International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 2, March – April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 2, March – April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 2, March – April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 2, March – April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856
Volume 3, Issue 2, March April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856
Volume 3, Issue 2 March April 2014 Page 299
Abstract This paper define the artifacts representing different dimensions and to become in consistent over the year. It is a survey paper on selection of artifacts and their maintenance. In this paper we define the selection of artifacts which are developed during testing so the selected artifacts are more feasible. The Software Testing is time consuming activity. The overall time spent on testing depends, in many factors including, human factors, and process issues, testing techniques, tool used. This paper evaluates empirical relationship between a new metric Qi and testability of classes in object oriented systems. The Qi metric captures the distribution of the control flow in a system.
1. INTRODUCTION Software Testing is an activity to evaluate an attribute and the capability of a program, or system and determines the required result. Software testing plays an important role to improve the product in software quality. It is a primary technique that used to gain consumers confidence in the software industry. Software testing is a time and cost consuming task [8]. The purpose of Testing can be quality assurance, verification and validation or reliability estimation. The objective of software testing is to design minimum number of test cases so that they identify as many faults as possible [8]. To posses the testing effort of classes, we used different metrics; these were classified in two categories low and high based on the testing effort [2]. Software testing is one of the major and primary techniques for achieving high quality software. Software testing is done to detect presence of faults, which cause software failure [3]. Verification is done to ensure that the software meets specification and is close to structural testing whereas validation is close to the functional testing and is done by executing software under test (SUT). Metrics can be used to predict the testability and manage the testing effort. It can help the software managers and testers to monitor testing activities and determine the critical path of the code on which they have to focus to ensure the quality of the software [2]. We define a metric, called Qi capturing in an integrated way with attributes of object oriented software system such as complexity and coupling. Software testing plays an important role on the total quality of the final product [2].The metric captures the distribution of control flow in a system. The objective is to identify relative values that may be used for identifying before the testing process begins and the critical classes that will require a high testing effort during the testing process. The class on which more testing effort is required is used to ensure the software quality. Testing is a critical component of a mature software development process [7]. It is very challenging and costly activity, and it provides the strongest support for development of high quality software [7]. Testing is used in its broadest sense to encompass all Software quality related activities. For improve the quality of the software we consider the Testing Maturity Model, for increasing the quality of the software this maturity model will have a very positive impact on software quality.
2. SOFTWARE TESTABILITY Software testability is an important software quality attribute. Different definition of software testability as IEEE defines this is a degree to which a system facilitates establishment of the test criteria. ISO defines testability as characteristics of maintainability. Having quantitative data on the testability of software can be used for the software development managers the strong decision making to develop a high quality product [2]. Testability measured by the test code lines and number of assert statement in the test code. According to Fenton and Pfleeger software testability is an external attribute [9]. It is related to the testing effort reduction and software quality. Testability give impact on the test costs and making the design decisions based on test costs. Software testability is affected by different factors such as controllable, observable and the global test cost. It is consider as a probability predicting whether test will detect a fault. The component testability is based on five factors these are understandability, observable, controllability, traceability and testing support capability [2].
3. QUALITY ASSURANCE INDICATOR The Quality Assurance Indicator (Qi) is based on the concept of control call graph. These control call graphs are reduced form of the traditional control flow graphs [2]. Software testing remains the primary technique used to gain consumers confidence indicator of a class. This indicator is based on different intrinsic characteristics of the class. A control call graph is a control flow graph, where the nodes representing instructions. Selection and maintenance of software artifacts during testing to improve the quality of software
Ankita Dwivedi 1 and Navneet Kumar Verma 2
1 Research Scholoar, Apaji Institute of Mathematics & Applied computer technology, Banasthali Vidyapith 2 School of Computer and Systems Sciences, J aipur National University International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS) Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 3, Issue 2, March April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856
Volume 3, Issue 2 March April 2014 Page 300
Software quality assurance is relevant for software engineer, to reduction the costs and improve quality assurance activities, which are performed on every software project. Quality assurance systems are defined as the organizational structure, responsibility procedures process and resources for implementing quality management. Software quality assurance activities play an important role in producing high quality software. Software quality assurance is the vital component of software project development [8][2]. The quality assurance indicator Qi metric is in the normalized form and gives the values in the interval. A low value of the Qi of a class indicates that the class is at high-risk and needs a high testing effort and activity to increase its quality. And the high value of the Qi metric of a class provides information about class that this class is at low-risk so there is no need to give best effort of testing. The quality assurance indicator of a method is the estimation that is measured as the probability that the control flow of the method go through out the method without any defect or failure. It can be considered as an indicator which is associated with the risk of the [2]. We assume that the quality of a method also depends on the quality of the he methods. . There are many different definitions of quality. Some are based on the capability of the products and others can be based on the customer values for identifying the level of the defect. The first definition of quality is given by Shewhart in the beginning of 20th century: 1. The quality is defined in two categories; one is consider quality as the objective which is independent from the existence of man. The second category shows the objective reality in the sense, feel and thin of the product it is consider as the subjective side of the quality. 2. The problem inherent is attempted to define the quality of a product. The quality is defined as the satisfaction of the user with considerable characteristics; the project must be designed to give the satisfaction to the customer which pays for it. This is not easy task because once give the deliverable successfully he finds that the needs of the consumer have changed. 3. Quality consider only as customer determination, it is not an engineer, marketing or a general management determination. Quality is based on the requirement of the customer to the product and also based on the competitive market. 4. The quality has multiple meanings. Quality consists of those product features which meet the need of customers and thereby provide product satisfaction. The goal of quality is to provide management with the data necessary to be informed about product quality. Quality consists of freedom from deficiencies.
