21. The current in a <9 circuit containing a fully charged capacitor is $ a! +ero b! is dependent upon the si+e of the capacitance of the capacitor c! ma'imum 322. The sum of the instantaneous E.M.F.'s in a three phase system is a! e(ual to the line voltage b! three times the phase voltage $ c! +ero &2&. A capacitor is a barrier to a! both b! A.9 $ c! <.9 &2#. Nne revolution of a three phase generator will produce a! & cycles b! 2 cycles $ c! 1 cycle &25. 2f the Borth pole of a magnet is brought nearer to the Borth pole of another magnet a! attraction between them will be increased $ b! repulsion between them will be increased c! repulsion between them will be reduced &2". A 200 volt motor is ta/ing 10 amperes armature current4 the armature resistance is 0.1 ohm. The J..)* under these conditions will be a! 201 volts $ b! 177 volts c! 1 volt &2%. What is the effect of inserting an iron core into a current carrying coil $ a! The flu' density of the original magnetic field produced by the coil is increased b! The flu' density of the original magnetic field remains constant c! The core tends to move from a stronger to a wea/er part of the field &20. What is the total capacitance of a parallel circuit containing three capacitors with capacitance of 0.25microfarad4 0.0µfarad4 and 0.12microfarad4 respectively a! 0.0# F* b! 0.0# p* $ c! 0.# F* &27. At resonant fre(uency the phase difference between the voltage and current of an A9 supply feeding an inductive and capacitive networ/ is $ a! 0 degrees b! 100 degrees c! 70 degrees 5age #1 6 )od & &&0. The fre(uency of a power wave in an A9 resistance circuit is a! the same as the fre(uency for voltage and current b! half the fre(uency for voltage and current $ c! twice the fre(uency for voltage and current &&1. The reading on the ammeter in the circuit shown is a! &A $ b! "A c! 12A &&2. The LAL phase of a three phase power system is colour coded a! blue b! yellow $ c! red &&&. The total resistance of the circuit shown is a! 12 Nhms $ b! & Nhms c! %.5 Nhms &&#. What is a method used for restoring generator field residual magnetism $ a! *lash the fields b! =eseat the brushes c! .nergi+e the armature &&5. A 1F* capacitor is e(uivalent to $ a! 0.0004001 *arads b! 140004000 *arads c! 0.001 *arads &&". The opposition offered by a coil to the flow of alternating current is called :disregard resistance! a! impedance b! reluctance $ c! inductive reactance 5age #2 6 )od & &&%. A high surge of current is re(uired when a <9 electric motor is first started. As the speed of the motor increase a! the applied emf increases proportionally b! the counter emf decreases proportionally $ c! the counter emf builds up and opposes the applied emf4 thus reducing the current flow through the armature &&0. The tolerance of the A9 generator fre(uency is a! #0 C+ $ b! 10 C+ c! 20 C+ &&7. The various parts of an aircraft airframe are maintained at the same potential by a! the supply busAbars b! static discharge wic/s $ c! bonding �. When two capacitors are connected in series a! the charge stored on each is directly proportional to its capacitance $ b! the charge stored on each is the same c! the charge stored on each is inversely proportional to the voltage across it . Aircraft generators are cooled by a! oil cooling radiators around the main body b! fuel cooling radiators $ c! ram air . The voltage of an A9 generator a! rises to ma' in one direction4 falls to +ero and rises in the same direction $ b! rises to ma' in one direction then falls to +ero then rises to ma' in the opposite direction c! rises to ma' in one direction and remains &#&. The charge on a capacitor is e'pressed as a! the ratio O3V b! the product O ' V $ c! the product 9 ' V &##. A shunt is used with $ a! an ammeter b! an ohmmeter c! a voltmeter 5age #& 6 )od & . The resistance of the current return path through the aircraft is always considered negligible4 provided the a! generator is properly grounded b! voltage drop across the circuit is chec/ed $ c! structure is ade(uately bonded &#". An ammeter is connected into a circuit in a! parallel b! shunt $ c! series &#%. When handling a high voltage capacitor in an electrical circuit4 be sure it a! has a full charge before removing it from the circuit $ b! is fully discharged before removing it from the circuit c! has at least a residual charge before removing it from the circuit �. When a circuit with a series inductance and capacitance is at resonant fre(uency a! the current in the circuit decreases $ b! the impedance of the circuit is such that the voltage is in phase with the current c! the impedance of the circuit is such that the voltage leads the current by e'actly 70 degrees . in an A9 circuit4 the effective voltage is a! e(ual to the ma'imum instantaneous voltage b! greater than the ma'imum instantaneous voltage $ c! less than the ma'imum instantaneous voltage &50. Nn a combined <9 starter A generator system $ a! the voltage regulator is connected to the shunt field after the start cycle is completed b! the series coil is open circuit during the engine start se(uence c! the voltage regulator controls the start se(uence during engine starting &51. A pure capacitor4 inductor and resistor are connected in series and the voltage drops across each are 10V and the total current flowing in the circuit is 1A. Cow much true power is the circuit consuming a! &0VA b! &0W $ c! 10W &52. 2f a capacitor 1F* and an inductor 10mC are connected in parallel what is their appro'imate resonant fre(uency a! "2C+ b! &.2)C+ $ c! 1."