India Second National Communication To UNFCCC FSD

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Ministry of Environment & Forests

Government of India
Second National Communication to
the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change



















Ministry of Environment & Forests
Government of India
Second National Communication to
the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change
Second National Communication to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, 2012
Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India and
Chairman, National Steering Committee
Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003
Phone: 91-11-24360721
Fax: 91-11-24362746
National Project Director
Indias Second National Communication to the UNFCCC
Room No. 112, Paryavaran Bhawan
Ministry of Environment and Forests
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110 003
Telefax: 91-11-24360861
E-mail: [email protected]
Global Environment Facility
Washington DC 20433, USA

United Nations Development Programme
Lodhi Estate, New Delhi 110003
On behalf of the Government of India, I have great pleasure in presenting Indias Second National
Communication in fullment of commitment under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. The Communication has been prepared by a national effort and contributions of experts involving
more than 200 scientists and experts belonging to various institutions countrywide, constituted into more
than 120 multi-disciplinary teams to work on various aspects of climate change. It is to be noted that the
entire process has been participatory in nature involving numerous institutions and stakeholders alike. A
National Steering Committee (NSC), with members from 21 Ministries/Departments of the Government
of India, oversaw the implementation of the work programme. The Communication has been prepared in
accordance with the provisions of the Articles 4.1 and 12.1 of the Convention and guidelines contained in
17/CP.8 of the Conference of Parties. Numerous Technical Consultations as well as stakeholder involvement
through National Workshops were undertaken for the process of preparing the National Communication.
The highest standards of scientic rigour in conducting this exercise, together with intense peer review,
underpinned the implementation of the work programme of the National Communication. The stakeholder
consultations, training, thematic and awareness generation events covered more than 1000 participants and
were organised through 30 conferences/seminars/workshops/consultations across the country during the
project implementation phase. The exercise was coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India.
The elements of information comprises, as required, information on Greenhouse Gas Inventory and
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation besides an overview of the National Circumstances within which
the challenges of climate change are being addressed and responded to.
t;arh uVjktu
Jayanthi Natarajan
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Minister of State (Independent Charge)
Environment & Forests
Government of India
New Delhi - 110 003
The information provided emanates from studies conducted and constitute an improvement on the earlier
studies reported in Indias Initial National Communication, bringing out extant and projected high regional
and sectoral variability and vulnerability. The Government visualizes the process of preparation of Indias
Second National Communication as an opportunity to enrich and enhance Indias capabilities in identifying
constraints, gaps, and related nancial, technical and capacity needs to adequately full our obligations
under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
This national effort has therefore built signicant human and institutional capacities. However, we are aware
and have identied in our Communication the constraints and the gaps that still exist, and the related
nancial and capacity building needs, which are required to further improve upon this effort in our future
National Communications; so as to ensure continuous reporting on a consistent basis and in accordance
with the extant guidelines.
I congratulate all those who have contributed directly and indirectly in this task.
(Jayanthi Natarajan)
Place : New Delhi
Dated : 12.04.2012
Chapter 1
National Circumstances 1
Chapter 2
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information 35
Chapter 3
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation 93
Chapter 4
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development 157
Chapter 5
Research and Systematic Observation 195
Chapter 6
Education, Training and Public Awareness 221
Chapter 7
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs 243
Annexures 282
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
India is a Party to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the
Government of India attaches great importance to climate
change issues. The Convention aims at stabilizing the
greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at
safer levels that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic
interference with the climate system. Eradication of
poverty, avoiding risks to food production, and sustainable
development are three integrated principles deeply
embedded in the Convention. Information provided in
the present national communication, is according to the
guidelines stipulated for Parties not included in Annex I
to the UNFCCC.
India, situated below the Himalayas and lying in the
sub tropical terrain, is adorned with a largely diverse
topography, climate and biosphere, spanning a
geographic area of 3.28 million km
. Occupying almost
2.3% of the worlds land area, it is the 7
largest country in
the world but holds nearly 18% of the worlds population.
This puts the nation under great stress to ably maintain
a sustainable development pathway and to harness its
resources efciently. India shelters over 1.21 billion people
representing various socio-cultural groups that collectively
make up the worlds largest democracy.
National Circumstances
India is situated between 66
E to 98
E and 8
N to 36
N and
experiences a range of physio-geographic features that are
spread widely over its 28 States and 7 Union Territories.
These are mainly classied into: (i) mountainous terrain
(Himalayan range, Western Ghats), (ii) northern plains,
(iii) peninsular plateau, (iv) deserts, (v) coastal plains
(east and west coast) and (vi) island groups (Andaman
& Nicobar, Lakshadweep). India juts out into the Indian
Ocean, and is surrounded by the Arabian Sea on the west
and the Bay of Bengal in the east. India is gifted with a
variety of climatic conditions due to its distinct geography.
Indias climate is strongly inuenced by the Himalayas in
the north and the Thar desert in the west. The Himalayas
act as a barrier to the frigid katabatic winds owing down
from Central Asia, keeping the bulk of the Indian sub-
continent warmer than most locations at similar latitudes.
All these climatic aspects inuence the biology, culture
and economics of the nation.
Land areas in the north of the country have a continental
climate with erce summer heat that alternates with cold
winters; when temperatures plunge to freezing point. In
contrast, are the coastal regions of the country, where
the warmth is unvarying and the rains are frequent. The
rainfall pattern varies drastically at different locations of
the country, ranging from an average annual rainfall of
less than 13 cm to about 1187 cm (Figure 1).
The peninsular regions, which are primarily rain-fed,
extend from the humid west coast to the arid central and
eastern parts of the country. The most important feature
of Indias climate is the season known as the monsoon.
The monsoon season is so important and critical to the
Indian climate that the rest of the seasons are quite often
referred as relative to it. The country is inuenced by two
seasons of rains accompanied by seasonal reversal of
winds from January to July. During winters, dry and cold
air blowing from northerly latitudes from a northeasterly
direction prevails over the Indian region.This dry, cold
wind picks up moisture from the Bay of Bengal and pours
it over peninsular India. This is known as the northeast
monsoon. Consequent to the intense heat of the summer
months, the northern Indian landmass gets heated up and
draws moist winds over the oceans, causing a reversal of
Figure 1:
(a) Mean annual number
of rainy days (>2.5 mm/
day), (b) Mean intensity of
rainfall (mm/day), (c) One day
extreme rainfall (cm/day)
(a) (b) (c)
i | INDIA Second National Communication
the winds over the region. This is called the summer or
the southwest monsoon.
India is a land with many rivers. There are twelve major
rivers, which are spread over a catchment area of 252.8
million hectares (Mha) and cover more than 75% of the
total area of the country. Rivers in India are classied
as Himalayan, peninsular, coastal, and inland-drainage
basin rivers.
The land use pattern of India shows that about 46.1%
of the reported area for land use is under agriculture and
approximately 23.9% is under forest and tree cover (Figure
2). The remaining nearly one-third land area is distributed
between fallow land, other uncultivated land excluding
fallow land and not available for cultivation. The land use
pattern in India has been affected by a variety of factors
such as population pressure, expanding urbanization,
industrial growth, grazing pressure, availability of irrigation
facilities, diversion of forest land to other uses, the law of
inheritance, and natural calamities like ood and drought.
climate-friendly policies of the Government. This increase
is despite diversion of forestland for non-forest purposes
like agriculture and developmental activities such as
river valley projects, industrialization, mining, and road
India is endowed with diverse forest types ranging from
tropical wet evergreen forests in the northeast and the
southwest, to tropical dry thorn forests in central and
western India. According to the various State of Forest
reports (published by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests MoEF), the forests of India can be divided into 16
major types comprising 221 sub-types. The area under
forests as per land records was 6,83,100 km
in 1994 and
6,96,260 km
in 2007. Indias forest cover for 2007 was
assessed by the Forest Survey of India through satellite
imagery interpretation at 6,90,899 km
(Figure 3). It is to
be noted that the forest cover of India has been increasing
steadily over the years due to various conservation and
Indian society is an agrarian society with 70% of the
population almost completely dependent on agriculture,
even though the share of agriculture in the gross domestic
product (GDP) has been continuously declining. Spatially,
it is the most widespread economic pursuit, claiming
more than 40% of the countrys total area. Agriculture will
continue to be important in Indias economy in the years
to come. It feeds a growing population, employs a large
labour force, and provides raw material to agro-based
industries. Given the physical and biogenetic diversity
of the Indian subcontinent, a strategy of diversied
and regionally differentiated agriculture is desirable for
improving the economy and augmenting its resources.
This is indeed a great policy challenge and opportunity;
particularly so in an emerging environment which regards
biodiversity as natures bounty and not as a constraint
to technological progress. One of the focal areas for
revitalizing Indian agriculture has been crop yield, itself
a function of many factors like climate, soil type and its
nutrient status, management practices and other available
inputs. Of these, climate plays an important role; probably
more so in India, where the majority of agriculture is
dependent on the monsoon and natural disasters such
as droughts and oods are very frequent. Therefore,
efcient crop planning requires a proper understanding
of agro-climatic conditions. This calls for collection,
collation, analysis and interpretation of long-term weather
parameters available for each region to identify the length
of the possible cropping period, taking into consideration
the availability of water.
Figure 3: Indian forest cover assessments, 1987-2007
Source: State of Forest Report, 1987 - 2009
Figure 2: Indian land use changes
Source: Agricultural Statistics at a Glance, 2010
Not available for Cultivation Other Uncultivated land Excluding fallow land
Forests Fallow Land
Net Sown area
Executive Summary | ii
Population levels and growth rates drive national
consumption of energy and other resources. Indias
population has steadily risen over the years, crossing the
one billion mark in 2000 and increasing annually by about
15 million since then. With a population of 846 million
in 1991, 914 million in 1994, 1027 million in 2001 and
1210 million in 2011, India is the second-most populous
country in the world. The decadal population growth rate
has, however, steadily declined from 24.8% during 1961-
71 to 21.3% during 1991-2001, and 17.6% during 2001-
2011. This has resulted in reducing births by almost 36
million over the last thirty years.
Indias population density is very high; the density of
264 persons/km
in 1991 increased to 325 persons/km

in 2001 and 382 persons/km
in 2011. 12 Indian states/
union territories had a population density of less than 250
, 7 had between 251-500 persons/km
, 9 had
between 501-1000 persons/km
while 7 had above 1000
according to the 2011 census (Figure 4).
This, coupled with low per capita incomes and low adaptive
capacity of the majority of this population, renders them
vulnerable, particularly to the impacts of climate change
on coastal areas and sheries.
In 1994, India had more than 160 million households.
Approximately three-fourths of these lived in rural areas,
but were responsible for only one-third of the total national
energy consumption (NSSO 1993-94; Census of India,
2001). Since then, demographic changes have led to an
appreciable rise in the total number of households in India;
with the urban share increasing faster than the rural one.
There is also an increase in energy consuming appliances
at all levels. Household ownership of appliances has gone
up in both rural and urban areas since 2000, sometimes
by a factor of 2, especially in the case of connectivity and
ownership of mobile phones. Star-rated appliances with
higher energy efciency have also started penetrating
the market in the last few years. With proper incentives
and programmes by the government and private sector,
these could provide a major thrust in the demand-side
management of electricity.
The pace of economic growth is usually regarded as
the primary indicator of a countrys macro-economic
health. By this measure, India has done very well in this
decade, especially in the last ve years, with GDP growth
averaging an unprecedented 8.4% a year from 2005-06 to
Figure 4: Indian population density, 2011
Source: Preliminary Report of Census for India, 2011
iii | INDIA Second National Communication
2009-10. The previous best ve-year period for growth was
in 1992-93 to 1996-97 (at 6.6% a year), triggered by the
initial burst of economic reforms following the balance of
payments crisis of 1991. That earlier spurt in investment,
productivity and growth had faltered after 1996 because of
several factors. As a consequence, growth had slowed to
an average of 5.5% during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period,
1997-98 to 2001-02. It dropped even lower to 3.8% in 2002-
03 because of a sharp, drought-induced fall in agricultural
output. Since then, India has witnessed an extraordinary
boom, with the aggregate investment rate surging above
37% of GDP by 2007-8 and economic growth soaring to
9% or higher in the last three years, 2008-09 to 2010-11.
The proximate drivers of this growth spurt include: (i) the
sustained investment boom, (ii) cumulative productivity-
enhancing effects of reforms, (iii) an unusually buoyant
international economic environment and (iv) a demand-
and-technology driven acceleration of modern services
output. Inspection of the sectoral composition of growth
shows that the Ninth Plan slowdown was conned to
agriculture and industry; services continued to grow and
even accelerated. Industry picked up steam from 2002-
03 and continued to grow robustly right through to 2010-
11. Agricultural growth remained variable, substantially
dependent on weather conditions.
Energy and climate change-related concerns of the Indian
economy include the growing gap between the demand
and supply of energy and environmental externalities
associated with energy use. The Indian economy has
been growing rapidly since the 1990s, with an even
higher growth in the energy sector (Figure 5). This was
because the economic growth was driven by energy
intensive sectors, where the energy efciency was low by
international standards. High growth of these sectors has
resulted in a high elasticity of energy consumption and
environmental emissions with respect to GDP. Especially
in the electricity sector, the electricity consumption has
grown at a rate higher than the GDP and energy for the past
two decades, with the trend becoming more pronounced
in the 1990s. This implies substantial increases in electric
power generation and transmission capacities, petroleum
products and natural gas demand and consumption.
Table 1: National circumstances, 2010
Population (million, 2011) 1210
Relevant area (million square kilometers) 324
GDP at Factor cost (1999-2000 prices) Rs billion 61332
GDP at Factor cost (1999-2000 prices) US$ billion 1371
GDP per capita (1999-2000 prices) US$ 1133
Share of industry in GDP (percentage) 25.8
Share of services in GDP (percentage) 57.3
Share of agriculture in GDP (percentage) 16.9
Land area used for agricultural purposes (million
square kilometers)
Urban population as percentage of total population 34
Forest area (million square kilometers) (2007) 0.69
Livestock population excluding poultry (million) (2003) 464
Population below poverty line (percentage) (2004) 21.8
Life expectancy at birth (years) (2006) 63.5
Literacy rate (percentage, 2011) 74.04
Sources: Economic survey 2010-11; Census of India, 2011; Agricultural
Statistics at a Glance 2010; 17
Indian Livestock Census 2003; State of Forest
Report 2009; Planning Commission, 2007
Note: The monthly per capita poverty lines for rural and urban areas are
dened as Rs. 356.30 and Rs. 538.60 respectively for 2004-05
Figure 5: Growth of Energy, Electricity, and the Indian Economy
Sources: Economic Survey of India, 1991-2006; CMIE, 2003-2007;
Central Statistical Organization (CSO), 2006
The rapid economic growth, expanding industrialisation,
increasing incomes, rapidly rising transport and
modernising agriculture are leading to a high growth in
energy use in India, thereby causing serious environmental
concerns. The sectoral energy consumption in India has
been rising due to more production, despite a reduction
in specic energy consumption patterns in almost all the
In recent years, the government has rightly recognized
the energy security concerns of the nation and placed
more importance on energy independence. Various
initiatives have been taken towards establishing energy
efcient technologies, energy conservation measures and
regulatory frameworks, while diversifying energy sources
to meet national goals as well as simultaneously address
climate change concerns.
Executive Summary | iv
The reduced energy intensity of the Indian economy
since 2004, has been marked by an economic growth
rate of over 9% per annum, which has been achieved
with an energy growth of less than 4% per annum. This
reduced energy intensity, at the relatively low level of
Indias per-capita GDP, has been made possible by a
range of factors, including Indias historically sustainable
patterns of consumption, enhanced competitiveness, pro-
active policies to promote energy efciency, and more
recently, the use of the Clean Development Mechanism to
accelerate the adoption of clean energy technologies.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information
This section presents a detailed description of greenhouse
gas (GHG) inventory of carbon dioxide (CO
), methane
), nitrous oxide (N
O), hydrouorocarbons (HFCs),
peruorocarbons (PFCs), and sulphur hexauoride (SF
emitted by sources and their removal by sinks. The sectors
covered include: energy, industrial processes, agriculture,
land use, land -use change and forestry, and waste for the
year 2000. The reporting is in accordance with the revised
guidelines 17/CP.8 for reporting National Communications
from non-Annex 1 parties to the UNFCCC. The Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF), which is the focal point
of climate change in the Indian government, published
the GHG emission prole of India for the year 2007 in
2010. A brief description of the same is also provided.
While reporting the GHG inventory, care has been taken
to include consideration of the methodology used, the
Quality assurance/ Quality control (QA/QC) measures
applied, the results of the key source analysis and Tier
1 quantication of uncertainties associated with the
In 2000, India emitted 1523777.44 Gg CO
(1523.8 million tons of CO
eq.) from the energy, industrial
processes, agriculture, and waste management sectors.
The summary of the GHG emissions by each sector is
presented in Table 2. The land use, land-use change, and
forestry (LULUCF) sector was a net sink in 2000. With
the inclusion of LULUCF, the net emissions in 2000 were
1301209.39 Gg of CO
The total amount of CO
, CH
and N
O emitted
were 1024772.84 Gg, 19392.30 Gg, and 257.42 Gg
respectively, equalling an emission of 1511811.34 Gg
eq. (excluding LULUCF) Additionally, the industrial
process and product use sector emitted 0.220 Gg of
Tetrauoroethane (HFC134a), 0.420Gg of Fluoroform
(HFC-23), 0.870 Gg of Tetrauoromethane (CF
), 0.087
Gg of Hexauoroethane (C
) and 0.013 Gg of Sulphur
hexauoride (SF
) which together equals 11966.1 Gg CO

eq. emissions. Figure 6 gives the relative contribution of
the various gases to the total CO
equivalent emissions
from the country.
The energy sector emitted 1027015.54 Gg of CO
contributing 67% of the total GHG emissions in 2000
excluding LULUCF. The agriculture sector emitted
355600.19 Gg CO
eq, which was 23.3% of the total
GHG emissions. The industrial processes and product
use sector emitted 88608.07 Gg CO
eq., or 6.0% of the
total. The waste sector emitted 52552.29 Gg CO
eq in
2000, which was 3.4% of the total GHG emissions. Figure
7 gives the relative distribution of emissions by sectors.
The relative emissions of CO
from the energy sector to
the total GHG emissions excluding LULUCF was by far the
largest in 2000. CO
was 92.9% of the total emissions from
the energy sector. Emissions of CH
and N
O originated
mainly from the agriculture sector - 73.0% of total CH

and 75.0% of total N
O emitted in 2000 were from the
agriculture sector. The synthetic gases (HFCs, PFCs and
) were entirely emitted from the industrial processes.
The relative distribution for gas-by-gas emissions from
each sector is presented in Figure 8.
Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation
India has reasons to be concerned about climate change.
Its large population depends upon climate-sensitive
sectors like agriculture and forestry for its livelihood. Any
adverse impact on water availability due to recession
of glaciers, decrease in rainfall and increased ooding
in certain pockets would threaten food security, cause
dieback of natural ecosystems including species that
sustain the livelihood of rural households, and adversely
impact the coastal system due to sea-level rise and
increased extreme events. This aside, achievement of vital
national development goals related to other systems such
as habitats, health, energy demand and infrastructure
investments would be adversely affected.
Keeping in view the limitations of the global climate
models during the Initial National Communication (INC),
high-resolution simulations for India were carried out using
the second generation Hadley Centre Regional Climate
Model (HadRM2). It was envisaged, during the Second
National Communication (SNC), to add new scenarios
from the bouquet of emission scenarios available
from the IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios.
Subsequently, the A1B Scenario was chosen as the most
v | INDIA Second National Communication




















































































































































Executive Summary | vi
Figure 7: Greenhouse gas emission distribution by sectors in 2000
appropriate scenario as it represents high technological
development, with the infusion of renewable energy
technologies following a sustainable growth trajectory.
India now has access to PRECIS - the latest generation
of regional models from the Hadley centre. The PRECIS
is an atmospheric and land surface model having 50km x
50km horizontal resolution over the South Asian domain
and is run by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
(IITM), Pune.
Climate Change Projections
The climate change scenarios were analysed using the
above mentioned high-resolution regional climate model,
PRECIS. The model simulations have been carried out
for three QUMP (Quantifying Uncertainties in Model
Projections) for A1B scenario for the period 1961-1990
(baseline simulation) and for three time slices - 2020s
(2011-2040), 2050s (2041-2070) and 2080s (2071-
2098). Some basic parameters like rainfall, surface air
temperature, and mean sea level pressure were analysed
to get climatic projections towards the end of the present
century. Three PRECIS runs: Q0, Q1 and Q14 were
carried out for the period 1961-2098 and were utilized to
generate an ensemble of future climate change scenarios
for the Indian region. It appears that there may not be
signicant decrease in the monsoon rainfall in the future
except in some parts of the southern peninsula (Figure 9).
Q0, Q1 and Q14 simulations project 16%, 15% and 9%
rise respectively in the monsoon rainfall towards the end
of the 21
PRECIS simulations for 2020s, 2050s and 2080s indicate
an all-round warming over the Indian subcontinent. Figure
10 shows the mean annual surface air temperature from
1961(rst year of model simulation) to 2098 (last year
of model projections) as simulated by PRECIS. Data
indicates that Q14 simulations are warmer than the
remaining two simulations. The annual mean surface air
temperature rise by the end of the century ranges from
3.5C to 4.3C.
Industrial processes
Figure 6: Distribution of Greenhouse gas emissions in 2000

Energy Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture Waste
Figure 8: Relative contributions of the individual sectors (excluding LULUCF) to GHG emissions in 2000
vii | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 9: Simulated percentage change in mean monsoon precipitation in 2020s, 2050s and 2080s with respect to baseline (1961-1990)
Executive Summary | viii
Figure 10: Simulated change in mean annual surface air temperature in 2020s, 2050s and 2080s with respect to baseline (1961-1990)
ix | INDIA Second National Communication
Impact Assessment
Impact Assessment on Water Resources
Changes in key climate variables; namely temperature,
precipitation and humidity, may have signicant long
term implications for the quality and quantity of water.
The possible impacts of climate change on the water
resources of the river basins of India have been assessed
using the hydrologic model SWAT
(Soil and Water
Assessment Tool). The model requires information on
terrain, soil prole and land-use of the area as input,
which have been obtained from global sources. These
three elements are assumed to be static in the future as
well. The weather conditions (for model input) have been
provided by the IITM Pune (PRECIS outputs). Simulated
climate outputs from PRECIS regional climate model for
present /baseline (19611990, BL), near-term (2021-
2050, MC) and long-term (2071-2098, EC) for A1B IPCC
SRES socio-economic scenario has been used. Q14
QUMP (Quantifying Uncertainty in Model Predictions)
ensemble has been used for the simulation. Impacts
of climate change and climate variability on the water
resources are likely to affect irrigated agriculture, installed
power capacity, environmental ows in the dry season
and higher ows during the wet season, thereby causing
severe droughts and ood problems in urban and rural
Detailed outputs have been analysed with respect to the
two major water balance components of water yield and
actual evapo-transpiration (ET) that are highly inuenced
by the weather conditions dictated by temperature and
allied parameters. The majority of river systems show
an increase in precipitation at the basin level (Figure 11).
Only Brahmaputra, Cauvery and Pennar show marginal
decrease in precipitation under MC. The situation under
EC improves, wherein all the river systems exhibit an
increase in precipitation. The change in evapo-transpiration
under the MC scenario exhibits an appreciable increase
(close to 10%) for the Brahmaputra, Indus and Luni river
basins. All other systems show marginal increase or
Figure 11: Percentage Change in Water Yield across India
1. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is a distributed parameter and continuous time simulation model. The SWAT model has been developed to
predict the response to natural inputs as well as to man-made interventions on water and sediment yields in un-gauged catchments. The model (a) is physically
based, (b) uses readily available inputs, (c) is computationally efficient to operate and (d) is continuous time and capable of simulating long periods for
computing the effects of management changes. The major advantage of the SWAT model is that unlike the other conventional conceptual simulation models,
it does not require much calibration and therefore can be used on un-gauged watersheds (which are in fact, the usual situation).
Executive Summary | x
decrease. Only two river basins - Cauvery and Krishna -
show some decrease in ET under the EC. For a majority
of the river systems, the ET has increased by more than
40%. The major reason for such an increase in ET is on
two accounts : (i) increase in the temperature and (ii)
increase in precipitation, which enhances the opportunity
of ET.
Impact Assessment on Forests
The impacts of climate change on forests in India are
assessed based on the changes in area under different
forest types, shifts in boundary of forest types and Net
Primary Productivity (NPP). This assessment was based
on: (i) spatial distribution of current climatic variables,
(ii) future climate projected by relatively high-resolution
regional climate models for two different periods for the
A1B climate change scenario, and (iii) vegetation types,
NPP and carbon stocks as simulated by the dynamic
model IBIS v.2 (Integrated Biosphere Simulator).
SRES scenario A1B is considered for two future time
frames: (i) Time frame of 2021-2050 (atmospheric CO
concentration reaches 490ppm), which is labelled as
2035, (ii) Time frame of 2071-2100 (atmospheric CO

concentration reaches 680ppm), which is labelled as
2085. Observed climatology for period 1961-91 was
treated as baseline for the simulations.
The vegetation distribution simulated by IBIS for baseline,
and A1B scenario in the simulation grids (Figure 12)
illustrates an expansion of tropical evergreen forests
(IBIS vegetation type 1) in eastern India plateau in the
A1B scenario. Similar trend is observed in the Western
Ghats. It is interesting to note that there is almost no
vegetation type change in the northeast. Further, there
is a slight expansion of forests into the western part of
central India.
Impact on Net Primary Productivity (NPP) and Soil
Organic Carbon (SOC): The NPP tends to increase over
India for the A1B scenario (Figure 13). It increases by an
average of 30.3% by 2035, and by 56.2% by 2085 for A1B
scenario. Notably, increase is higher in the northeastern
part of India due to warmer and wetter climate predicted
A trend similar to NPP distribution is simulated for soil
organic carbon (SOC).This is to be expected as increased
NPP is the primary driver of higher litter input to the soil.
However, the quantum of increase compared to baseline
in this case is lower. This is due to the inertia of the
SOC pool and increased soil respiration. The estimates
for both NPP and SOC increase should be viewed with
caution as IBIS, compared with other dynamic vegetation
models, tends to simulate a fairly strong CO
effect. This can partly be explained by the fact that the
nitrogen cycle and acclimation of soil microbiology to the
higher temperatures are not explicitly taken into account
in IBIS. It also does not simulate forest res, which are
very common especially in dry deciduous forests of India,
dynamically. IBIS does not simulate changed pest attack
dynamics and thus, the impact of increased or decreased
pest attack in a changed climate is not included.
Figure 12: Forest type distribution and extent simulated by IBIS for
the baseline case and A1B (2035 and 2085) scenarios. (The numbers
refer to the following vegetation types 1: Tropical evergreen forest
/ woodland, 2: Tropical deciduous forest / woodland, 3. Temperate
evergreen broadleaf forest / woodland, 4: Temperate evergreen
conifer forest / woodland, 5: Temperate deciduous forest / woodland,
6: Boreal evergreen forest / woodland, 7: Boreal deciduous forest /
woodland, 8: Mixed forest / woodland, 9: Savanna, 10: Grassland/
steppe, 11: Dense shrubland, 12: Open shrubland, 13: Tundra, 14:
Desert, 15. Polar desert / rock / ice)
xi | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 14: Vulnerable grids (marked red) in the A1B scenario. Left panel is for timeframe of 2021-2050 (30.6% vulnerable grids). The right panel
is for the timeframe of 2071-2100 (45.9% grids are vulnerable).
Vulnerability of Indian forests: Forests in India are
already subjected to multiple stresses including - over-
extraction, insect outbreaks, livestock grazing, forest
res and other anthropogenic pressures. Climate change
will be an additional stress. Forests are likely to be more
vulnerable to climate change. Thus, a vulnerability map
is developed to assess the vulnerability of different forest
types and regions. A grid is marked vulnerable if there is a
change in vegetation, as simulated between the baseline
and the future (both 2035 and 2085, and A1B SRES
scenario, in this case) vegetation. This means that the
future climate may not be optimal to the present vegetation
in those grids. The distribution of this vulnerability in the
country is shown in Figure 14.
Impact Assessment on Indian Agriculture
A combination of eld studies and simulation models with
comprehensive input data-sets have been used to assess
possible impacts of climatic variability and climate change
on Indian agriculture. This has been supplemented with
statistical tools and available historical data and analysis.
Figure 13: NPP distribution (kgC/m
/year) simulated by IBIS for
baseline and A1B scenarios
Executive Summary | xii
The simulation analysis using InfoCrop
models were
carried out with inputs of the gridded weather data , soil
data , climate change scenario data , crop management
and genetic coefcients for respective crop varieties
wherever applicable. For plantation crops, the research
information from studies in controlled environments was
used to ne-tune data in the simulation models and to
develop regression models for studying the climate
change impacts on its productivity.
Impact of Climate change on Crop: A rise in atmospheric
carbon dioxide to 550 ppm under controlled environment
conditions - [Free Air CO
Enrichment - FACE, Open
Top Chambers (OTC)] -, enhanced the yields of wheat,
chickpea, green gram, pigeon pea, soybean, tomato and
potato between 14% and 27%. These enhancements
were largely due to the increase in the number of storage
organs. In most of the crops, this was accompanied
by a small reduction (2 to 10%) in the protein content.
In plantation crops like coconut, areca nut and cocoa,
increased CO
led to higher biomass.
In the case of rice - hybrid and its parental lines - elevated
positively affected a few grain quality traits such as
head recovery, test weight, proportion of high density
grains and germination characteristics but adversely
affected traits like aroma, gelatinisation temperature
(measurement of cooking quality), protein and micro-
nutrient contents. Sunower hybrids grown under elevated
conditions inside open top chambers, showed a
signicant increase in biomass (61-68%) and grain yield
(36-70%) but the quality of the produce was adversely
affected in terms of protein and micro-nutrient contents.
The magnitude of the impact of climate change on wheat
production in India, assessed through simulation studies,
indicated that an increase in 1
C in mean temperature,
associated with CO
increase, would not cause any
signicant loss if simple adaptation strategies such
as change in planting date and varieties are used. The
benets of such simple adaptation strategies, however,
gradually decrease as temperature increases to 5
C. In
the absence of adaptation and CO
fertilization benets,
a 1
C increase in temperature alone could lead to a
decrease of 6 million tonnes of wheat production. This
loss is likely to increase to 27.5 million tonnes in case of a
C increase in mean temperature.
Field experiments in Temperature Gradient Tunnels
(TGTs) and by varying dates of sowing were undertaken
to quantify the effects of increase in temperature on
growth and yield of rice, wheat, potato, green gram,
soybean, and chickpea. An increase of temperature
from 1 to 4
C reduced the grain yield of rice (0 to 49%),
potato (5 to 40%), green gram (13 to 30%) and soybean
(11 to 36%). The linear decrease per
C temperature
increase was 14%, 9.5%, 8.8%, 7.3%, and 7.2% in rice,
potato, soybean, wheat, and green gram respectively.
Chickpea, however, registered a 7 to 25% increase in
seed yield with an increase in temperature up to 3
C, but
was reduced by 13% at 4
C increase in temperature. Rice
showed no signicant change in yield upto an increase of
C temperature.
Legumes are the major rain-fed agro-ecosystems of
the country. Simulation studies were conducted using
InfoCrop models for soybean and groundnut and the
DSSAT CROPGRO model for chickpea with projected
changes in temperature, CO
and rainfall. The current
(baseline, 1961-1990), A1B (2021-2050) and A1B (2071-
2100) scenarios all indicated a positive impact of future
climate (combined change in temperature, rainfall and
levels) on their productivity. Average simulated
rain-fed yields under current (baseline) scenario were
2144, 2473 and 1948 kg/ha for soybean, groundnut and
chickpea respectively. Soybean was observed to have a
10%, and 8 % increase in yield in A1B (2021-2050) and
A1B (2071-2100) respectively. In the case of groundnut,
except for A1B (2071-2100), which showed a decline of
5% in yield, the other scenarios showed 4-7% increase in
rain-fed yields as compared to the current yield. Chickpea
showed an increase in yield to the tune of 23% and 52%
by A1B (2021-2050) and A1B (2071-2100) scenarios
respectively. Across all locations, the rain-fed yields
of soybean and groundnut showed signicant positive
association with crop season rainfall while association with
temperature was non-signicant. This indicates that under
rain-fed conditions, the availability of water will remain a
major limiting factor for the yields realized by the farmers.
However, for chickpea, which is a post-rainy winter season
crop, the simulated rain-fed yield showed a signicant
positive association with crop season temperature, while
with crop season rainfall (which is received in very meagre
amount) no signicant association was observed. The
greater positive impact of future climate on chickpea was
associated with both increase in temperature and CO

levels as the optimum temperatures for chickpea growth
and yield are between 22-28C which is much above the
2. InfoCrop is a generic dynamic crop simulation model designed to simulate the effects of weather, soil, agronomic management and major pests on crop
yield and its associated environmental impacts. The model is particularly designed for the integrated assessment of the effects of a variety of elements such
as pests, soil, weather and management practices on crop yield, water, nitrogen and carbon dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions in aerobic as well as
anaerobic conditions, especially for tropical regions.
xiii | INDIA Second National Communication
prevailing crop season mean air temperatures across
major chickpea growing regions in India.
Cotton is an important cash crop, which is mostly grown
under rain-fed conditions, making it more vulnerable to
precipitation. The model results indicate that climate
change and the consequent increased temperature and
altered pattern of precipitation might decrease the cotton
yield of northern India to a greater extent than the southern
region. The impact of climate change on rain-fed cotton,
which covers more than 65 to 70% of area and depends
on the monsoon is likely to be minimum, possibly because
of marginal increase in rain. Moreover, the stimulating
effect of CO
could offset the negative impact of climate
on cotton production. Thus, at the national level, cotton
production is unlikely to change with climate change.
Adaptive measures such as changing planting time may
further boost cotton production.
Potato, a tuber, is widely consumed in India. It was found
that, without adaptation, the total potato production in
India, under the impact of climate change, might decline
by 2.61% and 15.32% in the years 2020 and 2050,
respectively. The impacts on productivity and production
varied among different agro-ecological zones.
Plantation crops: Using a validated coconut simulation
model, the impact of elevated temperature and CO
coconut yields was simulated for different agro-climatic
zones. Overall results indicate that coconut yields are
likely to be positively inuenced by increase in CO
increase in temperature of up to 2 - 3C.
Cocoa, another plantation crop, is grown as the intercrop
either under areca nut or coconut. Being a shade-crop,
cocoa is inuenced only indirectly by the increase in
atmospheric temperature. The crop is maintained in
irrigated conditions and is presently conned to limited
pockets in the southern states of Karnataka and Kerala.
Analysis indicated that a rise in temperature by 1
C should
be benecial for crop productivity. The improvement is
likely to be about 100 kg of dry beans/ha. The cocoa
growing foothills of the Western Ghats of Karnataka are
more likely to benet than central Kerala. However, crop
management and irrigation supply should be maintained
or improved to exploit this benet. Further, an increase in
temperature beyond 3C is likely to reduce cocoa yields.
Vegetables and Fruits: Signicant effects of increased
climatic variability, if changes occur during critical periods
in growth, have been observed on short season crops
such as vegetables. Such crops have limited time to
adapt to adverse environments. Among the vegetable
crops, onion and tomato are important commercial crops
grown across the country. However, the productivity levels
are very low compared to major producing countries. This
problem of lower productivity will be further compounded
under climate change scenarios as the major onion and
tomato growing regions are under tropical conditions and
prevailing temperature conditions are already high. Onion
and tomato are sensitive to environmental extremes.
Grape is an important commercial fruit crop in India with
a productivity of 23.5 tons/ha. Grape occupies only 1% of
the area with a production of 2.7% of the major fruit crops
in India and also 2.8% of the world grape production. It
has been adapted to tropical conditions by employing the
practice of pruning twice a year. The impact of climate
change on grapes would be determined by the impact
on rainfall during the months of February to April, when
the berries mature. In severe conditions, rainfall during
the month of October, could increase the incidence of
Downey mildew disease on leaves and ower clusters. The
increase in minimum temperature during fruit maturation
plays an important role in the anthocyanin, total phenol,
total avanoids and total acidity content of the berries,
which ultimately affect the quality.
Another fruit, the productivity of which is heavily linked
with climatic variations, is apple. Analysis of current and
future climatic scenarios using HADRM2 model have
revealed that Himalayan ecosystems will suffer from
reduced winter precipitation (January-June) in sub-tropical
zones, high temperature during winters and summers,
change in seasonal rainfall patterns and signicant
reduction in snowfall. Specically, it is seen that while the
average increase in mean minimum and mean maximum
temperatures in winter during the mid period (2021-2050)
in scenario A1B will be by 2.43C and 1.74C in the sub-
tropical - sub-temperate region (districts Solan, Sirmaur,
Una, and Mandi), corresponding temperature changes in
sub temperate - temperate regions (districts of Shimla,
Kulu, Lahaul-Spiti, Kinnaur and Chamba) will be 2.77C
and 2.17C respectively. Cumulative chill units of the
coldest months have declined by 9.1 to 19.0 units per year
in the last two decades in different districts of Himachal
Pradesh. The rise in temperature will reduce the chilling-
hours accumulation, which could be a limiting factor in
more tropical areas, especially for cultivars with medium
to high chilling requirement. The temperature change will
benet apple cultivation in high altitudinal regions (> 2300
meter above sea level). Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti districts
Executive Summary | xiv
in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh are likely to be
especially beneted, due to an enhanced growing period
and reduced extreme cold weather conditions.
An important component of food that is signicantly
increasing in demand, is Milk. Increased heat stress
associated with global climate change may cause distress
to dairy animals and possibly impact milk production. A
Temperature - Humidity Index (THI) was used to relate
animal stress with productivity of milk from buffaloes,
crossbred and local cows. The THI analysis indicated that
the congenial THI for production is 0.70 and is achieved
during the months of January and February in most
places in India (Figure 15). There is an all-round increase
in THI in all the regions, which may impact the economic
viability of livestock production systems. Only about 10-
15% places have optimum THI for livestock productivity
during summer and the hot humid season. Most places
in India have THI > 75 and more than 85% of India
experiences moderate to high heat stress during April,
May and June. In these months, the value of THI ranges
from 75-85 at 2.00 p.m when the heat is at its peak. At
about 25% places in India, the THI exceeds 85 during
May and June, i.e. severe stress levels are experienced.
The night temperature remains high and morning THI
is also high so there is no relief from heat stress. On
an average, THI exceeds 75 at 75-80% places in India
throughout the year.
It is estimated that India loses 1.8 million tonnes of milk
production at present due to climatic stresses in different
parts of the country. Global warming will further negatively
impact milk production by 1.6 million tonnes by 2020 and
more than 15 million tonnes by 2050, as per studies
conducted by scientic institutions. High producing
crossbred cows and buffaloes will be more adversely
affected than indigenous cattle.
Impact Assessment on Human Health
Impact assessment of climate change on malaria is
undertaken through the assessment of Transmission
Windows (TWs). TWs of malaria are determined, keeping
in view the lower cut-off as 18
C and upper cut-off as 32
and RH from >55%. The TWs at each grid (0.44 x 0.44
deg pixel, roughly 50 x 50 km) were prepared covering
India for the baseline scenario. Monthly maps were
generated as having two classes - open and closed TW.
Keeping in view the climatic suitability for the number of
months during which transmission is open, transmission
windows/ pixels were categorised as follows:
Category I: Not a single month is open
Category II: 1-3 months open
Category III: 4-6 months open
Category IV: 7-9 months
Category V:10-12 months are open continuously for
malaria transmission.
Transmission windows have been determined based
on temperature alone as well as with a combination of
temperature and Relative Humidity (RH) and for Baseline
(1960-1990) and for the projection years 2030, 2071,
2081, 2091 and 2100.
Malaria under A1B scenario: Determination of TWs
of malaria based on Temperature (T) Drawing on
the baseline temperature from 1961-1990, three tiers
of transmission windows are visible. In the northern
states of India, there are 148 pixels with no transmission
suitability. TW category of 1-3 months is seen in districts
under Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, parts of Jammu
& Kashmir, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. Windows
of transmission increase as we progress southwards.
In Rajasthan, central India, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh,
Orissa, West Bengal and most parts of the northeastern
states, TW category of 7-9 months is seen. Most districts
in the southern states have 10-12 months open for
Figure 15: Temperature and Humidity Index map of India
xv | INDIA Second National Communication
Projections for 2030 indicate the opening of some months
of TWs in northern states like Jammu and Kashmir,
Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, which were closed in
the baseline period (Figure 16). There is a progression of
7-9 months category of TWs towards the northern districts.
In northeastern states like Tripura, parts of Assam and
Mizoram, there is an increase from 7-9 months to 10-
12 months open category. In parts of Gujarat and some
southern states (particularly towards the east coast)
there is closure of some months of TWs i.e. 10-12 month
category turning into 7-9 months. In some districts of
Orissa, which is highly endemic for malaria, an increase
in months of TWs is seen by 2030. Andaman & Nicobar
islands remain unaffected.
states, there are very few districts showing transmission
for 7-9 months. Major parts of India come under the 1-3
and 4-6 months open category of TWs. Some districts
on the eastern side of India from Tamil Nadu, Karnataka
and Andhra Pradesh show TWs open for 7-9 and 10-12
months. Transmission of malaria is open for 1-3 or 4-6
months in states like Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh
and parts of Gujarat and Karnataka.
When the TWs were compared with monthly
epidemiological data of the respective areas, they did not
match, i.e. cases occurred in more months than determined
by TWs. The TWs based on T and RH were found to be
less realistic than the TWs based on temperature alone.
This provides a clue that the resting places of mosquitoes
have a different micro-niche, particularly for RH, as
compared to outside temperatures.
Projections by the year 2030 indicate an increase in the
and 4
categories of TWs towards the northern states
of India. An increase in the 3
category of TWs towards
the southwestern districts in Karnataka is noticeable.
Programmes Related To Sustainable
Indias development plans are crafted with a balanced
emphasis on economic development and environment.
The planning process, while targeting an accelerated
economic growth, is guided by the principles of
sustainable development with a commitment to a cleaner
and greener environment. Planning in India seeks to
increase wealth and human welfare, while simultaneously
conserving the environment. It emphasizes promotion of
peoples participatory institutions and social mobilization,
particularly through empowerment of women, for ensuring
environmental sustainability of the development process.
On 30
June 2008, India announced and launched its
National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC).
The NAPCC, guided by the principles of sustainable
development (SD), aligns the environmental and economic
objectives. Broadly, the NAPCC is based on the following
Protecting the poor and vulnerable sections of society
through SD strategies that are sensitive to climate
Achieving national growth targets by means that
enhance ecological sustainability,
Devising an efcient and cost-effective strategy for
demand-side management,
Figure 16: Projection of open transmission window of malaria by 2030
(based on temperature and A1B scenario)
Figure 17: Projection of open transmission window of malaria by 2030
(based on temperature and Relative Humidity and A1B scenario)
Determination of Transmission windows of malaria
based on Temperature - (T) and Relative Humidity (RH):
Transmission windows of malaria were also determined
based on a suitable range of T and RH required (Figure
17). In general, in almost all the regions, the number of
open months for malaria transmission seems less than
when based on temperature alone. In northeastern
Executive Summary | xvi
Deploying appropriate mitigation and adaptation
technologies extensively and at an accelerated
Promoting SD through innovative and new forms of
market, regulatory and voluntary mechanisms,
Effecting implementation of various policies through
unique linkages with civil society, local governments
and public-private partnerships,
Welcoming international cooperation for research,
development, sharing and transfer of technologies
driven by external funding and facilitating a global
Intellectual Property Rights regime for such a
technology transfer under the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change
The NAPCC identies measures that promote our
development objectives while also resulting in co-benets
in terms of addressing climate change. There are eight
National Missions, which form the core of the NAPCC,
representing multi-pronged, long-term and integrated
strategies for achieving key goals in the context of climate
change. This underscores the fact that several of the
programmes enumerated under NAPCC are already
being undertaken under various schemes / programmes
of the Government of India (GoI) but in the present context
would require a change in direction, enhancement of
scope and accelerated implementation.
At the 15
Conference of Parties (COP-15) to the
UNFCCC in Copenhagen, Denmark between December
7-18, 2009; India pledged to continue a constructive role
in international climate diplomacy while emphasizing
the need for implementing a comprehensive domestic
response to reduce the emissions intensity of GDP by
20-25% by 2020, on 2005 levels (emissions from the
agriculture sector not included). Some specic actions
taken by the GoI with regards to climate change include:
Indias 12
Five-year plan (2012-2017) to be
launched on 1
April, 2012 will have, as one of its key
pillars, a low-carbon growth strategy. Detailed work
in this regard, through research and other ndings,
has been initiated by the Government of India at all
A Carbon tax on coal to fund clean energy (at the rate
of USD 1 per tonne to both domestically produced
and imported coal) was announced. The money
collected will go into the National Clean Energy Fund,
to be used for funding research, innovative projects
in clean energy technologies and environmentally
remedial programmes. The expected earnings from
the cess is around USD 500 million for the year 2010-
India has pursued aggressive strategies on forestry
and coastal management, recognizing their ecological
and livelihood signicance. A major coastal zone
management programme has been launched to
address the adaptation challenges facing over 300
million vulnerable inhabitants in these regions.
Promoting regional and international cooperation
has been one of the key achievements of the GoI
regarding climate change. SAARC (South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation) adopted
the Thimpu Statement on Climate Change on 29th
April 2010. This statement, among other things,
calls for an Inter-Governmental Expert Group on
Climate Change to develop a clear policy direction
for regional cooperation on climate change. Sharing
of knowledge among the SAARC countries will help
in better assessment of all areas related to climate
The Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) conceived as CDM
Programme of Activity (PoA) for mass distribution of
CFLs in India has been registered successfully by
the CDM Executive Board. The programme has been
developed to promote energy efcient lighting.
The past few years have witnessed the introduction of
landmark environmental measures in India that have
targeted conservation of rivers, improvement of urban air
quality, enhanced forestation and a signicant increase
in installed capacity of renewable energy technologies.
These and other similar measures, afrmed by the
democratic and legislative processes, have been
implemented by committing additional resources as
well as by realigning new investments. These deliberate
actions, by consciously factoring in Indias commitment
to UNFCCC, have reinforced the alignment of economic
development to a more climate friendly and sustainable
A planned approach to development has been the central
process of the Indian democracy, as reected in the
national Five-Year Plans, departmental annual plans, and
perspective plans of various ministries of the central and
state governments. For more than six decades, the guiding
objectives of the Indian planning process have been: (i)
sustained economic growth, (ii) poverty alleviation, (iii)
food, (iv) health, (v) education and (vi) shelter for all,
(vii) containing population growth, (viii) employment
xvii | INDIA Second National Communication
generation, (ix) self-reliance, (x) peoples participation
in planning and programme implementation and (xi)
infrastructure development. In the present context of
climate change, development has focused on enhancing
the adaptive and mitigative capacity of the economy; and
thereby the GoI has initiated policies, programmes and
missions aimed in that direction. Infrastructure emerged as
a key sector during the 11
plan period (2007-2012), with its
role as a backbone through which the economy ourishes,
and therefore the GoI initiated new policy measures to
ensure infrastructure growth in line with economic growth.
A key feature of the vigorous infrastructure growth policy
has been the adoption of a sustainable development path
wherein infrastructure choices were made, keeping in
mind the long term perspective of ensuring lesser impacts
due to likely climate change and avoiding critical lock-ins.
Thus, measures like developing the renewable energy
sector, shift towards public transport, enhancing rural and
urban infrastructure and others were aimed at enhancing
the adaptive and mitigative capacities of the economic
A major weakness in the economy during the 10

plan was that the growth was not perceived as being
sufciently inclusive for many groups. Gender inequality
was considered to be a persistent problem. The 11
seeks to remedy these deciencies by accelerating the
pace of growth, while also making it more inclusive. The
objective of inclusiveness is reected in the adoption of
26 monitor-able targets at the national level pertaining
to income and poverty, education, health, women and
children, infrastructure and environment.
The programmes and institutions to promote energy
efciency, energy conservation and renewable energy
technologies were initiated over two decades ago in India.
The reforms in the energy and power sectors have resulted
in accelerated economic growth, improvements in fuel
quality, technology stocks, infrastructure, management
practices, and lowered the barriers to efciency
improvements. The planned actions and economic
reforms have contributed positively to the rapidly declining
growth rate of energy intensity in India. The Government
of India, through its various institutions and resources, has
also taken steps to de-couple the Indian energy system
from carbon in the long run. These include measures to
promote low and no-carbon fuels such as natural gas and
renewable energy. The double de-coupling, rst of energy
growth from economic growth and second of carbon from
energy, demonstrates Indias active commitment and
response to the objectives of UNFCCC.
Research And Systematic Observation
The Government of India attaches high priority to the
promotion of R&D in the multi-disciplinary aspects of
environmental protection, conservation and development;
including research in climate change. Several central
government ministries/departments promote, undertake
and coordinate climate and climate-related research
activities and programmes in India. This is done through
various departments, research laboratories, universities
and autonomous institutions of excellence such as the
Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), Indian Institutes
of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institute of Science
(IISc) with the non-governmental and private organizations
providing synergy and complementary support. The
Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF), Earth System Science
Organisation (ESSO)/Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES),
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Ministry of Water Resources
(MoWR), Ministry of Human Resource Development
(MHRD), Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE),
Ministry of Defense (MoD), Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare (MoHFW), and Department of Space (DoS) are
the key ministries/departments of the Government of
India which promote and undertake climate and climate
change-related research and systematic observations in
the country.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)/
Department of Space (DOS) has been pursuing
studies on climate and environment and has developed
considerable understanding about the processes
governing the phenomena. The Centres of ISRO/ DOS,
viz. National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL),
Space Physics Laboratory (SPL), Physical Research
Laboratory (PRL), Space Applications Centre (SAC), and
ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), with their inherent scientic
and technical strengths, are engaged in various research
studies, activities related to the Earths climate system,
and in designing sensors and satellites, and ground-
based observation systems for studying the climate and
environmental parameters.
With a view to understanding the scientic aspects of
climate, ISRO, through its ISRO Geosphere-Biosphere
Programme (ISRO-GBP), with multi-institutional
participation, has been pursuing studies on climate over
the past two decades. The studies have addressed
atmospheric aerosols, trace gases, GHGs, paleo-
climate, land cover change, atmospheric boundary layer
dynamics, energy and mass exchange in the vegetative
Executive Summary | xviii
systems, National Carbon Project (NCP) and Regional
Climate Modelling (RCM). ISRO has also carried out
extensive campaigns integrating satellite, aircraft, balloon
and ground-based measurements, jointly with many sister
institutions in the country.
The satellite remote sensing data have been put into
use over a wide spectrum of themes, which include land
use/ land cover, agriculture, water resources, surface
water and ground water, coastal and ocean resources
monitoring, environment, ecology and forest mapping,
and infrastructure development.
Other than the government ministries, several autonomous
institutions and NGOs are engaged in climate change-
related research. IIM Ahmedabad and IIT Delhi are front-
runners. The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development
Research, an institution established by the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI), is engaged in the estimation of the climatic
factors that may affect Indias development pathways.
NGOs like The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI),
Development Alternatives, Centre for Science and
Environment, and the Society for Himalayan Glaciology,
Hydrology, Ice, Climate and Environment operate in
project-based research mode on various topics such as
climate change vulnerability, impacts and related studies.
A coordinated research programme on Global and
Regional Climate Change (GRCC) during the 11
has been launched to build a National Climate Change
Monitoring and Research Network. A programme ofce
has been established at the ESSO/MoES headquarters to
operate the GRCC programme to integrate all envisaged
activities in support of supplementing unied scientic
response to global warming launched under the NAPCC.
As a part of GRCC, a dedicated Centre for Climate
Change Research (CCCR) to undertake studies on the
scientic aspects of climate change has been established
at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)
Pune. CCCR is focusing on all scientic issues including
modelling the susceptibility of various agricultural crops,
their yield and diseases, water, nitrogen, ozone, GHG ux
measurements and CO
cycle sequestration.
Preliminary research has been initiated on vulnerability
assessment due to climate change on various socio-
economic sectors and natural ecosystems in India during
the preparation of Indias Initial National Communication
to the UNFCCC. Indian climate change scenarios at
the sub-regional level were developed to estimate
impacts on ecological and socio-economic systems. In
the Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,
the networks are being strengthened to consolidate the
impacts, vulnerability assessment and adaptation for
climate change for short, medium and longterm, across
regional, sub-regional and national levels. The Indian
Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) under
MoEF conducted a major assessment: Climate Change
and India: A 4x4 Assessment- A Sectoral and Regional
Analysis. This study was an assessment of the impact
of climate change in the 2030s on four key sectors of
the Indian economy, namely agriculture, water, natural
ecosystems & biodiversity, and health in four climate
sensitive regions of India, namely the Himalayan region,
the Western Ghats, the coastal area and the north-eastern
Education, Training and Public Awareness
The Government of India has created mechanisms for
increasing awareness on climate change issues through
outreach and education initiatives. The Environmental
Information System (ENVIS) centres throughout the
country generate and provide environmental information to
decision makers, policy planners, scientists, researchers
and students through web-enabled centres.
Three major institutional mechanisms have been evolved
by the Government of India so as to streamline the
countrys response to climate change challenges. They
are: (i) Inter-Ministerial and Inter-agency Consultative
Mechanism; (ii) Expert Committee on Impacts of Climate
Change and (iii) the Prime Ministers Council on Climate
In line with the GoIs commitment to spreading awareness
about climate change education and strengthening the
scientic network, the National Mission on Strategic
Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC) was identied
to build a vibrant and dynamic knowledge system that
would inform and support national action for responding
effectively to the objectives of sustainable development.
In order to further facilitate implementation of the National
Action Plan, the National Knowledge Commission (NKC),
an advisory body to the Prime Minister, was also identied
as being an important component regarding climate
change education. It is envisaged that the Commission
Build excellence into the educational system to meet
the knowledge needs/challenges and increase Indias
competitive advantage,
Improve the management of institutions engaged in
intellectual property rights,
Promote knowledge applications in agriculture and
xix | INDIA Second National Communication
industry; and knowledge capabilities to make the
government an effective, transparent and accountable
service provider to the citizen,
Promote widespread sharing of knowledge to
maximize public benet.
The scope of the efforts to develop a comprehensive
understanding of environmental and climate change
issues in India extends beyond the diverse sensitisation
activities conducted through and by the ministry. High
quality scientic research contributes to updating the
wealth of available knowledge on these issues and
building condence in various climate change adaptation
and mitigation efforts. INCCA (Indian Network for Climate
Change Assessment), established by the MoEF in October
2009, is a network-based initiative and approach to make
science, particularly the 3 Ms Measuring, Modelling and
Monitoring the salient input for policy-making in climate
change. It brings together over 127 research institutions
and over 220 scientists from across the country. Till now,
INCCA has completed two assessment reports and one
Science Plan. The rst report of the INCCA was about
Indias GHG emissions inventory for 2007; the second was
an assessment report titled Climate Change and India:
A 4x4 assessment- A Sectoral and Regional Analysis.
Recently, the science plan on the Black Carbon Research
Initiative: National Carbonaceous Aerosol Programme
was also launched.
Industry associations have also played an active role
in awareness generation through various activities like
preparation of technology transfer projects, workshops,
training, publication, and interactive and knowledge-
based websites.
Besides these, numerous capacity building initiatives
have been undertaken in India. A vital aspect of this
process has been the participation by the central and
state government agencies, research institutions, non-
government organizations and industry. The GoI has
instituted consultative processes for climate change
policies. Indian researchers have made signicant
contributions to international scientic assessments.
Awareness workshops and seminars on the issues
concerning climate change have been conducted across
the country over the last decade with wide participation.
However, in the wake of the complexity of climate change
issues, the task is far from complete, and assessments in
a range of areas and analysis of uncertainties and risks
remain to be resolved.
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial,
Technical and Capacity Needs
In accordance with Indias national circumstances and
development priorities, a description of the constraints
and gaps, and related nancial, technical and capacity
needs, as well as proposed activities for overcoming the
gaps and constraints associated with the implementation
of activities, measures and programmes envisaged under
the UNFCCC, and with the preparation and improvement
of national communications on a continuous basis has
been highlighted. Some projects that were identied for
building research capacity and climate change project
implementation in India as part of the preparatory
process for future national communication and some
others have been identied and elucidated. The coverage
is not an exhaustive elucidation of Indias nancial and
technological needs and constraints. Some of the
projects and themes are those that have been identied
during the implementation of the enabling activity for the
Second National Communication. With more scientic
understanding and increasing awareness, further areas
of work could be identied.
The Indian government visualizes the Second National
Communication (SNC) as an opportunity to enrich and
enhance Indias experience in identifying constraints,
gaps and related nancial, technical and capacity needs
to adequately full our obligations under the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
including a continuing need for improving the quality
of national GHG inventories, regional and sectoral
assessment of vulnerabilities and adaptation responses,
and communication of information on a continuous basis.
The broad participatory domestic process for preparing
Indias Second National Communication has contributed to
an improved understanding of the challenges associated
with formulating an appropriate policy response for
addressing climate change concerns in India, while
simultaneously building capacity in diverse disciplines
such as inventory estimation, emission coefcient
measurements, quantitative vulnerability assessment,
and inventory data management.
A key area requiring attention is data requirements for
continuous reporting. Measures for bridging the data
gaps and overcoming data barriers for the future national
communication exercises would include designing
compatible data reporting formats for continuous GHG
inventory reporting at detailed sub-sector and technology
levels, gathering reliable data for informal sectors of the
Executive Summary | xx
economy, enhancing data depths to move to a higher tier
of inventory reporting and conducting detailed and fresh
measurements for Indian emission coefcients. This would
entail substantial nancial commitment, fresh technical
inputs and building of scientic capacity (Key gaps and
constraints highlighted in Table 3).
Capacity building, networking and resource commitment
form the core of the institutional setting of the Indian
climate change research initiatives. The approach follows
a shared vision for cooperative research for strengthening
and enhancing scientic knowledge, institutional capacity
(instrumentation, modelling tools, data synthesis and data
management), technical skills for climate change research
inter-agency collaboration and networking and medium to
long-term resource commitment.
The enhanced capacity is envisaged to be effectively
used for renement of GHG inventories, making future
projections with reduced uncertainties and at higher
resolutions, developing long-term GHG emission
scenarios, for undertaking detailed impact assessments
and formulation of adaptation/response strategies to
combat climate change, to undertake integrated impact
assessments at sub-regional and regional scales and
help in diffusion of climate friendly technologies.
Given the magnitude of the tasks, complexities of
technology solutions and diversity of adaptation actions
envisaged for an improved and continuous reporting of
national communications in the future, the incremental
nancial needs would be enormous to address and
respond to the requirements of the Convention.
Given that the technology needs of developing countries
in relation to climate challenges are diverse and that
deployment often requires a range of activities (not only
technical, but many others as well), the term technology
transfer provides too narrow a perspective and framework
for successfully leveraging technologies for meeting
climate challenges. The agenda for moving ahead must be
viewed with the understanding that the necessary elements
must be appropriately tailored both to the specics of
the technology as well as national circumstances. At the
same time, the importance of controlling GHGs through
the application of new technologies on terms which make
such an application economically and socially benecial
must also be recognized, as highlighted in the UNFCCC.
Such a technology framework should encompass the
following elements: Financial assistance, Technology
deployment in developed countries, Joint technology
development, Knowledge sharing for enhancing
deployment and Capacity building . A better understanding
of the application of these elements in the context of India
needs to be assessed and identied therein.
Table 3: Key gaps and constraints for sustained national communication activities
Gaps and
Details Possible approach
Data organization Data not available in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC)-friendly formats, for inventory reporting
Consistent reporting formats
Mismatch in top-down and bottom-up data sets for same activities Regular monitoring and consistency check on
collected data
Mismatch in sectoral details across different published documents Consistent reporting formats
Non-availability of
relevant data
Time series data for some specic inventory sub-categories, for
example, municipal solid waste sites
Generate and maintain relevant data sets
Data for informal sectors of economy Data surveys
Data for rening inventory to higher tier levels Data depths to be improved
Data non-accessibility Proprietary and trade secret data for inventory reporting at Tier-III
Involve industry, industry associations, and
monitoring institutions
Data not in electronic formats Standardize data reporting and centralize data in
usable electronic format
Security concerns Protocols to access data
Procedural delays Awareness generation
Technical and
institutional capacity
Training the activity data generating institutions in inventory
methodologies and data formats
Extensive training programmes
Institutionalize linkages of inventory estimation and climate change
Wider dissemination activities
emission coefcients
Inadequate sample size for representative emission coefcient
measurements in many sub-sectors
Conduct more measurements, statistical sampling
Non-availability of resources to sustain National Communication networks Global Environment Facility (GEF)/international
timely funding
xxi | INDIA Second National Communication
his chapter, in accordance with the guidelines of 17/CP.8, contains
information on Indias geography, climate, and economy, based on
which, the country would be addressing the challenges due to climate
change. These national conditions and circumstances are important as
these will determine Indias ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
The chapter details the nature of Indias climatic conditions and its water
resources, forest endowment, and land-use characteristics. Since a large
population of India is based in rural areas, the state of the countrys agriculture
and livestock is also detailed. The changing nature of Indias demography and
household characteristics, a key structural transformation, is also identified
and recognized. In the context of climate change, energy use and its
characteristics play a key role; therefore, in this chapter, a detailed account
of the changing nature of Indias energy structure is given. Institutions and
governance, especially environmental governance, have been identified as key
constituents of Indias evolving economy; therefore, it is imperative to assess
the existing state of environmental governance in the country. The economy
of the country, its structure, and impact (poverty and employment) need
special attention to understand the ability of the country to deal with climate
change and the impact on climate change. The state of Indias environmental
governance and economy has been separately discussed in this chapter. In
response to the imperatives of a low-carbon growth strategy, India identified
low-carbon growth as a key pillar for its 12
Five-year Plan period and beyond.
The chapter culminates with a summary of the recent assessment on Indias
low-carbon growth strategy, but not before underlying the importance of
sustainable development as a key to address climate change challenges.
Climate 3
Water Resources, Land Use and Forests 5
Water resources 5
Land use 6
Forests 6
Agriculture and Livestock 8
Agriculture 8
Livestock 9
Natural Disasters 9
Demographic Prole 10
Households 12
Governance Prole 13
Environmental and climate change governance 13
Economic Prole 15
Gross domestic product and its structure 17
The Indian budget 18
Poverty 18
Employment 19
Energy Prole 20
Primary energy supply 22
Primary energy demand 23
Power Sector 24
Transport 25
Reforms and Ghg Emissions 27
The Energy Conservation Act 2001 27
Reforms in the electricity sector 27
Renovation and modernization, and distribution reforms 27
The Electricity Act 2003 27
Reforms in the hydrocarbons sector 28
Petroleum product pipeline policy 29
Auto fuel policy 29
Reforms in the coal sector 29
Low Carbon Strategy 29
Indias Commitment to Climate Change
and Sustainable Development 31
References and Sources 32
Chapter 1 National Circumstances
2 | INDIA Second National Communication
India, anked by the Himalayas in the north and lying in
the sub-tropical terrain, is adorned with largely diverse
topography, climate and biosphere, spanning across
a geographic area of 3.28 million km
. The country is
situated between 66E to 98E and 8N to 36N and has
a range of physio-geographic features (Figure 1.1) that
are shared widely by its 28 states and 7 union territories.
These features are mainly classied as mountainous
terrain (Himalayan range, Western Ghats), northern
plains, peninsular plateau, deserts, coastal plains (East
and West Coasts), and island groups (Andaman and
Nicobar, Lakshadweep). India juts out into the Indian
Ocean and is surrounded by the Arabian Sea on the west
and the Bay of Bengal in the east. The country also borders
Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. Occupying
almost 2.3% of the worlds land area, the country is the
seventh largest in the world but holds a massive 18% of
the worlds population. This puts the country under great
stress to ensure sustainable development and harness
its resources efciently. India shelters over 1.21 billion
people representing various socio-cultural groups that
collectively set up the worlds largest democracy.
Indias climate is strongly inuenced by the Himalayas in
the north and the Thar Desert in the west. The Himalayas
act as a barrier to the frigid katabatic winds blowing down
from Central Asia, keeping the bulk of the Indian sub-
continent warmer than most locations at similar latitudes.
India is gifted with a variety of climatic conditions due to
its distinct geography. These climatic aspects inuence
the biology, culture, and economics of the country. The
Himalayas shelter India from the sub-tropical winds from
China and produce a tropical effect. Land areas in the
north of the country have a continental climate, with
erce summer heat that alternates with cold winters when
temperature plunges to freezing point. In contrast are
the coastal regions of the country where the warmth is
unvarying and the rains are frequent. The rainfall pattern
varies surprisingly at different locations of the country,
ranging from an average annual rainfall of less than 13
cm over the Thar Desert to about 1187 cm at Mawsynram
in the Khasi hill district of Meghalaya (Figure 1.2). The
rainfall pattern roughly reects the different climatic
aspects of the country, which vary from humid in the
North East (about 180 days in a year) to arid in Rajasthan
(20 days in a year)
. The peninsular regions, which are
primarily rain-fed, extend from the humid West Coast
to the arid central and eastern parts of the country. The
most important feature of Indias climate is the monsoon
season. The monsoon season is so important and critical
to the Indian climate that the rest of the seasons are quite
often referred relative to it. The country is inuenced by
two seasons of rains accompanied by seasonal reversal
of winds from January to July. During winters, dry and
cold air blowing from the northerly latitudes from a
north-easterly direction prevails over the Indian region.
Consequent to the intense heat of the summer months,
the northern Indian landmass gets heated up and draws
moist winds over the oceans, causing a reversal of the
winds over the region. This is called the summer or the
south-west monsoon.
1 A rainy day is defined as a day with a rainfall of 2.5 mm and above, as per the operational practice of the Indian Meteorological Department.
Figure 1.1: Physiographic zones of India
Source: State of Forest Report, 2001
National Circumstances | 29
In India, four principal seasons can be identied in a
Winter season: January and February
Pre-monsoon or summer season: March, April and
South-west monsoon season: June, July, August,
and September
Post-monsoon or north-east monsoon season:
October, November and December
The cold weather or the winter season starts in January
over the country while January can be included in winter
season for north-western parts of the country. Clear skies,
ne weather, light northerly winds, low humidity and
temperature, and large daytime variations of temperature
are the normal features of the weather in India from
December to February. The cold air mass, extending from
the Siberian region, inuences the Indian sub-continent
(at least all of the north and most of the central India)
during the winter months. The Himalayas obstruct some
of the spreading cold air mass. Mean winter temperature
increases from north to south up to 17N, the decrease
being sharp as one moves northwards in the north-
western parts of the country. During January, mean
temperature varies from 14C to 27C. The mean daily
minimum temperature ranges from 22C in the extreme
south to 10C in the northern plains and 6C in Punjab.
Rains during this season generally occur over the western
Himalayas and extreme north-eastern parts, Tamil Nadu,
and Kerala.
The mean daily temperature starts rising all over the
country by the end of the winter season, and by April,
the interior parts of the peninsula record mean daily
temperature of 3035C. Central regions become warm,
with day time maximum temperature reaching about 40C
at many locations. During this season, stations in Gujarat,
northern Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and northern Madhya
Pradesh are marked by high daytime and low night-time
temperature. At many locations in these regions, the range
of daytime maximum and night-time minimum temperature
exceeds 15C. In the north and north-west regions of the
country, the maximum temperature rises sharply, reaching
values exceeding 45C by the end of May and early June,
bringing in the harsh summers (Figure 1.3). In the coastal
areas of the country, land and sea breezes predominate
due to the stronger temperature contrast between the land
and sea during this season. The change in the climatic
conditions in summers results in the formation of many
natural hazards. Thunderstorm associated with rain and
sometimes hail is the predominant phenomenon of this
season. Over the dry and hot plains of north-west India,
dust storms (known locally as andhis), accompanied
with strong dust-laden winds, occur frequently. Violent
thunderstorms with strong winds and rain lasting for short
duration also occur over the eastern and north-eastern
regions in the states of Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam.
They are called Norwesters because they generally
approach a location from the north-west direction (locally
they are known as Kal Baisakhis in the context of their
season of occurrence).
Tropical cyclones, which are intense circulations of 200
300 km diameter, with winds blowing at velocities close
to 150 km/h, form in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian
Sea during this season. These are mainly caused due to
the high pressure build-up over the ocean in summers
and greatly affect the coastal areas. The storms generally
Figure 1.2: Rainfall profile of India
Mean annual number of rainy days
(>2.5mm rainfall/day)
Mean intensity of rainfall
One day extreme rainfall
4 | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 1.3: Temperature profile of India
move in the north-westerly direction rst and later take the
northerly or north-easterly path. Storms forming over the
Bay of Bengal are more frequent than the ones originating
over the Arabian Sea. About 2.3 storms are formed on an
average during a year.
South-west monsoon over India is the single most
important feature of the countrys climate. Although
the south-west monsoon (also known as the summer
monsoon) period over the country is generally taken to
be four months (JuneSeptember), its actual period at a
specic place differs, depending on the date of its onset
and withdrawal. The duration of the monsoon varies from
less than 75 days in western Rajasthan to more than 120
days over the south-western regions of the peninsular
India. The proximity of the ocean plays an important factor
in increasing the temperature in the southern regions.
Rains during this season alone contribute to about 80%
of the annual rainfall in the country. Normally, the south-
west monsoon sets in over the Kerala coast, the southern
tip of the country, by 1
June and then advances along the
Konkan coast in early June and extends over the entire
country by the end of July. On islands in the Bay of Bengal,
the onset occurs about a week earlier. Onset of the
monsoon over the country is one of the most spectacular
meteorological events every year and is looked upon with
great expectations by the people of India as it heralds
rainy season and the beginning of the sowing operations
on a large sale. The south-west monsoon rains exhibit a
striking regularity in their seasonal onset and distribution
within the country, but are variable both within the season
and from one year to another. Global features like El Nio,
Northern Hemispheric temperature, and snow cover over
Eurasia are known to inuence the year-to-year variability
of monsoon performance. Within a season, the monsoon
rainfall oscillates between active spells associated with
widespread rains over most parts of the country and
breaks with little rainfall activity over the plains and heavy
rains across the foothills of the Himalayas. Heavy rainfall
in the mountainous catchments under break conditions
leads to the occurrence of oods over the plains. Breaks
are also associated with very uncomfortable weather due
to high humidity and temperature.
Towards the latter half of September, the south-west
monsoon current becomes feeble and starts withdrawing
from the north-western parts of India. By the end of
September, it withdraws from almost all parts of the
country and is slowly replaced by northerly continental
airow. The post-monsoon or north-east monsoon season
is a transitional season when north-easterly airow gets
established over the sub-continent. These winds produce
the winter or north-east monsoon rains over the southern
tip of the country during the transitional period. The Bay of
Bengal during this season is a source of cyclonic systems
of low pressure called the monsoon depressions. These
storms can also cause widespread damage due to high
velocity winds and tidal waves in the coastal regions.
They form in the northern part of the bay with an average
frequency of about two to three per month and move in
a northward or north-westward direction, bringing well-
distributed rainfall over the central and northern parts of
the country. The path taken by these depressions critically
inuences the distribution of rainfall over the northern and
central India.
Water Resources, Land Use, and Forests
Water resources
Water is the most critical component of life support
system. According to the UN World Population database,
India shares nearly 18.0% of the global population, but
it has only 4% of the total freshwater resources. India is
a land of many rivers. There are 12 rivers, classied as
major rivers, the total catchment area of which is 252.8
million hectare (Mha), covering more than 75% of the total
area of the country. The rivers in India are classied as
the Himalayan rivers, peninsular rivers, coastal rivers, and
inland drainage basin. The Himalayan rivers are snow-fed
and maintain a high-to-medium rate of ow throughout
the year. The heavy annual average rainfall levels in the
Himalayan catchment areas further add to their rates of
ow. During the summer monsoon months of June to
September, the catchment areas are prone to ooding.
The volume of the rain-fed peninsular rivers also increases
during the monsoon. The coastal streams, especially
those in the west, are short and episodic. The rivers of
National Circumstances | 5
the inland system, centered in the western Rajasthan, are
few and sparse and frequently disappear altogether in the
years of poor rainfall.
Groundwater is another major component of the total
available water resources. In the coming years, the
groundwater utilization for expansion of irrigated agriculture
and achievement of national targets of food production is
likely to increase manifold. Although groundwater resource
is replenished annually, its availability is non-uniform in
space and time. Extraction of large volumes of groundwater
without equivalent replenishment leads to faster depletion
of water table, affecting water quality. Also more energy is
needed to pump out water from a deeper water table. The
estimated utilizable water resources stand at 1122 km
with the surface water resources contributing 60% and
the groundwater resources contributing the rest.
Land use
According to the Agricutural Statistics at a Glance 2010,
46.1% of the reported area for land use estimation is
under agriculture, and 23.9% under forest and tree cover
(Figure 1.4). The remaining nearly one-third of the land
area is distributed between fallow land, other uncultivated
land excluding fallow land and not available for cultivation.
The land use pattern in India has been affected by a
variety of factors such as population pressure, expanding
urbanization, industrial growth, grazing pressure,
availability of irrigation facilities, diversion of forest land to
other uses, the law of inheritance, and natural calamities
like ood and drought. According to the statistics published
by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation in its
publication titled Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2010,
it can be observed that per capita availability of forest
and agricultural land has shown signicant declining
Figure 1.5: Indian forest cover assessments, 19872007
Source: State of Forest Report, 19872009
Note: Mangroves are not covered in either dense or open forests
during 198797 but are included in the total forest area. However,
they have been sub-classified into dense and open forests since 1999.
Figure 1.4: Land use changes in India
Source: Agricultural Statistics at a Glance, 2010
trend over the past 50 years. For instance, the per capita
availability of forest land stood at 0.113 ha in 1950/51.
By 2007/08, this number has reduced at a rapid rate to
0.061 ha. Similarly per capita net area sown has reduced
for the same period from 0.331 ha to 0.124 ha. However,
over the years, the area under forests and agriculture has
increased but remained more or less constant in the last
couple of decades.
India is endowed with diverse forest types ranging from
tropical wet evergreen forests in the North East and the
South West to tropical dry thorn forests in the central and
western India. According to the various State of Forest
Reports (published by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests), the forests of India can be divided into 16 major
types comprising 221 sub-types. Area under forests, as
per land records, was 683,100 km
in 1994 and 696,260
in 2007. However, the entire area recorded as forest
did not bear forest cover (as this includes grassland,
wasteland, and desert under the administrative control
of the state forest departments). Indias forest cover for
2007 was assessed by the Forest Survey of India through
satellite imagery interpretation to be 690,899 km
1.5). An additional area of 92,769 km
was marked,
making the total tree and forest cover to be 23.84% of the
countrys geographic area in 2007. A comparison of the
forest cover of India between the years 2000 and 2007
shows a net increase in forest cover by 57,502 km
. Dense
forest (>40% tree canopy cover) decreased by 14,287 km

