Nine Hole Peg Test
Nine Hole Peg Test
Nine Hole Peg Test
Test instructions derived from Mathiowetz et al, 1985
The NHPT is provided courtesy of Virgil Mathiowetz, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA Page 1
Nine Hole Peg Test Instructions
General Information:
The Nine Hole Peg Test should be conducted with the dominant arm first.
One practice trial (per arm) should be provided prior to timing the test.
Timing should be performed with a stopwatch and recorded in seconds.
The stop watch is started when the patient touches the first peg.
The stop watch is stopped when the patient places the last peg in the container.
Set-up (Mathiowetz et al, 1985):
A square board with 9 holes,
o holes are spaced 3.2 cm (1.25 inches) apart
o each hole is 1.3 cm (.5 inches) deep
9 wooden pegs should be .64 cm (.25 inches) in diameter and 3.2 cm (1.25
inches) long
A container that is constructed from .7 cm (.25 inches) of plywood, sides are
attached (13 cm x 13 cm) using nails and glue
The peg board should have a mechanism to decrease slippage. Self-adhesive
bathtub appliqus were used in the study.
The pegboard should be placed in front of the patient, with the container holding
the pegs on the side of the dominant hand.
Patient Instructions (Mathiowetz et al, 1985):
The instructions should be provided while the activity is demonstrated.
The patients dominant arm is tested first.
Instruct the patient to:
o Pick up the pegs one at a time, using your right (or left) hand only and
put them into the holes in any order until the holes are all filled. Then
remove the pegs one at a time and return them to the container. Stabilize
the peg board with your left (or right) hand. This is a practice test. See
how fast you can put all the pegs in and take them out again. Are you
ready? Go!
After the patient performs the practice trial, instruct the patient:
o This will be the actual test. The instructions are the same. Work as
quickly as you can. Are you ready? Go! (Start the stop watch when the
patient touches the first peg.)
o While the patient is performing the test say Faster
o When the patient places the last peg on the board, instruct the patient
Out againfaster.
o Stop the stop watch when the last peg hits the container.
Place the container on the opposite side of the pegboard and repeat the
instructions with the non-dominant hand.
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Test instructions derived from Mathiowetz et al, 1985
The NHPT is provided courtesy of Virgil Mathiowetz, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA Page 2
Nine Hole Peg Test
Dominant Hand (circle one): Right Left
Time to complete the test in seconds:
Date: ________ Dominant Hand: __________ Non-Dominant Hand: _______
Date: ________ Dominant Hand: __________ Non-Dominant Hand: _______
Date: ________ Dominant Hand: __________ Non-Dominant Hand: _______
Date: ________ Dominant Hand: __________ Non-Dominant Hand: _______
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Test instructions derived from Mathiowetz et al, 1985
The NHPT is provided courtesy of Virgil Mathiowetz, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA Page 3
Mathiowetz V, Weber K, Kashman N, Volland G. Adult Norms for the Nine Hole Peg
Test of Finger Dexterity. The Occupational Therapy Journal of Research. 1985;5:24-