/C+ 5age ## 6 )od & &5&. Which wave form is stepped positive and negative with une(ual length sides $ a! Trape+oidal wave b! =ectangular wave c! -aw tooth wave &5#. The value of an A9 sine wave that will give an e(uivalent heating effect in a <9 resistor is the a! average value $ b! =)- value c! pea/ value &55. Where is the magnetic dip least a! 5oles $ b! .(uator c! 2soclinals &5". The dielectric constant of a capacitor is a measurement of $ a! the electrostatic energy storing capacity of the capacitor dielectric b! the electrical resistance of the capacitor dielectric c! the electrical repulsion of electrons within the dielectric material &5%. To reverse the direction of rotation on a <9 shunt motor4 you must change the direction of the current through $ a! the field windings or the armature windings b! the armature windings only c! the field windings and the armature windings &50. 2f the field current to a shunt wound <9 motor is decreased when operating at a constant load4 the motor speed will a! reduce $ b! increase c! not change &57. An electric current is a! a surplus of free electron b! an e'citement of electrons in a metal $ c! an ordered flow of electrons &"0. An atom contains a! molecules b! hydrogen $ c! electrons &"1. What causes a transformer to be noisy a! Cigh coil resistance $ b! An air gap in the core c! Cigh core losses 5age #5 6 )od & &"2. 9arbon has a $ a! negative temperature coefficient b! positive temperature coefficient c! temperature coefficient of +ero &"&. The pea/ factor for a sine wave is a! 0.%0% $ b! 1.#1# c! 1.11 &"#. 2f a motor is spinning at 50 cycles per second4 how long is 1 cycle $ a! 0.02 seconds b! 50 seconds c! 0.0& seconds &"5. An integrated step input at une(ual time base produces a! a s(uare wave b! a sine wave $ c! a saw tooth wave &"". A capacitor in series and inductor in parallel ma/e what /ind of filter a! Jand pass $ b! Cigh pass c! ,ow pass &"%. 2f a load in series has a current passing through it4 the magnetic field can be wor/ed out by using $ a! the cor/screw rule b! left hand rule c! right hand rule &"0. 2f the current flowing into a Hunction is 5A4 &A4 #A in and 10A out. What is the 5th wire carrying a! 2A in $ b! 2A out c! 5A out &"7. 2f an insulated conductor is placed near to a negatively charged rod4 the nearest end of the conductor becomes a! negatively charged $ b! positively charged c! Bo change will occur 5age #" 6 )od & &%0. 2f 2 resistors4 one red4 yellow4 blac/4 gold and the other violet4 blue4 blac/4 silver were replaced by a single resistor. 2gnoring tolerance4 what would the color coding be $ a! Jrown4 blac/4 brown b! Jrown4 blac/4 blac/ c! Jlac/4 brown4 blac/ &%1. Eermanium and silicon have how many electrons in their outer shell $ a! # b! 2 c! " &%2. 2f a free electron is given to another atom4 that atom is a a! positive ion $ b! negative ion c! valency atom &%&. 2f a nicad battery is not to be used immediately it should be stored a! fully charged $ b! fully dissipated c! dry &%#. A light 3 heat sensitive cell is a $ a! transducer b! diode c! transistor &%5. 2n a mercury cell the steel casing is $ a! the positive terminal b! the negative terminal c! neither &%". To improve the life of a dry cell you would $ a! use more +inc b! use more electrolyte paste c! us a a pure carbon positive rod 5age #% 6 )od & &%%. What is the voltage at A $ a! 2"V b! 20V c! 2V &%0. The unit for power is e(ual to a! B3m $ b! Doules per second c! Volts3Amps &%7. The source voltage in the circuit below is a! 50V $ b! 200V c! 150V &00. The 5th colored band on a resistor represents the a! tolerance b! multiplier $ c! reliability or temperature coefficient &01. Three 12 microfarad capacitors in parallel. The overall circuit capacitance is a! # microfarads b! 1 microfarads $ c! &" microfarads 5age #0 6 )od & &02. *lu' density will a! increase linearly with coercive force $ b! increase linearly with magnetic flu' c! decrease linearly with magnetic flu' &0&. A transformer with a 511 ratio has a 2#V output. What is the input a! 120 V <9 b! #.0 V A9 $ c! 120 V A9 &0#. The mar/AtoAspace ratio of the following waveform is a! A to J J to 9 $ b! A to < < to . c! < to . < to 9 &05. A generator supplies 25 A4 # V and 50 W. What is the apparent power and the power factor a! 100 VA and 2 b! #00 VA and 0.5 $ c! 100 VA and 0.5 &0". 2n a power circuit4 the purpose of an inductor is $ a! to dampen power surges b! to dampen current surges c! to dampen voltage surges &0%. When a number of ferrite pieces are grouped together4 they a! are semiApermanent magnets when <9 is passed through them $ b! can be used to store binary code c! electromagnets &00. Ampere turns is calculated by the number of turns $ a! multiplied by current b! divided by current c! multiplied by magnetic flu' 5age #7 6 )od & &07. A conventional aircraft generator will be a! series wound b! delta wound $ c! star wound &70. -torage of magnets should be a! in pairs end to end b! in a non magnetic po' $ c! in pairs with /eeper plates &71. A circuit has 1 megohm and 0 microfarads. What is the time constant a! 1 second $ b! 0 seconds c! #0 seconds &72. 9urrent in an inductive circuit will a! lead voltage $ b! lag voltage c! be at unity &7&. 5ower factor of a generator is a! sin K $ b! cos K c! tan K &7#. 2n a an A9 motor4 the rotation of the )BA a! is the same as the rotation of the armature $ b! is opposite to the rotation of the armature c! is slightly less speed than the rotation of the armature &75. in a wave wound generator with # poles4 what would be the minimum number of brushes a! # $ b! 2 c! 0 &7". A capacitor rating is $ a! the ma'imum continuous voltage it can ta/e b! the voltage it will rupture at c! the voltage it will charge to &7%. in conventional flow4 the left hand rule applies to a! generators $ b! motors c! batteries 5age 50 6 )od & &70. 9opper losses in a transformer are caused by a! circulating currents through the transformer $ b! the resistance in the windings c! wasting of the copper wires due to friction &77. in A9 generators4 0."&% is a! =)- $ b! average value c! form factor #00. 2n a & phase generator4 what angle are the phases to each other a! 100 o