(excluding dense mangroves). However, the area under
mangroves declined by 157 km
during 2001 to 2007.
It is to be noted that the forest cover of India has been
increasing steadily over the years due to the adoption
Not available for Cultivation Other Uncultivated land Excluding fallow land
Forests Fallow Land
Net Sown area
6 | INDIA Second National Communication
of various conservation and climate-friendly policies of
the government. This increase is despite the diversion of
forest land for non-forest purposes, such as agriculture,
for feeding our increasing population, and developmental
activities such as construction of river valley projects,
industrialization, mining, and road construction.
The forests of India are a source of fuel and fodder for
rural people, an industrial input for a growing economy, a
habitat for thousands of plant and animal species, a sink
for CO
emissions, and a protective cover for their soils.
An effective Forest (Conservation) Act (1980), further
strengthened in 1988, stipulating a massive afforestation
programme, establishment of reserves, and re-vegetation
of degraded lands through joint forest management and
peoples participation helped India to conserve its forests
and put a check on the diversion of forest land to non-forest
uses. In spite of such measures, the average growing
stock in India is 74 m
/ha, much lower than the global
average of 110 m
/ha. In spite of the various conservation
measures, the forests themselves are degrading because
of continued illegal felling, extraction of fuelwood and non-
timber products, invasion by weeds, and forest res.
Planned afforestation programmes began in the late
1950s as a government policy for conserving soil,
producing industrial raw material, fuelwood, and fodder,
and increasing tree cover in the urban areas. After the
establishment of the Forest Development Corporations in
the states and launch of social forestry projects, large-
scale afforestation activity began in the year 1979. While
the forest corporations continued planting industrially
important species after clear felling of the commercially
less valued forests, most of the plantations under social
forestry were done outside the forest reserves, along rail,
road, and canal sides, in other government wastelands,
and in private farmlands, using short rotation species.
Despite these policy-induced forest cover enhancements,
uncontrolled grazing by domestic livestock in forest areas
is perhaps one of the most important reasons for the
degradation of forests in India as it destroys the seedlings
and young recruits, and in turn the regeneration process.
It has been estimated that about 77.6% of Indias forests
are affected by livestock grazing. Pressure of grazing has
increased tremendously owing to a continuously growing
cattle population. Shifting cultivation mostly practised in the
north-eastern parts of India is another factor responsible
for the degradation of forests. An area of about 18,765
(0.59% of the total geographical area) is under
shifting cultivation. Though the earlier practice of 1520
years cycle of shifting cultivation on a particular land is
now reduced to 23 years, this agricultural practice has
resulted in large-scale deforestation, and soil, nutrient,
and biodiversity loss. About 53% of the forests in India
are affected by re, and of these, 8.9% report frequent
re incidences, while occasional res affect 44.2% of the
forest area in India (Dikshit et al., 2004; Bora and Saikia,
2007; Singh and Shah, 2007). These results are not
indicative of the annual re, but indicate that the areas
are denitely prone to heavy or light res, and there have
been incidences of re in the past.
Almost 53.4% of Indias land area comprises arid and
semi-arid regions. In these regions, cultivation is restricted
to more productive but limited land, while a large animal
population depends on native vegetation. The rains are
erratic and often come in the form of a few heavy storms
of short duration, resulting in high run-off instead of
replenishing groundwater. Protective vegetation cover
is sparse, and there is very little moisture for the most
part of the year. Indias arid zone is the most densely
populated desert in the world. The growing pressure on
the land due to ever increasing population (both human
and cattle) and absence of any subsidiary occupation
compel people to cultivate the marginal lands and graze
the dunes. There is severe wind erosion in areas that
have bare soils and unconsolidated geologic material like
sand. The area subjected to high wind erosion is about
59.2 Mha, which includes about 7.03 Mha of cold desert
in Ladakh and Lahaul valleys. In the western Rajasthan,
the process of desertication is active in about 13.3 Mha
(MoA, 2008). The Government of India is committed to
the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertication
and provides nancial support and guidance for the
implementation of centrally sponsored schemes such as
Desert Development Programme, Drought Prone Areas
Programme, and the Integrated Watershed Projects in the
Wetlands in India are distributed in various ecological
regions ranging from the cold and arid zone of Ladakh
through the wet Imphal in Manipur, and the warm and
arid zone of RajasthanGujarat to the tropical monsoon-
inuenced central India, and the wet humid zone of the
southern peninsula. Recent remote sensing studies
(Narayanakumar and Kumaraswamy, 2006; Thangamani
and Rao, 2007) show that the total wetland area of India
is 7.58 Mha; of this, 5.3 Mha is natural wetland, whereas
2.26 Mha is man-made wetland (MoA, 2008).
National Circumstances | 7
The wetland statistics of the country have been updated
using the satellite remote sensing data of 2006-07 at
1:50,000 scale using a 19 type classication code. The
results indicate total wetland area of India as 15.245
Mha; excluding the rivers, the total area estimate stands
at 10 Mha. Of this, around 67.0% area is occupied by
natural wetlands and the rest by manmade ones. For
the rst time, the inventory of high altitude wetlands
(above 3000m elevation) have been carried out, which
shows total 4703 wetlands occupying 126249 ha area
(MoEF, 2011; Panigrahy et al., 2011).
The coastal areas of India accommodate about one-
fourth of the countrys population that depends, to a large
extent, on marine resources. Nine of the Indian states,
namely, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala,
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, and West Bengal,
are situated along the long coastline. In addition, some
of the union territories such as Pondicherry and Daman,
and groups of islands, including Andaman and Nicobar in
the Bay of Bengal and Lakshadweep in the Arabian Sea,
also constitute coastal ecosystems of great economic and
ecological importance.
Agriculture and Livestock
Indian society is an agrarian society, with 70% of the
population almost completely dependent on agriculture,
even though the share of agriculture in the gross domestic
product (GDP) has been continuously declining. Spatially,
it is the most widespread economic pursuit, claiming
more than 40% of the countrys total area. Agriculture will
continue to be important in Indias economy in the years
to come. It feeds a growing population, employs a large
labour force, and provides raw material to agro-based
While it is agreed that given the physical and
bio-genetic diversity of the Indian sub-continent, a strategy
of diversied and regionally differentiated agriculture is
desirable for improving the economy and augmenting its
resources, it may also be noted that the Department of
Agriculture and Co-operation (DAC) is already following
a diversied and regionally differentiated strategy for
improving agricultural productivity and augmenting farm
Crop yield is a function of many factors like climate, soil
type and its nutrient status, management practices, and
other available inputs. Of these, climate plays an important
role, probably more so in India, where the majority of
agriculture is dependent on the monsoon, and natural
disasters such as droughts and oods are very frequent.
Therefore, efcient crop planning requires a proper
understanding of agro-climatic conditions. This calls for
collection, collation, analysis, and interpretation of long-
term weather parameters available for each region to
identify the length of the possible cropping period, taking
into consideration the availability of water.
With 329 Mha of geographical area, India presents a
large number of complex agro-climatic conditions. The
Planning Commission of India has delineated 15 agro-
climatic regions, which were proposed to form the basis
for agricultural planning in the country. This delineation
was a result of the National Agricultural Research Project
launched in 1979. The 15 regions are Western Himalayan,
Eastern Himalayan, Lower Gangetic Plains, Middle
Gangetic Plains, Upper Gangetic Plains, Trans-Gangetic
Plains, Eastern Plateau and Hills, Central Plateau and
Hills, Western Plateau and Hills, Southern Plateau and
Hills, East Coast Plains and Hills, West Coast Plains
and Ghat, Gujarat Plains and Hills, Western Dry, and
the Islands region. The agro-climatic zone planning aims
at scientic management of regional resources to meet
the food, bre, fodder, fuel, and fertilizer needs, without
adversely affecting the status of natural resources and
the environment. The Eleventh Five-year Plan has again
reiterated that agricultural planning should follow the
agro-climatic regions. This is now being done in phases,
using satellite imagery to provide an up-to-date base
for developmental projects. The database has already
been created, and the preparations for satellite-based
information systems are at a fairly advanced stage.
India has come a long way since the 1950s from being
a food-starved to a food-sufcient country. According to
the Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2010, food grain
production has increased by over four-fold since the
1950s. Agriculture contributed 17.0% to Indias GDP in
2009/10, with 70% of the countrys population employed
in this sector. The improvement in grain yield has been
realized through the Green Revolution, which started in
1960s, and later with improved agricultural practices and
inputs. These include improved mechanized farming since
the 1970s, and increased net area under irrigation (31
Mha in 1970/71, 53 Mha in 1994/95, 57 Mha in 1998/99,
and 62 Mha in 2007/08) and net sown area (119 Mha in
1950/51, which has increased and almost saturated at 141
Mha over the past decade). Key indicators are depicted
in Figure 1.6. Growth in total fertilizer consumption (2.6
8 | INDIA Second National Communication
Mt in 1970/71, 13.6 Mt in 1994/95, 16.6 Mt in 2000/01,
and 24.91 Mt in 2008/09), and availability and use of high
yielding variety seeds have contributed substantially to
increased grain yield. Despite the above improvements,
agriculture in India is still heavily dependent upon the
monsoon, indicating its vulnerability to climate change.
Agriculture has been accorded high priority under the
different ve-year plans. The conversion of cultivable
wastelands into the other categories of land use,
especially into cultivated land, took place in the rst two
decades after Independence. Net sown area increased
by 12% during 19542007, while the intensity of farming
(area sown more than once) increased almost three-fold
during the same period. India has made fair progress in
developing its agriculture in the past ve decades and
is now almost self-sufcient in food grain production.
Over 70% of the freshwater supply is used for irrigation
purposes. Against the growing demand, water availability
remains more or less stable in India.
Diversity in agricultural crops is an important measure
of the societys ability to face the changes in the natural
environment. Crop diversity is important for many
reasons. First, it can be used to combat risks farmers
face from pests, diseases, and variations in climate. If
a farmer specializes in just one crop, failure of that crop
would mean huge economic losses for him as he does
not have any other crop to fall back on. If the same crop is
grown over thousands of hectares, any sort of disease or
pest attack would mean losses for thousands of farmers.
Maintaining crop diversity also insures farmers against
uctuating market trends. Growing only one crop would
make farmers very vulnerable to uctuating prices of that
crop. The problem of production risks can, to some extent,
also be solved by crop insurance. However, this could
be expensive. For poor farmers especially, maintaining
diversity is a better way to reduce production risks. The
objective of the modern agriculture is to maximize prots.
In pursuit of this objective, agriculture has become more
intensive and mechanized. Modern farmers tend to
specialize in a few crops, usually a commercial crop. As a
result, crop diversity has reduced. Today, more than 50%
of the food requirements are derived form just three crops
(maize, rice, and wheat) and 95% of energy requirements
are derived from less than 30 crop species.
India has 11% of the global livestock population, with still
increasing growth rates. However, there is a decelerating
trend in almost all species except buffalo, poultry,
goats, and pigs (Figure 1.7). The populations of draught
animals have witnessed a negative trend. Despite the low
productivity and off-take rates, the contribution from animal
husbandry and dairying was 5.21% of the GDP in 2007/08
at current prices. The Indian livestock sector employs 5.8%
of Indian workforce and acts as a storehouse of capital
and an insurance against crop failure. With production
concentrated among small landholders, rearing livestock
also helps improve income distribution.
Natural Disasters
Of the total geographical area in India, about 70% of the
area is under arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid regions.
The western parts of Rajasthan and Kutch are chronically
drought affected. Since early 1970s, a number of districts
have been covered under the Drought Prone Areas
Programmme (DPAP) to help them deal with drought-
related problems. Table 1.1 provides an overview of the
coverage of DPAP, by state. Besides DPAP, a special
programme to deal with desertication was also launched
in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu
and Kashmir, and Himachal Pradesh in 1977/78. The
programme is subsequently extended to cover parts of
Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. The Desert Development
Figure 1.6: Area under irrigation (%) in India
Source: Agricultural Statistics at a Glance, 2010
National Circumstances | 9
Figure 1.7: Livestock population, 19512007
Source: Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics, 2002; 17th Indian
Livestock Census, 2003 (# - provisional estimates)
Table 1.1: Distribution of area covered under drought
prone area programme (DPAP), by state
State No. of
No. of
Area (km
Andhra Pradesh 11 94 99,218
Bihar 6 30 9,533
Chhattisgarh 8 29 21,801
Gujarat 14 67 43,938
Himachal Pradesh 3 10 3,319
Jammu & Kashmir 2 22 14,705
Jharkhand 15 100 34,843
Karnataka 15 81 84,332
Madhya Pradesh 24 105 89,101
Maharashtra 25 149 194,473
Orissa 8 47 26,178
Rajasthan 11 32 31,969
Tamil Nadu 17 80 29,416
Uttar Pradesh 15 60 35,698
Uttarakhand 7 30 15,796
West Bengal 4 36 11,594
Total 185 972 745,194
Source: Ministry of Rural Development, Annual Report 200708
Programme focuses on the problems of desert areas
and aims at minimizing the losses due to drought and
controlling desertication through the rejuvenation of
natural resource base of the desert area.
The coasts of India are frequently affected by cyclonic
storms. The East Coast is especially vulnerable to cyclonic
storms and the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,
Orissa, and West Bengal are signicantly affected. Table
Table 1.2: Frequency of cyclonic storms: East Coast of
69 (22.40) 67 (20.93) 49 (19.14) 54 (17.64)
Orissa 98 (31.81) 106 (33.12) 94 (36.71) 106 (34.64)
79 (25.64) 90 (28.12) 65 (25.39) 86 (28.11)
Tamil Nadu 62 (20.12) 57 (17.81) 48 (18.75) 60 (19.61)
Total 308 (100) 320 (100) 256 (100) 306 (100)
Note: The gures in brackets show the percentages
Source: Mohanty et al., 2005; Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), 2008
1.2 shows the frequency of cyclonic storms across the
East Coast of India, as assessed by various studies.
Among the four states on the East Coast, Orissa and
Andhra Pradesh are highly vulnerable.
India is also affected by frequent oods, leading to
agricultural, property, and infrastructural losses, besides
causing signicant human misery. The reported total
damages due to ood show an increasing trend over the
years (Source: Central Water Commission, Government of
India). However, it is important to normalize the damages
by accounting for price changes, income changes, and
population changes in ood-affected areas. As expected,
the ood damages have increased over the initial years,
but with better governance and information dissemination,
these have started showing a declining trend.
Demographic Prole
Population levels and growth rates drive national
consumption of energy and other resources, and, in turn,
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Indias population
has steadily risen over the years, crossing the one billion
mark in 2000 and increasing annually by about 15 million
since then. With a population of 846 million in 1991, 914
million in 1994, 1027 million in 2001, and 1210 million in
2011, India is the second most populous country in the
world. The decadal population growth rate has, however,
steadily declined from 24.8% during 196171 to 21.3%
during 19912001 and 17.6% during 20012011. This has
resulted in reducing births by almost 36 million over the
last 30 years. Reduced decadal population growth rates
would lower GHG emissions, reduce pressure on land,
resources, and ecosystems, and provide higher access to
social infrastructure.
Indias population density is very high; the density of 264
in 1991 increased to 325 persons/km
2001 and 382 persons/km
in 2011. Twelve states/union
territories had population density of less than 250 persons/
, 7 had between 251 persons/km
and 500 persons/
, 9 had between 501 persons/km
and 1000 persons/
, while 7 had population density above 1000 persons/
, as per 2011 census (Figure 1.8). This coupled with
low per capita incomes and low adaptive capacity of
the majority of this population renders them vulnerable
to the impacts of climate change on coastal areas and
India is steadily improving on many critical demographic
indicators. The average life expectancy at birth went up
from 32 years in 1951 to over 64 years in 2006. Total
fertility rate (TFR) declined during 198292, resulting
10 | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 1.8: Indian population density, 2011
Source: Preliminary Report of Census for India, 2011
in the reduction of almost one child per woman, and is
projected to decline further to 2.52 during 201116. Infant
mortality rate (IMR), a sensitive indicator of health status
as well as of human development, has also declined
considerably for both males and females. Linking IMR
with monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) indicates
that households with low MPCE have a higher infant
mortality rate in India (Figure 1.9). The average literacy
rate went up from less than 20% in 1951 to 74% in 2011.
The poverty level went down to 22% of the total population
in 2004 from 51.3% during the 1970s. In spite of these
achievements, India continues to face the persistent
challenge of population and poverty. About 66% of the
population lives in rural areas, in about 0.641 million
villages, with many living with poor communications and
transport facilities. Reproductive health and basic health
infrastructure require considerable strengthening despite
commendable achievements in the last 60 years. Nearly
100 million people live in urban slums, with better but
limited access to clean potable water, sanitation facilities,
and health care services. In addition to this, there is the
issue of large-scale migration of people from rural to
urban areas.
Figure 1.9: Rural and urban infant mortality rates and MPCE (monthly
per capita expenditure) in 15 major Indian states
Source: National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), 1998
National Circumstances | 11
India is largely rural, and the vast majority of the
population continues to live in rural areas.
The progress
of urbanization has been relatively slow in India as
compared to other developing countries. The urban
population increased from 19% of the total population
in 1965 to 29% in 2007 (Figure 1.10). As per the 2001
Census of India, nearly two-thirds of the urban population
is concentrated in 317 Class-I cities (population of over
100,000), half of which lives in 23 metropolitan areas with
populations exceeding one million each. The number of
urban agglomerations/cities with populations of over a
million increased from 5 in 1951 to 23 in 1991 and to 37 in
2001. This rapid increase in urban population has resulted
in unplanned urban development, changed consumption
patterns and increased demands for transport, energy,
and other infrastructure. This may reect not only rapid
economic development and industrialization, but also
high levels of energy consumption and emissions. Indias
population pyramid shows a broad base indicative of an
expanding population. This structure includes a large
number of children born each year. Even if the average
number of children falls substantially in future, the young
age structure will generate continued growth for decades
as a large number of them enter child-bearing age. Even if
all Indians plan for two children per family, the population
will continue to grow for the next 60 to 70 years. The energy
and other resource consumption and therefore related
GHG emissions would continue rising in the foreseeable
future for India. India has the largest youth population in
the world, which indicates a vast work force.
In 1994, India had more than 160 million households,
approximately three-fourths of which were in rural areas,
but accounted for only one-third of the total national
energy consumption (NSSO 1993/94; Census of India,
2001). Since then, demographic changes have led to an
appreciable rise in total number of households in India,
with the urban share increasing faster than the rural
one. There is also an increase in energy consuming
appliances at all levels. However, this is an expected
and desirable trend for a developing country, where
appliance-possession levels per 1000 household are
still abysmally low in comparison to the developed and
even many developing countries. Household ownership
of appliances has gone up in both rural and urban areas
since 2000, sometimes by a factor of two, especially for
connectivity and ownership of mobile phones. Star-rated
appliances with higher energy efciency have also started
penetrating since the last couple of years, and with proper
incentives and programmes by the government and
private sector, could provide a major thrust in demand
side management of electricity. However, the immediate
national development target of doubling the per capita
income by 2012 and continued 8% and above GDP
growth rates into the medium term will result in increasing
possession of durable goods.
The share of katcha (mud huts), semi-pucca, and
pucca (concrete) dwellings in total rural dwellings
was 32%, 36%, and 32%, respectively, in 1993. In the
urban sector, about 75% of the households resided in
pucca structures. As incomes rise, demand for basic
amenities such as housing will increase. The construction
sector has major linkages with the building material
industry since material accounts for more than half the
construction costs in India. The building material includes
cement, steel, bricks, tiles, sand, aggregates, xtures,
ttings, paints, chemicals, construction equipment, petro-
products, timber, mineral products, aluminum, glass, and
plastics. A rise in the demand of these materials would
inuence future GHG emission trajectories for India.
A large number of people are homeless in India. Economic
conditions also force economically weaker sections of
society to live in an inferior housing environment such
2 The conceptual unit for urban areas is a town, whereas for the rural areas it is a village. The classification of an area as an urban unit in Census of India
(2001) is based on the following definition:
a All places declared by the state government under a statute as a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified town area committee, etc.
b All other places which simultaneously satisfy or are expected to satisfy the following criteria:
A minimum population of 5000;
At least 75% of the male working population engaged in non-agricultural economic pursuits; and
A density of population of at least 400 per square kilometres (1000 per square mile).
Figure 1.10: Ruralurban population profile of India
Source: Census of India, 1991 and 2001 and MoHA, 2011
12 | INDIA Second National Communication
as slums. The mainstream formal housing needs a
faster production system, maintaining quality of houses
and economy to overcome the huge shortage, which
continues to be a serious challenge to public as well as
private housing providers. There is a shortage of about
24.7 million houses in India, on an average (NBO, 2003).
Most of the shortage (99%) is for the lower income group
(LIG) and economically weaker section. Meeting these
shortages would require more production of steel, cement,
bricks, glass, ceramics, and energy.
Governance Prole
India is the worlds largest democracy; the Legislature,
the Executive, and the Judiciary constitute the three
building blocks of the Indian Constitution. The Legislature
enacts laws, the Executive implements them, and the
Judiciary upholds them. The Indian parliament consists
of two houses: the Rajya Sabha (Upper House) and the
Lok Sabha (Lower House). India has a unique system
of federation, which manifests unitary character. The
spheres and activities of the Union and the states are
clearly demarcated. The exhaustive Union list and the
state list placed in the seventh schedule of the Constitution
distinctly outline the respective jurisdiction and authority of
the Union and the states. Some of the sectors belonging
to environment and energy are listed in the concurrent
list, wherein both the Union and the state have concurrent
jurisdiction to enact laws. The Constitution also devolves
powers to the lower levels power to the people through
the institutions of Panchayats and Nagar Palikas (local
municipal bodies), with a view to ensure administrative
efciency in concordance with the broader concept of
good governance.
Environmental and climate change governance
The Government of India attaches high priority to the
environment. The Ministry of Environment and Forests
has the responsibility of planning, promoting, coordinating,
and overseeing the implementation of environmental and
forestry policies and programmes. It also serves as the
nodal agency for international cooperation in the area
of environment, including climate change. Environment
ministries/departments at the state level deal with state-
specic environmental issues and concerns. Scientic
and technical staff, as well as institutions and experts,
support environment administrations at the Union and
state levels.
India has a strong & independent judiciary. Environmental
issues have received a further boost through the judicial
processes, which recognize the citizens right to a clean
environment as a component of The Right to Life and
Liberty. Besides, matters of public interest get articulated
through the vigilant media and active non-government
organization (NGO) community.
Environmental concerns are integral to the governance of
India. Prior to the United Nations Conference on Human
Environment, at Stockholm, the Government of India
had established a National Committee on Environmental
Planning and Coordination (NCEPC) under the aegis
of the Department of Science and Technology. This
commitment was a major step taken by India, and the
country was one of the pioneering countries in the world to
amend its Constitution to incorporate provisions to protect
its environment. The constitutional provisions are backed
by a number of lawsacts, rules, and notications. More
than two dozen laws have been enacted to protect and
safeguard Indias environment. They cover all aspects
of the environmentfrom pollution to conservation,
from deforestation to nuclear waste disposal. Some
of these laws are precursors to todays environmental
India announced a National Action Plan on Climate
Change (NAPCC) in 2008, which identies measures that
promote our development objectives while also resulting
in co-benets for addressing climate change. There
are eight National Missions, which form the core of the
NAPCC, representing a multi-pronged, long-term and
integrated strategies for achieving key goals in the context
of climate change. Broadly, the Plan envisages promoting
understanding of climate change with emphasis on issues
related to adaptation and mitigation, energy efciency,
and natural resource conservation.
1. National Solar Mission (renamed as Jawaharlal
Nehru National Solar Mission), under the brand name
Solar India, was launched to signicantly increase
the share of solar energy in the total energy mix.
The objective of the Mission is to establish India as
a global leader in solar energy, by creating enabling
policies for its quick diffusion across the country. The
immediate aim of the Mission is to set up a conducive
environment for solar technology penetration in the
country, both at the centralized and decentralized
levels. The target under this mission is to deliver 20
GW of solar power by 2022.
2. National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efciency
(NMEEE) focuses on enhancing energy efciency
measures in the country (in addition to the already
National Circumstances | 13
existing programmes pursued by Ministry of Power
[MoP] and Bureau of Energy Efciency [BEE])
through four new initiatives. These initiatives are
(i) Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT), (ii) Market
Transformation, (iii) Energy Efciency Financing
Platform, and (iv) Framework For Energy Efcient
Economic Development.
3. National Mission on Sustainable Habitat has been
launched with three main components: promoting
energy efciency in the residential and commercial
sector, managing municipal solid waste, and
promoting urban public transport. It is estimated,
on an average, that the implementation of energy
efciency measures would help in achieving about
30% of energy savings in new residential buildings
and 40% in new commercial buildings. In the case
of existing buildings, these estimates are about 20%
and 30%, respectively.
4. The main objective of the National Water Mission
is, conservation of water, minimizing wastage and
ensuring its more equitable distribution both across
and within states through integrated water resources
development and management. The main identied
goals of the mission are developing a water database
in the public domain, particularly on the assessment
of the impact of climate change on water resources;
promoting water conservation, augmentation, and
preservation; focusing attention on overexploited
areas from water use perspective; and increasing
water use efciency by 20% and promoting basin-
level integrated water resource management.
5. National Mission on Green India aims at addressing
climate change by enhancing carbon sinks in
sustainably managed forests and ecosystems,
enhancing the resilience and ability of vulnerable
species/ecosystems to adapt to the changing climate
and enabling adaptation of forest-dependent local
communities in the face of climatic variability. There
are three main objectives of the Mission: (i) doubling
the area under afforestation/eco-restoration in India
in the next 10 years (total area to be afforested/eco-
restored to 20 Mha), (ii) increasing the GHG removal
by Indias forests to 6.35% of Indias annual total GHG
emissions by the year 2020, and (iii) enhancing the
resilience of forests/ecosystems under the Mission.
6. National Mission on Sustaining Himalayan
Ecosystem identies the importance of continuity
and enhancing the monitoring of the Himalayan
ecosystem, in particular, the state of glaciers and
the impact of changes in the glacial mass and its
subsequent impact on river ows. It is also identied,
under the Mission, to empower local communities
through Panchayati Raj institutions (PRIs), so as to
assume greater responsibility for the management of
natural resources.
7. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
seeks to transform Indian agriculture into a climate
resilient production system through suitable
adaptation and mitigation measures in the domain
of crops and animal husbandry. These interventions
would be embedded in research and development
activities, absorption of improved technology and
best practices, creation of physical and nancial
infrastructure and institutional framework, facilitating
access to information and promoting capacity
building. While promotion of dryland agriculture
would receive prime importance by way of developing
suitable drought and pest-resistant crop varieties and
ensuring adequacy of institutional support, NMSA
would also expand its coverage to rain-fed areas for
integrating farming systems with management of
livestock and sheries, so that agricultural production
continues to grow in a sustainable manner.
8. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for
Climate Change envisions a broad-based approach,
to include conducting research in the key domains
of climate science; improving the global and regional
climate models for the specicity and quality of
climate change projections over the Indian sub-
continent; strengthening of observational networks
and data gathering and assimilation; and creating an
essential research infrastructure.
The Ministry of Environment and Forests institutionalized
a network-based structure, Indian Network for Climate
Change Assessment (INCCA), which is in line with the
governments commitment towards enhancing capacities
to understand the science of climate change as well as
the associated capabilities of impact assessment. INCCA
has produced two major assessments since its inception,
namely, India: Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2007 and
Climate Change and India: A 4 4 Assessment A
Sectoral and Regional Analysis for 2030s.
INCCA, launched on 14 October 2009, is a network
comprising 127 institutions countrywide. The essence of
this network is to enhance the capacity of Indian science
in terms of the 3 Ms Measurement, Modelling, and
Monitoring so as to achieve informed policy-making.
14 | INDIA Second National Communication
Several agencies are involved in resource management
in India, and there is a degree of overlap in their
responsibilities and jurisdiction. The allocation of
resources to various sectors is determined by the
Planning Commission working within the framework of
the ve-year plans. Environment management is guided
at the central level by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests and at state levels by the state departments
of environment. Natural resources (like water, forests,
oceans, etc.) are managed by separate ministries and
departments. Inter-ministerial coordination committees
and working groups deal with the cooperation and
conict of interest issues. Indeed, in a large country, this
is perhaps inevitable. The implementation of government
policies on resource use is directed by the multi-tiered
administrative structure. The administrative units at the
central and state levels coordinate resource allocation
and project implementation. However, the implementation
of all programmes is done at the eld level under the
overall supervision of the district collector. Local bodies
such as Panchayats and city councils also have a stake
in implementing various schemes in accordance with the
instructions and directives of the district administration.
Several participatory management schemes dealing with
environmental issues have been successfully carried out
at the local level.
Most environmental legislations in India are based on
active state intervention to preserve, protect, and improve
the environment. Some important Acts related to the
protection of environment are the Animal Welfare Act
(1960), Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act (1972), Water
Prevention and Control of Pollution Act (1974), Forest
(Conservation) Act (1980), Air (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act (1981), Environment (Protection) Act
(1986), Public Liability Insurance Act (1991), Biological
Diversity Act (2002), Tribal Right Act (2006), and Green
Tribunal Act (2010).
Economic Prole
The pace of economic growth is usually regarded as the
primary indicator of a countrys macroeconomic health.
By this measure, India has done very well in this decade,
especially in the most recent ve years, with GDP growth
averaging an unprecedented 8.4% a year over 2005/06
2009/10. The previous best ve-year period for growth
was in 1992/931996/97 (at 6.6% a year), triggered by
the initial burst of economic reforms following the balance
of payments crisis of 1991 (Table 1.3). That earlier spurt
in investment, productivity, and growth had faltered after
1996 because of several factors, including the headwinds
from the East Asian nancial crisis, the initial uncertainties
of coalitional governance, and a sustained deterioration
in the scal decit caused primarily by the large public
pay increases following the Fifth Pay Commission. As a
consequence, growth had slowed down to an average of
5.5% during the Ninth Five-year Plan period1997/98
to 2001/02. It dropped even lower to 3.8% in 2002/03
because of a sharp, drought-induced fall in agricultural
Since then, India has witnessed an extraordinary boom,
with the aggregate investment rate surging above 37%
of GDP by 2007/8 and economic growth soaring to
9% or higher in the last three years, 2008/092010/11.
The proximate drivers of this growth spurt included the
sustained investment boom, cumulative productivity
enhancing effects of reforms, an unusually buoyant
international economic environment, and a demand-and-
technology driven acceleration of modern services output.
Inspection of the sectoral composition of growth shows
that the Ninth Plan slowdown was conned to agriculture
and industry, while services continued to grow fast and
even accelerated (Table 1.3). Moreover, the expansion of
services accelerated further in the years after 2002/03,
propelled by high rates of growth in communications
(especially telecom), business services (especially
information technology), and nance. Industry picked
up steam from 2002/03 and continued to grow robustly
right through to 2010/11. Agricultural growth remained
variable, substantially dependent on weather conditions.
The sector has been unusually buoyant in the last three
years, contributing signicantly to the 9% plus rate of
overall economic growth. India was and is among a few
economies to sustain a healthy growth rate during the
recent global nancial crisis.
The exceptionally rapid growth in Indias services sector
is reected in the contribution of this sector to the overall
economic growth since 1991/92 (Figure 1.11). In the
ve years between 1991/92 and 1996/97, services
contributed just about half of the total growth in GDP.
In the subsequent ve years till 2001/02, the sectors
contribution rose sharply to 68% and has remained at a
high 64% in the six years since 2001/02. These shares
would be even higher if the construction sub-sector was
included under services instead of industry. Perhaps
equally noteworthy but more disquieting is the low and
declining contribution of agriculture to GDP growth after
1996/97, even though over half of Indias labour force is
National Circumstances | 15
Table 1.3: Growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP) (in percent per year)
2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08
GDP 6.6 5.5 7.8 3.8 8.5 7.5 9.4 9.6 9.0
Agriculture 4.8 2.5 2.5 -7.2 10.0 0.0 5.9 3.8 4.5
Industries 7.3 4.3 9.2 7.1 7.4 10.3 10.1 11.0 8.5
Services 7.3 7.9 9.3 7.5 8.5 9.1 10.3 11.1 10.8
Per capita 4.4 3.5 6.1 2.3 6.9 5.8 7.7 8.1 7.5
Source: Central Statistical Organization, Government of India, 2009
still employed in this sector. In the six years after 2001/02,
agriculture contributed only 7% of the total growth of
In terms of other macro indicators, ination was not a
signicant macro policy problem during 2000s. Until early
2008, low world ination, liberal trade policies followed by
India, declining scal decits, and anticipatory monetary
policies ensured that inationary pressures are kept under
control. However, ination has now become an important
concern, triggered, among other factors, by the global
nancial crisis.
The key socio-economic indicators for 2010 are presented
in Table 1.4. Despite this rapid economic growth, the per
capita GDP is one of the lowest, and it is a fact that one-
fourth of Indias population of over 1.21 billion is still below
the poverty line and that 44% of the Indian population
has an income below $1/day. The countrys Human
Development Index is only at 0.612 as compared to China
(0.663) and to developed countries such as Germany
(0.885), Japan (0.884), and USA (0.902). The Technology
Achievement Index of India is 0.201, which is comparable
to China, but way below the developed countries (UNDP,
2010 ).
Social development depends, to a great extent, on
economic development. For many decades, India followed
a mixed economy model, wherein central planning co-
existed with private enterprise. Agricultural activities,
however, have rested almost entirely with private farmers.
Industrial investment was sought to be controlled through
industrial licensing until 1991.
In that year, a major programme of reforms was initiated,
under which industrial licensing was abolished and trade
Figure 1.11: Sectoral composition of gross domestic product in India (in %)
Source: Central Statistical Organization, Government of India, 2009
16 | INDIA Second National Communication
Table 1.4: National circumstances, 2010
Criteria Measure
Population (million, 2011) 1210
Relevant area (million square kilometres) 324
GDP at factor cost (1999/2000 prices), Rs billion 61332
GDP at factor cost (1999/2000 prices), $ billion 1371
GDP per capita (1999/2000 prices), $ 1133
Share of industry in GDP (percentage) 25.8
Share of services in GDP (percentage) 57.3
Share of agriculture in GDP (percentage) 16.9
Land area used for agricultural purposes (million
square kilometres)
Urban population as percentage of total
Forest area (million square kilometres) (2007) 0.69
Livestock population excluding poultry (million)
Population below poverty line (percentage) (2004) 21.8
Life expectancy at birth (years) (2006) 63.5
Literacy rate (percentage 2011) 74.04
GDP gross domestic product
Sources: Economic survey 2010-11; Census of India, 2011; Agricultural
Statistics at a Glance 2010; 17th Indian Livestock Census 2003; State of Forest
Report 2009; Planning Commission, 2007
Note: The monthly per capita poverty lines for rural and urban areas are
dened as Rs 356.30 and Rs 538.60, respectively, for 2004/05.
constraints were relaxed, protection was reduced, and a
greater emphasis was laid on the private sector.
Gross domestic product and its structure
The Indian economy has taken rapid strides in the last 64
years after Independence, achieving food self-sufciency
for a growing population, increasing per capita GDP by
over four-folds, creating a strong and diversied industrial
base, developing technological capabilities in sophisticated
areas, and establishing linkages with an integrated world
economy. GDP growth rates of 7% to 9% in recent years
(200510) have been some of the highest in the world.
Enormous strides have been taken in every sector of
development, be it in terms of output, per capita incomes,
reduction in illiteracy and fertility rates, manpower training,
building urban and rural infrastructure, and scientic and
technological advances.
The primary sector (particularly agriculture) remains the
bedrock of the Indian economy, although its share in the
total GDP declined from over 50% in the early 1950s
to about 17% in 2010/11. At the same time, the shares
of manufacturing, transportation, banking, and service
sectors have more than doubled in the last 64 years. The
growth of the Indian economy is also accompanied by a
change in its structure (Figure 1.12).
There have been serious deciencies as well, especially
the slow progress in alleviation of poverty and in
generating adequate employment opportunities. It is now
well recognized that unless Indias growth is sustained at
810% for several years to come, along with disbursement
of fruits of growth, especially to people below poverty
Figure 1.12: Contribution to gross domestic product, by sector (at factor cost)
Source: Economic Survey, Government of India, 2010/11
National Circumstances | 17
line, adequate resources cannot be mobilized to tackle
the challenges of social development in which India
lags behind many developed countries and even a few
emerging economies.
The Indian budget
The national expenditure can be divided into two
broad categories of plan and non-plan, as well as
developmental and non-developmental. The total
expenditure as a percentage of GDP has shown a
gradual decrease since 1980. This may be due to the
active participation of stakeholder organizations and
the initiatives of NGOs. There has not been a marked
decrease during the period 1991/2000, which may be
attributed to the liberalization of the economy, wherein
the government incurred a considerable amount of
developmental expenditure.
On a combined basis (central and state governments),
India has been running large scal decits for over 30
years. Until recently, in any given year, Indias scal
decit would typically gure among the top seven or
eight countries in the world. The combined scal decit
had climbed above 9% of GDP in the years preceding
the 1991 economic crisis. Rising scal proigacy was
generally seen as an important contributory factor to
that crisis. Concerted efforts by the central government
brought the decit down to a manageable 6.5% of GDP by
the mid-1990s. This consolidation was reversed in the next
ve years because of the large public pay increases after
1996/97, low revenue buoyancy, and weak expenditure
control policies. By 2001/02, the scal decit was nearly
10% of GDP, and the revenue decit (approximately
government dis-savings) was at a record 7%. A sustained
effort at scal consolidation resumed after 2002/03 and
brought the combined scal decit down to 5% of GDP in
2007/08 and the revenue decit to below 1%.
The key policies that induced favourable scal
developments varied across the two levels of government.
At the central level, the enactment of the Fiscal
Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) law in
2003/04 capped several years of technocratic and political
efforts and gave a signicant stimulus to the cause of scal
consolidation. The second major policy initiative at the
central level was a concerted and sustained programme
to raise the taxGDP ratio through better application of
information technology and other means to strengthen tax
At the state level, the big improvements in scal
consolidation occurred after 2003/04. Four major factors
were at work. First, the remarkable growth in central
tax revenues, noted above, also beneted the states.
Second, following the recommendations of the Twelfth
Finance Commission (TFC), the non-tax revenue
receipts of the states were buoyed by larger transfers
of devolution grants from the central government. Third,
the TFC recommendations on debt relief and debt write-
offs also catalysed the adoption of scal responsibility
laws by nearly all the states, since these benets were
made conditional on the enactment of such laws. Fourth,
after a long and tortuous process of technical work and
political negotiation, nearly three quarters of the states
reformed their sales taxes to a set of broadly uniform state
value-added-taxes in April 2005. The indirect tax reforms
through the introduction of goods and services tax in
2011 are expected to bring about further changes in the
tax revenues at both centre and states.
In the light of the above discussion on the Indian budget,
it is deemed necessary to highlight the constraints on
Indian nancial resources. India has been striving hard
to achieve scal prudence through various measures
highlighted above and therefore, climate change related
challenges pose an additional burden on Indias nancial
resources, which needs a detailed assessment about the
needs and sources.
Despite the growth in the population from 350 million in
1947 to more than a billion today and despite the low level
Figure 1.13: Poverty in
rural and urban India:
Source: Reserve Bank of
India, 2009
18 | INDIA Second National Communication
of economic development at the time of Independence,
India has made signicant progress in poverty reduction.
The percentage of people below poverty line has
decreased signicantly. Yet, a large number of people
remain below the poverty line (Figure 1.13).
The poverty line was originally dened in 1961 based on
the income needed to provide adequate calorie intake,
two pairs of clothing, and minimal amount of other
essentials. This poverty line has been updated over the
years to account for changes in prices. The estimates
are based on large-scale sample surveys of household
consumption, carried out periodically by the National
Sample Survey Organization (NSSO).
Prior to Independence, India suffered from frequent,
devastating famines and stagnation in growth. Therefore
reduction in poverty and enhancement in agricultural
development have been the central themes of Indias
development strategy. Uplifting the poor and integrating
them into the mainstream form a part of the recurrent theme
of Indias ve-year plans. Universal access to education
is enshrined in the Constitution. India has established
a wide array of anti-poverty programmes, and much of
Indias thinking on poverty has been mainstreamed
internationally. India has successfully eliminated famines
and severe epidemics. It has made progress in reducing
poverty and in its social indicators, which is commendable
considering the fact that at the time of Independence in
1947, the country was among the poorest in the world.
Its vibrant democracy and free press have been major
factors in these achievements.
The incidence of poverty began to decline steadily since
the mid-1970s, which roughly coincided with a rise in
the growth of GDP and agriculture. Since 1980, Indias
trend of 5.8% growth rate is the highest among large
countries outside East Asia. Empirical analyses suggest
that agricultural growth and human development were
key factors in the decline in poverty across the country.
However, the development strategy of the 1970s and 1980s,
based on an extensive system of protection, regulation,
expansion of public sector in the economy, and worsening
scal decits in the 1980s, proved unsustainable. In 1991,
a crisis in the balance of payments and the scal situation
was met by stabilization and reforms that opened up
the economy, reduced the role of the public sector, and
liberalized and strengthened the nancial sector over the
next few years. These policies generated a surprisingly
quick recovery and an unprecedented 7.7% per annum
average growth followed for three consecutive years. This
led to increase in productivity at the macro-economic
level and a booming private sector. During the 1990s, an
agricultural growth of 3.3% per annum was maintained,
which was about the same as in the 1980s but much higher
than the declining rate of population growth, estimated at
about 1.6% per annum.
Sixty-four years after Independence, a vast number of
people still live below the poverty line in India, making
poverty eradication one of the most challenging problems.
Poverty is a global concern and its eradication is considered
integral to humanitys quest for sustainable development.
Reduction of poverty in India is, therefore, vital for the
attainment of national as well as international goals.
Poverty eradication has been one of the major objectives
of the development planning process. Percentage of
population below poverty line declined from about 37% in
1993/94 to 22% in 2004/05 in rural India. In urban India,
the poverty decline over the same period was from 32% to
22%. The poverty decline is more modest if estimates are
made on the basis of uniform recall period as against the
mixed recall period in the expenditure survey.
To meet UN Millennium Development Goals, national
and state planning targets, and inclusive growth agenda
of the Government of India, poverty alleviation remains a
top priority. This would imply higher resource and energy
consumption, and higher economic activities. The Indian
government is, however, committed to aligning sustainable
development and climate change concerns.
The high incidence of poverty underlines the need
for rapid economic development to create more
remunerative employment opportunities and to invest
in social infrastructure of health and education. These
developmental priorities would enhance our energy
consumption and therefore related GHG emissions.
India has a vast population of workforce in the age group
of 1860 years, and providing employment to them is a
major challenge. As per the 61
Round NSS (2004/05),
the employment grew by 1.97% per annum in rural India
National Circumstances | 19
Table 1.5: Labour force participation rates
Usual status Current daily status
1993/94 1999/2000 2004/05 1993/94 1999/2000 2004/05
Rural Males 56.1 54.0 55.5 53.4 51.5 53.1
Rural Females 33.0 30.2 33.3 23.2 22.0 23.7
Urban Males 54.3 54.2 57.0 53.2 52.8 56.1
Urban Females 16.5 14.7 17.8 13.2 12.3 15.0
Source: National Sample Survey Organization, 1993/942007/08
during the period 1999/20002004/05, while it grew by
3.22% per annum in urban India during the same period
(Table 1.5).
There has been a signicant decline in agriculture as a share
of rural employment, while the share of manufacturing
employment has not gone up commensurately for rural
male workers. Instead, the more noteworthy shift for rural
males has been to construction, with some increase in
the share of trade, hotels, and restaurants. For urban
males, on the other hand, the share of trade, hotels,
and restaurants has actually declined, as it has for
other services. Manufacturing is back to the shares of a
decade ago, still accounting for less than a quarter of the
urban male workforce. The only consistent increases in
shares have been in construction, and to a lesser extent
transport and related activities. Interestingly, the big shift
for urban women workers has been to manufacturing, the
share of which has increased by more than 4% points. A
substantial part of this is in the form of self-employment.
Other services continue to account for the largest
proportion of women workers. Analysis of real wages
suggests that for most categories of regular workers, the
recent period has not been one of rising real wages. While
real wages have increased slightly for rural male regular
employees, the rate of increase has certainly decelerated
compared to the previous period. The economy has,
therefore, experienced a peculiar tendency of falling real
wages along with relatively less regular employment for
most workers.
It is often held that the rapid growth in modern information
technology (IT)-driven services in India offers an
opportunity to exploit the demographic dividend. Placed
in the context of the economy as a whole, the sectors
revenues now amount to about 4.5% of GDP. This makes
it an important segment of the non-agricultural sector.
However, the sectors contribution to employment does
not compare with its role in the generation of income and
foreign exchange. The total IT industry, including both
hardware and software elements, as well as IT-enabled
services still employ only slightly more than 1 million
workers, out of an estimated total workforce in India of
more than 415 million, and urban workforce of about 110
Energy Prole
The fact that energy as an input to any activity is one of the
important pillars of the modern economy makes the energy
policy inseparable from the entire national development
strategy. The entire fabric of the developmental policy
contains the elements of energy strategy, which are rarely
out of line with similar policies in other economic sectors.
Thus, the path traversed by the Indian energy policy can
be viewed in the light of the overall developmental strategy
adopted by India after Independence.
Energy and climate change related concerns of the Indian
economy include the growing gap between the demand
and supply of energy, and environmental externalities
associated with energy use. The Indian economy is
growing rapidly since 1990s, with an even higher growth
in the energy sector (Figure 1.14). The latter was because
the economic growth was driven by energy-intensive
sectors, where energy efciency was low by international
standards. These sectors are power generation, steel,
cement, reneries, chemicals, fertilizer, and transport. High
growth in these sectors has resulted in a high elasticity of
energy consumption and environmental emissions with
respect to GDP. Especially in the electricity sector, the
electricity consumption has grown at a rate higher than the
GDP and energy for the past two decades, with the trend
becoming more pronounced in the 1990s. This implies
20 | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 1.14: Growth of energy, electricity, and the Indian economy
Sources: Economic Survey of India, 19912006; CMIE, 2003-2007;
Central Statistical Organization (CSO), 2006
Figure 1.15: Sectoral energy consumption trends in India
Source: Center for Monitoring of Indian Economy, 2008
substantial increases in electric power generation and
transmission capacities, and demand and consumption of
petroleum product and natural gas.
The rapid economic growth, expanding industrialization,
increasing incomes, rapidly rising transport, and
modernizing agriculture are leading to a high growth in
energy use in India, thereby causing serious environmental
concerns. The sectoral energy consumption in India has
been arising due to more production, despite a reduction
in specic energy consumption patterns in almost all the
sectors (Figure 1.15).
In the recent years, the government has rightly recognized
the energy security concerns of the country, and more
importance is being placed on energy independence.
The Government of India has taken various initiatives
towards diversication of energy sources, energy-
efcient technologies, energy conservation measures,
regulatory frameworks, etc. to meet the national goals
as well as simultaneously addressing climate change
concerns. India is probably the only country in the world
with a full-edged ministry dedicated to the production
of energy from renewable energy sources. Additionally,
India is emerging as a growing market for solar, wind,
and hydroelectric power. The Government of India has an
ambitious mission of Power for all by 2012.
The reduced energy intensity of the Indian economy, in
the period since 2004, has been marked by an economic
growth rate of over 9% per annum, which has been
achieved with an energy growth of less than 4% per
annum. This reduced energy intensity, at the relatively low
level of Indias per capita GDP, has been made possible by
a range of factors, including Indias historically sustainable
patterns of consumption, enhanced competitiveness,
proactive policies to promote energy efciency, and more
recently, the use of the Clean Development Mechanism to
accelerate the adoption of clean energy technologies.
Energy conservation potential for the economy as a whole
has been assessed as 23% with maximum potential in the
industrial and agricultural sectors. Energy conservation
and increased efciency are gradually taking an important
place in the energy and industry sector plan in India. India
has installed state-of-the-art energy-efcient technologies
to curtail the energy bills. Increased competition due to the
liberalization of the economy, the increase in energy prices,
and the promotion of energy efciency schemes with
the introduction of the Energy Conservation Act in 2001
have contributed to reductions in the energy intensities
of the service and industry sectors. The Government of
India has committed to improve energy efciency of GDP
by 2025% during 200520. Various programmes and
schemes have been initiated towards this end, including
PAT for nine energy-intensive sectors.
The consumption of commercial fuel (coal, oil, natural gas)
for production of power and other uses has been teadily
rising over the years, with domestically abundant coal
continuing to be the dominant source. Coal meets 63%
of Indias total commercial energy requirement, followed
by petroleum products (30%) and natural gas. Nearly
70% of the power requirement in India presently is met by
thermal power plants. The total coal reserves in India are
211 billion tonnes (MoC, 2009), and by current estimates
the reserves are enough to meet Indias power needs for
at least another 100 years. However, due to expanding
coal demand, coal imports have been rising rapidly
National Circumstances | 21
since the last decade. The commercial energy/power
consumption in India is distributed among agriculture,
industry, transport, domestic, and other sectors. As
can be easily inferred, all the energy demands of India
cannot be met by coal alone, as the agriculture sector
alternatively uses coal-powered electricity as well as oil,
the transport sector is totally dependent on availability of
petrol and diesel, and also fuel switching in some of the
power plants from coal to oil/natural gas has taken place.
In order to meet the growing demand for oil, India imports
about 70% of the total crude oil requirements. Other than
consumption of fossil fuel energy, about 90% of the rural
and 30% of urban households in India consume a large
quantity of traditional fuels or non-commercial energy such
as rewood, dung cake, chips, etc. The total renewable
energy consumption in India, including biomass energy,
amounts to about 30% of the total energy consumption,
the rest being fossil fuel consumption. As a large part of
the energy is still derived from fossil fuel, energy security
is a matter of concern for India, although in the future it
is expected that alternate sources of energy like biofuels
would also be available. However, as mentioned earlier,
coal being abundant, cheap, and locally available, it will
be the mainstay of energy in the country for many years
to come.
Primary energy supply
India has seen an expansion in the total energy use
during the past ve decades, with a shift from non-
commercial to commercial sources of energy. Accordingly,
the production of commercial sources of energy has
increased signicantly. Table 1.6 indicates the trends in
the production of various primary commercial energy
The total primary energy supply (TPES) in India has grown
at an annual rate of 3.8% during 19532010, reaching
a level of 715 Mtoe (million tonnes of oil equivalent) in
Table 1.6: Trends in commercial energy production
Units 1960/61 1970/71 1980/81 1990/91 2001/02 2009/10
Coal Mt 55.67 72.95 114.01 211.73 325.65 532.06
Lignite Mt 0.05 3.39 4.80 14.07 24.30 34.07
Crude oil Mt 0.45 6.82 10.51 33.02 32.03 33.70
Natural gas BCM 1.44 2.35 17.90 29.69 32.90
Hydro power BkWh 7.84 25.25 46.54 71.66 82.8 106.70
Nuclear power BkWh 2.42 3.00 6.14 16.92 18.60
Wind power BkWh 0.03 1.70 4.00
Source: Planning Commission, 2007; Economic Survey of India, 2010/11
the year 2010. Much of this growth has been contributed
by commercial energy supply, which grew at a rate of
5.6% per annum, in contrast to 1.7% per annum growth
Figure 1.16: Decadal trend in total primary energy supply (Mtoe)
Source: Planning Commission, 2007; Economic Survey of India,
experienced by non-commercial energy. As a result of
this high growth, the share of commercial energy has
increased from 28% in 1953/54 to 76% in 2010/11, with
an associated decline in the share of non-commercial
energy (Figure 1.16).
The period of 195360 was one of high growth with
commercial energy supply growing at a rate of 6.5%,
but the growth slackened slightly during the next two
decades only to pick up during 198090. The growth
in the past decade has also been impressive in view of
several adverse international developments such as the
Asian nancial crisis of 1997. Growth rates in TPES, by
decade, primary commercial energy supply, and primary
non-commercial energy supply indicate a progressive
increase in commercialization of the Indian energy sector.
However, despite reaching such high growth rates in
TPES, the per capita energy consumption at 426 kgoe
in 2001 was one of the lowest in the world, though it has
increased by a factor of 1.71 since 1953.
22 | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 1.17: Trends of primary energy supply, by fuel, in Mtoe
Source: Planning Commission, 2007; Economic Survey of India,
Figure 1.18: Share in primary energy supply, 2010/11
Source: Planning Commission, 2007; Economic Survey of India,
current consumption and production trends. India is not
expected to be self-sufcient in hydrocarbons. India has
only 0.4% of the worlds proven reserves of crude oil,
while the domestic crude oil consumption is estimated at
2.8% of the worlds consumption.
Primary energy demand
The demand for petroleum products was estimated
at 104.80 Mt during 2001/02, excluding the liquid fuel
requirement for power generation. During the rst four
years of the Ninth Five-year Plan (19972002), the
consumption of petroleum products grew at a rate of
5.8%. The consumption of petroleum products during
2001/02 was 100.43 Mt, thereby registering a growth of
about 4.9% during the Ninth Plan period as against the
target of 5.77% (Planning Commission, 2002). The lower
growth is mainly due to the slowdown in the economy,
improvement of roads (including construction of bridges
and bypasses), and introduction of fuel-efcient vehicles.
The sluggish economic growth and non-materialization
of new coal-based thermal power generation capacity
during 1997/99 have adversely affected the coal demand.
Coal consumption registered a marginal growth of 2%
during this period against the initially envisaged annual
demand growth of 6.85% in the Ninth Plan (19972002).
Thus, during the Mid-Term Appraisal of the Ninth Plan,
coal demand in the terminal year of the Plan was revised
downwards from 412.20 Mt to 370.80 Mt of raw coal,
implying an average annual compounded growth of
4.6%. However, the anticipated coal consumption of
348.43 Mt (excluding 4.93 Mt of washery middlings) in
2001/02 would imply a growth of only 3.32% per annum
in coal consumption against the revised Ninth Plan target
of 4.6%. This shortfall has been mainly due to a 49%
slippage in the addition of coal-based power generation
capacity. As against a target of 15,102 MW of incremental
coal-based generation capacity, only 7680 MW (51%) has
been realized during the Ninth Plan.
India is a developing country and three-quarters of the
population lives in rural areas. Vast informal and traditional
sectors with weak markets co-exist with the growing
formal and modern sectors. The traditional to modern
transitional dynamics are expected to continue in the
foreseeable future, further adding to the growth in energy
demands. The future dynamics of energy consumption
and technology selection in various sectors in India will
thus determine their long-term implications for the energy
and environmental concerns.
Comparison with the world energy consumption: India
ranks sixth in the world in terms of energy demand,
accounting for 3.5% of the worlds commercial energy
demand in 2001 (Figure 1.19). The worlds total
primary commercial energy supply (TPCES) grew at a
compounded annual growth rate of 2.4% over the period
19652002 with the Middle East and the Asia-Pacic
regions displaying the highest growth rates. Within the
Asia-Pacic region, India has exhibited one of the fastest
growth rates in the commercial energy supply. On the
National Circumstances | 23
As stated earlier, coal remains the dominant fuel in our
energy mix with a share of 38%, up from 26% in 1953/54
(Figures 1.17 and 1.18). Another fuel that has gained
prominence is petroleum. From a share of just 2% in
1953/54 (as all petroleum was imported into India at that
time), it has risen to about 26% in 2010/11. The share of
natural gas has also increased from virtually nil to 6% in
2001/02. The geological coal reserves, estimated at 221
billion tonnes, are expected to last the longest, given the
Coal Lignite Crude oil
Natural gas Hydro power Nuclear power
Wind Net imports Non-commercial
1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2010-11


Net Imports
Wind 0%
Nuclear power
Hydro power
Natural Gas
Crude Oil
Lignite 2% Coal
Figure 1.19: Indias share (%) in total world commercial energy
Source: British Petroleum, Statistical Review of World Energy, 2010
whole, the share of India in the total world commercial
energy supply increased from 1.4% in 1965 to 3.5% in
In India, over 450 million people do not have access to
electricity. In order to deliver a sustained growth of above
8% during next two decades, India would at least need
to grow its primary energy supply by three to four times,
whereas the electricity supply needs to grow at the rate
of ve to seven times the present consumption. Meeting
the basic needs of access to energy and the same time
addressing the growing concerns of climate change are a
challenge for India. Enhancing energy supply and access
to energy are key components of the national development
strategy. At the same time, the focus of policies and
programmes on reducing energy intensity and enhancing
energy efciency is stressed.
Table 1.7: Economy and energy
GDP per capita (PPP,
$), 2007
per capita (metric
tonnes), 2007
consumption per
capita (kWh), 2007
GDP per unit of
energy use (PPP,
$ per kg of oil
equivalent), 2007
Traditional fuel
consumption (as %
of total energy use),
India 2753 1.43 542* 5.41 27.4
Developing countries 3.70 1945 4.90 17.6
OECD countries 32,647 10.96 8417 7.19 4.0
High income
12.49 9524 6.98 4.0
Middle income
3.31 1621 4.71 13.0
Low income countries 0.28 216 3.50 64.0
World 9972 4.63 2846 5.81 10.0
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; GDP gross domestic product
Source: United Nations Human Development Report, 2009; World Bank Databank, 2010
*However, as per Central Electricity Authority (CEA), per capita electricity consumption is 671 kWh in the year 2006-07. CEA has calculated per capita electricity
consumption by using formula = (Gross Energy Generation + Net Import)/mid-year population
However, despite achieving such high growth rates in
energy consumption, the per capita energy consumption
in India is still low according to the global standards, and
the energy efciency of GDP (PPP basis) is among the
best. This holds true even if it is compared with other
countries at similar stage of development (Table 1.7).
Power Sector
The Indian Constitution has included electricity in the
concurrent list, which means that both the centre and
the states share the responsibility for the enactment
of legislation in this sector. The very rst attempts at
introducing legislation in this sector were made as early as
1887. However, these attempts were restricted to ensuring
safety for personnel and property. The rst legislation,
that is, the Indian Electricity Act was passed only in 1910,
followed by other Acts. Until recently, the Indian Electricity
Act (1910), the Electricity Supply Act (1948), and the
Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act (1998) were the
main regulations for the sector. The Electricity Regulation
Act of 1998 initiated the setting up of the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission and has provisions for setting up
state electricity regulatory commissions. The introduction
of the Electricity Act (2003) has replaced the previous
Acts and consolidated them. Apart from the national-level
Acts, each state is governed by its individual legislations.
The power sector outlay as a proportion of the total outlay
by the central and state governments has been declining.
This has been mainly on account of the drive to enhance
private sector investment in the power sector. The states
have practically stopped investing in new generation
projects. The share of the central power sector in the
24 | INDIA Second National Communication
total central sector outlay also declined from 13% to
10% during 19912001. The growth in power generation
capacity (Figure 1.20), which increased by almost seven-
fold between 1970 and 2000, was accompanied by a
greater diversity of technology mix. The capacity mix in
2000 included a substantial share of coal (61%) and a
signicant but declining share of large hydro-based power
(24%). Almost all the coal-based power plants use sub-
critical pulverized coal technology. Gas-based power,
which has come up mainly during the 1990s, has gained
an 8% share. Nuclear power has 2% share, and the
share of renewables is about 1.5%. In the past decade,
generation capacity grew at a rate of 4.4% annually,
whereas electricity generation has grown at a rate of 7%
due to improved plant utilization. There has been a decline
in the hydrothermal ratio for power generation. Thermal
Figure 1.20: Power generation capacity
Source: Economic Survey of India, 2010/11, Government of India (*
includes non-conventional energy sources other then wind. Hydro
includes wind)
power share expanded due to shorter lead-time relative
to hydro plants, increasing opposition to large hydro
projects on social and environmental grounds, and higher
political risks of hydro projects due to inter-state disputes
on power and water sharing. This has added to the peak
power problem. India has a hydro potential of 84 GW, but
only about one-third of it has been exploited so far.
Gas-red power has grown from almost nil to one-twelfth
of total generation in the past decade due to the low
risk associated with lower capital requirements, shorter
construction periods, and higher efciencies. Compared
to the use of coal for power generation, gas use has
lower environmental impacts. With the increase in private
participation in the power sector, plants are being built
in coastal areas near ports with terminals capable of
handling liqueed natural gas (LNG). However, inland
use of imported LNG remains expensive compared to
coal, so natural gas is competitive in these regions, only
if transported by pipeline directly from the production
eld. Nuclear power from Indias 10 nuclear reactors
contributes less than 3% to total generation. There has
been a considerable improvement in capacity factor
of these plants during the past ve years, and they
now operate above 80% as compared to 60% earlier.
Renewable energy has a small share in the capacity
presently. However, India has a signicant programme to
support renewable power, targeting 10% of new capacity
additions by 2012.
Electricity generation has the largest share in the primary
energy consumption in India, with 40% of primary energy
and 70% of coal use. Despite enhanced competition from
other fuels, coal remains the mainstay of power generation.
Domestic availability helps coal to retain competitive
advantage over imported fuels that have associated
risks from fuel security and exchange rate uncertainties
in the long run. A sizeable infrastructure of mining and
manufacturing industries and transport has evolved
around the coal-based power. But lately, certain factors
have inuenced the investment in power generation to
shift to other fuels. The slow additions to domestic coal
mining capacity, inadequate coal transportation linkages,
relaxation of fuel imports, and investments by international
power companies that import own fuel needs have been
responsible for the preference accorded to gas.
Faced with an unreliable external power supply, many
energy-intensive industries such as aluminum, steel,
and fertilizer have invested in on-site power generation,
which is growing at an annual rate of 8% (CMIE, 2001).
Captive power generation has grown from about 1.6 GW
in 1970 to almost 14 GW in 2000, with almost half being
coal-based. Many captive generating plants have excess
capacity, which could supply power to the grid, given the
right policy incentives.
Transmission and distribution (T&D) losses now amount
to over one-fth of generated electricity. High losses
cripple the nancial viability of state-owned power
transport system, resulting in a persistent lack of funds
for expanding and improving the network. However, the
ongoing power sector reforms have targeted T&D as a
prime area, and multiple improvements are happening.
Transport is a critical infrastructure for development.
The sector accounts for a major share of consumption
of petroleum products in India. It is responsible for an
National Circumstances | 25
appreciable share of pollution, both local and global. Local
pollutants get concentrated in the urban areas. Transport
activities occupy central position in local pollution in many
urban areas of developing countries. The emission of
global pollutants, especially CO
, from transport is also a
problem of increasing concern in the global environmental
Managing the transport sector while minimizing
externalities such as local pollution, congestion, and GHG
emissions is a major challenge. Rapid urbanization is now
taking place in India. It is expected that more than 50%
of the population of India may reside in urban areas by
2025, a substantial increase from 34% in 2011. Efcient
transport system is a critical infrastructure requirement
for the cities for economic productivity and quality of
life. Sustainable urban transport system should be
economically and socially equitable as well as efcient.
The inability of the low-income groups to access affordable
transportation system imposes hardships on them. Their
time and energy are wasted in commuting, trapping them
in a vicious circle of poverty and inefciency.
The growth of registered motor vehicles in various cities
of India is shown in Table 1.8. Metropolitan cities account
for about one-third of total vehicles in India. These trends
indicate that the growth rate of vehicles could be high as
the cities grow. As a number of towns in India are growing
very rapidly, a very high level of vehicle growth can be
expected in the future. Thus, though the growth of transport
in metropolis might be slowing down, it is growing faster
in smaller cities. Some cities like Mumbai and Kolkata are
very congested. Chandigarh is very spacious. Pune is
also less congested. Delhi has a large eet of buses and
a good ratio of road length per person.
Table 1.8: Total number of registered motor vehicles in India during 19512006 (in thousand)
Year as on 31
All vehicles Two wheelers Cars, jeeps and
Buses Goods vehicles Others
1951 306 27 159 34 82 4
1961 665 88 310 57 168 42
1971 1865 576 682 94 343 170
1981 5391 2618 1160 162 554 897
1991 21,374 14,200 2954 331 1356 2533
2001 54,991 38,556 7058 634
2948 5795
2005 81,501 58,799 10,320 892
4031 7451
2006 (P) 89,618 64,743 11,526 992
4436 7921
Others include tractors, trailers, three wheelers (passenger vehicles) and other miscellaneous vehicles that are not separately classied.
Includes omni buses.
(P): Provisional.
Source: Road Transport Yearbook, 200607
India largely depends on external sources for meeting its
requirement of petroleum products. Table 1.9 shows the
supply and consumption of petroleum products in India.
The signicant supply demand gap poses considerable
energy security concerns for India. The table also shows
the CO
emissions due to the consumption of petroleum
products. The rising demand for petroleum products
increased the CO
emission by more than 2.3 times over
the period 19902008. Biofuel blending policy by the
Government of India is exploring alternate sources of
energy as one of its main objectives.
Table 1.9: Consumption and supply of petroleum
products in India
Year Total
of petroleum
barrels per day)
Total oil
barrels per

1995 1574.7 769.7 216.8
1996 1680.9 750.9 228.8
1997 1765.5 779.6 240.9
1998 1844.4 761.3 257.5
1999 2031.3 764.8 268.0
2000 2127.4 770.1 281.6
2001 2183.7 781.6 281.1
2002 2263.4 812.7 300.5
2003 2346.3 815.0 295.1
2004 2429.6 851.4 306.0
2005 2512.4 835.2 314.2
2006 2690.9 860.4 349.2
2007 2845.0 887.3 369.2
2008 2962.0 889.7 384.4
Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA), US. Department of Energy
(online database)
26 | INDIA Second National Communication
Reforms and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The momentous economy-wide reforms initiated in India
in 1991 included various sectors and activities that emit
GHGs as well as other pollutants. A signicant area in
this context is energy, including electricity, hydrocarbons,
and coal sectors.
The Energy Conservation Act (2001)
The Energy Conservation Act (2001) was enacted in
September 2001 to look after all the matters related to
the efcient use of energy and its conservation. Under
the Act, the Bureau of Energy Efciency was set up to
discharge the activities entrusted under the Act. The
Bureau is expected to look into the energy consumption
norms for each energy-intensive industry and encourage
proper labelling of energy consumption indicators on
every electrical appliance. The Bureau also provides
guidelines for energy conservation building codes and
takes measures to create awareness and disseminate
information for efcient use of energy and its conservation.
It also aims at strengthening consultancy services in the
eld of energy conservation and developing testing and
certication procedure and promoting testing facilities
for certication and testing for energy consumption of
equipment and appliances.
Reforms in the electricity sector
The mounting power shortages and the critical nancial
condition of state electricity boards (SEBs), which
rendered them unable to add signicantly to the power
generation capacity in India, prompted the government
in 1991 to encourage private sector participation with the
objective of mobilizing additional resources for the sector.
To facilitate private sector investments in the sector, the
Electricity Act was amended in 1991. Other possibilities
of augmenting the electricity generation capacity like
co-generation, captive power plants, and improved
productivity were considered in the Private Power Policy,
also announced in 1991.
The Electricity Regulatory Commission Act was
promulgated in 1998 for setting up of independent
regulatory bodies both at the central and state levels with
an important function of looking into all aspects of tariff
xation and matters incidental thereto.
The Ninth Five-year Plan recognized that the irrational
and un-remunerative tariff structure not only raises
serious doubts about the ability of the states to contribute
their share to capacity addition but also makes private
investors wary of the investments in the sector. To tackle
this issue, a Common Minimum National Action Plan on
Power (CMNAPP) was agreed upon by the state chief
ministers in December 1996 as the government realized
that without the consent of the state chief ministers, such
reforms could not make much headway (MoP, 1996).
Renovation and modernization, and distribution
The poor nancial health of the SEBs/state gencos due
to various reasons has seriously affected their ability to
invest in new power generation capacity, augment T&D
networks, induce system improvements, undertake
renovation and modernization (R&M) of old stations for
improving efciency, and make investments in energy
conservation and environment performance schemes.
The major reasons for poor nancial health of SEBs
are (i) high aggregate technical and commercial losses
(4045%), (ii) average revenue less than average cost of
supply, (ii) low plant load factor, and (iv) high operation
and maintenance costs in distribution. The Ministry of
Power has taken a number of steps to usher in reforms to
improve the nancial health of SEBs/gencos. Accelerated
Power development and Reforms Programme (APDRP)
initiated by the Ministry of Power includes R&M programme
of old thermal power stations for improving efciency
and distribution reforms programme by assisting the
states technically and nancially. Reforms in the R&M
of old thermal power stations will result in improvement
in efciency, that is, availability of additional power with
the same amount of coal burnt and, hence, lower GHG
emissions. Similarly, reduction in technical losses will
result in the availability of extra power in the grid, thereby
offsetting the new power capacity to be added (primarily
from coal, the mainstay of Indian power sector) and thus
reducing the GHG emissions. Reduction in commercial
losses through 100% metering, billing, and collection
would also result in energy conservation since the
consumer would use power more judiciously.
The Electricity Act (2003)
The Government of India has recently enacted the
Electricity Act (2003). The Act seeks to promote
competition in the electricity sector in India by decoupling
the generation, T&D, and supply of electricity. The Act
also envisages the preparation of a National Electricity
Policy (including tariff) for the development of the power
system based on optimal utilization of natural resource.
In consonance with this policy, the central electricity
authority will prepare the National Electricity Plan once in
every ve years.
National Circumstances | 27
The Act has de-licensed the generation of electricity
in India. Clause (7) of the Act states any generating
company may establish, operate, and maintain a station
without obtaining a license under this Act if it complies
with the technical standards relating to the connectivity
with the Grid.
The Act has also heralded a move away from the single
buyer model that was followed during the 1990s. Under
this model, the private power producers were allowed to
sell power to SEBs only. But the nancial difculties faced
by the SEBs proved to be a major constraint for private
participation. Under the new Act, the generator and the
consumer can individually negotiate the power purchase
and use the common access T&D system to meet the
contractual obligations.
Thus, the Electricity Act (2003) maintains the trend in
electricity reforms witnessed the world over by exposing
the generation and the supply side of the market to
competition but placing T&D sections under incentive
The Act has made the tariff policy one of the cornerstones
of the regulatory process. Under the Act, either the state
or the central regulatory commission is required to play
an important role in tariff setting by the natural monopoly
segments of the electricity supply chain and ensure that
such tariff is set through a transparent process of bidding
in accordance with the guidelines issued by the central
government. The Ministry of Power has recently come
out with a discussion paper on the tariff policy. According
to the paper, the tariff has to take into account the
objectives of (i) promotion of efciency, (ii) introduction of
competition and creation of enabling environment for the
same, (iii) rationalization of electricity tariff, (iv) protection
of consumer interests, and (v) transparency in subsidy
administration (MoP, 2003).
Reforms in the hydrocarbons sector
The country imports about 83% of its requirement of
crude oil to meet the increasing demand, resulting
in substantial outgo of foreign exchange. With the
countrys rapid economic growth, the consumption
of petroleum products is growing at a healthy rate of
4.6%. Even though production of domestic crude oil has
increased to 37.685MMT in 2010-11, the consumption
of petroleum products in the country is continually rising
and has increased from 113MMT in 2005-06 to 142MMT
in 2010-11.
However, the growth in consumption of petroleum products
has led to an increase in dependence on crude oil imports.
Government of India has been making focused efforts to
accelerate and expand exploration and production (E&P)
efforts in the country to augment oil and gas production to
bridge the growing decit in the demand and availability
of oil and gas. New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP)
was accordingly formulated in 1997-98 which provides a
level playing eld to the private investor including foreign
companies by giving them the same scal and contract
terms as applicable to National Oil Companies for the
exploration acreages offered. Under NELP, so far, eight
rounds of bids have been concluded and production-
sharing contracts for 235 exploration blocks have been
signed. In order to harness the hydrocarbon potential of the
country, the ninth round of NELP (NELP-IX) was launched
in October 2010 in New Delhi. Investment commitment
under NELP is about USD 11 billion on exploration,
against which actual expenditure so far is about USD 8.51
billion. In addition, a USD 7.37 billion investment has been
made on development of discoveries. Thus, the actual
investment made by E&P companies under NELP is of
the order of USD 15.88 billion.
The government control on the hydrocarbon sector,
through Administered Price Mechanism (APM) was
removed in a phased manner from 1998 to 2002. APM
was completely dismantled on 31.03.02. For increasing
the use of LPG as a cooking fuel instead of wood, coal
etc. in rural India, as per Vision 2015, a target has been
given to the Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies to
raise the overall LPG population coverage to 75% in the
country by releasing 5.5 crore new LPG connections by
2015. As the urban centres are more or less covered by
the LPG network, future growth envisaged under Vision
2015 will be concentrated in the rural and under-covered
Figure 1.21: Share of petroleum imports in total consumption (%)
Source: Planning Commission, 2007; Economic Survey of India,
28 | INDIA Second National Communication
areas. The usage of LPG in replacement of other fuels
such as wood, coal, kerosene etc is advantageous from
the environmental point of view.
Petroleum product pipeline policy
Pipelines are the most convenient, cheapest and
environment friendly mode for transportation of crude
petroleum and petroleum products. With a view to
preparing a roadmap for development of pipeline
infrastructure in the country, keeping in view the growth
in the rening capacity and consumption of petroleum
products, the Government is preparing an Oil Pipelines
Vision 2030. The Oil Pipelines-Vision 2030 will intend to
provide an executable and implementable framework for
development of the oil pipeline network in the country.
Auto fuel policy
The Auto Fuel Policy, approved by the Government in 2003,
gave a roadmap for upgradation of the quality of auto fuels
(Petrol and Diesel) to Bharat Stage (BS) IV in 13 identied
cities (Delhi/NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru,
Hyderabad (including Secunderabad), Ahmedabad,
Pune, Surat, Kanpur, Agra, Solapur and Lucknow) and
BS-III in the rest of the country effective 1.4.2010. Supply
of BS-IV Petrol and Diesel commenced from 1st April,
2010 in all the 13 identied cities as per the roadmap laid
down in Auto Fuel Policy. BS-III fuels were introduced
in the country in a phased manner with the last phase
being completed in September 2010. Though BS-IV auto
fuels are in supply in 13 major cities including National
Capital Region (NCR), the NCR alone consists of 108
towns (of which 17 are class I cities) and more than 7500
rural settlements. Efforts are being made to progressively
expand coverage of BS-IV fuels with introduction of these
fuels in 50 more cities by 2015. An Industry Group of
Ofcers has been formed with representatives from PSU
Oil Marketing Companies. The group will identify these
additional cities considering the pollution levels and the
vehicle population. Inclusion of all state capitals and cities
with population of more than 1 crore will be emphasized
while selecting the additional cities for extension of BS-IV
auto fuels.
Reforms in the coal sector
Towards reforming the coal sector, the government has
recently constituted the Expenditure Reforms Commission
(ERC). The major recommendations of the Commission
are as follows:
Remove all restrictions on the entry of the private
sector in the exploration and production of coal
by amending the Coal Mines Nationalization Act
Amend the Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and
Development) Act (1957) and set up an independent
regulatory body to allow for level playing eld to the
private sector.
Restructure the industry by doing away with the
holding company (CIL) and coal controller, among
other things.
Amend the Coal Mines (Conservation and
Development) Act (1974) to put responsibility on
both public and private sectors for scientic mining,
conservation, safety and health, protection of
environment, etc.
Permit states to develop lignite resources outside the
command areas of the Neyveli Lignite Corporation.
Reorient the overall strategy to take into consideration
the role of coal in energy security.
Prior to 1
January 2000, the central government was
empowered under the Colliery Control Order, 1945, to x
the prices of coal, by grade and colliery. However, following
the Colliery Control Order, 2000, the prices for all grades
of coking and non-coking coal have been deregulated.
The current basic price of coal varies from Rs 1450 per
tonne to Rs 250 per tonne for different grades.
The provisions inter alia resettlement, sharing of prots
with the states and restoration of mined areas have
been clearly identied in the latest Mines and Minerals
(Development & Regulation) Bill 2011, approved by the
Low Carbon Strategy
The interim report of the Expert Group on Low Carbon
Strategies for Inclusive Growth was released by the
Planning Commission in May 2011. The report underscored
Indias commitment to reducing emissions intensity of its
economy and the voluntary measures it has promised to
undertake before the international community.
The report analyses two scenarios. The rst scenario, at
the lower end of emissions intensity reduction range, is
called the Determined Effort Scenario, which essentially
means vigorous and effective implementation of existing
mitigation policies. The report did highlight the supporting
need of continuously upgrading technologies in all sectors
and nance from both public and private sources, in
addition to effective policy coordination between different
National Circumstances | 29
The second scenario, which aims at a higher level of
reduction in emission, is called the Aggressive Effort
Scenario. This scenario, apart from the continuation of
existing policies, would require design and implementation
of new policies. It will also need large amounts of additional
nance and considerable innovation. It highlighted the
need for international nancial support and technology
transfer in meeting the aggressive targets. The analysis
projects a range for GHG emission intensity reduction in
2020 for 8% and 9% real GDP growth.
The options considered suggest that with determined
efforts, India can bring down the emission intensity of its
GDP by 2325% over the 2005 levels, and with aggressive
efforts, the emission intensity can be brought down by as
much as 3335% over the 2005 level.
The Expert Group has emphasized action on the following
(i) Power: The expert group has suggested action both
on supply and demand side. One the supply side, it is
emphasized that there is a need to adopt supercritical
technologies in coal based thermal power generation
as quickly as possible. It is also suggested that gas
(being in limited supply) is to be used in combined
heat and power systems in large establishments.
Emphasis is given to the development of renewable
technologies (solar, wind and second generation bio-
fuels) and hydro-power (in a sustainable manner).
On the demand side it is suggested to accelerate
the adoption of super-efcient electrical appliances
and enhancing the efciency of agricultural pump-
sets and industrial equipments. Emphasis is also laid
on modernization of transmission and distribution
systems to bring down the technical and commercial
losses to the world average levels, while at the same
time ensuring universal electricity access (forcing the
need for adoption of new and frontier technologies
such as smart grids).
(ii) Transport: It is suggested that there has to be an
increase in the share of rail in overall freight transport
(by improving the efciency of rail freight transport
and making its price competitive). Emphasis is also
laid on improving the share and efciency of public
transport system and there is a recognised further
need to improve the fuel efciency of our vehicles.
(iii) Industry: The expert group has made specic
recommendations for sectors like Iron & Steel and
Cement. It is identied that green-eld plants in
these sectors adopt best available technology; while
existing plants (small and medium) modernize and
adopt green technology at an accelerated phase
(supported through nancing mechanisms that are
equitable and transparent).
(iv) Buildings: Change in the design and structure of
building can act as a multiplier in reducing overall
energy demand (in addition to efcient appliances).
The group recognised the need to evolve and
institutionalize Green Building Codes at all levels of
(v) Forestry: There is tremendous scope for increasing
the stock and quality of existing forests. Green India
Mission is considered to be an important vehicle to
achieve the above stated goal.
Since this is an Interim report, the nal report is likely to
contain details of technology, policy and nance options
that are necessary to pursue a low emission, inclusive
growth trajectory in the future. It has also been recognised
that there is a broader issue of adapting agricultural
practices to serious alterations in climatic conditions, and
to managing our water resources in a more comprehensive
and efcient fashion.
It is also underscored that all levels of government
need to act together to combat the challenge of climate
change. The state governments need to develop a state
action plan for climate change that can be dovetailed to
the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC),
by identifying vulnerable areas and communities, and
by developing state-specic action programmes for the
above mentioned areas.
In implementing low-carbon strategies for inclusive growth,
the report underscores the importance of an appropriate
institutional set-up. The report suggests a general
guideline for policy and institutional design in the context
of low carbon growth, which comprises measures such
that the policies are incentive compatible and promote
technological and institutional innovation, involve capacity
building of multiple stakeholders, need to harness the
creative potential of all non-state actors, and need to
facilitate coordination so as to reduce transaction costs in
the implementation of mitigation strategies. The low carbon
strategy also suggested pointing out that while setting
priorities, both co-benets and consequential losses
need to be considered. The document also reiterates that
imposing a carbon tax would not be possible at present
but at least fossil fuel pricing could be done at economic
costs to remove relative distortions.
30 | INDIA Second National Communication
A possible implication is that it could lead to competition
for limited land and water resources in the country,
particularly for biofuels, biomass, and forestry initiatives
that enhance carbon sequestration. It is essential that
the low carbon strategy be planned in such a way that
excessive pressure on land, including rain-fed farming
land, is avoided, so as to avoid an adverse impact on food
security and livelihood of the poor.
Indias Commitment to Climate Change and
Sustainable Development
India attaches great importance to climate change.
Climate change and sustainable development go hand-
in-hand with Indias progress. India has reasons to be
concerned about the adverse impacts of climate change
since vast populations depend on climate-sensitive
sectors for their livelihoods. Indias commitment to United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) is reected in various initiatives taken
nationally, such as including climate change in the Indian
planning process and resource allocation, formulating
National Action Plan for Climate Change with a focus on
eight missions, enhancing resilience of poor communities
through programmes such as National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act (NREGA), and promoting research and
development in environmental areas. Environmental
protection and sustainable development have emerged
as key national priorities and manifest in Indias approach
to socio-economic development and poverty eradication.
National Circumstances | 31
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2004. The Tisali system of farming A relict of shifting
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Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers, 26
(2), 3476
EIA (Energy Information Administration). Petroleum
Products in India. Independent Statistics and Analysis.
US EIA, US Department of Energy. Available at http://
References and Sources
Electricity Act, 2003. Ministry of Power, Government of
India, New Delhi
Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998. Ministry of
Power, Government of India, New Delhi
Energy Conservation Act, 2001. Ministry of Power,
Government of India, New Delhi
Environment Protection Act, 1986. Ministry of Environment
and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi
ESI (Economic Survey of India), 19912006. Economic
Survey of India. Ministry of Finance, Government of India,
New Delhi
ESI (Economic Survey of India), 2010/11. Economic
Survey of India. Ministry of Finance, Government of India,
New Delhi
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. Ministry of Environment
and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi.
IIPS (International Institute for Population Studies), 2000.
National Family Health Survey -2. IIPS, Mumbai
IIPS (International Institute for Population Studies), 2006.
Reproductive and Child Health: District Level Household
Survey 200204. IIPS, Mumbai
IMD (India Meteorological Department), 2008. Electronic
Atlas of Tracks of Cyclones and Depressions in the Bay of
Bengal and the Arabian Sea, CD Rom, Version 1.0, IMD,
New Delhi
Joji, V. S. and Nair, A. S. K., 2004. Sustainability of land
resources of Vamanapuram River Basin, southern Kerala,
India. Geographical Review of India, 66 (2), 153162
MoA (Ministry of Agriculture), 2002. Basic Animal
Husbandry Statistics 2002. MoA, Department of Animal
Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India, New
MoA (Ministry of Agriculture), 2003. 17
Indian Livestock
Census, 2003. Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying
and Fisheries, MoA, Government of India, New Delhi
MoA (Ministry of Agriculture), 2006. Basic Animal
Husbandry Statistics 2006. Animal Husbandry Statistics
Division, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and
Fisheries, MoA, Government of India. Available at http://
32 | INDIA Second National Communication
MoA (Ministry of Agriculture), 2008. Agricultural Statistics
at a Glance 2008. MoA, Government of India, New Delhi
MoC (Ministry of Coal), 2009. Coal Directory of India.
Department of Coal, MoC, Government of India, Calcutta
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 19872009.
State of Forest Reports. Forest Survey of India, MoEF,
New Delhi
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2001. State
of Forest Report, 2001. Forest Survey of India, MoEF,
New Delhi
MoHA (Ministry of Home Affairs), 2011. Preliminary
Report of Census for India 2011. Ofce of the Registrar
General and Census Commissioner, MoHA, Government
of India, New Delhi
Mohanty, P. K., Panda U. S. and Mohapatra G. M., 2005.
Tropical Cyclone Climatology and Role of GPS and GIS.
Paper presented at National Seminar on, GIS Applications
in Rural Development, NIRD, Hyderabad
MoP (Ministry of Power), 1996. Common Minimum
National Action Plan on Power. MoP, Government of
India, New Delhi
MoP (Ministry of Power), 2000. Sixteenth Electric Power
Survey of India. Central Electricity Authority, MoP,
Government of India, New Delhi
MoRD (Ministry of Rural Development), 2008. Annual
Report 200708. MoRD, Government of India
MoRTH (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways), 2007.
Road Transport Yearbook, 2006-2007. MoRTH, New
NAPCC (National Action Plan on Climate Change), 2008.
National Action Plan on Climate Change. Prime Ministers
Ofce, Government of India, New Delhi
Narayanakumar, R. and Kumaraswamy, K., 2006. Landuse
and Landcover in Oussudu Lake Environs: A Remote
Sensing Based Study. The Deccan Geographer, 44 (1),
NBO (National Buildings Organisation), 2003. Handbook
of Housing Statistics, 2003. NBO, Ministry of Housing
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NSSO (National Sample Survey Organisation), 1998.
Consumer Expenditure, Education, Health and Aged in
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Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government
of India, New Delhi
NSSO (National Sample Survey Organisation), 1993/94
2007/08. Employment and Unemployment.
NSSO, Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation, Government of India, New Delhi
Planning Commission, 2002. Tenth Five Year Plan: 2002
2007. Planning Commission, Government of India, New
Planning Commission, 2007. Eleventh Five Year Plan- Vol.
I, II and III. Planning Commission, Government of India,
New Delhi
Planning Commission, 2011. Interim Report of the Expert
Group on Low Carbon Strategies for Inclusive Growth.
Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi
RBI (Reserve Bank of India), 2009. Handbook of Statistics
on the Indian Economy 2008-09. RBI, Mumbai
Registrar General of India, 1999. Compendium of Indias
Fertility and Mortality Indicators 19711997 based on
Sample Registration System. Ofce of the Registrar
General of India, New Delhi
Registrar General of India, 2005. Sample Registration
System Statistical Report: 2003. Ofce of the Registrar
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Life Tables 19992003. Ofce of the Registrar General of
India, New Delhi
Singh, A. L. and Shah, B., 2007. Shifting cultivation and
landuse/landcover changes in North-East India. The
Deccan Geographer, 45 (1), 5970
TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute), 2009. TERI
Energy Data Directory & Yearbook. TERI, New Delhi
Thangamani, V. and Rao, M. S., 2007. Land capability of
Palar Basin using remote sensing technique. The Deccan
Geographer, 5 (1), 918
UN (United Nations), 2005. World Population Prospects:
The 2004 Revision. UN Population Division
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme),
2009. Human Development Report: 2009. UNDP, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme),
2010. Human Development Report: 2010. UNDP, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi
World Bank Databank, 2010. On-line data Bank. Available
National Circumstances | 33
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 61
National Greenhouse
Gas Inventory
his chapter presents a detailed description of the greenhouse gas
(GHG) inventory of the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO
), methane
), nitrous oxide (N
O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons
(PFCs), and sulphur hexafluoride (SF
) by sources and their removal by sinks,
for the year 2000. The sectors covered include energy, industrial processes &
product use, agriculture, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF),
and waste. The reporting is in accordance with the revised guidelines 17/CP.8
meant for reporting National Communications (NC) from Non-Annex 1 Parties
to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), which is the focal point of
climate change in the Indian government, published the GHG emission profile
of India for the year 2007 in 2010. A brief description of the same is also
included in this chapter. The GHG emission levels of 1994 (reported in the
Initial National Communication [INC]) have also been compared with the
GHG estimates for 2000 and 2007. While reporting the GHG inventory, this
chapter also gives a detailed account of the methodology used, the quality
assurance/quality control (QA/QC) measures applied, the results of the key
source analysis, and Tier-I quantification of the uncertainties associated with
the estimates.
Introduction 37
An Overview of the National
Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Management and Preparation 37
Inventory management 37
Institutional arrangement for inventory preparation 38
Inventory planning, preparation, reporting,
documentation, and archiving procedures 38
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2000 40
Activity data, emission factors and
methodological tiers used 40
Quality assurance and quality control procedures 42
Greenhouse gas emissions in 2000 A summary 42
Energy 44
Methodology, activity data and emission factors 44
Overview of greenhouse gas emissions from
the energy sector 45
Energy industries (1A1) 46
Manufacturing industries (1A2) 46
Transport (1A3) 48
Other sectors (1A4) 50
Fugitive emissions (1B) 50
Industrial Processes and
Product use 53
Methodology, activity data and emission factors 53
Overview of greenhouse gas emissions from the
industrial processes and product use sector 54
Mineral industries (2A) 54
Chemical industries (2B) 56
Metal production (2C) 57
Production of halocarbons and
consumption of SF
(2D) 57
Non-energy product use 57
Agriculture 58
Methodology, activity data and emission factors 58
Overview of greenhouse gas emissions from the
agriculture sector 60
Chapter 2 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information
Enteric fermentation (3A) 60
Manure management (3B) 62
Rice cultivation (3C) 63
Agriculture soils (3D) 65
Burning of agriculture crop residue (3E) 65
Land use, Land-use Change
and Forestry 2000 66
Methodology for greenhouse gas inventory 66
Forest land 66
Cropland 69
Grassland 71
Wetland (ooded land) 71
Settlements 71
Other land 72
Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from
land use, land-use change and forestry 72
Waste 72
Methodology, activity data, and emission factors 73
Overview of greenhouse gas emissions from
the waste sector 75
Solid waste disposal (4A1) 75
Waste water 76
Key Source Analysis 2000 77
Uncertainty Analysis 2000 79
Summary of Greenhouse
Gas Emissions in 2007 79
Trends in Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80
Trends of emissions by gas 80
Trends of greenhouse gas emissions, by sector 80
Improvements Made in the
Greenhouse Gas Inventory between the Initial
National Communication and the
Second National Communication 82
References & Sources 87
36 | INDIA Second National Communication
National Greenhouse
Gas Inventory Information
The 17/CP.8 guidelines require each Non-Annex I Party
to provide, in its national inventory, information on
GHGs, namely, CO
, CH
, and N
O, emitted from the
anthropogenic sources. Also, the Non-Annex I Parties are
encouraged, as appropriate, to provide information on
the anthropogenic emissions of HFCs, PFCs, and SF
sources. Further, the Non-Annex 1 parties need to provide,
to the extent possible, information on emissions from
international aviation and marine bunker fuels separately
in their inventories. Emission estimates from these sources
should not be included in the national totals. This chapter
provides information on the above-mentioned six gases
in terms of their emission by sources and their removal
by sinks. It also takes into account the emissions from
international bunkers and biomass burning.
Further, this chapter provides information on GHGs in
terms of CO
equivalent (CO
eq.) using Global Warming
Potential (GWP) values provided by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its Second
Assessment Report. The 1996 IPCC GWP values given
in the report are based on the effects of GHGs over a 100-
year time horizon (Box 2.1). The reference gas used is
Box 2.1: Global Warming Potential (GWP) values (100-
year time horizon) used in this study
O 310
HFC-134a 1300
HFC-23 11,700
Note: The CH
GWP includes the direct effects along with the indirect effects
due to the production of tropospheric ozone and stratospheric water vapour.
The indirect effect due to the production of CO
is not included.
carbon dioxide; CH
methane; N
O nitrous oxide; HFC
hydrouorocarbon; CF
tetrauoromethane; C
hexauoroethane; SF

sulphur hexauoride
Source: IPCC (1996)
; therefore, GWP-weighted emissions are measured
in CO
eq.. All gases in this chapter have been presented
in the units of Gg CO
An Overview of the National Greenhouse Gas
Inventory Management and Preparation
Inventory management
The GHG inventory process is coordinated by the MoEF
through its Project Management Cell (PMC) under the
overall guidance of the National Project Director, who is
also a senior-level ofcial in the ministry. The PMC has
a GHG inventory expert, who is responsible for inventory
planning and management. The PMC is responsible for
ensuring not only the conformity of the inventory with
the updated UNFCCC Reporting Guidelines but also the
integrity of the inventory, communication of data, and
information exchange with all the involved partners. The
implementation arrangement for preparing GHG inventory
is shown in Figure 2.1.
The process of the preparation of the inventory comprises
sub-contracting arrangements with the institutions
identied, with dened roles and responsibilities, type of
participation in the inventory development process, use
of data, communication and publication of work related to
data collection, generation, and estimation, and emission
factor development. The GHG Inventory Working Group
comprising all the members involved in the preparation of
GHG inventory process meets at least twice a year to take
stock of the state of the inventory and discuss priorities in
the inventory development process. Once the inventory
is prepared, it goes through a peer review process by the
GHG Inventory Working Group members. The revised
inventory is then subjected to a nal review through
technical consultations. These technical consultations
comprise expert meetings, reviews and deliberations.
The inventory is also reviewed by the National Steering
Committee (NSC), which comprises members from
relevant ministries. Apart from reviewing the inventory,
the NSC also reviews the inventory development process
from time to time to ensure that the process is on track.
It also facilitates interactions of the institutions under
its jurisdiction with the institutions involved in the GHG
inventory process so as to have better access to data and
other related issues, and endorses the submission of the
inventory for the nal ofcial approval by the cabinet.
Indias Second National Communication
Activity data providers, Emission factor providers, GHG emission inventory
estimators: Research Institutions/ Industry Associations/ Universities/
Technical Institutions/ NGOs / Line Ministries/ Departments/ and other
GHG Inventory Expert Groups
Energy Industry Agriculture LULUCF Waste
Figure 2.1: Implementation arrangement for inventory preparation
Institutional arrangement for inventory
The GHG inventory is prepared by the scientists and
experts drawn from a network of a diverse mix of institutions
across the country, which have the capacity to generate
information, on a regular basis, on the inventories of
GHG emission by sources and their removals by sinks.
These institutions are part of energy, industry, agriculture,
LULUCF, and waste sectors. These institutions are
national research institutions, technical institutions,
universities, industry associations, non-governmental
organizations, and those belonging to the private sector.
The institutional arrangement for the preparation of
the GHG inventory is shown in Figure 2.2. Apart from
estimating the GHG inventories, these institutions also
collect activity data from relevant sources and are also
involved in the process of generating country-specic
emission factors. Developing country-specic emission
factors, especially for the key emitting sources, has been
the thrust area since the INC process begun, as it makes
the inventory more representative of the circumstances
under which the emissions take place and the estimates
more scientically robust. This effort is supported by
key ministries such as the Ministry of Power, Ministry of
Coal, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Ministry
of Surface Transport, Ministry of Shipping, Ministry of
Aviation, Ministry of Heavy Industries, Ministry of Iron
and Steel, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment
and Forests, Ministry of Urban Development, and Ministry
of Statistics and Programme Implementation. These
ministries represent the source of activity data for the
majority of the source categories.
Inventory planning, preparation, reporting,
documentation and archiving procedures
The inventory preparation cycle consists of (i) inventory
planning, (ii) inventory preparation, (iii) reporting, (iv)
documentation, and (iv) archiving procedures. The cycle
is shown in Figure 2.3.
Inventory planning: The inventory planning cycle starts
with the identication of the activities to be undertaken
to achieve the stated objectives of the GHG inventory
preparation, which takes into account the review
comments from the previous GHG inventory preparation
effort undertaken in the INC. The data gaps are identied,
the QA/QC is planned, and steps are taken for reducing
uncertainties and estimating the same. For each activity,
institutions that would undertake the work for the activity
assigned to them are identied. Technical Terms of
Reference (ToR) are drafted for each activity by the
project management team. The technical ToR includes
the outline of the expected deliverables along with the
timelines. These ToRs form part of the contracts signed by
the identied institutions and the facilitating agency that
houses the National Communication Project Management
Cell. The entire planning is presented to the NSC for its
Inventory preparation and reporting: Once the
contracts are signed, the preparation step starts with the
submission of an initial report by the institution within the
rst three months of the signing of the contract. In the
initial report, the contracting agencies are encouraged to
provide the status of the availability of the activity data,
sources from where the activity data will be sourced, the
methodology to be used, and the emission factors to be
applied. Subsequently, three more reports are prepared by
the contracted institution, termed as interim report, draft
nal report, and the reviewed nal report. During all the
stages, the data provided in the reports is peer reviewed
as well as reviewed through technical consultations by
experts. In case there is any difculty in accessing data,
the MoEF requests the relevant ministry to directly source
the data through its own agencies/channels.
Data documentation and archiving: All the inventory
data is assembled and put together into a common
reporting format along the lines of the CRF reporter of the
38 | INDIA Second National Communication
UNFCCC. Archiving of the data takes place at two ends:
one at the institution end, which is contracted to carry
out the preparation of the inventory from various source
categories; and the other at the PMC end of the MoEF.
Every week, back-up of all the inventory data is taken and
stored. Data is also archived as hard copies of reports
received at the PMC. The background documents for
each of the inventory preparation activities are available
at the institutional end.
Indias Second National Communication to UNFCCC
Preparation of GHG inventory
Industrial Process
& Product use
AFRI : Arid Forest Research Institute
ARCBR : Advanced Research Centre for Bamboo and Rattans
BCKVV : Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya
CFRHRD : Centre for Forestry Research and Human Resource Development
CII : Confederation of Indian Industry
CIMFR : Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research
CLRI : Central Leather Research Institute
CMA : Cement Manufacturers Association
CRRI : Central Road Research Institute
CSFER : Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation
FSI : Forest Survey of India
FRC : Forest Research Centre
HFRI : Himalayan Forest Research Institute
IARI : Indian Agricultural Research Institute
ICFRE : Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
IFGTB : Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
IFP : Institute of Forest Productivity
IGFRI : Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute
IIP : Indian Institute of Petroleum
IISc : Indian Institute of Science
IVRI : Indian Veterinary Research Institute
IWST : Institute of Woods Science and Technology
JU : Jadavpur University
NDRI : National Dairy Research Institute
NEERI : National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
NPL : National Physical Laboratory
NRSA : National Remote Sensing Agency
PPAC : Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell
RFRI : Rain Forest Research Institute
TERI : The Energy and Resources Institute
TFRI : Tropical Forest Research Institute
Figure 2.2: Institutional arrangement for the preparation of the greenhouse gas inventory
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 39
I. Inventory Planning
II. Institutions
III. Initial Status
IV. Interim Report
V. Draft Report
VIII. Identification of
VI. Draft Final Report
Review by National
Steering Committee
Peer Review and review
by Scientific Advisory
VII. Collation of
information for inclusion in
National Communication
Peer Review
Peer Review
Figure 2.3: Greenhouse gas inventory preparation cycle
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2000
This section presents the estimates of CO
, CH
O, HFCs, PFCs, and SF
emitted by sources and
their removal by sinks, covering the sectors of energy,
industrial processes and product use (IPPU), agriculture,
LULUCF, and waste. Against this backdrop, it explains the
methodology used, the QA/QC measures applied, and
the results of the key source analysis while presenting a
Tier-I quantication of the uncertainties associated with
the estimates.
Activity data, emission factors, and
methodological tiers used
Activity data: Activity data has been primarily derived
from the published documents of the various ministries
and organizations of the Government of India, from
industry associations (such as the Cement Manufacturers
Association [CMA] of India), and from reputed data
organizations such as the Center for Monitoring of Indian
Economy (CMIE).
Emission factors: The emission factors used in this
report are a mix of default emission factors available in
the IPCC publications (1996, 2000, 2003, and 2006) and
country-specic emission factors. Default emission factors
have been used for those gases and categories for which
country-specic factors are not available. Some of the
country-specic emission factors used in this assessment
include emission factors of CO
from coal (Choudhary et
al., 2004), CH
from coal mining (Singh, 2004), N
O from
nitric acid production (Rao et al., 2004), CO
from cement
(Rao et al., 2004), CH
from rice (Gupta et al., 2004,
Indian Agricultural Research Institution publications), CH

from enteric fermentation in livestock (Swamy et al., 2006,
National Dairy Research Institute publications), N
O from
soils (Pathak et al., 2002), and CH
from municipal solid
waste (Jha et al., 2007), amongst others.
Methodology: For a comprehensive, complete,
comparable, transparent, and accurate (CCCTA) coverage,
to the extent capacities permit, the methodology used
follows the IPCC Revised Guidelines 1996, supported
by the IPCC Good Practice Guidance (GPG) 2000 and
2003. The LULUCF sector estimations are made using
the IPCC GPG 2003. The estimation also integrates
some of the default emission factors from the IPCC 2006
Guidelines. The tiers of estimate range between Tier-I,
-II, and -III . Higher tier implies a more data-intensive
effort (Box 2.2). For example, CH
from rice cultivation is
estimated by using Tier-III approach, wherein the total rice
area is divided into areas characterizing different water
management practices in the country. The GHG emission
factors used for estimating CH
from these areas are
40 | INDIA Second National Communication
actual measurements carried out, which represent CH

emission/unit area, covering different water management
practices. Efforts are generally made to use a Tier-II or
-III approach (that is, a data-intensive approach) for
categories that are identied as key source categories.
Table 2.1 presents the summary of methodological tiers
and the type of emissions factors used for the different
source categories.
Box 2.2: Tiers of estimation
Tier-I approach employs activity data that is relatively coarse, such
as nationally or globally available estimates of deforestation rates,
agricultural production statistics, and global land cover maps.
Tier-II uses the same methodological approach as Tier 1 but applies
emission factors and activity data that are dened by the country.
Tier-III approach uses higher order methods, including models
and inventory measurement systems tailored to address national
circumstances, repeated over time and driven by disaggregated
Table 2.1: Type of emission factor and level of methodological tiers used for greenhouse gas (GHG) estimates
1. Energy
A. Fuel combustion activities
1.Energy industries T1, T2 CS, D T1 D T1 D
2. Manufacturing industries and
T1, T2 CS, D T1 D T1 D
3. Transport T1, T2 CS, D T1 D T1 D
4. Other sectors T1 CS, D T1 D T1 D
B. Fugitive emission from fuels
1. Solid fuels T2 CS
2. Oil and natural gas T1 D
2. Industrial processes
A. Mineral products
1. Cement production T2 CS, D T2 D T2 D
2. Lime production T1 D T1 D T1 D
3. Limestone and dolomite use T1 D T1 D T1 D
4. Soda ash production and use T1 D
5. Glass D
B. Chemicals T1 D T1 D TI D
1. Ammonia production
2. Nitric acid production T1 CS, D T1 D TI D
C. Metal production
1. Iron and steel production TI D TI D TI D
2. Ferro-alloys production TI D TI D TI D
3. Aluminum production TI CS, D TI D TI D
4.Lead production TI D TI D TI D
5. Zinc production TI D TI D TI D
6. Magnesium production TI D TI D TI D
D. Other production
1.Production of halocarbons
E. Non-energy product use
1. Lubricant TI D T1 D T1 D
2. Parafn wax TI D T1 D T1 D
3. Agriculture
A. Enteric fermentation T3 CS T2 D
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 41
B. Manure management T1 CS, D T1 CS, D
C. Rice cultivation T3 CS
D. Agricultural soils T2 CS, D
E. Field burning of agricultural residues T1 CS, D T1 CS, D
4. Land use, land-use change and forestry
A. Forest land T2 CS, D
B. Cropland T2 CS, D
C. Grassland T2 D
D. Wetland T2 D
E. Other land T2 D
F. Settlement T2 D
5. Waste
A. Solid waste disposal on land
1. Managed waste disposal on land T2 CS, D
B. Waste water handling
1. Industrial waste water T1, T2 CS, D
2. Domestic and commercial waste
T1 D
Memo items
International bunkers
Civil aviation T1 D T1 D T1 D
Navigation T1 D T1 D T1 D
Biomass combustion T1 CS, D
T1 Tier-I; T2 Tier-II; T3 Tier-III; CS country specic; D default
Quality assurance and quality control
First, a QA/QC plan was developed, which took into
account, other than the quality of the data, the cycle of
inventory preparation and adherence of the contracting
agencies to that plan. All contributors to the inventory
were also provided with a QC checklist in line with Table
8.1 in the UNFCCC GPG 2000 (IPCC GPG, 2000). The
contributors completed the checklists during the period
of data collection and GHG inventory preparation. The
compilation of the QA/QC checklist was done at the PMC.
The general QA/QC checks for all inventory preparations
include cross-checking the reliability of the activity
data collected from the secondary sources for proper
documentation and record; cross-checking for transcription
errors in the activity data; consistency, completeness, and
integrity of the database; documentation and reporting
of the rationale of assumptions used for activity data;
documentation and reporting of gaps in the database;
consistency in labelling of units in ensuing calculations;
and completeness checks on the reported data sets for
designated years.
The activity data sources such as the various ministries,
industry associations, and the remote sensing agency,
however, were not directly approached with the QA/QC
list. The entire process is envisaged to be strengthened
further by making the data sources as well as the process
compliant to standard ISO/ BIS QA/QC procedures, which
are modied for inventory preparation.
Greenhouse gas emissions in 2000
A Summary
In 2000, India emitted 1,523,777.44 Gg CO
eq. (1523.78
Mt of CO
eq.) from the energy, industrial processes &
product use, agriculture, and waste management sectors.
The summary of the emissions of GHG by each sector
is presented in Table 2.2. A detailed table is given at the
end of the chapter (Annexure 1). The LULUCF sector
was a net sink in 2000. With the inclusion of LULUCF, the
net emission in 2000 was 1,301,209.39 Gg of CO
(1301.21Mt of CO
42 | INDIA Second National Communication
The total CO
, CH
, and N
O emitted were 1,024,772.84
Gg, 19,392.30 Gg, and 257.42 Gg, respectively, equalling
an emission of 1,542,240.94 Gg CO
eq. Additionally, the
IPPU sector emitted 0.220 Gg of HFC-134a, 0.420 Gg of
HFC-23, 0.870 Gg of tetrauoromethane (CF
), 0.087 Gg
of hexauoroethane (C
), and 0.013 Gg of SF
, which
together equalled 11,966.1 Gg CO
eq. emissions. Figure
2.4 gives the relative contribution of the various gases to
the total CO
eq. emissions from the country.
The energy sector emitted 1,027,016.48 Gg of CO
accounting for 67.4% of the total GHG emissions in
2000, excluding LULUCF. The agriculture sector emitted
355,600.6 Gg CO
eq., which was 23.3% of the total GHG
emissions. The IPPU sector emitted 88,608.07 Gg CO

eq., or 5.8% of the total GHG emissions. The waste sector
emitted 52,552.29 Gg CO
eq. in 2000, which was 3.5%
of the total GHG emissions. Figure 2.5 gives the relative
distribution of emissions by sector.
The emissions of CO
from the energy sector relative to
the total GHG emissions, excluding LULUCF, were by far
the largest in 2000. The contribution of CO
was 92.7% of
the total emissions from the energy sector. The agriculture
sector mainly accounted for the emissions of CH
O, with 73.0% of the total CH
and 75.0% of the total
O emitted in 2000 being attributed to the agriculture
sector. The synthetic gases (HFCs, PFCs, and SF
were entirely emitted from the industrial processes. The
relative distribution for gases emitted from each sector is
presented in Figure 2.6.
Table 2.2: Greenhouse gas emissions, by sector, for India in 2000


(Gg) N
O (Gg) HFC-
HFC -23
(Gg) C
(Gg) SF
(Gg) CO
1. Energy 952,212.06 2,991.42 38.66 1,027,016.48
2. Industrial
processes and
product use
72,560.78 5.39 12.80 0.220 0.420 0.870 0.087 0.013 88,608.07
3.Agriculture 14,088.30 192.73 355,600.60
4. Waste 2,307.19 13.23 52,552.29
1,024,772.84 19,392.30 257.42 0.220 0.420 0.870 0.087 0.013 1,523,777.44
Total (with
236,257.43 552.38 6.74 1,301,209.39
Memo items
3,467.12 0.05 0.10 3,498.86
Aviation 3,194.12 0.02 0.089 3,222.13
273.00 0.03 0.010 276.73
from biomass 376,005.00 376,005.00
# Calculated using Global Warming Potential given in Box 2.1
carbon dioxide; CH
methane; N
O nitrous oxide; HFC hydrouorocarbon; CF
tetrauoromethane; C
hexauoroethane; SF
sulphur hexauoride
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 43
Figure 2.5: Greenhouse gas emission distribution, by sector in 2000
(Figures in Gg of CO
Industrial processes
Figure 2.4: Distribution of emissions, by gas, in 2000