4. ARTIFACTS Artifacts define in the software engineering as a generic term as deliverable which could be produced by any role in the software development life cycle. These are taken in the form of deliverable from a project plan, test plan, source code file etc. An artifact is one of many kind of tangible by product produced during development of software. Some artifacts are used to describe the functions, architecture and the design of software. Other artifacts are relevant to the development process such as project plans, risk assessments. Artifacts describe automated behavior or control sequences. In the earliest stage of development, some artifacts may be created by the designing team to show the role of project sponsor how serious the contractor is ready about meeting for the projects needs. Artifacts vary in their maintainability. Maintainability is affected by the fulfillment of the artifacts. The role can be either practical or symbolic. The symbolic artifacts convey the information in improper way, but the way of expression is very impressive[3][4]. Symbolic artifacts are sometimes referred as Illuminated Scrolls because the decorations do not enhance the understanding in the information industry. The illuminated scrolls are considered as un-maintainable because it requires the diligence to preserve the symbolic quality. Because of this reason, when the project sponsor approved the Illuminated Scrolls they are replaced by artifacts for serving a practical role. Practical artifacts must be highly maintainable they have to be maintained throughout the lifecycle of the project. Moreover the objective is to identifying the values before the testing process start, not to evaluate a design. The critical classes that will require high testing effort and during the testing is required to ensure software quality. 4.1 Maintenance of Software Artifacts Software can be described as multidimensional. There is multiple varieties of artifacts for the software systems. These artifacts are design documents, source code, test cases, and documentation .Each of these dimensions describes limited part of the software the actual system [6]. As code is written, developers gradually ignore the initial stages of development, the specifications and the system design, documentation, component specifications, and test cases. It is necessary to ensure that all the artifacts remain consistent with one another. Programmers have the freedom to develop the software in the best way. Some changes are best done at source code level for the performance enhancement. Test case can be written first and documentation is done when the coding is complete. The work is based on the concept to ensure that the consistency can be done by the programmer. This is necessary because if any inconsistency identified between the different software artifacts which identified by the constraints. For this, define the meta constraints. These met constraints define the information about the artifacts that how information associated with one artifact should be match with the information associated with the second type of artifact for different set of artifacts. These meta constraints are based on the information of various artifacts which is extracted. International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS) Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 3, Issue 2, March April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856
Volume 3, Issue 2 March April 2014 Page 301
4.2 Requirement of consistent software evaluation The objective is to provide a framework for the maintenance of consistency for many dimensions of software. There must be some requirements for the consistency for the software artifacts. These requirements are meet so that consistency maintained, some requirements are 1. Using existing methods The tool must be able to use the existing method and also bound the programmers to work with different style. 2. Work with existing tool one is not required to re- implement the existing tool. It is necessary that these codes support the legacy code and external component. 3. Enable to locate the points for inconsistency Identified the inconsistency in the software code and it provide the programmer the exact information that where the inconsistency arise. 4. Handle a wide range of software dimensions All the dimensions must be handle a wide range which are not included in the existing tool. 5. Bidirectional The mechanism must handle the changes at any time in different aspect, it is important. A developer who changes the design must know that which code is affected by the change. 6. Handle low overhead This mechanism does not interfere with existing tool and it must be automatic so that no excessive amount of time is taken to find the inconsistency. Previous approaches for the consistent software evolution depend on development of a single comprehensive language or a single common semantic representation. Such approaches cannot reach a desire goal for different reasons. Firstly, they cannot attract the goods of dimensions which inherent to software. Second, they fail to handle the new dimensions implied to new types of software and its development. Third, it will make it difficult to incorporate existing components into a system. Fourth, developers uses variety of different tools, languages in a single system and methods, this is fail to deal with the software exist today [5]. 4.3 Constraints are the basis for the evaluation The integration method that is developed for the maintenance of the consistency of different software artifacts is based on constraints [4]. The Palladio model- driven approach supports prediction of Quality of Service (QoS) properties of component-based SW architectures, providing a meta model for specification of performance- relevant information and a simulator for derivation of performance, reliability maintainability, and cost metrics. It is implemented in a well established tool which enables integration within a component based development process [9]. The constraint based approach to maintenance is flexible. Constraints can also be used for checking the style of a program, designing, coding, patterns and design rules. These constraints are relationship between types of artifacts. The artifact relationship is the first point of the model of evaluation. In order to make such a model, one must be attentive in specifying the basis for the constraints. These constraints are provided for the accountability. When a constraint is not met to determine that what part of the source or other software artifact are in conflict these constraints are used. These constraints are easy to specify and check. The latter is required to ensure the consistency maintenance which is tractable in the face of thousands of constraints. Finally, the basis for specifying the constraints should flexible enough to fit in the wide variety of the different dimensions of software.