$ b! 120 o
c! 0 o
#01. 2n a 2 phase generator4 what angle are the phases to each other $ a! 70 o
b! 100 o
c! 0 o
#02. <elta wound line current is a! e(ual to phase current $ b! root & ' phase current c! less than the phase current #0&. The multiplier color coding on a capacitor is in a! farads b! microfarads $ c! picofarads #0#. *orm *actor for a sine wave A9 output is a! 0.%0% b! 1.#1# $ c! 1.1 #05. 2n a simple voltaic cell the collection of ions on the cathode causes a! hydration $ b! sulphation c! polarisation #0". The electrolyte in a nicad battery would rise if the battery was a! discharging $ b! charging c! remaining at constant voltage 5age 51 6 )od & #0%. When a conductor is cut by magnetic lines of force an .)* is induced. This is a! ,en+Ls ,aw $ b! *aradayLs ,aw c! @erchoofLs ,aw #00. Two 2 volt 10AC cells are connected in series4 the output voltage and the capacity would be a! 2 volt4 20 AC $ b! # volt 10 AC c! # volt 20 AC #07. The electrolyte in a nicad battery is a! cadmium hydro'ide b! nic/el hydro'ide $ c! potassium hydro'ide #10. =eferring to the drawing below4 if the volts dropped across the 20 ohm resistor is 10 volts4 the resistance of =1 is $ a! 20 ohms b! 1" ohms c! 2 ohms #11. The atomic number of an atom is determined by the number of $ a! protons b! electrons c! neutrons #12. 2n a ,eclanche cell the plates are made of a! mercury and lithium b! nic/el and cadmium $ c! +inc and carbon 5age 52 6 )od & #1&. in a simple voltaic cell4 polari+ation reduces output voltage because of the a! transfer of material between the anode and the cathode $ b! build up of hydrogen on the anode c! build up of hydrogen on the cathode #1#. When the temperature of the electrolyte in a battery increases4 the -E a! goes up $ b! goes down c! remains the same #1 5. A #% /ilohm resistor has the following color code $ a! Sellow4 Violet4 Nrange b! Nrange4 Violet4 =ed c! =ed4 Nrange4 Sellow #1". 2f the temperature of a pure metal is reduced to absolute +ero4 its resistance will be a! infinity $ b! practically +ero c! unaffected #1%. The bridge circuit shown will be balanced when the value of the un/nown resistor = is a! 10 ohms b! 1# ohms $ c! 2 ohms 5age 5& 6 )od & #10. The current in the circuit below is a! 5 A b! 0.2 A $ c! 5 mA #17. 2n the previous (uestion4 the power developed across the 10 / ohm resistor is $ a! 250 mW b! 250 W c! 50 mW #20. What is represented by this diagram $ a! 5otentiometer b! =heostat c! Thermister #21. 2n the following circuit4 the input at 5 is # amps and at O is 5 amps. What is the voltage across the " ohm resistor $ a! 5#V b! 1.5V c! "V 5age 5# 6 )od & #22. The un/nown current in the networ/ below is a! 22A $ b! &A c! #%A #2&. The Watt can be e'pressed as $ a! Doules per second b! Doules ' seconds c! -econds per Doule #2#. A single phase circuit has an input voltage of 100V. The current is 10A and the circuit has a power factor of 0.5. The true power is a! 1000W b! 50W $ c! 500W #25. 5ower in a <9 circuit is found by a! multiplying current by resistance b! multiplying the voltage by itself and dividing by the current $ c! multiplying the resistance by the current s(uared #2". The total capacitance of the circuit shown is $ a! #F* b! &"F* c! &F* #2%. When a capacitor is charged from a <9 supply4 the voltage 3 time curve is a! logarithmic $ b! e'ponential c! linear 5age 55 6 )od & #20. An electrolytic capacitor is used because it has a a! large physical si+e for a large capacity $ b! small physical si+e for a large capacity c! small physical si+e for low lea/age current #27. An electrolytic capacitor would be used in circuits supplying a! heavy loads b! light loads $ c! heavy 3 light loads #&0. The symbol for flu' density is a! C $ b! J c! ))* #&1. The hysteresis loop for a magnetic material is on a graph with a! total flu' against flu' density b! current against flu' density $ c! flu' density against magnetising force #&2. To determine the direction of the magnetic field around a conductor you would use $ a! the cor/screw rule b! *lemingLs left hand rule c! *lemingLs right hand rule #&&. A material with a narrow hysteresis loop a! will have high retentivity $ b! will have low retentivity c! cannot be magnetised #&#. 2f a bar magnet is cut in half a! the magnet is destroyed $ b! two bar magnets are formed c! one bar magnet and one nonAmagnet is formed #&5. The diagram shows a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field. The conductor will move a! upwards $ b! downwards c! sideways 5age 5" 6 )od & #&". The electromagnetic force between two charged bodies is a! proportional to the distance between them b! inversely proportional to the distance between them $ c! inversely proportional to the s(uare of the distance between them #&%. 9opper is a a! paramagnetic materials b! ferromagnetic material $ c! diamagnetic material #&0. -witching on or off the current in one coil produces an emf in another coil adHacent to it. The two coils are said to have a! self inductance $ b! mutual inductance c! auto inductance #&7. the time constant in an inductive circuit is the time re(uired for the current to reach $ a! "&.2G of ma'imum value b! "&.%G of ma'imum value c! %0.