Emissions from the energy sector consist of the
1A. Fossil fuel combustion and biomass
1A1: Energy industriesElectricity generation,
petroleum rening, and solid fuel manufacturing
1A2: Manufacturing industriesCement, iron
and steel, food and beverage, textile/ leather,
non-specic industries, non-ferrous metals,
chemicals, pulp and paper, non-metallic minerals,
mining and quarrying
1A3: TransportRoad, railways, aviation, and
1A4: Other sectorsresidential, institutional/
commercial, agriculture/sheries
1B. Fugitive emissions
1B1: Coal mining
1B2: Oil and natural gas
Methodology, activity data, and emission
The IPCC 1996 Revised Guidelines (IPCC, 1996) were
adopted for estimating the emissions from the above
categories. As stated earlier in the chapter, activity
data in terms of consumption of various fossil fuels has
been taken from the reports of the relevant ministries of
the government, which keep track of the activities. The
emission factors of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural
gas, are the most important considerations in estimating
the GHG emissions from the combustion of these fuels.
In India, coal as a fuel constitutes more than 50% of the
total fossil fuel mix in the country, used for energy-related
activities. Country-specic CO
emission factors derived
on the basis of the net caloric values (NCVs) of different
types of coal produced in the country, namely, coking,
non-coking, and lignite (NATCOM, 2004; Choudhary et
al., 2004), have been used in this assessment.
The energy sector accounts for GHG emissions from fossil
fuel combustion and fugitive emissions from the handling
of fossil fuel. Fossil fuel combustion emissions form
more than 90% of the total emissions from the energy
sector. Amongst all the fossil fuels that are combusted,
coal is the dominating fuel. Since the completion of the
INC, continuous efforts have been made to update the
NCVs, and thus the CO
emission factors of the different
types of coal used in India. The integrated NCVs of the
samples taken in the latest years are considered, and
hence the CO
emission factors are within 5% of the
values estimated during INC. The CO
emission factors
of coking coal, non-coking coal, and lignite used in the
current estimates are 93.61 t/TJ, 95.81 t/TJ, and 106.51 t/
TJ, respectively. Details of the measurements carried out
can be found in the INC (NATCOM, 2004, p. 37).
The CO
emission factors used for various fuels in the
present estimations are provided in Table 2.3. The non-
emissions have been estimated using non-CO

default emission factors for different fuel types.
Table 2.3: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission factors used in the energy sector estimation
Category no. Fuel CO
(t/TJ) CH
(kg/TJ) N
O (kg/TJ) Source
1A1: Energy
1A2: Manufacturing
1A4: Other sectors
Coking coal 93.61 Choudhury et al., 2006; IPCC, 2006
Non-coking coal 95.81 Choudhury et al. 2004; IPCC, 2006
Lignite 106.51 Choudhury et al. 2004, IPCC, 2006
Diesel 74.10 IPCC, 2006
Petrol 69.30 IPCC, 2006
Figure 2.6: Relative contributions of the individual sectors (excluding
land use, land-use change and forestry) to greenhouse gas emissions
in 2000
Energy Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture Waste
44 | INDIA Second National Communication
Kerosene 71.90 IPCC, 2006
Fuel oil 77.40 IPCC, 2006
Light distillates 74.10 IPCC, 2006
Compressed natural
gas (CNG)
56.10 IPCC, 2006
Liqueed petroleum
gas (LPG)
63.10 IPCC, 2006
Lubricants 73.30 IPCC, 2006
Aviation turbine fuel
71.50 IPCC, 2006
1A3a: Road transport Petrol 69.3 19.8 1.92 IPCC, 2006
Diesel 74.1 3.9 3.9 IPCC, 2006
Light distillate oil
74.1 3.9 3.9 IPCC, 2006
Fuel oil (FO) 77.4 7 2 IPCC, 2006
CNG 56.1 92 3 IPCC, 2006
LPG 63.1 62 0.2 IPCC, 2006
Lubricants 73.3 3 0.6 IPCC, 2006
1A3b: Aviation ATF 71.5 0.5 2 IPCC, 2006
Diesel 74.1 3.9 3.9 IPCC, 2006
LDO 74.1 3.9 3.9 IPCC, 2006
FO 77.4 7.0 2.0 IPCC, 2006
1A3c: Railways Coal 95.81 2 1.5 IPCC, 2006
Diesel 74.1 4.15 28.6 IPCC, 2006
Petrol 69.3 33 3.2 IPCC, 2006
LDO 74.1 3 0.6 IPCC, 2006
FO 77.4 3 0.6 IPCC, 2006
Kerosene 71.9 10 0.6 IPCC, 2006
Fuel wood NA 300 4 IPCC, 2006
1A3d: Navigation Diesel 74.1 3.9 3.9 IPCC, 2006
LDO 74.1 3.9 3.9 IPCC, 2006
FO 77.4 7 2 IPCC, 2006
Overview of greenhouse gas emissions from
the energy sector
The energy sector in 2000 emitted 1,027,016.48 Gg of
eq., which was 67.4% of the total national GHG
emissions, excluding LULUCF. Of the total GHG emissions
from the energy sector, fossil fuel combustion based
emissions accounted for 97.2% of the total CO
eq., and
2.8% of the emissions were from fugitive emissions. The
distribution of CO
eq. emissions, by category, is shown
in Figure 2.7.
Of the total 1,027,016.48 Gg emitted as CO
eq. in 2000,
92.7% was emitted as CO
, 6.1% was emitted as CH
and only 1.2% was emitted as N
O. The distribution of
emissions from the energy sector is shown in Figure 2.8.
Figure 2.7: Distribution of CO
eq. emissions (in Gg) across the energy
sector categories in 2000
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 45
Energy industries (1A1)
Emissions from the energy industries include emissions
from fossil fuel combustion for electricity generation and
solid fuel manufacturing. Information on the use of fossil
fuels for solid fuel manufacturing is available only since
2003; so this category has not been included in the national
totals. The energy industries in 2000 emitted 543,749.85
, which is 53% of the total GHG emissions from
the energy sector. Of this, 541,191.33 Gg was emitted as
, 6.96 Gg as CH
, and 7.78 Gg as N
Electricity generation
In 2000, India generated 485.4
billion units of electricity
(Annual Report, Ministry of Power, 2002) of the total
installed capacity in 2000, 72% was thermal, 24%
hydro, 3% nuclear, and 1% renewable. The emissions
in the electricity generation sector are purely from the
combustion of fossil fuel to produce thermal energy. The
thermal energy consists of coal, oil, and natural gas.
The thermal energy mix for electricity generation was
90% coal, 8% gas, and 2% oil, in 2000. The emission
estimates have been made using the IPCC 1996 Revised
Guidelines for preparing national GHG inventories by
sources and removal by sinks. In this assessment, the
emission factors for coal are country-specic (NATCOM,
2004) and for others, default factors are taken from the
IPCC 2006 Guidelines. India emitted 525,023.42 Gg CO

eq. in 2000, which was 96.6% of the total CO
eq. emitted
from electricity production. The CO
eq. emissions from
the electricity sector constituted 522.495.43 Gg of CO
5.99 Gg of CH
, and 7.75 Gg of N
O. Emissions reported
from electricity generation include emissions from grid-
based power plants as well as emissions due to captive
generation of electricity using fossil fuels in various
The average value of NCV of fuel (non-coking coal) has
been taken as 19.63 TJ/kt while estimating CO
across all sectors. However, the actual emissions from
power sector may vary depending upon the actual value
of NCV of fuel consumed in the sector.
India rened 112.54 million metric tonnes of oil through
its reneries in 2000. The energy consumption in the
reneries led to the emission of 18,726.43 Gg CO
This is 3.4% of the total GHG emissions from the energy
industries. Though solid fuel manufacturing existed in
2000, no systematic information on the amount of solid fuel
manufactured is available, as this information was mostly
available with the small-scale sector and not collected by
the Ministry of Coal. However, on the basis of the data gap
pointed out in INC, the Ministry of Coal started collecting
the requisite data from 2004, and the emission estimates
have been therefore done for the year 2007.
Manufacturing industries (1A2)
The manufacturing industries, in 2000, together emitted
229,079.90 Gg CO
eq., and these emissions were 22.3%
of the total CO
eq. emissions from the energy sector.
GHG emissions from fossil fuel combustion in cement,
iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, chemicals, pulp and
paper, food and beverages, non-metallic minerals, mining
and quarrying, textile and leather, and other non-specic
industries have been presented here. Of the total CO
emissions from the manufacturing industries due to fossil
fuel combustion, 228,246.91 Gg was emitted as CO
, 4.29
Gg as CH
, and 2.40 Gg was emitted as N
O. It must be
reiterated that capital goods sector has a multiplier impact
on energy use. There is therefore a need to introduce
energy audit of the present designs of the capital goods
sector. As a next step, plans are needed to reduce energy
consumption to the level of international best practices.
The Indian cement industry is the second largest in
capacity and production in the world. Rapid growth in
1. The Ministry of Power (MoP) report contains the generation figures for 1999/2000 and 2000/01. From this, the calendar year generation was estimated by
adding nine months of 1999/2000 and three months of 2000/01.
Figure 2.8: Greenhouse gas emission distribution in the energy sector
in 2000. (Gg CO
952212.06 Gg
11984.60 Gg
62819.82 Gg
46 | INDIA Second National Communication
production took place in the decade between 2000 and
2010. Cement production in 2009 stood at 219.51 Mt
compared to 94.2 Mt in 2000/01 (CMA, 2009). The cement
production process incorporates energy consumption
in all its stages, namely, (i) mining and transportation of
limestone and other raw materials, (ii) use of power for
raw material grinding and raw meal preparation, (iii) use
of fuel (mainly coal, minor quantities of pet coke or lignite)
in raw meal burning to get clinker, and (iv) use of power
in grinding of clinker with gypsum with or without other
additives to get cement of different varieties. The grinding
units use either or both grid and captive power. In 2000,
the cement industry in India emitted 39,696 Gg of CO

due to fuel combustion in the various stages mentioned
above. This is 17.3% of the total CO
eq. emissions from
the manufacturing industries.
Iron and steel
Iron and steel production involves energy-intensive
processes. The international norm of energy consumption
is 4.55.5 Giga calories per tonne of crude steel. With
the adoption of modern technology and equipment,
beneciation of raw materials, and use of high grade
imported coking coal, Indian steel plants have been
able to achieve energy consumption at the level of
6.57.0 Giga calories per tonne of crude steel. Further,
steps are being taken to achieve much lower energy
consumption by the end of the Eleventh Five-year Plan
(Annual Report 2009/10, Ministry of Steel). With the
steady growth in the steel industry, increasing attention is
being paid to environment management. In 2000, due to
the consumption of fossil fuels, the iron and steel industry
emitted 52,641.44 Gg CO
eq. This is 23.0% of the total
eq. emissions from the manufacturing industries.
Non-ferrous metals
The non-ferrous metals included here are aluminium,
copper, lead, zinc, and tin. Alumina produced from bauxite
is the basic raw material for the production of aluminium
metal through electrolytic process. Aluminium production
grew from 0.6 Mt in 2000 to 1.2 Mt in 2008 (Source: Indian
Bureau of Mines Publications). The present installed
capacity of rened copper has reached at about 1 Mt
per year. Indias position has shifted from being a net
importer of copper to a net exporter. The main demand for
rened copper is in the electrical and electronic sectors,
construction sector, consumer durables, and transport
sector. Lead and zinc are among the most widely used
non-ferrous metals in the world. The copper production
has increased from 260,000 tonnes in 2000/01 to 501,400
tonnes in 2007/08 (Source: Indian Bureau of Mines
Publications). Galvanizing is by far the most important
zinc consuming industry, and the battery sector is the
prime lead consuming industry. Amount of lead produced
increased from 35,000 tonnes in 1999/2000 to nearly
58,000 tonnes in 2007/08 (Source: Indian Bureau of
Mines Publications). Zinc metal production has gone up
from 170,000 tonnes to 450,000 tonnes during the same
period. Coal, furnace oil, and electricity are the primary
energy inputs in metal production for converting extracted
ore into usable metal. Electricity is the major energy
input. Hence, all primary metal producers in India have
installed their own captive power plants to get cheaper
and uninterrupted power for their use. Majority of electricity
consumed in this industry is supplied by the captive power
plants. The total GHG emissions from the production of
non-ferrous metals in 2000 due to the use of fossil fuel
combustion was 1894.52 Gg CO
eq., which is 0.8% of
the total GHG emitted from the energy consumption in the
manufacturing industries.
The chemical sector consists of various chemicals like
chlor-alkali, inorganic chemicals, organic chemicals,
dye-stuffs and dye intermediates, agrochemicals, and
alcohol-based chemicals (Refer to the working paper of
the Planning Commission on chemical industries for the
12th plan for categorization). The sector is highly science
based and provides valuable chemicals for various end
products such as textiles, paper, paints and varnishes,
and leather, which are required in almost all spheres of life.
The energy mix used in the chemical industry comprises
60% oil and less than 10% coal; and the rest is gas. In
2000, the chemical industries together emitted 34,612.32
eq., which is 15.1% of the total GHG emitted from
the energy consumption in the manufacturing industries.
Pulp and paper
India is the 15th largest paper producer in the world.
Indian paper mills can be categorized based on the raw
materials usedwood/forest-based mills, agro-residue
based mills, and waste paper-based mills. Due to the
stringent regulation and increasing raw material prices,
the companies are increasingly using more non-wood
based raw material over the years. In 2006, about 70% of
the total production was based on non-wood raw material.
Between 2002 and 2006, the paper board production
increased from 5.2 Mt to 6.5 Mt. The amount of energy
consumed in the pulp and paper industry is about 1.38
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 47
Mtoe (PAT 2011), and the total amount of GHG emitted in
2000 due to the use of fuel was 5358.71 Gg of CO
which is 2.3% of the total GHG emitted from the energy
consumption in the manufacturing industries.
Food and beverages
Food processing involves any type of value addition to
the agricultural or horticultural produce and also includes
processes such as grading, sorting, and packaging, which
enhance the shelf life of food products, providing linkages
and synergies between the industry and agriculture.
The government has accorded this a high priority, with a
number of scal relief and incentives, so as to encourage
commercialization and value addition to agricultural
produce, for minimizing pre/post-harvest wastage,
generating employment, and increasing export. Indias
food processing sector covers a wide range of products
like fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk
products; alcoholic beverages; sheries; plantation; grain
processing; and other consumer product groups like
confectionery, chocolates, and cocoa products, soya-
based products, mineral water, and high protein foods.
Alcoholic beverages have been categorized as the new
high opportunity sector in India. Liquor manufactured in
India is categorized as Indian made foreign liquor (IMFL).
The sector is still barred from importing potable alcohol
as it is subject to government licensing. In the meanwhile,
India has recently started producing wine for domestic
consumption. Production processes use fossil fuel as
the feedstock, and the GHG emission in 2000 from this
sector was 24,660.34 Gg CO
eq., which is 10.8% of the
total GHG emitted from the energy consumption in the
manufacturing industries.
Non-metallic minerals
The major non-metallic minerals in India include limestone,
phosphorite/rock phosphate, dolomite and barytes (3%
each), gypsum and kaolin, garnet (abrasive), magnesite,
silica sand, sillimanite and talc/soapstone/steatite, and
other minor non-metallic minerals. The total amount of
GHG emitted for processing the production of these non-
metallic minerals in 2000 was 1014.23 Gg of CO
which is 0.4% of the total GHG emitted from the energy
consumption in the manufacturing industries.
Mining and quarrying
Mining and quarrying of all minerals, be it metallic, non-
metallic, or others, requires energy. The total amount of
GHG released due to fossil fuel use for the process of
mining and quarrying in 2000 was 2518.16 Gg CO
which is 1.1% of the total GHG emitted from the energy
consumption in the manufacturing industries.
The Indian textile industry is in a stronger position now
than it was in the last six decades. The industry, which was
growing at a rate of 34% up to 1990s, has now accelerated
to an annual growth rate of 910% (based on the Working
Group Report on Textile Industries by the Planning
Commission). The Indian textile industry consumes a
diverse range of bres and yarns, but is predominantly
cotton-based. The use of wood-based fuel and coal along
with oil is common in the industry. The leather industry in
India is spread over organized and unorganized sectors.
The small-scale cottage industry production accounts for
75% of the total production (Source: Publications of the
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry
of Commerce and Industry). Energy is used in the tanning
section, pre-tanning section as well as for the nished
products. Other than the grid electricity, fossil fuels are also
used directly. In 2000, the textile and leather industry, due
to the use of direct fossil fuels, together emitted 7699.48
eq., which is 3.4% of the total GHG emitted from
the energy consumption in the manufacturing industries.
Non-specific industries
The non-specic industries considered here are the
industries such as rubber, plastic, watches, clocks,
transport equipment, furniture. The non-specic sector
comprises mainly small and medium enterprises, and
operates on electricity generated through captive power
generation. The non-specic industries identied in this
study together emitted 58,984.70 Gg CO
eq. in 2000,
which is 25.7% of the total GHG emitted from the energy
consumption in the manufacturing industries. This is the
highest emitting source; however, further sample survey,
by industry, would be required in future to reduce the
uncertainties in the assessment of the amount of fuel
consumed and type of fuel consumed in these industries.
Transport (1A3)
Indias transport system is one of the largest, handling,
on an average, 800 billion tonne-km of freight and 2300
billion passenger-km. It consumes more than 50% of
the total liquid fuel consumed in the country (Planning
Commission, 2002). The total GHG emission from the
transport sector in 2000 was 98,104.12 Gg CO
eq. This
is 9.6% of the total CO
eq. emissions from the energy
sector and is 6.3% of the total GHG emission from the
country, in 2000. Of the total CO
eq. emissions from the
48 | INDIA Second National Communication
transport sector in 2000, 95,976.83 Gg was emitted as
, 9.50 Gg as CH
, and 6.22 Gg was emitted as N
Road transport
The road transport sector is the largest consumer of
commercial fuel energy within the transportation system
in India and accounts for nearly 35% of the total liquid
commercial fuel consumption by all sectors. Gasoline and
diesel consumption for road transportation has quadrupled
between 1980 and 2000 due to about nine times increase
in the number of vehicles and four-fold increase in freight
and passenger travel demands.
Road transport is characterized by heterogeneous
gasoline-fuelled light vehicles and diesel-fuelled heavier
vehicles. In 2000, this sector, of the total consumption
of petroleum products in the country, consumed 6%
gasoline and 29% diesel ( MoPNG, 2002/03), with 83%
of the total fuel consumed being diesel within the road
transport sector. The distribution of gasoline, diesel, light
distillate oil (LDO), fuel oil (FO), and lubricant use in the
road transport sector is shown in Table 2.4. Based on the
consumption of different types of fuel by different vehicle
types, it is estimated that the road transport sector emitted
86,946.62 Gg CO
eq. in 2000, which is 88.6% of the total
eq. emitted from the transport sector.
The transport sector has been subjected to emission
norms since 1989, which cover the norms for CO, oxides of
nitrogen (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds
(NMVOC), hydrocarbon, and particulate matter. The
Indian emission regulations for idle emission limits came
into effect in 1989. These idle emission regulations were
soon replaced by mass emission limits for both gasoline
(1991) and diesel (1992) vehicles, which were gradually
made more stringent during the 1990s. Since the year
2000, India started adopting European emission norms,
renamed as Bharat emission norms and implemented
fuel regulations for four-wheeled light-duty and for heavy-
duty vehicles. Indias own emission regulations are still
applicable to two- and three-wheeled vehicles. Current
requirement is that all transport vehicles carry a tness
certicate, which is renewed each year after the rst two
years of new vehicle registration. On October 6, 2003,
the National Auto Fuel Policy was announced, which
envisages a phased programme for introducing Euro
24 emission norms, which are termed as Bharat stage
II, III, and IV, and implementing fuel regulations by 2010.
The emission norms cover diesel-driven heavy vehicles
(applicable to vehicles with gross vehicle weight [GVW]
> 3500 kgtrucks and buses), light-duty diesel vehicles
(with GVW ranging between 2500 kg and 3500 kg), light-
duty gasoline-driven vehicles, two- and three-wheelers
running on diesel and gasoline, and agriculture tractors.
Railways in 1950/51 had a market share of 88% of freight
and 68% of the passenger business in land transport, and
in 1999/2000, it handled 40% of freight and about 20%
of passenger market share (ASS, 2000). In 2000, only
6.2% of the transport sector emissions were from railways
(6071.83 Gg CO
eq). For estimating GHG emissions
from railways, only direct fossil fuel and fuelwood used
for locomotive purposes have been accounted for.
Emission due to the usage of grid-based electricity in train
operations is included in 1A1a electricity generation. The
fuel consumed comprised 99% diesel and the rest was in
the form of LDO, FO, petrol and kerosene, and to a very
small extent, wood.
Table 2.4: Distribution of fuel consumption in the road transport sector between 1980 and 2000 (10
Year Gasoline
other uses
Diesel LCV Diesel
other uses
LDO FO Lubricants
1980 964 542 8.1 5002 2144 3063 NA NA 37
1985 1418 798 11.7 7148 3063 4376 NA NA 54
1990 2281 1283 18.7 10,376 4447 6353 1.3 36.0 87
1995 2882 1621 23.6 15,140 6489 9269 1.8 9.5 110
2000 4099 2306 33.6 18,772 8045 11,493 3.0 5.3 130
NA not available; documentation began from 1990 onwards; 2W/3W two wheelers and three wheelers; MCV medium commercial vehicle;
HCV high commercial vehicle; LCV light commercial vehicle; LDO light distillate oil; FO fuel oil
Gasoline other uses means gasoline consumption in railways and other take-away through network of retail outlets
Diesel other uses includes diesel consumption in railways, aviation, shipping, agriculture, energy and transformation industries and other industries
Source: Singh et al. (2008)
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 49
The Indian aviation sector in early 2000 started integrating
with the global industry, facilitating economic travel through
low-cost carriers. However, even in 2005, it was handling
only 0.5% of the total passengers handled by the railways.
Between 2000 and 2010, there has been an increase in
passengers by more than 80% (60% increase in domestic
trafc and 20% increase in international trafc). In addition,
civil aviation also handles freight trafc, which has grown
by 175% since 2000. In 2000, the civil aviation sector
emitted only 4.1% of the total CO
eq. emissions (4058.69
eq.). Additionally, emissions from the international
aviation have been reported by international bunkers. This
has been possible as segregated data for aviation turbine
fuel (ATF) off-take for domestic and international aviation
is available, in addition to other fuel use for ground
operations, along with number of ights for domestic and
international passenger and freight operations.
Maritime transport (Navigation)
Maritime transportation includes emissions due to
transport in the inland waterways and also any forays
into the international waters for domestic purpose such
as sheries and cruises along the coast line. Although
India has inland waterways with a navigable length of
15,544 km, only 37% of this length (5700 km) is currently
used for navigation by mechanized vessels. However, the
share of freight and passenger transport is only 7% of
the total transport. In 2000, the total fuel consumed in
India for inland transport and international navigation was
16,974.80 TJ (MoPNG, 2007). Of this, navigation through
internal waterways consumed 78% of the total fuel and
navigation through international waterways consumed the
rest of it. Consequently, this sector emitted 1026.98 Gg
eq., which is 1.0% of the total CO
eq. emissions
from the transport sector.
Other sectors (1A4)
Cooking, lighting, space heating, space cooling,
refrigeration, and pumping characterize the residential,
commercial, and agriculture sectors included in this
category. The fuels consumed are electricity (for lighting,
heating, cooling, and pumping), liqueed petroleum gas
(LPG; for cooking), kerosene (for lighting and cooking),
diesel (for generating power for pumping and lighting),
and coal, charcoal, and fuelwood (for cooking). In 2000,
these sectors together emitted 127,686.10 Gg of CO

eq., which is 12.4% of the total CO
eq. from the energy
sector. This excludes the GHG emission due to grid use
of electricity.
Seventy ve percent of the total GHG emissions from the
category 1A4 are from the residential sector (95,896.00
eq.). The residential sector has a rural and
urban spread, and it combusts both fossil fuel as well as
biomass. Biomass still comprises a substantial amount of
fuel mix used in rural India. CH
from biomass combustion
in the residential sector is reported in the energy sector;
however, CO
from biomass is reported as a memo item
and is not included in the national totals.
The commercial, residential, and agriculture sectors also
witness extensive use of captive power generated from
diesel use. This source is scattered, and a systematic
collection could not be carried out. The fuel consumption
in these private generator sets could be substantial. Lack
of data for this consumption is a gap area that requires
further research to improve the Indian inventory estimates.
In this context, three studies covering three metropolitan
cities in India, namely, Gurgaon (it is a part of the national
capital region with high density of commercial ofces),
Bengaluru (an established centre thriving on software
development sector, has both high level of commercial as
well residential activities), and Lucknow (comparatively
less commercially active, but nevertheless is increasingly
inching towards becoming a mega-urban centre in India),
were carried out. All these three cities face electricity
outages and mostly use generator sets operating on
diesel. Box 2.3 presents a summary of the study on
Fugitive emissions (1B)
Fugitive emissions include emission estimates of CH

from coal mining and handling of oil and natural gas.
Both underground mining and open cast or above-ground
mining are practised in India. Based on mine-specic
measurement of the rate of emission, all the underground
coal mines in India have been categorized into Degree I
Degree II
, and Degree III
by the Directorate General of
2 Degree I Seams: Coal seams in which the inflammable gas in the general body of air does not exceed 0.1%, and the rate of emission of such gas is not >1m

per tonne of coal produced.
3 Degree II Seams: Coal seams in which inflammable gas in the general body of air is more than 0.1% or the rate of emission of inflammable gas per tonne of
coal produced is 110 m
4 Degree III Seams: Coal seams in which the rate of emission of inflammable gas per tonne of coal produced exceeds 10 m
50 | INDIA Second National Communication
Box 2.3: Greenhouse gas emissions due to fuel consumption in generator sets in the city of Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Bengaluru is one of the metropolitan cities in India with
a substantial presence of small- and medium-scale
commercial establishments, large residential complexes,
and individual households. On an average, Bengaluru
faces 1.7 h/month of outages. To be operational, these
establishments depend on small captive power generated
by diesel generator (gen) sets. Three approaches were
used to arrive at the total diesel consumed by these gen
Approach 1: Assessment of direct sales at petrol
Approach 2: Primary sample survey at consumers
Approach 3: Diesel consumed during total power
cuts in Bengaluru.
Approach 1: Assessment of direct sales at petrol pump
Bengaluru city has 200 fuel stations, with six different
companies supplying fuel. Depending on the number of
the pumping stations of each company, eld survey of 100
stations in the city was done and following relationship
was derived.
Total diesel consumption =
where fs is the number of sampled fuel stations of a
particular company, FS is the total fuel stations of a
company, and pd is the petrol and diesel sold at the
sampled fuel station. Here i is the total number of
companies, and j is the total number of petrol stations of
each company. The study indicates that the total diesel
sold in cans in Bengaluru is 124.9 million litres, which is
10.9% of the total diesel sold in Bengaluru.
Approach 2: Primary sample survey at consumers end Approach 3: Assessment of diesel consumed during total power
cuts in Bengaluru
Total diesel consumption =
where eg is the energy generated per establishment
(kWh), E is the number of establishments, fc/eg is fuel
consumed per unit of energy generated in litres/kWh, and
i is the category of establishments under consideration.
About 520 samples were taken to assess the level of fuel
consumption for Individual households having gen sets
with capacity <15 kVA, and of large residential complexes
and small and medium enterprises with captive power
capacities <50 kVA and even higher.
For the total number of 542,800 establishments,
Bengaluru produces 20,155,034,970 KWh of electricity
and consumes 123.17 million litres of diesel. This
indicates that the share of diesel consumption for diesel
gen sets is almost 11.05% of the total diesel consumption
in Bengaluru.
It is estimated that, on an average, Bengaluru faces 1.7 h
of electricity outages/month. During this period
Industries consume, annually, 1111 kilolitres of
diesel, which is 9% of the total diesel consumed in
the diesel gen sets in Bengaluru.
Commercial sector consumes 4429 kilolitres annually
during outages. It accounts for 35% of the total diesel
consumption in the diesel gen sets.
Households consume 7121 kilolitres of diesel,
accounting for 56% of the total diesel consumed in
the diesel gen sets.
Diesel gen sets <15kVA capacity consume 38 million
litres per year, accounting for 31.5% of the total fuel
consumption in the diesel gen sets in Bengaluru.
The total amount of diesel sold in the market through pump stations is 572,472,570 litres/year. Of this, our survey
indicates, 10,698,150 litres/year is sold in loose cans, which directly goes for the consumption in the diesel gen sets.
Therefore, 18.9% of the total diesel sold in the state is used in diesel gen sets.
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 51
Mines Safety (DGMS, 1967). There is no such classication
for surface coal mines as the associated CH
emission is
not very large, and emitted gas immediately diffuses to
the atmosphere. The method for estimating the emission
factors is given in Box 2.4.
The value of fugitive emissions from coal mines in India
for the year 2000 was 12,298.74 CO
eq., which is 43%
of the total CH
released from category 1B. In case of
handling and distribution of oil and natural gas, the
release of gas occurs through leakages in pipelines, due
Box 2.4: Estimating methane emission factors for coal mines
A. Underground mines: Measurements made in three different gassy underground mines take into account (i) the
velocity of air passing through the return airways separately in each ventilating districts and in the main return with
the help of Von anemometer, (ii) cross-sectional area of each return airway by multiplying the average width and
height of the airway, and (iii) percentage of methane (CH
) in the air samples collected in the return airway and also in
the general body air by gas chromatography. Quantity of air was calculated by multiplying the air velocity and cross-
sectional area of the return airway. Daily coal production data was collected during the period of investigation. CH

emission factor was calculated as follows:
Emission factor (m
/t) =
Here G is CH
in m
B. Surface mines: Rectangular chambers with internal dimensions of 21.51 cubic feet, closed from ve sides but
open oor and tted with a nozzle for gas collection were used to measure CH
ux. These chambers were placed
on the benches of surface mines for a period of time. CH
percentage inside the chamber was determined by gas
chromatograph. The area of freshly exposed coal face was also measured in the surface mines to calculate CH
Daily coal production data was collected during the period of investigation. CH
emission factor for surface mining
was calculated as follows:
Release of CH
from the mine (Goc)/day = (B GC 24) m
per day
where Gc is CH
inside the perspex box/h and B is the surface area of coal covered by the box. Hence
Emission factor (m
/t) = Goc/production in tonnes per day.
C. Post mining: Emission factors for coal handling activities were determined for coal samples collected from different
categories of mines. A known weight of coal was crushed to ne powders in an airtight steel vessel, and the volume
of gas released was measured to calculate the CH
emission factor for post mining activities. Emission factor for post
mining activities, therefore, was calculated as the volume of gas released by given sample/weight of the sample.
Emission factors developed for coal mining in India
EF (m
/tonne of coal)
Underground mines During mining Deg. I 2.91
Deg. II 13.08
Deg. III 23.64
Post mining Deg. I 0.98
Deg. II 2.15
Deg.III 3.12
Surface mining Mining 1.18
Post mining 0.15
to evaporation and accidental releases, and from venting
and aring managed as a part of normal operations at
eld processing facilities and oil reneries. Venting and
aring emissions occur at several stages of the oil and gas
production process, and the single process for handling oil
and natural gas can contribute to GHG emissions to two
or more categories of emissions. For estimating the CH

released from these processes, the IPCC default emission
factors given in IPCC (2006) were used. Consequently, it
is estimated that in 2000, the process of handling of oil
52 | INDIA Second National Communication
and natural gas led to the emission of 16,096.83 Gg of
eq., which is 57% of the total CO
eq. emissions due
to all fugitive emissions, as mentioned in category 1B.
Industrial Processes and Product Use
The IPPU sector includes the emission estimates of CO
, N
O, HFC-13
a, HFC-23, CF
, C
, and SF
the following sources:
2A: Mineral industriesCement, lime, limestone and
dolomite use, soda ash production, and glass.
2B: ChemicalsAmmonia, nitric acid production,
carbide production, titanium dioxide production,
methanol production, ethylene, ethylene dichloride
(EDC) and vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), ethylene
oxide, acrylonitrile, carbon black, and caprolactam.
2C: Metal productionIron and steel, ferro-alloys
production, aluminium, lead, zinc, and magnesium.
2D: Other productionProduction of halocarbons
HFC-134a and HFC-23 and consumption of SF
2E: Non-energy product useUse of lubricants and
parafn wax.
Methodology, activity data, and emission
For estimating the GHG emissions from the IPPU sector,
the IPCC 1996 Revised Guidelines (IPCC, 1996) have
been used for each of the categories mentioned above.
The activity data for the various industries are sourced from
national statistical organizations, from listed companies,
the annual reports of ministries of the Government of
Table 2.5: Greenhouse gas emission factors used in the emission estimates
No. Category Gas Emission factor used Source
2A1 Cement production CO
0.537 t CO
/t clinker produced
(incorporates CKD)
Initial National Communication
0.003 t SO
/t cement produced IPCC, 1996 Guidelines
2A3 Glass production CO
0.21 t CO
/t glass (container glass) ;
0.22 t CO
/t glass (bre glass) ; 0.03 t
/t glass (specialty glass)
IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2A4b Other sources of soda ash CO
0.41492 t CO
/t carbonate IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2B1 Ammonia production CO
Carbon content of natural gas has been
taken as 99.5% and carbon oxidation
factor has been taken as 14.4 kg C/GJ
Fuel requirement = middle point value of
the range 7.7210.5 million kcal/tonne of
Suggested by experts from
Fertilizer Association of India
2B4 Caprolactam production N
O 9 kg N
O/t chemical produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2B5 Carbide production CO
1.1 t CO
/t CaC
produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2B6 Titanium dioxide production CO
1.385 t CO
/t TiO
produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines (average
of emission factors)
2B8a Methanol CO
0.67 t CO
/t methanol produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2.3 kg CH
/t methanol produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2B8b Ethylene CO
1.73 t CO
/t ethylene produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
3 kg CH
/t ethylene produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2B8c EDC and VCM CO
0.296 t CO
/t EDC produced ; 0.47 t CO
VCM produced
IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2B8d Ethylene oxide CO
0.863 t CO
/t ethylene oxide produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
1.79 kg CH
/t ethylene oxide produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2B8e Acrylonitrile CO
1 t CO
/t acrylonitrile produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
0.18 kg CH
/t acrylonitrile produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2B8f Carbon black CO
2.62 t CO
/t carbon black produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
0.06 kg CH
/t carbon black produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 53
2B9 Fluorochemical production HFC-23 0.03 kg HFC-23/kg HCFC-22 produced Country-specic emission factor
considered from monitoring
report of Gujarat Fluorochemical
Ltd. (major producers of HCFC-
2C1 Iron and steel production CO
1.46 t CO
/t production (BOF) ; 0.08 t
CO2/t production (EAF) ; 1.72 t CO
production (OHF) ; 0.7 t CO
/t production
IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2C2 Ferro-alloys production CO
4.8 t CO
/t ferro-silicon produced; 1.5 t
/t ferro-manganese produced; 1.1 kg
/t ferro-silicon produced
IPCC 2006 Guidelines
1.1 kg CH
/t ferro-silicon produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2C3 Aluminium production CO
1.65 t CO
/t aluminium produced IPCC 2006 Guidelines (average
of emission factors)
1.4 kg CF
/t aluminium produced IPCC 1996 Guidelines (weighted
average of all plants worldwide)
According to IPCC 1996 Guidelines, the
default rate for C
emissions is 1/10
that of CF
emissions (0.1 C
IPCC 1996 Guidelines
2C4 Magnesium production SF
Consumption = emission IPCC 1996 revised guidelines
2C5 Lead production CO
0.58 t CO
/t lead produced (imperial
smelting furnace) ; 0.25 t CO
/t lead
produced (direct smelting) ; 0.2 t CO
lead produced (secondary production)
IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2C6 Zinc production CO
0.53 t CO2/t zinc produced
(pyrometallurgical process)
IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2D1 Lubricant use CO
20 t-C/TJ (carbon content) ; 0.2 (ODU
IPCC 2006 Guidelines
2D2 Parafn wax use CO
20 t-C/TJ (carbon content) ; 0.2 (ODU
IPCC 2006 Guidelines
carbon dioxide; SO
sulphur dioxide; CH
methane; N
O nitrous oxide; CaC
calcium carbide; TiO
titanium dioxide; EDC ethylene dichloride; VCM
vinyl chloride monomer; HFC hydrouorocarbon; HCFC hydrochlorouorocarbon; CF
tetrauoromethane; C
hexauoroethane; SF
sulphur hexauoride;
ODU oxidized during use; CKD clinker-to-dust; BOF basic oxygen furnace; EAF electric arc furnace; OHF open hearth furnace
India, research organizations, trade magazines, and other
publications of the sector associations (see References
and Sources).The emission factors used are presented
in Table 2.5.
Overview of greenhouse gas emissions from
the industrial processes and product use
The IPPU sector emitted 88608.07 Gg of CO
eq. of GHGs.
On a gas-by-gas basis, the CO
emissions are given in
Figure 2.9 ,Table 2.6 gives details of the emissions of
GHGs, by category, from the IPPU sector.
Mineral industries (2A)
The focus of this section is on estimating the CO
from calcination of carbonate materials in the production
and use of a variety of mineral industry products. There
are two broad pathways for the release of CO
carbonates: (i) calcination and (ii) the acid-induced release
of CO
. The primary process resulting in the release of
is the calcination of carbonate compounds, during
which, through heating, a metallic oxide is formed. The
Figure 2.9: Greenhouse gas emission distribution from the industrial
processes and product use sector (in Gg CO
Figure 2.10: Distribution of CO
eq. emissions across the categories of
the industrial processes and product use sector in 2000 (in Gg CO
54 | INDIA Second National Communication
Table 2.6: Greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial processes and product use sector (in Gg for the year 2000)
2. Industrial process 72,560.78 5.39 12.80 0.220 0.420 0.870 0.087 0.013 88,608.07
A. Minerals 53,558.17 53,558.17
1. Cement production 44,056.00 44,056.00
2. Lime production 2,921.00 2,921.00
3. Limestone and dolomite
5,961.68 5,961.68
4. Soda ash production
and use
463.94 463.94
5. Glass 155.54 155.54
B. Chemicals 15,785.98 5.34 12.80 19,866.66
1. Ammonia production 11,067.30 11,067.30
2. Nitric acid production 0.00 11.75 3,643.83
3. Carbide production 102.72 102.72
4. Titanium dioxide
43.75 43.75
5. Methanol production 229.84 0.79 246.41
6. Ethylene production 3,317.23 4.42 3,410.15
7. EDC and VCM production 233.23 233.23
8. Ethylene oxide
51.29 0.11 53.53
9. Acrylonitrile production 26.98 0.0049 27.08
10. Carbon black
713.64 0.02 713.98
11. Caprolactam 1.05 324.69
C. Metal Production 2,522.5 0.05 0.870 0.087 0.01 9,229.62
1. Iron and steel production
2. Ferro-alloys production 1,467.55 0.05 1,468.65
3. Aluminium production 1,025.31 0.87 0.09 7,480.38
4. Lead production 23.22 23.22
5. Zinc production 6.42 6.42
6. Magnesium production 0.01 250.95
D. Other production 0.220 0.420 0.0025 5,259.10
1. Production of
0.220 0.42 5,199.35
2. Consumption of SF
0.0025 59.75
E. Non-energy product use 694.14 694.14
1. Lubricant 672.91 672.91
2. Parafn wax 21.23 21.23
carbon dioxide; SO
sulphur dioxide; CH
methane; N
O nitrous oxide; EDC ethylene dichloride; VCM vinyl chloride monomer; HFC hydrouorocarbon;
tetrauoromethane; C
hexauoroethane; SF
sulphur hexauoride
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 55
processes included here are the processes of production
of cement, glass, limestone, dolomite, and soda ash, and
limestone and dolomite use. CO
eq. emission from the
cement production was 44,056.0 Gg of CO
, which is
82.8% of the total CO
eq. emissions from the mineral
industries, followed by limestone and dolomite use
(10.82%), and limestone production (5.30%). Soda ash
and glass production account for 0.84% and 0.28% of the
total GHG emissions from the mineral production sector,
Chemical industries (2B)
The chemical industry covers the production of ammonia,
nitric acid, carbide, titanium dioxide, methanol, ethylene,
EDC and VCM, acronytrile, carbon black, and caprolactam.
Ammonia is a major industrial chemical and the most
important nitrogenous material produced. Ammonia gas
is used directly for fertilizer production; in heat treating
and paper pulping; in nitric acid, nitrates, nitric acid ester,
and nitro compound manufacture; in making explosives of
various types, and as a refrigerant. Amines, amides, and
miscellaneous other organic compounds, such as urea,
are made from ammonia. During the production of nitric
acid, N
O is generated as an unintended by-product of
the high-temperature catalytic oxidation of ammonia. The
amount of N
O formed depends, inter alia, on combustion
conditions (pressure, temperature), catalyst composition
and age, and burner design.
All the chemical industries considered here together
emitted 19,866.66 Gg of CO
eq. in 2000. Amongst all
the chemical industries, ammonia production industry
resulted in the maximum emissions (55.7% of the
total CO
eq. emissions from all chemical industries
(see Box 2.5) for the method to calculate CO
factor from ammonia production). Considering that
ammonia production industry is a major emitter within the
chemical industries and within the industrial processes
sector, efforts were made to determine the emission factor
of CO
from ammonia production process (Box 2.4). Of
the total CO
eq. emissions from the chemical industries,
18.34% of the total CO
eq. emissions (3643.83 Gg CO

eq.) were from nitric acid production and 17.2% of the
emissions (3410.15 Gg CO
eq.) were from ethylene
Box 2.5: Sample Calculation for CO
emission factor from ammonia production
As per the IPCC 2006 Guidelines
in kg) = AP FR CCF COF 44 /12 RCO

where AP = ammonia production, tonnes (not available directly, to be indirectly calculated from urea production) = 1
tonne, to estimate emissions per tonne of ammonia produced; CCF = carbon content factor; FR = fuel requirement
per unit of output (GJ/tonne ammonia produced (default given = 29, actual = 3133); COF = carbon dioxide factor of
fuel; RCO
= CO
recovered in kg for downstream use (urea production).
This formula gives fuel requirement in terms of energy per tonne of ammonia. The data received from industry gives
values in terms of tonnes of fuel per tonne of ammonia produced. The most common feed and fuel is natural gas, the
net caloric value (NCV) of which is 1000014000 kcal/ kg. There is a high variability in this value. Some organizations
report NCV as 10,000 kcal/nM
. But it would vary according to methane percentage. Again there is a wide variation
in the density of natural gas, that is, 0.6 to 0.9 kg/nM
. But the most common value in the Indian scenario is 0.75 kg/
. So the calculation goes on an average as
FR (fuel requirement per unit output) = ( 1000 nM
/tonne of ammonia (fuel plus feed) x 0.75 kg/nM
x 10,000 kcal/kg
x 4.18 kJ/ kcal x 10E6 ) GJ/ tonne of ammonia = 31.5 (This value may go up to 34 if higher values of gas density
and NCV are assumed.)
CCF= 15.3 (default, Table 3.1 IPCC 2006 Guidelines)
COF = 1 (default, Table 3.1 IPCC 2006 Guidelines)
= mostly recovered more than 95%. Most of the ammonia plants in India utilize CO
produced for urea
manufacturing, except very few plants. Therefore, 95% utilization is a reasonable assumption.
Thus, ECO
= (1) x (31 to 33) x 15.3 x 1 x 44/12= 1739 kg (1.739 tonnes) CO
to 1907 kg (1.907 tonnes) CO
tonne of ammonia produced.
Considering 95% utilization of CO
in urea production
= (1.739 to 1.907) tonnes x 1000 x 0.05 = 8696 kg CO
/tonne ammonia
The actual emissions of CO
can be calculated as
emissions (tonnes/year) = annual urea production x (8696) x 0.566 x 10E3 Gg CO
per year
56 | INDIA Second National Communication
The other signicant emissions from this category were
from carbon black production (3.59% of the total CO
emissions from the Chemical industries). The rest of the
emission sources included had insignicant emissions as
compared to the total emissions from this category.
Metal production (2C)
This section covers the emissions due to the production
process of iron and steel, including the production of
metallurgical coke (emissions due to the production
process of iron and steel is covered elsewhere), ferro-
alloy, aluminium, magnesium, lead, and zinc. The Indian
iron and steel industry is nearly a century old, with Tata
Iron & Steel Co (Tata Steel) being the rst integrated
steel plant to be set up in 1907. It was the rst core
sector to be completely freed from the licensing regime
(in 1990/91) and the pricing and distribution controls. The
liberalization of industrial policy and other initiatives taken
by the government have given a denite impetus for entry,
participation, and growth of the private sector in the steel
industry. Steel industry was de-licensed and decontrolled
in 1991 and 1992, respectively. Today, India is the seventh
largest crude steel producer of steel in the world. In
2008/09, production of nished (carbon) steel was 59.02
Mt as compared to 29.77 Mt in 2000/01. Production of pig
iron has increased from about 3.0 Mt in 2000/01 to 5.299
Mt in 2008/09 (Source: Ministry of Steel). Also steel is
produced through direct reduced iron (DRI) process from
iron ore powder through heating and chemical reduction
by natural gas. In 2000/01, through DRI process, India
produced 3.11 Mt of steel, which increased to 12.5 Mt in
Ferro-alloys are used primarily in steel making as de-
oxidant and alloying agent. Depending on the process
of steel making and the product quality envisaged, the
requirement of ferro-alloys varies widely. Ferro-alloy
product range in India includes manganese alloys (50%),
chrome alloys (35%), ferro-silicon (9%) and noble alloys
(6%). In 2000/01, manganese alloy produced was 446 Mt,
Cr alloy produced was 381.9 Mt, ferro-silicon produced
was 67.3 Mt, and the production of noble alloys was about
6.5 million tonnes. The growth of ferro-alloys production
rides on steel production, and currently the production is
more than 80% of the capacity (IMY, 2008).
The aluminium industry in India is strategically well-placed
and ranks as the eighth largest producer of aluminium in
the world, with discernible growth plans and prospects
for the future. Indias rich bauxite mineral base renders
a competitive edge to the industry as compared to its
counterparts globally. The overall total annual installed
capacity of aluminium in the country has risen to 1.2 Mt
per year. The production of aluminium has increased from
about 700 Mt in 2000/01 to 1239.5 Mt in 2007/08 (IMY,
The metal production processes together emitted
9229.62 Gg of CO
eq. This includes emissions of CO
, N
, C
, and SF
. CF
and C
result from
the production process of aluminium and SF
from the
production process of magnesium. Aluminium production
leads to 81.0% of the total CO
eq. emissions from the
Category 2C, followed by that from ferro-alloys (16.0%).
The rest of the emissions are from magnesium, lead, and
zinc production processes. Please note that emissions
due to Iron and Steel production have been considered
in the Energy sector and therefore are not reported in this
Production of halocarbons and consumption of
sulphur hexauoride (2D)
Other production led to the emission of 5259.10 Gg of CO
eq. Of this, 98.9% of the CO
eq. emissions were from the
production of halocarbons HFC-134a and HFC-23. HFC-
23 is generated as a by-product during the manufacture
of HCFC-22. HCFC-22 is used as a refrigerant, as a blend
component in foam blowing, and as a chemical feedstock
for manufacturing synthetic polymers. Chlorouorocarbon
(CFC)-12, which is used in the refrigeration and air
conditioning (RAC) sector, has to be phased out. This
will be possibly replaced by HFC-134a. HFC-134a has
been introduced in India for domestic and commercial
refrigeration including air-conditioning, especially in the
car segment. It is a replacement of CFC-12, which is an
ozone depleting substance. The rest of the emissions,
that is, 1.1% of the CO
eq. emissions, are from the
consumption of SF
. The major application of SF
a GWP of 23,900) is in electrical industries, mainly in
transformers and circuit breakers. SF
is also used in
magnesium production as a cover gas in foundries to
avoid the oxidation of molten magnesium.
Non-energy product use
The products covered here are lubricants, parafn waxes,
bitumen/asphalt, and solvents. Emissions from further
uses or disposal of the products after rst use (that is,
the combustion of waste oils such as used lubricants) are
to be estimated and reported in the waste sector when
incinerated or in the energy sector when energy recovery
takes place. The products that have been covered in this
assessment include lubricants and parafn wax.
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 57
Lubricants are mostly used in industrial and transportation
applications. Lubricants are produced either at reneries
through separation from crude oil or at petrochemical
facilities. They can be subdivided into (i) motor oils and
industrial oils, and (ii) greases, which differ in terms
of physical characteristics (for example, viscosity),
commercial applications, and environmental fate. The use
of lubricants in engines is primarily for their lubricating
properties, and the associated emissions are, therefore,
considered as non-combustion emissions to be reported
in the IPPU sector.
Products included under waxes are petroleum jelly, parafn
waxes, and other waxes, including ozokerite (mixtures of
saturated hydrocarbons). Parafn waxes are separated
from crude oil during the production of light (distillate)
lubricating oils. These waxes are categorized by oil
content and the amount of renement. Waxes are used in
a number of different applications. Parafn waxes are used
in applications such as making candles and corrugated
boxes, paper coating, board sizing, food production, wax
polishes, surfactants (as used in detergents), and many
others. Emissions from the use of waxes result primarily
when the waxes or derivatives of parafns are combusted
during use (for example, candles), and when they are
incinerated with or without heat recovery or in waste water
treatment (for surfactants). In the cases of incineration and
waste water treatment, the emissions should be reported
in the energy and waste sectors, respectively. Total GHG
emission from the use of lubricants and parafn wax for
non-energy purposes was 694.14 Gg CO
eq., in 2000.
This section provides information on the estimation of
the GHG emissions from the agriculture sector, from the
following source categories:
3A: Enteric fermentation
3B: Manure management
3C: Rice cultivation
3D: Agriculture soils
3E: Field burning of agricultural residue
Methodology, activity data, and emission
The methodologies for estimating GHGs CH
and N
emitted from all the above categories are based on the
methodologies provided in the Agriculture section of the
IPCC 1996 Revised Guidelines. A Tier-III approach has
been followed for enteric fermentation as the livestock
population classied as cattle and buffalo has been sub-
classied into indigenous and cross-bred types. Each of
these has been further divided into three age groups.
The CH
emission factors used for the major livestock
categories such as cattle and buffalo are country specic.
The activity data is mainly sourced from the reports of the
Ministry of Agriculture (see the various reports mentioned
in the References and sources section). Similarly, for
estimating CH
from rice cultivation, Tier-III approach
has been used, whereby the entire rice crop area has
been divided into four rice ecosystems and they have
been further divided based on actual water management
practices followed in India. The emission factors used are
also based on measurements carried out continuously by
different groups since early 1990s. For estimating GHGs
from burning of crop residue, default IPCC emission
factors have been applied. For estimating N
O from soils,
direct and indirect emissions have been estimated, which
are based on expert judgment. Table 2.7 lists the emission
factors used in the agriculture sector.
Table 2.7: Greenhouse gas emission factors used in the agriculture sector
Category Sub-category Emission factor Source
3A: Enteric fermentation
Dairy cattle Indigenous 285 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Cross-bred 435 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Non-dairy cattle (indigenous) 01 year 95 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
13 years 238 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Figure 2.11: Distribution of greenhouse gases emitted from the
agriculture sector (in Gg of CO
eq.) in 2000.
58 | INDIA Second National Communication
Adult 32+6 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Non-dairy cattle (cross-bred) 01 year 113 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
12 years 265 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Adult 334 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Dairy buffalo 5017 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Non-dairy buffalo 01 year 83 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
12 years 226 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Adult 4411 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Sheep 41 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Goat 41 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Horses and ponies 18 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Donkeys 10 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Camels 46 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Pigs 1 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
3B: Manure management
Dairy cattle Indigenous 3.50.2 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Cross-bred 3.80.8 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Non-dairy cattle (indigenous) 01 year 1.20.1 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
13 years 2.80.2 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Adult 2.91.4 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Non-dairy cattle (cross-bred) 01 year 1.10.1 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
12 years 2.30.2 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Adult 2.50.9 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Dairy buffalo 4.40.6 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Non-dairy buffalo 01 year 1.80.1 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
12 years 3.40.2 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Adult 4.00.2 kg CH
/head/year NATCOM, 2004
Sheep 0.3 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Goat 0.2 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Horses and ponies 1.6 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Donkeys 0.9 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Camels 1.6 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
Pigs 4.0 kg CH
/head/year IPCC, 1996
3C: Rice cultivation
Irrigated Continuously ooded 162 kg CH
/ha SNC Measurement
Single aeration 66 kg CH
/ha SNC Measurement
Multiple aeration 18 kg CH
/ha SNC Measurement
Rain-fed Drought prone 66 kg CH
/ha SNC Measurement
Flood prone 190 kg CH
/ha SNC Measurement
Deep water Deep water 190 kg CH
/ha SNC Measurement
Upland 0
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 59
Overview of greenhouse gas emissions from
the agriculture sector
The agriculture sector emitted 355,600.60 Gg of CO
eq. in
the year 2000. Of this, 83% was emitted as CH
and 17%
was emitted as N
O (Figure 2.11). Distribution of emission
by sources within the agriculture sector is shown in Figure
2.12. The detailed emissions of all GHG, by sector, are
presented in Table 2.8a.
Enteric fermentation (3A)
Population of various species of livestock contributing
to CH
emission was taken from livestock census 1997
and 2003, done by the Animal Husbandry Department of
India. The total population of the cross-bred cattle as well
as buffaloes has increased from 18.6% in 1997 to 20.28
% in 2003, whereas marginal increase in sheep and pig
population was observed during the same period while
goat population remained stagnant. As compared to the
1992 population, there was a 6.5% (1997) and 15.6%
(2003) increase recorded in cross-bred cattle and buffalo,
respectively. There was a decrease in the population of
indigenous cattle, from 37.57% to 33.76% of the total
livestock, and the population of the cattle decreased by
5.5% in 1997 and 15.5 % in 2003 when compared to their
population in 1992. The population of horses and ponies,
donkeys, mules, and camels also decreased. However,
mithun and pig population has shown a marginal increase.
For 2000, interpolation of cattle population has been done
using the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between
1997 and 2003 statistics.
Rice Enteric
Figure 2.12: Distribution of emissons, by sector, from the agriculture
sector (in Gg of CO
20.9% 57810.47
Table 2.8a: Greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector in 2007
Category CO
Sub-category (Gg) (Gg) (Gg) (Gg)
Agriculture 14,088.30 192.73 355,600.19
3A: Enteric fermentation 10,068.07 211,429.43
Dairy cattle Indigenous 2,150.31 45,156.51
Cross-bred 630.92 13,249.32
Non-dairy cattle (indigenous) 01 year 83.63 1,756.23
13 years 223.87 4,701.27
Adult 1,977.03 41,517.63
Non-dairy cattle (Cross-bred) 01 year 35.21 739.41
13 years 46.01 966.21
Adult 106.13 2,228.73
Dairy buffalo 3,922.69 82,376.49
In order to estimate CH
emissions from livestock, the
cattle population has been divided into dairy and non-
dairy categories, with sub-classication into indigenous
and cross-bred types for different age groups (MoA,
2005). The dairy cattle have been characterized as cross-
bred and indigenous. The cross-bred has high milk yield
and calves once in a year. The indigenous cattle have
the typical characteristic of having lower body weights
as compared to cross-breds and they have lower milk
yield and also calve once a year. The lactating buffaloes
are classied as dairy buffaloes. Non-dairy cattle and
buffaloes include calves below one year, adults beyond
calving age, and those within one to two years of age. The
livestock considered in this estimation also include sheep,
goat, horses, ponies, mules, donkeys, yaks, pigs, mithun,
and poultry. The emission factors used for cows, sheep,
and buffaloes have been derived from literature review,
which are based on measurements and estimates based
on feed intake by these species, especially for the cross-
60 | INDIA Second National Communication
Non-dairy buffalo 01 year 52.84 1,109.64
13 years 84.36 1,771.56
Adult 390.18 8,193.78
Sheep 16.46 345.66
Goat 271.02 5,691.42
Horses/ ponies/mules 9.96 209.16
Donkeys 7.34 154.14
Camels 32.17 675.58
Pigs 28.13 590.73
3B: Manure management 241.19 0.0734 5,087.75
Cross-bred cattle 21 0.0051 442.581
Indigenous cattle 99.4 0.0315 2097.165
Buffalo 101.03 0.0301 2130.961
Goat 7.81 0.0018 164.568
Sheep 6.59 0.0023 139.103
Horses and ponies 0.29 0.0001 6.121
Donkeys 0.21 0.0001 4.441
Camels 0.41 0.0001 8.641
Pigs 4.45 0.0004 93.574
3C: Rice cultivation 3,540.98 74,360.58
Irrigated Continuously
1,111.11 23,333.31
Single aeration 598.37 12,565.77
Multiple aeration 174.56 3,665.76
Rain-fed Drought prone 570.41 11,978.61
ood prone 827.14 17,369.94
Deep water Deep water 259.39 5,447.19
Upland Upland 0 0
3D: Agriculture soils 186.49 57,810.47
Direct 155.06 48,067.17
Indirect 31.43 9,743.30
3E: Field burning of crop residue 238.06 6.17 6,911.96
bred and indigenous cattle in India. The other emission
factors used are the default emission factors taken
from IPCC 1996 Revised Guidelines. In 2000, enteric
fermentation in livestock resulted in 10,068.07 Gg CH
Of the large ruminants, 40% of the emission was from the
dairy buffaloes, and only 29% of the emission resulted
from dairy cattle. This indicated farmers preference for
dairy buffalos over dairy cattle due to the larger milk
production potential of the former. Similarly, amongst
the small ruminant, 74% of the emissions were from
goat, again indicating the farmers preference for small
ruminants (Figure 2.13).
As stated above, attempts were made in the SNC process
to sample the feed intake of the different cattle types at
national level, and a study was carried out to estimate the
feed intake and hence the emissions for a state that has
signicant small ruminants. In this respect Tamil Nadu was
chosen as the state for the case study and measurements
were undertaken.
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 61
Manure management (3B)
Not much systematic management of manure from
livestock is done in India. It is mainly converted into dung
cakes and is used for energy purposes in rural areas. The
dung of stall-fed cattle and buffaloes, irrespective of their
age, production status, and feeding, is collected, and on
an average, 50% is converted into dung cakes daily in the
morning, mainly by the women folk of the households in
India. The collected dung is mixed with the residual feed
(mainly straws) of the animals and dung cake of circular
shape (weighing 0.52.5 kg) is prepared by hand and put
out in the sun for drying. Drying is generally completed
within three to ve days during the summer season and
710 days during the winter season. After drying, the
dung cakes are staked into a conical structure, which is
plastered with dung on the upper surface before the onset
of the monsoon season. Some farmers store this source
of fuel in the closed rooms. Under the prevailing situation,
emission is not expected from the dung cake. It is
contrary to the IPCC (1997) report, which indicates
510% methane emission during the course of drying of
dung cakes.
The inventory estimations using Tier-III approach with
same country- specic emission factors and livestock
population of Census 2003 resulted in total emission of
11750 Gg CH4 (10655 Gg from enteric fermentation,
1095 Gg from manure management). Using the remote
sensing derived livestock available feed fodder area, the
average methane ux was computed as 74.4 kg per ha
(Chhabra et al., 2009, Fig. 2.13a)
Dung cake is made almost in all the states in India except
in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and north-
eastern regions. Fuel requirements in these states are
generally met through fuelwood. Dung of all other species
such as pigs, camels, goats, and sheep is not utilized
for making dung cakes. Indian farmers still depend on
organic manure for maintaining the soil fertility as this
system is sustainable for the economy of the farmers. To
convert the cattle and buffalo dung into manure, excess
dung remaining from dung cake making is collected on
the heap near to the cattle shed. The residual feed (unt
for mixing in dung cake) and ash (available due to the
use of dung cake as a source of fuel) are also put on the
heap. However, during the monsoon season when dung
cake is not made due to the rains, the entire quantity of
daily collection of dung goes to this heap. The dung thus
collected is exposed to the weather conditions, and CH

emission is expected from the inner core of the heap
Goat, 5691.42,
154.14, 2%
675.5805, 9%
590.73, 8%
345.66, 4%
209.16, 3%
Dairy buffalo,
82376.49, 40%
Non Dairy Cattle,
51909.48, 25%
Large ruminants Small ruminants
Dairy Cattle,
58405.83, 29%
Non Dairy buffalo,
11074.98, 5%
Figure 2.13: Distribution of greenhouse gas emissions amongst large and small ruminants
Fig. 2.13a: Spatial pattern of methane emission from livestock (2003).
State level emission overlaid on remote sensing derived feed-fodder
62 | INDIA Second National Communication
due to the anaerobic fermentation of organic matter.
IPCC (1997) also endorses this fact. The manure thus
prepared is generally carted to the elds at the time of
soil preparations after the monsoon season or at the
time of need. In 2000, due to the process of making dung
cake in India, 5087.75 Gg CO
eq. was emitted, of which
241.19 Gg was emitted as CH
and 0.07 Gg was emitted
as N
Rice cultivation (3C)
India, on an average, cultivates rice on 43 million ha
of land, of which 52.6% is irrigated, 32.4% is rain-fed
lowland, 12% is rain-fed upland, and 3% is deepwater
rice. The annual amount of CH
emitted from a given area
of rice is a function of the crop duration, water regimes,
and organic soil amendments. The CH
emissions were
estimated by multiplying the seasonal emission factors
by the annual harvested areas. Harvested area for each
sub-unit (state) was multiplied by the respective emission
factor, representative of the conditions that dene the
sub-unit (state). The total annual emissions are equal to
the sum of emissions from each sub-unit of harvested
area. The total harvested area of rice for the year 2000
was 44.77 M ha. Using the above approach, emission of
, by state, was estimated to be 3.54 Tg for the year
2000, which is 20.9% of the total GHG emitted from the
agriculture sector. A total of 1.1 Tg of CH
was emitted
from the irrigated continuously ooded rice ecosystem,
followed by 0.8 Tg and 0.6 Tg of release from the rain-fed
ood-prone and irrigated single aeration rice ecosystems,
respectively. The emission distribution from each
ecosystem is given in Figure 2.14a.
The methane emission coefcients from different cultural
types of rice elds in India (as per IPCC) were updated
using a detailed eld campaign during 2004-06. Around
471 locations in the country representing different cultural
types of rice elds were sampled for total seasonal
methane ux during 2004-06 period through a coordinated
research team led by Space Applications Centre, ISRO.
Satellite remote sensing data along with ancillary data on
rainfall, slope, soil were used to generate the rice cultural
type map of India. The strata-wise emission coefcients
were used to calculate seasonal and annual methane
emission from rice elds in spatio-temporal domain
(Manjunath et al., 2008). The total CH4 emission from
Indian rice-ecosystems for the year 2005-06 estimated
was 3.386 Tg (Table 2.8b, Fig. 2.14b)
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 63
11978.61, 16%
3665.76, 5%
12565.77, 17%
5447.19, 17%
17369.94, 23%
23333.31, 32%
Figure 2.14a: Distribution of emission from rice cultivation, by
ecosystem type
RF-FP: Rain Fed Flood Prone
RF-DP: Rain Fed Drought Prone
DW: Deep Water
IR-CF: Irrigated Continuously Flooded
IR-SA: Irrigated Single Aeration
IR-MA: Irrigated Multiple Aeration
Table 2.8b: Methane emission from Indian rice
ecosystems using remote sensing and GIS techniques:
Type Rice
types (%)
(wet season)
27.95 75.156.8 178 0.919
(Dry season)
10.81 78.333 74 0.393
8.8 5525.5 87 0.228
Flood Prone 9.63 137.850.7 60 0.558
Drought Prone 42.82 62.450.2 62 1.288
Deep Water 343.8232.6 10
Total 43.1 (M
74.0543.28 471 3.386
Figure 2.14b: Perspective view of methane emission from rice fields
of India.
Box 2.6: Methane emission factor measurements in continuously ooded elds in eastern part of India
In the Initial National Communications, it was highlighted that the eastern states of Bihar, West Bengal, and Orissa
together account for more than 50% of the methane (CH
) emission from India from rice cultivation. The highest
emitting category within these states was the continuously ooded eld. Considering that the continuously ooded
elds are higher emitters in 2000, 32% of the emissions came from continuously ooded elds efforts were made
to measure the emission factors, especially for these categories in the states of Orissa and West Bengal, where this
practice is most prevalent.
sampling was done in two sites of continuously irrigated paddy elds, namely, village Khanyan (Block- Pandua,
Dist. - Hooghly) and village Badla (Block - Bainchi, Dist. - Burdwan) in West Bengal and in two sites of deep water
paddy, namely, village Nandika (Block - Jaleswar, Dist. - Balasore) and village Nimpur (Block - Jaleswar, Dist. -
Balasore) in Orissa. Cultivated rice varieties were MTU-1010 and MTU-7029 in West Bengal and Swarna and Hybrid
Swarna in Orissa. Throughout the growing stage, CH
ux was higher in continuously irrigated system as compared
to deep water system, with their values being 2.2788.1 mg CH
/day and 1.2-170.3 mg CH
/day, respectively
(Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4). Irrespective of the sites, there was an increase in the magnitude of emission from tillering stage
to maturity of the crop, and the maximum peak was observed at owering stage (4256 DAT). In case of Khanyan,
the maximum peak was observed on 77 and 63 DAT for eld 1 and eld 2, respectively. On the other hand, in Badla,
the maximum peak varied from eld to eld. The highest peaks were attained on 63, 42, and 49 DAT for eld 1, eld
2, and eld 3, respectively. Thereafter the ux recorded a decrease, attaining lowest value at harvesting. However, in
the village Nandika, the highest peak was observed on 49, 49, and 56 DAT in eld 1, eld 2, and eld 3, respectively,
whereas, in village Nimpur, the highest peak was observed on 28, 49, and 28 DAT in eld 1, eld 2, and eld 3,
Table 1: Methane (CH
) emission (mg/m
/d) from paddy elds of Khanyan (West Bengal)
DAT 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98
Field 1 415.025 500.112 424.122 123.800 135.471 223.987 777.593 147.100 144.305 3.222
Field 2 683.228 611.228 665.766 587.734 788.167 480.513 340.484 101.338 182.680 12.973
Field 3 671.512 534.005 538.046 456.002 362.048 368.225 122.756 29.290 157.993 3.020
Date 1/9/09 7/9/09 14/9/09 21/9/09 28/9/09 5/10/09 12/10/09 19/10/09 26/10/09 2/11/09
Table 2: Methane (CH
) emission (mg/m
/d) from paddy elds of Badla (West Bengal)
DAT 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98
Field 1 335.079 513.559 400.214 511.692 729.305 322.104 451.354 115.468 122.001 2.225
Field 2 507.426 768.221 693.244 538.420 629.114 390.197 305.343 102.091 301.290 9.001
Field 3 663.095 568.335 692.242 366.477 500.281 455.852 319.533 14.477 28.190 5.208
Date 1/9/09 7/9/09 14/9/09 21/9/09 28/9/09 5/10/09 12/10/09 19/10/09 26/10/09 2/11/09
64 | INDIA Second National Communication
Agriculture soils (3D)
Two pathways of N
O emissions from soils existdirect
and indirect. Direct N
O emission was estimated using
net N-additions to soils (synthetic or organic fertilizers,
deposited manure, crop residues) and mineralization of
Nitrogen in soil due to cultivation/land-use change on
mineral soils. The indirect N
O emission was estimated
from the volatilization of ammonia and NOx from the
managed soils, subsequent re-deposition of these
gases and their products (NH
and NO
) to soils, and
after leaching and run-off of N, mainly as NO
from the
managed soils. Total emissions of N
O from the managed
soils will be estimated. Direct emissions of N
O from the
managed soils are estimated separately from indirect
emissions, though using a common set of activity data,
including application of synthetic N fertilizers and organic
N (animal manure, compost, green manure), deposition of
dung N as manure, presence of N in crop residues (above-
ground and below-ground), and presence of N in mineral
soils that is mineralized in association with the loss of soil
C. In total, 186.49 Gg of N
O (57,810.47 Gg CO
eq.) was
emitted from soils. Of these, direct emission was 83%
of the total emitted from the soils and was equivalent to
155.06 Gg (48,067.17 Gg CO
Burning of agriculture crop residue (3E)
Crop residue is burned in the elds in many Indian
states, particularly in Punjab, Haryana, and western
Uttar Pradesh, producing CO, CH
, N
O, NOx, NMHCs,
, and many other gases. In our assessment, we
have reported only CH
and N
O. Data on the burning of
crop residue has been obtained from the states of Uttar
Pradesh, Punjab, West Bengal, Haryana, Bihar, Madhya
Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, and
Karnataka as they are the states following this activity.
Generally, the residues of nine crops rice, wheat,
cotton, maize, millet, sugar cane, jute, rapeseed-mustard,
and groundnut are burnt in the eld. The estimation of
emission of targeted species was arrived at by estimating
the amount of biomass actually burnt in the eld using the
IPCC Revised Inventory Preparation Guidelines (IPCC,
1996). Currently, wastes from nine crops, namely, rice,
wheat, cotton, maize, millet, sugar cane, jute, rapeseed-
mustard, and groundnut, are subjected to burning. Crop
production gures, by state, for 2000/01 (MoA, 2002)
were used as the basic activity data. Ratio of the residue
to economic yield was taken from Bandyopadhayay et al.
(2001) . Fractions of residues burnt in the eld were taken
from Gadde et al. (2009) for rice and data on the fraction
Table 3: Nitrous oxide (N
O) emission (mg/m
/d) from paddy elds of Khanyan (West Bengal)
DAT 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98
Field 1 7.59 1.02 1.39 2.70 2.38 2.20 1.24 1.70 1.18 0.55
Field 2 1.27 3.19 7.06 1.02 0.25 0.51 1.01 1.09 2.38 1.10
Field 3 1.50 0.37 5.19 1.11 0.22 0.97 1.17 1.11 0.71 2.06
Date 1/9/09 7/9/09 14/9/09 21/9/09 28/9/09 5/10/09 12/10/09 19/10/09 26/10/09 2/11/09
Table 4: Nitrous oxide (N
O) emission (mg/m
/d) from paddy elds of Badla (West Bengal)
DAT 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98
Field 1 1.29 1.20 2.30 3.71 1.44 1.97 1.21 1.47 1.26 1.54
Field 2 1.93 2.31 6.31 2.20 1.02 0.93 1.03 1.03 2.38 1.30
Field 3 2.77 0.29 4.22 1.93 0.54 0.59 1.33 1.32 1.07 2.26
Date 1/9/09 7/9/09 14/9/09 21/9/09 28/9/09 5/10/09 12/10/09 19/10/09 26/10/09 2/11/09
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 65
of residues oxidized was obtained from IPCC (1996) and
Streets et al. (2003). Emission ratio was calculated using
emission factors given by Andreae and Merlet (2001),
which are the default factors mentioned in IPCC (2006)
National Inventory Preparation Guidelines. Based on
this, the total emission estimated from this category for
2000 was 238.06 Gg CH
and 6.17 Gg of N
O, equalling
6911.96 Gg CO
Land use, Land-use Change and Forestry
LULUCF is a key component of the GHG inventory.
It involves estimation of carbon stock changes, CO

emissions and removals, and non-CO
GHG emissions.
The IPCC has developed three GHG inventory guidelines
for the land use sector, namely, Revised 1996 Guidelines
for LUCF (IPCC, 1996); IPCC Good Practice Guidelines
for LULUCF (IPCC, 2003); and the latest IPCC 2006
Guidelines, which include agriculture forest and other
land categories (AFOLU). India used the Revised 1996
Guidelines for LULUCF sector for the preparation of GHG
inventory information for its INC. The inventory showed
that LULUCF sector was a marginal source of GHG
emissions (14.2 Mt of CO
eq.) for the inventory year 1994.
The revised 1996 IPCC Guideline has many limitations,
and the inventory estimation is incomplete since all the
land categories are not included, and the uncertainty of
GHG inventory is estimated to be high. Thus, the IPCC
developed GPG for the land use sectors, covering all
the land use categories for the inventory. The developing
countries (Non-Annex I countries) are encouraged to
use the IPCC-GPG 2003 approach in preparing GHG
inventory for the LULUCF sector. In this assessment, the
national GHG inventory from the LULUCF sector of India
for the year 2000 is undertaken by using the IPCC-GPG
2003 approach.
Methodology for greenhouse gas inventory
Land use pattern and land use change matrix for
Land use and land use change data was generated
using remotely sensed data for 1994/95 and 2004/05 for
the ve classes, namely, forest, cropland (agriculture),
grassland (including scrub), settlement, and other land.
The denitions for the different land categories are as
Forest land: All lands more than 1 ha in area, with a
tree canopy density of more than 10%.
Cropland: Includes all croplands or net sown area
and fallow land area.
Grasslands: The areas covered with grassy and
herbaceous growth as well as degraded forest with
less than 10% tree canopy density.
Other land: Includes all non-vegetated areas, snow,
surface waterbody.
Settlement: Includes the major built-up areas and
human habitations.
In order to take into account the phenological calendar
of crops, forest, and grassland, satellite remotely sensed
data for the major seasons were acquired for the year
1994/95 (IRS 1B LISS I data of March 1994 to March
1995 having spatial resolution of 72.5 m); and similarly,
the IRS P6 AWiFS sensor data having resolution of 56
m data was acquired for the year 2004/05. The 2004/05
AWiFS data for different seasons was geo-rectied and
re-sampled to LISS I resolution, that is, 72.5 m. The re-
sampling of AWiFS data was done in order to carry out
one-to-one change analysis with reference to the image
generated from LISS I data of 1994/95. All the data sets
of LISS I 1994/95 (slave) were registered with reference
to 2004/05 AWiFS data (master). The RMS error was
brought to less than a pixel.
The IRS P6 AWiFS data sets of 2004/05 for different
seasons were digitally classied for the ve classes as
described above. Similarly, the IRS 1B LISS I data sets
of 1994/95 were also classied for the above-mentioned
classes. LULC maps were interpreted for the forest layer
by the Forest Survey of India (FSI) and integrated into
the LULC map generated at the National Remote Sensing
Centre. The classication accuracy of the LULC maps in
all the cases was ~90%. The decadal (1994/942004/05)
change analysis was carried out using digital image
The land use pattern for the year 2000, the year of the
GHG inventory, was derived by averaging the change in
the area under different land categories between 1994
and 2004. The area under the IPCC land categories for
2000/01 is given in Table 2.9. Wetland category is not
included since it was not possible to obtain the data to
meet the denition of wetland/ooded land according to
the IPCC. It can be observed that cropland accounted for
53.6% of the geographic area of India, followed by forest
land accounting for 20.5%.
Forest land
Activity data and emission factors for forest land
In India, forest land is dened as all lands, more than 1
66 | INDIA Second National Communication
Table 2.9: Land use pattern according to the IPCC land categories during 2000/01
2000/01 (area in Mha) IPCC land category 2000/01 (area in Mha)
Forest land 67.462 FL-FL 67.073
L-FL 0.389
Cropland Net crop area 141.360 CL-CL 176.074
Fallow land 34.816 L-CL 0.102
Grassland 38.779 GL-GL 38.779
Settlement 1.717 SL-SL 1.662
L-SL 0.055
Other land 44.592 OL-OL 44.592
Total land
Fl forest land; CL cropland; GL grassland; OL other land; SL settlement; L land
ha in area, with a tree canopy density of more than 10%.
The FSI periodically monitors the area under forest and
publishes the data once in two years. The forest carbon
pool estimates are primarily based on the extrapolation
of growing stock (volume) data since the existing forest
inventories were not designed for direct carbon stock
assessment. As per the IPCC guidelines, carbon stock
in the forests includes ve pools: above-ground biomass
(AGB), below-ground biomass (BGB), litter, dead wood,
and soil organic carbon (SOC). The approach and
methods adopted to prepare forest land GHG inventory
are as follows:
Carbon stock change method adopted for estimating
GHG emissions and removals for forest land.
Developed the land use matrices for the period 1994
to 2004 for
forest land remaining forest land and
land converted into forest land.
Activities implemented for forest land remaining forest
Stratify forest land in India into various existing
Estimate changes in C stocks from forest land
remaining forest land for the following carbon
pools: AGB, BGB, dead wood, litter, and SOC.
Assess source-specic uncertainties associated
with forest land remaining forest land and
emissions and removal factors and activity data.
Activities undertaken for land converted to forest
Stratify forest lands into homogeneous sub-
categories for land converted to forest land.
Estimate Carbon stock changes for land use
conversion to forest land for the following carbon
Changes in C stocks in AGB and BGB
Changes in C stocks in dead organic matter
that includes dead wood and litter
Changes in C stock in soils
Assess source-specic uncertainties associated
with forest land remaining forest land and
emissions and removal factors and activity data.
Develop a quality assurance and quality control
Methodology to develop activity data and land use
matrices for the period 19942004
Forest cover mapping: Though the forest cover data
for India is available with the FSI since 1984 with a two-
year interval, there has been a signicant change in the
interpretational techniques and its scale, particularly
since 2001. Prior to 2001, the interpretation of satellite
data was manual/visual and scale of interpretation was
1: 250,000, giving the minimum mapable area as 25 ha.
Since 2001, the procedure became digital, thus making
the interpretation more objective on a scale of 1: 50,000,
giving a minimum mapping unit (MMU) as 1 ha. Therefore,
the data of 2004 was not directly comparable with that of
Forest type mapping: The FSI has mapped the forest
types of India based on Champion and Seth classication
(1968) on 1:50,000 scale, according to 200 types
described in the classication. The forest type maps of the
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 67
entire country, by district, have been prepared. Using the
forest type maps, distribution of forest cover in different
forest types has been determined for India. By regrouping
the detailed forest types, 14 forest type group classes
and one plantation group were developed for the current
inventory estimation.
Stratication of activity data: Carbon stored in the
vegetation, the principal variable, depends on the canopy
density and forest type. These two indicators have been
considered as stratication variables. Spatial information
based on canopy density is available from the forest cover
mapping. This was supplemented with the information
generated, by forest type, under the national forest type
mapping project carried out by the FSI. This gave three
canopy density classes and 15 type group classes, thus
resulting in 45 classes in all.
On the 1994 forest cover maps, the forest type information
of 2004 was projected as the best approximation in
the absence of any information about the geographic
distribution of forest types of India in 1994. This
approximation draws strength from the fact that forest
type of an area does not change within a span of 2030
Using this type/density classication, the area statistics
(activity data) of the following categories were generated
by a series of steps of intersection and differencing of
maps using GIS techniques:
Forest land remaining forest land during 1994 to 2004
in all 45 classes
Non-forest land converted to forest land during 1994
to 2004 in all 45 classes
Methodology to develop emission factors
National Forest Inventory (NFI) for woody biomass and
carbon: Under the NFI programme, the FSI is preparing a
national forest inventory since 2002, following a stratied
and systematic sampling approach and collecting the
sample plot data from forest lands distributed across India
in different physiographic and climatic zones. As per the
new design, data from about 21,000 sample plots (size
0.1 ha) has already been collected between the years
2002 and 2008. In each sample plot, all tree species of
diameter 10 cm (DBH) and above were measured. The
woody volume of trees of each sample plot was calculated
using volume equations developed by the FSI for various
Carbon and biomass of shrubs, herbs, climbers, dead
wood, and litter: For estimating biomass of non-trees,
dead wood and litter, the data of forest inventory made
during 2002/08 was analysed for each physiographic
zone to ascertain the important tree species and optimum
number of plots required for each combination of forest
type and forest density. It revealed that about 15 sample
plots for each combination would sufce for estimating
the biomass/carbon factors for these components, if
30% permissible error is considered (these components
contribute very little to total carbon pools). In 5 m 5 m
plots, all dead wood above 5 cm diameter was collected,
weighed, and recorded. In 3 m 3 m plots, all woody litter,
that is, all branches below 5 cm diameter, were collected,
weighed, and recorded. All shrubs and climbers in 3 m
3 m plots were uprooted, weighed, and recorded in the
prescribed format. In 1 m 1 m plots, all herbs were
uprooted, weighed, and recorded. In all the three plots,
the name of the dominant species was also recorded. Dry
biomass was converted to carbon stock.
Greenhouse gas emissions and removal estimates
for forest land
Stock change method is adopted for estimating the CO

emissions and removals for forest land. GHG emissions
and removal estimates are reported for the year 2000.
The carbon stock estimates for 1994 and 2004 are made
and then averaged on an annual basis and used for the
year 2000.
Area under forest land: The land use matrix for forest
land remaining forest land and land converted to forest
land as in 2004 compared to 1994 is given in Table 2.10. It
can be observed that the area under forest land remaining
forest land was estimated to be 65.12 Mha and the land
converted to forest during the period 1994 to 2004 was
estimated to be 3.88 Mha.
Carbon stock estimates for forest land: Carbon stock
estimates for different carbon pools for the forest land
remaining forest land during 19942004 as well as for
the land area converted to forest land during the same
period is given in Table 2.11. The carbon stock in forest
Table 2.10: Area under forest land remaining forest land
and land converted to forest
Land Use Forest land
remaining forest land
Land converted to
forest land (km
VDF 78,770 4702
MDF 301,926 18,022
OF 270,599 16,152
Total 651,294 38,877
VDF very dense forest; MDF moderately dense forest; OF open forest
68 | INDIA Second National Communication
Table 2.11: Change in carbon stock from forest land remaining forest land including land converted to forest land
Component Carbon stock in
forest land in
1994 (MtC)
Carbon stock
in forest land
remaining forest
land in 2004
Net change in
carbon stock
in forest land
remaining forest
land (MtC)
Annual change
in carbon stock
during 19942004
(MtC) forest
land remaining
forest land
Carbon stock
change in land
converted to
forest land in
2004 (MtC)
Annual change
in carbon stock
in land converted
to forest land
during the period
19942004 (MtC)
1,784 1,983 199 19.9 118 11.8
563 626 63 6.3 37 3.7
Dead wood 19 24 5 0.5 1 0.1
Litter 104 114 10 1.0 7 0.7
Soil 3,601 3,542 59 5.9 211 21.1
Total 6,071 6,289 217 21.8 375 37.5
Table 2.12: Area subjected to forest re in 2000 and
quantity of biomass burnt
Category Average area burnt
in ha
Biomass burnt kg/ha
Mild re 1,393,432 2660
Moderate 1,154,268 7270
Heavy 372,251 29,450
The non-CO
GHG emissions from biomass burning in forest
land are given in Table 2.13 for CH
, NOx, N
O, and CO.
land during 1994 was estimated to be 6071 MtC. The
carbon stock in forest land remaining forest during 2004
was estimated to be 6288 MtC. The carbon stock in land
converted to forest was estimated to be 375 MtC during
2004. Thus, the total carbon stock in 2004, including forest
land remaining forest land and land converted to forest, is
estimated to be 6663 MtC. The carbon stock estimates of
1994 and 2004 are used for deriving net CO
removal for the year 2000.
gases emissions from biomass burning in
forest land
GHG emissions are estimated for the forest
land subjected to burning. Activity data for the area of the
forest burnt and the fraction/quantity of the biomass burnt
per hectare was obtained from eld studies conducted by
the FSI and is given in Table 2.12.
Method for estimating non-CO
The IPCC GPG method is adopted for estimating the
GHG emissions from forest re. The following equation
from IPCC GPG is used for estimating the non CO
Estimation of GHGs directly released in res
Lre = A B C D 10
Lre = quantity of GHG released due to re, tonnes of
A= area burnt, ha
B= mass of available fuel, kg d.m./ ha
C= combustion efficiency (or fraction of the biomass
combusted), dimensionless
D= emission factor, g/(kg d.m.)
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 69
Area under cropland, which is the net sown area, was
estimated to be 141 Mha during 2000/01. However,
cropland includes both the net sown area during 2000 as
well as the fallow land area given in Table 2.9. The total
area under cropland for year 2000 was estimated to be
176.074 Mha. Methods for estimating the area under
cropland, using remote sensing, is explained earlier.
Cropland includes all annual and perennial crops as well
as temporary fallow land (that is, land set at rest for one or
several years before being cultivated again). Annual crops
may include cereals, oilseeds, vegetables, root crops, and
forages. Perennial crops can include trees and shrubs,
in combination with herbaceous crops (for example,
agro-forestry), or orchards, vineyards, and plantations.
emissions and removals are estimated only for the
perennial tree biomass in croplands.
Method for estimating the perennial tree biomass:
The FSI has made an assessment of trees outside the
forests. Trees outside the forests include tree cover
comprising small patches of trees (<1.0 ha) in plantations
and woodlots, scattered trees and farms, homesteads
and urban areas as well as trees along linear features
such as road, canals, and cropland bunds. The estimates
refer to the year 2001.
Table 2.14: Estimates of biomass in trees outside the
forest, including cropland, grassland, and settlements
Physiographic zones Growing stock (million m
2001 2003
Western Himalayas 115.214 194.23
Eastern Himalayas 70.485 67.47
North East 48.311 99.39
Northern Plains 103.727 113.803
Eastern Plains 81.088 91.437
Western Plains 100.158 82.215
Central Highlands 140.637 106.806
North Deccan 87.299 71.157
East Deccan 177.342 175.255
South Deccan 179.675 147.608
Western Ghats 97.588 109.273
Eastern Ghats 114.54 89.839
West Coast 169.823 158.329
East Coast 146.451 109.439
Total in Mm
1,632.338 1,616.244
Total AGB biomass stock in
914.109 905.096
Annual rate of change AGB 4.50 Mt biomass/year
Annual rate of change in
total biomass incorporating
BGB (0.27) and Biomass
expansion factor (3.4)
19.43 Mt of biomass/year
9.71 Mt of biomass carbon/year
Rate of change in biomass
carbon in tC/ha/year
0.044 tC/ha/year
AGB above-ground biomass; BGB below-ground biomass
Source: FSI (2003 and 2005)
Table 2.13: Non-CO
greenhouse gas emissions from forest biomass burning
Category Area burnt (ha) Biomass burnt in t/ha Mass of available
fuel (kg d.m./ha)
Emission factor for
each GHG (g /kg d.m.)
Emissions from res
(GWP = 21)
Mild re 1,393,432 2.66 2,660 9 33.36
Moderate re 1,154,268 7.27 7,270 9 75.52
Heavy re 372,251 29.45 29,450 9 98.67
Average 2,919,951 13.12 13,126.66 9 344.96
Total 2,919,951 tonnes of CH
O (GWP = 310)
Mild re 1,393,432 2.66 2660 0.11 0.41
Moderate re 1,154,268 7.27 7270 0.11 0.92
Heavy re 372,251 29.45 29,450 0.11 1.21
Average 2,919,951 13.12 13,126.66 0.11 4.22
Total 2,919,951 tonnes of N
O 6.75
Area under cropland: The area under crops varies
from year to year, depending on the monsoon rainfall.
In India, conversion of forest land to cropland is banned.
Thus, only degraded grassland or long-term fallow land
is converted to crops. The remaining area is left fallow. In
India, cropland includes area sown or cultivated during
the year as well as the area left fallow during the year.
Thus, the total area under the cropland was estimated to
be 176.07 Mha for the year 2000/01.
Biomass carbon stock: Carbon stock change from
cropland remaining cropland is estimated by taking the
tree biomass carbon stock at two periods, namely, years
2001 and 2003 (Table 2.14), for which data is available on
the growing stock or AGB stock. The FSI has provided the
growing stock of trees outside the forest (non-forest land,
which includes the cropland). The annual rate of change
estimated for the period 200103 is used for the year
2000, since there is only a marginal change in the biomass
carbon stock. Carbon stock change in land converted to
cropland is also estimated using the same FSI data source.
The total biomass stock change is estimated by using a
root:shoot ratio as well as the biomass expansion factor,
and the value is given in Table 2.14. The overall annual
change in the total biomass carbon stock is estimated to
be 0.044 tC/ha/year, or 9.71 Mt of biomass carbon/year
for all non-forest land categories.
SOC stock: SOC stock difference is estimated based on
the annual change in the SOC obtained from different
studies at state level for India. The SOC stock change
data is compiled for all non-forest land categories, but
largely for cropland category for which literature values
are available. It can be observed that of the 20 states,
for which data is compiled, 11 states seem to experience
annual reduction in the carbon stocks in croplands and
9 states are estimated to experience an increase in the
carbon stock. Thus, an overall rate of change of SOC is
estimated to be 0.043 tC/ ha/year (Table 2.15).
70 | INDIA Second National Communication
Table 2.15: Rate of change in soil carbon compiled at
state level for non-forest land categories (cropland,
State Rate of change in SOC (tC/ha/year)
Jharkhand -0.50
Rajasthan -0.44
Haryana -0.33
Tamil Nadu -0.32
Karnataka -0.13
Madhya Pradesh -0.07
Uttar Pradesh -0.03
Himachal Pradesh 0.03
Punjab 0.10
Bihar 0.11
West Bengal 0.34
Andhra Pradesh 0.44
Gujarat 0.53
Uttarakhand 0.55
Kerala 1.16
Orissa 1.49
Assam -0.77
Madhya Pradesh -0.66
Uttar Pradesh -0.88
West Bengal -0.48
Average SOC 0.043
SOC soil organic carbon
Source: Compiled from a large number of studies by IISc Bengaluru
Table 2.16: Biomass and soil carbon stock change in cropland during 2000
Land category Area (000 ha) Rate of change
in biomass stock
(perennial) in tC/
Total biomass
carbon stock
change in Gg
Rate of change in
SOC in tC/ha/year
Total SOC stock
change in Gg
Total change in
biomass and
soil carbon in
cropland (Gg)
176,074 0.044 7,747.25 0.043 7,571.18 15,318.44
Land converted to
102 0.044 4.48 0.043 4.38 8.87
Total 176,176 7,751.73 7,575.56 15,327.31
SOC soil organic carbon
Biomass and soil carbon rates of change and stocks:
The total biomass and soil carbon stock change in cropland
remaining cropland and land converted to cropland was
estimated to be 15,327.31 Gg during 2000 (Table 2.16).
The area under grassland was estimated to be 38.77 Mha
for the year 2000/01(Table 2.9). During the period 1994
2004, the area under grassland declined by 1.77 Mha. In
India, grassland includes a large number of categories,
other than forest lands and croplands. Grasslands are
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 71
largely used for livestock grazing. Area under grassland
has declined, which indicates that there is no conversion
of other land categories to grassland.
Method for estimating CO
emissions and removals:
Tier-II approach is used for estimating CO
emissions and
removals from grasslands. The approach for estimating
the area is described in the earlier section. Biomass stock
change in the grasslands category is estimated using the
method and source of data described for croplands. The
data for biomass stock and stock change is mainly sourced
from the study on Trees Outside Forests, conducted by
the FSI for non-forest land categories, including grassland.
SOC stock change for grasslands is estimated using the
method and source of data described for croplands.
Biomass and soil carbon stock change in grassland:
The total biomass and soil carbon stock change in
grassland was estimated to be 3460.773 Gg for 2000
(Table 2.17).
Wetland (ooded land)
The area under waterbodies is estimated to be about 7
Mha, and it varies from year to year, depending on rainfall
and stream ow. It is not clear as to what percent of this
total area of 7 Mha under waterbodies is submerged
under water for different periods or seasons. Data on
the number of days land submerged under water is not
available for the ooded area. This land is incorporated
under the category other land. Thus, no GHG emission
estimates are made for wetlands.
The area under settlement during 2000 was estimated to
be 1.71 Mha. The area under settlement increased from
1.38 Mha to 1.93 Mha during the period 19942004,
that is, by 0.55. The average annual growth in area
under settlements is estimated to be about 5500 ha. The
biomass stock change is estimated using the method
and data described for croplands. The data for biomass
stock change is mainly sourced from the study on Trees
Outside Forests, conducted by the FSI for non-forest land
categories, including settlements. The biomass carbon
stock change in settlements was estimated to be 75.55
Gg during 2000 (Table 2.18).
Other land
Other land includes snow cover area, rocky surface,
waterbodies, etc. The area under other land for year 2000
was estimated to be 44.59 Mha. It declined from 45.99
Mha in 1994 to 43.45 Mha in 2004, at an annual rate of
254,600 ha (Table 2.9). No GHG emissions and removal
estimates are made for other land. Further, there is no
conversion of forest land or cropland or grassland to other
Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from
land use, land-use change and forestry
GHG emissions are estimated using the IPCC GPG
Table 2.19: Greenhouse gas emissions from the land use, land-use change and forestry sector for India (Gg)
Land category Sub-category Annual CO

emissions/ removals
O Total
Forest land Forest land remaining
forest land
79,918.80 11,600.00 2,090.00 66,228.80
Land converted to
forest land
137,475.00 137,475.00
Cropland Cropland remaining
15,318.44 -15,318.44
Land converted to
8.87 8.87
Grassland Grassland remaining
3,460.77 3,460.77
Settlement Settlement remaining
73.13 73.13
Land converted to
2.42 2.42
Total 236,257.43 11,600.00 2,090.00 222,567.43
carbon dioxide; CH
methane; N
O nitrous oxide
approach for the ve land categories (excluding wetlands).
Tier-II and Tier-III methods are largely adopted for the GHG
inventory estimation. Emissions and removal estimates
for each land category are described in the respective
land category sections. The total national CO
and non-
gas emissions and removal estimates for all the land
categories are presented in Table 2.19. It can be observed
from the table that the forest land dominates CO
The LULUCF sector was a net sink of 222,567.43 Gg CO

eq., or 222 Mt CO
eq. for India during 2000.
The waste sector includes the GHG emission estimates
from the following categories:
4a: Solid waste disposal
4b: Waste water handling
Table 2.18: Biomass carbon stock change in settlement during 2000
Land category Area (000 ha) Rate of change in biomass stock
(perennial) in tC/ha/year
Total biomass carbon stock
change in Gg
Settlement remaining settlement 1.662 0.044 73.13
Land converted to settlement 0.055 0.044 2.42
Total 1.717 0.044 75.55
Table 2.17: Biomass and soil carbon stock change in grassland
Land category Area (000 ha) Rate of change
in biomass stock
(perennial) in tC/
Total biomass
carbon stock
change in Gg
Rate of change in
SOC in tC/ha/year
Total SOC stock
change in Gg
Total change in
biomass and
soil carbon in
cropland (Gg)
38,779 0.044 1,750.276 0.043 1,710.497 3,460.773
72 | INDIA Second National Communication
Methodology, activity data, and emission
IPCC 2006 Guidelines provide a Tier-III approach for the
estimate of CH
emission from domestic and industrial
waste water for an individual country. In India, emissions
from domestic waste water handling are estimated for both
urban and rural centres. Domestic waste water has been
categorized into urban high, urban low, and rural, since
the characteristics of the municipal waste water vary from
place to place and depend on factors such as economic
status, food habits of the community, water supply status,
and climatic conditions of the area. Majority of the rural
centres do not have proper sewage system and hence
quantication of the waste water generated, collected,
and treated becomes difcult. Also, in many rural areas,
open defecation is common, and sewage from domestic
water use reaches nearby surface waterbodies.
Domestic methane emissions
Emissions were estimated by Tier-II method by
incorporating country-specic emission factors and
country-specic data. Emissions have been arrived at
using reliable and accepted secondary data generated
by various government and private agencies working
in the respective areas in the country. The annual CH

emissions from domestic waste water are estimated using
Equation (1).
Td = total domestic methane emission
Ui = fraction of population in income group i in the
inventory year
Tij = degree of utilization of treatment/discharge
pathway or system, j, for each income group
fraction, i in inventory year
i = income group: rural, urban high income and
urban low income
j = each treatment/discharge pathway or system
EFi = emission factor, kg CH
/kg biological oxygen
demand (BOD)
TOW = total organics in wastewater in the inventory
year, kg BOD/year
S = organic component removed as sludge in the
inventory year, kg BOD/year
Table 2.20: Emission factor for domestic waste water
MCF Emission factor
Septic system
MCF methane correction factor
R = amount of CH
recovered in the inventory year,
kg CH
Estimation of emission factor
The emission factor is a function of the maximum CH

producing potential (B0) and the methane correction
factor (MCF) for the waste water treatment and discharge
system, as shown in Equation (2). Table 2.20 presents the
emission factors derived for the estimates for the waste
treatment pathway.
B0 = maximum CH
producing potential, CH
/kg BOD
(default value 0.6)
MCF = methane correction factor (IPCC 2006)
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 73
Estimation for total organically degradable waste
Total organic degradable waste in domestic waste water
is represented in Equation (3).