Figure 1: Constraint based model for the artifact consistency maintenance
For the development of the framework first understand the artifacts of software. This can done by the abstracting the information from the different software artifacts. Provide the information for the different artifacts types allows the common name space for the different artifacts and ensures that information needed by the constraints is available information. It is also possible to abstract the information from the multiple sources. Each item abstracted from the artifacts identifies the location of consistency. As shown in the figure1 information box is used to obtain the data from the artifacts and also captures the meaning of the artifacts. This box contains all the information that is particularly of the artifacts and the global information such as file name. The constraints between the individual artifacts which are defined in model that mapped to the constraints between the information associated with those artifacts. The goal for the implementation of this model is to use a relational database for storing the information which abstracted from each artifact. Each artifact type defines its own set of relation and uses a common set of relations. The database relations which are associated with the corresponding artifact types are updated when the artifacts changes. An individual constraint indicates as constraints between tuples in the relations associated with the various artifacts [7]. There is no limit for checking such constraints as both the predicates and the International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS) Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 3, Issue 2, March April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856
Volume 3, Issue 2 March April 2014 Page 302
set of objects that can be enhanced to accommodate the wide variety of software dimensions. 4.4 Analysis for the ensure of consistency To analyses the consistency and to detect the inconsistency between the software design, documentation, source code, test cases and other artifacts develop a tool that is software development tool, CLIME. This is designed for the demonstration of power and potential. This tool is developed to tell the programmers that artifacts are unsynchronized and there is need to change and update to achieve system wide consistency. The tool is a prototype [2]. It handles java system and a limited set of artifacts.
Figure 2: The architecture for CLIME tool
The tool is divided in two parts the first part is for extracting the necessary information from the artifacts and the second part is used to find and update the information about the constraints. The Project Manager keeps track of the artifacts that are able to detect, using the Activity Monitor, which have changed since the previous update. The Information abstractor gathers as much information as possible from each of the artifacts that have changed and format this information in terms of relational tables, with each abstractor generating its own set of tables. Most of these are in two parts. The first part takes the artifact, isolates the information relevant to a particular dimension, and then generates an XML file with that information. The second part reads this XML file and then generates a second XML file consisting of commands describing what should be removed, inserted, or updated. The Database Manager is then responsible for incrementally updating the artifact information, attempting to minimize the changes to the database, and maintaining identifying information across updates. In addition to updating the database, it generates an XML file describing what has changed in the database. The Constraint Manager is in charge of finding and updating constraints and storing the resultant constraint information in another database. It does this using a set of meta constraints that define generic relationships, using these to find specific constraints, and then checking the constraints as the underlying data is changed. The Presentation Manager provides the user interface. Information is extracted from the various software artifacts using an array of tools, each oriented to a particular type of artifact. Each type of artifact is treated independently, with its own scanners and its own set of stored information. Artifact changes are detected and updated at the file level. The user interface that CLIME provides is useful but could be improved. Future work here would include letting users define their own hierarchies of constraints rather than or in addition to the built-in ones, letting users assign priorities to the constraints, letting users choose sets of constraints to ignore, storing and reloading selected sets of constraints, and being able to show changes to constraints over time rather than just the current state of all constraints.
5. CONCLUSION The problem of software quality analysis and estimation is important during software development. The automation of test case generation has been a long- standing problem in software engineering. Artifacts describe automated behavior or control sequences. In the earliest stage of development of software the artifacts may be developed by the design team to sever a symbolic role to show the project sponsor the seriousness of the contractor for the meeting the projects needs. We must have to estimate the quality of the software so that we analyses the need of testing and can select the artifacts during testing to become it viable and easy. We used the proposed approach for the priority of the documents which produced during the software testing activity.
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Volume 3, Issue 2 March April 2014 Page 303
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