%G of ma'imum value ##0. -elf induced emf in a coil supplied with a current varying at a uniform rate can be found by a! A B d2 dt b! A , dT dt $ c! A , d2 dt ##1. The ))* of a coil fed with 2 amps and having 10 turns is a! 5 ampere turns $ b! 20 ampere turns c! 20 amperes 3 turn ##2. An A9 inductive circuit has an inductance 0f 10 mC and a fre(uency input of 1000C+. The opposition to current flow is appro'imately a! "&4000 ohms b! "&0 ohms $ c! "& ohms ##&. A sine wave of =)- value %.0% volts has a pea/ to pea/ value of a! 10.0 volts b! 0.%0% volts $ c! 20.0 volts 5age 5% 6 )od & ###. The true power in an A9 circuit is given by a! voltmeter reading ' 5* b! volts ' amps $ c! volts ' amps ' 5* ##5. The average value of 100 volts pea/ A9 is a! %0.% volts b! 1#1.# volts $ c! "&.% volts ##". The =)- value of 200 volts pea/ to pea/ is a! 1#1.# volts $ b! %0.% volts c! 12%.# volts ##%. The impedance of a series tuned circuit at resonance is a! +ero b! ma'imum $ c! minimum ##0. The copper loss on a single phase transformer is 25 Watts on full load. What will it be on half load a! 5 Watts b! 12.5 Watts $ c! ".25 Watts ##7. =otating coil J through 70 o will a! increase the .)* induced into J $ b! decrease the .)* induced into J c! increase the .)* induced into A #50. A transformer is designed to operate at "0 C+. 2t is connected across a 50 C+ supply. The primary windings would $ a! draw more current b! draw less current c! draw the same current #51. A current transformer4 when disconnected from a circuit must be a! left open circuit $ b! short circuited c! have a resistor connected across the terminals 5age 50 6 )od & #52. What is the reflected impedance in the primary a! 20 ohms $ b! 500 ohms c! 50 ohms #5&. A transformer rated at a fre(uency of 200 C+ a! may be used at any other fre(uency $ b! may only be used at the rated fre(uency or above c! may only be used at the rated fre(uency or below #5#. The dots are called4 and indicate a! (uadrature dots4 points are 70o out of phase $ b! phasing dots4 point that have the same polarity at the same moment in time c! phasing dots4 point that have the opposite polarity at the same moment in time #55. The power factor of an A9 circuit is the a! sine of the phase angle $ b! cosine of the phase angle c! tangent of the phase angle #5". The *orm *actor of an A9 waveform can be found by $ a! =)- value divided by the average value b! average value divided by the =)- value c! average value times the =)- value #5%. A differentiator has a time constant which is a! long $ b! short c! e(ual to the input pulse 5age 57 6 )od & #50. 2f the fre(uency is increased in an A9 circuit of pure resistance4 the effect is a! increased resistance b! decreased resistance $ c! nothing #57. A wire is rotated through a magnetic field. To give <9 it must be connected to $ a! a commutator b! slip rings c! a rectifier #"0. 2n an inductive resistive circuit4 1 amp flows from a supply of 100V dissipating 50 Watts of power. The phase angle is $ a! "0 o
b! 70 o
c! #5 o
#"1. A transformer is built with a material having a $ a! narrow hysteresis loop b! wide hysteresis loop c! high coercive force #"2. An alternator delivers 500V =)- at 1 ampere. The power factor is 0.0. The true power is a! 100VA $ b! #00W c! 500W #"&. in a circuit which possesses mutual inductance4 current is increased to the primary $ a! the induced .)* in the secondary produces a current in the secondary circuit which opposes the increase in flu' due to the increase of current in the primary b! the induced .)* in the secondary produces a current in the secondary circuit which assists the increase in flu' due to the increase of current in the primary c! the induced .)* in the secondary produces a current in the secondary circuit whose flu' has no effect on the flu' in the primary #"#. A component that produces an output voltage due to incident light is called a a! li(uid crystal b! light emitting diode $ c! solar cell 5age "0 6 )od & #"5. 2f the supply to a <9 shunt motor was reversed a! it would rotate in the opposite direction b! it would fail to run $ c! it would rotate in the same direction #"". -lip on a synchronous motor on start is a! 0G b! 50G $ c! 100G #"%. A shaded pole motor has shaded poles to a! increase efficiency $ b! create a rotating field c! reduce interference #"0. A series motor draws a high current on start4 and then the current reduces. This is due to a! the resistance of the field and the armature in series $ b! the bac/ .)* c! the resistance of the field and armature in parallel #"7. on a brushless A9 generator4 the main rotating field is fed with a! A9 $ b! <9 via diodes on the rotor c! A9 from the rotating field e'citer #%0. -ingle phase components in a three phase system may be connected between a! phase A and J only b! phase and neutral only $ c! any phase and neutral N= between any two phases #%1. 2nterpoles in a <9 generator are connected a! in parallel with the armature $ b! in series with the armature c! in series with the field #%2. in a <9 generator4 the effect of armature reaction may be reduced by moving the brush gear a! from )BA to EBA $ b! in the direction of armature rotation towards the )BA c! against the direction of armature rotation towards the )BA #%&. The windings embedded in the pole faces of a <9 generator are a! interpoles b! commutating coils $ c! compensating windings 5age "1 6 )od & #%#. A " pole waveAwound generator has $ a! 2 brushes b! " brushes c! & brushes #%5. 