P = population in inventory year, (person)
BOD = per capita BOD in inventory year, g/person/
I = correction factor for additional industrial BOD
discharged into sewers (for collected the default
value is 1.25, for uncollected the default is 1.00)
The urban high-income and urban low-income fractions
were determined by expert judgement when statistical or
other comparable information was not available.
In the case of industrial waste waters, data on quantity of
industrial waste waters treated along with the treatment in
the sewage treatment plant is not available. Hence, CH

emissions are estimated using IPCC 2006 Guidelines.
The estimates are the function of industrial production, as
Industrial CH
emissions were estimated following IPCC
2006 Guidelines. Data on industrial waste water is
complex due to different processes and products involved
in generating different quantity and quality of wastes. The
data was obtained through extensive literature search and
industrial visits. Default values are utilized and marked
with reference for unreliable data sets. The guidelines
are intended for countries that require to inventorize
emissions through a systematic procedure. Assessment
of CH
production potential from industrial waste water
stream is based on the selection of industrial sectors that
have degradable organic matter (DOC) in their waste
water, examples being integrated pulp and paper unit,
fertilizer, sugar and distillery, tannery, and dairy industries.
Industrial production data was obtained from national
statistics, regulatory agencies, and industry associations.
Emission factors for industrial waste water are given in
Table 2.21.
most of the industries depend on carbon in one form or the
other. In India, Tier-II approach is used for the estimation
of CH
emission from industrial waste water. The general
equation to estimate CH
emissions from industrial waste
water is presented as Equation (4).
Ti = CH
emission in inventory year, kg CH
I = industrial sector
TOWi = total organically degradable material in waste
water for industry i in the inventory year, kg
chemical oxygen demand (COD)/year
Si = organic component removed as sludge in the
inventory year, kg COD/year (default Value 0.
EFi = emission factor for industry I, kg CH
for treatment/discharge pathway or system used
in the inventory year
Ri = amount of CH
recovered in the inventory year,
kg CH
Estimation for total organically degradable waste
The equation for total organically degradable material in
domestic waste water is
P = total industrial production for industrial sector I,
W = waste water generated, m
/t product
COD = chemical oxygen demand, kg COD/m
Estimation of emission factor
There are signicant differences in the CH
potential of different types of industrial waste water. To the
extent possible, data should be collected to determine the
maximum CH
producing capacity (Bo) in each industry.
As mentioned before, the MCF indicates the extent to
which the CH
producing potential (Bo) is realized in each
type of treatment method. Thus, it is an indication of the
degree to which the system is anaerobic, as shown in
Equation (6).
B0 = maximum methane producing potential, CH
kg BOD (default value 0.6)
MCFj = methane correction factor (IPCC 2006).
Table 2.21: Emission factor for industrial waste water
Industry Emission factor
Pulp and paper
Estimation of nitrous oxide
O emission can occur from waste water after the
disposal of efuent into waterways, lakes or sea. No
higher tiers are given to estimate N
O from waste water
efuent. The simplied general equation to estimate N
from waste water is
= N
44/28 (7)
= N
O emissions in inventory year, kg N
= nitrogen in the efuent discharged to
aquatic environments, kg N/year
= Emission factor for N
O emissions from
discharged waste water, kg N
O-N/kg N
The factor 44/28 is the conversion of kg N
O-N into kg
Estimation of total nitrogen in the waste water
Waste water from industrial or commercial sources, which
is discharged into the sewer, may contain proteins (for
example, from grocery stores and butchers). The default
74 | INDIA Second National Communication
W = mass of waste deposited, Gg
DOC = degradable organic carbon in the year of
deposition (fraction)
DOCf = fraction of DOC that can decompose
MCF = methane correction factor (fraction)
Overview of greenhouse gas emissions from
the waste sector
The total GHG released from the waste sector in 2000 was
52,552.29 Gg CO
eq., of which 2307.19 Gg was emitted
as CH
and 13.23 Gg was emitted as N
O (Table 2.22).
Figure 2.15 shows the absolute values of GHG emission
from the waste sector and also the emission distribution
across its sub-categories.
Solid waste disposal (4A1)
Solid waste management practices lead to the release of
. CH
is produced and released into the atmosphere
Table 2.22: Greenhouse gas emissions from the waste
sector in 2000 (expressed in Gg)
Category CO
4. Waste 2,307.19 13.23 52,552.29
A. Solid waste
disposal on land
488.19 10,251.99
1. Managed
waste disposal
on land
488.19 10,251.99
B. Waste water
1,819.00 13.23 42,3331.30
1. Industrial
waste water
1,103.00 23,163.00
2. Domestic
and commercial
waste water
716.00 13.23 19,137.30
carbon dioxide; CH
methane; N
O nitrous oxide
waste water
Domestic and
waste water
Managed Waste
Disposal on
23163.00 Gg
19137.30 Gg
10251.99 Gg
Figure 2.15: Distribution of greenhouse gas emissions across the
waste sector categories (in Gg of CO
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 75
value for this fraction is 1.25. The total nitrogen in the
efuent is estimated as follows:
Nefuents = (P Pr FNPR F

) N
P = human population
Pr = annual per capita protein consumption, kg/
FNPR = fraction of nitrogen in protein, default = 0.16,
kg N/kg protein
= factor for non-consumed protein added to the
waste water
= factor for industrial and commercial co-
discharged protein into the sewer system
= nitrogen removed with sludge (default = zero),
kg N/year
Estimation of methane emission from landll site
Basic equations used in estimation
First order decay (FOD) model was used in estimation.
In a rst order reaction, the amount of product is always
proportional to the amount of reactive material. Thus, the
total mass or the decomposing material currently in the
site contributes to CH
production. FOD model is built
on an ex-potential factor that describes the reaction of
degradable material which is degraded into CH
and CO
each year. Key input in the model is the amount of DOC
in waste disposed of in the solid waste disposal facility.
The spreadsheet keeps a running total of the amount of
decomposable DOC in the disposal site, taking account
of the amount deposited each year and the amount
remaining from previous years.
Studies conducted by National Environmental Engineering
Research Institute (NEERI) revealed that there is a wide
variation in per capita waste generation. Lower values in
many cities were observed due to inadequate collection
system, poor collection efciency, scattered storage
points, and poor road condition. The average value (0.55
kg/capita/day) of these quantities has been taken into
consideration in estimation. The value is well close to
the average regional value for South Central Asia. The
average composition data of the waste has been used in
the estimation of DOC. The basis for the calculation is the
amount of decomposable DOC (DDOCm).
DDOCm = amount of decomposable degradable organic
carbon deposited, Gg
as a by-product of the anaerobic decomposition of solid
waste, whereby methanogenic bacteria break down
organic matter in the waste. Similarly, waste water
becomes a source of CH
when treated or disposed of
anaerobically. It can also be a source of N
O emissions
due to the protein content in the domestically generated
waste water. Systematic disposal of waste is not carried
out in most of the Indian cities. The landll sites are not
properly constructed, and operation and maintenance of
the landll are poor. FOD method assumes that carbon
in waste decays to produce CH
and CO
. This means
that emission of CH
from waste deposited in a disposal
site is higher in the rst few years after deposition and
then gradually declines as the degradable carbon is
used up. It is assumed that in 50 years, CH
comes down to insignicant level. Hence, it is necessary
to estimate or collect 50-year data on waste disposal. In
India, though waste disposal data for the past 50 years is
not available, urban population data is readily available.
It is quite reasonable to assume that the waste quantity
is proportional to urban population for estimation, in the
absence of data, by year.
Extensive studies on quantity and composition of
municipal solid waste are available (NEERI, 2005),
which serve as the basis for the estimation of CH
at the
national level. There is a wide variation in per capita waste
generation. Lower values in many cities are observed due
to inadequate collection system, poor collection efciency,
scattered storage points, and poor road condition. The
average value (0.55 kg/capital/day) of these quantities
has been taken into consideration for estimation. For
the estimates, an average of six-month delay period is
assumed before the decay reaction starts. On an average,
70% of the waste generated reaches the landll site in
India, as observed in the past study. This value has been
used in the estimation. Waste generation rate is assessed
from sampling studies to be 0.55 kg/capita/day. DOC is
estimated to be 0.11 based on the composition of waste.
MCF for unmanaged, shallow disposal site is taken to be
0.4. Oxidation factor for unmanaged and uncategorized
solid waste disposal is assumed to be 0. Fraction of CH

in generated landll gas (F) is taken to be 0.5, and no CH

recovery is assumed. Fraction of DOC that decomposes
is taken to be 0.5. Decay rate constant is taken as 0.17/
Based on these assumptions, and using the rst order
decay method as given in the IPCC 2006 Guidelines for
this sector, the total GHG emissions from this sector is
estimated to be 10,251.99 Gg CO
Waste water
is emitted from waste water when it is treated or
disposed anaerobically. Waste water originates from a
variety of domestic, commercial, and industrial sources,
and may be treated on site (uncollected), sewered to a
centralized plant (collected) or disposed of untreated in
nearby areas or via an outfall.
Domestic waste water
Emissions from domestic waste water handling are
estimated for both urban and rural centres. Domestic
waste water has been categorized into urban high, urban
low, and rural, since the characteristics of the municipal
waste water vary from place to place and depend on
factors such as economic status, food habits of the
community, water supply status, and climatic conditions
of the area. In India, it is estimated that about 22,900
million litres per day (MLD) of domestic waste water is
generated from urban centres (Class I and II cities)
against 13,500 MLD of industrial waste water generated.
The rural water generated is not handled in any way;
therefore, as it decomposes in an aerobic condition, it is
not a source of CH
. Waste water treatment and discharge
pathways for the waste water generated in the urban
areas is substantial, and about 49.2% of the waste water
generated from the urban centres is not collected, and
further, treatment is done for only 72% of what is collected.
Anaerobic route as a treatment is used in about a quarter
of the waste water treated. It yields about 0.6 kg of CH

per kg biological oxygen demand (BOD) (NSSO, 2002)
treated theoretically. The use of advanced technologies
in waste water treatment in India is still at infancy stage
as waste water treatment is provided only in Class I and
II cities. Sewage contributes to 60% of the total pollution
load in terms of BOD, which is benecial if recovered
through the anaerobic route.
emission estimates have been made using Tier-II
approach of the IPCC by incorporating country-specic
emission factors and country-specic data. Domestic
waste water disposal and treatment resulted in the
emission of 19,137.30 Gg of CO
eq., of which 716.0 Gg
was emitted as CH
and 13.23 Gg was emitted as N
Industrial waste water
emission from waste water has been estimated based
on the waste water produced in industries, using the IPCC
2006 Guidelines. Emission factors are based on CH

emission per tonne of product used and are taken from
industry sources. Steel, fertilizer, beer, meat production,
sugar, coffee, soft drinks, pulp and paper, petroleum
76 | INDIA Second National Communication
Box 2.7: Waste water generation in different industries in
Industry Waste water generation,
/tonne of product
Range Average
Iron and steel
Soft drink
Pulp and paper




reneries, rubber, and tannery industries accounting for
more than 95% of CH
from this category have been
included for estimating CH
from industrial waste water.
Box 2.7 gives an account of the waste water generated
from these industries in 2000. However the waste water
generation from integrated iron and steel plants have
been regulated at 16m
per tonne of product and the
Ministry is striving to achieve these norms and beyond it.
In some industries, CH
is recovered, and in the present
calculations, CH
recovered for energy purposes in sugar,
beer, and dairy industries has been subtracted from the
total CH
estimated to be emitted from these industries
(recovery rate was 70%, 75%, and 75%, respectively, for
sugar, beer, and dairy industries). The total amount of CH

emitted from waste water in industries in 2000 was 1103
Gg, or 23,163.0 Gg CO
Key Source Analysis - 2000
Key source analysis leads to the identication of sources
with signicant impact on total emissions or trend,
accounting for up to 95% of the total emissions. The
key source analysis is carried out to prioritize higher
tier methodologies for key sectors, to design additional
requirements of QA/QC for key sources, and to allocate
and make best use of available resources for sources with
signicant impact on total emission estimate, which would
lead to a reduction in the uncertainties in the estimates
to the maximum extent possible. In order to identify
the key sources, both Tier-I level and trend analysis
has been carried out as per the IPCC Good Practice
Table 2.23a: Key source analysis for the year 2000 level assessment
Sl no. IPCC source category Sector Emission (Gg) Gas % of total
emissions (% of
1 Electricity production Energy 5,22,495.43 CO
34.29% 34.29%
2 Enteric fermentation Agriculture 2,11,429.43 CH
13.88% 48.16%
3 Road transport Energy 85,515.82 CO
5.61% 53.78%
4 Rice cultivation Agriculture 74,360.58 CH
4.888% 58.66%
5 Non-specic industries Energy 58,717.17 CO
3.85% 62.51%
6 Agricultural soils Agriculture 57,810.47 N
0 3.79% 66.30%
7 Residential Energy 55,182.00 CO
3.62% 69.93%
8 Iron and steel Energy 52,366.02 CO
3.44% 73.36%
9 Cement production IPPU 44,056.00 CO
2.89% 76.25%
10 Cement Energy 39,696.00 CO
2.61% 78.86%
11 Chemicals Energy 34,482.44 CO
2.26% 81.12%
12 Residential Energy 33,894.00 CH
2.22% 83.35%
13 Agricultural/sheries Energy 28,347.00 CO
1.86% 85.21%
14 Food and beverages Energy 24,577.85 CO
1.61% 86.82%
15 Industrial waste water Waste 23,163.00 CH
1.52% 88.34%
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 77
Guidance (IPCC, 2000). The analysis is without LULUCF
and includes only the CO
, CH
and N
O emissions,
as together they constitute 99.23% of the total CO
emissions from India.
Level analysis (Table 2.23a) identies 25 source
categories amongst a total of 64 as key source categories,
the GHG emissions from which cumulatively add up to
nearly 95% of the total CO
eq. emissions in 2000. Fifteen
of the 25 key categories identied are from the energy
sector, and of these, 80% of the categories are CO

emitting sources.
Table 2.23b: Key source analysis for the year 2000 trend assessment
IPCC source categories Sector Direct
Base year
eq. (Gg)
Current year
eq. (Gg)
to trend (%)
total of column
F (in %)
1 Electricity production Energy CO
357,268.70 522,495.43 0.054708167 27.50% 27.50%
2 Enteric fermentation Agriculture CH
194,079.25 211,429.43 0.031113131 15.64% 43.14%
3 Road transport Energy CO
83,190.11 85,515.82 0.017630588 8.86% 52.01%
4 Rice cultivation Agriculture CH
69,533.23 74,360.58 0.012313731 6.19% 58.20%
5 Non-specic industries Energy CO
40,714.49 58,717.17 0.005540071 2.79% 60.98%
6 Agricultural soils Agriculture N
0 51,206.02 57,810.47 0.006506116 3.27% 64.25%
7 Residential Energy CO
43,794 55,182.00 0.000742261 0.37% 64.62%
8 Iron and steel Energy CO
27,064.98 52,366.02 0.01488518 7.48% 72.11%
9 Cement production IPPU CO
29,108 44,056.00 0.005706056 2.87% 74.98%
10 Cement Energy CO
31,203.32 39,696.00 0.000210692 0.11% 75.08%
11 Chemicals Energy CO
30,957.43 34,482.44 0.004326417 2.17% 77.26%
12 Residential Energy CH
28,288.35 33,894.00 0.001950004 0.98% 78.24%
13 Agricultural/sheries Energy CO
24,912.19 28,347.00 0.002979034 1.50% 79.73%
14 Food and beverages Energy CO
2,142.57 24,577.85 0.01834471 9.22% 88.96%
15 Industrial waste water CH
24,773.67 23,163.00 0.007185409 3.61% 92.57%
16 Renery Energy 18,695.90 CO
1.23% 89.57%
17 Domestic and commercial
waste water
Waste 15,036.00 CH
0.99% 90.55%
18 Natural gas Energy 14,668.29 CH
0.96% 91.52%
19 Ammonia production IPPU 11,067.30 CO
0.73% 92.24%
20 Solid waste disposal on land Waste 10,251.99 CH
0.67% 92.91%
21 Textile/leather Energy 7,669.09 CO
0.50% 93.42%
22 Open cast mining Energy 7,273.37 CH
0.48% 93.90%
23 Limestone/Dolomite use IPPU 5,961.68 CO
0.39% 94.29%
24 Metal production IPPU 5,655.00 CF
0.37% 94.66%
25 Railways Energy 5,426.32 CO
0.36% 95.01%
Table 2.24: Tier-I uncertainty analysis CO
IPCC source category Sector Gas Base Year
1994 (Gg
Year 2000
(Gg CO
as % of total
emissions in
Uncertainty in
trend in national
introduced by
emission factor
Uncertainty in
trend in national
introduced by
activity data
introduced into
the trend in
total national
Electricity production Energy CO
357,268.7047 522495.4275 10 5 11.18033989 3.783469216 0.31165259 5.961071526 5.969212769
Road transport Energy CO
83,190.10986 85515.81 5 0 5 0.276929437 0 0.487818489 0.487818489
Nonspecic industries Energy CO
40,714.48724 58717.17021 20 5 20.61552813 0.783993183 0.032273527 1.339790678 1.340179332
Cement production Industrial
29,108.33704 45602.04 40 10 41.23105626 1.217759247 0.07537153 2.081067186 2.082431631
Residential Energy CO
43,794 55182 25 5 25.49509757 0.91118554 0.002551399 1.573907788 1.573909856
Iron & steeel Energy CO
27,064.98 52366.02138 20 5 20.61552813 0.699192478 0.075227968 1.19487208 1.197237877
Cement production Energy CO
29,108 44056 20 5 20.61552813 0.588236857 0.031452758 1.005256518 1.00574845
Cement Energy CO
31,203.32 39696 20 5 20.61552813 0.530022024 0.003345237 0.905771354 0.905777531
Agricultural/sheries Energy CO
24,912.18811 28347 25 5 25.49509757 0.468076121 -0.010821295 0.808516619 0.808589032
Food & beverages Energy CO
2,142.567318 24577.84567 20 5 20.61552813 0.328164034 0.0883718 0.560809869 0.567729939
78 | INDIA Second National Communication
Table 2.25: Tier-I uncertainty analysis CH
IPCC source
Sector Gas Base Year
1995 (Gg
Year 2000
(Gg CO
Activity data
as % of total
emissions in
in trend in
by emission
in trend in
by activity
into the
in total
Agriculture CH
195,692.05 211,429.43 5 50 50.24938 6.880957 -1.60509 1.238245 2.3
Agriculture CH
69,551.49 74,360.56 0.2 8 8.0025 0.385408 -0.09656 0.348396 0.36
Residential Energy CH
29,547.00 33,894.00 10 150 150.333 3.30012 -0.48325 0.397003 0.63
Waste CH
24,570.00 23,163.00 10.00 125.00 125.3994 1.881234 -0.85469 0.27131 0.9
Table 2.26: Tier-I uncertainty analysis N
IPCC source
Sector Gas Base Year
1995 (Gg
Year 2000
(Gg CO
Activity data
as % of total
emissions in
in trend in
by emission
in trend in
by activity
into the
in total
Soils (Direct+
Agriculture N
O 52,390.45 57,810.47 25 100 103.0776 3.859435 -0.76054 1.692846 1.86
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 79
Only 15 categories have been identied as key source
categories as per the trend analysis of 2000 with respect
to 1994 (see Table 2.23b), which are also in common with
the rst 15 key source categories identied through level
Uncertainty Analysis 2000
Uncertainties are generally associated with the activity
data, emission factors being measured or extracted
from the literature, and assumptions based on expert
judgement. In this assessment, the Tier-I approach has
been used as given in IPCC Good Practice Guidance
2000. This methodology uses estimation of uncertainties
by source category, using the error propagation equation,
and simple combination of uncertainties by source
category to estimate overall uncertainty for one year and
the uncertainty in the trend. The uncertainty analysis
has only been carried out for the common key sources
identied by level and trend analysis. The percentage of
uncertainties associated with the activity data has been
discussed with the researchers who do the estimation,
and is based on their expert judgement. The emission
factor uncertainties are related to the standard deviation
of the measured emission factors, and if taken from the
literature, then the uncertainties mentioned in the said
literature are considered. Tables 2.24, 2.25, and 2.26 give
uncertainty in CO
, CH
, and N
O, respectively, emitted
from key sources.
It might be pointed out here that a lot of work requires
to be done for a more advanced level of uncertainty
analysis, as direct linkages need to be established by
the GHG inventory management with the activity data
generators, who can provide the statistical analysis of the
uncertainties associated with their own data sets. More
data generated for the uncertainty analysis will enable
India to use Tier-II approach as well as the approach that
employs the Monte Carlo method.
Summary of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in
Although India is required to report its GHG inventory for
2000 during the process of SNC, as a proactive measure
towards its responsibilities to the challenges imposed by
climate change, the country estimated its GHG inventory
for the year 2007. This section summarizes the results
from the estimation study carried out for 2007. The energy
sector emitted 1,374,097.88 Gg of CO
eq., of which
1,271,723.14 Gg was emitted as CO
, 4,059.51 Gg as
, and 55.24 Gg was emitted as N
O. The industrial
process sector emitted 142,206.26 Gg of CO
eq. Total
emission from this sector was 106,303.43 Gg, CH

emission was 10.65 Gg, and N
O emission was 17.13
Gg. The agriculture sector emitted 372,653.07 Gg of CO

eq., of which 14,310.68 Gg of CH
and 232.67 Gg of N
were emitted. The waste sector emitted 57,726.81 Gg of
eq., of which 2,515.51Gg of CH
and 15.81 Gg of
Table 2.27: Greenhouse gas emissions, in 2007, by sources and their removal by sinks (expressed in Gg)
Sector CO
emission CO
removal CH
O HFC-134a HFC-23 CF
1. Energy 1,271,723.14 4,059.51 55.24 1,374,097.88
2. Industrial processes 106,303.43 10.65 17.13 1.67 1.24 1.47 0.15 0.12 142,206.26
3. Agriculture 14,310.68 232.67 372,653.07
4. Waste 2,515.51 15.81 57,726.81
Total without LULUCF 1,378,026.57 0.00 20,896.35 320.86 1.67 1.24 1.47 0.15 0.12 1,946,684.02
Total with LULUCF 1,476,356.57 275,358.00 20,896.35 320.86 1.67 1.24 1.47 0.15 0.12 1,771,662.02
Memo item
International bunkers 3,454.00 0.03 0.096 3,484.45
Aviation 3,326.00 0.02 0.093 3,355.31
Marine 128.00 0.01 0.00 129.14
from Biomass 566,788.00 566,788.00
carbon dioxide; CH
methane; N
O nitrous oxide; HFC hydrouorocarbon; CF
tetrauoromethane; C
hexauoroethane; SF
sulphur hexauoride
O were emitted. The distribution of emissions across
sectors is given in Figure 2.17 & across gases is given in
Figure 2.16.
Table 2.27 gives the emission of GHGs for energy, IPPU,
agriculture, LULUCF, and waste sectors at a gross level.
Trends in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Trends of emissions by gas
The CO
eq. emissions without LULUCF increased
from 1,190,256.6 Gg in 1994 to 1,946,684.02 Gg in
2007. The CAGR between 1994 and 2000 was 4.2%,
which decreased to 3.8% between 2000 and 2007.
emissions increased from 755,356.6 Gg in 1994
to 1,024,772.84 Gg in 2000. The CAGR of CO
for this
period was 5.2%. In 2007, CO
emissions increased to
1,378,026.57 Gg and the CAGR between 2000 and
2007 was 4.3%. CH
emissions between 1994 and 2000
increased from 379,596 Gg to 407,238.29. CAGR in
this sector, between 1994 and 2000, was only 1.2%. In
2007, CH
emissions increased to 438,823 Gg, rising
at a CAGR of 1.1% between 2000 and 2007. The N
emissions increased from 55,318 Gg to 79,799.45 Gg
eq between 1994 & 2000. The CAGR was 6.3%. In
2007, N
O emissions rose to 99,467.00 Gg. The CAGR
was found to be 3.2%. The HFCs, PFCs, and SF
only been estimated for the periods 2000 and 2007. The
total synthetic gas emissions have risen from 11,965 Gg
to 30,367 Gg between these two periods, and the CAGR
has been of the order of 14.2%. Figure 2.18 gives the
trends of emissions for the years 1994, 2000, and 2007.
The distribution of emissions, by gas, over the three years
indicates that CO
is the dominant gas emitted (Figure
2.19). Its share increased from 64% in 1994 to 67.3%
in 2000 and 71% in 2007. The share of CH
, however,
reduced over these years. In 1994, its share was 31%,
and it decreased to 26% in 2000 and in 2007 its share
further reduced to 22%. The share of N
O has remained
nearly the same over the years, at 5%. However, the use
and production of halocarbons and the percentage share
of emissions of HFCs, PFCs, and SF
have increased from
1% to 2% between 2000 and 2007. In 1994, the emission
estimates of these gases were not carried out.
Trends of greenhouse gas emissions, by sector
The energy sector emissions increased from 743,810.00
Gg in 1994 to 1,027,016.48 Gg in 2000. The CAGR
between the two periods was 5.5%. In 2007, the energy
Figure 2.16: Greenhouse gas distribution in 2007
Figure 2.17: Distribution of greenhouse gas emissions, by sector,
in 2007
80 | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 2.19: Trends of greenhouse gas emissions for 1994, 2000,
and 2007
sector emissions grew to 1,374,097.88 Gg, with the CAGR
between the two periods reducing to 4.2%. The net CAGR
in CO
eq. emissions from energy sector between 1994
and 2007 was 4.8%.
The industrial process emissions increased from 78,718.60
Gg in 1994 to 88,608.07 Gg in 2000. The CAGR between
the two periods is 2.0%. The emissions from this sector
increased to 142,206.26 Gg in 2007, and the CAGR
between 2000 and 2007 rose to 7.0%. However, the net
eq. emissions from industrial process sector
between 1994 and 2007 was only 4.7%.
The CO
eq. emissions from the agriculture sector
increased from 344,485 Gg to 355,600 Gg CO
between 1994 and 2000. The annual CAGR was only
0.5%. In 2007, the emissions only rose to 57,727 Gg CO

eq. The annual growth rate between 2000 and 2007 was
only 0.7%. The overall growth rate between 1994 and 2007
was only 0.6% from the agriculture sector. The agriculture
sector emissions are dominated by the emissions from
enteric fermentation from livestock, which contributes
about 60% of the total emissions from the agriculture
sector. It has been noticed that over a period of time,
emissions have been going down, especially because
the cattle population has decreased from 204.58 million
in 1992 to about 190 million in 2000. Also, there has been
a decrease in the population of horses, ponies, camels,
and donkeys during the same period. This might be one
of the reasons of lower growth rate of emissions in the
agriculture sector, as the emission from other dominant
emitting source rice cultivation has remained the
The GHG emission from waste has increased from 23,233
eq. in 1994 to 57,727 Gg CO
eq. in 2007. The
CAGR between the two periods stands at 7.3%. The high
rate of growth can be attributed to higher generation of
municipal solid waste as urbanization is spreading across
India along with increasing consumption rates. Figure 2.20
shows the absolute level of emissions for 1994, 2000, and
2007 along with the CAGRs.
The relative contribution of each sector, namely, energy,
industrial processes, agriculture, and waste, towards total
GHG emissions for 1994, 2000, and 2007 indicates that
the energy sector remains the highest contributor to total
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 81
Figure 2.18: Trends of greenhouse gas emissions for 1994,
2000, and 2007
Processes 7%
Processes 6%
Processes 7%
Figure 2.21: Distribution of greenhouse gas emissions, by sector
GHG emission in each year. The contribution from the
energy sector increased from 62% to 67% from 1994 and
2000, further increasing to 71% in 2007. Contribution from
the industrial processes remained nearly constant at 7 %
from 1994 to 2007. The waste sector has also increased
its contribution. The contribution by the agriculture sector
has decreased signicantly from 29% to 19% within the
span of 13 years (Figure 2.21).
Improvements Made in the Greenhouse
Gas Inventory between the Initial National
Communication and the Second National
The INC reported the GHG emissions using the 1996
IPCC Guidelines and the IPCC Good Practice Guidance
2000. During the SNC, both 1996 Guidelines along with
the Good Practice Guidance of 2000 and 2003 have
been used. The SNC especially has prepared inventory
of GHG emissions by sources and removal by sinks from
the LULUCF sector using the IPCC 2003 Good Practice
Guidance guidelines. Also the GHG emissions from the
waste sector have been assessed using the rst order
decay method.
New gases have been included in this reporting, namely,
HFC-132a, HFC-23, CF
, C
, and SF
. These have
been estimated from aluminium production, magnesium
production, and production and use of halocarbons. Also,
the default emission factors used in the 2000 and 2007
assessment have been taken from the 2006 Guidelines,
especially for the energy and industrial process sectors,
for gases and categories for which India-specic emission
factors either do not exist or could not be used because of
their limitations in sample size.
For the rst time, key source analysis has been done using
both trend and level approaches. Similarly, uncertainty
analysis has been carried out using, to the extent possible
for the 2000, GHG inventory. The improvements made
between the GHG emission estimates made in 1994 and
in the SNC are summarized in Table 2.28.
In 1994, only 7% of the emissions had been made using
the Tier-III approach, and in 2000 and 2007 assessments,
Tier-III approach has been extended to 12% of the
emissions. Emission factors were a mix of default factors
taken from IPCC and country-specic emission factors.
Also, 26% of the source categories used CS factors.
Emission factors were also a mix of default and country-
specic factors, but led to improved accuracy as more
number of country-specic emission factors have been
Figure 2.20: Trends of greenhouse gas emissions, by sector
14.6% 7.3%
CAGR (%)
CAGR (%)
CAGR (%)
Total 4.2 3.6 3.8
Energy 5.5 4.2 4.8
2.0 7.0 4.7
Agriculture 0.5 0.7 0.6
Waste 14.6 1.4 7.3
82 | INDIA Second National Communication
Table 2.28: Key methodological features in inventory preparation for years 1994, 2000, and 2007
1994 GHG inventory 2000 and 2007 GHG inventory
Estimates made using only revised 1996 IPCC
Estimates made using revised IPCC 1996 Guidelines (1996), IPCC Good Practice Guidance
(2000), the LULUCF Good Practice Guidance (2003), IPCC 2006 Guidelines
LULUCF included emissions from changes in
forest land only
Carbon pools in addition to forests have been considered in the LULUCF sector (cropland,
grassland, settlements, ooded land and other land).
Emission factors were a mix of default factors
taken from IPCC and CS emission factors; 26%
of the source categories used CS factors.
Emission factors were also a mix of default and CS but leading to improved accuracy as more
number of CS emission factors been used in this assessment (35% of the source categories
used CS factors).
emission coefcient of coal
emission from one steel plant
emission from two power plants
O emission from nitric acid production
emission coefcient from enteric
emission coefcient from rice cultivation
emission factor from MSW in two cities
emission coefcient from ammonia
emission coefcient of coal
emission extended to two more steel plants
emission extended to one more power plant
O emission from nitric acid production
emission coefcient from enteric fermentation
emission coefcient from rice cultivation
emission factor from MSW in new cities
, CH
, and N
O emission coefcients of
fossil fuel other than coal taken from IPCC 1996
, CH
, and N
O emission coefcients of fossil fuel other than coal updated from IPCC 2006
- Key source analysis by level and trend approach carried out as per the methodology indicated
in IPCC 2000 Good Practice Guidance
Uncertainty analysis using Tier-I approach presented as per the methodology in the IPCC
2000 Good Practice Guidance
, CH
, and N
O reported CO
, CH
, N
O , HFC-132a, HFC-23, CF
, C
, SF
In 1994, 7% of the total CO
eq. emissions were
made using Tier-III approach
For 2000 and 2007, 12% of the emissions are assessed using Tier-III approach, implying
greater accuracy
GHG greenhouse gas; IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; LULUCF land use, land-use change and forestry; CS country specic; MSW
municipal solid waste; CO
carbon dioxide; CH
methane; N
O nitrous oxide; HFC hydrouorocarbon; CF
tetrauoromethane; C
hexauoroethane; SF

sulphur hexauoride

National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 83
used in this assessment (35% of the source categories
used country-specic factors). Additional new country-
specic emission coefcients have been determined,
such as that for CO
emission from ammonia production,
and some of the emission coefcients such as CO

emission coefcient from coal mining, CH
from rice cultivation, and CH
emission from enteric
fermentation have been upgraded by undertaking more
Annexure I. Detailed greenhouse gas emissions from India, in 2000, by sources and removal by sinks
emission CO

O HFC-134a HFC-23 CF

Total (Gg) 1,024,772.84 236,257.43 19,944.68 264.16 0.220 0.420 0.870 0.087 0.013 1,301,209.39
1. Energy (Gg) 952,212.06 2,991.42 38.66 1,027,015.54
A. Fuel
952,212.06 1,639.25 38.66 998,619.97
1. Energy industries 541,191.33 6.96 7.78 543,749.85
a. Electricity
522,495.43 5.99 7.75 525,023.42
b. Renery 18,695.90 0.97 0.03 18,726.43
c. Manufacturing of
solid fuel
Not estimated NE NE NE
2. Manufacturing
industries and
228,246.91 4.29 2.40 229,079.90
a. Cement 39,696.00 39,696.00
b. Iron and steel 52,366.02 0.64 0.85 52,641.44
c. Non-ferrous
1,885.88 0.03 0.03 1,894.52
d. Chemicals 34,482.44 1.10 0.34 34,612.32
e. Pulp and paper 5,331.75 0.06 0.08 5,358.71
f. Food and
24,577.85 0.99 0.20 24,660.34
g. Non-metallic
1,010.93 0.04 0.01 1,014.23
h. Mining and
2,509.79 0.10 0.02 2,518.16
i. Textile/leather 7,669.09 0.21 0.08 7,699.48
j. Non-specic
58,717.17 1.11 0.79 58,984.70
3. Transport 95,976.83 9.50 6.22 98,104.12
a. Road transport 85,515.82 9.08 4.00 86,946.62
b. Civil aviation 4,021.98 0.04 0.12 4,058.69
c. Railways 5,426.32 0.31 2.06 6,071.83
d. Navigation 1,012.71 0.07 0.04 1,026.98
4. Other sectors 86,797.00 1,618.50 22.26 127,686.10
a. Commercials/
3,268.00 0.50 0.03 3,287.80
b. Residential 55,182.00 1,614.00 22.00 95,896.00
c. Agricultural/
28,347.00 4.00 0.23 28,502.30
B. Fugitive
emission from
1,352.17 28,395.58
1. Solid fuels 585.65 12,298.74
a. Above-ground
239.30 5,025.37
b. Underground
346.35 7,273.37
84 | INDIA Second National Communication
2. Oil and natural
766.52 16,096.83
a. Oil 49.25 1,034.16
b. Natural gas 698.49 14,668.34
c. Venting and
18.78 394.33
2. Industrial
72,560.78 5.39 12.80 0.220 0.420 0.870 0.087 0.013 88,608.07
A. Minerals 53,558.17 53,558.17
1. Cement
44,056.00 44,056.00
2. Lime production 2,921.00 2,921.00
3. Limestone and
dolomite use
5,961.68 5,961.68
4. Soda ash
production and use
463.94 463.94
5. Glass 155.54 155.54
B. Chemicals 15,785.98 5.34 12.80 19,866.66
1. Ammonia
11,067.30 11,067.30
2. Nitric acid
0.00 11.75 3,643.83
3. Carbide
102.72 102.72
4. Titanium dioxide
43.75 43.75
5. Methanol
229.84 0.79 246.41
6. Ethylene
3,317.23 4.42 3,410.15
7. EDC and VCM
233.23 233.23
8. Ethylene oxide
51.29 0.11 53.53
9. Acrylonitrile
26.98 0.0049 27.08
10.Carbon black
713.64 0.02 713.98
11. Caprolactam 1.05 324.69
C. Metal
2,522.5 0.05 0.870 0.087 0.01 9,229.62
1. Iron and steel
2. Ferro-alloys
1,467.55 0.05 1,468.65
3. Aluminium
1,025.31 0.87 0.09 7,480.38
4. Lead production 23.22 23.22
5. Zinc production 6.42 6.42
6. Magnesium
0.01 250.95
D. Other
0.220 0.420 0.0025 5,259.10
1. Production of
0.220 0.42 5,199.35
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 85
2. Consumption
of SF
0.0025 59.75
E. Non-energy
product use
694.14 694.14
1. Lubricant 672.91 672.91
2. Parafn wax 21.23 21.23
3. Agriculture 14,088.30 192.73 355,600.19
A. Enteric
10,068.07 0.00 211,429.43
B. Manure
241.19 0.07 5,087.75
C. Rice cultivation 3,540.98 0.00 74,360.58
D. Agricultural soils 186.49 57,810.47
E. Field burning of
agricultural residues
238.06 6.17 6,911.96
4. Land use,
land-use change
and forestry
236,257.43 552.38 6.74 (222,567.43)
A. Forest land 217,393.8 552.38 6.74 (203,704.42)
B. Cropland 15,327.31 (15,327.31)
C. Grassland 3,460.77 (3,460.77)
D. Settlement 75.55 (75.55)
E. Wetland 0.00
F. Other land 0.00
G. Fuelwood use 0.00
5. Waste 2,307.19 13.23 52,552.29
A. Solid waste
disposal on land
488.19 10,251.99
1. Managed waste
disposal on land
488.19 10,251.99
B. Waste water
1,819.00 13.23 42,300.30
1. Industrial waste
1,103.00 23,163.00
2. Domestic and
commercial waste
716.00 13.23 19,137.30
Memo item
3,467.12 0.05 0.10 3,498.86
Aviation 3,194.12 0.02 0.089 3,222.13
Marine 273.00 0.03 0.010 276.73
from biomass 376,005.00 376,005.00
carbon dioxide; CH
methane; N
O nitrous oxide; HFC hydrouorocarbon; CF
tetrauoromethane; C
hexauoroethane; SF
sulphur hexauoride;
EDC ethylene dichloride; VCM vinyl chloride monomer
86 | INDIA Second National Communication
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NBSSLUP (National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use
Planning), 1998. Benchmark Soils of India. NBSSLUP,
Nagpur, India
Parashar, D.C., Kulshreshtha, U.C. and Sharma, C, 1998.
Anthropogenic emissions of NO
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O in India.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 52, 255259
Ramachandran, A., Jayakumar, S., Haroon, R. M.,
Bhaskaran, A. and Arockiasamy, D. I., 2007. Carbon
sequestration: Estimation of carbon stock in natural
forests using geospatial technology in the Eastern Ghats
of Tamil Nadu, India. Current Science, 92 (3): 323331
Ravindranath, N.H., Somashekhar, B.S. and Gadgil, M,
1997. Carbon ows in Indian forests. Climatic Change,
35, 297320
TIFAC (Technology Information Forecasting & Assessment
Council), 1991. Techno Market Survey on Utilization of
Agricultural Residues (Farm and Processes). TIFAC,
Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board), 1999. Status of
Solid Waste Generation, Collection and Disposal in Metro
Cities. Central Urban Pollution Series: cups/46/1999/2000
in 1999-2000. CPCB, New Delhi.
Gurjar, B. R., J. A. Van, A., Lelieveld, J. and Mohan, M.,
2004. Emission estimates and trends (19902000) for
megacity Delhi and implications. Atmospheric Environment
38 (2004), 56635681
Jha A. K., Sharma C., Singh N, Ramesh R., Purvaja R. and
Prabhat K. Gupta, 2008. Greenhouse gas emissions from
municipal solid waste management in Indian mega-cities:
A case study of Chennai Landll sites. Chemosphere,
71(4), 750758
Kumar, S., Mondal A. N., Gaikwad, S. A., Devotta, S. and
Singh R. N., 2004. Qualitative assessment of methane
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Conservation and Recycling, 50, 240259
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information | 91
and Adaptation
n this chapter, the vulnerability of natural ecosystems and socio-economic
systems, and the impacts of climate change on them are presented. The
sectors considered for the assessment of climate change impacts include
water resources, agriculture, forest and natural ecosystems, coastal zones,
health, energy, and infrastructure. First, the climate change projections for
the Indian sub-continent are presented. Second, the impact and vulnerability
of different sectors are assessed, which includes a brief introduction to the
current status of the sector, impacts of climate change, and socio-economic
implications of these impacts. Third, adaptation strategies are suggested. As
planned for the Second National Communication (SNC), the analysis is based
on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on
Emission Scenarios (SRES) A1B Scenario. This scenario has been the basis
for analysis in the various sectors. In some sectors, some alternate scenarios
have been considered; which are mentioned at appropriate places.
Current Observed Climate and Projected
Changes in India 96
Observed Climate trends over India 96
Annual mean temperature trends 96
Indian summer monsoon rainfall 97
Climate Model Simulations
of the Indian Climate 99
Climate change projections
during Initial National Communication 99
Climate change projections for Second National
Communication 100
Climate change scenarios for 2030s 103
Impacts of Climate Change
and Vulnerability Assessment 103
Impact on water resources 103
Impact assessment of climate change
on water resources 105
Impacts on water availability and demand 111
Water availability v/s water demand 113
Impact of climate change on
groundwater resources 113
Impacts of Climate Change
on the Himalayan Glaciers 114
Impacts of Climate Change
on Forests and Biodiversity 115
Changes in the distribution of forests 115
Impact on net primary productivity (NPP)
and soil organic carbon (SOC) 116
Implications of climate change for biodiversity 116
Vulnerability of Indian forests 117
Implication of climate impact assessment 119
Adaptation measures 119
Adaptation strategies 119
Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture 120
Decreasing crop diversity 120
Vulnerability of agriculture 121
Impact of climate change on Indian
agriculture: methods and models 122
Chapter 3 Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation
Impact assessment 122
Adaptation strategies 127
Impact of climate change on livestock productivity 130
Impact of climate change on sheries 131
Climate Change and
India: A 4 x 4 Assessment:
A Sectoral and Regional
Analysis for 2030s 131
Impacts of Climate change
on energy 133
Sectoral and regional variability of impacts 133
Methodology to study the impacts of
climate change on energy 133
Current projections of climate change linked
to energy systems 135
Impacts of Climate
Change on Human Health 135
Malaria scenario under climate change 136
Methodology of analysis 136
Malaria under A1B scenario:
Determination of transmission windows
of malaria based on temperature 137
Future projection of dengue in India 138
Heat waves and human health 139
Impact and Vulnerability
of Climate Change on Human Settlements 140
Climate Change and
Integrated Assessment 142
Impact of climate change on energy systems 143
Impact on and of built environment 143
Climate change impact assessment on livelihoods 144
Integrating water and gender issues
under climate change 146
Climate change impact assessment
on human health and livelihoods 148
Climate change and sea level rise 150
References and Sources 153
94 | INDIA Second National Communication
Vulnerability Assessment
and Adaptation CHAPTER
The assessment of climate change impacts, and
vulnerability and adaptation to climate change require a
wide range of physical, biological, and socio-economic
models, methods, tools, and data. The methods for
assessing the vulnerability, impacts, and adaptation are
gradually improving and have signicantly improved
compared to Indias Initial National Communication (INC).
This improvement has facilitated a much deeper analysis
of the impacts due to climate change on the various
sectors. Consequently, during the process of the SNC, 36
institutions were involved in a range of scientic analysis
on the aspects of identifying vulnerabilities, assessing
impacts, and subsequently adopting adaptation strategies
(Annexure 1 at the end of the chapter). This chapter
contains details from these 36 assessments, spread
across all natural and socio-economic systems of the
country. Direction of research and analysis is consistent
with the countrys requirement of helping policy-makers
formulate appropriate adaptation measures. However,
due to uncertainties in regional climate projections,
unpredictable response of natural and socio-economic
systems and the inability to foresee the future technological
developments do provide some limits to the exercise, but
substantial progress has already been made to mitigate
the uncertainties associated.
Climate change is not only a major global environmental
problem, but is also an issue of great concern to a
developing country like India. The earths climate has
demonstrably changed on both global and regional scales
since the pre-industrial era, with some of these changes
attributable to human activities. The changes observed in
the regional climate have already affected many of the
physical and biological systems, and there are indications
that social and economic systems have also been
affected. The recent assessment report (AR4) of the IPCC
states that climate change has and would have signicant
impact on myriad economic sectors and ecosystems.
Growing international and national studies have pointed
towards the damage accrued to the environment due
to anthropogenic emissions. The various manifestations
being-increase in global average surface temperature,
increase in global average sea level, and decrease in
the Northern Hemisphere snow cover. These changes
are likely to threaten food production, increase water
stress and decrease its availability, result in sea-level rise,
which could ood crop elds and coastal settlements, and
increase the occurrence of diseases, such as malaria.
Given the lack of resources and access to technology and
nances, developing countries such as India have limited
capacity to develop and adopt strategies to reduce their
vulnerability to changes in climate.
Presently, there are observations that point towards the
extent of changes taking place in the various physical
systems (snow, ice, hydrology, and coastal processes) and
biological systems (terrestrial, marine, and freshwater)
along with the changes in the surface temperature prole
of the different regions of the world; for example, ice cover
has shrunk by 2.7% per decade since 1978 (affecting
freshwater resources of the world), and there are also
global changes in precipitation.
Assessment of the implementation of the current
climate commitments has conrmed non-attainment of
greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets, and therefore,
adaptation has become inevitable. However, there are
limits and barriers to adaptation as well. There is now an
ever strong belief that enhancing of societys response
capacity through the pursuit of sustainable development
pathways is one of the most signicant ways of mitigating
the likely impacts due to climate change, and sustainable
development paradigm emerges as a foundational tool
in building our polices/programmes to mitigate the likely
impacts due to climate change on various sectors. India is
a large developing country with a population of over one
billion, and its population is projected to grow in the coming
decades. In India, a signicant share of the population is
rural, and its dependence on climate-sensitive natural
resources is very high. The rural population also depends
largely on agriculture, followed by forests and sheries, for
its livelihood. Indian agriculture is monsoon dependent,
with over 60% of the crop area under rain-fed agriculture,
which is highly vulnerable to climate variability and
An assessment of the impacts of projected climate change
on natural and socio-economic systems is central to the
whole issue of climate change. Climate change impact
assessment involves the following:
To identify, analyse, and evaluate the impacts of
climate variability and changes on natural ecosystems,
socio-economic systems, and human health.
To assess the vulnerabilities of the affected
communities and sectors, such as farmers, forest
dwellers, and shermen, and assess the potential
adaptation responses.
Developing countries such as India have low adaptive
capacity to withstand the adverse impacts of climate
change due to the high dependence of a majority of the
population on climate-sensitive sectors, coupled with poor
infrastructure facilities, weak institutional mechanisms, and
lack of nancial resources. India is, therefore, seriously
concerned with the possible impacts of climate change.
Current Observed Climate and Projected
Changes in India
India is subject to a wide range of climatic conditions. These
conditions range from the freezing Himalayan winters in
the north to the tropical climate of the southern peninsula;
from the damp, rainy climate in the North East to the arid
climate in the north-western region; and from the marine
climates of its coastline and islands to the dry climate in
the interior of the country. However, the most signicant
feature in the meteorology of India is the Indian summer
monsoon. This feature plays a signicant role in sustaining
the various economic, social, and environmental systems
of the country.
Observed climate trends over India
Data sources: The monthly maximum and minimum
temperature data from 121 stations distributed over the
country, during the period 19012007, has been used. The
data for the period 190190 is sourced from the monthly
weather reports of India Meteorological Department (IMD)
Pune, and the monthly data for the period 19012007 has
been estimated from the daily data reported in the Indian
Daily Weather Reports (IDWRs) of the IMD. These station
normal values were objectively interpolated onto a 0.5
0.5 grid. Further, the global monthly air temperature
gridded data from the Climatic Research Unit
(CRU), University of East Anglia, for the period 196190
have been used for evaluating the model skills in baseline
simulations of the mean surface air temperature. High-
resolution (1 1
latitude/longitude) daily gridded rainfall
data available from 1803 stations distributed over India,
prepared by the IMD and set for the Indian region for the
period 19512007, has been used in this assessment.
The century-long gridded rainfall data for the period
19012004 has also been used to examine the long-
term trends over the region. This data has been collected
from 1384 observation stations of the IMD. Analysis in
this study for rainfall is restricted to the Indian summer
monsoon season (June to September), since nearly 80%
of the annual rainfall over the major parts of India occurs
during this period.
Annual mean temperature trends
Indias annual mean temperature showed signicant
warming trend of 0.56C per 100 years during the period
19012007. Accelerated warming has been observed
in the recent period (19712007), mainly due to intense
warming in the recent decade (19982007). This warming
is mainly contributed by the winter and post-monsoon
seasons, which have increased by 0.70C and 0.52C,
respectively in the last 100 years. The pre-monsoon and
monsoon temperature also indicate a warming trend.
Mean temperature increased by about 0.2C per decade
(that is, 10 years) for the period 19712007, with a
much steeper increase in minimum temperature than
maximum temperature (Figure 3.1). In the most recent
decade, maximum temperature was signicantly higher
compared to the long-term (19012007) mean, with a
stagnated trend during this period, whereas minimum
temperature showed an increasing trend, almost equal to
that observed during 19712007. On a seasonal scale,
pronounced warming trends in the mean temperature
were observed in winter and monsoon seasons, and
a signicant inuence of El Nio Southern Oscillation
events on temperature anomalies during certain seasons
across India was observed. Spatial analysis of changes
in temperature between 1901 and 2007 reveals that most
parts of India show a warming trend, except the north-
western parts of the country, where a cooling trend is
Annual trends in maximum temperature: The all India
maximum temperature shows an increase in temperature
by 1.02
C per 100 years (Figure 3.1 middle panel). The
trend in daily maximum temperature in India is observed to
be increasing from January, attaining a peak in the month
of May. Beyond May, the temperature starts decreasing up
to December. During the pre-monsoon (March, April, and
May) season, the Indian region is marked by clear skies,
96 | INDIA Second National Communication
which, coupled with intense as well as increased solar
radiation, results in high temperature. The occurrence of
heat wave conditions is more frequent in May than in June,
while very few heat waves occur in the months of March
and April. During the pre-monsoon season, a large part
of the country between 75E to 85E and 14N to 25N
has uniform maximum temperature between 34C and
40C. Steep temperature gradient is found over the West
Coast and East Coast of India. Monsoon season follows
the pre-monsoon, and the seasonal temperature variation
is considerably modied by the south-west monsoon.
The temperature is nearly uniform over the Indian region
except over north-west India, where the temperature is
more than 34C. Maximum temperature is almost uniform
over the entire country in the post-monsoon season, and
it decreases from west to east (72E to 96E), ranging
between 28C and 30C. The highest annual mean
maximum temperature is observed in the north-western
and central parts of India.
Annual trends in minimum temperature: The all-India
mean annual minimum temperature has signicantly
increased by 0.12C per 100 years during the period
19012007 (Figure 3.1, lower panel). The spatial changes
in minimum temperature are observed to be decreasing
in most parts of Western Ghats and increasing in most
parts of the Himalayan region and certain parts of the
north-eastern region. The warming is mainly contributed
by winter and post-monsoon temperatures. In the recent
three-and-a-half decades, the all-India mean annual
minimum temperature shows a signicant warming
trend of 0.20C/10 years. Unlike maximum temperature,
the trend in the minimum temperature during the latest
decade is maintained at the rate observed for the most
recent three-and-a-half decades. On the seasonal scale,
all the seasons show signicant warming trend, except
post-monsoon, wherein the trend is positive but not
Indian summer monsoon rainfall
The all-India monsoon rainfall series (based on 1871
2009 data) indicates that the mean rainfall is 848 mm,
with a standard deviation of 83 mm. Inter-annual variability
of Indian monsoon rainfall during this period is shown
in Figure 3.2. The Indian monsoon shows well-dened
epochal variability with each epoch of approximately three
decades. Though it does not show any signicant trend,
when averaged over this period, a slight negative trend of
0.4 mm/year is observed.
Figure 3.1: All-India annual mean, maximum, and minimum
temperature variations during 19012007
The rainfall is decient or in excess if all-India monsoon
rainfall for that year is less than or greater than mean
standard deviation. With this denition, the decient years
are marked red, excess years are marked green, and
the normal years are marked blue. It is seen that in this
139-year period, there are total 23 decient years and 20
excess years; and the remaining are normal monsoon
years. It is observed that the excess and decit years
are more frequent in above and below normal epochs,
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 97
Figure 3.2: Inter-annual variability of Indian monsoon rainfall
Bars denote percentage departure from normal (blue) with excess (green) and
deficient (red) years.
Spatial trends of monsoon rainfall: All-India, north-west,
West Coast, and peninsular India monsoon rainfall shows
a slightly higher negative trend, though not signicant,
than for the total period. However, pockets of increasing/
decreasing trends in 36 meteorological sub-divisions
across India are seen (Figure 3.3 a and b). North-west
India, West Coast, and peninsular India show increasing
trends, though not statistically signicant. Central India
depicts a decreasing trend. In all, 14 (22) sub-divisions
show decreasing (increasing) trends. However, in recent
decades (Figure 3.3a), 16 (20) sub-divisions show
decreasing (increasing) long-term trends. East central
India shows positive trends, which were decreasing based
on the entire period 18712008.
Extreme precipitation trends: The highest rainfall pockets
in India are generally those that receive orographically
induced rainfall, caused by forced moist air ascent over
the slopes during the active monsoon conditions. Western
Ghats and North East India receive such types of heavy
rainfall (Figure 3.4(a)). Trend analysis of one-day extreme
rainfall series based on the period 19512007 indicates
that this extreme rainfall is increasing at many places in
India, as seen from Figure 3.4(b). Only the cases with the
minimum rainfall of 10 cm/day are taken into account to
give weightage to the high rainfall values. The rainfall of
10 cm/day may be an extreme for the north-west region,
whereas it may not be a signicant value for the north east
region or the west coast of India during summer monsoon.
Even during summer monsoon season, the west coast of
India gets heavy rainfall spells in the rst fortnight of June,
while the northern part of the country is devoid of rainfall.
Therefore, for this analysis, the magnitude of extreme
point rainfall event (EPRE) has not been taken as a xed
threshold for all the stations, but it is different for each
station and varies according to the month. Considering
the climatological data, the magnitude of the extreme
precipitation event at the station is dened as its highest
24-hour rainfall reported in a particular month during the
entire period of the data availability. Accordingly, it may
increase for certain stations, if their previous EPRE are
exceeded in the course of time. This denition is adopted
in order to examine whether there was any change in the
number and intensity of the EPRE in the recent decades,
and if so, which parts of the region are affected the most.
The analysis shows that majority of the stations have
reported their highest 24-hour rainfall during 196180,
with an alarming rise in their intensity in the subsequent
period from 1980 onwards till 2009. Of the 165 stations
analysed, the majority (77.6%) have registered their
EPRE during 196180. Thereafter, several stations have
reported the rainfall events surpassing the intensity of
their previous highest rainfall.
Figure 3.3: Trends in summer monsoon rainfall for 36 meteorological
sub-divisions for the years (a) 1951-2008 and (b) 1871-2008.
Figure 3.4: (a) Highest recorded rainfall (cm) during 19512007 and
(b) trends in annual extreme rainfall
Dark green colour indicates a significant increasing trend
(a) (b)
98 | INDIA Second National Communication
Climate Model Simulations of the Indian
In order to narrow the gaps between the state of knowledge
and the policy response to the effects of climate change,
the most fundamental requirement is the availability of
reliable estimates of future climatic patterns on the regional
scale, which can be readily used by different impact
assessment groups. This needs a systematic validation
of the climate model simulations, development of suitable
regional climate change scenarios, and estimations of the
associated uncertainties.
With the availability of a hierarchy of coupled atmosphere
oceansea-iceland-surface global climate models
(AOGCMs), having a resolution of 250300 km, it has
been possible to project the climate change scenarios
for different regions in the world. The global models,
however, fail to simulate the ner regional features and
the changes in the climate arising over sub-seasonal and
smaller spatial scales. This is more relevant in the case of
India due to its unique climate system dominated by the
monsoon and the major physiographic features that drive
this monsoon.
Climate change projections during Initial
National Communication
For the INC, the high-resolution simulations for India
were based on the second generation Hadley Centre
Regional Climate Model (HadRM2). HadRM2 is a high-
resolution climate model that covers a limited area of the
globe, typically 5000 km 5000 km. The typical horizontal
resolution of HadRM2 is 50 km 50 km. The regional
model reproduces the large-scale features of the global
climate model (GCM) climate and adds realistic local detail.
For example, the rain-shadowing effect of the Western
Ghats was found to be closer to the observations. The
annual cycles of rainfall and surface air temperature were
also remarkably close to the observed patterns, which
demonstrate that the regional model is able to overcome
the large biases of the GCM in portraying these features.
For assessing the nature of the likely future climate in
India at an all-India level during the INC, eight AOGCMs
(Box 3.1) were run using the IS92a and SRES A2 and B2
The simulated climate approximately represented the
period spanning nominal time scale of 18602099, but
the individual model-years did not correspond to any
specic years or events in this period. Considering all
the land-points in India according to the resolution of
Box 3.1: Coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation
models used for deriving climate change projections
during Initial National Communication.
1. Canadian Center for Climate Modeling (CCC),
2. Center for Climate System Research (CCSR),
3. Commonwealth Scientic and Industrial
Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia
4. Deutsches Kilma Rechen Zentrum (DKRZ),
5. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
6. Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and
Research (HadCM3), UK
7. Max-Planck Institute (MPI), Germany
8. National Center for Atmospheric Research
each AOGCM, the arithmetic averages of rainfall and
temperature elds were worked out to generate all-India
monthly data for the entire duration of model simulations
and for different experiments. These monthly data values
were then used to compute the seasonal totals/means
of rainfall/temperature. Taking 196190 as the baseline
period, the seasonal quantities were then converted into
anomalies (percentage departures in the case of rainfall).
The resulting time series were examined for their likely
future changes into the 21
The GHG simulations with IS92a scenarios showed
marked increase in both rainfall and temperature by the
end of the 21st century, relative to the baseline. There was a
Box 3.2: A description of IPCC IS92a and A1B* SRES
IS92a scenario: In this scenario, greenhouse gas
(GHG) forcing is increased gradually to represent the
observed changes in forcing due to all GHGs from
1860 to 1990; for future time period of 19902099, the
forcing is increased at a compounded rate of 1% per
year (relative to 1990 values).
A1B scenario: This scenario assumes signicant
innovations in energy technologies, which improve
energy efciency and reduce the cost of energy
supply. Such improvements occur across the board
and neither favour nor penalize the particular groups
of technologies. A1B assumes, in particular, drastic
reductions in power generation costs through the use of
solar, wind, and other modern renewable energies, and
signicant progress in gas exploration, production, and
transport. This results in a balanced mix of technologies
and supply sources with technology improvements and
resource assumptions such that no single source of
energy is overly dominant.
Source: IPCC (2000)
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 99
considerable spread among the models in the magnitudes
of both precipitation and temperature projections, but
more conspicuously in the case of summer monsoon
rainfall. The increase in rainfall from the baseline period
(196190) to the end of 21st century ranged between
15% and 40% among the models. In case of mean annual
temperature, the increase was found to be of the order of
36 C.
Climate change projections for Second National
Considering the limitations of the global climate models
during the INC, high-resolution simulations for India were
carried out using the second generation Hadley Centre
Regional Climate Model (HadRM2). It was envisaged;
during the SNC to add new scenarios from the bouquet of
emission scenarios available from the IPCC Special Report
on Emission Scenarios (SRES). Subsequently, A1B
scenario was chosen as the most appropriate scenario
as it represents high technological development, with
the infusion of renewable energy technologies, following
a sustainable growth trajectory (Box 3.2). Subsequently,
new development in regional models has taken place.
India now has access to PRECISthe latest generation
of regional model from the Hadley Centre. PRECIS is an
atmospheric and land surface model having 50 km 50
km horizontal resolution over the South Asian domain
and is run by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
(IITM), Pune. PRECIS is forced at its lateral boundaries by
a high-resolution GCM (150 km) called HadAM3H in so-
called time slice experiments. Following sections provide
an overview of the observed climate trends in India since
1900 and projections of climate change over India using
the latest A1B SRES scenarios. The model simulations
have been carried out for three quantifying uncertainties
in model projections (QUMP) for A1B scenario for the
period 196190 (baseline simulation) and for three time
slices-2020s (201140), 2050s (204170), and 2080s
(207198). Some basic parameters like rainfall, surface air
temperature, and mean sea level pressure are analysed
to get climatic projections towards the end of the present
century. Three PRECIS runs Q0, Q1, and Q14 are
carried out for the period 19612098 and are utilized to
generate an ensemble of future climate change scenarios
for the Indian region.
Climate change projections: It appears that there may
not be a signicant decrease in the monsoon rainfall in
future except in some parts of southern peninsula (Figure
3.5). Q0, Q1, and Q14 simulations project 16%, 15%, and
9% rise, respectively, in the monsoon rainfall towards the
end of 21st century.
Figure 3.5: Simulated percentage change in mean monsoon
precipitation in 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s with respect to baseline
PRECIS simulations for 2020, 2050, and 2080s indicate
an all-round warming over the Indian sub-continent.
Figure 3.6 shows the time series of mean annual surface
air temperature from 1961 (rst year of model simulation)
to 2098 (last year of model projections), as simulated by
PRECIS. The data indicates that Q14 simulations are
warmer than the remaining two simulations. The annual
mean surface air temperature rise by the end of the
century ranges from 3.5C to 4.3C.
Figure 3.7 depicts the annual cycle of rainfall and surface air
temperature for the three time slices. The model indicates
positive change in rainfall in the future, especially during
monsoon months. This increase is seen in all the three
simulations except for the June rainfall simulated by Q1
simulation. The projected change of about 5C towards
2080s is seen for nearly all months in all three simulations
except for temperature during the monsoon months of Q1
simulation, which is nearly 3C.
100 | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 3.6: Simulated change in mean annual surface air temperature
in 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s with respect to baseline (196190)
Figure 3.7: Annual cycle for all-India summer monsoon rainfall (bars)
and surface air temperature (lines) simulated by PRECIS for 1970s
(black), 2020s (red), 2050s (green), and 2080s (blue)
Changes in extreme precipitation event: The number
of rainy days and the intensity of the rainy day may
change in future. The rainy days in future appear to be
less in number than the present, especially over north
and central India and east peninsula, in two of the three
simulations, namely, Q0 and Q1 (Figure 3.8), whereas Q1
and Q14 simulations indicate less rainy days in the future
in north-west India.
Figure 3.8: Projected change in rainy days in 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s
with respect to baseline (196190) as simulated by three ensembles:
Q0 (lower panel), Q1 (middle panel), and Q14 (upper panel)
On the other hand, all the three simulations indicate
increase in the rainfall intensity in the 21st century over
most of the regions. The rise in intensity may be more
in central India (Figure 3.9). Marginal decrease in the
intensity may be seen in the east peninsular region.
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 101
Figure 3.9: Projected change in the intensity of rainy days in 2020s,
2050s, and 2080s with respect to baseline (196190) as simulated by
three ensembles: Q0 (lower panel), Q1 (middle panel), and Q14 (upper
Changes in extreme temperature events: The analysis
of the three model simulations indicates that both the
daily extremes in surface air temperature may intensify
in the future. The spatial pattern of the change in the
highest maximum temperature (Figures 3.10a and 3.10b)
Warming in night temperature (Figure 3.10b) is even
more in all the three time slices as compared to the
daytime warming. The rise of more than 4.5C in night-
time temperature may be seen throughout India, except
in some small pockets in peninsular India.
Projected changes in cyclonic storms: Regional model
simulations indicate decrease in the frequency of the
cyclonic disturbances towards the end of the present
century (Table 3.1). The number of cyclonic disturbances
over the Arabian Sea may be less in the future as compared
to the present simulations. However, the analysis indicates
that it might be more intense in the future (last column in
Table 3.1). The increase in the intensity of cyclonic storms
is particularly seen in Q0 and Q1 simulations. There is,
however, no change in the track of cyclonic disturbances
in the future scenarios as compared to the baseline
Figure 3.10a: Projected change in the highest maximum
temperatures in 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s with respect to baseline
(196190), as simulated by three ensembles: Q0 (lower panel), Q1
(middle panel), and Q14 (upper panel)
Figure 3.10b: Projected change in the lowest minimum temperatures
in 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s with respect to baseline (196190), as
simulated by three ensembles: Q0 (lower panel), Q1 (middle panel),
and Q14 (upper panel)
suggests warming of 14C towards 2050s, which may
exceed even 4.5C in most of the places towards the end
of the present century.
102 | INDIA Second National Communication
Climate change scenarios for 2030s
Climate Change and India: A 44 Assessment: A sectoral
and regional analysis for 2030s was undertaken by the
Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA).
It provided an assessment of the impact of climate change
in 2030s on four key sectors of the Indian economy,
namely, agriculture, water, natural ecosystems and
biodiversity, and health in four climate-sensitive regions of
India, namely, the Himalayan region, the Western Ghats,
the Coastal area, and the North-East region. It is for the
rst time that such a comprehensive assessment has
been undertaken based on rigorous scientic analysis.
It is also for the rst time that an assessment has been
made for the 2030s (all previous assessments were for
the 2070s and beyond). The climate change scenarios
were derived from the regional climate change model
PRECIS. Such a scientic analysis was a one-of-its-kind
attempt to look at the climate change projections in the
near to mid-term. This has contextual importance as most
of climate change projections are made, keeping the long
term viewpoint.
Projected changes in 2030s from the model
The assessment projects about 10% increase in the
Indian monsoon rainfall over central and peninsular
India in the 2030s. The expected change in the
rainfall is within the current monsoon variability, and
there are large model-to-model differences, making
these projected changes to be less condent.
Table 3.1: Frequency of monthly cyclonic disturbances in monsoon season simulated by PRECIS (maximum intensity in
brackets (m/s))
Q0 June July August September JJAS
Obs 45 (27) 42 (23) 63 (24) 60( 29) 210 (26)
1970s 30 (34.4) 42 (32.5) 31 (31.2) 37 (30.9) 140 (32.4)
2020s 6 (39.3) 39 (33.5) 33 (32.9) 55 (33.0) 133 (34.7)
2050s 10 (36.1) 37 (32.9) 20 (32.4) 29 (29.7) 96 (32.8)
2080s 12 (35.2) 32 (37.2) 19 (32.5) 37 (31.8) 100 (34.2)
Q1 June July August September JJAS
1970s 17 (33.1) 35 (32.9) 50 (30.4) 42 (29.3) 144 (31.4)
2020s 17 (36.3) 29 (31.8) 43 (30.3) 44 (31.8) 137 (32.5)
2050s 10 (41.3) 36 (33.6) 50 (31.0) 38 (33.3) 134 (34.8)
2080s 12 (40.1) 38 (34.0) 37 (32.0) 35 (32.6) 122 (34.7)
Q14 June July August September JJAS
1970s 18 (35.7) 27 (32.8) 23 (30.4) 27 (29.6) 95 (32.1)
2020s 20 (35.2) 30 (33.1) 23 (31.1) 30 (31.3) 103 (32.6)
2050s 8 (34.6) 36 (33.2) 25 (30.1) 18 (30.7) 87 (32.2)
2080s 12 (33.5) 28 (32.7) 24 (30.6) 22 (30.1) 86 (31.7)
JJAS: June, July, August, September
The assessment projects 1.52C warming in the
annual mean temperature over the Indian landmass,
while winter (JanuaryFebruary) and Spring (March
AprilMay) seasons show higher warming.
The projections of PRECIS in 2030s indicate 37%
increase in all-India summer monsoon rainfall.
The annual mean surface air temperature may rise
from 1.7C to 2C by 2030s, as indicated by the
The regional climate model simulations indicate that
the cyclonic disturbances over Indian oceans during
summer monsoon are likely to be more intense, and
the systems may form slightly to the south of normal
The ensemble mean changes in the monsoon
rainfall are in the range of 2%12%, while the annual
temperature changes are of the order of 1.41.9

however, the individual simulations show large
Impacts of Climate Change and Vulnerability
Impact on water resources
There is a clear case for developing water resources and
its conservation, owing to Indias high share in the world
population (According to UN Population database, India
shares nearly 18% of the worlds population in 2010), but
it has only 4% of the total water resources. This clearly
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 103
indicates the need for water resource development and
conservation, and its optimum use. The irrigation sector
(with 83% of use) is the main consumer of water. The
main water sources of India consist of precipitation on
the Indian territory, which is estimated to be around 4000
/year (billion cubic metres), and transboundary ows.
Precipitation over a large part of India is concentrated
in the monsoon season during June to September/
October. Out of the total precipitation (including snowfall),
the availability from surface water and replenishable
groundwater is estimated to be 1869 km
. It has been
estimated that only about 1123 km
(690 km
from surface
water and 433 km
from groundwater resources) can be
put to benecial use. India has been planning to utilize this
water by prolonging its stay on land by using engineering
innovations such as dams and barrages.
Further, extreme conditions of ood followed by droughts
are a common feature, affecting the availability of water
for various purposes. It has been estimated that 40 million
hectares (Mha) of area is ood-prone, and this constitutes
12% of the total geographical area of the country.
Droughts are also experienced due to decient rainfall. It
has been found that 51 Mha of area is drought prone, and
this constitutes 16% of the total geographical area. Added
to this is the growing demand for water. The population
of the country increased from 361 million in 1951 to 1.13
billion in July 2007. Accordingly, the per capita availability
of water for the country as a whole decreased from 5177
/year in 1951 to 1654 m
/year in 2007. Due to spatial
variation of rainfall, the per capita water availability also
varies from basin to basin.
The major contribution to surface water source comes
from the major and minor river basins. The river basin is
considered as the basic hydrologic unit for the planning and
development of water resources. There are 12 major river
basins in India, with a catchment area of 20,000 km
above. The major river basin is the GangaBrahmaputra
Meghna system, which is the largest with a catchment area
of about 11.0 lakh km
(more than 43% of the catchment
area of all the major rivers in the country). The other major
river basins with a catchment area of more than one lakh
are Indus, Mahanadi, Godavari, and Krishna. There
are 46 medium river basins with a catchment area between
2000 km
and 20,000 km
. The total catchment area of
medium river basins is about 2.5 lakh km
. All major river
basins and many medium river basins are inter-state in
nature, and cover about 81% of the geographical area of
the country. The demand for water has already increased
manifold over the years due to urbanization, agriculture
expansion, increasing population, rapid industrialization,
and economic development. At present, changes in the
cropping pattern and land-use pattern, overexploitation
of water storage, and changes in irrigation and drainage
systems are modifying the hydrological cycle in many
climatic regions and river basins of India. Table 3.2
summarizes the various elements, by basin, such as
population, catchment area, and water availability (total
and on per capita basis).
Table 3.2: Population and water resources of Indian river basins
River basin Catchment
of the
Population Total
Potentially utilizable water
resources (PUWR)
Per capita water
Total Density Rural (%
of total)
Surface Ground
Total RWR/ pc PUWR/ pc
Million No. people/
% km km
m m
All basins 3,190,819 932 282 73 1869 690 433 1123 2011 1130
Indus 321,289 1114 48.8 140 71 73.3 46.00 14.30 60.3 1611 1325
Ganga 861,452 2525 370.2 449 75 525.0 250.0 136.5 386.5 1353 996
Brahmaputra 194,413 916 33.2 161 86 585.6 24.30 25.70 48 17,108 1529
Minor River
Basins drainage
to Bangladesh
and Myanmar
41,723 - 10.0 160 82 31.0 1.70 8.50 10.2 7224 1522
Subarna rekha 29,196 395 15.0 347 76 12.4 6.80 1.70 8.5 1216 833
Sabarmati 21,674 371 6.0 521 54 3.8 1.90 2.90 4.8 239 302
Brahmani and
51,822 1164 16.7 204 87 28.5 18.30 3.40 21.7 2689 2047
104 | INDIA Second National Communication
Mahanadi 141,589 851 27.2 202 80 66.9 50.00 13.60 63.6 2331 2216
Godavari 312,812 1465 76.7 186 85 110.5 76.30 33.50 109.8 1877 1865
Krishna 258,948 1401 68.9 253 68 78.1 58.00 19.90 77.9 1186 1183
Pennar 55,213 597 14.3 189 78 6.3 6.30 4.04 10.9 601 1040
Cauvery 81,155 800 32.6 389 70 21.4 19.00 8.80 27.8 676 878
Tapi 65,145 724 17.9 245 63 14.9 14.50 6.70 21.2 931 1325
Narmada 98,796 1312 17.9 160 79 45.6 34.50 9.40 43.9 2868 2761
Mahi 34,842 583 6.7 324 77 11.0 3.10 3.50 6.6 973 584
WFR of Kutch
and Sau and
55,940 - 58.9 425 72 15.1 15.00 9.10 24.1 478 763
WFR South of
378,028 51.9 166 57 200.9 36.20 15.60 51.8 3184 821
EFR bet,
Mahanadi and
86,643 - 19.2 293 74 22.5 13.10 12.80 25.9 946 1089
EFR bet, Pennar
and Kanyakumari
100,139 - 39.0 484 60 16.5 16.70 12.70 29.4 340 605
a- West owing rivers (WFR) includes rivers Kutch & Saurashtra including Luni; West owing rivers includes rivers south of Tapi, East owing rivers (EFR) includes
rivers between Mahanadi and Pennar and East owing rivers includes rivers between Pennar and Kanyakumari
Source for total population (UN 1998).
Source for renewable and potentially utilizable water resources is CWC (2000).
Potentially utilizable ground water resources is the ground water replenished from normal natural recharge.
The length of Brahmani river itself is 799 km.
Source: CWC 1993. Reassessment of Water Resources Potential of River Basin ; CWC, Annual Report 2003-04
Impact assessment of climate change on water
Changes in key climate variables, namely, temperature,
precipitation, and humidity, may have signicant long-
term implications for the quality and quantity of water. The
possible impacts of climate change on water resources
of the river basins of India have been assessed using
the hydrologic model SWAT
(soil and water assessment
tool). The model requires information on terrain, soil
prole, and land use of the area as input, which have been
obtained from the global sources. These three elements
are assumed to be static for future as well. The weather
conditions (for model input) have been provided by the
IITM, Pune (PRECIS outputs).
Simulated climate outputs from PRECIS regional climate
model for present /baseline (196190, BL), near term
(202150, MC), and long term (207198, EC) for A1B
IPCC SRES socio-economic scenario have been used.
Q14 QUMP ensemble has been used for simulation. The
potential impacts of climate change on water yield and
other hydrologic budget components are quantied by
performing SWAT hydrological modelling with current and
future climate scenarios for the regional systems. Impacts
of climate change and climate variability on the water
resources are likely to affect irrigated agriculture, installed
power capacity, environmental ows in the dry season,
and higher ows during the wet season, thereby causing
severe droughts and ood problems in the urban and rural
Detailed outputs have been analysed with respect to the
two major water balance components of water yield and
actual evapo-transpiration that are highly inuenced by
the weather conditions dictated by temperature and allied
parameters. Majority of the river systems show increase
in the precipitation at the basin level (Figure 3.11). Only
Brahmaputra, Cauvery, and Pennar show marginal
decrease in precipitation under MC. The decrease in water
yield in the Pennar basin is more pronounced, which may
be on account of changes in the distribution of precipitation
under MC. The situation under EC improves, wherein all the
river systems exhibit increase in precipitation. There is an
associated increase in water yield for all the river systems
1. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is a distributed parameter and continuous time simulation model. The SWAT model has been developed
to predict the response to natural inputs as well as the man-made interventions on water and sediment yields in un-gauged catchments. The model (i) is
physically based; (ii) uses readily available inputs; (iii) is computationally efficient to operate; and (iv) is continuous time and capable of simulating long periods
for computing the effects of management changes. The major advantage of the SWAT model is that unlike the other conventional conceptual simulation
models it does not require much calibration and therefore can be used on ungauged watersheds (in fact the usual situation).
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 105
under EC. The change in evapo-transpiration under the
MC scenario exhibits appreciable increase (close to 10
%) for Brahmaputra, Indus, and Luni river basins. All
other systems show marginal increase or decrease. For
majority of the river systems, the evapo-transpiration has
increased by more than 40%. The only two river basins
that show some decrease in evapo-transpiration under
the EC scenario are Cauvery and Krishna rivers. The
major reason for such an increase in evapo-transpiration
is on two accounts: one is the increase in the temperature
and the second one is the increase in precipitation, which
enhances evapo-transpiration.
Figure 3.11: Change in precipitation towards 2030s and 2080s with respect to 1970s
One may observe that the change in precipitation is highly
variable in most of the river basins (Figure 3.11). This is
true for not only the big basins such as Ganga but also for
smaller basins such as Cauvery and Pennar. It may also
be observed from the lower left hand box in Figure 3.11
that the average change in precipitation (shown through
the red cross bar) reects increase in precipitation for
majority of the river basins, although there are few sub-
basins within specic river basins that may be showing
decrease in precipitation under the MC scenario.
The situation is further improved when we see the EC
scenario, wherein there is increase in the average basin
106 | INDIA Second National Communication
precipitation as compared to the BL scenario (Figure
3.12). However; even in this scenario many river systems,
such as Ganga, Indus, Luni, Godavari, and Krishna, have
sub-basins that show decrease in precipitation.
Although changes in the core entities of precipitation,
water yield, and evapo-transpiration have been provided,
which give the average value of these changes over the
entire river basin. Many of these basins are, however, very
big and have considerable spatial variability.
Figure 3.12: Change in Water Yield (water availability) towards 2030s and 2080s with respect to 1970s
The implications of changes in precipitation have also been
quantied in the form of resulting water yields through the
SWAT modelling exercise. The response of water yield is
dependent on a combination of factors such as terrain,
land use, soil type, and weather conditions. It is found
that despite the increase in precipitation from MC to EC
scenario, the Krishna river system is showing reduction in
the water yield. This can be on account of higher evapo-
transpiration (because of increased temperatures). It may
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 107
also be observed that in the case of Cauvery river system,
although there is an improvement in the average water
yield from MC to EC scenario, there are some sub-basins
that show reduction in water yield.
Evapo-transpiration is a very important component of
water balance with respect to the biomass and agricultural
activities. The potential evapo-transpiration is driven by
the weather conditions, but the actual evapo-transpiration
is also dependent on the moisture conditions prevalent
under the weather conditions (assuming that the land-use
and soil characteristics are not changing). The outcome
of actual evapo-transpiration has been obtained after the
continuous simulation on daily basis for all the sub-basins
of various river systems by using SWAT model, and the
changes in evapo-transpiration values in percentage are
shown in Figure 3.13 for all the sub-basins under the MC
and EC scenarios. In general, majority of the northern
river systems show increase in evapo-transpiration under
the MC scenario, whereas majority of the southern river
systems show marginal reduction in evapo-transpiration
despite increase in precipitation. One possible reason can
be higher intensities of rainfall under the MC scenario,
which has not allowed sufcient time for water to be
stored in the soil through inltration. The EC conditions
Figure 3.13: Change in Evapo-transpiration (crop water demand) towards 2030s and 2080s with respect to 1970s
108 | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 3.14: Change in monsoon drought weeks towards 2030s and 2080s with respect to 1970s
are showing considerable improvement in evapo-
transpiration, which has increased for majority of the river
basins (guaranteeing better crop production and less of
agricultural droughts), but Indus and Luni rivers show
reduction in evapo-transpiration under the EC scenario.
Droughts and floods
Droughts: Drought indices are widely used for the
assessment of drought severity by indicating relative
dryness or wetness affecting water-sensitive economies.
In this analysis, Soil Moisture Index is developed to
monitor drought severity using SWAT output to incorporate
the spatial variability. The focus is on agricultural drought,
wherein severity implies cumulative water deciency. In
the current context Scale 1 (Index between 0 and 1)
represents the drought developing stage and Scale 2
(Index between 1 and 4) represents mild to moderate
and extreme drought conditions. Soil Moisture Decit
Index (SMDI) was calculated for 30 years of simulated
soil moisture data from baseline (196190), MC (2021
50), and EC (207198) climate change scenarios.
Weeks when the soil moisture decit may start drought
development (drought index value between 0 and 1)
as well as the areas that may fall under moderate to
extreme drought conditions (drought index value between
1 and 4) have been assessed and are shown in
Figure 3.14.
It may be seen that there is an increase in the moderate
drought development (Scale 1) for Krishna, Narmada,
Pennar, Cauvery, and Brahmini basins, which have either
predicted decrease in precipitation or have enhanced
level of evapo-transpiration for the MC scenario. It is also
evident from the depiction that the moderate to extreme
drought severity (Scale 2) has been pronounced for the
Baitarni, Sabarmati, Mahi, and Ganga river systems,
where the increase is ranging between 5% and 20% for
many areas despite the overall increase in precipitation.
The situation of moderate drought (Scale 1) is expected
to improve under the EC scenario for almost all the river
systems except Tapi river system, which shows about
5% increase in drought weeks. However, the situation
for moderate to extreme droughts (Scale 2) does not
appreciably improve much under the EC scenario despite
the increase in precipitation. There is some improvement
in Ganga, Godavari, and Cauvery basins.
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 109
Floods: The vulnerability assessment with respect to
the possible future oods has been carried out using the
daily outow discharge taken for each sub-basin from the
SWAT output. These discharges have been analysed with
respect to the maximum annual peaks. Maximum daily
peak discharge has been identied for each year and for
each sub-basin. Analysis has been performed to earmark
the basins where ooding conditions may deteriorate under
the future scenario. The analysis has been performed to
ascertain the change in magnitude of ood peaks above
99th percentile ow under baseline (196190),
Figure 3.15: Change in stream flow towards 2030s and 2080s with respect to 1970s (stream discharge at 99

percentile extremely high stream flow and 10
percentile 90 % dependable flow)
110 | INDIA Second National Communication
Impacts on water availability and demand
The impacts of climate change on water demand and the
current water demand at national level for the irrigation,
domestic, and industry sectors were also assessed.
Projections of water demand for these sectors were
made till 2040, under the present climate scenario, and
taking into consideration the projected climate change
scenario with respect to temperature and rainfall (using
PRECIS output). Though available resource meets the
present demand, in some river basins like Subarnarekha,
Cauvery, Mahi, Sabarmati and west owing rivers of
Kuch, Sau, and Luni, water scarcity condition would be
prevalent, which is also highlighted in Figure 3.16. Water
scarcity line has been assessed at 1000 m
and the water
stress line at 1700 m
Climate data is essential to the design of water resource
systems so as to take into account two aspects of
hydrological processes: the extremes and the averages.
The extremes, both oods and droughts, are the end
results of climatic and hydrological causes. The results
of an analysis for assessing vulnerability with respect
to water availability across river basins were the basis
for classifying various basins (Table 3.3). For example,
Ganga downstream, Brahmaputra, and Surma Imphal
showed high vulnerability towards climate change
among all the river basins of East and North East India in
A1B scenarios.
Along with the assessments of water availability, it is also
important to examine the impacts of climate change on
water demand. A policy dialogue model PODIUM-Sim
(details given in Box 3.3) has been used to compute the
future sectoral water demand for households, irrigation,
and industries for 2010, 2020, 2030, and 2040. The demand
has been computed for different basins, which include
12 major basins (including Ganga, Indus, Narmada,
Godavari) and seven minor basins. The projections of
water demand have been made under present climate
scenario as well as under projected climate change in
India, factoring in the PRECIS data on temperature and
rainfall (Table 3.4).
Table 3.3 : Vulnerability scale of water availability, by
basin, in three different scenarios for the period of 2040,
2070, and 2100
Water availability AIB scenario
Year 2040 2070 2100
Ganga Upstream SV V V
Ganga Downstream HV HV HV
Mahanadi SV V SI
Brahmani V V SI
Brahmaputra HV HV HV
Surma Imphal HV HV HV
V Vulnerable, SV Semi-Vulnerable, HV Highly Vulnerable, SI- Semi-
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 111
Figure 3.16: Per capita annual water availability
Box 3.3: About PODIUM -Sim
The PODIUM-Sim, a revised version of PODIUM (the cereal-based policy dialogue model), developed by the
International Water Management Institute ( in 1999, is an interactive model studying the issues ranging
from food demand and production to water supply and demand. It enables users to develop scenarios of water and
food supply and demand with respect to various policy options at national level. It can generate scenarios at sub-
national level, for example, at river basins or at administrative boundaries.
PODIUM-Sim consists of three main components: annual consumptiondemand scenario development at the national
level; seasonal production scenario development for irrigated and rain-fed agriculture at the sub-national level; and
annual water supply scenario development at the sub-national level, seasonal water demand scenario development
for the irrigation sector, and annual water demand scenarios for the domestic, industrial, and environmental sectors
at the sub-national level.
Table 3.4: Water availability and demand (km
2010 2020 2030 2040
Total water
Total demand Total water
Total demand Total water
Total demand Total water
Total demand
Indus 93.2 75.95 91.94 74.44 90.74 73.05 89.63 71.81
Ganga 492.26 257.41 491.67 261.50 491.45 266.69 492.59 275.97
Brahmaputra 53.52 9.19 53.85 9.79 54.22 10.48 54.66 11.31
Barak and
Subernarekha 11.58 6.41 11.7 6.80 11.85 7.24 12 7.73
Brahmani and
Mahanadi 72.33 19.38 72.47 20.08 72.62 20.85 72.8 21.69
Godavari 125.01 40.84 125.28 42.69 125.65 44.84 126.18 47.41
Krishna 91.45 40.98 91.46 42.16 91.5 43.40 91.55 44.70
Pennar 34.15 16.95 34.07 17.18 34 17.41 33.92 17.67
Cauvery 34.33 17.27 34.28 17.56 34.25 17.88 34.23 18.23
Tapi 23.55 8.80 23.61 9.29 23.67 9.82 23.77 10.39
Narmada 48.5 12.84 48.64 13.28 48.82 13.77 49.03 14.31
Mahi 8.26 5.44 8.27 5.53 8.27 5.62 8.3 5.73
Sabarmati 6.05 4.28 6.09 4.40 6.09 4.52 6.13 4.65
WFR of Kutch
and Sau and
33.33 41.38 33.87 42.47 33.87 43.67 34.32 45.01
WFR South
of Tapi
57.64 15.30 58.2 16.26 58.2 17.30 58.54 18.42
EFR between
and Pennar
33.57 17.86 33.44 18.27 33.44 18.72 33.36 19.19
EFR between
Pennar and
41.69 30.45 41.29 30.59 41.29 30.76 41.09 30.94
112 | INDIA Second National Communication
Water availability v/s water demand
A comparison of water availability with withdrawal for
different years 2010, 2020, 2030, and 2040 (Figure 3.17)
indicates that water availability exceeds total withdrawal
for all basins except west owing River of Kuch, Sau,
and Luni. The maximum water withdrawal takes place
from Ganga, Godavari, Indus, and Krishna river basins
in all the years. Though at basin-level, the comparison
between water availability and water demand indicates
a comfortable position, but due to wide temporal and
spatial variation in the availability of water, there exists a
water crisis-like situation in most areas of the country. It
is expected that due to climate change, water availability
situation is likely to be aggravated.
Figure 3.17: Water availability and demand
Impact of climate change on groundwater
An important source of water in India is groundwater. The
estimation of groundwater resource is done mainly for
dynamic groundwater potential (annually replenishment)
by using data on precipitation and groundwater from
other sources such as seepage from carrier channels
and surface waterbodies, return seepage from irrigated
elds during the monsoon and non-monsoon periods, and
the draft component, mainly from different groundwater
structures based on the minor irrigation statistics. The
in-storage potential is computed, considering cumulative
thickness of all the aquifer zones below the water level
uctuation, and this is considered as static storage. As
per the present status, the dynamic groundwater potential
of India is estimated as 433 BCM against which the
groundwater development was only 115 BCM in 1995 but
increased to 231 BCM in 2004. Thus, the groundwater
development of the unconned aquifer increased from
32% to 58%, but this has led to over-development (more
than 100% of annual recharge) in some areas, totalling
about 15% of the total country area. In addition to the
dynamic groundwater resources available in the zone of
uctuation, which gets annually replenished from rainfall,
there exists a sizable amount of groundwater below the
zone of uctuation in the unconned aquifer as well as
in the deeper conned aquifers. The in-storage potential
computed up to a depth of 450 m in alluvial areas and 200
m in hard rock areas as a rst approximation works out to
the tune of 10,812 BCM, of which more than 90% lies in
the alluvial aquifers of Ganga , Indus, and Brahmaputra
A detailed groundwater recharge study of four water-
stressed basins Lower Indus, Sabarmati, Cauvery,
and Godavari indicates substantial increase in
groundwater development over the past 10 years.
Two of the river basins Sabarmati and Indus have
recorded groundwater development of more than 100%
of the annual replenishment in some areas. In such
over-exploited areas, the water table shows continuous
decline. Also, groundwater development in the coastal
areas of Cauvery and Sabarmati basins will induce saline
ingress; therefore, groundwater development in such
critical areas would have to be regulated. Changes in
rainfall pattern induced by climate change will inuence
the dynamic potential of some areas, leading to a change
in the hydrodynamics of the unconned aquifer system
of different geological formations and may further affect
the storage potential. Under the changed scenario, new
groundwater management practices will need to be
adopted, giving emphasis on utilizing monsoon run-off to
create sub-surface storages wherever natural recharge
has decreased.
Given that groundwater utilization is increasing at the
rate of 2.54% throughout the country, it is pertinent
to undertake detailed groundwater balance study and
parameter estimation in terms of various inputs and
outputs to quantify the impact of climate change under
various scenarios. What has been studied thus far is a
step towards the better understanding of the possible
recharge potential during monsoon and non-monsoon
period under different scenario of rainfall intensity and the
hydrogeology of the area. The recharge from other sources
can be added to the recharge potential calculated based
on the same percentage between the monsoon and non-
monsoon recharge and the recharge from other sources,
based on the present groundwater assessment.
Vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies:
Studying the potential socio-economic impacts of climate
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 113
change involves comparing two future scenarios: one
with and the other without climate change. Uncertainties
involved in such an assessment include (i) the timing,
magnitude, and nature of climate change; (ii) the ability
of the ecosystems to adapt either naturally or through
managed intervention to the change; (iii) future increase
in population and economic activities and their impacts on
natural resources systems; and (iv) how society adapts
through the normal responses of individuals, businesses,
and policy changes. The uncertainties, long periods
involved, and the potential for catastrophic and irreversible
impacts on natural resources systems raise questions as
to how to evaluate climate impacts and other policies that
would affect or be affected by changes in the climate.
At present, few climate impact models explicitly
consider how climate variability and change would affect
groundwater recharge. Groundwater is poorly represented
in the land-surface models (LSMs) incorporated in GCMs.
Groundwater uxes operating at a range of spatio-
temporal scales require consideration. These uxes
include: (i) capillary ow from the water table to the root
zone to sustain evapo-transpiration during dry periods, (ii)
shallow groundwater discharge to local stream networks
and other surface waterbodies (lakes and wetlands), (iii)
deeper regional groundwater discharge to downstream
river and wetlands, and (iv) submarine discharge in the
coastal areas. Failure to consider groundwater uxes
as mentioned above can lead to errors in simulated
river discharge and soil moisture in LSMs and ofine
hydrological models.
Fundamental constraints to both the representation of
groundwater in climate models and the consideration
of climate impact on groundwater includes limited
groundwater observations in time and space as well
as difculty in accessing the data. There is therefore
an urgent need to remove the above barriers through a
concerted effort at the modelling levels, so as to enhance
our understanding of the projected changes in ground
water estimations.
Impacts of Climate Change on the Himalayan
The Himalayas are often referred to as the water towers
of Asia because they are the source of nine of the
largest rivers. In the context of the evident challenge of
growing water decits, the impacts of climate change on
the Himalayan glaciers have to be carefully assessed.
There is a great degree of uncertainty about the extent
to which the overall glacier melting is occurring. But the
Himalayan glaciers are generally experiencing rapid and
unprecedented rates of melting; retreating faster than
nearly all other glacier regions around the world; and
retreating at highly variable rates, depending on glacier
size, orientation, and climate zone. Possible reasons for
the melting of the glaciers include human-induced CO

