Valuation of Open Item in Foreign Currency
Valuation of Open Item in Foreign Currency
Valuation of Open Item in Foreign Currency
This wiki provides a demonstration of valuation of Open Items In Foreign Currencies
From the documentation the following is stated
Valuation of Open Items in Foreign Currencies.
All open items in foreign currency are valuated as part of the foreign currency valuation:
The individual open items of an account in foreign currency form the basis of the valuation, that
is, every open item of an account in foreign currency is valuated individually.
Example of open items are customers, Vendors, or GL accounts managed on open item basis
The total difference from all the open items in an account is posted to a financial statement
adjustment account. The account therefore retains its original balance.
The exchange rate profit or loss from the valuation is posted to a separate expense or revenue
account for exchange rate differences as an offsetting posting.
A valuation cannot be made by posting to the payables/receivalbes account, since reconcilation
accounts cannot be directly posted to.
For this reason the amount is posted to an adjustment account, which appears in the same line
of the balance sheet as the reconciliation account.
Step 1 - General customizing
Local currency of company EUR -
Implementation Guide: Financial accounting (New) -> Financial accounting global settings
(New) -> global Parameters for company code - Transaction code OBY6
Exchange rate 1 USD = 1,7 EUR
Implementation Guide: SAP NetWeaver -> General settings -> Currencies (check all settings) ->
Enter Exchange rates (Transaction code OB08)
Step 2 - Create Invoice
SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Accounts payable -> Document
entry -> FB60 Invoice
Post document
Display document posted via FB03
Change in exchange rate occurs 1 USD now equals 1,63 EUR
SAP Easy Access Screen choose -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable -
> Accounting -> FBL1N -Display/Change Line items
Step 3 - Review of Foreign Currency Valuation customizing
Prior to performing a foreign currency valuation review of customizing:
Implementation Guide:Finanical Accounting (New) -> General Ledger Accounting (New) ->
Periodic Processing -> Valuate
Define Valuation Methods
Define valuation Areas
Define Accounting Principles
Check Assignment of Accounting princples to ledger Group
*required if you have more than one ledger
Perpare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation
Select Transaction KDF, enter Chart of Accounts
The Target Accounts for KDB/KDF can also be defined per valuation area
Account Determination per Valuation Area
Step 4 - Perform Foreign Currency Valuation
To perform a foreign currency valuation, from the SAP Easy Access Screen, choose Accounting
-> Financial Accounting ->
General ledger/Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payalbe -> Periodic processing -> Closing ->
Valuate -> Foreign Currency Valuation (New)
Click on Postings button
To create valuation documents create postings must be ticked on, if you execute without create
postings ticked, this means that program is run in test mode.
If there are errors when posting, a batch input session is created (transaction SM35)
Update run is saved in table FAGL_BSBW_HISTRY
This avoids that a valuation run for the same valuation (key date) can be repeated.