2n a 2 phase induction motor the control winding is fed with a! variable phase A9 supply b! fi'ed A9 supply $ c! variable amplitude supply only #%". A & phase induction motor can be reversed by a! isolating one phase b! reversing the rotor connections $ c! changing over any two phases #%%. The speed of an A9 motor can be affected by the a! field current $ b! pairs of poles c! armature current #%0. A generator rated at &0 @VA and power factor 0.0 has a ma'imum continuous power output of a! &0 /W $ b! 2# /W c! &%.5 /W #%7. An A9 motor which rotates at the same speed as the supply fre(uency is called a! a universal motor b! an induction motor $ c! a synchronous motor #00. 2n the circuit shown4 impedance will be a! 7 ohms $ b! 5 ohms c! % ohms 5age "2 6 )od & #01. 2n the circuit shown4 if the fre(uency is increased from +ero to resonant fre(uency4 the circuit current would $ a! increase b! decrease c! stay the same #02. The true power developed in this circuit is $ a! 12W b! 50W c! 20W #0&. The filter shown is a a! band stop filter $ b! low pass filter c! high pass filter #0#. An e'ample of a paramagnetic material is $ a! iron b! silver c! glass 5age "& 6 )od & #05. in a balanced Wheatstone bridge4 across the centre of the bridge there is $ a! no current flow b! no voltage present at either end c! current and voltage at ma'imum #0". A 2#V battery has an internal resistance of 1 ohm. When connected to a load4 12 amps flows. The value of the load is a! 12 ohms $ b! 1 ohm c! 132 ohm #0%. The property of a material to accept lines of flu' is called $ a! permeability b! reluctance c! retentivity #00. Armature reaction in a <9 generator causes $ a! )BA to move in the direction of rotation b! )BA to move in the opposite direction of rotation c! EBA to move in the direction of rotation #07. in a <9 motor4 JA.)* rises if the motor $ a! speed rises b! speed falls c! load rises #70. Vibration in a magnet causes a! flu' to increase $ b! flu' to decrease c! flu' to stay the same #71. A high pass filter has $ a! high impedance to low fre(uency4 low impedance to high fre(uency b! high impedance to high fre(uency4 low impedance to low fre(uency c! high impedance to both high and low fre(uency #72. What sort of wave would be used in a 9= oscillascope to control sweep $ a! -awtooth b! -(uare c! -ine wave 5age "# 6 )od & #7&. 2f there was a mainly inductive load on an A9 generator4 the voltage with respect to the current would $ a! lead b! lag c! be in phase #7#. on a brushless A9 generator4 the permanent magnet generator output is a! <9 $ b! A9 c! pulsed #75. The output from a rotating armature A9 generator would be ta/en from $ a! the rotor b! the stator c! either the rotor or the stator #7". A fre(uency wild A9 generator system has a! variable voltage and fre(uency $ b! variable fre(uency only c! variable voltage only #7%. in a series ,9= circuit at resonance4 = ? 100 ohms4 , and 9 are each 10 ohms. The total impedance is $ a! 100 ohms b! &0 ohms c! +ero ohms #70. An A9 generator has four poles. To produce a fre(uency of #00C+ it must achieve a speed of a! "000 =5) b! 0000 =5) $ c! 12000 =5) #77. 2f an A9 sinewave has an =)- value of 5V its pea/ value is a! 1#.1# V b! ".&% V $ c! %.0% V 500. The <aniel 9ell electrodes are $ a! copper and +inc b! carbon and +inc c! +inc and manganese dio'ide 5age "5 6 )od & 501. An inductor of resistance 5 / ohms and inductance 2mC is connected to a <9 circuit. The time constant is $ a! #00 ns b! 10 seconds c! #0 ms 502. The unit of flu' is the $ a! Weber b! Ampere turns c! Ampere turns 3 metre 50&. The flu' density of a magnetic field is 1.5T. The length of the conductor in the field is 2 m and the speed of the conductor is 10 m3s. The .)* induced is a! 0.& V $ b! &0 V c! %.5 V 50#. A <9 generator armature has " poles and is lap wound. The number of brushes re(uired are $ a! " b! 2 c! & 505. =eactive spar/ing is reduced by $ a! interpoles b! compensating windings c! au'iliary windings 50". The bac/ .)* in a <9 motor is a! e(ual to the applied .)* $ b! less than the applied .)* c! greater than the applied .)* 50%. The flu' density of a magnetic field is 1.5T. The length of the conductor in the field is 2 m and the current flowing through the conductor is 5 amps. The force on the conductor is $ a! 15 Bewtons b! 0." Bewtons c! &.%5 Bewtons 500. A <9 shunt motor has 20 volts applied. The current ta/en from the armature of 2 ohms resistance is 1 amp. The J.)* is a! &0 V b! 2% V $ c! 2" V 5age "" 6 )od & 507. in a motor4 armature reaction causes the )BA to move a! in the direction of rotation $ b! against the direction of rotation c! to the EBA 510. A circuit with good selectivity will have a! a large bandwidth $ b! a narrow bandwidth c! a low ,39 ratio 511. Apparent power in an A9 circuit is found by $ a! V ' 2 b! V ' 2 ' cosT c! V ' 2 ' sinT 512. A &00 ohm resistor would have a colour code of a! orange4 orange4 brown b! orange4 brown4 blac/ $ c! orange4 blac/ brown 51&. in a synchronous motor4 when the motor is running the slip is a! 100G b! 5G $ c! 0G 51#. 2n a twoAphase induction motor there are a! 2 poles b! & poles $ c! # poles 515. The diagram shown is a a! short shunt compound wound machine $ b! long shunt compound wound machine c! shunt wound machine 5age "% 6 )od & 51". A transformer has 500 turns on the primary and 100 turns on the secondary. When connected to a 100 V supply4 the output is a! 500 V $ b! 20 V c! 25 V 51%. in the previous (uestion4 the secondary is connected to a 10 ohm load. The primary current is a! 10 amps $ b! 0.# amps c! 2 amps 510. )agneto motive force can be found by a! B32 $ b! 2 ' B c! Jlv 517. 