emissions and growing levels of short-lived aerosols in
the air, snow, and on glaciers. More conclusive scientic
evidence is, however, required.
Glaciers in the eastern and central parts of the Himalayas
are expected to be especially sensitive to present
atmospheric warming, due to their summer accumulation
type nature. New satellite LIDAR observations reveal for
the rst time that 3 km thick atmospheric brown cloud
(ABC) surround the southern ank of the Himalayas,
subjecting the air to intense solar heating. Coupled
oceanatmosphere GCMs with both GHG and ABC
forcing suggest that the ABC solar heating amplies the
GHGs warming by a factor of 2 at elevated levels (36
km). Another area of concern is extremely limited water
storage capacity. South Asia in general and countries like
India store less than 250 m
of water per capita compared
to more than 5000 m
per capita in countries like Australia
and USA. The lack of water storage capacities leaves the
already vulnerable populations at great risk of uctuating
water ows and changing monsoon patterns. There is
a huge potential in the south Asian countries to build
constructed and sustain natural storage capacities. The
melting of the Himalayan glaciers is a phenomenon that
clearly deserves greater study and closer monitoring,
but the existing reality of deglaciation is already having
downstream impacts. The rst and most obvious concern
with regard to deglaciation is the threat of diminishing
water ows to the hundreds of millions of the people in
the downstream regions of India and the neighbouring
countries. The regional and micro-climate changes
are manifesting themselves not only in the melting of
glaciers and diminished sources of water to the major
river systems, but also in changes in monsoon patterns,
variations in overall precipitation levels, and increased
occurrence of extreme weather events.
Considering various aspects of ow regimes of the
Himalayan rivers and the different views, it can denitely
be mentioned that the reduction in river discharge is
almost certain under the future warming scenarios, which
may either be due to the reduction in contribution from
glaciers or due to reduction in monsoonal precipitation.
However, the studies do not cover all the micro-climatic
114 | INDIA Second National Communication
zones and different river basins of the Himalayas, and a
detailed study is required to estimate future water ow
patterns in the Himalayan rivers.
A study Himalayan Glaciers: A State-of-Art Review of
Glacial Studies, Glacial Retreat and Climate Change
was conducted to assess the state of glaciers in the Indian
context. This study was carried out by an eminent expert
in the eld of glacial studies. Key ndings of the study are
as follows.
1. All the glaciers under observation, during the last three
decades of the 20th century, have shown cumulative
negative mass balance.
2. Degeneration of the glacier mass has been the highest
in Jammu and Kashmir (single glacier, 10-year record),
relatively lower in Himachal Pradesh (three glaciers,
10-year record), even lower in Uttarakhand (one glacier,
10-year record), and the lowest in Sikkim (one glacier,
10-year record), thus clearly showing a declining trend
from north-west to north-east.
3. Irrespective of the latitudinal differences, glacier melt
contributes to about 2530% of the total discharge of
glacier ice. Maximum discharge takes place from mid-
July to mid-August. On an average, the sediment load
producing capacity of the glacier ice in the Himalayas
has been found to be of the order of 30 tonnes of ice per
day per square km during the melt season in a granite/
gneissic terrain.
4. Glaciers in the Himalayas, over a period of the last
100 years, behave in contrasting ways. As an example,
Sonapani glacier has retreated by about 500 m during the
last 100 years. On the other hand, Kangriz glacier has
practically not retreated even an inch in the same period.
Siachen glacier is believed to have shown an advance
of about 700 m between 1862 and 1909, followed by an
equally rapid retreat of about 400 m between 1929 and
1958, and hardly any retreat during the last 50 years.
Gangotri glacier, which had hitherto been showing a
rather rapid retreat along its glacier front, at an average of
about 20 m per year up to 2000, has since slowed down
considerably, and between September 2007 and June
2009 is practically at a standstill.
MoEF and ISRO have jointly carried out a study to monitor
more than 2000 glaciers well distributed throughout the
Himalayas, for their advance/retreat over a period of 15
years. The study is based on satellite data analysis and
eld expeditions. This study indicates that 76% of glaciers
have shown a retreat in area, 7% have advanced, while
17% are static. This study does not indicate conclusively
any uniform response of the Himalayan glaciers to climate
The major conclusion from these studies was that it
was premature to make a statement that glaciers in the
Himalayas are retreating abnormally because of global
warming. A glacier is affected by a range of physical
features and a complex interplay of climatic factors.
These ndings warrant a more detailed study related to
Impacts of Climate Change on Forests and
The impacts of climate change on forests in India are
assessed based on the changes in area under different
forest types, shifts in boundary of forest types, and net
primary productivity (NPP). The present assessment was
based on (i) spatial distribution of current climatic variables,
(ii) future climate projected by relatively high-resolution
regional climate models for two different periods for the
A1B climate change scenario, and (iii) vegetation types,
NPP, and carbon stocks as simulated by the dynamic
model IBIS v.2, or Integrated Biosphere Simulator.
The IBIS model is designed around a hierarchical, modular
structure, which is based on four modules, namely, (i) the
land surface module, (ii) vegetation phenology module,
(iii) carbon balance module, and (iv) vegetation dynamics
module. These modules, though operating at different time
steps, are integrated into a single physically consistent
model. The state description of the model allows trees and
grasses to experience different light and water regimes,
and competition for sunlight and soil moisture determines
the geographic distribution of plant functional types and
the relative dominance of trees and grasses, evergreen
and deciduous phenologies, broadleaf and conifer leaf
forms, and C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways.
Scenarios of climate change: SRES scenario A1B is
considered for two future time-frames: (i) timeframe of
202150 (atmospheric CO
concentration reaches 490
ppm), which is labelled as 2035 and (ii) timeframe of
20712100 (atmospheric CO
concentration reaches 680
ppm), which is labelled as 2085. Observed climatology
for the period 196191 was treated as the baseline for the
Changes in the distribution of forests
The vegetation distribution simulated by IBIS for baseline
and A1B scenario in the simulation grids (as shown in
Figure 3.18) illustrates an expansion of tropical evergreen
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 115
Figure 3.18: Forest type distribution and extent simulated by IBIS for
the baseline case and A1B (2035 and 2085) scenarios (VT refers to
vegetation types. The numbers refer to the following vegetation types.
1: tropical evergreen forest/woodland, 2: tropical deciduous forest/
woodland, 3: temperate evergreen broadleaf forest /woodland, 4:
temperate evergreen conifer forest/woodland, 5: temperate deciduous
forest/woodland, 6: boreal evergreen forest/woodland, 7: boreal
deciduous forest/woodland, 8: mixed forest/woodland, 9: savanna,
10: grassland/steppe, 11: dense shrubland, 12: open shrubland, 13:
tundra, 14: desert, 15: polar desert/rock/ice)
Figure 3.19: Net primary productivity distribution (kgC/m2/year)
simulated by IBIS for baseline and A1B scenarios
forests (IBIS vegetation type 1) in the eastern India
plateau in the A1B scenario. Similar trend is observed
in the Western Ghats. It is interesting to note that there
is almost no change in the vegetation type in the North
East. Further, there is a slight expansion of forests into the
western part of central India.
Impact on net primary productivity (NPP) and
soil organic carbon (SOC)
The NPP tends to increase over India for the A1B scenario
(Figure 3.19). It increases by an average of 30.3% by
2035, and by 56.2% by 2085 for A1B scenario. Notably,
the increase is higher in the north-eastern part of India
due to warmer and wetter climate predicated there.
A trend similar to NPP distribution is simulated for
soil organic carbon (SOC), which is to be expected as
increased NPP is the primary driver of higher litter input to
the soil. However, the quantum of increase compared to
baseline in this case is lower. This increase is less due to
the inertia of the SOC pool and increased soil respiration.
The estimates for both NPP and SOC increase should
be viewed with caution as IBIS, compared with other
dynamic vegetation models, tends to simulate a fairly
strong CO
fertilization effect. This can partly be explained
by the fact that the nitrogen cycle and acclimation of soil
microbiology to the higher temperatures are not explicitly
taken into account in IBIS. It also does not simulate forest
res dynamically, which are very common especially in
dry deciduous forests of India. IBIS does not simulate
changed pest attack dynamics, and thus, the impact of
increased or decreased pest attack in a changed climate
is not included.
Implications of climate change for biodiversity
Climate change is expected to increase species losses.
Changes in phenology are expected to occur in many
species. The general impact of climate change is that the
habitats of many species will move poleward. Species
that make up a community are unlikely to shift together.
Ecosystems dominated by long-lived species will be slow
116 | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 3.20: 82 % of the forest grids in sal and teak forests show shift
in forest type (in both A2 and B2 scenarios)
to show evidence of change and slow to recover from the
climate-related stress.
Climate change and modelling studies on tree species like
sal (Shorea robusta), teak (Tectona grandis), eucalyptus,
and pine (Pinus spp.) have been undertaken for A2 and
B2 climate change scenario. Test run studies on teak
and sal trees, highly characteristic of central India, have
indicated that there would be a net increase in primary
productivity with increase in temperature and rainfall, but
this would also lead to a die-back with the induced stress
to nutrient availability (Figure 3.20). Enhanced levels
of CO
are expected to lead to an increase in the NPP
of forest ecosystems, with more than 75% of the grids
showing an increase in NPP. Even in a relatively short
span of about 50 years, most of the forest biomes in India
seem to be highly vulnerable to the projected change in
climate. Further, it is projected that by 2085, 77% and 68%
of the forest grids in India are likely to experience shift
in forest types under A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively
(Figure 3.21). Indications point towards a shift to wetter
forest types in the north-eastern region and drier forest
types in the central and north-western region, in the
absence of human inuence. Increasing atmospheric CO

concentration and climate warming could also result in
the doubling of NPP under the A2 scenario and nearly
70% increase under the B2 scenario.
Vulnerability of Indian forests
Forests in India are already subjected to multiple stresses,
including over-extraction, insect outbreaks, livestock
grazing, forest res, and other anthropogenic pressures.
Climate change will be an additional stress. Forests are
likely to be more vulnerable to climate change. Thus,
vulnerability map is developed to assess the vulnerability
of different forest types and regions. A grid is marked
vulnerable if there is a change in vegetation, as simulated
between the baseline and the future (both 2035 and 2085,
and A1B SRES scenario, in this case) vegetation. This
means that the future climate may not be optimal to the
present vegetation in those grids. The distribution of this
vulnerability in the country is shown in Figure 3.22.
Left panel in the gure is for timeframe of 202150. Here,
326 (30.6%) grids, out of a total number of 1064 grids,
are projected to be vulnerable. The right panel is for the
timeframe of 20712100. In this case, 489 (45.9%) grids
Figure 3.21: Net primary productivity of sal and teak forests likely to rise (in A2 and B2 scenarios)
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 117
are projected to be vulnerable. In turn, all forest areas in
such vulnerable grids are projected to be vulnerable to
climate change. A digital forest map of India was used to
determine the spatial location of all the forested areas.
This map was based on a high-resolution mapping
(2.5 2.5), wherein the entire area of India was divided
Figure 3.22: Vulnerable grids (marked red) in the A1B scenario
into over 165,000 grids. Out of these, 35,899 grids
were marked as forested grids (along with the forest
density and the forest type). The projected change in
vegetation information was combined with the spatial
location of the Forest Survey of India (FSI) grids
(Figures 3.23 and 3.24).
Figure 3.23: All forested grids in India (as per FSI, 2001) are shown
in colour (red or green): red indicates that a change in vegetation
is projected at that grid in the time period of 202150, and green
indicates that no change in vegetation is projected by that period.
Figure 3.24: All forested grids in India (as per FSI, 2001) are depicted
in colour (red or green): red indicates that a change in vegetation is
projected at that grid in the time period of 20712100, and green
indicates that no change in vegetation is projected by that period.
118 | INDIA Second National Communication
Implication of climate impact assessment
The assessment of climate impacts showed that at the
national level, about 45% of the forested grids are likely
to undergo change. Vulnerability assessment showed
that the vulnerable forested grids are spread across
India. However, their concentration is higher in the upper
Himalayan stretches, parts of central India, northern
Western Ghats, and Eastern Ghats. In contrast, north-
eastern forests, southern Western Ghats, and the
forested regions of eastern India are estimated to be least
vulnerable. Currently, within the forested area of 69 Mha,
only 8.35 Mha is categorized as very dense forest. More
than 20 Mha of forest is monoculture, and more than 28.8
Mha of forests are fragmented (open forest) and have low
tree density. Low tree density, low biodiversity status as
well as higher levels of fragmentation contribute to the
vulnerability of these forests. Western Ghats, though a
biodiversity hotspot, has fragmented forests in its northern
parts. This makes these forests additionally vulnerable to
climate change as well as to increased risk of re and
pest attack. Similarly, forests in parts of western as well
as central India are fragmented and have low biodiversity.
At the same time, these are the regions that are likely to
witness a high increase in temperature and either decline
or marginal increase in rainfall. Most of the mountainous
forests (sub-alpine and alpine forest, the Himalayan dry
temperate forest, and the Himalayan moist temperate
forests) are susceptible to the adverse effects of climate
change. There is a need to explore win-win adaptation
practices in such regions such as anticipatory plantations,
sanitary harvest, and pest and re management. Forests
are likely to benet to a large extent (in terms of NPP)
in the northern parts of the Western Ghats and the
eastern parts of India, while they are relatively adversely
affected in the western and central India. This means
that afforestation, reforestation, and forest management
in the northern Western Ghats and eastern India may
experience carbon sequestration benets. Hence, in
these regions, a species-mix that maximizes carbon
sequestration should be planted. On the other hand,
in the forests of the western and central India, hardy
species, which are resilient to increased temperature and
drought risk, should be planted, and care should be taken
to further increase forest resilience.
Adaptation measures
Forest conservation and enhancement are the stated
objectives of the national policy. Various policy initiatives
have resulted in the increase in the forest cover and
a reduction in the per capita deforestation rate. The
National Forests Policy envisages peoples participation
in the development of degraded forests to meet their
fuel, fodder, and timber needs, as well as to develop the
forests for improving the environment through Joint Forest
Management. India has implemented a large number of
progressive policies, programmes, and measures to
conserve and develop forests, wildlife, mangroves, and
coral reefs, examples being the Forest Conservation
Act, 1980, the National Forest Policy, 1988, the Wildlife
Act, Joint Forest Management, Social Forestry, banning
of timber extraction in reserve forests, improved cook-
stove programme, and use of biogas to conserve
fuelwood. Similarly, there are conservation programmes
for mangroves, coral reefs, and lake ecosystems. The FSI
monitors changes in the forest area. All these measures
have led to some stabilization of the forest area, a
reduction in deforestation, and afforestation, signicantly
contributing to the conservation of the forest carbon sink.
All these preparations will act as a buffer for the forest-
dependent communities against the challenges posed
by climate change. The Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MoEF) notied the constitution of Compensatory
Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority
(CAMPA) on 23
April 2004 for management and use
of the fund generated by levying cost of compensatory
afforestation in equivalent forest lands offered by the
user agencies or in degraded land whenever there is a
diversion of forest lands for non-forestry purposes, under
the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
Adaptation strategies
There is a need for developing and implementing
adaptation measures to enable forest ecosystems to cope
with climate risks. Many win-win or no-regret adaptation
practices could be considered for implementation. A few
pilot adaptation projects could be launched, incorporating
the win-win adaptation practices, particularly in the most
vulnerable regions identied in this assessment. A few
examples of adaptation practices include: (i) Modifying the
forest working plan preparation process and incorporating
the projected climate change and likely impacts, (ii)
Initiating research on adaptation practices, covering both
conservation and forest regeneration practices, (iii) Linking
Protected Areas and forest fragments, (iv) Anticipatory
planting of species along the altitudinal and latitudinal
gradient, (v) In situ conservation, (vi) Adopting mixed
species forestry in all afforestation programmes, (vii)
Incorporating re protection and management practices
and implementing advance re warning systems.
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 119
Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture
The agriculture sector, including crop, animal husbandry,
sheries, and agro-processing, is vital for the food and
nutritional security of the nation. The contribution of the
agriculture sector to the national gross domestic product
(GDP) has declined from 19% in 2004/05 to 14.2% in
2010/11, while overall GDP has grown by an average of
8.62% during 2004/05 to 2010/11. This rapid decline is
essentially due to high growth experienced in the industry
and services sector, in a fast growing and structurally
changing economy of India. However, this sector provides
the underpinning for the food and livelihood security and
support for the economic growth and social transformation
of the country. Nearly two-third of countrys population
depends directly or indirectly on the agriculture sector for
their livelihood.
With about 60% of the cultivated area as rain-fed, the
agricultural production is strongly inuenced by the
movement of south-west monsoon. In the recent past,
out of 526 meteorological districts, 215 districts (41%)
received excess/normal rainfall and the remaining 311
districts (59%) received decient/scanty rainfall during
the season, which reected adversely on the overall
production of kharif crops, especially, rice and the coarse
The livestock and sheries sector contributed over 4.07%
to the total GDP during 2008/09 and about 29.7% to the
value of output from total agricultural and allied activities.
In 2009/10, this sector produced 112.5 million tonnes
of milk, 59.8 billion eggs, 43.2 million kg wool, and 4.0
million tonnes of meat. India continues to be the largest
producer of milk in the world, with its production increasing
from 17 million tonnes in 1950/51 to about 112.5 million
tonnes in 2009/10. The per capita availability of milk has
also increased from 112 grams per day in 1968/69 to 263
grams per day in 2009/10. It is, however, still low compared
to the world average of 279.4 grams per day (as per the
Food and Agriculture Organization Statistical Database
(FAOSTAT) 2009 database). Poultry development in the
country has shown a steady progress over the years.
India ranks third in egg production in the world as per the
FAOSTAT data for 2008. Egg production increased from 21
billion in 1990/91 to 56 billion in 2008/09. India is the third
largest producer of sh and the second largest producer of
freshwater sh in the world. Fish production has increased
from 41.57 lakh tonnes (24.47 lakh tonnes for marine and
17.10 lakh tonnes for inland sheries) in 1991/92 to 76.08
lakh tonnes (29.72 lakh tonnes for marine and 46.36 lakh
tonnes for inland sheries) in 2008/09.
Growth in the production of agricultural crops depends
upon acreage and yield. Given the limitations in the
expansion of acreage, the main source of long-term output
growth is improvement in yields. The food and nutritional
security of India currently depends, to a great extent, on
the production of wheat and rice, which together constitute
78% of the total food grain production (in 2009/10), whereas
production of coarse cereals such as jowar, bajra, maize,
ragi, millets, and barley constituted only 15% in the same
year. The growth, yield, and production of rice and wheat
suggest that the yield levels have plateaued, and there
is a need for renewed research to boost production and
productivity. The area under coarse cereals has shown
a decline over the years, whereas the yield has shown
signicant improvement despite decrease in area in all the
major coarse cereals except maize. The nutritional value
of coarse cereals is also gradually being realized. It is
necessary to promote the production of these crops and
promote their cultivation, particularly in rain-fed areas.
Decreasing crop diversity
Diversity in agricultural crops is an important measure
of the societys ability to face the changes in the natural
environment. In a bid to maximize prots, there is now
a tendency among farmers to specialize in a few crops,
usually commercial crops. As a result, crop diversity has
reduced. Today, more than 50% of food requirements are
derived form just three crops (maize, rice, and wheat)
and 95% of energy requirements from less than 30 crop
Crop diversity is important for many reasons. It can be
used to combat risks that farmers face from pests,
diseases, and variations in climate. Specialization in just
one crop increases the risk of huge losses due to crop
failure. The mono cultivation of any one crop results in
the depletion of organic content and micronutrients in
the soil, calling for higher consumption of fertilizers and
chemicals. The loss of crop diversity has been associated
with greater dominance of high yielding varieties of rice
and wheat, which are also more water-intensive and also
energy-intensive. Another impact of crop diversity is on
nutrition. The diversity in diets can only be ensured by
having greater diversity of crops in the elds.
The net availability of food at any given time depends on
a number of local, regional, national, and international
factors. Climate change associated variables such as
120 | INDIA Second National Communication
and temperature can inuence food availability
through their direct effect on growth processes and yield
of crops. In addition, it may also impact crop production
through indirect effects caused by, for example, change
in rainfall-induced irrigation availability, soil organic matter
transformation, soil erosion, changes in pest proles,
and decline in arable areas due to the submergence of
coastal lands. Equally important determinants of food
supply are socio-economic environment, including
government policies, capital availability, prices and returns,
infrastructure, land reforms, and intra- and international
trade, which might be affected by climatic change.
Vulnerability of agriculture
As already mentioned, crop diversity is an important
indicator of agricultural vulnerability. However, climate
is a primary determinant of agricultural productivity, as
crop yields are inuenced by many environmental factors
like temperature and precipitation, which may act either
synergistically or antagonistically with other factors in
determining yields. Changes in climate are expected to
affect hydrological balances, input supplies, livestock
production, and other components of agricultural systems.
However, the nature of these impacts and the responses
of human beings to them are uncertain and complex. The
complexity and uncertainty are governed, on the one hand,
by the impact of changes in climatic parameters (such as
temperature, CO
, and precipitation) and the frequency
of extreme events like drought, ood, and wind storms,
which directly affect the crop and livestock yields and, on
the other hand, by the kind of adaptation responses to the
climate changes. These changes even may also change
the type, frequencies, and intensities of various crop and
livestock, pests, the availability and timing of irrigation
water supplies, and the severity of soil erosion. While
the degree of vulnerability is a function of the magnitude
and the rate of variation in climate exposure, agricultural
systems with a stronger adaptive capacity are likely to be
less vulnerable to climate change. Agricultural systems
are considered to be dynamic because producers and
consumers are incessantly responding to changes in
crop and livestock yields, input prices, food prices, market
demand, resource availability, and technological changes.
Humans may respond to these changes either by changing
the production or consumption pattern of agricultural
commodities, diversifying the cropping system, adopting
indigenous technologies or trying some innovations for
adaptation to climate change.
PRECIS outputs on future climate scenarios A1B-
2030 and A1B-2080 indicated a signicant increase in
temperature and changes in rainfall, which will have large
spatial and temporal variations (Table 3.5). Overall, the
temperature increases are likely to be much higher in winter
(rabi) season than in rainy season (kharif). Precipitation is
likely to increase in all time slices in all months, except
during DecemberFebruary when it is likely to decrease.
Eastern parts of India are likely to receive more rains,
while southern plateau and Rajasthan are projected to
receive less rains. It is projected that by the end of the
21st century, rainfall over India will increase by 1012%,
and the mean annual temperature will increase by 35C.
The warming is more pronounced over land areas, with
the maximum increase over northern India.
These changes are likely to increase the pressure on
Indian agriculture, in addition to the ongoing stresses of
yield stagnation, land use, competition for land, water,
and other resources, and globalization. It is estimated
that by 2020, food grain requirement would be almost 30
50% more than the current demand. This will have to be
produced from same or even shrinking land resource due
to increasing competition for land and other resources by
non-agricultural sector. Any perturbation in agriculture can
considerably affect the food systems and thus increase
the vulnerability of a large fraction of the resource-poor
population. Adaptation strategies, if practised, have the
potential of nullifying this loss completely in short term
Table 3.5: Changes in temperature and rainfall for PRECIS A1B-2030, A1B-2080 scenarios
Scenarios A1B-2030 A1B-2080 A1B-2030 A1B-2080
Crop growing season Kharif Rabi
Increase in minimum
temperature (C)
1.363.28 36.6 1.853.07 4.136.17
Increase in maximum
0.792.82 2.356.31 0.852.96 2.746.1
Rainfall (% change ) 22 to 60% 46 to >60% 60 to 36% 21 to 60%

Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 121
(2020) but later these are less effective. Thus, there
should be a comprehensive plan for adaptation to climate
Impact of climate change on Indian agriculture
(including livestock): methods and models
A combination of eld studies and simulation models with
comprehensive input data sets has been used to assess
possible impacts of climatic variability and climate change
on Indian agriculture. This has been supplemented with
statistical tools and available historical data and analysis.
Field experimentations using controlled environments
such as open top chamber (OTC) or free atmospheric
carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) and free atmospheric
temperature elevation (FATE) facilities, temperature
gradient tunnels (TGTs), phytotron, and greenhouses
are increasingly being used to understand the impact
of temperature, humidity, and CO
on crop growth and
productivity. The interactive effects of CO
, rainfall, and
temperature can be best studied through the use of crop
growth simulation models. These models simulate the
effect of daily changes on weather (including those caused
by climatic change), for any location, on growth and yield
of a crop through the understanding of crop physiology
and soil processes. Several crop models have also been
used in India for impact assessment of climatic variability
and climate change. Crop growth simulation models,
which share a common input data and format, have been
developed and embedded in a software package called
Decision Support System for Agro-technology Transfer
(DSSAT). The DSSAT Cropping System Model simulates
growth and development of a crop over time, as well
as the soil water, carbon, and nitrogen processes and
management practices. For rice, the ORYZA series of
models have been effectively used. Indian models, such
as the Wheat Grown Simulator (WTGROWS) for wheat,
have been the basis of a large number of studies.
The simulation analysis using InfoCrop models
were carried out with inputs of the gridded weather
data (IMD), soil data , climate change scenario data
(PRECIS), crop management and genetic coefcients
for respective crop varieties, wherever applicable. For
plantation crops, the research information from studies
in controlled environments was used to ne-tune data in
the simulation models and develop regression models for
studying the climate change impacts on its productivity.
InfoCrop is a generic dynamic crop simulation model
designed to simulate the effects of weather, soil,
agronomic management, and major pests on crop yield
and the associated environmental impacts. The model
is particularly designed for integrated assessment of the
effects of variety of elements, pests, soil, weather, and
management practices on crop yield; water, nitrogen, and
carbon dynamics; and GHG emission in aerobic as well
as anaerobic conditions, especially for tropical regions.
In the case of livestock, Temperature Humidity Index
(THI) has been used to represent thermal stress due to
the combined effects of air temperature and humidity
on livestock. THI > 75 affects milk production of high
producing European, cross-breds, and buffaloes. THI >
80 severely impacts livestock health and productivity. THI
for different locations of India has been calculated using
average THI.
Impact assessment
Impact of climate change on crop: A rise in atmospheric
to 550 ppm under controlled environment conditions
(FACE and OTC) enhanced the yields of wheat, chick
pea, green gram, pigeon pea, soybean, tomato, and
potato between 14% and 27% (Figure 3.25). These
enhancements were largely due to the increase in the
number of storage organs. In most of the crops, this was
accompanied by a small reduction (210%) in the protein
content. In plantation crops like coconut, arecanut and
cocoa, increased CO
led to higher biomass.
In the case of rice hydrid and its parental lines, elevated CO

affected positively in few grain quality traits such as head
recovery, test weight, proportion of high density grains, and
germination characteristics but adversely affected traits
like aroma, gelatinization temperature (measurement of
cooking quality), and protein and micronutrient contents.
Sunower hybrids grown under elevated CO
inside open top chambers showed a signicant increase
in biomass (6168%) and grain yield (3670%) but
adversely affected the quality of the produce in terms of
protein and micro-nutrient contents.
Figure 3.25: Increase in yield of different crops as CO
was enhanced to 550 ppm
122 | INDIA Second National Communication
Magnitude of the impact of climate change on wheat
production in India assesed through simulation studies
indicated that an increase in 1
C in mean temperature,
associated with CO
increase, would not cause any
signicant loss to wheat production in India, if simple
adaptation strategies such as change in planting date
and varieties are used. Such strategies can reduce the
extent of loss caused by high temperature. The benets
of such simple adaptation strategies, however, gradually
decrease as temperature increases to 5
C. In the absence
of adaptation and CO
fertilization benets, a 1
C increase
in temperature alone could lead to a decrease of 6 million
tonnes of wheat production. This loss is likely to increase to
27.5 million tonnes at 5
C increase in mean temperature.
Increase in CO
to 450 ppm is likely to reduce these
losses by 45 million tonnes at all temperatures.
Increase in temperature during grain development
phase of rice and wheat affects their grain quality. High
temperature reduced 1000-grain weight and amylose
content and adversely affected important quality traits
such as grain elongation and aroma in basmati cultivars.
Increase in temperature from 23C to 31C resulted in a
sharp decline in amylose content due to change in starch
composition, which ultimately will result in stickiness in
the cooked rice. In wheat, high temperature reduced both
1000-grain weight and hecto-litre weight, and increased
grain protein content. The impact was more pronounced
on bread wheat than durum wheat cultivars.
Field experiments in TGTs and by varying dates of
sowing were done to quantify the effects of increase in
temperature on growth and yield of rice, wheat, potato,
green gram, soybean, and chickpea (Figure 3.26). An
increase of temperature from 1C to 4C reduced the
grain yield of rice (049%), potato (540%), green gram
(1330%), and soybean (1136%). The linear decrease
per degree Centigrade temperature increase was 14%,
9.5%, 8.8%, 7.3%, and 7.2% in rice, potato, soybean,
wheat, and green gram, respectively. Chickpea, however,
registered a 725% increase in seed yield by an increase
in temperature up to 3
C, but yield was reduced by 13% at
C increase in temperature. Rice showed no signicant
change in yield upto an increase of 1
C temperature.
InfoCrop-maize coupled with holometabolous population
dynamics model, used to simulate population dynamics
of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus, as well as crop-
pest interactions showed that as the larval population
increased, the crop yield decreased. Simulation of pest
dynamics and crop yield for many years showed decline
in maize productivity as well as in larval population of
maize stem borer. Yield of healthy crop consistently
declined from 5156 kg/ha at present to 3172 kg/ha with
Figure 3.26: Effect of rise in temperature on different crops grown in
temperature gradient tunnels
3C rise in daily mean temperature. Likewise, the yield of
pest-stressed crop continuously decreased from 4773 kg/
ha to 2701 kg/ha with 3C rise in daily mean temperature.
Larval population of maize stem borer also depicted
consistent decline with rise in temperature. The pest
population declined by 13.743.1% with a rise of 0.53C
in temperature over the current daily mean temperature.
In accordance with the decline in pest population, stem
borer-induced yield losses also decreased. Although the
severity of maize stem borer may decline with increase in
temperature, concomitantly, net productivity of maize will
also be reduced.
Legumes are major rain-fed agro-ecosystems of the
country. In the simulation studies conducted using
InfoCrop models for soybean and groundnut, and DSSAT
CROPGRO model for chickpea with projected changes in
temperature, CO
, and rainfall, the current (baseline, 1961-
90), A1B (202150), and A1B (20712100) scenarios
indicated a positive impact of future climate (combined
change in temperature, rainfall, and CO
levels) on their
productivity. Average simulated rain-fed yields under
current (baseline) scenario were 2144 kg/ha, 2473 kg/ha,
and 1948 kg/ha for soybean, groundnut, and chickpea,
respectively. As compared to current yields of soybean,
10%, and 8% increase in yield was observed in A1B
(202150) and A1B (20712100), respectively (Figure
3.27). In case of groundnut, except for A1B (20712100),
which showed a decline of 5% in yield, rest of the scenarios
showed 47% increase in rain-fed yield as compared to the
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 123
current yield (Figure 3.27). Chickpea showed an increase
in yield to the tune of 23% and 52% in A1B (202150) and
A1B (20712100) scenarios, respectively (Figure 3.27).
Across the locations, the rain-fed yield of soybean and
groundnut showed signicant positive association with
crop season rainfall, while association with temperature
was poor/non-signicant, which indicated that under
rain-fed conditions, the availability of water will remain a
Box 3.4: Assessment of the impacts of climate change on rice and wheat in Punjab
The geographical area of Punjab is only 1.53 % of the country, yet it contributes nearly 70% of wheat and 55% of
rice to the central pool of food grains. It is, therefore, important to study agricultural vulnerability to climate change
in this Indian state. A climate variability study was carried out in Punjab by analysing historical data of maximum
and minimum temperature and rainfall for ve locations in three agro-climatic zones of the state, namely, Ballowal
Saunkhri, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Patiala, and Bathinda.
On the basis of climatic variability trends observed in the state, anticipated synthetic scenarios of increase or decrease
from normal temperature, interactions of maximum and minimum temperatures, solar radiation, and CO
levels were
generated for the simulation study for wheat and rice crops. The effects of intra-seasonal temperature change were
also generated for the simulation study for wheat crop. One variable at a time was modied and its effect on crop
growth and yield was simulated while taking all the other climate variables to be normal.
The ndings for rice are as follows:
The growth and yield of rice reduced with increase in temperature, but increased with decrease in temperature
from normal.
In general, increase in solar radiation favoured the growth and yield, whereas the decrease in solar radiation led
to reduction in growth and yield of rice.
The maximum leaf area index (LAI), biomass yield, and grain yield were adversely affected by increasing the
minimum temperature from normal. However, these adverse effects were partially counteracted by decreasing
maximum temperature from normal.
The interactive effects of increasing temperature and decreasing radiation revealed a cumulative adverse effect
on the growth and yield of rice crop.
The results of the simulation study revealed that increasing CO
levels were able to counteract the adverse effects
of temperature increase on growth and yield to some extent.
For wheat, the ndings are as follows:
The growth and yield of wheat reduced with increase in temperature, but increased with decrease in temperature
from normal. Increase in solar radiation favoured growth and yield, whereas the decrease in solar radiation led
to reduction in growth and yield of wheat.
Generally, the maximum LAI, biomass yield, and grain yield were adversely affected by increasing the minimum
temperature from normal. However, these adverse effects were partially counteracted by decreasing maximum
temperature from normal.
The interactive effects of increasing temperature and decreasing radiation revealed a cumulative adverse effect
on the growth and yield of wheat crop.
In addition, wheat being a major winter cereal crop in northern India, any abrupt changes in weather parameters,
especially an increase in maximum/minimum temperature from normal, at any growth stage of crop.,adversely affect
the growth and ultimately the potential yield of wheat. A simulation study conducted using CERES-Wheat model
revealed that in general, an increase in temperature from mid-February to mid-March severely affected the grain yield
of early, normal, and late sown wheat.
major limiting factor for the yields realized by the farmers.
However, for chickpea, which is a post-rainy winter season
crop, the simulated rain-fed yield showed a signicant
positive association with crop season temperature, while
with crop season rainfall (which is received in very meager
amount), no signicant association was observed. The
greater positive impact of future climate on chickpea was
associated with both increase in temperature and CO

124 | INDIA Second National Communication
levels, as the optimum temperature for chickpea growth
and yield is between 22C and 28C, which is much above
the prevailing current crop season mean air temperatures
across major chickpea growing regions in India.
Cotton in India is an important cash crop which is mostly
grown under rain-fed conditions, making it more vulnerable
to precipitation. At present, more than 80% of the cotton
is under transgenic Bt cotton hybrids in India. The model
results indicate that climate change and the consequent
increased temperature and altered pattern of precipitation
might decrease the cotton yield of North India to a greater
extent than the southern region. The impact of climate
change on rain-fed cotton, which covers more than 65
Figure 3.27: Average simulated rain-fed crop yields (chickpea,
soybean, and groundnut) under current (baseline) and future climate
scenarios (upper panel), and projected average change in simulated
rain-fed crop yields under future climate scenarios as compared to
baseline (lower panel)
70% of area and depends on monsoon rains, is likely to be
minimum, possibly because of marginal increase in rain.
Moreover, the stimulating effect of CO
could offset the
negative effect of climate on cotton production. Thus, at
the national level, cotton production is unlikely to change
with climate change. Adaptive measures such as changing
planting time may further boost cotton production.
Potato, a tuber, is widely consumed in India, and it was
found that without adaptation, the total potato production
in India under the impact of climate change may decline
by 2.61% and 15.32% in 2020 and 2050, respectively.
The impacts on productivity and production varied among
different agro-ecological zones. The north-western
plains, comprising the states of Punjab, Haryana and
areas of western UP and northern Rajasthan, are least
vulnerable with possible increases of 3.467.11% in
productivity, and with simple adaptation measures like
change in planting time and proper selection of cultivars,
the potato production may be sustained at current
levels. The eastern and southern states appeared more
vulnerable to tuber yield losses of 419% in future climate
scenarios because simple adaptation measures were
not found to be effective. The potato crop in Orissa and
plateau regions of Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra,
and other areas in south India would be most vulnerable
due to warming and associated drought conditions, with
yield loss ranging from 6.58% to 46.51%. West Bengal,
Orissa, and plateau regions would require technological
interventions and adaptation through breeding heat- and
drought-tolerant cultivars to arrest the impending decline
in potato productivity and production in the future climate
scenarios. Intensication of potato cultivation in the least
to moderately vulnerable regions, with simple adaptation
measures of proper selection of cultivars and adjustment
in planting time, offers opportunity to offset the decline in
production in other regions.
Plantation crops: Using validated coconut simulation
model, the impact of elevated temperature and CO
coconut yields was simulated for different agro-climatic
zones. Overall results indicate that the coconut yields are
likely to be positively inuenced by increase in CO
increase in temperature of up to 23C.
Under the A1B scenario, coconut productivity on all
India basis is likely to go up by up to 4% during 2020,
up to 10% in 2050, and up to 20% in 2080 over current
yields due to climate change. In the West Coast, yields
are projected to increase by up to 10% in 2020, up to
16% in 2050, and up to 39% by 2080, while in the East
Coast, yields are projected to decline by up to 2% in
2020, 8% in 2050, and 31% in 2080 scenario over the
Figure 3.28: Impact of climate change on coconut production in India
in PRECIS A1B-2030 and -2080 scenarios (percentage change from
current yields)
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 125
current yields Thus, on all-India basis, climate change
is projected to increase coconut production by 4.3 % in
A1B-2030 scenario. Production may remain stagnant or
may slightly go up by ~2% in A1B 2080 scenario (Figure
3.28). Climate change is likely to have positive impacts
on coconut yields in Kerala and parts of Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, and Maharashtra (provided current level
of water and management is made available in future
scenario as well), while negative impacts are projected
for Andhra Pradesh (particularly Godavari districts,
the major production zone in Andhra Pradesh), Orissa,
West Bengal, Gujarat, and parts of Karnataka and Tamil
Nadu. On all-India basis, coconut yield is projected to go
up even with the current management. In places where
positive impacts are projected, current poor management
will become a limiting factor in reaping the benets of CO

fertilization. While in adverse impact regions, adaptation
strategies can reduce the negative impacts. Hence, better
irrigation and fertilizer management will further increase
the yields.
Another plantation crop arecanut is mainly an irrigated
plantation and is sensitive to water stress, and temperature
and rainfall play a major role in its productivity. Regression
analysis indicated that increase in temperature even by
1C will reduce productivity in Karnataka. The reduction
will be more in the plains of Karnataka as compared to
the Western Ghat portions of Karnataka. On the other
hand, arecanut productivity in central Kerala is likely to
be benetted due to increase in temperature of up to 1
On the other hand, a 10% reduction in rainfall during July
and August will improve the arecanut yields signicantly.
Since the favourable climate for growth can be taken as a
surrogate for productivity, current analysis indicates that
future production of arecanut in India is likely to reduce in
2030 scenario due to climate change.
Cocoa, another plantation crop, is grown as an intercrop
under arecanut or under coconut. Cocoa, being a shade-
crop, is being inuenced only indirectly by the increase
in atmospheric temperature. The crop is maintained in
irrigated conditions, and presently, the area under cocoa
is conned to limited pockets of Karnataka and Kerala.
Analysis indicated that a rise in temperature by 1
C will be
benecial for crop productivity. The improvement is likely to
be about 100 kg of dry beans/ha. This benet will be more
in cocoa growing areas of Karnataka as most of the area
falls in the foothills of the Western Ghats, as compared
to that in central Kerala. However, crop management and
irrigation supply should be maintained or improved to
exploit this benet. Further, an increase in temperature
beyond 3C is likely to reduce cocoa yields.
Vegetables and fruits
Signicant effect of increased climatic variability on short
season crops such as vegetables, if changes occur during
critical periods in growth, is observed. Such crops will have
limited time to adapt to adverse environments. Among
the vegetable crops, onion and tomato are important
commercial crops grown across the country. However,
the productivity levels are very low compared to major
producing countries. This problem of lower productivity
would further be compounded under climate change
scenarios as the major onion and tomato growing regions
are under tropical conditions and prevailing temperature
conditions are already high. Onion and tomato are sensitive
to environmental extremes. Periodic high temperature and
soil moisture stress conditions cause drastic reduction in
yields. InfoCrop model simulations for onion show that in
Nasik region of Maharashtra state, the A1B-2080 scenario
would be having a greater impact on onion production.
Junagadh region in Gujarat state indicates that in A1B-
2030 and A1B-2080 scenarios, the yield reduction would
be to the tune of 27.34% and 52.41%, respectively.
Another onion growing area, Bhavnagar in Gujarat, would
be facing lower impacts compared to Junagadh region
under all the scenarios. In Karnataka state, in Dharwad
region, under A1B-2030 scenario, the yield reduction
would be to the tune of 14.79% and 9.06% in kharif and
rabi, respectively, while in Gadag region, under A1B-2030
scenario, the yield reductions are likely to be 22.53%
and 22.99% in kharif and rabi, respectively. The impacts
would be much greater in A1B-2080 scenarios in both the
regions, but in Gadag region, the yield reductions would
be much more. Production is often limited during rainy
season due to excessive moisture as both tomato and
onion are susceptible to ooding, and higher incidence of
fungal disease during bulb initiation stage can halve the
bulb size of onion. Examination of adaptation strategies
show that raised bed cultivation may be adopted for onion
in ood-prone areas. In the case of tomato, while yield
increase is seen with elevated CO
levels, ooding can
affect the yield adversely. Raised bed is seen as benecial
for tomatoes in the event of ooding.
Grape is one of the important commercial fruit crops in
India, with productivity of 23.5 tonnes/ha. Grape has been
adapted to tropical conditions by employing the practice
of pruning twice a year. The impact of climate change on
grapes would be determined by the impact of rainfall during
126 | INDIA Second National Communication
the months of February to April, when the berries mature.
In severe conditions, rainfall during the month of October
would increase the incidence of Downey mildew disease
on leaves and ower clusters. The increase in minimum
temperature during fruit maturation plays an important
role in anthocyanin, total phenol, total avanoids, and
total acidity content of the berries, which ultimately affect
the quality.
Another fruit, the productivity of which is heavily linked
with climatic variations, is the apple. Analysis of current
and future climatic scenarios using HADRM3 model has
revealed that Himalayan ecosystems will suffer from
reduced winter precipitation (JanuaryJune) in sub-tropical
zone, high temperature during winters and summers
as well as change in seasonal rainfall patterns besides
signicant reduction in snowfall. Specically, it is seen
that while the average increase in mean minimum and
mean maximum temperature in winters during mid period
(202150) in Scenario A1B will be 2.43C and 1.74C,
respectively, in the subtropical sub-temperate region
(districts Solan, Sirmaur, Una, and Mandi), corresponding
temperature changes in sub-temperate and temperate
regions (districts of Shimla, Kulu, Lahaul-Spiti, Kinnaur,
and Chamba) will be 2.77C and 2.17C, respectively.
Cumulative chill units of coldest months have declined by
9.119.0 units per year in the last two decades in different
districts of Himachal Pradesh. The rise in temperature
will reduce the chilling-hours accumulation, which could
be a limiting factor in more tropical areas, especially for
cultivars with medium to high chilling requirement. The
temperature change will benet apple cultivation in high
altitudinal regions (> 2300 m above sea level), especially
Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti districts, due to availability
of enhanced growing period and reduced extreme cold
weather conditions.
Adaptation strategies
Agriculture is a critical component of Indian sustainable
developmental policies, since more than 650 million
people depend on agriculture. The Green Revolution
during the 1970s made India self-sufcient in food
production through increased agricultural output based
on high- yielding seeds, irrigation, and fertilizers. Now,
Indian agriculture is more intensive with regard to the use
of inputs per hectare of land.
Several measures/strategies have evolved during the
Eleventh Plan period to address various issues pertaining
to the agriculture sector. In the medium term, the focus
has been on improving yields with the existing available
technology, timely availability of water through expansion
of the irrigation system, and also improvement of existing
irrigation systems.
Any disturbance in agriculture can considerably affect the
food systems and thus increase the vulnerability of the
large fraction of the resource-poor population. We need
to understand the possible coping strategies by different
sections and different categories of producers to global
climatic change. Such adaptation strategies would need
to simultaneously consider the background of changing
demand due to globalization, population increase, and
income growth, as well as the socio-economic and
environmental consequences of possible adaptation
options. Developing adaptation strategies exclusively for
minimizing the negative impacts of climatic change may
be risky in view of large uncertainties associated with its
spatial and temporal magnitude. We need to identify no-
regrets adaptation strategies that may be needed for the
sustainable development of agriculture. These adaptations
can be at the level of the individual farmer, society, farm,
village, watershed, or at the national level. Some of the
possible adaptation options are discussed below. It should
be noted that many of the measures mentioned below are
already a part of the national programmes, either at the
state level or the country level. Some of the adaptation
strategies for coping with the impacts of climate change
on various agricultural crops are described below. While
some are specic to certain crops, other strategies are
more widely applicable.
1. Agronomic adaptation/ crop management:
Small changes in climatic parameters can often be
managed reasonably well by altering the dates of
planting, spacing, and input management. Alternate
crops or cultivars more adapted to the changed
environment can further ease the pressure. For
example, in the case of wheat, early planting or the
use of longer duration cultivars may offset most of
the losses associated with increased temperatures.
Available germplasm of various crops needs to be
evaluated for heat and drought tolerance. In case of
perennial crops, crop management is an important
aspect of adaptation. Drought in the current year
not only affects the yield of the current year but also
that of the subsequent years. In coconut, the drought
impact is worst in the third and fourth year to follow.
Apart from this, recovery will take three to four years,
thus causing a perennial loss in farm income. Multi-
location trials on soil moisture conservation practices
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 127
indicate very signicant improvement in yield due
to the conservation of soil moisture. The low-cost
measures include basin mulching with husk/leaves/
other farm biomass, burial of composted coir pith,
and hush burial, which act as the moisture storage
and retention mechanisms in palm/plant basin. This
helps in the reduction of the amount and frequency
of irrigation. The growing of tomato and onion on
raised beds during the periods of likely ooding is a
specic example of the adaptation strategy to cope
with extreme events as a result of climate change.
Modifying techniques of fertilizer application could
prove to be an extremely effective option in enhancing
crop yield.
2. Crop diversication/socio-economic adaptation:
Extensive surveys conducted in the drought-affected
areas in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka indicate that the
in the event of severe consecutive drought years
situation, the coconut plantation crops are replaced
with seasonal annual crops such as pulses, maize,
and sorghum. Apart from this, farmers who adapted
soil moisture conservation practices and drip
irrigation could save their plantations from drought.
In situations where severity of drought was less and
limited water was available, farmers even opted for
groundnut or ower culture as intercrop of plantation.
It is important to realize that the standing plantation
crops cannot be replaced easily with tolerant varieties
due to the long gestation period for owering and rst
harvest; thus crop management becomes crucial.
3. Genetic adaptation: Growing of the Local Tall
coconut cultivars, for example, WCT and LCT
(for West Coast), Tiptur Tall (for Karnataka),
SakhiGopal Tall (for Orissa), ECT (for Andhra
Pradesh) is undertaken in the areas prone to water
scarcity. The hybrids like WCT COD may be grown
only in areas with the availability of water for at least
812 irrigations during January to June. In arecanut,
initial results from OTC experiments indicated that
Sumangala and Sreemangala have better capability
to adapt to climate change conditions. In case of
cocoa, I-56 and II-67XNC-29/66 exhibited better
adaptation to climate change conditions. Growing
of these cultivars/hybrids provides advantage in
climate change scenarios. Utilization of identied in
situ drought-tolerant coconut palms in population
improvement programme is very important for making
the crop more resilient to climate change conditions.
Though the grape vines are grown under irrigated
conditions, due to the limited availability of
groundwater they experience water shortage during
summer months. As an adaptation strategy, use of
rootstocks was introduced and many farmers have
adopted the rootstocks to overcome the adverse
effects of limited moisture stress. The rootstocks have
helped the farmers to a great extent in withstanding
the intermittent water stress. Dogridge rootstock is
mainly used, and the use of rootstocks needs to be
further emphasized and popularized.
Grafting has been used primarily to control soil-
borne diseases in tomato, eggplant (brinjal), and
cucurbits, and there are reports to show their
utility in soil-related environmental stresses, such
as drought, salinity, low soil temperature, and
ooding if appropriate tolerant rootstocks are used.
Development of varieties/hybrids is the most cost-
effective option. The tolerant varieties must be able
to match the yields of conventional, non-heat tolerant
varieties under non-stress conditions. In tomato, it
is reported that the fruit set in CL5915 ranges from
1530%, while there is complete absence of fruit set
in heat-sensitive lines at mean eld temperatures of
35C. Such tolerant varieties could be the options
under higher temperature conditions.
4. Water harvesting and recycling: Water harvesting
ponds, recycling of the harvested water, and in
situ water harvesting form important strategies to
effectively utilize the excess rainwater (in climatic
variability extreme events). Irrigation at crucial stages
of crop growth is very important.
Drip irrigation not only helps in saving precious
irrigation water but also enhances the productivity
of crops. Switching over to drip irrigation results in
water savings to the tune of 4050% due to its high
water application efciency and reduced evaporative
and percolation losses. The salts in the soil remain
at the manageable depth due to the frequency of
irrigation. This method is very effective for growing
shallow rooted vegetable crops, onion, and tomato.
Soil moisture conservation is critical, and this may
be done by using organic and plastic mulches. Drip
irrigation along with soil moisture conservation
practices is one of the important water management
strategies in climate change scenarios. By adopting
this strategy and by providing higher nutrients, one
128 | INDIA Second National Communication
can not only reduce the adverse impacts of climate
change but also maximize the positive impacts of
climate change.
5. Awareness creation among farmers: Even though
farmers realize change in rainfall amount and pattern,
and rise in temperatures over a period of time, it is
essential to provide awareness regarding climate
change impacts and also the possible adaptation
strategies to reduce the adverse impacts of climate
change or maximize the potential benets due to
climate change. For example, even though the climate
change is projected to improve the coconut yield in
Kerala, it is essential to inform farmers that they need
to provide adequate irrigation and nutrients in order
to reap the projected benets. In case of arecanut,
above- mentioned crop management practices will
reduce the adverse impacts of climate change.
6. Area expansion in positive impact zones: An
example is to consider expanding the area under
coconut in positive impact zones like North East
region. Scientic management of plantations in
Lakshadweep Islands, and Andaman and Nicobar
Islands can add to improved production.
7. Development of resource conserving
technologies: Recent research has shown that
surface seeding or zero-tillage establishment of
upland crops after rice gives similar yields as when
planted under normal conventional tillage over a
diverse set of soil conditions. This reduces the costs
of production, allows earlier planting, thus, resulting
in higher yields, less weed growth, reduced use of
natural resources such as fuel and steel for tractor
parts, and improvements in efciency of water and
fertilizers. In addition, such resource conserving
technologies restrict the release of soil carbon, thus
mitigating the increase of CO
in the atmosphere. It is
estimated that zero tillage saves at least 30 litres of
diesel as compared to the conventional tillage. This
leads to 80 kg/ha/year reduction in CO
If these savings could be translated even partially to
large arable areas, substantial CO
emissions to the
atmosphere could be reduced.
8. Augmenting production and its sustainability:
The climatic factors allow very high yield potential
of many crops in India. For example, the potential
yields of rice and wheat are calculated to be more
than 6 tonnes/ha, whereas their average yields range
between 2 tonnes/ha and 3 tonnes/ha. Such yield
gaps are very large in eastern India and, hence, this
region can be a future source of food security for the
whole country, under the scenario of adverse climatic
impacts. Institutional support in the form of improved
extension services, markets, and infrastructure needs
to be provided in such regions to increase stability
and bridge yield gaps.
9. Increasing income from agricultural enterprises:
Rising unit costs of production and stagnating
yield levels are adversely affecting the incomes of
farmers. Global environmental changes, including
climatic variability, may further increase the costs of
production of crops due to the associated increases in
nutrient losses, evapo-transpiration, and cropweed
interactions. Suitable actions such as accelerated
evolution of location-specic fertilizer practices,
improvement in extension services, fertilizer supply
and distribution, and development of physical and
institutional infrastructure can improve efciency of
fertilizer use.
10. Improved land use and natural resource
management policies and institutions: Adaptation
to environmental change could be in the form of social
cover such as crop insurance, subsidies, and pricing
policies related to water and energy. Necessary
provisions need to be included in the development
plans to address these issues of attaining the twin
objectives of containing environmental changes and
improving resource use productivity. Rational pricing
of surface water and groundwater, for example,
can arrest their excessive and injudicious use. The
availability of assured prices and infrastructure
could create a situation of better utilization of
groundwater in eastern India. Policies such as
nancial compensation/incentive for green manuring
should be evolved, which would encourage farmers
to enrich organic matter in the soil and, thus, improve
soil health.
11. Improved risk management through early
warning system and crop insurance: The
increasing probability of oods and droughts and
other uncertainties in climate may seriously increase
the vulnerability of eastern India and of resource-
poor farmers to global climate change. Policies that
encourage crop insurance can provide protection to
farmers in the event their farm production is reduced
due to natural calamities. In view of these climatic
changes and the uncertainties in future agricultural
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 129
technologies and trade scenarios, it will be very useful
to have an early warning system of environmental
changes and their spatial and temporal magnitudes.
Such a system could help in determining the potential
food insecure areas and communities, given the type
of risk. Modern tools of information technology could
greatly facilitate this.
12. Recycling waste water and solid wastes in
agriculture: Since freshwater supplies are limited
and have competing uses, a vigorous evaluation
of using industrial and sewage waste water in
agriculture should be undertaken. Such efuents,
once properly treated, can also be a source of
nutrients for crops. Since water serves multiple uses
and users, effective inter-departmental coordination
within the government is needed to develop the
location-specic framework of sustainable water
management and optimum recycling of water.
13. Special focus on vulnerable ecosystems: While
the vulnerability of Indian agriculture to climate
change is well-recognized, it needs to be highlighted
that some ecosystems such as the Himalayan
mountains are more vulnerable. In this regard, it is
important to enhance, maintain, and conserve soil
and plant carbon pools on highly vulnerable mountain
slopes; adopt tree-based/mixed farming systems to
conserve biodiversity; increase climate resilience of
mountain farming systems; and adopt an appropriate
framework for use of barren and unproductive land in
hilly areas. Focus on recording of meteorological and
hydrological data in the inaccessible regions of the
north-western Himalayas is also needed.
14. Reducing dependence on agriculture: The share
of agriculture has declined to 24% of the GDP, but
64% of the population continues to remain dependent
on agriculture for its livelihood. Such trends have
resulted in the fragmentation and decline in the size
of land holdings, leading to inefciency in agriculture
and rise in unemployment, underemployment,
low volume of marketable surplus and, therefore,
increased vulnerability to global change. Institutional
arrangements, such as cooperatives and contract
farming, which can bring small and marginal farmers
together for increasing production and marketing
efciencies, are needed.
Impact of climate change on livestock
Milk is an important component of food, which is
signicantly increasing in demand. Increased heat stress
associated with global climate change may, however,
cause distress to dairy animals and possibly impact
milk production. Temperature Humidity Index (THI) was
used to relate animal stress with the productivity of
milk of buffaloes, cross-bred, and local cows. The THI
analysis indicated that the congenial THI for production
is 0.70 and is achieved during the months of January
to February at most places in India (Figure 3.29). There
is an all round increase in THI in all the regions, which
may impact the economic viability of livestock production
systems. Only about 1015% places have optimum THI
for livestock productivity during summer and hot humid
season. Majority of places in India have THI > 75, and
more than 85% places in India experience moderate to
high heat stress during April, May, and June, when the
value of THI is in the range 7585 at 2.00 pm when the
heat is at its peak. At about 25% places in India, during
May and June, the THI exceeds 85, that is, severe stress
levels are experienced. The night temperature remains
high and there is no relief from heat stress, and morning
THI is high. On an average, THI exceeds 75 at 7580%
places in India throughout the year.
It is estimated that India loses 1.8 million tonnes of milk
production at present due to climatic stresses in different
parts of the country. Global warming will further negatively
impact milk production by 1.6 million tonnes by 2020 and
Figure 3.29: Temperature and Humidity Index map of India
130 | INDIA Second National Communication
more than 15 million tones by 2050, as per one study by
scientic institutions. High producing cross-bred cows
and buffaloes will be impacted more than the indigenous
cattle. Northern India is likely to experience greater impact
of warming on milk production of both cattle and buffaloes
in future. A rise of 26C due to warming will negatively
impact growth, puberty, and maturity of cross-breds and
buffaloes. Time required for attaining puberty of crossbreds
and buffaloes will increase by 1 to 2 weeks due to their
higher sensitivity to temperature than indigenous cattle.
It will negatively impact oestrus expression, duration, and
conception of buffaloes.
Impact of climate change on sheries
Inland sheries: Recent hydrological changes in the ow
pattern of river Ganga related to changes in the climatic
patterns have been a major factor resulting in erratic
breeding and decline in sh spawn availability. The average
sh landing in the Ganga river system has declined from
85.2 tonnes during 1959 to 62.5 tonnes during 2004.
There is also a perceptible shift in geographic distribution
of sh Ganga. The warm water sh species such as
Glossogobius giuris, Puntius ticto, Xenentodon cancila,
Mystus vittatus, earlier available only in the middle stretch
of the River Ganga, are now available in the colder stretch
of the river around Haridwar due to increase in river water
temperature in recent periods. In the middle and lower
Ganga, 60 genera of phytoplanktons were recorded during
1959, which declined to 44 by 1996. The zooplankton
number during the same period diminished from 38 to
26. In recent years, the phenomenon of maturing and
spawning of Indian major carps has been observed as
early as March in West Bengal. Its breeding season has
also extended from 110 days to 120 days (pre-198085)
to 160 days to 170 days (200005). As a result, it has been
possible to breed these shes biannually at an interval
ranging from 3060 days. A prime factor inuencing
this trend is elevated temperature, which stimulates the
endocrine glands of sh and helps in the maturation of
the gonads.
Coastal sheries: Sea surface temperature in the Indian
seas may increase by about 3
C by 2100. This is likely
to affect sh breeding, migration, and harvests. The
relationship of oil sardine distribution, a coastal, pelagic
schooling sh, forming massive sheries in India, with
sea surface temperature was examined using the data
of annual oil sardine catch along each maritime state
for 19612005. Considering the catch as a surrogate
of distribution, it was found that the oil sardine has
extended with time its northern and eastern boundaries
of distribution. Oil sardine shery did not exist before 1976
in the northern latitudes and along the East Coast. With a
gradual slow warming of sea surface, the oil sardine was
able to nd temperature of its preference in the waters
of northern latitudes and eastern longitudes, thereby
extending its distributional boundaries. It is expected
that the distribution may extend further to Gujarat and
West Bengal coasts in the coming years, assuming that
other shery-related physical and biological parameters
will not vary considerably. However, if the sea surface
temperature in the southern latitudes increases beyond
the physiological optimum of the sh, it is possible that
the population may be driven away from the southern
latitudes, which will reduce the catches along the south-
west and south-east coasts in the future.
The threadn breams Nemipterus japonicus and
N. mesoprion are distributed along the entire Indian
coast at depths ranging from 10 m to 100 m. Data on
the spawning season of these shes off the Chennai
coast from 1981 to 2004 showed a good correlation
between sea surface temperature and spawning activity.
The occurrence of spawners linearly decreased with
increasing temperature between April and September
and increased positively from October to March. It
appears that sea surface temperature between 28
C and
C may be the optimum, and when this is exceeded,
the shes adapt to shift the spawning activity to seasons
when the temperature is around the preferred optima.
Climate Change and India: A 4x4
Assessment: A Sectoral and Regional
Analysis for 2030s
The MoEF, Government of India, has launched a network-
based scientic programme, that is, the Indian Network
of Climate Change Assessment (INCCA), which has
conducted an assessment to review the impacts of
climate variability in the four major climate-sensitive
regions in India, namely, the Himalayan region, the north-
eastern region, the Western Ghats, and the coastal
region. Further, it presents an assessment of the impacts
of climate change in the 2030s on four key sectors
of the economy that are climate dependent, namely,
agriculture, water, natural ecosystems and biodiversity,
and human health. The key results of assessments made
at such short time lines are useful, as they can be used
to develop adaptation strategies for a foreseeable future.
This attempt was a remarkable step towards a proactive
approach by the Government of India so as to design,
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 131
develop, and implement policies that help in mitigating the
impacts of climate change in the most sensitive regions
and in the most sensitive sectors. The key ndings of the
assessment are listed below.
Impacts on agriculture
Western Ghats
Rice: The productivity of irrigated rice is likely to reduce by
4% in most of the areas in this region. However, irrigated
rice in parts of southern Karnataka and northern-most
districts of Kerala is likely to gain. In case of rain-fed rice,
all areas in the region are likely to lose yields by up to
10%. The results thus indicate that irrigated rice is able
to benet due to CO
fertilization effect as compared to
the rain-fed rice, which is supplied with less amount of
Maize and sorghum: Climate change is likely to reduce
the yields of maize and sorghum by up to 50%, depending
upon the area in this region. These crops have C

photosynthetic systems and hence do not have relative
advantage at higher CO
Coconut: Coconut yields are projected to increase by as
much as 30% in the majority of the region by the 2030s.
Increase in coconut yield may be mainly attributed to the
projected increase in rainfall (~10%) and relatively less
increase in temperature, apart from CO
benets. However, some areas like south-west Karnataka,
parts of Tamil Nadu, and parts of Maharashtra may show
reduction in yields by up to 24%.
Livestock productivity: The THI is likely to remain under
highly stressful conditions in the 2030s. The heat-stress
days per annum are likely to increase with THI above
80 in the 2030s in the Western Ghats, leading to severe
thermal discomfort of the livestock, and hence, negative
impact on livestock productivity is expected.
Coastal region
Rice: The yields of irrigated rice are projected to
decrease by about 10% to 20% in this region. However,
in some coastal districts of Maharashtra, northern Andhra
Pradesh, and Orissa, irrigated rice yields are projected
to marginally increase by 5% with respect to the 1970s.
On the other hand, rain-fed rice yields are projected to
increase up to 15% in many districts in the East Coast but
reduce by up to 20% in the West Coast.
Maize and sorghum: Impacts of climate change on
irrigated maize in coastal districts are projected to be
much higher with projected yield loss between 15% and
50%, whereas in the case of rain-fed maize, the projected
yield loss is up to 35%. In some districts of coastal Andhra
Pradesh, rain-fed maize yields are likely to increase
by 10%. Projected increase in seasonal maximum
temperature in these areas is less than 1
C in the 2030
Coconut: Yields of coconut are projected to increase in
the West Coast of India by up to 30% (provided current
level of water is made available in the future as well), while
in the East Coast, yields may increase by about 10% in
the north coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. All other
coastal districts in eastern coast and those in the Gujarat
coast are projected to lose coconut yields up to 40%.
Livestock productivity: The livestock in the coastal
regions are likely to be highly vulnerable with consequent
adverse impacts on their productivity throughout the year
in the 2030 scenario with THI above 80.
Fisheries: (i) An increase in recruitment and catches of
oil sardine during the post-south-west monsoon season
along the coastal region, especially along the Kerala
coast, is expected in the future due to warming, elevated
sea surface temperature, favourable wind (and perhaps
current), and increasing Coastal Upwelling Index (CUI),
inducing higher chlorophyll-a concentration during the
south-west monsoon; (ii) the Indian mackerel is able to
take advantage of the increase in temperatures of sub-
surface sea water. Therefore, with increase in global
temperatures and sea surface temperatures, it is likely to
move northwards and deeper into the seas surrounding it;
(iii) the threadn bream spawns optimally in sea surface
temperature between 27.5
C and 28.0
C, and when the
sea surface temperature exceeds 28.0
C, the sh shifts
the spawning activity to seasons when the temperature
is around the preferred optimum. Therefore, in the
climate change context, in the 2030s, if the sea surface
temperature exceeds 28
C during April to September, an
increase in catch might take place in the comparatively
cooler months of October to March.
North-eastern region
Rice: Irrigated rice yields in this region may range
between 10% and 5%, with respect to the 1970s, while
the rain-fed rice yield may vary between 35% and 5%
with respect to 1970s.
Maize: Maize crop yields are projected to reduce by about
Livestock productivity: In this region, the THI is likely to
increase during AprilOctober months (with THI > 80).
132 | INDIA Second National Communication
Himalayan region
Apples: Apple production in the Himachal Pradesh region
has decreased between 1982 and 2005 as the increase
in maximum temperature has led to a reduction in total
chilling hours in the regiona decline of more than 9.1 units
per year in last 23 years has taken place. This reduction
was more during the months of November and February.
With increasing temperature, it is anticipated that there
may be an all-round decrease in apple production in the
Himalayan region, and the line of production may shift to
higher altitudes.
Livestock productivity: THI is projected to rise in many
parts of the Himalayan region during MarchSeptember
with a maximum rise during AprilJuly in 2030s with
respect to 1970s.
Impacts of Climate Change on Energy
There is a two-way relationship between environment
and economic activities. Not only do economic activities,
especially the energy-related activities, contribute towards
climate change and other environmental pollution, there is
a reverse link too, whereby the impacts of climate change
are felt on the energy systems. Limited studies on the
impacts of climate change on the energy sector in Asia
suggest that this sector will be affected by climate change.
An increase in the energy consumption by the industry,
residential, and transport sectors could be signicant as
population, urbanization, and industrialization rise.
Sectoral and regional variability of impacts
The structure of energy supply and demand in the country
inuences the impact on the net energy demand due to
climate change impacts. Signicant regional variability
exists in the energy production and consumption in India.
This is more so with energy production since that depends
on the resource endowments of the different regions. The
energy consumption is, however, more evenly distributed
than production since it is linked to population and income
distribution, level of economic activities, and development
patterns across the country. The imbalances in production
and consumption centres also require a formidable energy
evacuation and transportation network.
The heating and cooling requirements in the residential
and commercial sectors would vary depending on
region and season. Air conditioning and refrigeration
load is closely related to ambient air temperature and
thus will have a direct relation to temperature increase.
Temperature increase in the northern mountainous region,
where space heating in winter is required, might reduce
the need for heating energy, to some extent. However, the
increased energy requirements for space cooling in the
plains might compensate for this reduction. Besides, the
growing income levels, especially in urban areas, could
also lead to increase in the demand for air conditioning
and other electrical products. Higher temperatures (and
rising income levels) could also lead to greater need
for air conditioning systems in passenger and freight
vehicles, thereby increasing fuel consumption by the
transport sector. Seasonal variation in total demand is
also important since it would inuence the transmission
potential of the grid.
Climate impacts on space heating and cooling:
Climate change will require a modication in the safety
limits and permissible design levels for the type of climatic
effects in the infrastructure design codes. Potential
changes in humidity and climate may cause a variety of
problems. There can be adverse effects of storms, heat,
and humidity on walls and insulation, which will affect
infrastructure durability and energy usage.
Climate change impacts on energy demand and
consumption: The impact analysis for energy and
environment indicates that a rise in average temperature
increases cooling space requirement for the residential,
services, and transport sectors. This results in an
increased electricity requirement, thus, requiring higher
power capacity build-up.
Climate change impacts on energy production and
supply: The need for a more deeper understanding on
the nature and structure of energy production and supply
is to be undertaken with regards to shift to cleaner sources
of energy. Renewable energy and bioenergy offers a
sustainable option but concerns regarding the pace of
technology development, land availability and transfer of
new technologies still exist and need to be mitigated.
Methodology to study the impacts of climate
change on energy
An integrated approach, which adopts a bottom-up
methodology, would examine in detail the economic and
environmental implications of different energy policies
and vice-versa, was used for studying the implications
of climate change on energy system (Figure 3.30). The
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 133
integration requires sectoral study of energy
demand and supply projections, environmental
implications of various technologies, detailed
assessment of technological progress, and
energy transitions in future.
The integrated modelling system (Figure
3.31) for the overall analysis include the
following models: (i) ANSWER-MARKAL,
which is an energy system optimization
model, (ii) a demand model, which projects
demand for each of the end-use services, and
(iii) AIM/Trend, which a top-down model that
estimates energy and environment trends for
the long run and its results are soft-linked
to ANSWER-MARKAL. The top-down AIM/
Trend model provides GDP projections that
are useful for projecting exogenous inputs
like demand. The bottom-up models provide
future energy balance output and sectoral
level emission projections.
Figure 3.31: Bottom-up energy modelling framework
Figure 3.30: Soft linked integrated modelling framework
134 | INDIA Second National Communication
Current projections of climate change linked to
energy systems
The climatic gridded projections for temperature and
humidity have been extracted from A1B projections.
These have been used to nd out the business-as-usual
(BAU) and projected number of days when temperature
would be above 40C, or relative humidity would be above
80% and temperature above 30C. These would indicate
requirements of air conditioning systems and would have
impacts on energy system demand.
Energy supply projections: In the BAU scenario, the
Indian power generation capacity increases about nine
times from 135 GW to 3500 GW between 2000 and 2100.
The share of coal in total generation capacity drops from
a little over 65% in 2000 to about 52% by the end of the
century but remains the mainstay of power generation.
A notable feature of technology trajectory is substantial
increase in gas- and nuclear-based capacities, which
reach about 1316 GW and 633 GW, respectively, in 2100.
The growing attractiveness for natural gas is due to its
relatively low investment costs as compared to coal, high
operating efciencies, and suitability for meeting peak
load. Nuclear capacity shows enhanced penetration
because of the ease of import of uranium post Indo-US
nuclear deal. Hydro capacity increases to about 232
GW in 2100, but its share decreases from about 25%
in 2000 to 7% of the total installed capacity by 2100.
The slow growth in capacity is due to barriers of high
investment requirements and long gestation periods. A
number of socio-environmental issues are related to dam
construction, ooding of areas, damages to the ecology,
and resettlement and rehabilitation of the population.
The share of renewables excluding biomass increases
to about 3% by the end of the century. Biomass share
also steadily increases to 2.5% by the end of the century.
The total renewables-based generation capacity reaches
98 GW, while that of biomass touches 87 GW in 2100.
The total electricity generation increases from 651 TWh
in 2000 to 17,000 TWh in 2100 (Figure 3.32). Though the
domination by coal-based generation continues, its share
decreases from 75% in 2000 to 61% in 2100.
Figure 3.32: Projections of electricity generation of India
Figure 3.33: Projection of energy consumption within various sectors
Energy consumption projection (Figure 3.33) for various
sectors shows that the total primary energy, including
non-commercial biomass, increases from closer to 300
Mtoe in 2000 to 4200 Mtoe in 2100. Overall, energy
consumption growth for transport and commercial sectors
show a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4%,
followed by agriculture and industrial with 3%, and nally,
residential showing a CAGR of 1%. The primary energy
mix diversies from being highly dependent on coal, oil,
and traditional biomass to one, which has signicant share
of natural gas, other renewable, nuclear, and commercial
biomass. Further, decoupling of GDP and energy takes
place as a result of changes in the structure of economy
and efciency improvements.
Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health
Climate plays a key role in the propagation of majority of
the diseases either impacting directly or indirectly through
interaction with the ecological systems. The direct health
impacts can be in the form of heat strokes, and indirect
impacts include diarrhoeal risk from water contamination
via ooding, or higher risk of mortality from the impact
of large-scale loss of livelihoods. Other indirect health
impacts can be in terms of deterioration in nutritional
health arising due to crop failure caused by droughts and
especially from high night temperatures, reducing cereal
Changes in climate may alter the distribution of important
vector species (for example, mosquitoes) and may increase
the spread of disease to new areas that lack a strong public
health infrastructure. High altitude populations that fall
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 135
outside the areas of stable endemic malaria transmission
may be particularly vulnerable to increases in malaria,
due to climate warming. The seasonal transmission
and distribution of many other diseases transmitted by
mosquitoes (dengue, yellow fever) and by ticks (Lyme
disease, tick-borne encephalitis) may also be affected by
climate change.
Though Indias overall population health has improved
greatly, with its life expectancy doubling from 32 years
in 1947 to 66 years in 2004, many threats to health and
life expectancy remain. However, climate change can
increase the burden of disease, especially amongst the
set of population that may have a lower capacity to combat
the impacts with particular reference to their access to
medical facilities. Projections of the extent and direction
of potential impacts of climate variability and change on
health are extremely difcult to make with condence
because of the many confounding and poorly understood
factors associated with potential health outcomes. These
factors include the sensitivity of human health to elements
of weather and climate, differing vulnerability of various
demographic and geographic segments of the population,
the movement of disease vectors, and how effectively
prospective problems can be dealt with. In addition to
uncertainties about health outcomes, it is very difcult to
anticipate what future adaptive measures (for example,
vaccines and the improved use of weather forecasting to
further reduce exposure to severe conditions) might be
taken to reduce the risks of adverse health outcomes.
Therefore, in this scenario, carrying out improvements in
environmental practices, preparing disaster management
plans, and improving the public health infrastructure in
India, including disease surveillance and emergency
response capabilities, will go a long way in coping with
the impacts of climate change on human health.
Malaria and dengue are two of the important climate-
change related diseases that have been extensively
studied for understanding the relationship between climate
parameters and disease incidence, and their future spread
in the climate change context. The seasonal transmission
and distribution of many other diseases transmitted by
mosquitoes (dengue, yellow fever) and ticks may also be
affected by climate change.
Malaria scenario under climate change
Vector-borne diseases, especially malaria, is
climate sensitive as the development of the parasite
(extrinsic incubation period) is sensitive to climatic
conditions such as temperature, rainfall, relative humidity,
and wind velocity. With the projected increase in surface
temperature, increase in frequency and intensity of
extreme events such as increase in night temperature,
increase in number of warm days, and extreme heat and
heavy precipitation in the future due to anthropogenic
causes, the human health impacts are likely to escalate
with respect to their virulence and spread to areas where
they have not manifested so far. For example, with increase
in average surface temperature it is apprehended that the
window of transmission for vector-borne diseases will be
available in areas where they have not been seen before.
There is evidence of increasing malaria prevalence in
some foci in India, which is thought to stem partially from
economic development, which changes vector dynamics
and human migration patterns, and partially from climate
change, wherein recent models predict the spread of
malaria into new regions in the 2050s and 2080s.
The distribution map of India reveals that highest
endemicity is conned to Orissa, north-eastern states,
Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh, while it is lowest in
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and
Uttarakhand. The reason for the highest and lowest
endemicity is linked to malaria stability or instability. In
stable malaria, transmission continues almost throughout
the year as the temperature, rainfall, and resultant relative
humidity are favourable for almost all the 12 months.
The states having unstable malaria, experience winters
during which transmission does not take place. Areas with
unstable malaria are epidemic prone, depending on the
favourable conditions provided by unusually high rains at
the threshold of the transmission season.
Methodology of analysis
PRECIS data of temperature and relative humidity for
baseline and A1B scenarios was received from IITM
Pune, while meteorological data was provided by the
Indian Meteorological Department, Pune. Epidemiological
data for malaria and dengue was received from various
sources such as the Directorate of National Vector Borne
Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), state programme
ofcers of various states/district malaria ofcers of districts
concerned, and Medical Health Ofcer of MCD, Delhi.
Transmission windows (TWs) of malaria are determined
keeping in view the lower cut-off as 18C and upper cut-
off as 32C and relative humidity from >55%. The TW for
malaria transmission at each grid (0.44 0.44 pixel,
roughly 50 50 km) were prepared covering India for the
baseline scenario. Monthly maps of TWs generated had
136 | INDIA Second National Communication
two classes: open TW and closed TW. Keeping in view
the climatic suitability for the number of months during
which transmission is open, TWs/pixels were grouped into
ve classes and were categorized as followsCategory
I: not a single month is open; Category II: 13 months
open; Category III: 46 months open; Category IV: 79
months open; and Category V: 1012 months are open
continuously for malaria transmission. TW has been
determined based on the temperature alone as well as in
combination with temperature and relative humidity and
for baseline (196090) and for the projection years 2030s,
2071, 2081, 2091, and 2100.
TWs for dengue were determined, based on the
occurrence of dengue fever cases in Delhi and published
literature. The lowest cut off of temperature was taken as
20C and upper cut off as 32C.
Malaria under A1B scenario: Determination of
transmission windows of malaria, based on
Based on the baseline temperature, from 196190,
three tiers of TWs are visible (Figure 3.34). In northern
states of India, there are 148 pixels with no transmission
suitability. TW category of 13 months is seen in districts
under Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, parts of Jammu
and Kashmir, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh. Windows
of transmission increase as we progress downwards
towards southern states. In Rajasthan, central India,
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, West Bengal, and most
parts of north-eastern states, 79 months category of TW
exists. In southern states, most of the districts have 1012
months open for transmission.
Projections for 2030 indicate opening of some months
of TWs in the northern states like Jammu and Kashmir,
Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand, which were closed
in baseline (Figure 3.34). There is a progression of 79
months category of TWs towards northern districts. In
Figure 3.34: (a )Baseline and (b) projection of open transmission
windows of malaria by 2030
north-eastern states like Tripura, parts of Assam, and
Mizoram, there is increase from 79 months to 1012
months open category of TWs. In parts of Gujarat and
southern states (particularly towards East Coast), there is
a closure of some months of TWs, that is, 1012 months
category turning into 79 months. In Orissa, which is
highly endemic for malaria, increase in the months of TWs
Figure 3.35: (a )Baseline and (b) projection of open Months for
Malaria by 2030 (based on T. & RH; A1B scenario)
in some districts is seen by 2030. Andaman and Nicobar
Islands remain unaffected.
TWs based on temperature and relative humidity:
TWs of malaria were also determined based on suitable
range of temperature and relative humidity required
(Figure 3.35). In general, in almost all the regions, the
number of open months for malaria transmission is less
than those based on temperature alone. In north-eastern
states, there are very few districts showing transmission
for 79 months. When the TWs were compared with
monthly epidemiological data of the respective area, there
was no match, that is, cases occurred in more months
as determined by TWs. The TWs determined based on
temperature and relative humidity were found to be less
realistic as compared to the TWs determined based on
temperature alone (in Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat and
Western Ghats). It provides a clue that the resting places
of mosquitoes have different micro-niche, particularly for
relative humidity as compared to outside temperatures.
Major parts of India show 13 and 46 months open
category of TWs. Some districts on the eastern side of
India from Tamil Nadu, parts of Karnataka, and Andhra
Pradesh show TWs open for 79 and 1012 months.
Projections by the year 2030 (Figure 3.35) indicate
increase in 2
and 4
categories of TWs towards northern
states of India. Increase in 3rd category of TW towards
south-western districts in Karnataka is noticed.
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 137
Transmission of malaria (Figure 3.35) is open for 13
or 46 months in the states like Rajasthan, Jharkhand,
Chhattisgarh, and parts of Gujarat and Karnataka, while
the monthly epidemiological data shows transmission for
more months. TWs determined using both temperature
and RH are closer to the reported distribution of malaria
in India as compared to TWs based on temperature alone
particularly in eastern part of India.
Future projection of dengue in India
A1B scenario based on temperature: In A1B scenario,
154 pixels in India are without a single month suitable for
dengue transmission. These pixels are conned in the
northern part (Figure 3.36). Under the projected scenario,
there is a slight opening of TWs, while there is increase
in all categories of TWs except 1012 months, which
show reduction. The determined TWs match with monthly
incidence of dengue in Delhi, for example (Figure 3.37).
Figure 3.36: Transmission windows of dengue, based on temperature
by 2030 (A1B scenario)
A Baseline B Projected (2030)
Figure 3.38: Transmission windows of dengue, based on temperature
and relative humidity (A1B scenario)
A Baseline B Projected (2030)
Figure 3.37: Monthly fluctuations in dengue fever cases in Delhi
(average of 10 years)
A1B scenario based on temperature and relative
humidity: With combined TWs of dengue based on
temperature and relative humidity, fewer windows are open
for transmission in baseline as well as under projected
scenario (Figure 3.38). The intensity of transmission for
more than 79 and 1012 months is reduced, while there
is increase in Categories II and III of TWs.
There is a need to understand the various uncertainties
and limitations of the model and data used for estimation
of health impacts and its projections into the future
(highlighted below) and simultaneously, some of the
knowledge and research gaps are also highlighted;
which would require future attention in the context of the
changing climate.
Uncertainties and limitations of PRECIS model and
The data on temperature and RH provided by the
model are at the resolution of 48 km 48 km, which
cannot delineate differences in hills and valleys in
the Himalayas and some parts of the northeastern
region and even in the plains.
Analyses have been done using mean temperature,
studies are warranted using diurnal temperature17.
Mitigation measures can change the scenarios.
The projections made for transmission windows may
be affected drastically by intervention measures,
ecological changes and socio-economics of the
Knowledge and research gaps
In some geographic areas, TWs show suitability for
less number of months while the occurrence of cases
138 | INDIA Second National Communication
reects transmission for longer periods. This suggests
the presence of a micro-niche, which needs to be
studied in detail, particularly in areas like Gujarat and
Based on the outputs of open months for malaria
transmission, validation is needed at the district
level to determine cut-off limits of transmission for
temperature, RH and rainfall.
The study should be expanded to other Vector Borne
Diseases in India.
The outcome of projections is based on only climatic
parameters alone, which if integrated with intervention
measures, socio-economics and immunity of the
population would provide a holistic projection.
Heat waves and human health
Heat waves are normally associated with the high
average temperature and the number of consecutive hot
days. Heat exhaustion is the most common response to
prolonged exposure to high outdoor temperature; it is
characterized by intense thirst, heavy sweating, dizziness,
fatigue, fainting, nausea or vomiting, and headache.
If unrecognized and untreated, heat exhaustion can
progress to heatstroke, a severe illness with a rapid onset
that can result in delirium, convulsions, coma, and death.
Heatstroke has a high fatality rate. Non-fatal heatstroke
can lead to long-term illness. In India, 18 heat waves
have been reported during the period between 1980
and 1998, with a heat wave in 1988 affecting 10 states
and causing 1300 deaths. Heat waves in Orissa in 1998,
1999, and 2000 caused an estimated 2000, 91, and 29
deaths, respectively, and heat waves in 2003 in Andhra
Pradesh caused more than 3000 deaths. In South Asia,
heat waves are associated with high mortality in rural
populations, and among the elderly and outdoor workers.
In India, the frequency of hot days and multiple-day heat
waves has increased in India in the past century (IPCCs
AR4 ). In particular, El Nio years are more prone to get
frequent heat waves, whereas heat wave occurrences are
fewer during La Nia years.
In India, generally the average temperatures are high
during the summer months of March to June, and any
further increase in average temperatures during these
months causes severe human distress due to heat waves.
As per the IMD, a heat wave is occurs when the maximum
temperature goes up by 7C or more above its long-term
normal values recorded by the station having average
maximum temperature < 40C or remains more above by
5C of its long-term normal value recorded by the station
having average maximum temperature >40C.
The PRECIS models future climate scenarios
received from the IITM for A1B scenarios have been
used to determine the future occurrences of heat waves
in seven Indian states, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
Gujarat, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West
Bengal. In order to identify heat wave conditions, the long-
term average of monthly mean maximum temperatures
of the capital cities of these states (Table 3.6) is used as
a benchmark for respective states. It is evident that the
long-term average of all these capital cities ranges from
about 37C to 40C, based on the meteorological records
of last 50 to 100 years.
Using these values as benchmarks, the values of maximum
monthly temperatures of the targeted seven states, by
Table 3.6: Monthly mean maximum temperatures of capital cities of seven target states of India for the months of March,
April, and May
State City Monthly mean maximum temperature (
C) Period
March April May
Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad 37.9 39 37.5 19512000
Bihar Patna 37.4 38.4 36.7 19512000
Gujarat Ahmedabad 39.5 41.4 38.5 19012000
Orissa Bhubaneswar 37.2 37.5 35.2 19512000
Rajasthan Jaipur 37 40.3 39.5 19512000
Uttar Pradesh Lucknow 38 40.3 38.6 19512000
West Bengal Kolkata 35.7 35.5 33.7 19012000
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 139
district, have been extracted from the PRECIS model
outputs for the A1B scenario for the months of April, May,
and June of 2030, 2050, and 2080. These values are then
analysed for identifying the likely heat stress vulnerability
of districts of identied seven Indian states by ltering
the occurrences of future maximum temperatures in the
range of 4550C for three days continuously, which is
assumed to be heat wave conditions in that area in the
present study. In order to identify the areas of highest
vulnerability due to heat stress, districts with more than 15
days of heat wave conditions (that is, at least ve events
of three consecutive days of high maximum temperature
occurrences in the range of 4550C) in a month under
future climate scenarios have been identied.
Future projection of vulnerable areas in India: The
heat wave occurrences under future climate change
scenarios under A1B scenario for the months of April,
May, and June of 2030, 2050, and 2080 from the PRECIS
model, identied using the methodology described in
the previous portion, also showed large temporal and
spatial differences among the different districts of Andhra
Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,
and West Bengal. The number of three consecutive days
of high maximum temperature occurrence in the range
of 4550C in a month for the months of April, May, and
June of the years of 2030, 2050, and 2080 in the districts
of above mentioned Indian states were projected.
Impact and Vulnerability of Climate Change
on Human Settlements
With increasing urbanization, the understanding of the
impacts of climate change on the urban environment
has become even more important. The climate change
presents unique challenges for urban areas and their
growing populations. These impacts are a result of the
climatic changes such as warmer and more frequent
hot days and nights over most land areas; fewer cold
days and nights in many parts of the world; increase in
the frequency of warm spells/heat waves over most land
areas; increase in the frequency of heavy precipitation
events over most areas; increase in areas affected by
drought; increases in intense tropical cyclone activity; and
increase in the incidence of extreme high sea levels in
some parts of the world.
Beyond the physical risks posed by the climatic changes,
some cities will face difculties in providing basic services
to their inhabitants. These changes will affect water supply,
physical infrastructure, transport, ecosystem goods and
services, energy provision, and industrial production.
Local economies will be disrupted and populations will be
stripped of their assets and livelihoods. The impacts of
climate change will be particularly severe in low-elevation
coastal zones, where many of Indias largest cities are
Climate change causes vulnerability of human settlements,
which is mainly related to extreme weather events, and
such gradual changes in the climate exceed the adaptive
capacity of human systems. Climate change adds to the
existing stress on the sustainability of human settlements
and society.
The concentration of urban development in a few
large cities has led to tremendous pressure on civic
infrastructure systems like water supply, sewerage and
drainage, solid waste management, parks and open
spaces, and transport. It has also led to the deterioration
in the quality of city environment. In several cities,
the problem of trafc congestion, pollution, poverty,
slums, crime, and social unrest are assuming alarming
proportions. Climate change is likely to exacerbate the
existing stresses that these settlements already face. It
may also impact the measures that are being undertaken
for sustainable development of these areas. Climate
change impacts are felt locallyin cities, towns, and other
human settlements. Due to rapid urbanization, cities are
more at risk, given the existing environmental, economic
and social problems. The cities with large concentration
of population, property, and crucial economic assets and
infrastructure are highly vulnerable.
Climate change could affect water supply systems in
a number of ways. It can affect the water demand for
drinking and cooling systems. Where climate change
leads to the failure of small local water sources such as
wells, it could lead to greater demand for regional water
supplies. Changes in precipitation patterns could lead to
reduction in water availability and fall in water tables. In
coastal areas, it could lead to saline intrusions in rivers
and groundwater. Loss of melt water could reduce river
ows during critical times. A change in water availability
and supply also affects sanitation and drainage systems.
When water supplies reduce, sewerage systems also
become vulnerable. Further, sewage treatment plants are
vulnerable to oods or sea level rise, as these are often
located near rivers or seas. Where the sewer outfalls are
in the sea, sea level rise will affect the functioning of such
systems. Storm water drainage systems could become
frequently overloaded and cause ooding, and heavy
140 | INDIA Second National Communication
storms become more frequent due to climate change.
The impact of inadequate drainage systems in cities like
Mumbai is already being felt, leading to ooding and huge
economic losses. More frequent oods could also present
a signicant threat if these lead to contamination of ood
water with faecal material. Climate change may impact
the transport and other infrastructure due to extreme
local climatic experience, leading to signicant economic
losses. Rising sea levels in the coastal area would increase
the risk of ooding and increase the vulnerability of
communities residing in these areas, especially the poor.
The urban heat island effects could get exacerbated due
to increase in baseline temperatures, affecting climatic
comfort of the urban population and may consequently
lead to additional costs in climate control.
The vulnerability of human populations varies
with economic, social, and institutional conditions.
Approximately one person in six worldwide lives in slums.
The poor and the marginalized have little capacity to adapt
to changes in climate by adopting such mechanisms
as air conditioning or heating. The traditional coping
mechanisms of these vulnerable communities may be
overstretched due to additional stresses related to climate
change. Climate change threatens the homes, livelihoods,
and health of the urban poor. When disaster strikes, their
homes may be damaged or destroyed and they may be
unable to travel to work, causing loss in money for food
and other basic needs. Drought, oods, and storms in
the rural areas have increased migration to cities. Poor
people often live in informal settlements on land, which
is susceptible to climate changeoodplains, coastal
lowlands or unstable hill sides. Drain and culverts are
frequently blocked with rubbish. Slum dwellers often lack
secure tenure, proper shelter, water, sanitation, electricity,
and other services. Most have no insurance. Climate
change may add to their problems.
River and inland ooding and extreme rainfall events:
Climate change is also expected to increase the severity
of ooding in many Indian river basins, especially in the
Godavari and Mahanadi along the eastern coast. Floods
are expected to increase in north-western India adjoining
Pakistan and in most coastal plains, in spite of existing
upstream dams and multi-purpose projects. An extreme
precipitation is expected to show a substantial increase
in some parts of the country. Sanitation infrastructure is
the main determinant of the contamination of urban ood
water with faecal material presenting a substantial threat
of enteric diseases. In addition to ood hazards, more
extreme rainfall events associated with climate change
will also cause hazards from landslides in many urban
centres in the hilly regions. Dealing with likely increase in
risks associated with storm water will require a signicant
revision of urban planning practices across cities in the
ood-affected regions. Flood and climate change migration
and adaptation measures will have to be integrated into
day-to-day urban development and service delivery
systems. Due to higher precipitation in more intense
events, there is a need to increase the margin of design
safety to enhance the hydraulic capacity of the sections.
This will result in additional investments.
Cyclonic storms, storm surges, and coastal ooding:
Yet another important climate change induced risk is that
of cyclonic storms, storm surges, and accompanying
coastal inundation. The high concentration of population,
especially on the eastern coast, has led to extremely high
vulnerability in this region, leading to devastating loss of
life and property. The 1999 Orissa super cyclone killed
over 10,000 people and devastated buildings, lifeline
infrastructure, and economic assets across 10 coastal and
six inland districts, which included a number of towns and
cities, due to mix of devastating storm surges, cyclonic
winds, and coastal ooding.
Cyclones and storm surges could have a devastating
impact on large urban centres, including the mega
cities of Mumbai and Chennai, the million plus cities of
Vishakhapatnam and Surat as well as other cities like
Bharuch, Bhavnagar, and Jamnagar apart from leading
to critical bottlenecks in important ports such as Kandla.
Increased migration to the coast, powered by huge
investments in coastal infrastructure, settlements and
enterprises, could lead to a substantial rise in losses.
Sea level rise: It is estimated that sea level rise by 3.5
to 34.6 inches between 1990 and 2100 would result in
saline coastal groundwater, endangering wetlands and
inundating valuable land and coastal communities. The
most vulnerable stretches along the western Indian coast
are Khambat and Kutch in Gujarat, Mumbai, and parts
of the Konkan coast and south Kerala. The deltas of the
Ganga, Krishna, Godavari, Cauvery, and Mahanadi on the
East Coast may be threatened, along with irrigated land
and a number of urban and other settlements that are
situated in them. The loss of these important economic
and cultural regions could have a considerable impact in
some states.
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 141
Climate Change and Integrated Assessment
Integrated assessment studies interactions between
natural and socio-economic systems, for understanding
the causeeffect chains, including feedback loops across
many dimensions, for the purpose of policy-making and
implementation. The integration here relates to sectoral,
spatial, temporal, process, policy, and implementation,
and nally mitigation, vulnerability, impact, and adaptation.
They represent interactive complexity of climate impact
phenomena. The integration analyses the key interactions
within and between sectors of a particular exposure unit
and between this unit and outside world. It generates a
comprehensive assessment of the totality of impacts rather
than the separate sectoral impacts. The second purpose
of the integrated assessments is to enable policy-makers
to place climate change impacts in a broader context
such as natural resources management, sustainability
of ecosystems, economic development, and associated
broader questions.
Integration provides opportunity for linking wide scientic
knowledge and interests to distinctly differing socio-
economic and political interests and opinions. These
assessments are very much needed not only to provide a
platform for the scientists to link their own area of research
with other scientic disciplines but also to apprise the
policy-makers about the likely impacts of climate change
and the ranges of adaptation strategies available.
Therefore, in the nal analysis, integrated assessments
are essential for facilitating the optimal development of
institutional and research linkages, projects, and policy
recommendations as they enable the best available
synthesis of current scientic, technical, economic, and
socio-political knowledge.
Methodology for integrated assessment ranges from
simple to extremely complex representation of systems.
Simple models are better at representing uncertainty,
whereas scenarios and projections from complex models
will be more precise if not more accurate. An example
of an integrated assessment framework for estimating
impacts of climate change on rural resources, products,
and services, on the one hand, and strengthening their
resilience to withstand these impacts in a sustainable
manner over a period of time through various interventions
for the enhancement of natural resources, infrastructure,
and livelihoods, on the other hand, is indicated in Figure
Integrated assessment would require consistent and
holistic understanding of diverse resources, sectors,
and socio-economic systems within a region to assess
synergies and trade-offs possible due to climate change.
This would require capacity creation, enhancement, and
sustenance for modelling, database creation, and policy
formulation and implementation. India has initiated modest
steps in this direction through this national communication
Figure 3.39: Sectoral integration for impact assessment
142 | INDIA Second National Communication
process which requires strengthening on all fronts. Some
of these assessments are presented here.
Impact of climate change on energy systems
Energy is a key driving force for the development of all
economic activities. Integrated assessment would require
integrating supply of energy resources (commercial and
traditional) and energy demand, keeping in mind constraints
posed by key drivers such as population projections, living
standards, environmental consciousness, developmental
goals and targets, water availability, and land resources.
Spatial variability in endowment, and supply and demand
of energy also needs to be captured over the entire period
of assessment.
Climate change is projected to impact both energy supply
and demand. On the supply side, the main effects would be
on electricity generation, although oil and gas production
would also be affected indirectly due to changes in relative
economics of fuels under a climate change regime.
Hydropower generation is the energy source that is most
likely to be impacted because it is sensitive to the amount,
timing, and geographical pattern of precipitation as well
as temperature (rain or snow, timing of melting). Reduced
ows in rivers and higher temperatures reduce the
capabilities of electric generation; high temperatures also
reduce transmission capabilities. Increased cloudiness
can reduce solar energy production despite the availability
of generation capacity. Wind energy production would be
reduced if wind speeds increase above or fall below the
acceptable operating range of the technology. Changes
in photosynthesis and growing conditions could affect the
production of biomass-based energy. Energy demand side
would also be similarly affected in sectors, specically,
residential, commercial, and transport. Changes in space
cooling and heating requirements, and water pumping
needs would be the main drivers of energy demand
Figure 3.40: Projected maximum temperature duration profile under A1B scenario for India
The Indian energy system is characterized by the
predominance of coal use due to huge domestic reserves
of coal, but limited gas and oil reserves. Most carbon
emissions arise from the use of coal in electric power and
industry sectors, which is a major contributor towards global
warming. Rising particulate and SO
emissions due to coal
combustion is a concern among policy-makers. Integrated
macro-economic energy and environment paths need to
address issues related to investment requirements and
their availability, energy supply (indigenous availability
vis--vis imports), technology R&D and transfer issues,
local and global environmental implications, institutional
requirements, and capacity building measures.
Impact on and of built environment
Developments in Indian economy have triggered the
growth of real estate in the country. Huge investments are
being committed in real estate due to increased demand
and increasing capacity to invest. Buildings account
for more than 60% of all energy use in most high- and
middle-income countries of the world, and an increasing
proportion in low-income regions. Studies have indicated
that both the functionality of the existing built environment
and the design of future buildings may need to be altered
to cope with the climate change impacts. This would
Figure 3.41: Change in space cooling energy for a 1:2 rectangular
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 143
include heat island effects created due to more use of
conventional space cooling technologies in future when
mean and maximum temperatures rise. Figure 3.40
projects the number of days above 45
C under A1B
scenario for India.
The required alterations and adaptation strategies shall
vary according to the building designs, materials used,
technology employed, and most importantly the location.
India exhibits wide variations in climate, topology, and
geography and also has wide economic, social, ethnic,
religious, and cultural differences amongst its inhabitants.
This heterogeneity accounts for differences in habits,
attitudes, and lifestyles and also manifests itself in varying
levels and patterns of energy use throughout the country.
Temperature has signicant effect on electricity or
energy consumption. The characteristics of electricity
consumption in India show that it changes with seasonal
uctuation and has a rising trend. This relationship between
the temperature variation and electricity consumption has
been demonstrated in the study for Madhya Pradesh,
which is a state where electricity demand-supply gap is
very wide and results in planned and unplanned outages.
Bhopal being the state capital, planned outages are
minimal and efforts are made to provide uninterrupted
power supply. The observations in the study for future show
that warm dry season in 2020, 2050, and 2080 would have
the maximum average electricity demand, whereas cool
dry season would have the minimum average electricity
demand. In the warm humid season, the electricity
demand would be slightly less than the warm dry season
for the same periods. The higher increase during warmer
seasons indicates that the increase in temperature during
hot summer days is expected to force the already high
electricity demand, whereas the moderate increase
during winter indicates that though some warmer days
will experience increased cooling load, most of the days
will continue to be in comfortable range of temperature.
Analysing the simulation study results, it can be observed
that the rising temperatures during cooler seasons in future
years result in cooling demand during winter months.
This is indicated by the higher percent increase during
November to February compared to energy consumption
growth percentage for space cooling in summer months
for future years (Figure 3.41), as presently there is almost
no space cooling required during winter months.
The building sector requires special attention as the
diversity of this sector with distinct uses and extended
life cycle of buildings poses greater challenge. It gets
further complicated as energy consumption behaviour of
individuals involved depends on their gender, age, and
socio-demographic and economic conditions apart from
variations in climate, topology, geography, and level of
development. Since vulnerability and impacts for built
environment are location-specic, similar studies need be
carried out for different representative locations in India
before any kind of generalized inferences are drawn. A wide
range of adaptation measures need to be implemented
in response to both observed and anticipated climate
change. These include possibilities of reducing energy
consumption at building design and construction stages
such as going for green and sustainable building design,
and use of low energy foot-print materials such as sand,
aggregate, y ash, volcanic ash, and soil (0.20.5 MJ/
kg) as compared to aluminium, plastics, copper, stainless
steel (50250 MJ/kg). Efcient interiors and energy-
efcient lighting and air-conditioning appliances would
ensure lower energy consumption and thus lower GHG
emissions through the active life of a building. Building
users need also to be sensitized about making some
lifestyle changes.
Climate change impact assessment on
Assessment of the impacts of climate change on livelihood
of people spread across vast and variable geography
of India is a challenging task. Livelihoods depend upon
endowment and conservation of natural resources, as
well as infrastructure assets and man-made systems and
institutions available in a region. Climate change impacts
on river ows, natural resources, connected ecosystems,
and thus on people and their livelihoods can be dramatic,
although not the same in rate, intensity, or direction in all
parts of India. Moreover, the impacts of climate change
are superimposed on a variety of other environmental
and social stresses. Integrated assessment of these
impacts, therefore, is a challenging task. The relative sea
level rise also depends upon the geological stability of the
coastal regions and extreme events such as cyclones,
with their attached uncertainty on intensity and frequency.
Vulnerability of any area due to sea level rise and climate
change depends on the resources present in that area
and the adaptive capacity. As resource and adaptive
capacity are dynamic features, predicting vulnerability for
future is a complex process. Indian coast has been rising
at the rate of about 1.3 mm/year on an average as per the
latest assessments.
144 | INDIA Second National Communication
In a study on vulnerability assessment in coastal area in
Orissa, agriculture was found to be adversely affected
due to sea level rise, causing changes in hydro-geological
dynamics of the area. The rise in sea level has direct
impact on the mangroves and on the relatively lower
elevation (mostly along river/channels etc) and on the
agricultural land surrounding drainage channel carrying
high tide water inside the village.
On the other hand, hydrological imbalances observed in
case of Himalayas are mainly linked to the loss of vegetation
cover. Further the inuence of geo-morphological forces
in geologically active belts exacerbates the process of
landslides and erosion. These phenomena, apart from
directly deteriorating the local environment, have signicant
implications for the adjoining regions too. Nearly 40 million
people inhabit the Himalayan region (3.8% of the total
population of the country). The complex environmental
and development problems create tremendous constraint
on the sustainability and conservation of water resources.
For instance, Uttarakhand state in the northern part of
India has 917 glaciers, spread over 735 km
, providing
perennial supply of water to the people of the state and
downstream riparian states. The state provides to lower
riparian states roughly 35 BCM of water annually with
nearly half of its rainfall going directly as downstream run-
off. It has annual replenishable groundwater resources of
2.27 BCM, being the main source of water for agricultural
and household uses. Nearly 51% of habitations are fully
covered by drinking water schemes. Climate change could
also result in signicant changes in the variables that
affect the quality of water. These impacts originate from a
variety of alterations to the hydrology of waterbodies, their
physico-chemical and biological attributes, and changes
in anthropogenic pressures.
There is increasing evidence of poverty in mountain
communities because the natural resource bases of forests,
soil, water, plants, and animal life, on which the people
depend for their continued survival, are decreasing at an
alarming rate. These could result in reduced production
Table 3.7: Changing cropping pattern in Uttarakhand during 2002/03 to 2006/07
Crops 2002/03 2006/07 Marginal
over 200206
Changes in
over 200206
Area in hectares % of total
cropped area
Area in hectares % of total
cropped area
Cereals 993,379 81.06 923,842 81.95 -69,537 -7.00
Pulses 50,948 4.16 51,949 4.61 1001 1.96
Oil Seeds 28,504 2.33 28,030 2.49 -474 -1.66
Other Crops 152,682 12.46 123,469 10.95 -29,213 -19.13
Total 1,225,513 100 1,127,290 100 -98,223 - 8.01
of agriculture, livestock, and hydropower, resulting in
income losses to poor local communities, revenue loss
to local state government, and economic loss to the rest
of the Indian economy. Further for example, agriculture
is practised in the river valleys of Uttarakhand on only
1015% of the total land area. Over hundreds of years,
many of the slopes have been cut into eld terraces, a
common characteristic of mountain agriculture. Out of the
total population of 84.89 lakh (census 2001) in the state,
74% lives in villages where agriculture is the mainstay of
the economy. Majority of the worker population is actually
engaged in agriculture. The area under food crops and fruits
has shifted to off-season vegetable cultivation. Decline in
area under apple and other fruit was comparatively higher
in marginal and small farms. Productivity of apple has
recorded a decrease of about 23% over the past years,
and a maximum decrease of about 4% has been noticed
in marginal farms. The total farm income, on an average,
has shown a marginal reduction of about 4% in the
present period. In sub-tropical environment, the decrease
in potential wheat yields ranged from 1.5% to 5.8%. From
2002/032006/07, there was a fall in the area under
crops by 98,233 hectares. The percentage cropped area
of Uttarakhand in the year 2006/07 declined by 8.01% as
compared to year 2002/03 (Table 3.7).
Changing cropping patterns and environmental hazards,
such as landslides, forest res, and oods in Uttarakhand,
attributed to anthropogenic activity and climate factors,
have direct adverse implications on livelihood challenges
for people in these regions. However, the resilience
and adaptation of people in Uttarakhand have acquired
important dimension in the light of climate change
conditions. The livelihood systems are adapted through
the promotion of high value mountain niche products
such as value-added wild edible like sea buckthorn
berries, rhododendron owers, bamboo culms, berries
fruits, handicrafts articles, and services rendered by the
vulnerable local people.
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 145
On the other end of the Himalayan range, in the north-
eastern part of India, occasional oods in the low land
region and early owering of certain vegetable species
such as brinjal and brassica have been observed. Another
impact that North East has experienced is the high rainfall
in 2008, resulting in lower production of potato and
pumpkin. In the case of wheat, the yields are projected
to reduce by up to 20%. Potato yields are likely to be
marginally benetted up to 5% in the upper parts of North
East region due to climate change inuence, but in the
central part, the yields are projected to reduce by about
4%, while in the southern parts of the North East region,
the negative impacts will be much higher. Forest is another
sector that provides a multitude of benets that are crucial
to the environment as well as the economy. Economically,
apart from supplying timber, forests support the livelihoods
of people living within the forests and their marginal lands;
forests provide fuelwood, food, and fodder, which are the
basic means of survival for poor families. Forests are one
of the possible sources of livelihood for the poor. Non-
timber forest produce (NTFP) sold in the market is a
source of income for many.
Another integrated assessment-based case study was
conducted to assess the impacts of enhanced tidal storm
surges on agriculture productivity in coastal regions of
Orissa state. Agriculture contributes nearly 17.1% of
Indian GDP currently. It is estimated that by 2020, food
grain requirement will be almost 3050% higher than the
present demand. Droughts, ood, tropical cyclones, heavy
precipitation events, and hot extremes and heat waves are
known to negatively impact agricultural production and
farmers livelihood. The effect of climate on agriculture is
related to variability in local climates rather than in global
climate patterns. Projections indicate the possibility of
loss of 45 million tonnes in wheat production with every
rise of 10C temperature throughout the growing period
with current land use. The case study of Brahamani
Baitarani estuary region in the state of Orissa shows that
enhanced tidal storm surge along with intensied cyclonic
wind due to climate change will adversely affect the
agriculture, and there could be several impacts of storm
surge on agriculture. First of all, fertile agriculture land
will be inundated by the saline water, which may hinder
the crop production for several future years. Erosion of
agricultural land shall also badly inuence the agriculture
options and crop yield. Almost all the agricultural activities
(sowing to harvesting) are climate sensitive. About 211.8
ha of agriculture area and 3130.9 ha of forest area are
under very high vulnerable category, whereas 11.1% of
total agricultural area in the BrahamaniBaitarani estuary,
that is, 4447.2 ha and 4965.9 ha of forest area, is under
high vulnerable category.
In another integrated case study on change in cropping
patterns due to climate change and its impacts on
livelihoods of farmers has been carried out in southern
Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Cultivation of major stable
crop paddy has declined compared to commercial crops
such as sugar cane and cotton. About 87% of the farmers
who raised paddy ve years ago continue to raise the
same crop. Remaining 13% of the rice cultivating farmers
shifted to other commercial crops such as sugar cane
and cotton. The percentage of commercial crop growers
such as cotton and sugar cane increased from 11% and
2.22% to 14% and 7.22%, respectively. The majority of
the remaining 3.33% of the farmers and those who were
raising other crops have switched over to maize and
sorghum, which demand less water. The percentage of
groundnut cultivating farmers has increased from 0.56%
to 1.11% and coconut cultivation remains the same
(1.11%). The adverse impacts of climate change depend
on the adaptation and mitigation potential of the farmers.
Apart from this, there is also lack of information on many
specic local regions, which includes the uncertainties on
magnitude of climate change, the effects of technological
changes on productivity, and the numerous possibilities
of adaptation. This makes the process more complex
to accurately estimate the impact of climate change on
agriculture. The predicted change in the resource base
would adversely impact the communities that are directly
dependent on forest resources for their daily subsistence
and livelihoods. Therefore, the communities will have
to deal with the changing resource base and their
Integrating water and gender issues under
climate change
Many regions in India are characterized by water scarcity,
especially during summers. Even urban areas are not
spared from water stresses, where municipal water
rationing is a regular phenomenon. This is affecting the
well-being of millions of the poorest people since rich
can afford to buy water at higher prices. Rapidly growing
populations, urbanization, agricultural intensication, and
climate change all contribute to greater competition and
scarcity of water resources. Despite enhanced provision
of water facilities over the past few decades and the
development of low-cost, sustainable technical solutions
to many aspects of water provision, millions still suffer
146 | INDIA Second National Communication
from water-related diseases and the physical, social, and
economic burdens associated with scarcity.
Indian women, especially in rural areas, bear the
responsibility and disproportionately higher burden of
fetching water for households. In India as well as many
other developing countries, 20% households still do
not have provision of adequate water for domestic use.
This has resulted in a signicant loss of time and effort,
especially on the part of women, who most often have to
bear the burden of water collection. The female children
have to share the temporal and physical burden of
carrying water, often leading to very large gender gaps
in school attendance in many countries. Translating the
losses borne by girls and women in terms of man (woman)
hours and economics shows a loss of human capital and
reduction in the ability of the household to capitalize fully
on its other resources.
In the Indian policy statements and recent initiatives, a
focus on women has been seen as critical to improving
the management or governance of water within an
overall context of poverty alleviation. Climatic change,
associated with increasing population, urbanization and
industrialization, is projected to reduce per capita water
availability in many parts of India. The per capita availability
of water was 5177 m
/capita/year in 1951. This value has
drastically reduced to 1654 m
/capita/year in 2007 and is
likely to further go down to below 1140 m
/year by 2050.
While the per capita availability of water is decreasing,
the gross demand for water is likely to rise due to growing
population and afuence. The total water consumption
in India is expected to rise by 2040% in the next 20
years. Crop-mix and intensication of cropping would
add their bit to enhanced water demand. An integrated
assessment would require a holistic view of projections
of land use change, crop mix and crop intensity, water
irrigation facilities, and adoption of water conservation
systems and practices such as micro irrigation systems,
urban settlement, and water conservation systems. Such
studies have to be conducted in subsequent national
communications in a scientic manner and with a broader
regional coverage.
In a case study of mountain ecosystem in Uttarakhand,
it was observed that women remain largely absent at
all levels of policy formulation and decision-making in
natural resource and environmental management and
conservation. They also lack the ownership rights over
productive resources, restrictions on decision-making
outside of the household economic constraints, and
Figure 3.43a:Climate Vulnerability Index for water at household level
Figure 3.43b:Projected Climate Vulnerability Index for water at
household level (2025)
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 147
Figure 3.42:Comparison of components of climatic vulnerability of
India for water at the household level in 2000 and 2025 (A1B scenario)
educational barriers and constraints on accesses to
information, informal and unorganized nature of womens
enterprises. It is also observed that given the lack of
resources and access to technology and nances, women
have limited capacity to develop and adopt strategies to
reduce their vulnerability to adverse impacts of climate
Besides carrying out the majority of the tasks related to
agriculture, women in some of the tribal areas especially
in the central part of India still remain largely conned to
their homestead. Community affairs are invariably run
by men unless there has been an external initiative that
has promoted inclusion of women in the public domain.
Within the household women do most of the labour, but
have limited control over decision-making and resources.
Female-headed households face multiple vulnerabilities
as they often lack access to land and vital social networks
in the community, which are predominantly based on
male kinship relations. The subjugation of women also
results in fewer opportunities to access health facilities
and education. This manifests in the form of a high level of
vulnerability among women as compared to men.
In an analysis on Climate Vulnerability Index for 2025, it
was shown that in most states, there was huge decrease in
vulnerability of people in the capacity component because
of projected increase in literacy rate, life expectancy,
incomes, and decrease in infant mortality, leading to
increased abilities of people to lobby for water and other
resources (Figure 3.42). There was substantial decrease
in vulnerability of states in Access and Environment
components, since a signicantly higher percentage of
families had access to safe source of water as well better
sanitation facilities in terms of safe toilets.
However, there was a marginal increase in vulnerability in a
large majority of the states in the Resources component
because of the growth in population, leading to reduced
per capita availability of water resources. The vulnerability
of states increased in almost 50% of the states in terms
of Use component because of high growth of population
and lower per capita use of water for different purposes
despite increased withdrawals of groundwater. Finally
in the Climate component, the vulnerability of all the
states increased owing to the projected increase in mean
temperatures during 202030 (Figure 3.43a and b).
Overall for India, the climatic vulnerability to water at the
household level is projected to decrease from 0.54 in the
year 2000 to 0.42 in the year 2025 (Figure 3.44). In terms
of various components of vulnerability, inadequate access
is likely to be completely wiped out by 2025, and there is
likely to be tremendous growth in various components of
human development, reducing the vulnerability of people
to Low Capacity. There will be a moderate reduction
in vulnerability in the Use component accompanied by
a slight reduction in vulnerability in the Environment
component. On the other hand, in India, the vulnerability
is likely to increase marginally in Resources because
of population growth and lower per capita availability,
but it will increase substantially in the Climatic stress
component. As a result of the interaction between the six
components dening vulnerability of people to climatic
and water-related stresses at the household level, there
is likely to be overall reduction in vulnerability of India
in 2025 as compared to vulnerability in the year 2000.
However, India will remain moderately vulnerable to
climatic and water-related stresses despite development
efforts in different sectors.
Since independence, there has been a gender gap in
literacy in India of the order of 2025 percentage points.
However, there is regional variation in male:female
literacy rate among states in India. The analysis revealed
that the states with high gender gaps in education of the
order of 2530 percentage points, such as Bihar, Uttar
Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh, were among the most
vulnerable states to climate- and water-related stresses.
By comparison, Kerala had the least gender differential
in literacy of a little more than 6 percentage points and
was among the least vulnerable states. The data clearly
showed that the more a state invests in education of girls
and women, the more the likelihood of reduced vulnerability
of people to climatic and water-related stresses because
of higher adaptive capacities.
Climate change impact assessment on human
health and livelihoods
Global warming poses serious challenge to the
health sector and hence warrants emergency health
preparedness and response. Heat stresses, vector-
borne diseases, and water contamination are some of
the main health impacts projected due to climate change.
Warmer temperature, shifting rainfall patterns, and
increasing humidity affect the transmission of diseases
by vectors like mosquitoes. They are quite sensitive to
changes in temperature and rainfall and are among the
rst organisms to extend their range when environmental
conditions become favourable. Health is very closely
linked to access to sufcient nutrition, health care, safe
water, and sanitation, and is determined by a number of
148 | INDIA Second National Communication
Figure 3.45a: Index of health status of males
socio-economic factors characterizing the community.
Overall, for India, as compared to other components of
status, Health was one component in which there were
minimum differences between female and male index
scores (Figure 3.45a and b).
The health index for both female and male shows that
Manipur and Kerala had low female infant mortality rates
of 13 and 15, respectively, representing good ante- and
post-natal care as well as hygiene and sanitation. By
contrast, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa performed very
poorly with female infant mortality rates as high as 79 and
77, respectively. The composite index of health of women
showed that Madhya Pradesh and Orissa were the worst
performers since they had a low value of life expectancy
and a high value of infant mortality rate.
Access to safe toilet facilities has a positive impact
on the health status of population, therefore, this is a
positive indicator and the study across India shows that
the highest availability of safe toilets (82.9%) was in
Lakshadweep, which scored the index value of 1 (Table
3.8). This study was aimed at estimating the integrity of
the environment through measuring identied variables
such as access to safe toilets, use of pesticides etc.
Lakshdweep was followed by Mizoram with a value of
81.7% and a consequent index value of 0.98. In states
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 149
Figure 3.44: Comparison of CVI-WH (Climate Vulnerability Index for Water at Household level) values in different states in India in 2000 and
2025 (A1B scenario)
such as Kerala, Tripura and Manipur also, more than
70% of the households had access to safe toilet facilities.
Conversely, only 11.3% of people in Chhattisgarh had
access to safe toilet facilities, followed by Jharkhand
and Bihar (14%). Chattisgarh, therefore, scored an index
value of 0, whereas Bihar scored as low as 0.04. In case
of Punjab and Haryana, 44.7% and 33.2% families had
provision of safe toilet facilities, translating into index
values of 0.47 and 0.31, respectively.
At the all-India level, only a little above 29% households
had access to safe toilet facilities. A large section of the
population in slums and in rural areas continues to use
open areas for defecation, leading to the contamination of
soil and waterbodies, impacting human health negatively.
This shows lack of knowledge and awareness in people
about the increase in productivity of people as a result of
better sanitation.
Due to urbanization and industrialization, large numbers
of people are migrating towards urban areas, thus leading
to the formation of slums with very poor access to basic
services such as safe water supply and sanitation. Trends
of urbanization in India show that the growth of urban
population in India is faster than the rest of the world.
By 2030, more than 40% population in India will come
to reside in cities. A major chunk of this population will
come to reside in slums and slum-like settlements. The
urban poor already a vulnerable population are the
most susceptible to extreme heat. This could further
decrease access to the basic needs of the people, and
poor sanitation in the slums would enhance water-related
infections, which can transmit in the following ways: through
ingestion from drinking supplies, through lack of good
water for hygiene, and via aquatic pathogens and insect
vectors that are hydrophilic. Slum conditions promote
the spread of disease through all of these means. Rise
in temperature affects the quantity and quality of water
on one hand and also human productivity on the other.
The change in weather has not only impacted human
health but livestock also. This was evident with the rainfall
pattern (19602003) of Rajasthan; the cattle population
showed a decreasing trend, whereas the buffalo and
goat population showed an increasing trend, and sheep
population showed a uctuating trend. With regards to
the total milk production during 19852005, the buffalo
and goat milk production showed an increasing trend,
whereas in cow milk production, a signicant impact has
been observed. During the year 19602003, the average
maximum temperature increased by 0.8C. The total
livestock population increased simultaneously similar
to the increase of buffalo and goat population, whereas
the cattle population slightly decreased. There are slight
upward variations in sheep population in comparison
with other animals. Although the methods for assessing
the vulnerability, impact, and adaptation are gradually
improving, they are still inadequate to help policy-makers
formulate appropriate adaptation measures. Climate
change poses new challenges to natural resource
management and livelihood. The poor are most vulnerable
to climate change, which will make pro-poor growth more
Climate change and sea level rise
Impacts of climate change at the coast are caused mainly
by mean sea level rise and occurrence of extreme sea level
events. Mean sea level rise is a gradual and slow process;
however, severe impacts at the coast occur through
extreme sea level events. An important concern of the
consequences of global warming is the possible changes
in the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones. As far
as the coastline of India is concerned, the East Coast is
particularly vulnerable to the occurrence of storm surges
generated by tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal.
In order to make detailed impact studies at select locations
along the coast, some vulnerable areas were considered.
As a rst case Nagapattinam along the Tamil Nadu
coast was chosen, which is known for its vulnerability to
storm surges and also for the 2004 tsunami. For different
projected sea level rise scenarios, inundation maps were
prepared and area of inundation estimated through GIS
techniques. Later, two more areas were considered, one
surrounding Kochi and another surrounding Paradip for
estimating the area of inundation for different scenarios of
projected sea level rise. Along the Indian coast, records at
four stations, namely, Mumbai, Kochi, Visahkhapatnam,
and Diamond Harbour (Kolkata), were considered.
These records are found to be long (more than 50 years
duration), and the estimated trends are found to be
statistically signicant. These estimates were corrected
for vertical land movements, caused by glacial iso-static
adjustment (GIA).
Figure 3.45b: Index of health status of females
150 | INDIA Second National Communication
Table 3.8: State level variation in various sub-components used for estimation of integrity of the Environment of the
Name of the
having safe
forest cover
Pesticides in
Percent of
Index value of
Andaman and
41.9 47.9 9.6 84.42 0.18 14.00 0.00 0.62
26.6 39.8 158.1 16.15 0.37 24.90 4.98 0.36
36.8 22.5 2 81.22 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.63
Assam 59.8 14.4 30.8 35.48 0.06 2.40 0.00 0.57
Bihar 14.4 9.6 97.7 5.9 0.18 6.10 15.69 0.40
Chandigarh 69.9 76.7 57.5 13.16 0.50 13.20 40.67 0.64
Chattisgarh 11.3 12.4 47 41.42 0.07 19.50 22.25 0.41
Dadra and
Nagar Haveli
31.9 31.6 41.5 45.82 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.56
Daman and
41.8 64.5 74 7.45 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.56
Delhi 61.9 71 435.7 11.47 2.22 15.70 79.05 0.46
Goa 48.6 66.5 44.1 58.24 0.04 2.20 0.00 0.68
Gujarat 39.8 50.6 87.8 7.62 0.47 9.90 43.97 0.54
Haryana 33.2 51.6 148.5 3.43 1.42 23.20 54.52 0.40
26 35.4 39.4 25.78 0.70 0.00 99.85 0.64
Jammu and
26.2 45.7 55.1 9.57 0.13 10.70 0.00 0.46
Jharkhand 14 15.1 67 28.5 0.02 5.00 0.00 0.44
Karnataka 32 58.9 103.4 19 0.27 7.80 2.98 0.52
Kerala 77.6 62.1 70.6 40.08 0.41 0.80 0.00 0.68
Lakshadweep 82.9 82.2 0 71.88 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.80
18.4 24.3 47.2 24.79 0.07 15.10 15.43 0.44
Maharashtra 29.9 61.1 88.9 15.23 0.21 27.30 7.47 0.42
Manipur 75.6 10.4 92 77.12 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.66
Meghalaya 42.8 33.7 16.5 75.08 0.03 19.00 0.00 0.56
Mizoram 81.7 51.2 17.4 87.42 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.78
Nagaland 54.6 37.4 2.8 82.09 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.70
Orissa 12.8 10.5 44.4 31.06 0.23 11.40 10.66 0.41
Pondicherry 47.5 55 529.8 8.33 2.71 11.30 0.00 0.25
Punjab 44.7 69.5 184.6 3.14 1.69 14.00 0.00 0.40
Rajasthan 22.4 32.4 39.5 4.62 0.18 9.80 2.30 0.43
Sikkim 58.4 36.3 3.2 45.97 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.65
Tamil Nadu 30.5 39.9 164.9 17.41 0.71 10.40 16.87 0.44
Tripura 73.8 11.2 19.6 77.18 0.31 5.50 0.00 0.63
Uttar Pradesh 18.3 28.7 125.4 5.86 0.40 12.70 27.61 0.40
Uttarakhand 34.1 38.8 111 45.74 0.16 9.00 15.16 0.54
West Bengal 38.4 23.6 136 13.91 0.54 18.40 21.75 0.40
India 29.20 36.13 95.60 20.64 0.35 15.00 23.11 0.46
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 151
Till accurate regional projections become available, global
projections are used for regional impact assessment. The
projected trends of mean sea level rise for the current
century vary depending on the scenario, but are about 4
mm/year on an average. Storm surges that are generated
by the cyclones in the Bay of Bengal cause tremendous
destruction along the East Coast of India. The frequency
distribution of the tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal
during the past 50 years and different causative factors
for the genesis of cyclones in the Bay were studied. For
future projections, simulations of a regional climate model
(PRECIS) were analysed to study the occurrence of
cyclones in the Bay during a baseline climate scenario
(196190) and a future scenario (20712100).
It was found that for all stations north of Visahkhapatnam,
the increase in 100-year return levels (Figure 3.46) is
about 1520% in the future scenario, when compared to
those in baseline scenario. However, for the two stations
considered in the head Bay, namely, Sagar and Kolkata,
increase in 100-year return levels for the future scenario
was found to be less than 5%. Figure 3.46 also indicates a
reduction in 1000-year return periods at different stations.
In the future scenario with increased sea level, 1000-year
return period reduces to about 100-year period. It means
that an extreme event occurring presently once in 1000
years will occur once in 100 years in future. However, in
regions of very large tidal ranges, as in the case of Sagar
and Kolkata, the difference in return levels due to sea
level rise is relatively small.
Impacts and vulnerability at the coast depend on
many other factors such as land topography, density of
population. IRS P6 LISS III satellite image, and Shuttle
Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). Digital elevation
model data (90 m resolution) was used with the help of
topographic sheets of the Survey of India for nding out
the probable inundation areas for the different sea level
projections. Digital image processing and GIS software
were used for determining the area of inundation.
The study showed that estimated inundation areas are 4.2
and 42.5 km
to a sea level rise of 1.0 m and 2.0 m,
respectively, in the region surrounding Nagapattinam. But
for the same sea level conditions, 169 km
and 599 km
will be inundated in the coastal region surrounding Kochi.
Kochi region is directly connected to the backwaters; a
lot of inland areas far from the coast, but adjacent to the
tidal creeks, backwaters, and lakes will be inundated.
This causes considerable increase in the total area of
inundation. In Paradip, the variations in topography are not
smooth and low-lying areas are large, which are connected
by tidal creeks and river inlets. This area seems to be the
most vulnerable, as about 1128 km
falls under inundation
zones for a 2 m rise in sea level. Also, 478 km
may be
inundated in Paradip coastal region for a 1 m sea level
rise. All the creeks, estuaries, and low lands adjacent to
the shoreline increase the risk of inundation. The extent of
probable inundation zone goes upto approximately 40 km
landward. In a similar way, Kochi region is also vulnerable
even in the interior land areas. The study also showed
that all the three regions considered for impact studies
are highly vulnerable to sea level rise. The methodology
used in the present study can be improved by using high
resolution DEM, and accurate area of inundation can be
determined. Different land use classes, which get affected
by the inundation, also can be estimated, which will be
very much helpful for the planners and decision makers
to devise contingency plans for combating sea level rise
problems along the coast of India. Validation with ground
data is also important. Sea level rise will modify the
conguration of the Indian coastline and create a lot of
environmental and societal problems. Impact assessment
will provide useful information for different sectors such
as ports and infrastructure development near the coast. It
is useful for planners and policy-makers to develop long-
term adaptation measures. Environmentalists and coastal
zone managers need to work out the plans for managing
coastlines and its environment affected by sea-level rise
and natural disasters.
Figure 3.46: Estimated return levels from 30-year storm surge model
Blue indicates the B1 scenario (196190) and red indicates the A2 scenario
(20712100). Mean sea level rise of 4mm/year is added from the 1990 levels for
the model runs for A2 (20712100) scenario
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Population Projections. UNPD, United Nations
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 153
Annexure 1: List of institutions and projects/activities undertaken under V&A (Impacts, Vulnerability Assessment and
Adaptation) assessment
Sl. No. Institute Activities
1 Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune Development of future climate change scenarios for India
2 Institute of Economic Growth Developing the future socio-economic scenarios for India in the context of
climate change
3 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Improved river run-off estimates using SWAT for all the Indian river basins
4 Jadavpur University, Kolkata Assessment of river run-off in the ood-prone river systems of the eastern
and north-eastern regions using HEC-HMS model and compare with drought
prone river basins
5 National Environmental Engineering Research
Institute (NEERI)
Assess the impacts of climate change on water demand at national level for
the short, medium to long term time line
6 Arete Glacier and Water Consultants Pvt. Ltd Effects of climate change on the Himalayan glaciers and livelihood: a review of
Indian studies
7 Global hydrogeological solution Impact of climate change on groundwater resources future scenario
8 Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Impact assessment of climate change on major crops and integrated
vulnerability assessment of agriculture in India
9 Tamil Nadu Agriculture University -Geetha lakshmi Assessment of impacts of climate change on major irrigated and rain-fed
crops in India and hence food security issues with special focus on regional
crops in Tamil Nadu
10 Punjab Agricultural University Assessment of impacts of climate change on rice/wheat and other crops
11 Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and
Assessment of impacts of climate change on apple and horticulture
12 Indian Institute of Horticulture Research Assessment of impacts of climate change on vegetables and fruits
13 National Research Centre for Soybean, Indore Assessment of impacts of climate change on major legume crops
14 Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kerala Assessment of impacts of climate change on plantations
15 Central Potato Research Institute, Jalandhar Assessment of impacts of climate change on potato
16 Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal Assessment of impacts of climate change on cotton
17 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Assessment of the impacts and vulnerability of Indian forests and adaptation
18 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Forest & Plantation
Corporation Limited
Assessment of changes in the status of mangroves and coral reefs in India
with particular reference to Andaman & Nicobar Islands
19 Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Assessment of the impacts and vulnerability of the present climate and
climate change on the three most vulnerable coastal districts in India
identied in INC and formulate a framework for adaptation
20 National Institute of Oceanography, Goa Impacts and vulnerability studies along the coast of India to projected sea
level rise and changes in extreme sea level
21 National Institute of Malaria Research Assessment of impacts of climate change on malaria and dengue at national
scale and adaptation strategies for short, medium to long term time scales
22 National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi Assessment of impacts of heat stress on human health and adaptation
23 Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad -Energy Assessment of reverse impacts of climate change on Indian energy systems
24 Tamil Nadu Agriculture University Case study in Tamil Nadu: vulnerability assessment of climate, water
resources, agriculture productivity and development of an adaptation
25 M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation An integrated case study to assess the vulnerability of selected East Coast
stretch of Tamil Nadu to climate change and develop adaptation framework
with a focus on coastal ecosystems, food security and livelihood issues
26 Institute of Home Economics, Delhi Gender specic impacts of climate change on household water poverty
27 Action For Food Production (AFPRO), Udaipur Assessment of vulnerability of the livestock, associated livelihoods due to
climate change and adaptation strategies
28 Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Joyashree Roy Extreme events, water resources, status of human health, livelihood: an
adaptation framework for Kolkata urban agglomeration
29 Winrock International India, New Delhi An integrated assessment of impacts and vulnerabilities on forest and
associated livelihoods in the central Indian region and development of an
adaptation framework
154 | INDIA Second National Communication
30 Integrated Research and Action for Development
Climate change impacts and vulnerability of mountain ecosystems and
31 Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology,
An integrated assessment of vulnerability of agriculture to climate change and
sea level rise in BrahmaniBaitarani estuaries in Orissa
32 The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi An integrated case study to assess impacts and vulnerabilities in the north-
eastern region
33 Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Integrated impact assessment and adaptation policy response study for a
multipurpose hydroelectric project in the Himalayan region
34 Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,
Climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies for built
35 INRM Development of user-friendly data conversion tool for PRECIS outputs
36 IIT Bombay Occurrence and impacts of climate-related natural hazards
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation | 155
Programmes Related
to Sustainable
his chapter describes, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 1(b) of
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
the steps taken or envisaged by India to implement the Convention,
taking into account the specific national and regional development priorities,
objectives, and circumstances. This chapter details information on various
programmes containing measures to mitigate climate change and measures
to facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change. The chapter also details,
in the light of Indias social and economic conditions, information on activities
related to the transfer of, and access to, environmentally sound technologies
and know-how, the development and enhancement of endogenous
capacities, technologies, and know-how, and measures related to enhancing
the enabling environment for development and transfer of technologies. The
chapter outlines Indias commitment to address the challenges of climate
change through its National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), with
the underlying framework of sustainable development. It further establishes
the link between sustainable development and climate change in the Indian
context and concludes by highlighting a range of climate-friendly measures
initiated by India.
National Action Plan on
Climate Change 159
Missions of the Action Plan 159
State Action Plans on
Climate Change 161
Other Steps Envisaged to
Implement the Convention 162
National Action Plan on Climate change
Climate-friendly initiatives 162
National Action Plan on Climate change
Adaptation aspects 162
Recent initiatives with regard to
climate change 162
Sustainable Development
and National Planning 164
Eleventh Five-year plan and
sustainable development 165
Poverty alleviation 165
Rural infrastructure development
Bharat Nirman 167
Agriculture and sustainable development 168
Rural electrication 168
Environmental governance 169
Forests and sustainable development 170
Infrastructure development 170
National Urban Renewal Mission 173
Eleventh Plan and energy sector 173
Chapter 4 Programmes Related to Sustainable Development
Disaster management 173
Indias development plan
vision and targets 173
National Planning and Climate Change 177
Climate Change and Development 179
Climate-friendly Initiatives 180
Fossil energy 180
Renewable energy 182
Energy efciency and conservation 185
Transport 186
Industry 186
Power sector 188
Alternate fuels 190
Rural energy 190
Pipeline network and city gas distribution network 190
Urban transport 190
Forestry 191
Infrastructure development and
public private partnerships 191
Technology Transfer 192
Technology transfer under the Global
Environment Facility mechanism 192
Technology transfer associated with
Clean Development Mechanism projects 193
References & Sources 194
158 | INDIA Second National Communication
Programmes Related to
Sustainable Development CHAPTER
India faces challenges in economic development, which
have to be met with the limited resources available,
with minimal externalities and in the presence of large
uncertainties with respect to climate. One of the growing
and accepted approaches to overcome this development
paradox is adoption of a sustainable development
paradigm, which entails development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of
the future generations to meet their own needs (WCED,
1987). The relationship between climate change and
sustainable development was recognized in Delhi
Declaration during Conference of Parties (COP)-8 in
2002. In fact, it has been argued that exclusive climate
centric vision shall prove very expensive and might
create large mitigation and adaptation burden, whereas
the sustainable development pathway results in lower
mitigation cost besides creating opportunities to realize
co-benets without having to sacrice the original objective
of enhancing economic and social development.
On 30
June 2008, India announced and launched its
National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC).
The NAPCC, guided by the principles of sustainable
development, aligns the environmental and economic
objectives. Broadly, the NAPCC is based on the following
principles: protecting the poor and vulnerable sections
of society through sustainable development strategies
that are sensitive to climate change; achieving national
growth targets through means that enhance ecological
sustainability; devising an efcient and cost-effective
strategy for demand-side management; deploying
appropriate mitigation and adaptation technologies
extensively and at an accelerated pace; promoting
sustainable development through innovative and new
forms of market and regulatory and voluntary mechanisms;
effecting implementation through unique linkages with
civil society, local governments, and publicprivate
partnerships (PPPs); and nally, welcoming international
cooperation for research, development, sharing, and
transfer of technologies driven by external funding and
facilitating global intellectual property rights (IPR) regime
for such a technology transfer under the UNFCCC.
National Action Plan on Climate Change
The NAPCC identies measures that promote our
development objectives while also resulting in co-benets
in terms of addressing climate change. There are eight
National Missions, which form the core of the NAPCC,
representing a multi-pronged, long-term, and integrated
strategies for achieving key goals in the context of climate
change. This underscores the fact that several of the
programmes enumerated under the NAPCC are already
being undertaken under various schemes/programmes
of the Government of India, but in the present context,
it would require a change in direction, enhancement of
scope, and accelerated implementation. It is understood
that the implementation of the NAPCC would require
appropriate institutional mechanisms and the focus would,
therefore, be on the formation and evolution of such
arrangements. Broadly, the Plan envisages promoting the
understanding of climate change with emphasis on issues
related to adaptation and mitigation, energy efciency,
and natural resource conservation.
Missions of the Action Plan
National Solar Mission (renamed as Jawaharlal Nehru
National Solar Mission): Under the brand name Solar
India, this Mission was launched to signicantly increase
the share of solar energy in the total energy mix. This
Mission would promote the use of solar energy for power
generation and other applications. The objective of the
Mission is to establish India as a global leader in solar
energy by creating enabling policies for its quick diffusion
across the country. The immediate aim of the Mission is
to set up a conducive environment for solar technology
penetration in the country, both at the centralized and
decentralized levels. The rst phase (till 2013) will capture
all the options in solar thermal and vigorously promote off-
grid decentralized options and at the same time ensure
modest capacity additions in the grid-based systems.
In the second phase (20132022 and after gaining
substantial experience), solar energy capacity is planned
to be aggressively ramped up. The ultimate objective
of the Mission is to develop a solar capacity in India
that is capable of delivering solar energy competitively
against fossil options in the next 2025 years. Through
this Mission, the Government of India has aggressively
pursued a policy that makes a distinct shift towards clean
energy options and at the same time enhances the energy
security position of the country. This is a strong policy
choice towards making the energy prole of the country
ecologically sustainable.
market-based mechanism to enhance cost-effectiveness
of energy efciency improvements in energy-intensive
large industries through the certication of energy
savings that could be traded (perform, achieve, and
trade), accelerating the shift towards energy-efcient
appliances in identied sectors (market transformation),
creating a nancing mechanism for facilitating demand
side management (DSM) programmes (energy efciency
nancing platform), and developing scal instruments
that promote energy efciency (framework for energy
efcient economic development). The Mission seeks to
enhance efforts to unlock the energy efciency market on
a purchasing power parity basis to result in a total avoided
capacity addition of 19,598 MW by 2017.
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat: This Mission
has been launched with three main components:
promoting energy efciency in the residential and
commercial sector, managing municipal solid waste, and
promoting urban public transport. The main objectives of
the Mission are to exploit the potential for mitigation of
climate change through reduction in energy demand from
the residential and commercial sectors through measures
focusing on energy efciency improvements and resource
conservation and to adopt a comprehensive approach in
the management of water, municipal solid waste, and
waste water so as to realize their potential in terms of
energy generation, recycling, reuse, and composting,
mitigating climate change by taking appropriate
measures in the transport sector (evolving integrated
land use and transportation plans, effecting modal shift
from private to public transport, encouraging greater use
of non-motorized transport, improving fuel efciency, and
using alternative fuels). It is estimated, on an average,
that the implementation of energy efciency measures
would help in achieving about 30% of energy savings in
new residential buildings and 40% in new commercial
buildings. In the case of existing buildings, these
estimates are about 20% and 30%, respectively. Among
the various plans for the implementation of this Mission,
it is identied that the Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) model
is an effective mechanism to promote energy efciency
through promoting replacement of incandescent bulbs
in households by compact uorescent lamps (CFLs). It
is also identied that a comprehensive implementation
of this plan could translate into a demand reduction of
10,000 MW. As a broader strategy, it is envisaged to
promote various energy service companies (ESCOs) as
vehicles to deliver energy efciency targets.
JNNSM - National Solar Mission envisions signicant capacity
addition in the solar energy sector
In January 2010, the Government of India launched the
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). The
Mission aims to enable 20 GW of grid-connected solar
energy being deployed in India by 2022 and 1 GW by
2013 itself. The Mission is not merely an effort at deploying
solar technologies, it has additional major objectives (as
highlighted in the paragraph above): a) to encourage R&D
and support innovation tehereby facilitating grid-parity in
the cost of solar power and b) to establish India as the
global hub for solar manufacturing. In the one year since
the launch of the Mission, 37 projects of 620 MW capacity
have already been allotted. In addition, exisiting 30 MW
solar projects have also been included under the Solar
Mission. Besides, over 75 small projects of 1-2 MW each
have been allotted for installation at the tail ends of the
grid. By November 2011, bidding process for 350 MW
under second batch of projects of rst phase of National
Solar Mission has been completed. By October 2011,
around 125 MW capacity solar power projects have been
installed in the country. It is expected that by March 2012,
the installed capacity would reach to 400 MW.
National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efciency
(NMEEE): This Mission focuses on enhancing energy
efciency measures in the country [in addition to the
already existing programmes pursued by Ministry of
Power (MoP) and Bureau of Energy Efciency (BEE)]
through four new initiatives. These initiatives are: a
160 | INDIA Second National Communication
National Water Mission: The main objective of the
Mission is conservation of water, minimizing wastage
and ensuring its more equitable distribution both across
and within States through integrated water resources
development and management. The main identied goals
of the Mission are: development of a water database in
the public domain, particularly regarding the assessment
of the impact of climate change on water resources;
promoting water conservation, augmentation, and
preservation; focusing attention on over-exploited areas
from water use perspective, increasing water use efciency
by 20%; and promoting basin level integrated water
resource management. The Mission has identied certain
key strategies to achieve the above-mentioned goals,
such as: reviewing the National Water Policy, promoting
and facilitating research on all aspects of the impact of
climate change on water, fast-tracking implementation of
various new and old water resource projects, promoting
traditional systems of water conservation, an intensive
programme of groundwater recharge in over-exploited
areas, incentivizing recycling of water, including waste
water, promoting planning on the principles of integrated
water resources development and management,
ensuring convergence among the various water resource
programmes, intensive stakeholder capacity building and
awareness through measures such as sensitizing elected
representatives regarding over-exploited areas; and re-
orienting public investment under various government
programmes towards water conservation.
National Mission on Green India: The Mission aims
at addressing climate change by enhancing carbon
sinks in sustainably managed forests and ecosystems,
enhancing the resilience and ability of vulnerable species/
ecosystems to adapt to the changing climate and enabling
adaptation of forest dependent local communities in the
face of climatic variability. There are three main objectives
of the Mission: doubling the area under afforestation/eco-
restoration in India in the next 10 years (total area to be
afforested/eco-restored to 20 million ha), increasing the
GHG removal by Indias forests to 6.35% of Indias annual
total GHG emissions by the year 2020, and enhancing the
resilience of forests/ecosystems under the Mission.
National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan
Ecosystem: This Mission identies the importance of
continuity and enhancement in the monitoring of the
Himalayan ecosystem, in particular, the state of glaciers
and the impact of changes in the glacial mass and
its subsequent impact on river ows. It envisages an
appropriate form of scientic collaboration and exchange
of information among South Asian region so as to enhance
the understanding of ecosystem changes and their effects.
It is also identied, under the Mission, to empower local
communities through Panchayati Raj institutions (PRIs),
so as to assume greater responsibility for the management
of natural resources. These measures are over and above
the specic measures/strategies identied in the National
Environmental Policy (2006).
National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA):
The Mission seeks to transform Indian agriculture into
a climate resilient production system through suitable
adaptation and mitigation measures in the domain of
crops and animal husbandry. These interventions would
be embedded in research and development activities,
absorption of improved technology and best practices,
creation of physical and nancial infrastructure and
institutional framework, facilitating access to information
and promoting capacity building. While promotion of
dryland agriculture would receive prime importance by
way of developing suitable drought and pest-resistant
crop varieties and ensuring adequacy of institutional
support, NMSA would also expand its coverage to rain-fed
areas for integrating farming systems with management
of livestock and sheries, so that agricultural production
continues to grow in a sustainable manner.
National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for
Climate Change: This Mission envisions a broad-based
approach, to include the following: conducting research
in the key domains of climate science, improving the
global and regional climate models for the specicity
and quality of climate change projections over the Indian
sub-continent, strengthening of observational networks
and data gathering and assimilation, and creating an
essential research infrastructure. The Indian Network
for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) was launched
on 14 October 2009 and is a step in the direction of
implementing the objectives of the Mission.
State Action Plans on Climate Change
As a second step, after the NAPCC was announced, all
states have been asked to prepare a state-level action plan
to deal with the challenges of climate change. Broadly, the
state-level action plans are envisioned to be an extension
of the NAPCC at various levels of governance, aligned
with the eight National Missions.
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 161
Other Steps Envisaged to Implement the
National Action Plan on Climate Change
Climate-friendly initiatives
The NAPCC (Table 4.1), apart from the eight Missions,
has laid emphasis on numerous other climate-friendly
measures. Specic to the power sector, the Government
of India has laid down numerous initiatives to be taken
up aggressively. These initiatives are vigorous R&D in
the area of ultra-super-critical boilers for coal-based
thermal plants, use of integrated gasication combined-
cycle (IGCC) technology to make coal-based power
generation more efcient, setting up of more combined
cycle natural gas plants, promotion of nuclear energy
through adoption of fast breeder and thorium-based
thermal reactor technology, adoption of high-voltage AC
and DC transmission to reduce technical losses during
transmission and distribution, setting up of small and large
hydropower projects as a source of clean energy (apart
from adaptation related benets), promotion of renewable
energy technologies such as biomass combustion and
gasication-based power generation, enhancement
in the regulatory/tariff regimes to help mainstream
renewable based sources in the national power system,
and promotion of renewable energy technologies for
transportation (biofuels) and industrial fuels.
National Action Plan on Climate Change
Adaptation aspects
Additionally, specic to the adaptation aspects of climate
change, the Action Plan envisages an effective disaster
management strategy that includes mainstreaming
disaster risk reduction into infrastructure project design,
strengthening communication networks and disaster
management facilities at all levels, protecting coastal
areas, providing enhanced public health care services,
and assessing increased burden of disease due to climate
change. All these measures, as a part of the NAPCC,
highlight the priority accorded by the Government of India
in mitigating the likely impacts due to climate change.
The Action Plan also highlights the role of various levels
of government in providing suitable local adaptation
measures. Such local measures are envisioned to
be delivered on the broad principles of fairness and
equity. It is also envisioned that Indias NAPCC will
continuously evolve on the basis of new scientic and
technical knowledge (the National Mission on Strategic
Knowledge for Climate Change), and also, in response
to the continuous evolution of the multi-lateral climate
change regime, including arrangements for international
Recent initiatives with regard to climate change
At the COP-15 to the UNFCCC in Copenhagen, Denmark,
during 718 December 2009, India pledged to continue a
constructive role in international climate diplomacy while
emphasizing the need for implementing a comprehensive
domestic response to reduce the emissions intensity of
gross domestic product (GDP) by 2025% by 2020, on
2005 levels (emissions from the agriculture sector not
included). Some specic actions taken by the Government
of India with regard to climate change are as follows.
Indias Twelfth Five-year Plan (201217), to be
launched on 1
April 2012, will have, as one of its key
pillars, a low-carbon growth strategy. Detailed work
in this regard, through research and other ndings,
has been initiated by the Government of India at all
A carbon tax on coal to fund clean energy (at
the rate of US $1 per tonne to both domestically
produced and imported coal) was announced. The
money collected would go into the National Clean
Energy Fund, to be used for funding research and
innovative projects on clean energy technologies and
Table 4.1: National Missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) Objectives and targets
National Mission Objectives Goals and targets
1 National Solar Mission Promoting ecologically
sustainable growth while meeting
energy security challenges
Enabling environment to deliver 20 GW of solar power by 2022
Grid-connected solar power capacity of 1 GW by 2013
Additional 3 GW through mandatory purchases backed with
preferential tariff by 2017
Favourable conditions for solar manufacturing capabilities
Off-grid applications: 1 GW by 2017, 2 GW by 2022
15 million m
solar thermal collector area by 2017 and 20
million m
by 2022
20 million solar lighting systems for rural areas by 2022
162 | INDIA Second National Communication
2 National Mission on Sustainable
Extension of Energy Conservation
Building Code (optimization of
energy demand)
Urban planning/shift to public
transport: long-term transport
plans for small/medium cities
Recycling of material and urban
waste management: power from
Increasing energy efciency in buildings: building bye laws and
standards, energy performance monitoring, national standards
for construction and recycling of construction waste
Urban transport: norms integrating congestion charges, parking,
etc., norms for pedestrian and cycling, integrating transport
planning with spatial planning
Water supply: mandatory rainwater harvesting, water and
energy audits
3 National Mission on Green India Double area under afforestation/
eco-restoration in the next 10
Increase greenhouse gas (GHG)
removals by forests to 6.35% of
Indias annual GHG emissions
by 2020 (increase of 1.5% over
Enhance forests/eco-systems
2 Mha of moderately dense forests
4 Mha of degraded forests regenerated/afforested
0.10 Mha of mangroves restored, 0.1 Mha wetlands
0.20 Mha urban/peri-urban forests, 1.50 Mha degraded land
under agro-forestry
4 National Mission for Sustaining
the Himalayan Ecosystem
Strengthening institutional
Standardization of eld and space
Prediction/projection of future
trends and assessment of
possible impacts
Governance for Sustaining
Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)
Continuous monitoring of Himalayan ecosystems
Identication of desirable adaptation and development policies
(sustainable urbanization, water security: rejuvenation of
springs, infrastructure development: green roads)
5 National Mission on Enhanced
Energy Efciency
Market-based approaches
Cumulative avoided electricity
capacity addition of 19,000 MW
Specic energy consumption (SEC) reduction targets for
energy-intensive units
Incentivizing action through Energy Savings Certicates
(ESCerts) traded and used for compliance
National energy efciency Clean development Mechanism
(CDM) roadmap
National energy efciency nancing platform
Creating markets for energy efcient products and services
6 National Water Mission Conservation of water,
minimizing wastage and ensuring
its more equitable distribution
both across and within States
through integrated water
resources development and
Comprehensive water database in public domain and
assessment of impact of climate change on water resources
Promotion of citizen and state action for water conservation,
augmentation and preservation
Focused attention to vulnerable areas including over -exploited
Increasing water use efciency by 20%
Promotion of basin level integrated water resources
7 National Mission for Sustainable
Use of bio technology
Dryland (rain-fed) agriculture
Risk management
Access to information
Use of genetic engineering to produce carbon responsive crops
Low input sustainable agriculture: enhanced water use
Micro-irrigation for efcient use of water
Water conservation in rain-fed areas
8 National Mission on Strategic
Knowledge on Climate Change
Network of institutions
Promotion of climate science
Data sharing policy: from various
arms of government
Building human and institutional
capacity: lling knowledge gaps
in modelling and technology
Climate change research and fellowship programme
Climate Change Professor Chairs
National Research Chairs Climate Research Institute
Network of climate change research institutes and scientists
Source: NAPCC (2008)
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 163
environmentally remedial programmes. The expected
earnings from the cess is about US $500 million for
the year 201011.
India has pursued aggressive strategies on forestry
and coastal management, recognizing their ecological
as well as livelihood signicance. A major coastal
zone management programme has been launched to
address the adaptation challenges facing over 300
million vulnerable inhabitants in these regions.
On 10
May 2010, India released its GHG emissions
inventory for 2007 with the aim of informed decision
making and ensuring transparency. Before this, the
only ofcial estimates were available for the year
1994. Thus, India became the only non-Annex I
country to publish such updated numbers. It is aimed
to follow a two-year cycle for the same.
Promoting regional and international cooperation
has been one of the key achievements of the
Government of India regarding climate change.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
(SAARC) adopted the Thimpu Statement on Climate
Change on 29
April 2010. This statement, among
other things, calls for an Inter-governmental Expert
Group on Climate Change to develop a clear policy
direction for regional cooperation on climate change.
Sharing of knowledge among the SAARC countries
would help in better assessment on all areas related
to climate change.
The Bachat Lamp Yojana conceived as Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) Programme of
Activity (PoA) for mass distribution of CFLs in India has
been registered successfully by the CDM Executive
Board. The Programme has been developed to
promote energy-efcient lighting.
Sustainable Development and National
The singlemost important feature of our post-colonial
experience is that the people of India have conclusively
demonstrated their ability to forge a united nation despite its
diversity, and to pursue development within the framework
of a functioning, vibrant, and pluralistic democracy. In this
process, the democratic institutions have put down rm
roots, which continue to gain strength and spread.
A planned approach to development has been the
central process of the Indian democracy, as reected in
the national ve-year plans, departmental annual plans,
and perspective plans of various ministries of the central
and state governments. For more than six decades, the
guiding objectives of the Indian planning process have
been sustained economic growth, poverty alleviation,
food, health, education, and shelter for all, containing
population growth, employment generation, self-reliance,
peoples participation in planning and programme
implementation, and infrastructure development. In
the present context of climate change, development
has focused on enhancing the adaptive and mitigative
capacity of the economy, and thereby, the Government
of India has initiated policies, programmes, and missions
aimed in that direction. Infrastructure emerged to be a
key sector during the Eleventh Plan period (200712),

Bachat Lamp Yojana - programme has been developed to
promote energy efcient lighting
164 | INDIA Second National Communication
with its role as a backbone through which the economy
ourishes, and therefore, the Government of India
initiated new policy measures to ensure infrastructure
growth in line with the economic growth. A key feature
of the vigorous infrastructure growth policy has been the
adoption of a sustainable development path, wherein
infrastructure choices were made keeping in mind the
longer-term perspective of ensuring lesser impacts due to
likely climate change and avoiding critical lock-ins. Thus,
measures like developing the renewable energy sector,
shifting towards public transport, enhancing rural and
urban infrastructure, and others were aimed at enhancing
the adaptive and mitigative capacities of the economic
Eleventh Five-year Plan and sustainable
India is presently implementing its Eleventh Five-year Plan
(200712) and is in the process of preparing the Twelfth
Five-year Plan (201217), having achieved considerable
progress during the previous ten ve-year plans and
three annual plans. The planning process in India aims to
increase wealth and human welfare, while simultaneously
conserving the environment. The national planning process
lays emphasis on the promotion of peoples participatory
institutions and social mobilization, particularly through
the empowerment of women, to ensure the environmental
sustainability of the development process.
India has entered the Eleventh Plan period with an
impressive record of economic growth. After a lackluster
performance in the Ninth Plan (19972002), when GDP
grew at only 5.5% per annum, the economy accelerated
in the Tenth Plan period (200207) to record an average
growth of 7.7%. A major weakness in the economy during
the Tenth Plan was that the growth was not perceived
as being sufciently inclusive for many groups. Gender
inequality was considered to be a persistent problem.
The Eleventh Plan seeks to remedy these deciencies
by seeking to accelerate the pace of growth while also
making it more inclusive. The objective of inclusiveness
is reected in the adoption of 26 monitorable targets
at the national level pertaining to income and poverty,
education, health, women and children, infrastructure,
and environment.
Poverty alleviation
Indias poverty alleviation programmes over the years
have focused on a variety of approaches. In the initial
years of developmental planning, poverty was considered
as essentially a rural problem, and the strategies
adopted focused on agricultural development and
providing employment to the poor in rural areas. Poverty
alleviation is a key determinant in building resilience
in the vulnerable population and, otherwise, provides
livelihood security. Such a focus has a multiplier effect in
terms of building human capabilities such as enhancing
health status and improving the quality of life. The
persistence of poverty on the scale at which it still exists
is not acceptable. A decisive reduction in poverty and an
expansion in economic opportunities for all sections of the
population are, therefore, crucial elements of the vision
for the Eleventh Plan. Rapid growth of the economy is
an essential requirement to achieve this outcome since
it is an instrument for achieving a steady increase in
employment and incomes for large number of our people.
Growth in the Eleventh Plan is planned in such a manner
so as to rapidly create jobs in the industrial and services
sectors. This is accompanied by efforts to improve the
income-earning opportunities of those who remain in
agriculture by raising land productivity. This rapid growth is
supplemented by targeted livelihood support programmes
aimed at increasing productivity and incomes of the poor
in several low income occupations, which is considered
to continue as important sources of employment for quite
some time.
Skill development: Skill development has been the major
thrust area during the Eleventh Plan, thereby building
human capabilities so as to reduce chronic vulnerabilities.
A three-tier structure for coordinated action on skill
development has been set up. The three-tier structure
consists of (i) the Prime Ministers National Council on
Skill Development, (ii) the National Skill Development
Coordination Board (NSDCB), and (iii) the National Skill
Development Corporation (NSDC). The Prime Ministers
National Council has outlined the core operating principles
that advocate the need for co-created solutions for skill
development based on partnerships between the state,
civil society, and community leaders. The emphasis is on
making skills bankable for all sections of society, including
the poorest of the poor. By end December 2010, 28 states
and ve union territories had set up Skill Development
Missions. As a next step, all these states/ union territories
will assess the skill gaps in the major sectors and formulate
action plans for bridging them. The NSDC, set up on
July 2008 as a non-prot PPP in skill development
for co-coordinating/stimulating private sector initiatives,
has been mandated to achieve the target of creation of
skilled workforce of 150 million persons by 2022 under the
National Skill Development Policy.
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 165
Employment generation programmes: Targeted
employment programmes of the Government of India
such as Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)
and Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)
have also gone a long way in building resilience and
decreasing vulnerabilities by providing livelihood security
to millions, thereby supporting poverty alleviation. The
SGSY is a major ongoing scheme launched in April
1999 to help poor rural families cross the poverty line by
assisting them to take up income-generating economic
activities through a mix of bank credit and government
subsidy. The scheme involves, primarily, the organization
of the poor into self-help groups (SHGs) and building their
capacities through training and skill development. A new
initiative has also been taken up for setting up a Rural Self
Employment Training Institute (RSETI) in each district of
the country for basic and skill development training of
rural below poverty line (BPL) youth to enable them to
undertake micro-enterprises and wage employment. The
SJSRY launched by the Government of India in December
1997 has been revamped with effect from April 2009.
The scheme provides gainful employment to the urban
unemployed and underemployed through encouraging
the setting up of self-employment ventures or provision of
wage employment.
Social safety initiatives: In order to provide an adequate
social safety net for the vulnerable and disadvantaged,
several schemes have been launched by the Government
of India. Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY), launched on 2

October 2007, provides insurance against natural as well
as accidental and partial/permanent disability of the head
of the family of rural landless households in the country.
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) was launched
on 1
October 2007 to provide smart card-based cashless
health insurance cover of INR 30,000 per family per annum
to BPL families (a unit of ve) in the unorganized sector,
and the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act (2008)
came into force from 16
May 2009, with the objective of
providing social security to unorganized workers.
Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: The Mahatma
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(MGNREGS) was notied under the Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
on 7
September 2005. The objective of the Act is to
enhance livelihood security in rural areas by providing
at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a
nancial year to every household, the adult members of
which volunteer to do unskilled manual work. The Act
was notied in 200 districts in the rst phase with effect
from 2
February 2006 and then extended to additional
130 districts in the nancial year 2007/08. The remaining
districts have been notied under the MGNREGA with
effect from 1
April 2008. Thus, MGNREGA covers the
entire country with the exception of districts that have a
100% urban population. The broad goals of the Act are
providing a strong social safety net for vulnerable groups
by providing wage employment and acting as a growth
driver for sustainable development of an agricultural
economy (providing employment on works that addresses
causes of poverty such as drought, soil erosion). The
number of rural households that have been provided
employment since the beginning of the scheme are given
in Table 4.1a.
The focus of the scheme, in order of priority, is on water
conservation and water harvesting, drought proong
(including afforestation and tree plantation), irrigation
canals, provision of irrigation facility, horticulture and land
development facilities to lands owned by SC/ST or BPL
Table 4.1a: Rural Households provided with employment
under MNREGA
S.No. Financial Year No. of households
provided with
employment (in crores)
No. of person
days of
employment (in
1 2006-07 2.10 90.51
2 2007-08 3.39 143.68
3 2008-09 4.51 216.33
4 2009-10 5.25 283.59
5 2010-11 5.49 257.15
6 2011-12 (till
30th October
2.84 76.17
Table 4.1b : Work taken up under MNREGA (Figures in lakhs)
S.No. Year Water conservation
and water harvesting
Drought proong Micro irrigation
beneciary works
Renovation of traditional
water bodies
1 2008-09 5.88 1.97 1.45 5.66 2.54
2 2009-10 10.98 3.64 2.99 7.73 3.96
3 2010-11 10.33 4.56 3.45 9.15 4.0
4 2011-12 (till 30th
October 2011)
16.12 5.59 3.48 6.91 3.53
166 | INDIA Second National Communication
families or IAY beneciaries or small and marginal farmers
or beneciaries of Forest Rights Act and renovation of
traditional water bodies. The creation of durable assets
and strengthening the livelihood resource base of the
rural poor is an important objective of the scheme. The
number of aforesaid works taken up in last four years is
given in Table 4.1b.
The MGNREGA scheme, by undertaking myriad works
focusing on water conservation and afforestation, helps
in combating the adverse impacts of climate change.
The scheme also cushions economically and socially
disadvantageous groups against the impact of climate
change. Further, it creates conditions for inclusive growth
and at the same time helps in addressing sustainable
Table 4.2: Policies/programmes promoting sustainable development in agriculture sector
Policy/programme Features
National Policy on
Attain output growth rate in excess of 4% per annum based on efcient use of resources
Integrated Watershed
Management Programme
Restore ecological balance by harnessing, conserving, and developing degraded natural resources such as soil,
vegetative cover, and water
Project for Rainfed Areas
Sustainable management of natural resources, enhancement of agricultural production, restoration of ecological
balance in the degraded and fragile rain-fed ecosystems, reduction in regional disparity between irrigated and
rain-fed areas, and creation of sustained employment opportunities for the rural community including the landless
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Assist states in the development and implementation of district-level agricultural plans (based on local
agro-climatic conditions) and bring about quantiable changes in the production and productivity of various
components of agriculture and allied sectors
National Food Security
Aims at increasing production of rice, wheat, and pulses through area expansion and productivity enhancement in
a sustainable manner; restoring soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level
National Project on Organic
Aims to promote production, promotion, and market development of organic farming in the country
Micro Irrigation Scheme Increase the area under efcient methods of irrigation like drip and sprinkler irrigation
Weather Based Crop
Insurance Scheme
Aims to mitigate against the likelihood of nancial loss on account of anticipated crop loss resulting from
incidence of adverse conditions
National Horticulture Mission To provide holistic growth of horticulture sector through regionally differentiated strategies
National Project on
Management of Soil Health
and Fertility
Facilitate and promote Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)through judicious use of chemical fertilizers in
conjunction with organic manures and bio-fertilizers
development issues by remedying them through focused
Rural infrastructure development Bharat
Another major initiative during the Eleventh Plan has
been Bharat Nirman, which is a time-bound plan for the
development of rural infrastructure by the Government
of India in partnership with the state governments and
PRIs. The main goals of the programme during 200509
were: every village to be provided with electricity, every
habitation with 1000 population and above (500 in hilly and
tribal areas) to be provided with an all-weather road, every
habitation to have a safe source of drinking water, every
village to be connected by telephone, 10 million hectares
of additional irrigation capacity to be created by 2009, and
60 lakh houses to be constructed for the rural poor by
2009. The programme has been extended beyond 2009,
with expanded goals. These new goals include: providing
safe drinking water to all uncovered habitations by 2012,
achieving 40% rural tele-density by 2014, connecting all
villages that have a population of 1000 (or 500 in hilly/
tribal area) with an all-weather road by 2012, enabling the
reach of electricity to all villages and offering electricity
connection to 1.75 crore poor households by 2012, and
bringing additional 1 crore hectare of land under assured
irrigation by 2012. The main thrust of the programme has
been to build rural infrastructure that helps in reducing
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 167
Bharat Nirman- Catalysing rural infrastructure development and
dovetailing the Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
vulnerabilities of the local population, build resilience
within the habitats, and create infrastructural facilities
that help in providing livelihood, health, and education
security to the masses. The assets created would also
help in improving the agriculture sector, thereby assisting
in realizing the growth targets of the economy.
Agriculture and sustainable development
Agriculture is a critical component of Indian sustainable
developmental policies, since more than 650 million people
depend on agriculture. The Green Revolution during the
1970s made India self-sufcient in food production through
increased agricultural output based on high- yielding
seeds, irrigation, and fertilizers. Now, Indian agriculture
is more intensive with regard to the use of inputs per
hectare of land. The National Agricultural Policy (2000) is
targeted to achieve an output growth in excess of 4% per
year in a manner that is technologically, environmentally,
and economically sustainable. During the Eleventh Plan,
agriculture is considered to be a key area for addressing
multiple aspects of the economy such as food security,
economic growth, rural livelihood, and rural resilience. One
of the most disappointing features of the Ninth Plan was
the deceleration in agricultural growth, which set in after
the mid-1990s with GDP in agriculture growing at only
about 2% per annum after growing at 3.6% per annum
between 1980 and 1996. Reversing this deceleration to
achieve a growth target of 4% in agricultural GDP is a key
element of the Eleventh Plan strategy for inclusive growth.
Therefore, public expenditure on agriculture research is
increased from 0.7% to 1% of GDP by end 2012. There is
a programme to evolve suitable strategies on agro-climatic
zone to reduce yield gap (Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
[RKVY]) and public investment in developing irrigation
has been increased (includes modernization to improve
efciency and launching of water shed programmes for
dryland areas). There has been a provision for increasing
private investments (provision of credit for farmers) to
develop land, buy pump sets, and install drip irrigation
systems. There is also a programme for the revival of the
cooperative banking system. Restructuring of fertilizer
subsidy on nutrient basis and creating awareness about
soil health, increasing the supply of certied seeds and
achieving credibility in the quality of seeds, making a
strong effort in expanding food grain production (National
Food Security Mission), incorporating diversication on
the lines of technical appropriateness, forging assured
market and logistics linkages, and improving market
linkages through development of rural infrastructure
(Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana and Rajiv
Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana [RGGVY]) have
been some of the thrust areas during the Eleventh Plan to
boost the agriculture sector, within the broader principles
of achieving a growth that is sustainable.
Several measures/strategies have evolved during the
Eleventh Plan period to address various issues pertaining
to the agriculture sector. In the medium term, the focus
has been on improving yields with the existing available
technology, timely availability of water through expansion
of the irrigation system, and also improvement of
existing irrigation systems. Development of watersheds,
implementing rainwater harvesting in farm ponds and
tanks, and improved methods of groundwater recharge are
other coping strategies under implementation to achieve
planned growth in agriculture. A major expansion in the
Accelerated Irrigation Benet Programme (AIBP) has
been undertaken during the Eleventh Plan. The National
Rainfed Area Authority is mandated to help converge
different programmes in the rain-fed areas to achieve
better water management and improve agricultural
On the output side, various measures have been
undertaken to enhance food security, while there have
been focused interventions aimed at diversifying into
non-food grain crops and promoting animal husbandry
and shing. The new National Food Security Mission
aims at increasing cereal and pulses production by 20
million tonnes by concentrating on those areas that have
the greatest potential for increase in yields with the given
technology. The National Horticulture Mission has also
been expanded. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) is
a focused programme that provides additional nancial
resource to the state governments to nance agriculture
development programmes. The strategy is also aided by
the NREG Act, by implementing projects that help in the
larger objectives of enhancing agricultural productivity
because the rst priority is being given to projects aimed
at water conservation. Table 4.2 gives a snapshot of the
various policies/programmes of the Government of India
and their key features, aimed at promoting sustainable
Rural electrication
The Government of India launched the RGGVY in April
2005 to provide electricity access to all rural households
and extend free connections to all BPL households
by 2009. The physical targets included electrication
of 125,000 un-electried villages by creating rural
168 | INDIA Second National Communication
electricity distribution backbone and village electrication
infrastructure and last mile service connectivity to 10%
households. This programme has been critical, in terms
of building a vibrant rural economy and also in terms
of helping to enhance the quality of life of the rural
populationenhanced medical devices in primary health
centres and electricity in households for children to study
at night. The Rural Electrication component under Bharat
Nirman Programme is a sub-set of RGGVY. The time
frame for these two programmes coincides. Expansion of
the programme has helped farmers in those areas where
the water table is high to use pump-based irrigation. This
programme has also helped in supporting the National
Food Security Mission by expanding groundwater irrigation
through increased yields (particularly in the North East
and eastern parts of the country).
Environmental governance
The National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement
on Environment and Development (1992) provides the
basis for the integration of environmental considerations
in the policies of the various sectors. It aims at achieving
sustainable lifestyles and proper management and
conservation of resources. The Policy Statement for
Abatement of Pollution (1992) stresses the prevention
of pollution at the source, based on the polluter pays
principle. It encourages the use of the best available
technical solutions, particularly for the protection of
heavily polluted areas and river stretches. The Forest
Policy (1988) highlights environmental protection through
preservation and restoration of the ecological balance.
The policy seeks to substantially increase the forest
cover in the country through afforestation programmes.
This environmental framework aims at taking cognizance
of the longer-term environmental perspective related
to industrialization, power generation, transportation,
mining, agriculture, irrigation, and other such economic
activities, as well as addressing parallel concerns related
to public health and safety.
Economic development without environmental
considerations can cause serious environmental damage,
in turn impairing the quality of life of the present and future
generations. Such environmental degradation imposes a
cost on the society and needs to be explicitly factored into
economic planning, with the incorporation of necessary
remedial measures. The National Environment Policy
(2006) has attempted to mainstream environmental
concerns in all our developmental activities. It underlines
that while conservation of environmental resources is
Table 4.3: Snapshot of the various Acts/policies/
programmes in the forestry sector
Policy/programme Features
(Conservation) Act
To check further deforestation, the Forest
(Conservation) Act was enacted by the
Government of India.
National Forest
National Forest Policy acknowledges the
importance and primacy of local communities
and provides for a sustainable management
approach with maintenance of environmental
stability as the prime objective.
Participatory Forest
Programme (JFM)
Initiated on 1
June 1990, JFM has
emerged as an important intervention in
the management of forest resources in
India. The JFM approach optimizes the
returns, minimizes conicts, and links the
forestry development works with the overall
development of land based resources. It also
aims at building technical and managerial
capability at the grassroots level.
Programme (NAP)
The NAP Scheme was initiated by scaling-up
the Samnavit Gram Vanikaran Samridhi Yojana
(SGVSY) project experience and converging
all afforestation schemes of the Ninth Plan
period. The overall objective of the scheme is
to develop the forest resources with peoples
participation, with focus on improvement in
livelihoods of the forest fringe communities,
especially the poor
National Watershed
Project forRainfed
Areas (NWDPRA)
The NWDPRA programme was initiated in
1990/91 with the twin objectives of improving
agricultural production in rain-fed areas and
restoring ecological balance.
necessary to secure livelihoods and well being of all,
the most secure basis for conservation is to ensure that
people dependant on particular resources obtain better
livelihoods from the fact of conservation, than from
degradation of the resource. The strong sustainable
development agenda followed by India incorporates
rigorous environmental safeguards for infrastructure
projects, strengthening of the environmental governance
system, revitalizing of regulatory institutions, focusing on
river conservation, and making efforts for improvements
in air and water quality, on a continuous basis.
In this regard, the Ministry of Environment and Forests
(MoEF) has notied the Wetlands (Conservation and
Management) Rules (2010) in order to ensure that
there is no further degradation of wetlands. The rules
specify activities that are harmful to wetlands such as
industrialization, construction, dumping of untreated
waste, and reclamation, and prohibit these activities in the
wetlands. Other activities such as harvesting and dredging
may be allowed but only with prior permission from the
concerned authorities. The National Green Tribunal
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 169
(NGT) Act (2010) came into force on 18
October 2010.
As per the provisions of the NGT Act (2010) the National
Environment Appellate Authority (NEAA), established
under the NEAA Act (1997) stands dissolved, and the
cases pending before NEAA stand transferred to the
NGT. The Act provides for the establishment of an NGT
for the effective and expeditious disposal of cases relating
to environmental protection and conservation of forests
and other natural resources, including enforcement of
any legal right relating to environment and giving relief
and compensation for damages to persons and property
and for matters connected with or incidental. Coastal
ecosystems are a critical reservoir of our biodiversity and
provide protection from natural disasters such as oods
and tsunamis and are a source of livelihood to hundreds
of millions of families. Hence, as a major national initiative
in this direction, the Coastal Regulation Zone Notication
has been published in the Gazette of India on 6
Other statutory frameworks for the environment include
the Indian Forest Act (1927) the Water (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act (1974), the Air (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act (1981), the Forest (Conservation)
Act, (1980), and the Environment (Protection) Act (1986).
The courts have also elaborated on the concepts relating
to sustainable development, and the polluter pays and
precautionary principles. In India, matters of public
interest, particularly pertaining to the environment, are
articulated effectively through a vigilant media, an active
NGO community, and, very importantly, through the
judicial process that has recognized the citizens right to
clean environment.
Forests and sustainable development
Forest conservation and enhancement are the stated
objectives of the national policy. Various policy initiatives
have resulted in the increase in forest cover and a reduction
in the per capita deforestation rate. The National Forests
Policy envisages peoples participation in the development
of degraded forests to meet their fuel, fodder, and timber
needs, as well as to develop the forests for improving the
environment through Joint Forest Management. India
has implemented a large number of progressive policies,
programmes, and measures to conserve and develop
forests, wildlife, mangroves, and coral-reefs, such as: the
Forest Conservation Act (1980) the National Forest Policy
(1988), the Wildlife Act, Joint Forest Management, Social
Forestry, banning of timber extraction in reserve forests,
improved cook-stove programme, and biogas to conserve
fuelwood. Similarly, there are conservation programmes
for mangroves, coral reefs, and lake ecosystems. The
National Wasteland Development Board is responsible
for regenerating degraded non-forest and private lands.
The National Afforestation and Eco-development Board is
responsible for regenerating degraded forest lands, the land
adjoining forest areas, as well as ecologically fragile areas.
The Forest Survey of India monitors changes in the forest
area. All these measures have led to some stabilization
of the forest area, a reduction in deforestation, and
afforestation, signicantly contributing to the conservation
of the forest carbon sink. All these preparations will act
as a buffer for the forest-dependent communities against
the challenges posed by climate change. The MoEF
notied the constitution of Compensatory Afforestation
Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) on
April 2004 for the management and use of the fund
generated by levying cost of compensatory afforestation
in equivalent forest lands offered by the user agencies
or in degraded land whenever there is a diversion of
forest lands for non-forestry purposes under the Forest
(Conservation) Act (1980). The apex court of the country
had observed that this fund was being appropriated to
the implementing authorities. As a consequence of this
observation, the MoEF issued guidelines for State CAMPA
on 2
July 2009, with the objective of putting in place a
funding mechanism for enhancing forest and tree cover
and conservation and management of wildlife by utilizing
the funds currently available with the ad-hoc CAMPA.
Table 4.3 gives a summary snapshot of sustainable
development initiatives in the forestry sector.
Infrastructure development
Poor quality of infrastructure could seriously limit Indias
growth potential as infrastructure forms the backbone
of any economy. The Eleventh Plan has outlined a
Urban Infrastructure- JNNURM programme of the government
has catalysed massive development in urban infrastructure
170 | INDIA Second National Communication
comprehensive strategy for the development of both rural
and urban infrastructure (includes electric power, roads,
railways, ports, airports, telecommunications, irrigation,
drinking water, sanitation, storage, and warehousing).
The total investment in these areas was around 5% of
GDP in 2006/07, and the Eleventh Plan has targeted to
increase this to about 9% of GDP by the terminal year
of the plan period, that is, 2011/12. Since various social
sector and livelihood support programmes for the poor
will have the rst charge on public resources, the strategy
for infrastructure development has been designed to
rely as much as possible on private sector investment
through various forms of PPPs. The Plan also recognizes
that the scope for private participation in infrastructure
development in several areas is limited, and the
infrastructure requirement of these areas, therefore, has
to be met through public investment simultaneously. Both
the centre and the states have seen varying degrees of
success in attracting private investment in areas such as
power generation, telecommunications, roads, railways,
airports, and ports, though much more needs to be done.
Special attention is being paid to the Bharat Nirman
programme as a key driver for creating rural infrastructure
in this regard.
The rate of urbanization in India has been relatively slow
so far, but faster growth is likely to change this in future,
leading to a faster pace of urbanization in the years
ahead. Urbanization is a natural outcome of the process of
development, and the Government of India has recognized
the need to gear up to the challenge by meeting the
infrastructure needs of the cities. It is also recognized that
there will be an urgent need to simultaneously upgrade
the quality of infrastructure in existing cities and also
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 171
Table 4.4: Acts/policies/programmes in the energy sector
Act/policy/programme Features
Integrated Energy Policy (2006) Aims at reliably meeting the demand for energy services of all sectors, including the energy needs of
vulnerable households with safe, clean, and convenient energy at the least-cost. This must be done in
a technically efcient, economically viable, and environmentally sustainable manner.
Energy Conservation Act (2001) A legal framework towards efcient use of energy and its conservation. The ultimate objective of the
Act is energy security through conservation and efcient use of energy.
Electricity Act (2003) Legal framework across various components of the electricity sector.
Village Energy Security Programme Provide energy security in villages by meeting energy needs for cooking, electricity, and motive
power through various forms of biomass material based on available biomass conversion
technologies and other renewable energy technologies, where necessary.
National Draft Policy Statement on New
and Renewable Energy
An exclusive and comprehensive policy on renewable energy, aiming to raise renewable capacity to
100,000 MW by 2050.
National Policy on Bio-fuels Mainstreaming of biofuels and, therefore, envisioning a central role for it in the energy and
transportation sectors of the country in coming decades.
Development of Solar Cities To promote the use of renewable energy in urban areas by providing support to the municipal
corporations for preparation and implementation of a roadmap to develop their cities as solar cities.
Energy Conservation Building Code To provide minimum requirements for the energy-efcient designand construction of buildings. This
aims at reducing the baseline energy consumption by supporting adoption and implementation of
efciency saving and saving in greenhouse gas emission.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE) Scheme on Green Buildings
Based on the climatic conditions, and in particular the construction of non-air-conditioned buildings,
a national rating system GRIHA has been developed, which is suitable for all types of buildings
in different climatic zones of the country(one of the criteria under GRIHA is to meet 1% of total
connected load for interior lighting and space conditioning through solar photovoltaics).
Tariff Policy (2006) The legal framework, which states that a minimum percentage of the energy, as specied by the
regulatory commission, is to be purchased from renewable energy sources.
Programme on Biomass Energy and
Co-generation (non-bagasse) inIndustry
The installation of biomass co-generation projects (excluding bagasse co-generation ) is to be
promoted in industry, with at least 50% of power for captive use, and a provision for the surplus
power to be exported to the grid.
National Electricity Policy (2005) Stipulates that progressively the share of electricity from non-conventional sources would need
to be increased. It also envisages appropriate preferential pricing to promote non-conventional
technologies before they can compete with the conventional sources in terms of cost.
Scheme on Biogas Based Distributed/Grid
Power Generation Programme
To promote biogas-based power generation, especially in the small capacity range, based on the
availability of large quantity of animal wastes and wastes from forestry, rural based industries.
Remote Village Electrication Programme
To provide access to electricity through renewable energy to households in remote villages, which are
not likely to get covered through grid extension.
Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran
Aims at providing electricity to 100% rural households. It has theprovision of decentralized
distribution and generation (DDG)Through use of renewable energy sources.
Box 4.1: Indian developmental targets
Twenty-seven targets at the national level fall under six major categories. These six categories are: (i) income and poverty; (ii) education; (iii)
health; (iv) women and children; (v) infrastructure; and (vi) environment. The targets in each of these categories are given below.
(i) Income and poverty
Average gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of 9% per year in the Eleventh Plan period.
Agricultural GDP growth rate at 4% per year on the average.
Generation of 58 million new work opportunities.
Reduction of unemployment among the educated to less than 5%.
20% rise in the real wage rate of unskilled workers.
Reduction in the head-count ratio of consumption poverty by 10 percentage points.
(ii) Education
Reducing the drop-out rates of children at the elementary level from 52.2% in 2003/04 to 20% by 2011/12.
Developing minimum standards of educational attainment in elementary schools, to ensure quality education.
Increasing the literacy rate for persons of age 7 years or more to 85% by 2011/12.
Reducing the gender gap in literacy to 10 percentage points by 2011/12.
Increasing the percentage of each cohort going to higher education from the present 10% to 15% by 2011/12.
(iii) Health
Infant mortality rate (IMR) to be reduced to 28 and maternal mortality ratio (MMR) to 1 per 1000 live births by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
Total fertility rate to be reduced to 2.1 by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
Clean drinking water to be available for all by 2009, ensuring that there are no slip-backs by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
Malnutrition among children of age group 03 to be reduced to half its present level by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
Anaemia among women and girls to be reduced to half its present level by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
(iv) Women and children
Raising the sex ratio for age group 06 to 935 by 2011/12 and to 950 by 2016/17.
Ensuring that at least 33% of the direct and indirect beneciaries of all government schemes are women and girl children.
Ensuring that all children enjoy a safe childhood, without any compulsion to work.
(v) Infrastructure
To ensure electricity connection to all villages and below poverty line (BPL) households by 2009 and reliable power by the end of the Plan.
To ensure all-weather road connection to all habitations with population 1000 and above (500 and above in hilly and tribal areas) by 2009, and
all signicant habitations by 2015.
To connect every village by telephone and provide broadband connectivity to all villages by 2012.
To provide homestead sites to all by 2012 and step up the pace of house construction for rural poor to cover all the poor by 2016/17.
(vi) Environment
To increase forest and tree cover by 5 percentage points.
To attain WHO standards of air quality in all major cities by 2011/12.
To treat all urban waste water by 2011/12 to clean river waters.
To increase energy efciency by 20% by 2016/17.
Source: Eleventh Plan Document, Planning Commission (2007)
Box 4.2: Strategy for Eleventh Plan Inclusive growth
The strategy for achieving faster growth with greater inclusiveness involves several interrelated components. These are as follows.
Continuation of the policies of economic reform, which have created a buoyant and competitive private sector capable of beneting from the
opportunities provided by greater integration with the world.
A revival in agricultural growth, which is the most important single factor affecting rural prosperity.
Improved access to essential services in health and education (including skill development), especially for the poor, which is essential to ensure
inclusiveness and also support rapid growth.
Special thrust on infrastructure development, which is a critical area for accelerating growth.
Environmental sustainability, which is becoming increasingly important.
Special attention to the needs of the disadvantaged groups.
Good governance at all levels Central, State, and Local.
Source: Eleventh Plan Document, Planning Commission (2007)
172 | INDIA Second National Communication
to develop new cities and suburban townships in the
vicinity of existing cities as satellites/counter magnets to
redistribute the inux of population.
Urban infrastructure is expensive to construct, and the
nancial condition of most of the cities is such that they
are unable to nance the scale of investment for quite
some time. Accordingly, the Jawaharlal Nehru National
Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) was launched by
the Government of India, which seeks to provide central
assistance for urban infrastructure development (in a
sustainable manner) linked to a process of reforms at
the city and urban local body (ULB) level (making these
bodies more nancially viable and ultimately capable of
nancing the investment needs in urban areas).
National Urban Renewal Mission
JNNURM was launched by the prime minister on 3