5ermeability of a material can be found by $ a! flu' density 3 ))* b! ))* ' flu' density c! ))* 3 flu' density 520. A filter with a small bandwidth has $ a! a high value of O b! a low value of O c! a O of +ero 521. A transformer has 1200 turns primary and #000 turns secondary. What value of load resistance would be re(uired to give a reflected impedance of 1000 ohms a! 1 /ohm b! # /ohm $ c! 1" /ohm 522. An autotransformer windings are a! on separate formers $ b! connected c! wired in parallel 52&. What voltage can the neutral line carry in a star transformer a! 9ombined line voltages $ b! ;ero voltage c! 5hase voltage 52#. in a generator system4 a stabili+ing winding is used a! in series with the field to prevent oscillations $ b! to prevent voltage overshoot c! to control output current 5age "0 6 )od & 525. When magneti+ing a piece of material4 magnetic strength will rise a! linearly with coercive force b! linearly with magnetic force $ c! nonAlinearly with magnetic force 52". The stator of a permanent magnet rotor A9 generator a! is wound in series with the field b! is usually delta wound $ c! is usually star wound 52%. 2n a resistive3inductive motor $ a! the resistor circuit must be disconnected after starting b! is less efficient than a capacitor start motor c! can only be used for light loads 520. When a conductor is cut by magnetic lines of force an .)* is induced. This is a! ,en+Ls ,aw $ b! *aradayLs ,aw c! @irchoffLs ,aw 527. A #%@ resistor has the following color code $ a! Sellow4 Violet4 Nrange b! Nrange4 Violet4 =ed c! =ed4 Nrange4 Sellow 5&0. A material with a narrow hysterisis loop a! has a high retentivity $ b! has a low retentivity c! cannot be magnetised 5&1. The power output of a similar si+ed & phase compared to a single phase generator is a! less b! same $ c! more 5&2. What part of a <9 motor would you find the poles a! brushes $ b! stator c! rotor 5&&. in a high O parallel resonant circuit4 what happens to impedance if capacitance is increased by a factor of # $ a! 2t reduces by %5G b! 2t remains the same c! 2t increases by factor of # 5age "7 6 )od & 5&#. 2n a thermocouple where is voltage measured a! At the hot Hunction $ b! At the cold Hunction c! At both Hunctions 5&5. )ercury cells are covered with a metal cover a! as a protective cover $ b! as a positive terminal c! as a negative terminal 5&". When switching off the supply4 the bac/ emf in a collapsing field in an inductor a! never e'ceeds forward emf $ b! can be multiple times bigger than forward emf c! is e(ual to forward emf 5&%. 2f the energy supplied to a circuit for #hrs 15 mins at 000 H3sec what would be the energy consumed $ a! &.# @W Crs b! � @W Crs c! � @W Crs 5&0. A parallel circuit at resonance has its impedance at a $ a! ma'imum b! minimum c! +ero 5&7. A parallel circuit with any number of 2 terminal connections a! has the same current throughout $ b! the individual voltage drops is e(ual to the emf c! the resistance is dependent on current 5#0. 2n this circuit4 =' is e(ual to $ a! =& ' =2 M =# b! =& ' =# M =2 c! =2 ' =# M =& 5age %0 6 )od & 5#1. A transformer to supply a 2#V load with a 511 turnLs ratio will have what primary supply a! 120 V<9 b! #0 VA9 $ c! 120 VA9 5#2. A material e'posed to heat will $ a! be harder to magnetise b! be easier to magnetise c! have no effect on magnetism 5#&. A 20 5ico farad capacitor with a 1)W resistor ta/es how long to charge a! 20 milli seconds $ b! 0.1 second c! 10 seconds 5##. A transformer has 2000V4 500 turns on the primary and 50 turns on the secondary. What would be the line voltage if the transformer were <elta3-tar connected a! 200V $ b! &#"V c! #50V 5#5. The main advantage of a starterAgenerator over conventional units is a! for the same power output there is a weight reduction and the starter drive remains engaged $ b! for the same power output there is a weight reduction and the drive is constantly engaged c! it can produce a greater power output 5#". The speed of a single phase induction motor is dependant on a! the strength of the field $ b! the number of pairs of poles c! the strength of the armature current 5#%. An A.9. shunt wound motor sometimes uses a volts dropping resistor. The resistor would be $ a! in series with the supply b! in series with the field c! in series with the armature 5#0. The time to fully charge a 1 micro farad capacitor in series with a 100@ ohm resistor is $ a! 100 ms b! 10 ms c!1 ms 5age %1 6 )od & 5#7. A sine wave has a periodic time of 0.5 milliseconds4 what is its fre(uency a! 200 C+ $ b! 2@h+ c! 20@h+ 550. 2n a voltage e(uali+ing circuit the generators are regulated so a! the lower output is increased to that of the higher b! the higher output is decreased to that of the lower $ c! the lower is increased and the higher is decreased until they are e(ual 551. The capacity of a battery is measured in a! volts b! cubic centimeters $ c! ampereAhours 552. 5hase angle is $ a! the difference in degrees of rotation between 2 alternating voltages or currents or a voltage and a current b! the difference in degrees between the positive and negative parts of an ac sine wave c! the cosine of the pea/ value of an ac voltage 55&. A batteryLs internal resistance is determined by $ a! 2= ? N9V 6 99V i b! 2= ? N9V I 99V i c! 2= ? N9V A 99V V 55#. The impedance of an ac circuit is measured in a! /ilovoltAamperes b! amperes $ c! ohms 555. The formula for impedance in a series circuit is $ a! b! c! 5age %2 6 )od & 55". )otor slip is $ a! the percentage of difference in speeds between the stator and rotor fields b! a shifting of the )BA of the motor c! a symptom of a wea/ field 55%. The principal characteristic of a synchronous motor is $ a! it rotates at a speed that is synchronised with the applied ac current b! it must have a synchronised & phase supply to operate c! it rotates at a speed that is synchronised with the applied dc current 550. There are more negative than positive plates in a lead acid battery because $ a! the positive plates are prone to warping if the chemical action is ta/ing place only on one side b! it reduces the internal resistance of the cell c! it is necessary for chemical action to ta/e place 557. 9ommutator ripple can be reduced by $ a! the use of a ripple filter b! increasing generator fre(uency c! a resistor in series with the armature 5"0. 2n this circuit applied voltage is $ a! V t ? 2U 9