December 2005. The main aim was to encourage reforms
and fast-track planned development of identied cities.
The main focus of the Mission is on improving efciency
in urban infrastructure and service delivery mechanisms,
community participation, and accountability of ULBs/para-
statal agencies towards citizens. The main objectives of the
Mission are: focused attention to integrated development
of infrastructure services in cities, establishment of
linkages between asset-creation and asset-management
through reforms for long-term sustainability, ensuring
adequate funds to meet the deciencies in urban
infrastructural services, planned development of identied
cities including peri-urban areas, outgrowths and urban
corridors leading to dispersed urbanization, scaling-up
delivery of civic amenities and provision of utilities with
emphasis on universal access to the urban poor, special
focus on urban renewal programme for the old city areas
to reduce congestion, and provision of basic services to
the urban poor, including security of tenure at affordable
prices, improved housing, water supply and sanitation,
and ensuring delivery of other existing universal services
of the government for education, health, and social
The Mission comprises two sub-missions: urban
infrastructure and governance (the main thrust being
on infrastructure projects related to water supply and
sanitation, sewerage, solid waste management, road
network, urban transport, and redevelopment of old
city areas with a view to upgrading infrastructure) and
basic services to the urban poor (the main thrust of this
on integrated development of slums through projects
for providing shelter, basic services, and other related
civic amenities with a view to providing utilities to the
urban poor). The underlying principle of the Mission is
enhancement of the quality of life within the sustainability
Eleventh Plan and energy sector
As in other developing countries, our ability to sustain
rapid growth will depend critically on the availability or
affordability of energy. The Eleventh Plan faces special
challenges in this area since the start of the Plan coincided
with a period of sharp increase in the world prices of
petroleum products and a growing concern about the
need to increase energy efciency, both to economize on
costs and also to reduce carbon emissions, as much as
possible. It is necessary to evolve appropriate policies for
the major energy producing sectors electricity, coal, oil
and gas, and various forms of renewable energy which
are consistent with optimal use of all these energy sources.
The Eleventh Plan outlined a broad approach based on
the Integrated Energy Policy (IEP 2006) formulated by
the Planning Commission. The compulsions of moving to
a rational energy policy are underlined by the emerging
threat of climate change, which presents special
challenges over the longer term. The various measures
taken by the Government of India in the energy sector,
within the overall objectives of sustaining economic
growth and concern for the environment, are enumerated
in Table 4.4.
Disaster management
India often faces natural calamities like oods, cyclones,
and droughts, which occur fairly frequently in different parts
of the country. Sometimes, the same area is subjected to
both oods and droughts in successive seasons or years.
About 85% of the countrys total area is vulnerable to one
or more disasters, and about 57% of the area lies in high
seismic zones, including the national capital. While not all
natural calamities can be predicted and prevented, a state
of preparedness and the ability to respond quickly to a
natural calamity can considerably mitigate loss of life and
property and restore normalcy at the earliest. Therefore,
the Government of India has formulated a plan of action
to deal with contingencies that arise in the wake of natural
calamities, which is periodically updated. Detailed plans
are formulated up to the district level.
Indias development plan vision and targets
The last decade of the 20th century has seen a visible
shift in the focus of development planningfrom the mere
expansion of production of goods and services, and the
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 173
Table 4.5: Millennium Development Goals and related Indian plan targets
Millennium Development Goals
and global targets
Indias Eleventh Plan (200712) and beyond targets
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger
Target 1: Halve, between 1990 and
2015, the proportion of people whose
income is less than US $1/day
Target 2: Halve, between 1990 and
2015, the proportion of people who
suffer from hunger
Average GDP growth rate of 9% [Between 1990 and 2005, 34.3% of population earning US $1/day, while
80.4% earning US $2/day]
Agricultural GDP growth rate on average of 4%
20% rise in real wage rate of unskilled workers [Youth literacy rate of 76.4% (for ages 1524)]
Reduction in head-count ratio of consumption poverty by 10 percentage points
Total fertility rate to be reduced to 2.1 by the end of the Eleventh Plan [Total fertility rate (births per
woman) at 5.3 for 197075 and 3.1 for 20002005; Annual growth rate of population (19752005, 2%)
and 20052015, 1.4%)]
Goal 2: Achieve universal
primary education
Target 3: Ensure that, by 2015,
children everywhere, boys and girls
alike, will be able to complete a full
course of primary schooling
Reduction in drop-out rates of children at elementary level from 52.2% in 2003/04 to 20% by 2011/12
[Combined gross enrollment ratio for primary, secondary, and tertiary education was 63.8% in 2005]
Develop minimum standards of education at elementary level, to ensure quality Increase the literacy
rate for persons 7 years or more to 85% by 2011/12 [61% adult literacy rate between 1995 and 2005]
Reduce the gender gap in literacy to 10 percentage points by 2011/12
Increasing the percentage of each cohort going to higher education from the present 10% to 15% by
Goal 3: Promote gender equality
and empower women
Target 4: Eliminate gender disparity
in primary and secondary education,
preferably by 2005 and in all levels of
education no later than 2015
Sex-ratio for age-group 06 to be raised to 935 by 2011/12 and 950 by 2016/17
Ensuring that at least 33% of the beneciaries of government schemes are women and girl children
Ensuring that all children have a safe childhood, without any compulsion to work
Ratio of adult literacy (female rate to male rate ) is 0.65 between 1995 and 2005
Goal 4: Reduce child mortality
Target 5: Reduce by two-thirds,
between 1990 and 2015, the under ve
mortality rate
Infant mortality rate (IMR) to be reduced to 28 by the end of the Eleventh Plan
Malnutrition among children of age group 0-3 to be reduced to half its present level by the end of the
Eleventh Plan [47% (under age 5) children underweight (19962005); 75% one-year-olds fully immunized
against TB, 58% against measles; between 2002 and 2004, 20% of the population was undernourished
and 30% (19982005) of the infants were with low birth weight]
Goal 5: Improve maternal health
Target 6: Reduce by three-fourths,
between 1990 and 2015, the maternal
mortality ratio (MMR)
MMR to be reduced to 1 per 1000 live births by the end of the Eleventh Plan
Anaemia among women and girls to be reduced to half its present value by the end of the Eleventh Plan
[IMR improved from 127 in 1970 to 56 in 2005, while under ve mortality rate improved from 202 to 74 (for
the same period). MMR stands at 450 (per 100,000 live births) in 2005]
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS,
malaria, and other diseases
Target 7: Halted by 2015 and begin to
reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
Target 8: Have halted by 2015 and
begin to reverse the incidence of
malaria and other major diseases
Malaria mortality reduction: 50% by 2010 and additional 10% by 2012
Kala-azar mortality reduction 100% by 2010 and sustaining elimination by 2012
Filaria/microlaria reduction 70% by 2010, 80% by 2012, and elimination by 2015
Dengue mortality reduction 50% by 2010 and sustaining at that level by 2012
Reduce new infections of HIV/AIDS by 60% in high prevalence states so as to obtain reversal of
epidemic and 40% in highly vulnerable states to stabilize the epidemic
Goal 7: Ensure environmental
Target 9: Integrate the principles of
sustainable development into country
policies and programmes and reverse
the loss of environmental resources
Target 10: Halve by 2015 the
proportion of people without
sustainable access to safe drinking
Target 11: Achieve by 2020 a
signicant improvement in the lives of
at least 100 million slum dwellers
Capacity addition of 16,553 MW hydro, 3380 MW nuclear (out of the total of 78,577 MW capacity
Increase forest and tree cover by 5 percentage points [22.8% of forest cover of the total land area with an
annual change of 0.4% between 1990 and 2005]
To attain WHO quality of air standards in all major cities by 2011/12
To treat all urban waste waters to clean rivers by 2011/12
Increase energy efciency by 20% by 2016/17
Clean drinking water to be available to all by 2009 [14% population not using improved water source
Ensuring electricity connection to all villages and BPL households by 2009 and reliable power by the
end of the plan [56% electrication rate (200005), 487.2 million population without electricity(2005)]
Ensure all-weather road connection to all habitations with population 1000 and above (500 and above in
hilly and tribal areas) by 2009, and all signicant habitations by 2015
Connect every village by telephone and broadband connectivity by 2012 [Telephone mainlines increased
from 6 to 45 (per 1000 people, 19902005), cellular subscribers from 0 to 82, Internet users from 0 to 55
for the same period]
Provide homestead sites to all by 2012 and step up the pace of house construction for rural poor to
cover all the poor by 2016/17[Share of TPES; coal (38.7%), oil (23.9%), natural gas (5.4%), hydro, solar,
wind, geothermal (1.7%), biomass and waste (29.4%), and others (including nuclear) is 0.8%. for 2005]
174 | INDIA Second National Communication
Goal 8: Develop a global
partnership for development
Target 12: Develop further an
open, rule-based, predictable, non-
discriminatory trading and nancial
system (includes a commitment to
good governance, development, and
poverty reduction both nationally and
Target 13: In cooperation with
developing countries, develop and
implement strategies for decent and
productive work for youth
Target 14: In cooperation with
pharmaceutical companies, provide
access to affordable essential drugs in
developing countries
Target 15: In cooperation with the
private sector, make available the
benets of new technologies, especially
information and communication
58 million new work opportunities [Unemployment rate of 4.3% of labour force (19962005) with 67%
employed in agriculture, 13% in industry, and 20% in services]
Reduction of unemployment among the uneducated to less than 5%
13 of the 27 monitorable targets have been disaggregated into appropriate state-level targets
Data in Italics from UNDP (2007)
Source: Planning Commission (2007); UNDP (2007)
consequent growth of per capita income, to planning for
enhancement of human well being, more specically to
ensure that the basic material requirements of all sections
of the population are met and that they have access to
basic social services such as health and education. A
specic focus on these dimensions of social development
is necessary because experience shows that economic
prosperity, measured in terms of per capita income alone,
does not always ensure enrichment in the quality of
life, as reected, for instance, in the social indicators on
health, longevity, literacy, and environmental sustainability.
The latter must be valued as outcomes that are socially
desirable within themselves and, hence, made direct
objectives of any development process. They are also
valuable inputs to sustain the development process in
the long run. In line with the above objectives, as in the
Tenth Plan, the Eleventh Plan has developed various
developmental targets for the country (Box 4.1).
In order to ensure the balanced development of all states,
the Eleventh Plan includes a break-up of the broad
developmental targets, by state, including targets for growth
rates and social development, which are consistent with
the above national targets. These state-specic targets
take into account the needs, potentialities, and constraints
present in each state and the scope for improvement in
their performance, given these constraints. Overall, the
vision of development during the Eleventh Plan period is
outlined in Box 4.2, consistent with the broad principles of
sustainable development and inclusiveness.
The Eleventh Plan provides an opportunity to build upon
the gains of the past and also to address the weaknesses
that have emerged. The establishment of appropriate
institutional frameworks to implement various development
programmes has been an important component of
development policies throughout Indias planning effort
Table 4.6: A chronology of the Government of Indias response to environment and climate change across various plan
Plan period Achievements
Eighth Plan (199297) (1) Eco Mark Scheme 1991
(2) National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Development (1992)
(3) Expert Group constituted by the Planning Commission to formulate a National Policy for the integrated
development of the Himalayas in 1992
(4) Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources (now known as Ministry of New and Renewable Energy [MNRE])
created in 1992
(5) National Disaster Mitigation Programme (NDMP) (1993/94)
(6) National River Conservation Plan (1995)
(7) Environmental Impact Assessment Notication (EIA)
(8) Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF)
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 175
Ninth Plan (19972002) (1) Recycled Plastic Use Rules (1998)
(2) National Committee on the Conservation and Management of Mangroves and Coral Reefs,
set up in September 1998
(3) Hydro Policy (1998)
(4) Biological Diversity Act (2002)
(5) National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (19992000)
(6) Municipal Solid Waste Management and Handling Rules (2000)
(7) National Lake Conservation Plan initiated in 2001
(8) Exploration and exploitation of coal bed methane
(9) Broad-based Energy security strategies in the Ninth Plan included energy conservation, energy efciency
standards, energy labelling programme, and energy audit to be made mandatory in energy-intensive units
(10) Concern for climate change impacts highlighted
(11) Lead in Gasoline phased out since 2000
(12) National Policy for hydropower development
(13) National Action Programme (NAP) to combat desertication, 2001
(14) National Land Use and Conservation Board (NLCB) reconstituted
(15) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana launched on 25
December 2000
(16) Energy Conservation Act (2001)
(17) Remote Village Electrication (RVE) Programme (2001/02)
Tenth Plan (200207) (1) National Environment Policy (2006)
(2) National Agriculture Policy (2000)
(3) Bharat Nirman (to build rural infrastructure) launched by the Government of India in 2005
(4) National Rural Health Mission (200512)
(5) First National Communication to UNFCCC in 2004
(6) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) (2005)
(7) JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission) (2005)
(8) Disaster Management Act (2005)
(9) Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) (2006)
(10) Rural Electrication Policy (2006)
(11) Integrated Watershed Development Programme (2008)
(12) National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA) (2006)
Eleventh Plan (200712) (1) Inclusive approach for development
(2) National Action Plan on Climate Change launched in 2008
(3) Development of Solar Cities started in February 2008
(4) Environment protection considered as one of the monitorable target
(5) Indias greenhouse gas (GHG) emission report launched
(6) National Hydro Energy Policy
(7) Introduction of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
(8) Increase in forest cover by 5% of total geographical area
(9) Reduction in energy intensity by 20% from the period of 2007/08 to 2016/17
(10) Contribution of renewable energy to increase by 23% in the plan period
(11) Removal by Indias forests to 6.35% of Indias annual total GHG emissions by the year 2020
(12) National Green Tribunal Act
Source: Planning Commission (199297, 19972002, 200207, 200712)
the years, the governments at the centre and the states
have launched a large number of initiatives at substantial
public expense to achieve the objectives of growth
with poverty alleviation and inclusiveness. Experience
suggests that many of these initiatives have oundered
because of poor design, insufcient accountability, and
also corruption at various levels. Increasingly, there is
since independence. These provide platforms to implement
adaptation strategies for dispersed and informal sectors
like watershed management, agriculture, rural health, and
The vision for the Eleventh Plan includes an important
component in terms of an improvement in governance. Over
176 | INDIA Second National Communication
a demand for effective implementation, without which
expanded government intervention will not yield desired
results. The strategy for the Eleventh Plan aims at bringing
about major improvements in governance, which would
make government-funded programmes in critical areas
more effective and efcient. It is considered that the best
possible way of achieving this objective is by involving
communities in both the design and implementation of
such programmes, although such involvement may vary
from sector to sector. Experience shows that Civil Society
Organizations (CSOs) can work with PRIs to improve the
effectiveness of these programmes. For achieving the
vision of the Eleventh Plan, it is extremely important to
experiment with programme design to give more exibility
to decision making at the local level.
It is especially important to improve evaluation of the
effectiveness of how government programmes work and
to inject a commitment to change their designs in the
light of the experience gained. Evaluation must be based
on proper benchmarks and be scientically designed to
generate evidence-based assessment of different aspects
of programme design. Along with greater transparency and
feedback from community participation, this is particularly
important in the case of programmes delivering services
directly to the poor. Accountability and transparency
are critical elements of good governance. The Right to
Information Act (RTI) enacted in 2005 empowers people
to get information and constitutes a big step towards
transparency and accountability.
Constitutional provisions and legal requirements have
been used to achieve various standards and norms that
are needed for development programmes. The 42nd
Amendment of the Constitution (1977) enjoined both
the state and the citizens to protect and improve the
environment and safeguard forests and wildlife. The 73rd
Amendment (1992) made the panchayats responsible for
soil conservation, watershed development, social and farm
forestry, drinking water, fuel and fodder, non-conventional
energy sources, and maintenance of community assets.
Various national policies such as the National Forest Policy
(1988) and the National Water Policy (1987 and 2002) are
all important moves towards ensuring the sustainability
of natural resources. India is also a signatory to many of
the international multi-lateral treaties in matters relating to
environment, health, investment, trade, and nance. The
government has also incorporated the spirit of Agenda-21
in the form of two policy statements: the Abatement of
Pollution and the National Conservation Strategy.
National Planning and Climate Change
The Eleventh Five-year Plan reects the Government
of Indias commitment to the United Nations Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) (2002). The UN goals
include halving extreme poverty, halving the proportion of
people without sustainable access to safe drinking water,
halting the spread of HIV/AIDS, and enrolling all boys
and girls everywhere in primary schools by 2015. Many
of the Indian national targets have been more ambitious
than the UN MDGs like: doubling the national per capita
income by 2012, all villages to have sustained access to
potable drinking water by 2007, halting HIV/AIDS spread
by 2007, and all children in schools by 2003 (Table 4.5).
They reect the commitment of the Government of India
to the UNFCCC, the Rio Declaration (1992) on Agenda-21
at the UN Conference on Environment and Development,
the Millennium Declaration at the UN Millennium Summit,
the Johannesburg Declaration at the World Summit
on Sustainable Development (2002), and the Delhi
Declaration (2002) at the COP-8 to the UNFCCC; among
other declarations to which India has been a party. India
has been consistently responding positively and in a
constructive manner (through its domestic programmes,
policies, and measures) in order to respond to the
environmental challenges, including climate change.
Table 4.6 gives a summary of the various responses of
the Government of India in addressing those challenges.
The specic planning targets of Indias development plans
address many climate change concerns. For example,
reduced poverty and hunger would enhance the adaptive
capacity of the population. Reduced decadal population
growth rates would lower GHG emissions, reduce pressure
on land, resources, and ecosystems, and provide higher
access to social infrastructure. Increased reliance on hydro
and renewable energy resources would reduce GHG and
local pollutant emissions, enhance energy security and
result in consequent economic benets from lower fossil
fuel imports, and provide access to water resources from
additional hydro projects. The cleaning of major polluted
rivers would result in enhanced adaptive capacity due to
improved water, health, and food security.
Indias development priority during the Eleventh Plan is
hinged on an inclusive growth strategy so as to ensure
that the growth in GDP should not be treated as an end
in itself, but only a means to an end. This is achieved by
translating developmental goals into monitorable targets,
which would reect the multi-dimensional economic and
social objectives of inclusive growth, which envisages
doubling the per capita income by 2012, reducing the
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 177
Table 4.7: National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) and development goals
National Mission Objectives Links with development goals
1 National Solar Mission Promoting ecologically sustainable
growth, while meeting energy
security challenges
Capacity addition of 16,553 MW hydro, 3380 MW nuclear (out of the
total of 78,577 MW capacity addition)
Ensuring electricity connection to all villages and below poverty line
(BPL) households by 2009 and reliable power by the end of the plan
[56% electrication rate (200005), 487.2 million population without
electricity (2005)}
20% rise in real wage rate of unskilled workers [Youth literacy rate of
76.4% (for ages 1524)]
Reduction in head-count ratio of consumption poverty by 10 percentage
2 National Mission on
Sustainable Habitat
Extension of Energy Conservation
Building Code (Optimization of
energy demand)
Urban planning/shift to public
transport: long-term transport
plans for small/medium cities
Recycling of material and urban
waste management: power from
Develop minimum standards of education at elementary level, to ensure
To attain WHO quality of air standards in all major cities by 2011/12
Provide homestead sites to all by 2012 and step up the pace of house
construction for rural poor to cover all the poor by 2016/17
3 National Mission on
Green India
Double area under afforestation/
eco-restoration in the next 10 years
Increase greenhouse gas (GHG)
removals by forests to 6.35% of
Indias annual GHG emissions
by 2020 (increase of 1.5% over
Enhance forests/ecosystems
Increase forest and tree cover by 5 percentage points [22.8% of forest
cover of the total land area with an annual change of 0.4% between 1990
and 2005]
4 National Mission
for Sustaining the
Himalayan Ecosystem
Strengthening institutional capacity
Standardization of eld and space
Prediction/projection of future
trends and assessment of possible
Governance for Sustaining
Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)
Ensure all- weather road connection to all habitations with population
1000 and above (500 and above in hilly and tribal areas) by 2009, and all
signicant habitations by 2015
5 National Mission on
Enhanced Energy
Market-based approaches
Cumulative avoided electricity
capacity addition of 19,000 MW
Increase energy efciency by 20% by 2016/17
6 National Water Mission Conservation of water, minimizing
wastage and ensuring its more
equitable distribution both
across and within States through
integrated water resources
development and management
Ensuring water security and food security (MDG 1: Eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger) through efcient use of water and adaptation to
climate change
Ensure integrated water resources management (MDG 7: Ensure environ-
mental sustainability)
7 National Mission for
Sustainable Agriculture
Use of bio technology
Dryland (rain-fed) agriculture
Risk management
Access to information
Average GDP growth rate of 9% [between 1990 and 2005, 34.3% of
population earning US $1/day, while 80.4% earning US $2/day]
Agricultural GDP growth rate on average of 4%
Data in Italics from UNDP (2007)
Source: Planning Commission; UNDP (2007); NAPCC (2008)
178 | INDIA Second National Communication
poverty level by 10%, providing gainful employment to
all, and ensuring food, energy, and economic security
for the country. To achieve these development priorities,
substantial additional energy consumption will be
necessary, and coal, being the abundant domestic
energy resource, would continue to play a dominant role.
There are considerable costs associated with meeting
the various goals and development targets, requiring the
commitment of additional resources from various sources
as well as by realigning new investments.
Market-oriented economic reforms initiated in the past
decade have expanded the choice of policy instruments,
technologies, and resources. In the energy and electricity
sectors, this has led to the amelioration of fuel quality,
technology stocks, infrastructure, and operating practices.
The concerns about rising energy, electricity, and carbon
intensity of the Indian economy inspired the Indian
government to initiate targeted programmes and institutions
to promote energy efciency, energy conservation, and
introduce renewable energy technologies. The thrust
areas include improving energy efciency in all sectors of
the economy, promoting hydro and renewable electricity,
power sector reforms, including national grid formulation
and clean coal technologies for power generation,
developing energy infrastructure, coal washing, promoting
cleaner and less carbon-intensive transport fuel, and
managing environmental quality. The resultant decline
in energy and carbon intensity of the GDP signies the
beginning of the decoupling of economic growth from
energy and carbon, which historically happened at a
higher per capita income in the industrialized nations.
Therefore, it is clear that Indian planning process and
global climate change concerns are intricately linked, and
addressing the objectives would also respond to climate
change concerns.
Climate Change and Development
India faces major development challengesaccess to the
basic amenities like drinking water, electricity, sanitation,
and clean cooking energy still remains a luxury for both
urban and rural dwellers alike. Groundwater, which
has been the key source for meeting the irrigation and
consumption needs of urban and rural population, is
under tremendous pressure because of haphazard urban
planning and climate change. Environmental degradation
in future will have huge economic impacts on an agrarian
and land-starved country like India. Developing countries
would require building adaptive capacity for facing climate
risks with increasing evidence of climate change.
Climate change interfaces with diverse societal
and natural processes and, consequently, with the
development processes. Conventionally, climate change
has been considered as an impediment to development
and, conversely, development is viewed as a threat to
the climate. The development and climate paradigm
sees development as the tool to address the challenges
posed by climate change and the key to overcoming our
vulnerability and enhancing our capabilities for adaptation
to its adverse impacts. In this paradigm, the development
itself building capacities, institutions, and human capital
in developing countries emerges as the key factor for
enhancing adaptive and mitigative capacities. However,
in the current context of the impacts due to climate
change, climate-centric actions have become a proactive
policy tool to build adaptive and mitigative capacities
within the broader principles of sustainable development.
Such measures are not in isolation of the development
targets of India but emerge as a targeted co-benet out
of social and economic development and in some cases,
a leading policy statement like building of a vibrant
renewable energy sector in India.
The term development, in general, refers to broader
social goals, in addition to economic growth. In recent
years, the national development policy perspective has
taken a more inclusive view of the scope, content, and
the nature of national development. The conventional
paradigm of economic development, which was woven
around optimal resource allocation, is now extended
to include participative processes, local initiatives, and
global interfaces. The development approach views
welfare as the raison detre of development. Under the
emerging development perspective, while efcient
resource allocation is best addressed by market
mechanisms, the institutions are also considered as a
key component for the optimal utilization of a nations
resources. Thus, the institutions and policies play a vital
role in welfare development. The development approach
duly recognizes the strong links between government
policies, organizational capacity, and the results of social
development. It also perceives the provision of resources
for social services and the creation of new partnerships
for the delivery of services as essential; it also accords
primacy to the implementation of the vision within a
framework of policies and institutions, which provide
mechanisms for efciency and accountability.
Many initiatives for adaptation and mitigation have
been integrated with and added to the already existing
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 179
economic development projects. The nancing for projects
involves ensuring that the risks and expected returns are
commensurate with the requirements of the nancial
markets, matching investors who have available funds
with projects and seeking funding is by no means easy
in developing countries. The success of linking investors
with projects, via appropriate sets of institutional and
nancial intermediaries, partly depends on the degree
of development of the nancial markets and the nancial
services sector in the country where the project will be
The cascading effects of sustainable development and
proactive climate-centric policies would help reduce
emissions and moderate the adverse impacts of climate
change and thereby alleviate the resulting loss in welfares.
In line with this approach, the Government of India
announced the National Missions on Climate Change
in 2008. These eight missions have various actions built
into the individual missions. These actions range from a
variety of goals: from promoting ecologically sustainable
growth (National Solar Mission) to energy demand
management (Mission on Energy Efciency) to promoting
measures that aim at sustainable development (Mission
on Sustainable Habitat). These specic missions have
enumerated goals and targets (Table 4.7), which help in
making an accelerated progress towards achieving various
developmental goals. These missions have targeted a
much larger goal, which goes beyond the developmental
targets of the Government of India. These goals have
larger ramications in terms of creating an enabling
framework of institutions, policies, and programmes that
help in simultaneously achieving developmental and
climate goals. Thus, due to the growing national and
international concern vis--vis climate change, there is
a broad consensus among nations regarding immediate
proactive actions pertaining to the mitigation of GHG and
also towards adaptation to climate-induced impacts. The
Government of India responded to these new challenges
by rolling out its NAPCC, which not only helps in achieving
the national development goals but also makes a distinct
attempt at mitigating GHG emissions.
Climate-Friendly Initiatives
India ranks fth in aggregate GHG emissions in the
world, behind USA, China, EU, and Russia, in 2007. The
emissions of USA and China are almost four times that
of India, in 2007. It is also noteworthy that the emissions
intensity of Indias GDP declined by more than 30%
during the period 19942007, due to efforts and policies
that are proactively being put in place. Indias total CO

emissions are about 4% of total global CO
and the energy intensity of Indias output has been falling
with improvements in energy efciency, autonomous
technological changes, and economical use of energy. On
the energy efciency front, India has been aggressively
reducing the energy intensity of its GDPfrom 0.3 kgoe
per dollar GDP in PPP terms in 1980 to 0.16 kgoe per
dollar GDP in PPP terms in 2007. Indias energy efciency
is comparable to Germany, and only Japan, UK, Brazil,
and Denmark have lower energy intensities.
Although India ranks in the top ve countries in terms
of absolute GHG emissions, the per capita emissions
are much lower compared to those of the developed
countries, even if the historical emissions are excluded.
Its high level of emissions is due to its large population,
geographical size, and a large economy. The most recent
data available for India is based on the assessment carried
out by the INCCA in May 2010. Indias per capita CO

eq. emissions, including land use, land-use change and
forestry (LULUCF) was 1.5 tonnes per capita in 2007.
To achieve the national developmental targets (Box 4.1),
India endeavours to pursue a sustainable pathway with
reduced population growth rates, an open market-based
economy, and a sophisticated science and technology
sector. It has also undertaken several response measures
that contribute to the objectives of the UNFCCC.
Fossil energy
India is both a major energy producer and a consumer.
It currently ranks as the worlds seventh largest energy
producer, accounting for about 2.49% of the worlds total
annual energy production. It is also the worlds fth largest
energy consumer, accounting for about 3.45% of the
worlds total annual energy consumption in 2004. Since
independence, the country has seen signicant expansion
in the total energy use, with a shift from non-commercial
to commercial sources. The share of commercial
energy in total primary energy consumption rose
from 59.7% in 1980/81 to 72.6% in 2006/07
(Planning Commission, 2007).
The main challenge before the energy sector for fuelling
the growth in the Eleventh Plan is to enhance energy
supply in cost-effective ways. The persistent shortages of
electricity, both for peak power and energy, indicate the
magnitude of the problem. Average peak shortages were
estimated to be 12% in 2006/07 (Planning Commission,
2007). The very high load factor of 76.8% for the system
180 | INDIA Second National Communication
Box 4.3: Key recent highlights of the energy sector
Additional sources of energy such as coal bed methane (CBM) to be exploited.
To reduce the energy intensity per unit of greenhouse gas (GHG) by 20% from the period 2007/08 to 2016/17 and initiate action to increase our
access to cleaner and renewable energy sources.
Renewable energy contribution to increase by 2%3% by the end of the Eleventh Plan.
Content of ethanol in petrol to increase up to 10% and depending upon the bio-diesel production and availability, the entire country may be
progressively covered with sale of 5% bio-diesel-blended diesel.
Euro-IV equivalent norms in identied cities and Euro-III equivalent norms in the entire country introduced w.e.f. 1 April 2010.
Setting up of a National Energy Fund (NEF) for supporting R&D in the energy sector.
Encouragement through suitable scal concessions to be provided for manufacturing and assembly of fuel-efcient and hybrid vehicles and for
use of alternative fuels.
10% increase of installed capacity in renewables (wind, small-hydro and biomass) during successive plans.
Achieve 10,000 MW of avoided capacity by 2012 through standards and labelling of appliances, building energy efciency, efcient lighting,
municipal and agriculture demand side management (DSM).
Source: Planning Commission (2007)
indicates that the system is operating under strain or
has limited reserve. At the same time, for want of natural
gas, some gas-based power plants are kept idle. Nuclear
plants are also operated at lower load factors for want of
adequate uranium. Power shortages are an indication
of insufcient generating capacity and inadequate
transmission and distribution (T&D) networks. To a great
extent, this is the outcome of poor nancial health of the
state electricity utilities having high levels of aggregate
technical and commercial (AT&C) losses.
It is evident from the discussions above that India is short
of energy resources, and the focus of the Government
of India has been to expand energy resources through
exploration, energy efciency, using renewables, and
R&D. The environmental impact of various energy options
is also a growing concern owing to the widespread use
of energy.
The focus, therefore, has been to ensure that the
available fossil energy resources are optimally exploited,
using enhanced recovery techniques. Additional
sources of energy, such as coal bed methane, are
also being explored, and fossil fuel reserves are being
advanced through more intensive exploration. Though
the renewable energy sources such as wind energy,
biomass, and biofuels account for a small percentage in
the total energy, their contribution is planned to increase
by 2%3% in the Eleventh Plan. Accordingly, a roadmap
with detailed policy initiatives is necessary in all the sub-
sectors of the energy sector for achieving the desired
growth. The Government of India has moved towards a
more transparent policy framework that treats different
sources of energy in a similar fashion. Such a framework,
at its core, has introduced competition for minimizing
distortions across sectors and maximizing efciency gains.
The Government of India has also focused intensively
on ensuring the availability of clean, modern fuel to all
households by removing various kinds of barriers such as
a mix of optimum scal structure. A robust and credible
regulatory regime has ensured effective implementation
of the policy framework.
Institutions for promoting the pace of energy conservation
and improvement in energy efciency have been
strengthened. Restructuring incentives and support by
shifting from supply-driven programmes to demand-driven
programmes and technologies has assisted development
and use of new and renewable energy sources. The
subsidies and support have been linked to the outcomes
in terms of renewable energy generated rather than to
capital investments.
The need for a robust energy R&D system for developing
relevant technology and energy sources that enhance
energy security and lead to energy independence in a cost-
effective way in the long run has been explicitly identied
by the Government of India. A number of technology
missions covering areas such as in situ gasication,
integrated gasication combined cycle (IGCC), solar
energy, and energy storage are in the proposal stage.
With regard to fossil-based energy use, several initiatives
have been taken by the Government of India (Box
4.3 Recent Highlights in the Energy Sector) . On the
usage of coal, there have been guidelines, policies, and
programmes that rationalize the use of coal and promote
private sector participation to encourage efciency
improvements through competition, pricing reforms, and
encouraging use of improved technologies such as coal-
washing, combustion technology, and recovery of coal-
bed methane. With regard to oil, the main thrust has been
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 181
Table 4.8: Programmes and their features for the promotion of renewable energy in India
Programme Features
National Biogas and Manure Management
To provide clean biogas fuel for reducing use of liqueed petroleum gas (LPG) and other conventional
fuels; mitigation of climate change by preventing black carbon and methane emissions
Accelerated Programme onEnergy
Recovery from Urban Wastes Sanction
for the Year 2005/06
To accelerate the promotion of setting up of projects for recovery of energy from urban wastes; to
create an enabling environment to develop, demonstrate, and disseminate utilization of wastes for
recovery of energy; to harness the available potential of municipal solid waste (MSW)-to-energy by
the year 2017
Scheme on Biogas Based Distributed/Grid
Power Generation Programme
To promote biogas-based power generation, especially in the small capacity range (based on the
availability of large quantity of animal wastes and wastes from forestry, rural based industries,
kitchen wastes)
Programme on Recovery of Energy from
Industrial Wastes
Central nancial assistance in the form of capital subsidy and grants-in-aid in respect of the following
activities.(i) Industrial waste to biogas(ii) Power generation from biogas(iii )Power generation from
solid industrial waste (iv) Promotional activities (v) R&D, resource assessment and technology
Source: MNRE (2010)
on promoting fuel efciency and conservation. Among
other initiatives, the thrust area has been reduction of
gas-aring, installation of waste-heat recovery systems,
upgradation of equipment, encouragement of fuel switch
from diesel to natural gas, and establishment of the
Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) to
increase awareness and develop fuel-efcient equipment.
Numerous initiatives in promoting gas as a fuel source have
also been undertaken (as a principal fuel for switching from
coal and oil) such as in the residential sector (replacing
coal and kerosene replacement with gas, encouraging
compressed natural gas [CNG] as an alternate to petrol
and diesel in transport, and enabling major investment in
gas pipelines and related infrastructure). Petroleum and
Natural Gas Regulatory Board (2006) was constituted
in 2007. The provisions of the Board have been brought
into force on 1
October 2007. The Board regulates
rening, processing, storage, transportation, distribution,
marketing, and sales of petroleum products and natural
gas, excluding production of crude oil and natural gas.
In line with the promotion of improved technologies in
the power sector, National Thermal Power Corporation
(NTPC) has adopted the supercritical technology, thereby
contributing to improvements in thermal efciency and
reduced emission of GHGs. This technology is being
implemented in Barh-II and further being implemented
in 11 units (in Mauda, Sholapur, Meja, Nabinagar and
Raghunathpur plant) from 2008.
Further, NTPC has completed the feasibility study of
IGCC technology with high ash Indian coal in 2010.
Further efforts are on to take ahead the work already
done to implement IGCC technology demonstration
plant of about 100 MW capacity. Study of CO
technology has also been initiated by NTPC with various
research institutions and organizations (IIT Guwahati, IIT
Kharagpur, IIT Mumbai, IIP Dehradun, NEERI Nagpur,
CSMRI Bhavnagar) (NTPC, 2010).
Renewable energy
In this sector, the Government of India has taken many
initiatives (Table 4.8).
Background: India intends to provide a reliable energy
supply through a diverse and sustainable fuel-mix that
addresses major national drivers. These include energy
security concerns, commercial exploitation of renewable
power potential, eradication of energy poverty, ensuring
availability and affordability of energy supply and preparing
the nation for imminent energy transition. Accordingly,
renewable energy has been an important component
of Indias energy planning process. The country has an
estimated renewable energy potential of around 85,000
MW from commercially exploitable sources of wind, small
hydro and biomass. In addition, India has the potential
to generate around 50 MW per square km using solar
photovoltaic and solar thermal energy. The potential is
under reassessment and is likely to increase substantially.
In addition, there is an estimated potential for around
140 million square metre solar thermal collector area
and also 12 million household biogas plants. By March
2011, renewable power; excluding hydro above 25 MW,
installed capacity has reached over 20 GW, contributing
around 11% of the countrys electric installed capacity.
This has grown from 3% in 2003 at a time when the
growth of conventional power has also been the fastest.
At present, the share of renewable power in the electricity
mix is around 6% and the National Action Plan on Climate
Change mandates increasing share of renewable power
182 | INDIA Second National Communication
in the electricity mix to 15% by the year 2020. The wind
power programme constitutes around 70% of the total
renewable power capacity and is the fastest growing
programme with the investment almost entirely coming
from the private sector. The Ministry has ambitious plans
to have an installed capacity of about 72 GW, including 20
GW for solar by 2022.
The Government has been promoting private investment
in setting up of projects for power generation from
renewable energy sources through an attractive mix of
scal and nancial incentives, in addition to the preferential
tariffs being provided at the State level. These include
capital/interest subsidy, accelerated depreciation and
nil/concessional excise and customs duties. In addition,
generation-based incentives have also been introduced
recently for wind power to attract private investment by
Independent Power Producers not availing Accelerated
Depreciation benet and feed-in tariff for solar power.
Decentralized and stand alone renewable electricity
systems: Amongst the major priorities of the Indian
renewable energy programme are off-grid and distributed
solutions including providing energy access to large rural
populations including those in inaccessible areas and
meeting unmet demands in many other areas. These
also replace/reduce fossil fuel consumption. For instance,
solar rural lighting replaces kerosene, a biogas plant or
solar cooking systems replace cooking gas, solar PV
replaces diesel or furnace oil in various areas. Renewable
energy competitively meets the process heat as well as
power requirements of large number of small and medium
enterprises as well as some other areas, which use a lot
of diesel for power generation. A new policy framework
has been put into place for rapid up-scaling of off-grid
programmes in an inclusive mode. The programmes
are now being implemented through multiple channel
partners including renewable energy service providing
companies, nancial institutions including micronance
institutions, nancial integrators, system integrators,
and industry and programme administrators. In order
to sustain satisfactory performance and generation of
output in the envisaged energy forms, a exible funding
approach has been adopted with a bouquet of instruments
including support in the form of capital subsidy, interest
subsidy, viability gap funding etc. This apart, the ministry
provides full nancial support for undertaking pilot and
demonstration projects through manufacturers and other
organizations for demonstrating new and innovative
applications of renewable energy systems. An extension
of off-grid relates to rural electrication. Over 40% of the
countrys population currently do not have energy access.
Over 8000 remote and inaccessible villages and hamlets
have been provided with basic electricity services through
distributed renewable power systems. These include
about 150 villages covered through mini grid by rice husk-
based gasication systems in Bihar. In addition, over 570
MW capacity distributed off-grid in the capacity range of
5-100 kW are in use for small-scale industrial applications
and electrication purposes. Further, over 1.6 million solar
home lighting systems, including lanterns and streetlights
have been set up in different parts of the country. To meet
unmet demands, the Ministry aims to cover about 10,000
villages withbiomass-based systems and over 1000
villages with solar power by 2022.
The greatest potential area of off-grid relates to solar
technologies. These include solar water heating
systems, home lighting systems which include solar
lanterns, solar cooking systems, and process heat using
solar concentrators, biomass gasication for thermal
application, solar pumps and small power generating
systems. Under the National Solar Mission, it has been
proposed to cover 2000 MW equivalent by 2022 which
includes all the above, except solar water heating
systems for which there is a separate target of 20 million
sqm. Within the off-grid component, there is a separate
target of covering 20 million rural households with solar
lights. This includes coverage under the Remote Village
Electrication Programme where largely solar lighting is
provided to villages where grid is unlikely to go and which
is almost entirely funded by Central grants. In addition, in
other areas where grid is available but power supply is
of erratic nature, solar lighting is nanced through loans
given through rural banks. There are areas where solar
power is somewhat competitive with some government
support. These include solar-powering of telecom towers,
large scale use by industrial establishments in the
manufacturing sector where diesel generating sets have
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 183
Solar Energy has begun to signicantly penetrate into Rural
been installed for partly mitigating daytime use of diesel,
increased coverage in areas like Ladakh where diesel is the
prime source of energy generation, solarisation of diesel-
run electric pump sets etc. It is estimated that installation
of 1000 domestic solar water heaters, can result in peak
load saving of 1 MW. Mandatory provisions, therefore,
are being made to make solar water heating mandatory
in buildings and sectors where hot water demand is met
by electricity or other sources. Large-scale deployment
of this nature of renewable energy technology thus not
only allows avoided utility cost but would also result in
substantial saving of electricity and fossil fuels. Use of
solar thermal systems has started gaining momentum,
with a solar collector area of 4.8 million sqm already
installed to meet these needs. However, regulations
by municipal authorities have so far been sporadic and
adoption by industry is less than desirable.
Heat energy for cooking purposes: Since the 1970s,
around 4.8 million family-type biogas plants have been
set up to provide a clean cooking energy option in rural
areas. The present deployment is about 0.15 million
plants annually. The aim is to reach an additional 2 million
households by 2022. The biogas programme has had
a favourable impact on the environment through supply
of clean gaseous fuel. In addition to savings on fuel,
the biogas technology has multiple benets including
provision of energy in a clean and unpolluted form; making
available enriched organic fertilizer as a by-product
for supplementing and optimizing the use of chemical
fertilizers. Rural women walking for miles to collect fuel
wood and sweating it out in smoky kitchens is a thing of
the past in a large number of rural households in India.
The concept has gradually caught up and it is no longer
just the family type biogas plants that are promoted.
Toilet-linked biogas plants are also coming up. Medium
size and large size biogas plants are being installed for
power generation from urban and industrial wastes and
animal manure. Technology demonstration projects are
also promoted to produce CNG-like gas for its use where
CNG is being used.
As far as cook-stove is concerned, the biggest problem
relates to inefcient combustion of biomass and the
inability of large number of people to spend money on
processed fuels for improved cook-stoves because
traditionally available biomass is used free of cost. A
large number of community size cook-stoves currently
use substantial amount of rewood. A pilot project has
been launched to test the efciency and marketability
of improved community size cook-stoves, so that the
consumption of rewood is reduced. This project covers
governmental institutions like Anganwadi Centres,
schools for mid-day meals and tribal hostels apart from
private dhabas (roadside eateries). Simultaneously a pilot
project is being contemplated to test sustainable delivery
models for household improved cook-stoves. The Ministry
has also started the process of upgrading biomass
cook-stove test centres as well as developing modied
standards for various improved cook-stoves. The worlds
largest system for cooking in community kitchens has
been installed at Shirdi in Maharashtra to cook food for
20,000 people per day and is saving around 60,000 kg of
LPG every year. All institutions including large institutions
with hostels, hospitals/medical colleges, military/
para-military establishments, industrial organizations,
academies; wherever large number of meals is cooked,
are the targets.
Policy Framework: India has been pursuing a three-fold
strategy for the promotion of renewable energy:
Providing budgetary support for research,
development and demonstration of technologies
Facilitating institutional nance from various nancial
Promoting private investment through scal
incentives, tax holidays, depreciation allowance and
remunerative returns for power fed into the grid
Indias renewable energy programme is primarily
private sector driven and offers signicant investment
and business opportunities. A domestic manufacturing
base has been established in the country for renewable
energy systems and products. The annual turnover of the
renewable energy industry, including the power generating
technologies for wind and other sources, has reached a
level of over USD 10 billion. Companies investing in these
technologies are eligible for scal incentives, tax holidays,
depreciation allowance and remunerative returns for power
fed into the grid. Further, the Government is encouraging
foreign investors to set up renewable power projects on
a build-own and operate basis with 100% foreign direct
There continue to be barriers for speedy deployment of
renewable energy in the country. These include creation
of transmission infrastructure for evacuation of renewable
power from remote locations, availability of low cost funds
particularly for off-grid applications, sustainable business
models for decentralised renewable energy projects and
also absence of rural entrepreneurship and distributed
service companies.
184 | INDIA Second National Communication
Possibilities for Cooperation: Indias experience in
dissemination of renewable energy could be of much use
to other developing countries, particularly in Asia and
Africa . The cooperation activities could be:
Exchange of ofcials/technologists for participation
in the training programmes, on different aspects of
renewable energy.
Company-to-company cooperation through joint
Technology transfer.
There are tremendous possibilities for scaling up clean
and environment friendly renewable energy, which;
because of their plentiful indigenous availability and
suitability in meeting various diffused and decentralized
needs and having low gestation periods, have the potential
to provide both a framework for inclusive growth and an
alternative low emission energy development pathway for
the country.
Energy efciency and conservation
India recognizes the importance of improving the
efciency of energy usage and conservation measures.
Bureau of Energy Efciency (BEE) has been set up to put
into operation, conservation measures such as energy
standards, labelling of equipment/appliances, building
energy codes, and energy audits. Energy conservation
has been approached in a multi-faceted manner with
targeted interventions on the supply side, demand side,
and also T&D system. In India, DSM has been identied
to play a key role in eliminating power shortages to a
considerable extent.
In the Eleventh Five-year Plan, the BEE has been
strengthened as a nodal organization at the national
level and has been empowered to provide direction to
the energy conservation programmes in the states. An
Energy Conservation Information Centre has been set up
within BEE to collate energy use data and analyse energy
consumption trends and monitor energy conservation
achievements in the country. Supporting organizational
set-up has been strengthened as the state designated
agencies (SDAs) in various states and union territories.
In the Eleventh Five-year Plan, BEE has been focusing
on energy conservation programmes in various targeted
sectors. Some such measures include developing 15
industry-specic energy efciency manuals/guides,
follow-up activities to be taken up by the state SDAs,
and dissemination of the manuals to all the concerned
units in the industries. BEE has prepared building-specic
energy efciency manuals covering specic energy
consumption norms, energy-efcient technologies, and
best practices. BEE has also been planned to assist
SDAs in the establishment and promulgation of Energy
Conservation Building Codes (ECBC) in the states, and
facilitate SDAs to adapt ECBC. In alignment with the
priorities of the National Action Plan on Climate Change
(NAPCC), BEE is considering making ECBC mandatory
by 2012. At present, the Indian Green Building Council
(IGBC) reports a total of 857 million sq.ft. of LEED green
buildings including airports, hospitals and factories. In
addition, a rating system: Green Rating for Integrated
Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) has also been developed
by TERI. BEE will enhance its ongoing energy labelling
programme to include 10 other appliances, namely,
air conditioners, ceiling fans, agricultural pump-sets,
electric motors (general purpose), compact uorescent
lamps, uorescent tube light (FTL)61 cm, television
sets, microwave ovens, set-top boxes, DVD players, and
desktop monitors. To facilitate all the activities, generating
consumer awareness has been taken up on a war-footing
nationwide. It is planned that during the Eleventh Plan
period, in order to promote energy efciency in municipal
areas, SDAs in association with state utilities will initiate
pilot energy conservation projects in selected municipal
water pumping systems and street lighting to provide
basis for designing state-level programmes. In the
Eleventh Plan, SDAs will also disseminate information on
successful projects implemented in some states, launch
awareness campaigns in all regional languages in print
and electronic media, and initiate development of state-
level programmes along with utilities.
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 185
Bureau of Energy Efciency- Equipment/Appliances labeling for
informed consumer choice
It has been targeted that 5% of the anticipated energy
consumption level in the beginning of the Eleventh Plan
is to be saved by the end of the Eleventh Plan. Financial
provision for the same has been made in the outlay of the
power sector.
A major initiative has been the upgradation of vehicular
emission norms. A norm called the Bharat 2000,
similar to Euro-I norms, was implemented throughout
the country on 1
April 2000 for all categories of vehicles
manufactured in India. Emission standards (Bharat Stage
II) for motor cars and passenger vehicles came into force
in the National Capital Region (NCR) on 1
April 2000
and has been extended to Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata.
Apart from reducing pollution locally, these norms result in
increased energy efciency and, therefore, reduced GHG
emissions. A drive for awareness and training of drivers
has been undertaken, and the commercial manufacture
of battery operated vehicles has begun in India. This will
promote low/no carbon emitting vehicles. In Delhi, large-
scale switch has taken place from petrol and diesel to
CNG, with over 50,000 vehicles having already been
To control vehicular pollution, mass emission standards
for various categories of motor vehicles have been
progressively tightened. Bharat Stage III emission
norms were effective in 11 mega cities, namely, National
Capital Region, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru,
Ahmedabad, Hyderabad/Secunderabad, Kanpur, Pune,
Surat, and Agra, whereas Bharat Stage II emission norms
were applicable in the rest of the country. Bharat Stage IV
emission norms have been effective from 1
April 2010 in
the 11 mega cities, and Bharat Stage III emission norms
have been effective for the rest of the country from the
same date, as notied on 9
February 2009.
Bharat Stage (BS) IV emission norms have been
effective from 01.04.2010 in 13 identied cities (Delhi/
NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluruangalore,
Hyderabad (including Secunderabad), Ahmedabad, Pune,
Surat, Kanpur, Agra, Solapur and Lucknow) and BS-III in
the rest of the country effective from 01.04.2010. Supply
of BS-IV Petrol and Diesel commenced from 1st April,
2010 in all the 13 identied cities as per the roadmap laid
down Auto Fuel Policy. BS-III fuels were introduced in the
country in a phased manner with the latest phase being
completed in September, 2010.
In line with the policy of nding alternates to oil for the
transport sector, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
Gas (MoPNG) has set up a Hydrogen Corpus Fund with a
corpus of Rs100 crore, with contribution from ve major oil
companies and Oil Industry Development Board (OIDB),
for supporting R&D in various aspects of hydrogen,
which could substitute part of natural gas as transport
fuel in future. R&D Centre of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd is
initiating steps in this direction.
To encourage the production of bio-diesel in the country,
the MoPNG has announced a bio-diesel Purchase Policy
in October 2005, which became effective from 1
2006. Under this scheme, oil marketing companies
(OMC) will purchase bio-diesel for blending with HSD to
the extent of 5% at identied purchase centres across the
country. The policy has identied 20 purchase centres of
the OMCs all over the country. The bio-diesel industry is
still at nascent stage of growth, and efforts are being made
to make the bio-diesel industry a sustainable feature of
the economy.
MoPNG, vide its notication dated 20
September 2006,
has directed the OMCs to sell 5% ethanol-blended petrol
(EBP), subject to commercial viability as per the Bureau
of Indian Standards specications in the entire country
except north-eastern States, Jammu and Kashmir,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and Lakshwadeep with
effect from 1
November 2006. Efforts are being made to
ensure availability of ethanol on consistent basis for the
EBP Programme and the OMCs are in discussion with
the sugar industry to rm up the status of availability at
various locations.
Maritime Transport: Given Indias long coastline and
the ever-increasing strain on the road/rail transportation
system, coastal shipping offers a viable alternative that
could complement the rail and road transport network in
India. Moreover, this mode offers several benets over
rail and road across selected routes/distances. Coastal
shipping is an environment-friendly and fuel efcient
alternative to road and rail transport. It complements rail
and road transport by providing a multi-modal integrated
transport facility and substantially supports the reduction
of emissions.
The industry sector has made signicant advances in the
conservation of energy. Government policies, campaigns
by associations of industry, and strategic decisions by
rms have all contributed to sizeable improvements in the
intensity of energy use in industries. The major energy-
consuming sectors are steel, cement, caustic soda, brick,
186 | INDIA Second National Communication
aluminium, and electric power generation. Measures to
improve energy efciency include promotion of fuel-
efcient practices and equipment, replacement of old and
inefcient boilers and other oil-operated equipment, fuel
switching, and technology upgradation.
High energy consuming industries like the Cement industry
have adopted high end technologies and improved plants
and equipment for the conservation of energy, reducing
carbon dioxide emission and reduction of production cost.
There has been a continuous reduction in the Specic
Energy Consumption (SEC) in this industry. While in
1994-95 SEC in this industry was about 110 kWh/tonne
of cement, it came down to 79 kWh /tonne of cement in
2008-09. Likewise, specic thermal energy consumption
dropped from 800 Kcal/kg of clinker production to 726
Kcal/kg of clinker production in 2008-09. Some of the
Indian plants are operating with the worlds best specic
energy consumption values.
Most of the reneries in the Public Sector Undertakings
have adopted high-end technologies and environmental
initiatives to minimize the impact of renery operations
with regard to efuent generation and solid waste
generation. In addition, they have also installed and
commissioned Hydro Cracker Units to treat high Sulphur
content crude petroleum to produce Euro-III Grade Auto
Fuel Product (High Speed Diesel) and have installed/
revamped catalytic reformer units for the production of
Euro-III/IV Grade Motor Spirit. These high-grade fuels
produce minimal emission and reduce GHG substantially
besides reducing fuel consumption, thereby saving on
natural resources and foreign exchange.
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. endeavours and tries
to keep itself in step with national policies and plans
with respect to capacity addition, also addressing the
environmental concerns. As a part of National Mission for
clean coal (Carbon) technologies the company would play
a signicant role in the development of Advanced ultra
Supercritical (ADV-SC) technology in association with the
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) and
The Ministry of Steel through various schemes and
regulations of the Government is facilitating reduction
in energy consumption and emission of environmental
pollution in steel plants. Some of the steps/initiatives
taken by the Ministry of Steel through various forums and
mechanisms are:
Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environment
Protection (CREP) The MoEF/CPCB in association
with MoS and the main/major steel plants are committed
to reduce energy consumption along with management of
other aspects of the environment as per mutually agreed
targets with the purpose to go beyond the compliance of
regulatory norms. In particular, measures for reduction
of energy consumption in respect of the following
areas: injection of coal/tar in blast furnaces; and water
consumption (in respect of which the primary target was
achieved by most integrated plants) were targeted.
Under the CDM, the MoS is facilitating (through the
National CDM Authority in the MoEF) adoption of energy
efcient clean technologies in Iron and Steel plants.
A large number of Iron and Steel plants have obtained
host country approvals for availing carbon credit by
adopting energy efcient clean technologies. There is
also a scheme to facilitate diffusion of energy efcient low
carbon technologies in steel re-rolling mills in the country
to bring down energy consumption, improve productivity,
and cost competitiveness; together with a reduction in
GHG emission and related pollution levels.
MoS has been facilitating setting up of energy efcient,
environment friendly projects known as Model Projects
in different steel plants with nancial assistance from
Japan. These projects are implemented by New Energy
and Industrial Technology Development Organisation
(NEDO), Japan.
As a part of the National Mission for Enhanced Energy
Efciency (NMEEE), steel producing units consuming
30,000 mtoe or more will be designated consumers, in
respect of whom a benchmark will be applicable. Steel
manufacturing units operating at a level better than the
benchmark will be eligible to obtain an Energy Saving
Certicate (ESC) that can be traded in the market.
Units will be given a lead-time to improve their energy
consumption levels. Any designated consumer operating
at a level inferior to the benchmark have to either pay
penalty or purchase ESCs. BEE has been entrusted with
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 187
Indian Industry has played a crucial role in identifying and
undertaking numerous climate- friendly transitions
this task of recommending benchmark levels to Ministry
of Power. BEE is working closely with MoS for evolving
the benchmarks in energy consumption in various
technological routes of steel making using a wide variety
of raw materials.
The Indian Steel industry has taken signicant steps
in improvement of productivity, conservation of natural
resources and energy, import substitution, quality up
gradation, environment management and research and
development. Some notable developments are:
Installation of energy recovery coke ovens to
meet power requirements as well as to reduce
emissions: energy recovery type coke ovens have
been set up by many steel companies
Use of hot metal in electric arc furnaces: setting up
of basic oxygen furnaces is a capital intensive process
and is successful only at a large scale. However, with
the advent of modern electric arc furnaces, steel
could be produced in electric arc furnace by use of
hot metal that substantially replaces steel scrap and
results in huge savings in electricity consumption
Adoption of continuous casting: the rst solidied
form of steel in the melting shops used to be ingots.
With the advent of continuous casting in the late
1970s, continuous cast blooms/billets/slabs resulted
in signicant energy savings as well as improved
productivity. Adoption of thin slab casting has further
resulted in additional energy savings in the hot strip
Reducing coke consumption in blast furnaces
and improving productivity: Indian Blast Furnaces
used to consume as high as 850 kg of coke per
tonne of hot metal and Blast Furnace productivity
was hovering at less than one tonne per cubic
meter per day. Introduction of modern technologies
and practices, such as high top pressure, high blast
temperature, pulverized coal injection, attention to
burden preparation and distribution, higher use of
sinter in place of lumps have resulted in reduced
coke consumption and improved productivity. Today
coke rate in some of the blast furnaces is less than
500 kg/tonne hot metal and productivity exceeds 2
tonne per cubic metre per day.
Efforts to reduce energy consumption and
emissions: Iron and Steel making is an energy
intensive process. The international norm of energy
consumption is 4.5 -5.5 Giga calories per tonne of
crude steel. With the adoption of modern technology
and equipment, beneciation of raw materials and use
of high grade imported coal, Indian Steel plants have
been able to achieve energy consumption at the level
of 6.5-7.0 Giga calories only. Further, steps are being
taken to achieve much lower energy consumption
and correspondingly lower GHG emissions by the
end of the 11
Power sector
India has a diverse mix of power generation technologies
with coal domination, and a signicant contribution by
large hydro. Among the many initiatives in the power
sector, reforms and targeted technology improvements
have helped to enhance the combustion efciency of
conventional coal technology, leading to the conservation
of coal and savings in emissions. The reforms initiated
include regulatory restructuring, corporatization, and
privatization and unbundling of state-owned utilities.
Corporatization is altering state electricity boards from
state ownership and administration to business-like
corporations, as dened by the Indian Company Act (1956).
The Indian Electricity Act of 1910 and the Electricity Act of
1948 have been amended to permit private participation
in the generation and distribution of power. Privatization
in transmission has been encouraged by the recognition
of exclusive transmission companies. Since 2007, which
coincides with the end of the Tenth Plan, as many as
14 states have restructured or corporatized their power
sector and unbundled their boards into separate entities
for transmission, distribution, and generation; setting up of
SERCs has become mandatory, a total of 25 states have
either constituted or notied the constitution of SERC
and 21 SERCs have issued tariff orders; in compliance
with Section 3 of the Electricity Act 2003, the central
government notied the National Electricity Policy in
2005. Similarly, National Tariff Policy was also notied in
2006. Further, in compliance with Sections 4 and 5 of the
Electricity Act (2003), the central government notied the
Rural Electrication Policy on 28
August 2006.
The share of hydro capacity in the total generating
capacity of the country has declined from 34% at the end
of the Sixth Plan to 25% at the end of the Ninth Plan. It
is envisaged that in spite of growth in power generation
and planned hydropower capacity addition, share of
hydropower capacity would be 23% by 2012. A 50,000
MW hydro initiative was launched in 2003 for accelerated
development of hydro in the country and preliminary
feasibility reports of 162 projects totalling 48,000 MW
188 | INDIA Second National Communication
units, thereby reducing carbon emissions. During the 11th
plan, it is proposed that few units of 660/800 MW based
on Supercritical technology would be commissioned.
However during the 12th plan, it is estimated that around
50% of the coal-based thermal capacity addition would
be through Supercritical units. Also, it has already been
decided that in the 13th plan, coal-based thermal capacity
addition will be mostly through Supercritical units.
Renovation and Modernization (R&M) of old thermal
power stations CEA has prepared a National
Enhanced Efciency Renovation and Modernization
Programme for implementation during the 11th and
12th plans. This covers R&M of 18965 MW capacity, life
extension of 7318 MW during 11th plan and R&M of 4971
MW and life extension of 16532 MW during the 12th plan.
Renovation and Modernization and Life Extension (LE)
of existing old power stations provide opportunities to
get additional generation at low costs in short gestation
periods. Besides generation improvement, it results in
improvement of efciency, environmental emissions and
improvement in availability, safety and reliability.
Retirement of old and small size generating units A
number of small size units of 100 MW or less capacity are
in operation in the country. The average Plant Load Factor
of most of these units is very low, even less than 50%.
These units are of the non-reheat type having very low
design efciencies. Such units are planned to be to retired
in a phased manner over a period of the next ten years.
Highest priority to setting up of Hydro and Nuclear
power plants Priority has been set for developing
cleaner resources like hydropower and nuclear plants and
other renewable energy resources by the Government of
Promotion of Renewable Energy sources The
country has signicant potential for generation from
renewable energy sources. All efforts are being taken by
the Government of India to harness this potential. The
installed capacity as on 31.05.2011 for renewable energy
sources is 18454 MW. MNRE has proposed (Table 4.8a)
plan capacity addition targets for grid interactive
renewable power from sources such as wind, biomass,
small hydro.
National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)
This has been discussed in detail elsewhere in this
chapter. Noteworthy within this section is that the National
Mission on Enhanced Energy Efciency (NMEEE) intends
to enhance energy efciency in the country, and is aimed
at large energy-intensive industries and facilities by way
Table 4.8a : 11
plan targets for Grid interactive
renewable power (in MW)
Sources/Systems Target for 11
Wind power 10,500
Biomass power, Baggasse co-generation,
Biomass Gasiers
Small hydro (upto 25 MW) 1,400
Total 14,000
were prepared. Out of these projects, 77 projects with total
capacity of about 37,000 MW, for which rst-year tariff is
expected to be less than Rs 2.50 per unit, were selected
for execution. In the Eleventh Plan, a capacity addition of
about 16,553 MW has been earmarked, keeping in view
the present preparedness of these projects. Projects
totalling a capacity of 30,000 MW have been identied
for the Twelfth Plan and therefore the effect of 50,000 MW
initiatives would be visible in the Twelfth Plan period.
Atomic energy is an important source of electric power,
which has environmental advantages and is also likely
to be economical in the longer run. At present, nuclear
energy installed capacity is 3900 MWe, which is 3.1% of
the total installed capacity. The plant load factor (PLF) the
of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) stations
increased from 60% in 1995/96 to 82% in 2000/01, but it
has decreased to 57% in 2006/07. Constraint in nuclear
fuel availability is the main reason for lower PLF.
The Eleventh Plan power programme includes 3380
MWe of nuclear power plants. The Government of India
is making efforts to import nuclear fuel from abroad,
which is expected to improve the supply of nuclear fuel
for nuclear power plants. It is also expected that the
execution of nuclear projects will also be opened up to
enable participation by other public sector units (PSUs)
and private sector. The effect of this is likely to be visible
in the Twelfth Plan period (201217). NPCIL has indicated
a capacity addition of about 11,000 MW during the Twelfth
Apart from the above, the Ministry of Power has initiated
several measures to improve the efciency of power
generation, leading to reduced CO2 emissions from the
power sector. These initiatives are as under:
Introduction of Clean Coal technologies With rapidly
expanding thermal generation capacity, installation of
large size Supercritical units is being encouraged with
a view to having faster capacity addition and also to
enhance efciency, reduce coal consumption and GHG
emissions. With the adoption of higher parameters,
efciency gain of about 2% is possible over Sub-critical
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 189
of implementing Perform, Achieve and Trade Scheme
(PAT). Under the PAT scheme, nine sectors cement,
thermal power plants, fertilizers, aluminium, iron and
steel, chlor-alkali, pulp and paper, textiles and railways
will be given targets for reducing energy consumption.
The companies that better their targets will be allowed
to sell energy-saving credits ECERTs to those failing to
achieve the required cuts. All thermal power stations are
covered under the preview of PAT scheme. The reduction
targets for each power plant will be in terms of specic
percentage of their present deviation of the operating Net
heat rate from the design Net heat rate leading to reduced
coal consumption and reduced CO2 emissions. The total
target for the thermal power sector has been xed at 3.1
million tonnes of oil equivalent to be achieved in a period
of 3 years after notication. Bureau of Energy Efciency is
in the process of notifying the PAT scheme.
Alternate fuels
After stabilization of 5% ethanol blending petrol sales, the
content of ethanol in petrol is considered for increasing
up to 10% by the middle of the Eleventh Plan, subject to
ethanol availability and commercial viability of blending.
Depending upon the bio-diesel production and availability,
the entire country may be progressively covered with the
sale of 5% bio-diesel blended diesel by the end of the
Eleventh Plan.
In India, shale formation is exposed to the surface in the
region of Belt of Schuppen falling in Assam, Arunachal
Pradesh, and Nagaland. The oil shale reserves are
estimated at about 100 billion barrels. However, the
production of shale oil requires large amount of energy and
water. Environment and monetary costs have so far made
production of oil from oil shale uneconomical. Shale gas
is being explored as an important new source of energy
in the country. The Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
(DGH) has initiated steps to identify prospective areas for
shale gas exploration and acquisition of additional geo-
scientic data. Efforts in the direction to make the utilization
of shale gas a viable option are being undertaken at a fast
Gas hydrate is at R&D stage world over. A cooperation
programme between DGH and US Geological Survey
(USGS), USA, for exchange of scientic knowledge
and technical personnel in the eld of gas hydrate and
research energy is in progress.
Rural energy
A majority of Indias people, especially in rural areas,
use traditional fuels such as dung, agricultural wastes,
and rewood for cooking food. These fuels cause indoor
pollution. Other primary source of cooking energy used
by urban and rural household covers coke and charcoal,
biogas, electricity, and other fuels. The situation in rural
areas calls for the provision of sustainable and clean
energy supplies. In this context, the role of renewable
energy sources such as biogas, improved cook stoves,
solar energy, and biomass-based systems to meet the
basic needs of cooking, lighting, and water heating is
important. The total quantities of traditional fuels used
to meet the basic energy needs are substantial. The
biomass-based fuels dominate particularly in rural areas.
Rajiv Gandhi Gramin LPG Vitaran Yojana (RGGLVY) is
a programme adopted under the Vision-2015 for the
liqueed petroleum gas (LPG) sector, inter-alia, focuses
on raising the population coverage of LPG in rural areas
and areas where coverage is low. The RGGLVY for small-
size LPG distribution agencies was launched on 16

October 2009. This scheme targets coverage of 75% of
the population by 2015 by releasing 5.5 crore new LPG
Pipeline network and city gas distribution
There has been a substantial increase in the pipeline
network in the country with current gures of 31 product
pipelines of 10,959 km length. . The total crude pipeline
length at present is 6559 km and LPG pipelines are
1824 km. With increased availability of gas in the country,
the city gas distribution network has been expanded to
cover CNG in 19 cities for domestic consumers, public
transport, and commercial/industrial entities. In Vision-
2015, provision of pressurized natural gas (PNG) to more
than 200 cities across the country is envisaged.
Urban transport
Urban transport is one of the key elements of urban
infrastructure. As compared to private modes of transport,
Alternate fuels occupies a signicant policy space in Indias
future energy sector agenda
190 | INDIA Second National Communication
Region, Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Chennai metropolitan
areas with effect from 16
October 2009.
Recognizing the role of forests as a carbon sink, India
is promoting afforestation on an enormous scale. India,
which has a fth of its area under forests, is one of the
few developing countries in the world where the forest
cover is increasing, by 0.8 million hectares a year, despite
the pressures of population growth and rapid economic
development. This is neutralizing 11% of Indias annual
GHG emissions. India has more than doubled its budget
for forestry in the year 2009/10 to Rs 8300 crore, and
this increase is going to be sustained every year. New
programmes to increase the capacity of frontline forestry
personnel, improve forestry infrastructure, and control
forest res are also being implemented.
The 13
Finance Commission has recommended an
additional Rs. 50 billion for the period 2010-2015 for the
forestry sector. This resource is for sustainable management
of forest resources and intensied conservation efforts
by the States. The working plans of the various forestry
divisions suggest that broadly a sustainable management
regime is followed, which includes a scientic package of
Infrastructure development and public private
Given the enormity of the investment requirements and
limited availability of public resources for investment in
physical infrastructure, it is imperative to explore avenues
for increasing investment in infrastructure through a
combination of public investment, PPPs, and, occasionally,
exclusive private investment, wherever feasible. With the
objective of stimulating and mobilizing increased private-
sector investments, either from domestic sources or
foreign avenues, the government has offered various
incentives for the infrastructure sector for sustained
economic growth. These include: allowing 100% foreign
direct investment (FDI) (under the automatic route) in all
infrastructure sectors, including the roads, power, ports,
and airport sectors; 74% in telecom services and 100%
in telephone equipment; 49100% for various services
in the aviation sector; extended tax holiday periods up to
10-year tax holidays (under section 80-IA of the Income
Tax Act 1961) to enterprises engaged in the business of
development, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure
facilities; and emphasis on PPP as one of the preferred
modes for project implementation.
Delhi Metro- A signicant transition in Urban transportation
public transport is energy efcient and less polluting. The
public transport system also helps improve urbanrural
linkage and improves access of the rural/semi-urban
population in the periphery to city centres for the purpose
of labour supply without proliferation of slums within and
around cities.
In this background, the major objective of urban transport
initiatives is to provide efcient and affordable public
transport. A National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) was
formulated in 2006, with the objectives of ensuring easily
accessible, safe, affordable, quick, comfortable, reliable,
and sustainable mobility for all. In order to provide better
transport, proposals for bus rapid transit system (BRTS)
were approved for Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Indore, Jaipur,
Pune, Rajkot, Surat, Vijayawada, and Vishakhapatnam
cities under the JNNURM. During 2009/10, one more
proposal for a BRTS in Kolkata has been approved under
the JNNURM, taking the number of cities supported for
BRTS to 10, covering a total length of 452.20 km.
The Government of India had approved the implementation
of the Bangalore Metro Rail Project of 42.3 km length
by Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (BMRCL). The
Government of India had approved the implementation of
the east-west metro corridor of 14.67 km length in Kolkata
by Kolkata Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (KMRCL). The
Government of India has also approved the implementation
of the Chennai Metro Rail Project of 46.5 km length by
Chennai Metro Rail Ltd (CMRL). In addition, metro rail
projects have been taken up on PPP basis in Mumbai
for VersovaAndheriGhatkopar (11.07 km), Charkop to
Mankhurd via Bandra (31.87 km) and in Hyderabad called
Hyderabad Metro (71.16 km) with viability gap funding
(VGF) support from the Government of India. In order
to give proper legal cover to metro projects, the Metro
Railways Amendment Act (2009) was brought into effect
in September 2009, providing an umbrella statutory
safety cover for metro rail work in all the metro cities
of India. The Act was extended to the National Capital
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 191
The Government of India is actively encouraging PPPs
through several initiatives. The appraisal mechanism for
PPP projects has been streamlined to ensure speed,
eliminate delays, adopt international best practices, and
have uniformity in appraisal mechanism and guidelines.
PPP projects that are economically essential but
commercially unviable are provided nancial assistance
in the form of VGF and long tenor loans through the India
Infrastructure Finance Company (IIFC) Ltd. In order to
ensure quality project development activities by the states
and central ministries, the India Infrastructure Project
Development Fund (IIPDF) supports up to 75% of the
project development expenses in the form of interest-free
Many state governments have institutionalized measures
to encourage private sector engagement in the creation
of infrastructure and delivery of services. Infrastructure
Development and Enabling Acts have been developed by
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, and Punjab. PPP policies
and guidelines to facilitate PPP projects have been
notied by Karnataka, Haryana, Orissa, Assam, Goa,
Madhya Pradesh, and West Bengal. Other measures
include developing sectoral policies for promoting PPPs,
establishing nodal departments/ PPP cells, establishing
VGF (to supplement the VGF provided by the central
government), establishing project development fund
(supplement Government of India grant under IIPDF),
establishing panels of transaction advisers, and developing
standardized bid documents, sectoral templates, and
handbooks on PPPs.
Technology Transfer
For developing and emerging countries like India,
economic development is a must in order to tackle
the issues of poverty and achieving the MDGs. The
UNFCCC, which supports the principle of common but
differentiated responsibility, affords greater responsibility
to the developed countries in addressing climate change
issue. Indias take on climate change, therefore, is that
of avoidance as against reduction. However, in order
to contain the disastrous effects of global warming, the
developing countries will need to embrace climate-effective
technologies. Technology transfer has, therefore, been
awarded key signicance in climate change negotiations.
Two mechanisms directly or indirectly contribute to
technology transfer: the UNFCCC-related mechanisms
where technology transfer is an explicit objective, such
as projects supported by the Global Environment Facility
(GEF), and those where technology transfer is a co-
benet, such as projects funded under the CDM.
Technology transfer under the Global
Environment Facility mechanism
The GEF is an operating entity of the nancial mechanism
of the UNFCCC. It has become the largest public sector
funding source to support the transfer of environmentally
sound technologies to developing countries. The climate
change focal area strategy programming has evolved over
the years through the different replenishment cycles.
GEF portfolio in India: Under the replenishment cycles,
the GEF portfolio for India is broadly spanned over ve
focal areas, including climate change (mitigation and
adaptation ), biodiversity, land degradation, and persistent
organic pollutants (POPs).
The study of projects supported by the climate change
focal area of the GEF reveals that many projects do
contribute towards technology transfer, although the
overall contribution from the portfolio is quite limited.
There appears to be a rising trend of technology transfer
in India, along with the various spillovers in the related
industries. It is, however, found that the share of projects
supported by the GEF has a major component in which
there is no technology transfer. This trend is more or less
consistent across all GEF replenishment cycles. However,
in the latest cycles, there is some improvement in the
overall share of projects involving technology transfer, but
this is substantially inadequate. The same trend is visible
in value terms also. The total funds contributing only to
the technology transfer activities (the total project outlay
from GEF to technology transfer projects) have shown
an increasing trend, but the actual amount contributing
to technology transfer activities is much smaller. While it
could be useful to see the exact and direct contribution
of the GEF mechanisms to technology transfer activities
in Indias portfolio, unfortunately this detailed information
was not available for all the projects. But this would
constitute important information to be revealed on the
technology transfer aspect. For the projects for which
some information is available, the percentage contribution
of funds allocated directly, contributing to technology
transfer, ranges from 6% to 88% for the various projects
under the portfolio. The trend in the technology transfer
for the GEF portfolio shows that of the projects that led
to technology transfer, 50% of the projects resulted in
indigenization of the technology and research, while 33%
of the projects have led to technology transfer and capacity
building in terms of training while only 17% amount to only
equipment transfer under the portfolio.
192 | INDIA Second National Communication
Technology transfer associated with Clean
Development Mechanism projects
Under the Kyoto protocol, the CDM projects have made
some limited contributions to technology transfer. The
analysis shows that the trend for technology transfer has
been rising in the past few years and that technology
transfer through various modes such as equipment and
machineries and training has resulted in capacity building
and in-house manufacturing and expansion as well, but
the progress has been slow.
The central feature of the Kyoto Protocol is its requirement
that countries limit or reduce their GHG emissions. To help
countries meet their emission targets, and to encourage
the private sector and developing countries to contribute
to emission reduction efforts, the Protocol provides for
three market-based exibility mechanisms, one of which
is the CDM.
Despite any explicit technology transfer mandate, several
CDM projects have been found to contribute to technology
transfer by nancing emission reduction projects using
technologies not available in the host countries. Still
comparative assessment reveals that the component
of technology transfer is inadequate and comparatively
small. There is wide disparity across various project types
and the analysis revealed that only in the solar and wind
sector there was some degree of technology transfer
involved followed by oil, gas, and the power sector. Some
shift was observed in the waste management and waste-
to-energy projects, but the component has been very
The detailed analysis of the technology transfer as a
process has revealed that the transfer of technology
has been showing a rising trend. With the inception of
GEF and CDM, technology transfer has become a vital
and recognized activity in India and has led to capacity
building within the country, but the pace and progress
are somewhat slow and need immediate and consistent
In conclusion, it is imperative to state that as far as the
GEF portfolio is concerned, many completed projects
exhibit that the technology transfer and capacity building
have taken place across the nation, in various sectors.
A fair amount of low-carbon technologies and know-how
has been transferred and purchased, most involving
cross-boundary acquisitions, but it is not adequate.
Under the CDM portfolio, a few sectors have upgraded
the technology strengths through technology transfer
but a few sectors like the renewable sector of biomass,
bagasse, and hydropower register neither upgradation of
technology nor any technology transfer. Sectors like the
tidal and wave energy are the unexplored areas till date
under the portfolio. Amongst the total portfolio, the oil and
gas, waste-to-energy, and industrial energy sectors show
signicant technology transfer unlike the other sectors
where there is no or less technology transfer involved
for projects.
Apart from the efforts undertaken through the mechanisms
enabled by the UNFCCC and other multi and bilateral
organizations, several steps are also being taken at
the national level. The NAPCC is the rst nation-wide
overarching framework that maps the roadway to low-
carbon and climate-resilient future, with signicant focus
on technology being a major driver.
Indigenization of technology is a must for ensuring, low-
carbon technology penetration, owing to high costs of the
technology. As climate change and its mitigation are seen
as a collective responsibility of all countries in the world,
diffusion of technology and capacity building should be the
major focus as well, both at multilateral and national levels.
The development of domestic technological capability is
crucial because an endogenous technological change
may lead to substantial reduction in carbon prices as
well as GDP cost, and it is in this context that signicant
action on the technology transfer component should be
addressed through various agreed mechanisms.
Apart from this, capacity building in terms of institutional
infrastructure, development of skilled professionals, and
better incentive structures for adoption of low carbon
technologies will create a more favourable technology
transfer environment, which can be achieved through
structured and dedicated R&D expense allocations.
Re-emphasizing the importance of technology transfer to
India so as to meet climate change related challenges, it
is imperative to ramp up the mechanisms of technology
transfer in terms of value as well as the portfolio signicantly.
This would not only help in mitigating signicant carbon
from the atmosphere but also help India in meeting its
development goals.
Programmes Related to Sustainable Development | 193
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Action Plan on Climate Change). MoEF, Government of
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2010d. India:
Taking on Climate Change Post-Copenhagen Domestic
Actions. MoEF, Government of India
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2010e.
Reforms in Environmental Governance with Special
Reference to Establishment of National Environment
Assessment and Monitoring Authroity (NEAMA).
Discussion Paper, MoEF, Government of India
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2010f. The
Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010.
MoEF, Government of India
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2011.
Coastal Regulation Zone Notication. MoEF, Government
of India
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2010g.
Presentations made at the National Consultation
Workshop on State Action Plans on Climate Change,
Government of India
MoPNG (Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas), 2011.
Annual Report 200910. MoPNG, Government of India,
New Delhi
MoRTH (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways), 2009.
Annual Report 20082009. MoRTH. Government of India,
New Delhi
MoS (Ministry of Steel), 2011. Annual Report 2010-11.
Government of India, New Delhi
NAPCC, 2008. National Action Plan on Climate Change.
Government of India
NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation India Ltd),
2010. Annual Report 200910. NTPC
Planning Commission, 2007. Eleventh Five Year Plan
2007-2012. Vol IIII. Planning Commission, Government
of India. Oxford University Press, New Delhi
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme),
2003. Human Development Report: 2003. UNDP, Oxford
University Press, New York
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme),
2007. Human Development Report: 2007. UNDP, Oxford
University Press, New York
WCED (World Commission on Environment and
Development), 1987. Report of the World Commission
on Environment and Development: Our Common Future.
UN Documents-Gathering a Body of Global Agreements.
Retrieved from
194 | INDIA Second National Communication
Research and
limate research has become a major focus of scientific query since
the latter half of the 20
century, especially after the identification of
the impact of greenhouse gases and global warming on the Earths
climate system. Many countries, both the developed and developing ones, are
spending a considerable amount of their resources on climate research that
will help both - government and society to take appropriate steps. This chapter
details the vast institutional setup at the backdrop of Indias climate change
research, supported by systematic observation networks atmosphere,
weather and climate forecasting, satellite-based observation networks
and oceanic observations. It also describes Indias effort in monitoring the
terrestrial surface cryosphere, mountain meteorology, ecosystems and
hydrology. The chapter ends with a description on Indias participation in
international research and measurements programmes, thereby endorsing
Indias commitment towards a concerted effort in enhancing knowledge about
the understanding of climate change.
Climate Change is being recognized as a major threat to present day society
on a global as well as regional scale, because of its likely adverse impacts on
ecosystem, agricultural productivity, water resources, socio-economic systems
and sustainability. It has been recognized that there are important science-
related issues that need to be addressed and also that the present efforts in
India to deal with the climate change issue need to be upscaled.
Institutional Arrangement 197
Systematic Observation Networks 199
Atmospheric observations 199
Data archives and exchange 200
Augmentation of weather and climate
forecasting capabilities 201
Satellite-based observations 203
Oceanic observations 204
Measurements of trace constituents
and air pollution monitoring 205
Terrestrial observations 205
Research Programmes 207
Climate and global change 207
Atmospheric trace constituents 209
Reconstruction of past climate 211
Climate variability and change 211
Satellite data for monitoring weather
and impact of climate change 212
Chapter 5 Research and Systematic Observation
Climate Change- impacts, vulnerability
and adaptation research 214
Climate Change mitigation research 215
International Cooperation 216
International collaboration in earth sciences 216
Indo-Korea partnership 216
International collaboration in science
and technology 217
International collaboration in space programmes 217
International collaboration in ocean
monitoring / research 218
International collaboration in agriculture 218
International collaboration in environment
and forests 218
International collaboration in new
and renewable energy 219
References & Sources 220
196 | INDIA Second National Communication
Research and Systematic
Observation CHAPTER
Institutional Arrangement
The Government of India attaches high priority to
the promotion of R&D in multi-disciplinary aspects of
environmental protection, conservation and development
including research in climate change. Several central
government ministries/departments promote, undertake
and coordinate climate and climate-related research
activities and programmes in India. This is done through
various departments, research laboratories, universities
and autonomous institutions of excellence such as the
Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), Indian Institutes
of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institute of Science
(IISc) with non-governmental and private organizations
providing synergy and complementary support. The
Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF), Earth System Science
Organisation (ESSO)/Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES),
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Ministry of Water Resources
(MoWR), Ministry of Human Resource Development
(MHRD), Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE),
Ministry of Defence (MoD), Ministry of Health and Family
welfare (MoHFW), and Department of Space (DoS) are
the key ministries/departments of the Government of
India which promote and undertake climate and climate
change-related research and systematic observations in
the country.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)/
Department of Space (DOS) has been pursuing
studies on climate and environment and has developed
considerable understanding about the processes
governing the phenomena. The Centres of ISRO/ DOS,
viz. National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL),
Space Physics Laboratory (SPL), Physical Research
Laboratory (PRL), Space Applications Centre (SAC), and
ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), with their inherent scientic
and technical strengths, are engaged in various research
studies, activities related to the Earths climate system,
and in designing sensors and satellites, and ground-
based observation systems for studying the climate and
environmental parameters.
With a view to understanding the scientic aspects of
climate, ISRO, through its ISRO Geosphere-Biosphere
Programme (ISRO-GBP), with multi-institutional
participation, has been pursuing studies on climate
over the past two decades. The studies have addressed
atmospheric aerosols, trace gases, GHGs, paleo-
climate, land cover change, atmospheric boundary layer
dynamics, energy and mass exchange in the vegetative
systems, National Carbon Project (NCP) and Regional
Climate Modelling (RCM). ISRO has also carried out
extensive campaigns integrating satellite, aircraft, balloon
and ground-based measurements, jointly with many sister
institutions in the country.
The satellite remote sensing data have been put into
use over a wide spectrum of themes, which include land
use/ land cover, agriculture, water resources, surface
water and ground water, coastal and ocean resources
monitoring, environment, ecology and forest mapping,
and infrastructure development.
and MoA operate an umbrella of coordinated premier
national research laboratories and universities. The
Council for Scientic and Industrial Research (CSIR) is
the national R&D organization under the MoST, which
conducts scientic and industrial research for Indias
economic growth and human welfare. It has a vast
countrywide research network, comprising laboratories and
eld centres. In addition to these dedicated atmospheric
research institutes, the MoST funds a parallel research
network under the aegis of CSIR which has several
research institutions for various scientic disciplines
dedicated to applied scientic and industrial research.
Atmospheric, environmental and oceanic research is one
of its areas of focus and has been taken up by institutions
like the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the National
Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI),
the Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer
Simulations (CMMACS), the National Institute of
Oceanography (NIO), and the National Geophysical
Research Institute (NGRI). CMMACS has been actively
involved in multi-scale simulation and quantication of
sustainability and vulnerability under climate variability,
climate stress and other natural hazards.
The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
undertakes coordination of integrated environmental,
ecological and forestry research vis--vis climate change.
In recognition of the need for more accurate, reliable
and comprehensive understanding of the implications
of climate change, MoEF launched the Indian Network
for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) in 2009. It
has been conceptualized as a Network-based Scientic
Programme designed to:
Assess the drivers and implications of climate change
through scientic research,
Assess climate change through GHG estimations and
impacts of climate change, associated vulnerabilities
and adaptation,
Develop decision support systems and
Build national capacity towards management of
climate change-related risks and opportunities.
Under the aegis of the Indian Council for Forestry
Research and Education (ICFRE), the ministry supports
several research institutions dedicated to environmental,
forestry and ecological research. The ICFRE is actively
engaged in advanced research with focused objectives of
the ecological and socio-economic human needs of the
present and future generations. ICFRE has established
a Biodiversity and Climate Change (BCC) division to
address national climate change and biodiversity issues
related to forestry, and consolidate biodiversity information
for unique ecosystems within the country. Research on
absorption of GHGs (carbon sinks and reservoirs) and
mitigation of global warming through increasing forest
reserve are among the focused agenda of ICFRE.
The mandate of the Earth System Science Organisation
(ESSO)/Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) is to emerge
as a knowledge and information technology enterprise
for the Earth System Science (atmosphere, hydrosphere,
cryosphere and geosphere) for the Indian sub-continent
and its ocean. The ESSO/MoES has established several
climate research and systematic observatories, such as
India Meteorological Department (IMD), Indian National
Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
(IITM) Pune, National Institute of Ocean Technology
(NIOT) Chennai, National Centre of Antarctic and Ocean
Research (NCAOR) Goa, Centre for Climate Change
Research (CCCR) Pune, Earthquake Risk Evaluation
Centre (EREC) New Delhi and National Centre for Medium
Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) Noida.
The IMD possesses a vast weather observational network
and is involved in regular data collection activity, data
bank management, research and weather forecasting
for national needs. The NCMRWF conducts atmospheric
and climatic research with particular emphasis on
developing indigenous, customized Global Circulation
Models (GCMs) and Regional Circulation Models (RCMs)
for the Indian subcontinent and medium-range weather
forecasting that will help socio-economic sectors such
as agriculture and tourism, which are directly affected by
climate variability, in formulating their short-term policies.
IMD is also engaged in agriculture meteorological
advisory services to farmers through in-house modelling
and forecast (on a daily basis) for different Indian crop
systems. It runs an agro-advisory services network with
Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), which
provides daily weather forecasts to farmers. The IITM is
involved in various kinds of advanced climate and weather
research; including climatology, hydrometeorology,
physical meteorology and aerology, boundary layer,
land surface processes, atmospheric electricity, climate-
simulations, climate and global modelling/simulations.
Research in advanced instrumentation and observational
techniques is being carried out at the IITM along with
other theoretical studies. INCOIS provides ocean data,
information and advisory services to society, industry, the
government and scientic community through sustained
ocean observations and constant improvements through
systematic and focused research, data and information
management and ocean modelling to render ocean state
forecasting services.
India has signicantly enhanced its Satellite Monitoring
198 | INDIA Second National Communication
MNRE supports Research, Design, Development and
Demonstration (RDD&D) activities to develop new and
existing renewable energy technologies, processes,
materials, components, sub-systems, products and
services. It also conducts standards and resource
assessment so as to indigenously manufacture renewable
energy products and systems.
The MoWR coordinates surface and groundwater-
related data generation, management and dissemination,
technology implementation and all other related research
activities through its organizations such as the Central
Water Commission (CWC), the Central Ground Water
Board (CGWB), the National Water Development Agency
(NWDA), the National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), the
Central Water and Power Research Station, the Central
Soil and Materials Research Station, and various river
boards. The ministry, through its National Commission on
Integrated Water Resources Development (NCIWRD) and
other collaborative research activities, is conducting water
resource assessment, including evaluation of impacts of
climate change on Indian water resources.
MHRD, through academic institutions like universities and
IITs, facilitates several research programmes on weather,
climate, atmosphere, environment, ecology, agriculture,
forestry and related issues. These institutions are
involved in climate research by developing appropriate
infrastructure, participating in atmospheric observations,
and modelling efforts on climate simulations using various
internationally recognized GCMs/RCMs. The universities
and IITs are generally engaged in project-mode, objective-
oriented research-programmes.
The Department of Agricultural Research and Education
(DARE) within MoA has a vast network of 97 ICAR
institutes, 46 state agricultural universities, ve deemed
universities, one Central Agricultural University and 589
Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) spread across the country.
The ICAR, as the premier institution for agricultural R&D,
is working on different aspects of agriculture sustainability,
including eld research and modelling for Indian crop
systems under projected climate change.
The MoHFW, through the Malaria Research Centre, has
initiated climate change-related research due to the threat
of the spread of anthropogenic health and vector-borne
diseases, and has initiated sustained efforts for mitigating
the harmful effects of these diseases. The Centre works
in collaboration with various institutions that are actively
involved in mainstream climate change research.
The Ministry of Defence conducts atmospheric and
oceanic services with particular focus on defence interests.
In addition, it also funds other agencies for advanced
research on weather, climate, environment and oceans
so as to meet operational needs.
Other than the government ministries, several autonomous
institutions and NGOs are engaged in climate change-
related research. IIM Ahmedabad and IIT Delhi are front-
runners. NGOs like The Energy and Resources Institute
(TERI), Development Alternatives, Centre for Science and
Environment, and the Society for Himalayan Glaciology,
Hydrology, Ice, Climate and Environment operate on
project-based research mode on various topics such as
climate change vulnerability, impacts and mitigation.
Apart from India-centric initiatives, climate change research
is actively promoted by various international organizations
like the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP),
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP),
International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) and
DIVERSITAS. These international programmes are being
strongly supported by various Indian agencies.
Systematic Observation Networks
India has a centuries-old tradition of systematic
observations, in different elds such as meteorology,
geology, agriculture, sea level and land survey, including
mapping. Government departments, set up for specic
purposes, have carried out these observations since
the early 19
century. Observational networks have
undergone changes according to the evolving needs, and
have also been modernized to a fair extent. Developments
in space-based systems have contributed considerably to
observational capabilities. India has also participated in
international observational campaigns, both regionally
and globally, to further the understanding of the climate
and its variability.
Atmospheric observations
There are 25 types of atmospheric monitoring networks
that are operated and coordinated by the IMD. These
include meteorological/climatological, environment/ air
pollution and other specialized observations of trace
atmospheric constituents. IMD maintains 559 surface
meteorological observatories and about 39 radiosonde
and 64 pilot balloon stations for monitoring the upper
atmosphere. Specialized observations are made for agro-
meteorological purposes at 219 stations and radiation
parameters are monitored at 45 stations. There are about
Research and Systematic Observation | 199
70 observatories that monitor current weather conditions
for aviation. Although severe weather events are
monitored at all the weather stations, the monitoring and
forecasting of tropical cyclones is specially done through
three Area Cyclone Warning Centres (Mumbai, Chennai,
and Kolkata) and three Cyclone Warning Centres
(Ahmedabad, Visakhapatnam and Bhubaneshwar),
which issue warnings for tropical storms and other severe
weather systems affecting Indian coasts. Storm and
cyclone detection radars are installed all along the coast
and some key inland locations, to observe and forewarn
severe weather events, particularly tropical cyclones.
The radar network is being upgraded by modern Doppler
Radars, with enhanced observational capabilities, at
many locations.
In view of the importance of data assimilation in the tropical
numerical weather prediction, IMD has been in the process
of implementing a massive modernization programme for
upgrading and enhancing its observation system. It has
established 550 Automatic Weather Stations (AWS), out
of which about 125 will have extra agricultural sensors
like solar radiation, soil moisture and soil temperature.
1350 Automatic Rain Gauge (ARG) stations and 10 GPS
have also been added and their number is planned to be
increased substantially. In addition to this, a network of 55
Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) has been planned, out of
which 12 are to be commissioned in the rst phase. DWR,
with the help of algorithms, can detect and diagnose
weather phenomena such as hail and squall, which can
be hazardous for agriculture. In addition, ISRO/ DOS has
designed and developed indigenous ground observation
systems such as Automatic Weather Station (AWS), Agro-
meteorological (AGROMET) Tower and Doppler Weather
Radar (DWR) for observations of weather parameters.
So far, 1000 AWS, 24 AGROMET, 5 DWR have been
installed by ISRO/DOS in the country. ISRO has also
developed GPS Sonde and Boundary Layer LIDAR (BLL)
for observing vertical proles of atmospheric parameters.
A new satellite, INSAT-3D is scheduled to be launched.
INSAT-3D will usher a quantum improvement in satellite-
derived data from multi spectral high-resolution imagers
and vertical sounders. In addition, IMD is also planning
to install wind prolers and radiometers to get upper wind
and temperature data.
IMD is also augmenting its monitoring capability of the
parameters of atmospheric environment. Trace gases,
precipitation chemistry and Aerosols will be monitored
in the country on a long-term basis. Aerosol monitoring
will be carried out at 14 stations using sky radiometers,
black carbon will be measured at 4 stations using
aethelometers, Ozone measurements will be conducted
in the North-East and Port Blair in addition to the existing
stations in India and Antarctica; Turbidity and Rain Water
chemistry will be measured at 11 stations and Radiation
measurements will take place at 45 stations. The data
will be monitored and exchanged globally as per the
international protocols and quality control will be ensured
as per international standards. Such data will be used
in Carbon-cycle models to accurately estimate radiation
forcing and quantify source and sink potential for policy
issues under the UN framework.
The IMD, in collaboration with the NPL plays an important
role in climate change-related long-term data collection
at the Indian Antarctic base Maitri. Continuous surface
meteorological observations (for about 22 years) are now
available for Schirmacher Oasis with the National Data
The IMD collects meteorological data over oceans from
ships that while sailing on the high seas, function as
oating observatories.
Data archives and exchange
The tremendous increase in the network of observatories
resulted in the collection of a huge volume of data. The
IMD has climatological records even for the period prior
to 1875, when it formally came into existence. This
data is digitised, quality controlled and land archived in
electronic media at the National Data Centre, Pune. The
current rate of archival data is about three million records
per year. At present, the total data holding is about 9.7
billion records. They are supplied to universities, industry
and research and planning organizations. The IMD has
High altitude Hanle observatory in Ladakh- proposed for
monitoring ambient trace gas and aerosol concentrations
200 | INDIA Second National Communication
prepared climatological tables and summaries/atlases
of surface and upper-air meteorological parameters and
marine meteorological summaries. These summaries
and publications have many applications in agriculture,
shipping, transport, water resources and industry-based
The IMD has its own dedicated meteorological
telecommunication network with the central hub at New
Delhi. Under the World Weather Watch Plans Global
Telecommunication System, New Delhi, it functions as
a Regional Telecommunication Hub (RTH) on the main
telecommunication network. This centre was automated
in early 1976, and is now known as the National
Meteorological Telecommunication Centre (NMTC),
New Delhi. The websites of IMD viz.
in and have been operational
since 1st June, 2000. The websites contain dynamically
updated information on all-India weather and forecasts,
special monsoon reports, satellite cloud pictures updated
every three hours, Limited Area Model (LAM) and Global
Circulation Model (GCM) generated products and
prognostic charts, special weather warnings, tropical
cyclone information and warnings, weekly and monthly
rainfall distribution maps, earthquake reports. It also
contains a lot of static information, including temperature
and rainfall normals over the country.
Augmentation of weather and climate
forecasting capabilities
In view of the growing operational requirements from
various user agencies, IMD has embarked on a seamless
forecasting system covering short range to extended range
and long-range forecasts. Such a forecasting system is to
be based on a hierarchy of Numerical Weather Prediction
(NWP) models. For a tropical country like India, where high
impact mesoscale convective events are very common
weather phenomena, it is necessary to have good quality
high-density observations, both in spatial and temporal
scales, to ingest into the assimilation cycle of a very high
resolution non-hydrostatic mesoscale model. A major
problem related to the skill of NWP models in the tropics
is due to sparse data availability over many parts of the
country and the near-absence of data from the oceanic
Data from AWSs, ARGs, DWRs, INSAT-3D and wind
prolers is available in real time for assimilation in NWP
models. A High Power Computing (HPC) system with 300
terabyte storage has been installed at the NWP Centre at
Mausam Bhawan, New Delhi. All the systems have been
started working in an integrated manner in conjunction
with other observation systems in real-time. This has
greatly enhanced IMDs capability to produce indigenous
forecast products on different time scales. IMD also
makes use of NWP Global model forecast products of
other operational centres nationally and internationally to
meet the operational requirements of day-to-day weather
warning. Very recently, IMD has implemented a multi-
model ensemble (MME)-based district level ve-days
quantitative forecasts in medium range.
There is a need to prioritize actions to improve monitoring
of such extremes and rene models for their prediction
and projection in longer scale. New levels of integrated
efforts like Global Framework for Climate Services/
National Framework for Climate Services (GFCS/NFCS)
are required to strengthen climate research at the existing
and newer institutions in order to:
Develop improved methodologies for the assessment
of climate impacts on natural and human systems.
Characterize and model climate risk on various time
and space scales relevant to decision-making and
rene climate prediction skills.
Enhance spatial resolution of climate predictions,
including improvements in downscaling and better
regional climate models.
Improve climate models to represent the realism
of complex Earth system processes and their
interactions in the coupled system.
Develop a better understanding of the linkages
between climatic regimes and the severity and
frequency of extreme events.
Enable progress in improving operational climate
predictions and streamlining the linkages between
research and operational service providers.
IMD undertakes continuous global climate monitoring and
generation of climate diagnostics for the Indian region to
report major climate variability and climate anomalies
on monthly and seasonal scale through Indian Climate
Observation System (ICOS). The major activities of the
climate monitoring and climate information service are as
Detailed special monsoon reports are being published
every year.
Generation of daily analysed rainfall data (at 1x1
latitude/longitude and at 0.5x0.5 latitude/longitude
Research and Systematic Observation | 201
Table 5.1: Atmospheric monitoring networks across the Indian region.
Atmospheric monitoring networks
1 Surface observatories 559
2 Pilot balloon observatories 65
3 RS/RW observatories 39
4 Aviation current weather observatories 71
5 Storm detecting radar stations 17
6 Cyclone detection radar stations 10
7 High-wind recording stations 4
9 Hydro-meteorological observatories 701
10 a Non-departmental rain gauge stations
i Reporting 3540
ii Non-reporting 5039
b Non-departmental glaciological observations (non-reporting)
i Snow gauges 21
ii Ordinary rain gauges 10
11 Agro-meteorological observatories 219
12 Evaporation stations 222
13 Evapo-transpiration stations 39
14 Seismological observatories 58
15 Ozone monitoring
a Total ozone and Umkehr observatories 5
b Ozonesonde observatories 3
c Surface ozone observatories 6
16 Radiation observatories
a Surface 45
b Upper air 8
17 Atmospheric electricity observatories 4
18 (a) Background pollution observatories 10
(b) Urban Climatological Units 2
c) Urban Climatological Observatories 13
19 Ships of the Indian voluntary observing eet 203
20 Soil moisture recording stations 49
21 Dewfall recording stations 80
22 AWS 550
23 ARG 1350
Source: India Meteorological Department, Government of India
202 | INDIA Second National Communication
Generation of daily gridded temperature data (at
1x1 latitude/longitude resolution) for various climate
variability studies.
Drought Monitoring Indices and Drought Analysis.
Archival of climate related databases and data
products (such as district/station normals, normal
solar radiation parameters).
A dynamical statistical technique is developed and
implemented for real-time cyclone genesis and intensity
prediction. A number of experiments are being carried
out for the processing of DWR observations to be
used in nowcasting and mesoscale applications. The
procedure is expected to be available in operational mode
soon. Various multi-institutional collaborative forecast
demonstration projects are being initiated to strengthen
the forecasting capabilities of IMD.
Satellite-based observations
INSAT Systems:
The establishment of space systems and their
applications are coordinated by national level committees,
namely INSAT Coordination Committee (ICC), Planning
Committee on National Natural Resources Management
System (PC-NNRMS) and Advisory Committee on Space
Sciences (ADCOS).
Indian National Satellite (INSAT) system, established in
1983, is the largest domestic communication satellite
system in the Asia-Pacic region with nine satellites in
operation - INSAT-2E, INSAT-3A, INSAT-3C, INSAT-3E,
well as KALPANA-1, an exclusive meteorological satellite.
The INSAT system is a joint venture of the Department
of Space, Department of Telecommunications, All India
Radio and Doordarshan for communication applications
and India Meteorological Department for meteorological
observations. The overall coordination and management
Research and Systematic Observation | 203
Oceansat-2 undergoing dynamic balancing test
of the INSAT system rests with the INSAT Coordination
The INSAT-3A and Kalpana-1 satellites carrying Very
High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) have been
providing data for generating cloud motion vectors, cloud
top temperature, water vapour content, etc., facilitating
rainfall estimation, weather forecasting, genesis of
cyclones and their track prediction. In addition, CCD
(Charge-coupled Device) Camera on INSAT-3A, provides
images every 3 hours in three channels (ie., VIS, NIR and
SWIR) at 1km spatial resolution. The satellite also has
Data Relay Transponders (DRT) to facilitate reception
GSAT-4 ready to enter CATVAC
and dissemination of meteorological data from in-situ
instruments located across vast and inaccessible areas.
Earth Observation Systems
The Indian Earth Observations (EO) system, since
its beginning in the late 70s, has emerged as a strong
constellation of geostationary and polar orbiting satellites,
carrying a variety of sensors, providing observations
over land, ocean and atmosphere. There are currently
nine remote sensing satellites in the orbit (TES,
Resourcesat-1, Resourcesat-2, Cartosat-1, 2, 2A and 2B,
RISAT-2 and Oceansat-2) providing remote sensing data
in a variety of spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions,
meeting the needs of many applications. Data from these
satellites have been extensively used to monitor land and
water resources, such as agriculture, surface water and
groundwater, soil, forest cover and type, wetlands, coastal
zone including mangroves and coral reefs; wastelands,
desertication status; glaciers and their retreat, seasonal
snow-cover changes; etc. These efforts have helped in
creating not only national level inventories, but also in
studying the changes occurring in large eco-systems.
Oceanic observations
A comprehensive ocean observation network programme
was launched, after its importance was duly recognized.
This programme aims to understand the structure and
dynamics of the ocean, improve the predictability of the
ocean and climate, provide inputs for the sustainable
development of a coastal ecosystem and generate ocean
information and advisory services.
A network of observation systems was set up to critically
gauge ocean dynamics and its inuence on weather
and climate at different temporal and spatial scales. The
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
(INCOIS) continues to play a lead role in the Indian Ocean
region and is associated with a number of international
initiatives, such as Indian Ocean Global Ocean Observing
System (IOGOOS), Regional Co-ordination of Argo
Programme and Partnership for Observation of Global
Ocean (POGO). INCOIS also serves as the National Argo
Data Centre and Argo Regional Data Centre for the
Indian Ocean region.
A major achievement was the development of an in
situ Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) and
its integration with the existing data base. This allows
querying, visualising and downloading of in situ data
online from a wide variety of in situ ocean observation
systems. The application was developed using Open
Source software/tools.
Ocean Observation system consists of in situ (such as
a buoy or a ship) measurements to capture changes in
time and depth and Remote sensing (satellites, aircraft,
radar, etc) systems to capture the spatial and temporal
dimensions of change in surface properties.
An Automatic Weather Station (AWS) was installed
onboard ORV Sagar Nidhi to measure wind, air
temperature, humidity, air pressure, long wave and short
wave radiation and sea surface temperature (SST). The
data is being received at INCOIS in real time through
INSAT. This was undertaken as a pilot experiment for
establishing a network of ship-mountable AWS in the
Indian Ocean region with real time data transmission
through INSAT. The data are used for real time validation
of ocean forecasts as well as for weather predictions.
INCOIS continues to act as the Argo Regional Data
Centre (ARC) for the Indian Ocean region. 15 oats
that use Iridium communication and 22 oats with
ARGOS communication were procured. 18 Argo oats
with the facility of measuring near-surface temperature
were deployed in the Indian Ocean; of which 7 were
deployed in the Bay of Bengal. 3 Argo oats provided
by the University of Washington were deployed (using
ORV Sagar Sampada) in the Arabian Sea. Two of them
contained additional sensors for oxygen while the third
contained a sensor for chlorophyll (BIO-ARGO). 79 of
the 175 oats deployed by India over the past years, are
providing sub-surface temperature and salinity data. At
present, together with the deployment of other countries,
621 oats are active in the Indian Ocean.
The surface currents using Argo drift locations over the
past 5 years were estimated and compared with other
climatologies based on ship drifts and surface drifters.
It was found that the surface currents derived from
Argo oats are overestimating the surface currents of
climatology. Ocean temperature and salinity data from
Argo proling oats, satellite measurements of sea-
surface height (altimeter) and the time variable gravity eld
(GRACE) were used to investigate the causes of Indian
Ocean mean sea level rise between 2003 and 2008. It
was found that the total sea level rise in the Indian Ocean
is due to the contribution of both thermal expansion and
increase in water level due to the ice melt.
In addition, 20 drifting buoys and 4 deep-sea current meter
moorings were deployed in the Indian Ocean in 2009. The
204 | INDIA Second National Communication
XBT and XCTD (Expendable Bathy Thermograph and
Conductivity Temperature Depth) observations were also
continued on a routine basis along major shipping lines
(412 XBT proles and 56 XCTD proles). As part of the
effort towards establishing the Bay of Bengal observatory,
one mooring consisting of current meters and CTDs at
different levels (up to 100m) was deployed in the northern
Bay of Bengal in November 2009. This mooring provides
the high frequency temperature, salinity and currents in
the top 100m layer.
Measurements of trace constituents and air
pollution monitoring
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is executing
a nation-wide programme of ambient air quality
monitoring known as the National Air Quality Monitoring
Programme (NAMP). The network consists of 342
operating stations covering 127 cities/towns in 26 states
and 4 Union Territories. The objectives of the NAMP are
to determine status and trends of ambient air quality;
to ascertain whether the prescribed ambient air quality
standards are violated; to identify Non-attainment cities;
to obtain knowledge and understanding necessary for
developing preventive and corrective measures and to
understand the natural cleansing process undertaken in
the environment through pollution dilution, dispersion,
wind-based movement, dry deposition, precipitation and
chemical transformation of pollutants generated.
Under NAMP, four air pollutants viz. Sulphur Dioxide
), Oxides of Nitrogen as NO
, Suspended Particulate
Matter (SPM) and Respirable Suspended Particulate
Matter (RSPM / PM10) have been identied for regular
monitoring at all the locations. The monitoring of
meteorological parameters such as wind speed and wind
direction, relative humidity (RH) and temperature was also
integrated into the monitoring of air quality. Pollutants are
monitored over 24 hours (4-hourly sampling for gaseous
pollutants and 8-hourly sampling for particulate matter)
twice a week, to have 104 observations in a year. The
monitoring is being carried out with the help of Central
Pollution Control Board, State Pollution Control Boards,
Pollution Control Committees and National Environmental
Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur. CPCB
coordinates with these agencies to ensure uniformity and
consistency of air quality data, while providing technical
and nancial support for operating the monitoring
The IMD established 10 stations in India as a part of World
Meteorological Organizations (WMO) Global Atmospheric
Watch (GAW - formerly known as Background Air Pollution
Monitoring Network or BAPMoN). These were established
with the objective of documenting long-term changes
in the composition of trace species of the atmosphere.
The Indian GAW network includes Allahabad, Jodhpur,
Kodaikanal, Minicoy, Mohanbari, Nagpur, Port Blair, Pune,
Srinagar and Visakhapatnam. Atmospheric turbidity is
measured using hand-held Volzs Sunphotometers
at wavelength 500nm at all the GAW stations. Total
Suspended Particulate Matter (TSPM) is measured
for varying periods at Jodhpur using a High Volume Air
Sampler. Shower-wise wet-only precipitation samples are
collected at all the GAW stations using specially designed
wooden precipitation collectors tted with stainless steel
or polyethylene funnel precipitation collectors. After each
precipitation event, the collected water is transferred to a
large storage bottle to obtain a monthly sample. Monthly
mixed samples collected from these stations are sent to
the National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, where they are
analysed for pH, conductivity, major cations (Ca, Mg, Na,
) and major anions (SO
, NO
, Cl
Terrestrial observations
Cryospheric observations
The Geological Survey of India (GSI) conducts a systematic
study of glaciers. In 1974, it established the Glaciology
Division for northern region, with its headquarters at
Lucknow. The Eastern Region Division was established
Research and Systematic Observation | 205
Cities under National Air quality monitoring programme
at Kolkata in 1979. GSI carried out glaciological studies
in Jammu & Kashmir (Neh-Nar glacier, 1974-1984);
Himachal Pradesh (Gara, 1973-1983; Gor Garang, 1975-
1985; Shaune Garang; 1981-1991); and Uttar Pradesh
(Tipra Bamak, 1980-1988; Dunagiri, 1984-1992). Besides
these, the Harmuk and Rulung glaciers in Jammu &
Kashmir and Zemu and Changme Khangpu glaciers in
Sikkim have also been studied. It also carried out snow-
cover assessments of the Beas basin, Dhauliganga
valley and Sind Valley. GSI has thus completed the rst
generation glacier inventory of UP, HP, J&K and Sikkim.
They have largely conned their study to mass balance,
glacier recession, suspended sediment transfer and geo-
morphological studies.
The Survey of India (SOI), the oldest scientic department
of the Government of India, set up in 1767, is the national
survey and mapping organization of the country. The most
signicant contribution of SOI in the study of glaciers is
the accurate demarcation of all glaciers on topographical
maps that can provide a vital data source for glaciological
The IMD established the glaciology Study Research
Unit in the Hydromet Directorate in 1972. This unit has
been participating in glaciological expeditions organized
by the GSI and the DST. The unit was established for: (i)
determination of the natural water balance of various river
catchment areas for better planning and management of
the countrys water resources (ii) snow melt run-off and
other hydrological forecasts (iii) reservoir regulation (iv)
better understanding of the climatology of the Himalaya
and (v) basic research of seasonal snow cover and related
phenomena. The IMD has established observing stations
over the Himalayan region to monitor weather parameters
over glaciers.
The Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE),
a defence research organization has been working in
the eld of snow avalanches since 1969. The emphasis
has been to mitigate snow avalanche threat by various
active and passive methods. Avalanche forecasting and
avalanche control measures form the front-line research
areas of this establishment. The basic research in snow
physics, snow mechanics and snow hydrology naturally
followed in pursuit of the solutions to problems related
to snow avalanches. SASE has established about 30
observatories in the western Himalayan region, which are
very close to the glacier environment. The data collected
at these observatories mostly pertains to weather, snow
and avalanches. In addition, a chain of Automatic Weather
Stations (AWS) has been established at different places
in the western Himalayan region. Of these, two have been
installed on a glacier.
In addition, several other academic and research
institutions like the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology
(WIHG), Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) and the
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) have been actively
taking part in the study of Himalayan glaciers. Satellite-
based observations of the glaciers and their mass balance
characteristics are also being carried out regularly by the
Space Applications Centre (SAC).
The Himalayas govern the climate and weather of the
region and drive the major weather system. Heavy
snowfall events over the western Himalayan region and
the subsequent avalanches affect the life and property of
the inhabitants. The impact of weather events is enhanced
by topography, which makes the area more prone to
cloud-bursts, ash oods and landslides. The existing
observational network (surface, upper air, radar) over
these regions is very sparse. Automatic Weather Stations
have been established in the western Himalayan region
under the multi-institutional project PARWAT for sustained
real time collection of meteorological data. Three upper
air stations are also established at Jammu, Manali and
Sasoma to meet the weather forecasting requirements of
the specic region.
Ecosystems: The country is very rich in biodiversity
resources - from cold deserts to tropical forests. Biodiversity
resources are directly valued as food for humans, fodder
for animals, energy sources as fuel, nutrients like leaf
manure and structural materials like pharmaceuticals, bre,
fragrances, avours, dyes and other materials of special
interest. A record of Indias plant wealth indicates that
there are approximately 17,500 species of angiosperms,
48 species of gymnosperms, 1,200 species of ferns,
6,500 species of algae, 14,500 species of fungi, 2,500
species of lichens, 845 species of liverworts and 1,980
species of mosses. Several organizations are involved in
the observational and research aspects of the ora and
fauna of the country, as also the different ecosystems.
The Forest Survey of India (FSI), an organization under
the MoEF, has undertaken the assessment of forest
resources in the country since 1965. As per its current
mandate, the FSI has to assess the forest cover of the
country in a two-year cycle, which is published regularly in
the form of State of Forest Report (SFR). Many research
institutions and Agricultural Universities under the ICAR
are also engaged in data collection and research in the
206 | INDIA Second National Communication
agriculture sector. The agronomy division of the ICAR,
over the past 50-60 years, has gathered soil parameters
for agricultural resource management. Agriculture-related
weather data and grain-wise agricultural yield data are
collected at the local level at evenly distributed sites all
over the country.
Keeping in mind the immense importance of extended
range forecasting in agriculture applications, the Extended
Range Forecast System for Climate Risk Management
in Agriculture (ERFS) has been launched with active
collaboration of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
Delhi, India Meteorological Department (IMD), National
Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (NCMRWF),
Space Application Centre (SAC) Ahmedabad and Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The objective
of the ERFS is to generate and disseminate information
on rainfall and temperature with a lead-time of 25-30
days. It is expected to give sufcient time to the farmers
to plan their cropping activities and also help the policy
makers take necessary corrective measures to arrest
any contingency that might arise. Under the ERFS,
forecast for each month at the regional/district level is
the ultimate goal. Experimental monthly rainfall forecast
for the monsoon 2010 was generated on meteorological
sub-division scales and in respect of 13 identied districts
and disseminated to the identied farmers/users for risk
management purposes.
In order to strengthen the current capabilities of in-season
multiple crop estimation through a combination of Remote
Sensing, Econometric, Agro-met and Land-based
observations, a scheme called Forecasting Agricultural
Output using Space, Agro-meteorology and Land-based
observation (FASAL) was launched in August 2006. The
agencies involved in the project are Space Applications
Centre (SAC) Ahmedabad, Institute of Economic Growth
(IEG) New Delhi and India Meteorological Department
(IMD) Pune.
The Central Water Commission (CWC) under the MoWR,
operates a national network of about 878 hydrological
observation stations. The data observed at eld units
is processed at various levels and archived. The CWC
also imparts training to various research institutions,
universities, central and state pollution control boards for
systematic collection of river water samples.
The Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), another
institution under the MoWR, monitors the ground water
levels from a network of 14,995 stations (mostly dug wells)
distributed evenly throughout the country. Dug wells are
being gradually replaced by Piezometers for water level
monitoring. Water levels are measured four times during
the year in the months of January, April/May, August
and November. The ground water samples are collected
during April/May for analyses of chemical changes. The
generated data is used to prepare maps of ground water
level depths, water level contours and changes in water
levels during different time periods. The data is also being
used to prepare long-term change trends in water levels.
The CGWB has categorized the Indian subcontinent into
12 basins. At the basin level, several parameters are being
monitored and are available with the CWC for various
national research needs.
Research Programmes
Climate and global change
IMD has established a National Climate Centre linked
to National Data Centre, holding data of about 9.7
billion records. The centre brings climate status reports
on variability and trends of climate parameters at
local/regional/national levels. A coordinated research
programme on Global and Regional Climate Change
(GRCC) was launched during the XIth Plan to build a
National Climate Change Monitoring and Research
Network. A Programme ofce has been established at
the ESSO/MoES Headquarters to operate the GRCC
programme to integrate all the envisaged activities in
support of supplementing unied scientic response to
global warming, launched under the NAPCC. As a part of
GRCC, a dedicated Centre for Climate Change Research
(CCCR) to undertake studies on the scientic aspects
of climate change at the Indian Institute of Tropical
Meteorology (IITM) Pune has been established. CCCR is
focusing on all scientic issues including modelling the
susceptibility of various agricultural crops, their yield and
diseases, water, nitrogen, ozone, GHG ux measurements
and CO
cycle sequestration.
Ensembles of regional model simulations are being
generated for downscaling the monsoon variability
projections over the South Asian region. This will
be the rst time that projections based on model
simulations conducted from India will be participating
in the IPCC assessment. It has the ability to capture
summer monsoon characteristics over South Asia within
17-ensemble members from 20
century simulations
of Quantifying Uncertainty in the Model Projections
(QUMP). United Kingdoms Hadley Centre Coupled
Ocean-Atmospheric Climate Model version 3 (Had CM3)
Research and Systematic Observation | 207
is examined to select potential ensemble member elds
among the 17, which have most closely reproduced the
observed summer monsoon climate variability.
Six among the 17-ensemble runs of QUMP experiment
are found to be reproducing mean summer monsoon
climate reasonably well and these experiments are used
to drive the Regional Climate Model (RCM-PRECIS) to
generate a 50km grid scale under A1B Scenario (Medium
Emissions) runs over South Asia continuously for the
period 1961-2100. The three-member ensemble runs of
RCM- PRECIS have been completed. The results are
under critical evaluation and the simulations in respect to
the remaining 3-ensemble QUMP members are currently
underway. A framework of three regional climate models
(PRECIS, WRF and Reg CM) is currently being built to
examine the following spatial characteristics associated
with the summer monsoon in the coming decades: (i) To
quantify future climate scenarios for India under different
emission scenarios as well as committed climate change
scenarios, during the 21
century including various
intermediate time slices, (ii) To develop ensembles
of regional climate change scenarios and quantify
uncertainties and (iii) To examine the nature of possible
changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme
weather and monsoon climate variability associated with
the expected climate change over India.
INCOIS continued the ocean modelling activities using
four ocean General Circulation Models, namely, Regional
Ocean Modelling System (ROMS), Modular Ocean Model
(MOM), Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) and
Colorado University Princeton Ocean Model (CUPOM).
Amongst them, the ROMS was set up for the Indian Ocean
Forecasting System (INDOFOS),which is the rst of its
kind in the Indian Ocean for operational purposes. The
model is forced with the 5-day forecasted surface winds
and atmospheric uxes obtained from the National Centre
for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) New
Delhi. The simulations for 2000-2008 were extensively
validated against the observations from in situ platforms
and satellites.
The Indian Ocean Modelling and Dynamics (INDOMOD)
Project, initiated during the IXth Five-Year Plan, was
contemplated to develop a variety of wide-range
coupled ocean-atmosphere models for application of the
monsoon variability studies and ocean state forecast. The
programme now has 25 projects, which are envisaged by
the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru; Indian Institute
of Technology, Delhi; Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur; National Institute of Oceanography, Goa;
Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer
Simulation, Bengaluru; Andhra University, Visakhapatnam;
Hyderabad University, Hyderabad; Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kochi; Annamalai University,
Chennai; Jadavpur University, Kolkata and Allahabad
University, Allahabad.
The Satellite Coastal Oceanographic Research
(SATCORE) continued by strengthening value added
services such as conducting Cal/Val exercises, organizing
dedicated bio-optical cruises, and modelling initiatives.
The programme also continued its close links with the
international programme ChloroGIN through the Indian
Ocean GOOS (IOGOOS) network. The programme
continued the generation dissemination of chlorophyll,
and SST maps (for countries in the Indian Ocean
region,namely India, Sri Lanka, Iran, Kenya, Maldives,
Oman, Tanzania and Thailand) and in situ time-series
measurements of chlorophyll and radiances along the
selected transects around India. Additionally, several
value-added services like custom-mapped and binned
satellite data products, and the data on total suspended
matter (TSM) were generated and disseminated on
a routine basis. An inter-comparison exercise, named
SICOME-001, was conducted off Visakhapatnam to
establish the variances in the measurements made under
the SATCORE network.
The physical, chemical and dynamical aspects of the
atmosphere - lower, middle and upper atmosphere
including the monsoons, coupled land-ocean-
atmospheric system, geosphere-biosphere interactions
and development of technology are the main thrust areas
of climate research. A Weather Research Forecast (WRF)
model with 30km resolution and a ROCM (Regional Ocean
Circulation Model) was chosen to develop an Indian
regional climate modelling strategy. A coupler, through
which daily coupling and transfer of uxes between
ocean surface and atmosphere have been developed,
indicated the sea surface temperatures (TMI-SSTs) are
well correlated and the cold bias has been rectied. Study
of the outputs of 25 coupled climate models (used for
IPCC AR4) indicated bias in all the models and nally
evaluated 10 select climate models output parameters
over south Asia, in particular, the ENSO monsoon and
Indian Ocean Dipole relationships. The projections at the
end of the 21
century showed that although the monsoon
circulation has weakened, there is signicant increase
208 | INDIA Second National Communication
in mean monsoon precipitation over India under the
climate change experiments. Studies of the atmospheric
energetics during the onset phase and active phase of
the monsoon season and inter-comparison of model
simulations with different resolutions, predictability
studies of the atmosphere using error growth studies
on low dimension mesoscale and global models are
in progress. Further, studies on Energetics of zonal
waves and intra-seasonal variability of Indian monsoon,
Sensitivity of sea surface temperature over Indian Ocean
and land cover/vegetation classes on Indian summer
monsoon precipitation, Numerical simulation of western
disturbance and associated extreme weather using a
mesoscale model and Establishment of a coupled climate
and carbon cycle modelling activity and investigation
of the effects of CO
fertilization have been initiated.
Studies on Sea level variations over the Bay of Bengal,
with respect to occurrence of different combinations of
ENSO and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), using satellite
altimeter data showed signicant characteristic features
due to the combined effect of ENSO and IOD events. In
some cases, the occurrence of one event overrides the
characteristic features of other events. Rapid ecosystem
response to the episodic events (such as rainfall) on the
bio-geochemistry of the coastal waters off Visakhapatnam
and signicant decrease in dissolved oxygen levels due
to enhanced primary production triggered by land-driven
material exported by heavy rainfall were observed.
Atmospheric trace constituents
In India, a number of research activities related to the
measurement of atmospheric trace constituents are being
carried out by different national laboratories, institutions
and universities to investigate various research problems,
individually as well as jointly, with nancial support provided
by different government and international agencies.
The determination of GHG emissions from different
sectors such as energy, industries, enteric fermentation,
manure management, forestry, land use, land-use change,
and waste are being carried out by various research
organizations. These include the National Physical
Laboratory, National Chemical Laboratory, Indian
Institute of Science, Central Mining and Fuel Research
Laboratory, Jadavpur University, Kolkata , Central Leather
Research Institute, National Dairy Research Institute,
Indian Agriculture Research Institute and Central Rice
Research Institute among others. However, considering
the vast coverage these studies need to address, due to
the diverse mix of technology, geographical and social
parameters, these studies are just a beginning and will
require strengthening, both in terms of institutions and
nancial resources to meet the research requirement.
Under the aegis of Indias Second National Communication
to UNFCCC project, several country-specic emission
coefcients have been developed, such as those for
methane emissions from paddy cultivation and CO