b! V t ? 2U ,
c! V t ? 23= 5"1. What is the internal resistance of a ,eclanche cell a! " ohms A 10 ohms $ b! 0.02 ohms A # ohms c! 20 ohms A &0 ohms 5"2. 2n a <9 motor the interpoles are part of the $ a! field b! rotor assembly c! stator assembly 5age %& 6 )od & 5"&. The line voltage in a wye wound transformer is a! root & 3 phase voltage b! the same as phase voltage $ c! root & ' phase voltage 5"#. The valence electron is $ a! the electron in outer shell of atom b! the electron in inner shell of atom c! a positive electron 5"5. An aircraft battery on charge from the aircraft generators causes a! internal resistance of the battery to decrease in sympathy with the decreasing charging current $ b!battery voltage to increases to nominal voltage and the charge current decreases c! battery voltage to decrease to +ero until it is fully charged 5"". What happens to the current in a series resistive resonant circuit $ a! 2t is ma'imum b! 2t is minimum c! 2t is +ero 5"%. An atom with a deficiency in electrons has a! high resistance $ b! low resistance c! high impendence 5"0. What effect does hydrogen have in a battery cell $ a! 5olari+ation b! -ulphation c! Bothing 5"7. .ddy current losses in a transformer are $ a! current used in magnetising the core b! current flow induced into the core c! hysteresis losses 5%0. A &Aphase starAdelta wound transformer gives a! 708 phase shift b! no phase shift $ c! &08 phase shift 5%1. 2n a parallel circuit containing resistors $ a! the voltage is the same in all parts of the circuit b! the sum of the voltage drops e(uals applied voltage c! resistance is determined by value of current flow 5age %# 6 )od & 5%2. An induced current in a coil $ a! opposes the .)* producing it b! aids the .)* producing it c! does not affect the .)* producing it 5%&. Armature reaction is a! reactive spar/ing b! due to dirty or worn commutator $ c! the ))* opposing rotation 5%#. in a #11 step up transformer4 what would give a reflected impedance of 1@ ohm a! 1 / ohm b! #/ ohm $ c! 1"/ ohm 5%5. ,ines of magnetic flu' pass from $ a! B to - b! . to W c! - to B 5%". A shunt motor a! gives constant tor(ue with variations in speed $ b! is constant speed c! has high starting tor(ue 5%%. The direction of current in a wire rotating in a magnetic field can be determined by $ a! *lemingLs right hand rule b! *lemingLs left hand rule c! cor/ screw rule AAAAA5%0. The diagram shows a 200V long shunt generator. What is the voltage across the series resistor a! &0V $ b! "V c! 10V 5%7. in a parallel ,9= circuit4 if the capacitance is increased by # times4 what happens to the impendence a! increases by # times $ b! decreases by %5G c! remains the same 500. in a <9 shunt motor4 if the field resistance is increased what happens to the bac/ .)* a! increases $ b! decreases c! remains the same 501. Why is ferrite used in memory circuits $ a! Cigh remanence b! ,ow permeability c! Cigh reluctance 502. What semiAconductor material is used in memory circuits $ a! *errite b! 5ermeomag c! 2ron 50&. The discharge curve of a capacitor is a! ,inear b! ,ogarithmic $ c! .'ponential 50#. to generate electricity with a fuel cell4 you need a constant supply of $ a! N'ygen > Cydrogen b! @erosene > Ceat c! Bitrogen > -unlight 505. *ive different value resistors all have the same voltage dropped across them4 how are the resistors connected a! 2n -eries $ b! 2n 5arallel c! 2n -eries35arallel AAAAA 50". The input is 115V and is applied across the &00 turn portion. What is the output $ a! #"0V b! 115V c! 20V 50%. A near perfect #11 step up transformer has itLs primary connected to 120VA94 if the secondary is connected to a load with 1"00 ohms resistance what is the current in the primary a! 1 amp b! 0.& amps $ c! 1.2 amps 500. *lu' losses in a transformer can be prevented by a! the use of primary shielding $ b! winding the primary on top of the secondary c! laminating the core 507. A niAcad battery found to be below normal capacity should a! be removed and used for ground use only $ b! be reAcharged with a freshening charge c! have its electrolyte adHusted 570. 2n cold weather a battery must be /ept $ a! fully charged b! fully discharged c! does not matter 571. A simple basic induction motor has $ a! poor starting tor(ue4 good running tor(ue b! good starting tor(ue4 poor running tor(ue c! poor starting tor(ue4 poor running tor(ue 572. 2f the fre(uency to a capacitor increases4 the current through it $ a! is +ero b! increases c! decreases 57&. 2n a &Aphase delta wound circuit4 line current is a! same as the phase current b! in phase with the phase current $ c! the vectorial sum of all & phase currents 57#. 9onductance of a circuit is 2 milli)hos. What is its resistance a! 5 )egaNhms $ b! 500 Nhms c! 5000 Nhms 575. To increase the voltage output of a generator you can $ a! increase speed b! decrease speed c! 2t is not speed dependant 57". Cow would you find the direction of the current flow in an armature located in a magnetic field a! )a'wells cor/screw rule $ b! *lemings right hand rule c! *lemingLs left hand rule 57%. 2f in a electrical circuit there is a difference between the capacitive reactance and the inductive reactance4 what would the power factor of the circuit be a! Qnity $ b! ,ess than unity c! )ore than unity 570. What is the -2 unit of conductance $ a! -ieman b! Nhm c! NhmAmetre 577. What is the -2 unit of resistivity $ a! Nhm metre b! Nhms3metre c! Nhms "00. Eenerator voltage is $ a! dependant on speed of rotation b! independent of speed of rotation c! not dependant on speed of rotation "01. 2f a negatively charged conductor is placed ne't to an insulated rod a! the rod has no charge b! the rod becomes negatively charged $ c! the rod becomes positively charged "02. What is the formula for conductance $ a! 13= b! 1 A = c! = I 1 "0&. What happens if you reverse the supply to the field and armature of a <9 shunt motor a! =everses direction of rotation $ b! 9ontinues to rotate in same direction c! *ails to start "0#. The internal resistance of a battery off load compared to on load is $ a! same b! increased c! decreased "05. What is the rating of a monolithic capacitor with 10& on it $ a! 10000pf b!100000pf c! 1000pf "0". What is the formula for wor/ing out the capacitance of a capacitor if @ ? dielectric constant4 A ? area of the plates4 d ? distance plates apart $ a! c ? @A3d b! c ? @d3A c! c ? d3@A "0%. 115V =)- 2.5A at "0 degrees what is the power disipated a! %7 W $ b! 1#& W c! &00 VA "00. 2f cobalt has a permeability of #000 it is a $ a! ferromagnetic b! paramagnetic c! diamagnetic "07. The output from a generator to a commutator is $ a! A9 b! <9 c! pulsed <9 "10. When light hits a photodiode resistance a! increases $ b! decreases c! stays the same "11. What type of wave is it when the vertical and hori+ontal distances are e(ual $ a! -(uare b! =ectangular c! -awtooth "12. 9obalt has permeability $ a! greater than unity b! same as unity c! less than unity "1&. 2n an aircraft brushless alternator the armature is a! in series with the field $ b! star wound c! delta wound "1#. to supply a 2# volt output with a transformer with a 511 turns ratio4 the input re(uired is $ a! 120V b! #.0V c! 2#V "15. in a resonant parallel circuit4 current is a! ma' $ b! min c! +ero "1". Total capacitance of & capacitors each 12m* in a parallel circuit $ a! &"m* b! 12m* c! "mf "1%. Jand stop filter $ a! attenuates fre(uencies in a specified narrow band b! stops fre(uencies in a narrow band c! pass all fre(uencies in that band "10. A combination of 1 megohm and 0 microfarad would give a time constant of a! #0 seconds $ b! 0 seconds c! #00 ms "17. 5ower factor is a! sin theta $ b! cos theta c! tan theta "20. What is the main disadvantage of a starter generator $ a! Will not supply output at low rpm b! Ceavier than li/e for li/e c! 9an only be used on piston engines "21. What is the voltage across a fully charged capacitor $ a! -ame as circuit voltage b! ,ess than circuit voltage c! )ore than circuit voltage "22. When would you use an electrolytic capacitor a! Nn a balanced circuit $ b! ,arge output compared to si+e re(uired c! ,ow output compared to si+e re(uired "2&. 2f the phase voltage of a star wound generator is 115V4 what would be the lineA toAline voltage $ a! 200V b! 100V c! 220V "2#. Jac/A.)* is the greatest when a motor is $ a! at operating speed b! Hust starting to rotate c! under heavy load "25. What are the factors affecting the fre(uency of an ac generator a! Bumber of turns in the armature coil and rpm $ b! Bumber of pole pairs and rpm c! Bumber of turns in the armature coil and number of pole pairs "2". Which of the following applications would re(uire a Vcontinuously ratedV motor a! *lap drive actuator $ b! *uel pump motor c! 9argo door actuator "2%. What would you use for the core in a generator current transformer $ a! Air core b! ,aminated core c! -teel 9ore "20. -pontaneous magnetisation occurs in a a! permomagnet $ b! ferromagnet c! diamagnet "27. An aircraft transformer is needed to step up a voltage. What sort would be used a! Air core $ b!,aminated core c! -olid core "&0. A conductor is placed in a magnetised coil. What will happen a! A force will be created $ b! Bothing will happen unless the conductor is moved c! The conductor will move "&1. An atom with less than # electrons in its outer shell has $ a! low electrical resistance b! high electrical resistance c! no electrical resistance "&2. in a #11 stepAup transformer4 120V is applied to the primary4 and the load on the secondary is 1"00 Nhms. What is the current in the primary a! 0.0%5A $ b! 1.2A c! &A "&&. Two 12V4 #0Ah cells in series gives $ a! 2#V #0Ah b! 2#V 00Ah c! 12V #0Ah "&#. A 2 )egohm resistor can be written a! )20* $ b! 2)0* c! 20)* "&5. 2f a resistor is too small or misshapen to fit the colour code bands4 how else is itLs value indicated a! <ots $ b! ,etter code c! Bumber code "&". .lements such as phosphorus with 5 electrons in their outer shell4 when combined with pure silicon4 is a $ a! donor b! acceptor c! isotopic AAAAAAAA "&%. This is a diagram of a $ a! ,ight <ependant =esistor b! ,ogarithmic <ifferential =esistor c! ,aser <iode =ectifier "&0. A centrifugal speed switch is used $ a! to cut out the resistor3inductor circuit on an A9 motor b! to cut out the capacitor circuit on an A9 motor c! to cut in the resistor3inductor circuit on an A9 motor "&7. <isconnecting one of the phases from a &Aphase motor will cause the motor to a! stop $ b! run a 23& speed c! run at the same speed "#0. To find the internal resistance of a battery in a circuit of /nown current a! use the formula = ? V ' 2 $ b! find the lost volts of the circuit c! find the .)* of the circuit