emissions from Indian coal, road transport, ammonia
production and cement manufacturing. An assessment of
Greenhouse Gas Emissions of India for 2007 by sources
and removal by sinks from Energy, Industry, Agriculture,
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) and
Waste sectors by INCCA was released on 11
May 2010.
This assessment was an outcome of the contribution of
more than 80 scientists from 17 institutions across India.
The aerosols and atmosphere interactions are studied
through the development of hand held Sunphotometers
using lter photo detectors as sensors to monitor aerosol
optical thickness, columnar water vapour and ozone
concentration in the atmosphere. Some of the regional
studies include: (i) The measurement of organic and black
carbon and chemical constituents of ambient aerosols
at a suburban site of the Indo-Gangetic plain; (ii) The
impact of aerosols and gaseous pollutants in ambient
air on physiological parameters of human health due
to agricultural crop residue burning at Patiala; (iii) The
role of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), volatile
organic compounds (VOC) and ammonia in aqueous
phase atmospheric autoxidation of Sulphur dioxide; (iv)
Ambient air pollution and its sources in the background
sites of different hill spots in the northwestern Himalaya;
(v) Characterization, toxicity and health risk assessment
of PAH in particulate matter and emissions from different
combustion fuels; (vi) Spatial and temporal dynamics of
urban heat island in Delhi and its implication for the air
quality of Delhi and (vii) The study of distribution and
sources of ambient Ammonia over northwest India.
The National Carbon Project (NCP) of IGBP in terms of
soil carbon pool assessment (SCP), vegetation carbon
pool assessment (VCP) and soil and vegetation uxes
(SVF) using ux tower measurements, observations from
space and other collateral data and ground measurements
are being studied through Net Primary Productivity (NPP)
modelling from ux tower to national scale with the
biosphere model, which is mainly to identify changes in
phytomass. The NCP will cover multi-constraint modelling,
satellite derived top-down (atmospheric CO
) and bottom-
Research and Systematic Observation | 209
up (Remote Sensing-based inventory approach and
inclusion of atmospheric transport) approaches in the
near future.
The continuous measurement of aerosols using ARFI
network (ARFINET), which has grown to a chain of
more than 30 stations, has further consolidated the
measurement network. ARFINET has data compiled up to
2009, in a common format; which could be effectively used
by the scientic community, for various R&D purposes.
Aerosol Radiative Forcing experiments cover the projects
related to Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and
Radiation Budget (ICARB) and Regional Aerosol Warming
Experiment (RAWEX). Under ICARB, multi-platform eld
campaigns, involving synchronous measurement of
several aerosol parameters from the network, onboard
ship and aircraft, balloons and satellites have been
conducted. RAWEX is being carried out to assess
the impact of regional warming by elevated absorbing
aerosols in regional atmospheric warming, monsoon
system, weather and climate. The research studies on
Atmospheric Trace Gases, Chemistry and Transport
over India from the high altitude balloon experiment,
are engaged in determining the concentrations of CFCs
and N
O and their signicant role in depleting the ozone
concentrations in the stratosphere. Also, the Atmospheric
Dust Chemistry and Transport Modelling programme
under IGBP has been working on the Organic Carbon
and Element Carbon (Black Carbon) emissions in various
cities in India and their contribution to radiative forcing.
The initial observations of atmospheric boundary layer
studies over the Bay of Bengal region have detected that
the variable convective processes have signicance in
modulating regional weather and climate. Under IGBP, a
network of about S20 Agro-Met Stations (AMS) has been
established across the country and the datasets are being
collected and stored on MOSDAC server. Integrated
science plans for canopy characterization through in
situ measurements on phenology, LAI, soil moisture,
photosynthesis and biomass are being carried out as part
of the research activity.
Under the aegis of INCCA, the Black Carbon Research
Initiative - Science Plan of the National Carbonaceous
Aerosols (NCAP) was launched on March 29, 2011.
The initiative is signicant especially because there
is an emergence of interest in the role of Black carbon
(BC) in global warming, since aerosols may modify the
planetary albedo. The Carbon Research Initiative builds
on the existing work of ISRO, ESSO/MoES and other
experts, which would involve over 101 institutions with
65 observatories nationwide. The study would lead to
long-term monitoring of aerosols; monitoring of impact of
BC on snow; estimating magnitude of BC sources using
inventory (bottom-up) and inverse modelling (top-down)
approaches and modelling BC atmospheric transport and
climate impact.
The major focus of the Atmospheric Environment and
Global Change project of NPL is the operation of a micro-
pulse lidar for continuous measurements of aerosols
and clouds; estimation of vertical distribution of ozone
over Delhi, Pune and Thiruvananthapuram, revealing
signicantly high tropospheric ozone during January-
February; estimation of budget of carbonaceous aerosols
from biofuels from the district-wide sampling in Delhi;
detecting the inuence of monsoon-associated mesoscale
convection systems on the tropical tropopause region;
estimation of aerosol radiation forcing over Kanpur during
pre-monsoon; single scattering Albedo and aerosol
radiation forcing estimation over Delhi for ve years (2002-
06); seasonal variation of aerosol black carbon and its
impact over radiation ux over Delhi; investigation of some
anomalous features in the Martian ionosphere using Mars
global surveyor data; interesting new data sets on CO
from snow pack in polar regions; size distribution among
surface aerosols in 2007 using GRIMM spectrometer;
continuation of regular ambient observations related
to surface ozone, NOx, CO, NMHC, column content of
Ozone, water vapour AOD and UV radiation as well as
theoretical explanation of low stratospheric ozone over
Indian subcontinent and the work related to the model for
forecasting the local time of clearance of fog.
Ambient air quality monitoring carried out at various
cities/towns in the country, under National Air Monitoring
Programme (NAMP) provide air quality data that form
the basis for identication of areas with high air pollution
levels and in planning the strategies and development of
action plans for control and abatement of air pollution.
Data generated over the years, reveal that particulate
matter (SPM & RSPM) are exceeding more than the
permissible levels at many locations, particularly in
urban areas. The air pollution problem becomes complex
due to the multiplicity and complexity of air polluting
sources (e.g. industries, automobiles, generator sets,
domestic fuel burning, road side dust, and construction
activities). Source apportionment study, primarily based
on measurements and tracking down the sources through
receptor modelling, helps in identifying the sources and
210 | INDIA Second National Communication
the extent of their contribution. The Auto Fuel Policy
document of Government of India also recommended
carrying out source apportionment studies. Accordingly,
source apportionment studies have been initiated in six
major cities viz. (i) Delhi, (ii) Mumbai, (iii) Chennai, (iv)
Bengaluru, (v) Pune and (vi) Kanpur. Besides, separate
projects on the development of emission factors for vehicles
and development of emission proles for vehicular as well
as non-vehicular sources have also been taken up.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) through their
programme Global Atmospheric Watch Urban Research
Meteorology and Environment (GURME) has recognized
the System of Air Quality Forecasting and Research
(SAFAR). It implied that this effort is at par with international
standards as stipulated by stringent scientic guidelines
for condence in quality control and quality assurance.
SAFAR establishes forecast and nowcast systems
through Automatic Weather Stations, Doppler Weather
Radar and other observing systems. The entire system
provides and displays the information on weather and air
quality in real time and forecasts the future weather and
level of pollution at various key locations through wireless
true colour digital display panels. It includes real time data
and forecasting of major air pollutants such as Ozone,
NOx, CO, PM2.5, PM10, Black Carbon and Benzene.
Reconstruction of past climate
The main thrust of research at Birbal Sahni Institute of
Palaeobotany, Lucknow, lies in coordination with other
palaeobotanical and geological research in various areas
such as diversication of early life, exploration of fossil
fuels, vegetational dynamics, climatic modelling and
conservation of forests. This is the only centre in the world
where palaeobotanical research is being conducted from
the Archaean to recent times. It includes archaeobotany
and tree ring analysis for the evaluation of climate change.
The major collaborative research studies in the context
of climate change are: Cenozoic vegetation and climate
changes in China and India and their response to the
Himalayan uplift; palaeobotanical studies on Indian and
Brazilian sedimentary basins; Palaeoclimate of marine and
coastal areas;study of Antarctic Gondwana plant fossils
and multi-disciplinary integrated study on Antarctica,
Arctic and southern ocean palaeoclimate based on
Palynology, palynofacies, phytoplankton, clay mineralogy
and rock magnetism of lake and marine sediments. IGBPs
Quantitative Multi-Proxy Paleomonsoon Reconstruction
(QMPRC) programme attempts to reconstruct the SW and
NE monsoon precipitation over different regions of India
quantitatively using tree rings and speleothems, spanning
the last 20,000 years and to check for consistency with
other proxies. The multi-proxy parameters for Quaternary
palaeoclimate reconstructions are vegetation dynamics,
relative sea level changes and anthropogenic inuences.
The environmental magnetism group has been involved
in two palaeoclimate studies. The rst of these studies
attempts the reconstruction of the last glacial to early
Holocene monsoon variability from relict lake sediments of
the Higher Central Himalaya in Uttarakhand. The second
study deals with the reconstruction of the variability of the
southwest monsoon during the past, using samples from
the continental margin of the southeastern Arabian Sea.
Climate variability and change
Indias climate is dominated by the summer monsoon,
which shows spatial, inter-annual and intra-seasonal
variability. Climate variability has tremendous impact on
agricultural production and water availability. Recognizing
the role of land, atmosphere and oceanic processes in
modulating the monsoon variability, a multi-disciplinary,
decade-long Indian Climate Research Programme (ICRP)
has been evolved to study the climate variability and climate
change issues in the Indian context. The ICRP aims to
undertake land-ocean atmosphere eld experiments, the
analysis of the available past data sets on climate and
agriculture, and climate modelling. It includes the analysis
of weather and climate data from ground-based, ship-
based and satellite-based measurements. Under ICRP,
the special emphasis is to evolve and implement multi-
agency, multi-disciplinary coordinated eld experimental
campaigns to investigate the land-ocean atmosphere
interactions and their role in monsoon variability. Studies
on the development and testing of coupled ocean-
atmosphere models for climate and monsoon diagnostic
studies using General Circulation Models (GCM), a multi-
institutional, coordinated eld programme on `Bay of
Bengal and Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX) and a multi-
institutional, coordinated eld experiment on Arabian
Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX) have been initiated
under ICRP. Time series measurements on atmospheric
and oceanographic parameters were monitored using two
oceanographic research vessels and met-ocean buoys.
These observations were supplemented by the surface
and upper-air observations taken by the east coast
weather network of India Meteorological Department.
The implementation of Continental Tropical Convergence
Zone (CTCZ) was launched by ESSO/MoES. CTCZ
Research and Systematic Observation | 211
objectives will address physical processes taking place
on synoptic, meso, cloud and cloud microphysical scales
and their interactions. Monsoon involves land-ocean-
biosphere-atmosphere interactions and their feedbacks,
and these issues are given importance in CTCZ. The direct
and indirect effects of aerosols on monsoon variability
on different time scales are among the objectives of
this study. Special efforts are being made to elucidate
the nature of the cloud systems over land and measure
critical components of water and heat balance in selected
basins/watersheds in the monsoon zone to understand
the impact of land surface processes and to gain insight
into genesis of cloud systems and their propagation
over land and ocean. CTCZ is a multi-year programme
involving special eld experiments over land and ocean,
in situ cloud observations with instrumented aircraft,
analysis of existing data from conventional platforms
as well as satellites, buoys, Argo oats, and theoretical/
numerical model studies with active participation from all
concerned institutions in India. A pilot phase of CTCZ was
implemented from 1st July - 31st August 2009, utilizing
most of the existing observational weather monitoring
networks including Radars, aerosols, agro-meteorological
stations, met-ocean data buoys, Argo oats and drifters,
two ships (ORV Sagar Kanya and OTV Sagar Nidhi),
two aircrafts with state-of-the-art instrumentation,
additional radiosonde systems at Kharagpur and over
northern Bay of Bengal, three micrometeorological
towers (Kharagpur, Ranchi and Anand) and stand-alone
atmospheric observing systems (Micropulse Lidars,
Sodar, Desdrometers) at few locations north of 18
N, up
to the foothills of the Himalayas. Efforts are underway to
undertake main mega eld experiments during 2010 and
2011, mustering all possible infrastructure and expertise
to understand the monsoon dynamics over the Indian
region. Further, studies on Oceanographic observations
in the northern Bay of Bengal deep convection during
CTCZ, Oceanographic observations in the southern
Bay of Bengal cold pool during CTCZ campaigns,
Oceanographic observational component during CTCZ,
Surface energy budget and boundary layer structure over
the Bay: An observational study during CTCZ, CTCZ
pilot phase 2009: XCTD observations in the northern Bay
of Bengal, and Interactions between the atmospheric
boundary layer and deep convection over the CTCZ
domain have been underway and have contributed
signicantly to the understanding of monsoon dynamics.
A two-dimensional interactive chemical model of the lower
and middle atmosphere has been developed to study the
atmospheric chemistry-climate interactions. The radiative
forcing due to the growth of GHG owing to human activities
for the past three decades has been simulated. The Cloud
Physics Laboratory in Pune University is presently a
unique facility, which carries out cloud studies in similar
conditions in the atmosphere. The availability of such a
facility for cloud-related research would be of paramount
interest to physicists in the relevant eld.
Other than these major efforts, many small-scale projects
have been and are being carried out. Some are also
proposed in the near future to better understand the
Indian weather and climate. For example, to understand
the nature of coupled ocean-atmosphere system, an
experiment has been executed over the Indian oceanic
region. The focus of research was the Bay of Bengal. This
experiment has given insights into tropical convection.
The results will have a major impact on our understanding
of the coupling of the monsoons to the warm oceans and
modelling of climate.
In addition, various programmes for future needs
like biomass energy, coal-bed methane recovery
for commercial usage, energy efcient technology
development, improvement of transport systems, small-
scale hydro-electric power stations, and development
of high-rate biomethanation processes as a means of
reducing GHG emissions are already being conducted or
There is a broad understanding on the need to include
research on greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs.
This area is intended to be included in future research
Satellite data for monitoring weather and impact
of climate change
The meteorological data of the INSAT system is
processed and disseminated by INSAT Meteorological
Data Processing System (IMDPS) of India Meteorological
Department (IMD). The products derived from the satellite
data include: cloud motion vectors, water vapour, sea
surface temperature, long-wave radiation, quantitative
precipitation estimates, upper tropospheric humidity and
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index. Cloud images
in the Visible, Infra-red and Water Vapour Channel are
obtained from the satellites. The products are used
for weather forecasting - both synoptic and numerical
weather prediction. For quick dissemination of warnings
against impending disaster from approaching cyclones,
specially designed receivers have been installed at the
vulnerable coastal areas in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu,
212 | INDIA Second National Communication
Orissa, West Bengal and Gujarat for direct transmission
of warnings to the ofcials and public in general, using
the broadcast capability of INSAT. IMDs Area Cyclone
Warning Centres generate special warning bulletins and
transmit them in local languages to the affected areas
every hour.
Remote sensing application projects at national, regional
and local levels are being carried out through NRSC,
Hyderabad and its ve Regional Remote Sensing Centre
(RRSC) located at Bengaluru, Dehradun, Jodhpur,
Kharagpur, and Nagpur, as well as SAC, Ahmedabad
and North-Eastern Space Applications Centre (NE-SAC),
Shillong. State and central government departments,
State Remote Sensing Applications Centres and others
are also associated in the execution of these projects.
Climate change has a strong inuence on natural systems.
Monitoring and assessment of impact requires long-term
databases of parameters gathered employing remote
sensing and ground-based methods; and suitable models
for forecasting the changes. In this context, various
studies have been carried out by ISRO/ DOS Centres,
in the elds of agriculture, hydrology, ocean productivity,
coastal zones, and regional weather patterns. Some of
the major application projects, carried out during the year,
are highlighted below.
Glacial Retreat in the Himalaya: Satellite remote
sensing data has been used to map and monitor
the Himalayan glaciers at 1:50,000 scale in Indus,
Ganges and Brahmaputra basins. A total of 32392
glaciers have been studied, covering an area of glaciers. Advance/ Retreat of 2190
glaciers have been monitored for over 15 years,
which revealed 76% of glaciers have retreated,
7% advanced and there was no change in 17% of
glaciers. Average glacier retreat was estimated to be
3.75%. Further, the mass balance of 700 glaciers has
been carried out. An algorithm based on Normalized
Difference Snow Index was developed using visible
and short wave infrared data of AWiFS sensor of
Resourcesat satellite for snow cover mapping at
10 days interval. Snow cover was monitored for 33
sub-basins distributed in different climatic zones of
the Himalaya for four consecutive years starting from
Desertication Mapping: Climate acts as an
important factor in the onset of desertication,
especially for the inuencing factors, which
are natural in origin. Nation-wide inventory of
desertication status mapping at 1:500,000 scale,
using satellite data has been carried out, and the
statistics generated show that about 105.48mha is
under desertication in the country, which is nearly
32.07% of the total geographic area. This will serve
as a baseline for further monitoring.
Land use/ land cover mapping: Land use/ land
cover mapping of the country, using IRS data, is being
done periodically, starting from 2004-2005. This effort
has provided, on an annual basis, the net sown area
for different cropping seasons, and an integrated map
showing different land use/ land cover categories.
This database would serve as baseline information
on land use/ land cover for climate change related
studies in the years to come.
Coastal Zone Studies: Coastal landuse maps
showing Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESAs) and
high tide and low tide lines on 1:25,000 scale have
been prepared using LISS-IV data. Inventory of vital
coastal habitats e.g., mangroves and coral reefs have
been carried out on 1:25,000 scale using IRS data
for the entire Indian coast. Coral reefs of the Central
Indian Ocean have also been mapped using recent
satellite images.An approach has been developed to
assess coastal vulnerability due to sea level rise for
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat coasts.
Biodiversity Characterization: This project,
carried out in multiple phases for the whole country,
has generated vegetation type maps using IRS
data, superimposed over the landscape ecology
layer, towards establishing the biological richness,
biodiversity disturbance gradient, etc., at landscape
level. Prioritisation of areas for bio-prospecting and
biodiversity conservation have also been carried out.
This database, organized as web-based Biodiversity
Information System (BIS), is being used for policy
planning, implementation, and operational forest
management and benchmarking of species.
Wetland Inventory: Wetlands are dynamic and
exhibit rapid temporal uxes in the structure and
function of the ecosystem. Wetlands also play
important role in groundwater recharge, and provide
unique habitats for wide range of ora and fauna. The
wetland maps generated for the country, using IRS
data, are helping in conservation planning, methane
emission and related studies.
Wasteland Mapping: About 16% of the country is
characterized by wastelands, both cultivable and non-
cultivable. Reclamation of such lands is necessary
for improving the ecology and enhancing agricultural
Research and Systematic Observation | 213
productivity. Mapping and monitoring of wastelands,
over the entire country, has been carried out using
IRS data for implementing various reclamation/
development activities. Wastelands Change Analysis
from 2005-06 to 2008-09 on 1:50,000 scale also has
been carried out.
Water Resources Information System: India-
WRIS, a web-enabled single window water resources
information system, is being developed with the
available information (both spatial and non-spatial
data). The eta version with some of the important
databases has already been launched. Further
development of the information system is underway,
which consists of 12 major systems, 30 sub systems
and 108 layers with more than 4000 attributes as per
requirements of CWC.
Integrated Land and Water Resources
Management Plans: Space technology applications
have been extensively put to use in the country for
planning integrated development of land and water
resources at watershed levels. Many projects carried
out in this direction include Integrated Mission for
Sustainable Development (IMSD) for around 25%
of countrys geographical area, community-driven
Sujala Watershed Development Project (SWDP) in
Karnataka etc. Such efforts have helped in drawing
appropriate developmental plans at watershed/micro-
watershed levels, catering to the needs of Drought
Prone Area development Programme (DPAP),
National Watershed Development Programme for
Rain-fed Areas (NWDPRA), etc. The implementation
of the locale-specic developmental plans have
also resulted in reducing soil erosion, moisture
conservation, increased crop yield, and enhanced
overall income of households.
Command Area Development: Management of
irrigation water in command area requires information
on a variety of terrain features besides total demand
and its distribution. Multi-temporal IRS satellite
data is being used operationally in the country for
performance evaluation of command areas - involving
cropping systems, cropping intensity, water-use
efciency from head-end to the tail-end, etc.
Enhancing Irrigation Efciency: Using high-
resolution IRS data, under the Accelerated Irrigation
Benet Programme (AIBP), the status of irrigation
infrastructure is being studied to assess the existing
gap between the irrigation potential created and
utilized. IRS data has also been used to map and
monitor the status and spatial extent of water logging,
soil salinity and alkalinity in major and medium
irrigation commands. Using multi-temporal satellite
data, capacity evaluation of the major reservoirs
was also carried out. In order to control land/soil
degradation due to salinity and alkalinity and improve
agricultural productivity, high-resolution IRS data is
being utilized for planning reclamation measures.
Disaster Management Support (DMS): The unique
combination of Remote Sensing (IRS), Meteorological
and Communication (INSAT) satellites, together with
aerial survey systems and contemporary microwave
satellites, put to use in tandem, provide periodic
observations and emergency communications
support for monitoring and management of natural
disasters in the country, such as tropical cyclones,
oods, agricultural drought, earthquake, landslides
and forest re. These efforts are carried out by ISRO
under the exclusively tailored Disaster Management
Support (DMS) programme, institutionalised in
association with concerned ministries/agencies.
Space-based inputs are also being used for planning
disaster mitigation measures.
Climate Change - impacts, vulnerability and
adaptation research
During the preparation of Indias Initial National
Communication to the UNFCCC (INC), preliminary
research was initiated on vulnerability assessment due
to climate change on various socio-economic sectors
and natural ecosystems in India. Indian climate change
scenarios at the sub-regional level were developed to
estimate impacts on ecological and socio-economic
systems. In the Second National Communication to the
UNFCCC (SNC), the networks are being strengthened to
consolidate the study of impacts, vulnerability assessment
and adaptation for climate change for the short, medium
and longterm, across regional, sub-regional and national
levels. The Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment
(INCCA) under MoEF conducted a major assessment:
Climate Change and India: A 4x4 Assessment- A
Sectoral and Regional Analysis for 2030s, to measure
the impact of climate change in the 2030s on four key
sectors of the Indian economy, namely Agriculture, Water,
Natural Ecosystems and Biodiversity and Health; in
four climate-sensitive regions of Indiaviz.the Himalayan
region, the Western Ghats, the coastal area and the
North-East region. This comprehensive assessment was
conducted with the involvement of more than 43 scientists
and 19 institutions. This 4x4 Assessment examined the
214 | INDIA Second National Communication
implications of climate change for India in 2030s (short
term) deduced from a Regional Climate Model Had RM3
(Hadley Centre Regional Model Version 3) run for A1B
Programme on Climate change Research in Terrestrial
environment: PRACRITI a programme on space-based
global climate change observation has been launched to
develop mechanisms to quantify the state of changing
climate and model its impact on the terrestrial ecosystem.
The PRACRITI programme presently consists of studies
related with modelling the impact of climate change on
agriculture, Himalayan cryosphere and hydrology as well
as Sensor system studies for monitoring greenhouse
gases. The programme is inter-disciplinary in nature and
involves the collaboration of various agencies such as
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
launched a National Network Project on Impacts,
Adaptation and Vulnerability of Indian Agriculture to
Climate Change to assess the vulnerability of Indian agro-
ecosystems to global warming and analyse adaptation and
mitigation strategies. The network has focused initially on
a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of global
changes on different sectors of agricultural production
viz. food crops, plantation crops, horticultural crops, sh,
livestock, agro-forestry, soil, water, market and policy.
This network has been expanded in the XIth plan with 25
centres. Further, climate change has been identied as a
priority area for National Agricultural Innovations Project
(NAIP). This project will prepare Indian agriculture to face
the emerging challenges, including those from climate
National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture
has been conceptualised to address the problems
related to abiotic and biotic stresses. The scheme has
three components: (i) strategic research on adaptation
and mitigation of important grain and horticulture
crops, livestock and sheries, (ii) demonstration of best
technologies in 100 most vulnerable districts to cope
with current climate variability and (iii) capacity building of
researchers, planners and other stakeholders.
The agship CSIR programme on climate change:
Integrated Analysis for Impact, Mitigation and
Sustainability (IAIMS), is a multi-scale, multi-science
modelling initiative through a network of institutions such
as C-MMACS, CIMAP, IICT, IICB. The objectives of the
programme are to: (i) Develop, calibrate and validate a
multi-scale simulation platform for regional climate, (ii)
Quantify and delineate natural climate variability and
anthropogenic climate change through monitoring and
modelling, (iii) Interface models of biological and socio-
economic processes to models of climate dynamics, (iv)
Generate reliable projections of climate change through
validated models and develop adaptation and mitigation
Global climate models will be capable of generating
solutions at spatial resolution of a district within a
decade or so. The models of relevant processes need
to be interfaced with the basic climate simulations and
projections for application to local sustainability. This
calls for a multi-science approach to sustainability and
mitigation in a changing climate. Similarly, an effective
modelling platform for climate change, sustainability and
mitigation, combining different paradigms like continuum
and discrete modelling is necessary.
Climate Change mitigation research
Solar Energy Research Initiative (SERI) of DST supports
activities aimed at improving efciency of materials, devices,
systems and sub-systems, including innovative R&D
demonstration projects. The programme also facilitates
and encourages inter-institutional linkages to develop
state-of-the-art products and development of critical mass
of R&D strengths for Solar Energy Research. Applications
of Solar Energy in areas other than power generation
are being explored and assessed of their potential to
provide convergent technology solutions under real-life
conditions. The programme also demonstrates hybrid
solar power systems integrated on various R&D pathways
and multiple technology alternatives for distributed energy
use to validate their viability to meet rural energy needs
under public-private partnership mode.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has
launched the National Biomass Cook Stoves Initiative,
to ascertain the status of biomass cook stoves and to
identify ways and means for development and deployment
of efcient and cost-effective biomass cook stoves in the
country. The Advanced Biomass Research Centre (ABRC)
project is being undertaken by Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru for biomass research and to identify gaps and
ways to address the issues for technology development
and advanced research for promotion of biomass
energy in the country. The project has special focus on
advanced research in thermo-chemical conversion,
technology packages development, and development of
specications, test protocols and standards for biomass
energy systems.
Research and Systematic Observation | 215
The growing concerns about energy security and
environmental pollution caused by ever increasing use of
conventional fossil fuels has led to a continuing search
for environment friendly renewable fuels. Biofuels, which
primarily include biodiesel and bio-ethanol, have been
recognized the world over as the most suitable substitutes
for petro-based fuels. In the Indian context, biofuels
assume special importance, particularly from the energy
security point of view, as the domestic supply of crude oil
meets less than 30% of the demand. Several initiatives
have been taken to supplement petro-based fuels with
biofuels. MNRE is primarily involved in the development
of a National Policy on Biofuels, besides Research,
Development and Demonstration (RD&D) on transport and
stationary applications using bio-fuels, strengthening the
existing institutional mechanism and overall coordination
regarding biofuels. The Indian Institute of Technology,
Mumbai; VIT University, Vellore; and The Energy and
Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi are actively
engaged in setting up modular pyrolysis units to process
various agricultural and agro-industrial biomass wastes at
decentralized locations for utilization of multi-feedstocks
such as agricultural and agro-industrial biomass wastes
and wood wastes. In order to direct research at second-
generation biofuels, several focus areas include: (i)
Lignocellulosic ethanol/bio-butanol production,(ii) Green
diesel and BTL, (iii) Algal Biofuels and (iv) Bio-reneries.
The R&D project through C-WET has signicantly
expanded in recent times. Some of the recent activities
include a performance quantication study on two 20-
years design-life exhausted 200 KW wind turbine gear
boxes after nano-coating, and establishment of 2 MW
wind turbine for carrying out various R&D activities.
A broad-based research, development and demonstration
(RD&D) programme for development and promotion of
technologies like Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Cells, Electric
and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Geothermal Energy and
Tidal Energy has been envisaged through research,
scientic and academic institutions, national laboratories,
universities, industries, state agencies and non-
governmental organizations. Besides these, a broad-based
RD&D programme on the different aspects of hydrogen
energy technologies including hydrogen production, its
storage and utilization for stationary, motive and portable
power generation applications using internal combustion
engines and fuel cell technologies has been planned.
Among the various forms of energy contained in the
seas and oceans, tidal energy has been developed on
a commercial scale. The potential sites of tidal power in
India are in the Gulf of Kutch, Gulf of Cambay in Gujarat
and the delta of the Ganges in West Bengal. In order to
develop and harness about 8000-9000 MW of estimated
tidal energy potential for power generation, the Ministry is
implementing a programme on tidal energy.
A broad based programme for research, development
and demonstration of Battery Operated Vehicles (BOV)/
Hybrid Electric Vehicles/Plug Hybrid Electric Vehicles with
the objective of promoting BOVs and to get feedback on
their performance in operating conditions has also been
International Cooperation
International collaboration in earth sciences
Recognizing the importance of scientic and technical
cooperation in Earth Observations and Earth Sciences,
an MoU was signedby ESSO/MoES and NOAA (on
behalf of the US Government) for Development of the
Research moored Array for African-Asian-Australian
Monsoon Analysis and prediction (RAMA) for improving
weather and monsoon forecasts; Development of the
South Asian Regional Reanalysis (SARR) to advance
understanding, modelling, and prediction of monsoon
Hydroclimate Variability and Change; Development of
Climate Monitoring and Prediction System for the South
Asian region for different temporal scales; Development
of Climate Model and Ocean Assimilation Analysis for the
Indian Ocean region for seasonal and decadal time scales;
Tropical Cyclone Research; Tsunami Science, Detection,
Analysis, Modelling, and Forecasting; Greenhouse gas
Measurement and Research and Dynamical Seasonal
Prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall.
IMD is actively participating in the International Cooperation
Programme of Meteorology and allied subjects between
the Government of India and the Governments of USA,
Russia, Japan, China, Australia, Mauritius, France, Sri
Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Iceland, Myanmar
etc and under SAARC and WMO.
Indo-Korea partnership
The Ministry of Earth Sciences and Korea Meteorological
Administration, Republic of Korea signed an Agreement
of Cooperation (MOU) on 29th September 2010 in
the eld of Earth Sciences and Services. The main
objective of the Agreement of Cooperation is to enable
in-depth understanding and joint development of skilful
forecasting capabilities of various weather and climate-
related phenomena, especially because India and
216 | INDIA Second National Communication
Korea share similar weather conditions and atmospheric
phenomena and have common interests and goals. Some
of the prioritised areas of cooperation include aviation
meteorological services, numerical weather prediction in
various ranges and Asian monsoon.
International collaboration in science and
DST continued with the execution of its mandated
responsibility of (i) Negotiating, concluding and
implementing S&T agreements between India and other
countries at bilateral and regional levels and (ii) Providing
interventions on S&T aspects of multi-lateral bodies.
This responsibility was carried out by DST in close
consultation with the Ministry of External Affairs; Indian
Missions Abroad; Science Counsellors posted in Indian
Missions located in USA, Germany, Japan, Russia; S&T
related ministries and sectoral ministries of Government
of India; Indian scientic agencies and Indian science and
engineering academies. DST continued its engagement
with industrial and engineering associations/platforms in
guiding initiatives to leverage international partnerships
for joint research and technology development in domains
of national priority.
International collaboration in space
International cooperation has become an integral part of
space programmes of all the countries across the globe.
DoS has been pursuing bilateral and multi-lateral relations
with space agencies and space-related bodies with the
aim of building and strengthening existing ties between
countries; taking up new scientic and technological
challenges; rening space policies and dening
international frameworks for exploitation and utilization
of outer space for peaceful purposes. Formal cooperative
arrangements in the form of either Agreements or
Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) or Framework
Agreements have been signed with Argentina, Australia,
Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile,
China, Egypt, European Organisation for Exploitation of
Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), European Space
Agency (ESA), France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mauritius, Mongolia,
Myanmar, Norway, Peru, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Syria,
Thailand, the Netherlands, Ukraine, United Kingdom,
United States of America and Venezuela.
ISROs maiden mission to the Moon, the Chandrayaan-1,
has been an exemplary example of international
cooperation with international payloads. Two scientic
workshops in January and September 2009 were
organized, involving scientists of international payloads
to share and discuss the invaluable data that emanated
from this mission. Though the mission served for less
than a year, it has achieved its mission objective to the
satisfaction of the global scientic community. It has also
earned several national and international laurels and
has been instrumental in the ISRO-NASA joint discovery
of water molecules on the moon surface, unattained by
any of the previous missions of such nature. A Follow-
on mission, Chandrayaan-2 will be jointly developed
with Russia and will have an Indian orbiter and Russian
lander, Russian rover and Indian mini-rover. There will
also be opportunities for scientic instruments from other
countries in Chandrayaan-2 mission.
The Indo-French joint satellite mission called MEGHA-
TROPIQUES for the study of the tropical atmosphere and
climate-related aspects such as monsoon and cyclone is
making steady progress. It will have the MADRAS payload,
for detection of rain through microwave analysis, and an
atmospheric sounder called ROSA from Italy integrated
into it. ISRO will use the well-proven IRS satellite bus,
provide a PSLV launch, operate the satellite, collect and
distribute the data.
Another joint mission with France for studying the ocean
from space, using altimetry, is also progressing well. CNES
will provide a radar altimeter instrument called ALTIKA
and an onboard relay instrument for the international
ARGOS data collection system, while ISRO will provide
the satellite platform, launch and operations. There will
also be international scientic cooperation in validating
and calibrating the instruments and analysing the data
from these two missions.
Considering the strong global demand for data from
agreed to integrate this satellite into the Global Precipitation
Measurement (GPM) constellation of satellites. With this,
MEGHA-TROPIQUES will be one of the eight satellites
contributing to the global scientic community to study
and understand the dynamics of climate system.
ISRO and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) are working
on the development of the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
(UVIT) planned on ISROs multi-wavelength astronomy
satellite ASTROSAT.
India continues to play an active role in deliberation on
the Science, Technology and Legal sub-committees of
Research and Systematic Observation | 217
the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space (UN-COPUOS). At the recommendation
of the Indian delegation, UNCOPOUS included a new
agenda on Space and Climate Change. India also played
a major role in other multi-lateral forums including United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
the Pacic (UN-ESCAP), International COSPAS-SARSAT
system for search and rescue operations, International
Astronautical Federation (IAF), Committee on Earth
Observation Satellites (CEOS), Committee on Space
Research (COSPAR), Inter Agency Debris Coordination
Committee (IADC), Space Frequency Coordination Group
(SFCG), Coordinating Group on Meteorological Satellites
(CGMS), International Global Observing Strategy (IGOS),
International Space University (ISU), Asian Association
for Remote Sensing (AARS), International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).
Internationally, ISRO plays an active role in sharing
its expertise and satellite data for the management of
natural disasters through various multi-agency bodies
like International Charter for Space and Major Disasters,
Sentinel Asia and UN-SPIDER. Sharing of Experience
in Space (SHARES) is a scheme initiated by ISRO
under which training in different applications of space
technology is provided to scientists from other developing
countries. The Centre for Space Science and Technology
Education for Asia and the Pacic (CSSTE-AP) has been
set up in India under the initiative of the UN Ofce for
Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and offers a nine-month
post graduate diploma course in Remote Sensing and
Geographic Information Systems (starting in July - every
year), Satellite Communication (starting in August - every
alternate year), Satellite Meteorology and Global Climate
(starting in August - every alternate year) and Space and
Atmospheric Science (also starting in August - every
alternate year).
International collaboration in ocean monitoring/
INCOIS has played a key role in establishing frameworks
of collaboration with oceanographic research institutions
worldwide for gathering and sharing of data, and enhancing
capacity by taking a lead in capacity building programmes.
India, being the founder member of Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission (IOC), continued to be a
Member of the Executive Council. The regional alliance
in the Indian Ocean for GOOS (IOGOOS) secretariat has
been functioning at INCOIS since its inception in 2002.
The IOGOOS membership has grown from 19 to 25
institutions representing 15 countries. Some of the major
initiatives of IOGOOS are: (i) setting up of an Indian Ocean
Panel working towards a strategy and implementation
plan for Indian Ocean observations for climate, (ii) Data
and information management, (iii) Remote Sensing and
capacity building strategy, (iv) Prawn Pilot Project, (v)
Keystone Ecosystems Project, (vi) Shoreline change
monitoring project and (vii) Indian Ocean ChloroGIN
initiative. IOGOOS members have played a key role in
Argo deployments and enhancing the tropical moored
buoy array. Further, INCOIS continued to serve as the
Regional Argo Data Centre for the Indian Ocean region
under International Argo Project. INCOIS continued to
play a major role in the Partnership for Observation of
Global Ocean (POGO), an international network of major
oceanographic institutions in the world established to
promote and enhance the implementation and integration
of global oceanographic activities. The India-Brazil-
South Africa Cooperation Network (IBSA)Ocean is an
emerging trilateral cooperation between India, Brazil and
South Africa in the eld of ocean science and technology,
which is a major milestone in understanding the regional
inuence in global climate variability and utilization of
ocean resources and space.
International collaboration in agriculture
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-
Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has initiated a programme to boost
India-Africa partnership on agricultural research-for-
development to ght poverty in dry lands and launched
ICRISAT South-South Initiative (IS-SI) partnership
between India and Africa for more opportunities for
increased nancial and technical support and enhanced
public-private partnerships on research-for-development.
International collaboration in environment and
MoEF has about 20 bilateral cooperation agreements with
a number of countries such as the U.K., France, Germany,
Denmark, Sweden, Norway and the E.U. Indo-UK
Collaborative Research Programme on Climate Change
Impact and Adaptation - Phase II is a joint collaborative
research programme between the Government of United
Kingdom, Department of Energy and Climate Change and
the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of
India. The institutions are responsible for undertaking
research activities on various components. The future
cooperation of India-Norway relates to biodiversity and
bio-safety, chemicals and environmental hazards, climate
218 | INDIA Second National Communication
Research and Systematic Observation | 219
change, glaciology and sustainable development. Indo-
Swedish Joint Working Group on Environment identied
the issues of climate change, biodiversity, hazardous waste
management, clean technology and zero-discharge in
polluting industries and air quality management for mutual
cooperation. The cooperation in the eld of environment
protection with Egypt focuses on waste management, air
and water quality, use of bio-fuels, protection of wetlands
and water conservation etc.
International collaboration in new and renewable
The Indian Renewable Energy Programme has received
increased recognition internationally in recent years.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy cooperates
through international bilateral/multi-lateral cooperation
frameworks between India and other countries for
cooperation in New and Renewable Energy. The focus
of the interaction for cooperation has been to explore
opportunities for exchange of scientists to share experience
and for taking up joint research, design, development,
demonstration and manufacture of new and renewable
energy systems/devices by R&D institutions/organizations
of both countries and thereby establishing institutional
linkages between institutions of India and other countries.
The major cooperation between the Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy, includes the Department of Energy of
the USA on Cooperation in the Development of Bio-fuels;
Ministry of Climate and Energy, Government of the United
Kingdom; Federal Republic of Brazil on Cooperation in
Wind Resources; the Government of the Republic of Cuba;
Indo-Iceland Renewable Energy Cooperation with the
Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Iceland; Department
of Resources, Energy & Tourism, Government of Australia;
University of Saskatchewan, Indo-Canadian Renewable
Energy Cooperation; Indo-Italian Renewable Energy
Cooperation with the Ministry for Environment, Land and
Sea of Italy; with the Secretariat of Energy of the United
Mexican States; the Department of Energy, Republic of
The Philippines; Ministry of Energy, Government of The
Kingdom of Thailand; the National Energy Commission,
Republic of Chile; India-Scotland Renewable Energy
Cooperation with the Government of Scotland; The
Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade of the Kingdom
of Spain; Ministry of Power of the Islamic Republic of
Iran, The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, United
States Department of Energy on Solar Energy Research
and Development; India-Sweden Renewable Energy
Cooperation with the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and
Communications of Sweden; The Ministry of Electricity
and Energy of the Arab Republic of Egypt and India-
Uruguay Renewable Energy Cooperation.
In addition, interaction with USA and Japan for cooperation
in New and Renewable Energy is being pursued under
India-US Energy Dialogue and India-Japan Energy
Dialogue, respectively. Interaction with EU for cooperation
in New and Renewable Energy is being pursued under
India-EU Energy Panel. A multi-lateral cooperation
framework called Asia-Pacic Partnership on Clean
Development and Climate (APPCDC) enables interaction
for cooperation with USA, China, South Korea, Japan,
Canada and Australia.
Attri, S.D. and Tyagi, Ajit, 2010. Climate Prole of India,
Met Monograph No. Environment Meterology-01/2010,
ISRO, 2008. Space Technology Applications for
Climate Change. Indian Space Research Organisation,
Department of Space, Government of India
MoES, 2008-09. Annual Report. Ministry of Earth
Sciences, Government of India
MoST, 2009-10 to 2010-11. Annual Report. Ministry of
Science and Technology, Government of India
MoEF, 2009-10 to 2010-11. Annual Report. Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India, New
References and Sources
MNRE, 2009-10. Annual Report. Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy, Government of India
MoWR, 2009-10. Annual Report. Ministry of Water
Resources. Government of India, New Delhi
MHRD, 2009-10. Annual Report. Ministry of Human
Resources Development. Government of India, New
MoA, 2009-10. Annual Report. Ministry of Agriculture,
Government of India, New Delhi
Planning Commission, 2007. 11th ve-year plan - Vol I-III.
Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi
220 | INDIA Second National Communication
Training, and Public
his chapter provides information on activities related to climate change
education, training, and public awareness It highlights only the salient
activities from a wide canvas of climate change education, training,
and awareness efforts happening at all levels: public, private, and civil
society. Indias economy is closely linked to its natural resource base (water,
biodiversity, mangroves, coastal zones, grasslands) and climate-sensitive
sectors such as agriculture, forestry, and energy (hydro). Climate change may
alter the distribution, quality, and availability of Indias natural resource and
affect millions of its inhabitants. Spreading awareness about climate change
issues is considered to be an effective way of dealing with the challenges and
threat of climate change, and the Government of India, along with its various
network organizations, is committed to the cause. This chapter elucidates
the efforts in this direction by various central ministries and departments,
state governments, and public/private/NGO institutions. It also highlights
Indias various international research collaborations, aimed at improving the
understanding of the issues of climate change.
Introduction 223
National-level Programmes and Activities 224
State-level Initiatives 229
Some Select Government-supported
Education and Outreach Initiatives 233
Private Sector Initiatives 238
International Cooperation 239
References & Sources 241
Chapter 6 Education, Training, and Public Awareness
222 | INDIA Second National Communication
Education, Training,
and Public Awareness
In line with the Government of Indias commitment to
spreading awareness about climate change education
and strengthening the scientic network, the National
Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change
(NMSKCC) was identied to build a vibrant and dynamic
knowledge system that would inform and support national
action for responding effectively to the objectives of
sustainable development. In order to further facilitate the
implementation of the National Action Plan, the National
Knowledge Commission to the Prime Minister was also
identied as being an important component regarding
climate change education. It is envisaged that, the
Commission would carry out the following activities.
Build excellence into the educational system to meet
the knowledge needs/challenges and increase Indias
competitive advantage.
Improve management of institutions engaged in
intellectual property rights.
Promote knowledge applications in agriculture
and industry, and knowledge capabilities to
make government an effective, transparent, and
accountable service provider to the citizen.
Promote widespread sharing of knowledge to
maximize public benet.
Both, the NMSKCC and the Knowledge Mission have
been approved by the Prime Ministers Council on Climate
Change. The various activities under the aegis of the two
missions are subsequently underway.
One of the most important features of a vibrant
democracy is the ow of information across stakeholder
groups. Information regarding emerging planning and
policy imperatives, qualitative and quantitative proling of
resources, and knowledge sharing are important elements
in this process.
Three major institutional mechanisms have been evolved
by the Government of India so as to streamline the
countrys response to climate change challenges. They
are as follows.
1. Inter-ministerial and Inter-agency Consultative
Mechanism: As preparatory to articulate policies
and develop Indias climate change response
strategy, the MoEF being the nodal Ministry for
Climate Change, constituted an inter-ministerial and
inter-agency Consultative Group for Climate Change
negotiations. This includes eminent national experts
and has a political sub-group and a modelling sub-
group on climate change. As forestry issues have
gained importance, a separate sub-group on forestry
issues was set up during the year 2007/08.
2. Expert Committee on Impacts of Climate Change:
In pursuance of the announcement made by the
Finance Minister while presenting the Union Budget
2007/08, the government set up the Expert Committee
on Impacts of Climate Change on 7 May 2007 under
the chairmanship of Dr R. Chidambaram, Principal
Scientic Adviser to the Government of India. The
Terms of Reference of the Committee were to study
the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on India
and to identify measures that we may have to take
in the future in relation to addressing vulnerability to
anthropogenic climate change impacts. The Expert
Committee included eminent persons from various
disciplines such as academia, science, and various
government ministries and concerned departments.
3. Prime Ministers Council on Climate Change:
A Coordination Committee chaired by the Prime
Minister, named the Prime Ministers Council on
Climate Change, was constituted in June 2007 to
coordinate national action for assessment, and
adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. The
rst Meeting of the Council was held in July 2007
and the second meeting of the Council was held in
November 2007. One of the important decisions,
among many other decisions, had been to prepare
a national document compiling actions taken by India
for addressing the challenges due to climate change
and the action that it proposes to initiate.
National-level Programmes and Activities
India, in recognition of the above emerging challenges,
devised a National Action Plan on Climate Change
(NAPCC), which was released by the Prime Minster of
India on 30 June 2008; outlining its strategy vis--vis
climate change. Prepared by the specially constituted
Prime Ministers Council on Climate Change, the
document was intended to provide a concrete roadmap
detailing how India plans to move forward in addressing
the challenges posed by climate change. The Plan, while
recognizing the immense threat posed by climate change,
starts by rst and foremost marrying climate change to
development concerns in no uncertain terms. The very rst
line states, India is faced with the challenge of sustaining
its rapid economic growth while dealing with the global
threat of climate change. Thus, the goal of development
is unambiguously underscored, and climate change is
recognized as a major problem, not least because it could
hurt development targets.
The National Environment Policy (2006) provides the
basis for the integration of environmental considerations
in the policies of various sectors, with emphasis on
economic and social development. Multiple initiatives
of the government help integrate diverse goals and
approaches (including renewable energy and energy-
efcient technologies, joint forest management, water
resources management, agricultural extension services,
web-enabled services, and target-specic environmental
education) and represent a broad spectrum of efforts
to integrate climate change concerns in the planning
process. It will be obvious that such information support
and technical assistance interventions build capacities
that can sustain transition to environmentally efcient
production and consumption systems, duly recognizing
the cross-cutting nature of impacts and the opportunities
to synergize for optimal results.
The role of seven important ministries, their departments,
and extension services in generating awareness on
environment and, in particular, climate change is
presented below.
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Within the government structure, the Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF) is the nodal agency
for climate change issues in India. It has created a
mechanism for increasing awareness and enhancing
research in various areas by giving grants for wide ranging
research programmes and creating centres of excellence.
These cover issues related to the environment as well as
climate change. Some of these initiatives are discussed
The emergence of environmental issues at the top of the
global agenda in the context of climate change concerns
underlines the need for collective endeavour for the
protection of the environment. This warrants informed
and voluntary participation of all sections of the people
in the movement for conservation and preservation of
environment. Awareness of people about emerging
environmental issues is an essential prerequisite for such
participation. Effective implementation of environmental
management and conservation programmes depends
on imparting education, raising awareness, and training
in the relevant areas. Without an adequate awareness
of the impending challenges and their implications, few
people would be motivated to participate actively in the
programmes on environmental conservation. Environment
education and awareness thus assume critical importance.
The Environmental Education, Awareness, and Training
is a agship scheme of the Ministry for enhancing the
understanding of people at all levels about the relationship
between human beings and the environment and to
develop capabilities/skills to improve and protect the
Over the recent years, the MoEF has made efforts to full
its objectives of environmental education and awareness
in a variety of ways, using institutional structures for
information dissemination and outreach. Realizing the
importance of environmental information, the Government
of India, through the MoEF, in December, 1982, established
an Environmental Information System (ENVIS) as a plan
programme. The focus of ENVIS, since inception, has
been on providing environmental information to decision-
makers, policy planners, scientists, engineers, and
research workers all over the country.
Since environment is a broad-ranging, multi-disciplinary
subject, a comprehensive information system on it
necessitates the involvement and effective participation
of concerned institutions/organizations in the country,
which are actively engaged in work related to different
subject areas of the environment. ENVIS has, therefore,
developed itself with a network of such participating
institutions/organizations for the programme to be
meaningful. A large number of nodes, known as ENVIS
Centres, have been established in the network to cover
the broad subject areas of the environment with a Focal
Point in the MoEF. These nodes are supposed to create
224 | INDIA Second National Communication
Box 6.1 Environmental Information
System (ENVIS)
It is a virtual system managed under the
umbrella of the Ministry of Environment
and Forests for archiving information
and data on various environment-
related activities, including climate
change. The website of this activity is The themes
covered include chemical waste and
toxicology, ecology and ecosystems,
ora and fauna, environmental law
and trade, environmental economics,
environmental energy management,
media, environment education,
and sustainable development,
state of environment report and
related issues, and population and
environment. The ENVIS Focal Point
publishes Paryavaran Abstracts, a
quarterly journal carrying abstracts
of environmental research in the
Indian context. It also publishes
ENVIRONEWS, a quarterly newsletter,
which reports important policies,
programmes, new legislations/
rules, important notications, and
other decisions taken by the Ministry
from time to time. The website of
the Ministry,, was
developed and is maintained by the
ENVIS Focal Point.
Figure 1 (A): Snapshot of the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
Figure 1 (B): Snapshot of the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
highlighting a separate section on climate change related activities
Education, Training and Public Awareness | 225
websites on specic environment-related subject areas
(see Box 6.1 for more information on the activities of the
The ENVIS network addressing both the subject-specic
areas and status of the environment and related issues,
established under ENVIS Scheme, has continued its
information-related activities, database development,
publication of requisite information packages through
newsletters, abstracting services, and query-response
services over the years. The process is facilitated by
updating and maintaining an information base that
includes both descriptive information as well as numerical
The Ministrys website also provides various kinds of
environment related information (Figure 1(a)), with a
special focus on climate change and related activities
(Figure 1(b)). The website has been revamped with better
look, content, and design, adopting the latest technologies
for appropriate and timely information dissemination.
The Ministry has also been extremely active in organizing
and implementing outreach, education, and capacity
building activities for different age groups throughout
the country. Some of the sensitization programmes
undertaken for climate change education and capacity
building include the following.
Public awareness: During the year 2008/09, as per the
Media Action Plan (MAP) adopted by the Ministry, the
following major activities were supported/ sponsored.
Vatavaran Travelling Film Festival 2008 was
organized in eight cities across the country.
The World Environment Day was celebrated on the
theme: CO
: Pick Right! Towards Sustainability and
Kaun Banega Bharat Ka Paryavaran
Ambassador Campaign was launched on the World
Environment Day 2008 by the President of India. The
campaign for the MoEF was carried out by the Centre
for Environment Education (CEE) in partnership with
Arcelor Mittal.
125 street plays titled Khuli Hawa Ki Talash Mein
were staged through the Centre for Education and
Voluntary Action (CEVA) initiative for spreading
awareness on environmental degradation in several
Fifteen episodes of Sarokar/Kasoti, a 15-minute
weekly environmental television magazine, covered
various environmental protection measures and
were telecast on Doordarshan and other regional
Thirteen episodes each of Koshish Sunhare Kal
Ki and Fantastic Four on environmental issues
were produced and disseminated through All India
An Audio Visual Resource Centre (AVRC) was set up
at the Centre for Media Studies (CMS), New Delhi,
to streamline information and formatting of 500 video
lms produced/held by the Ministry.
Thirteen documentaries on environmental issues
were produced and telecast through Public Service
Broadcasting Trust.
Films on mananimal conict and river pollution by
Surabhi Foundation, distribution of environmental
lms among 10,000 member schools of the National
Green Corps (NGC) Programme by the CMS, and TV
Spots on Climate Change by the Centre for Science
and Environment (CSE) were other major media
activities commissioned during the year.
Four training-cum-workshops on policy and legal
issues / international conventions / biodiversity
conservation and climate change/training of trainees
were also undertaken.
A Low Carbon Campaign was launched through
Prasar Bharti Broadcasting Corporation of India
during the Commonwealth Games 2010 in
collaboration with the Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy (MNRE) and Bureau of Energy Efciency
(BEE) by telecasting 30 public service messages and
innovatively linking 10 Shera (mascot) pop-ups with
energy- and environment-related issues.
The scope of the efforts to develop a comprehensive
understanding of environmental and climate change
issues in India extends beyond the diverse sensitization
activities conducted through and by the Ministry. High
quality scientic research contributes to updating the
wealth of available knowledge on these issues and
building condence in various climate change adaptation
and mitigation efforts.
Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA),
established by the MoEF in October 2009, is a network-
based initiative and approach to make science the salient
input for policy-making in climate change (see Box 6.2 for
more details).
Climate change awareness initiative
226 | INDIA Second National Communication
Box 6.2: Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment
Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment
(INCCA), established by the Ministry of Environment
and Forests (MoEF) in October 2009. , is a network-
based programme to make science, particularly the
3 Ms Measuring, Modelling, and Monitoring the
essence of Indias policy-making in the climate change
space. It brings together over 120 institutions and over
220 scientists from across the country. The rst report
of the INCCA an updated emissions inventory of
greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin of India for
2007 was released on 11 May 2010. A comprehensive
4 4 assessment of key sectors in India agriculture,
water, natural ecosystems and biodiversity, and health
and key geographic hotspots the North East, the
Indian Himalayan region, the Western Ghats, and the
coastal areas was released in November 2010.
A group has also been constituted under INCCA,
comprising scientists from the Indian Institute of
Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO), and MoEF to run specic regional
models for the Indian sub-continent for the monsoon
season so as to enable better assessment of impacts
and reduction of uncertainties in monsoon projections
over the South Asian region. Among other activities, the
various knowledge institutions are grouped according
to their respective expertise and capabilities to estimate
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and develop country-
specic emission factors from various sectors such as
the energy, industrial processes, agriculture activities,
land use change and forestry, and waste management.
The work programme in its present effort is designed to
ensure adaptation assessments in the national context.
Currently, the MoEF is in the process of generating
multiple climate and socio-economic scenarios at
the national scale, improving the national impact
assessments of water resources, agriculture, forestry,
natural ecosystems, coastal zones, human health, and
energy. Studies have also been launched to address
adaptation issues associated with climate change of key
sectors using an integrated assessment methodology
at select climate hotspots.
The key outcomes of this network-based programme are
envisaged to (i) generate a comprehensive knowledge
base on scientic issues related to climate change for
informed decision making, (ii) enable integration of
climate change concerns in the planning process and
help in preparation and implementation of climate-
specic roadmap within the National Action Plan on
Climate Change, (iii) provide scientic information so
as to strengthen Indias position during international
negotiations, and (iv) build capacity of institutions so as
to enable training of new researchers in various aspects
of climate change through climate-related projects
awarded to different institutions.
Department of Science and Technology
The Department has initiated many programmes and
initiatives encompassing the various aspects of climate
change concerns. These are as follows.
1. The Monsoon and Tropical Climate (MONTCLIM)
and Indian Climate Research Programme (ICRP)
were implemented to focus on monsoon climate
variability/change at different time scales and
modelling atmospheric processes and technology
development for atmospheric science research. Under
this programme, various trainings/workshops were
organized for sustained capacity building of personnel
involved in climate change assessment, such as
(i) Dynamic Simulation Modelling of Crop Weather
Interactions in Brassica at CRIDA, Hyderabad,
(ii) Agromet Database Management at CRIDA,
Hyderabad, (iii) Land Surface Process Experiment
(LASPEX) at Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand,
(iv) XBT-training at National Institute of Oceanography,
Goa, and (5) GeosphereBiosphere Interactions
Workshop organized at Guwahati.
2. The Himalayan Glaciology Programme was
launched with the objective of understanding
the behaviour of glaciers, in general, and their
interaction with climate and hydrological systems.
This programme also envisages to train manpower,
develop expertise, and create necessary facilities
for monitoring the state of Himalayan glaciers. Three
Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) have been set
up by the Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment
(SASE), under Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO) at Manali, to provide real-
time data on specic meteorological parameters
that are expected to help understand microclimate
of the glacier system. Live eld-observation-based
training courses in glaciology were organized by the
Geological Survey of India (GSI).
3. A training course on Applications of ICP-MS in
Earth System Sciences was organized to impart
theoretical and practical training on geochemical
analysis of major, minor, trace, and ultra-trace
elements, including rare earth elements (REE) and
precious metals for studies in earth, ocean, and
atmospheric sciences.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
The MNRE also organized various programmes to promote
better understanding of renewable energy issues. The
Education, Training and Public Awareness | 227
Information, Training and Commercial Services (ITCS)
of the Centre for Wind Energy Technology (C-WET)
organized international training course on Wind Turbine
Technology and Applications to help countries in Asia
and Africa in the domain of wind farm development.
Numerous trainings related to wind resources, wind
energy technologies, wind energy prediction methodology,
wind energy measurements and prospects, and Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) were also organized.
C-WET also publishes a quarterly newsletter PAVAN
on wind energy development and maintains a bilingual
website for information dissemination.
The MNRE has also implemented the Information and
Public Awareness (I&PA) programme, primarily through
state nodal agencies and with the active involvement
of organizations such as the Directorate of Advertising
and Visual Publicity (DAVP), Doordarshan, All India
Radio, Department of Post, and Petroleum Conservation
Research Association (PCRA). Over 350 public awareness
campaigns with the help of mobile exhibition vans (MEVs)
and Vigyan Rail have been organized throughout the
country so far. The Ministry currently constituted District
Advisory Committees (DACs) on renewable energy,
in order to encourage the participation of district-level
functionaries in popularizing the use of renewable energy
systems and devices. It publishes a bimonthly newsletter
titled Akshay Urja in Hindi and English, and trains news
media specialists. In addition to websites, an interactive
solar-powered touch screen information kiosk has been
installed at the Ministrys Facilitation Centre, providing
information on various MNRE initiatives.
The Ministry of Agriculture is also engaged in studies
that explore several dimensions of climate change.
Among the many climate-centric initiatives of the Ministry,
the prominent ones are as follows.
A decision support system, named InfoNitro
(Information on Nitrogen Management Technologies
in Rice), has been developed to quantify balance of
nitrogen in soil, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission,
and nitrogen use efciency with the prominent
management technologies relevant to rice.
The National Food Security Mission (NFSM), a
centrally sponsored scheme, was launched from
2007/08 in 312 identied districts of the 17 rice,
wheat, and pulses growing states, with the aim of
increasing production. New farm practices have
been encouraged. Capacity building of farmers has
been encouraged through farmers eld schools.
A drought-specic management manual has been
developed by the National Institute of Disaster
Management in consultation with central ministries,
state governments, various scientic, technical, and
research organizations, and several grassroot-level
organizations. The manual is divided into several
sections. The section on mitigation provides information
on articial recharge of groundwater, traditional water
harvesting and conservation methods, rainwater
harvesting, water saving technologies, and improved
water-saving farm practices. It also discusses long-
term irrigation management, afforestation, crop
insurance, and community participation in drought
Some important initiatives on information and public
awareness by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR), through its Department of Agricultural Research
and Education (DARE), an autonomous institution under
the Ministry of Agriculture, are as follows.
A Digital Dissemination System (AGROWEB) for
Indian Agricultural Research has been developed,
which helps in developing the web-based interface
to cater to the information needs of the vast
stakeholders. In addition, it is also responsible for
publishing and maintaining a Knowledge based
System (E-PKSAR) and the project Mobilizing
Mass Media Support for Sharing Agro-information;
which is expected to provide crucial information
for accelerated and sustainable transformation of
Indian agriculture through print and electronic mode,
targeting Panchayati Raj institutions, private sectors,
and other stakeholders. It is envisaged that such an
intervention would help in poverty alleviation and
income generation.
Ministry of Earth Sciences
GURME (GAW (Global Atmospheric Watch) Urban
Research Meteorology and Environment program)
International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting was
organized in 2008 to help understand advanced air quality
modelling systems so as to meet the future challenges
involving high resolution meteorological data and emission
inventory of chemical pollutants.
A joint Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) Training
Workshop on Synthesizing Observed Local Variability
and Climate Extremes (SOLVE) was organized as a part
of the Climate Risk Management Technical Assistance
228 | INDIA Second National Communication
Support Project (CRM TASP) in which ADPC and IITM
are the partners.
The Ministry of Water Resources printed and distributed
6 lakh Meghdoot Postcards with the design of rainwater
harvesting structures and with message on the
conservation of groundwater. The Central Ground Water
Authority has organized mass awareness programmes
and training on rainwater harvesting, including rooftop
rainwater harvesting at different locations of the country.
During 2007/08, chemists from various laboratories
participated in mass awareness programme and trade
fairs and prepared posters, handouts, and diagrams on
water quality for display. They demonstrated the testing of
various chemical parameters present in water and their
impact on human body. The importance of water quality
in articial recharge of groundwater through rainwater
harvesting and for drinking, agricultural, and industrial
purposes was also explained to progressive farmers,
visitors, and students.
Groundwater management training programmes were also
organized, wherein many people from local government,
NGOs, and voluntary organizations were trained.
Ministry of Power
BEE, with support from United States Agency for
International Development (USAID), developed the
Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in India
under the USAID ECO-II Project. The Ministry of
Power launched ECBC in May 2007 for its voluntary
adoption in the country. ECO-III Project has been
assisting BEE in the implementation of ECBC,
and has carried out a number of activities. These
include ECBC awareness and training programmes;
development of ECBC tip sheets on building envelope,
lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC), and energy simulation; capacity building;
and fast dissemination of information and knowledge
related to ECBC amongst practicing architects,
building designers, energy auditors/consultants, state
designated agencies (SDAs); and municipalities.
A few energy end-use sectors in India are gradually
adopting newer technologies and management
techniques to improve energy efciency. However,
penetration of these at the national/sectoral level
has remained slow. Keeping this in view, ECO-III
Project has taken an initiative to establish Regional
Energy Efciency Centres (REECs), mainly to
provide public education and awareness, facilitate
demonstration (showcasing products), promote
technology development (incubation), and catalyse
energy efciency amongst the energy end-users and
general public at large.
With support from Asia-Pacic Partnership, ECO-III
is supporting three REECs focusing on domestic
appliances, buildings, and industrial furnaces of small
and medium enterprises (SME). Initial funds are being
provided by the government. However, REECs: in an
effort to become self-sustainable in the longer run,
plan to diversify their funding from multiple sources
through public-private partnership.
Energy efciency in buildings has been a priority
area for BEE, considering the substantial growth that
is taking place in the Indian services sector. BEE has
been working with various stakeholders to promote
energy efciency in existing buildings and voluntary
adoption of ECBC in new buildings. However, as a
long-term strategy, ECO-III Project, with support from
BEE and Asia-Pacic Partnership, is empowering the
faculty members of architecture and engineering
institutions (through training of trainer programmes)
as well as the students by providing access to world
class reference material and preparing them as next-
generation professionals to face energy efciency
challenges in the building design and the construction
The Ministry of Power has also instituted National
Energy Conservation Awards to motivate industrial
units to conserve energy and improve end-use energy
efciency. This award scheme has been extended to
the aviation sector and manufacturers of BEE Star
labelled appliances. Indian industrial units, ofce
buildings, hotels and hospitals, zonal railways, state
designated agencies, municipalities, and BEEs star
labelled product manufacturers, who are leading the
way in becoming more energy efcient, were awarded
by the Ministry of Power in a function organized
on the occasion of National Energy Conservation
Day, on 14 December 2009. These annual awards
recognize innovation and achievements in energy
conservation by the industries, buildings, railways,
state-designated agencies, and municipalities, and
raise awareness about energy conservation.
State-level Initiatives
A conference was organized involving ministries/
departments of environment and forests of various
Education, Training and Public Awareness | 229
state/UT governments, on 18 August 2009, which was
addressed by the Prime Minister. In the Conference,
all the state governments were called upon to prepare
State Level Action Plans on Climate Change (SLAPCC),
consistent with the strategy outlined in the NAPCC.
Accordingly, action has been initiated for the preparation
of SLAPCC consistent with the NAPCC in a time-bound
manner. The SLAPCC will enable communities and
ecosystems to adapt to the impacts of climate change
effectively. The Ministry has launched coordinated efforts,
in collaboration with several international agencies, to
support state governments in this initiative. Three specic
projects proposed by GTZ, DFID, and UNDP have already
been endorsed by the Ministry.
The departments of environment in the various state
government and local government are also playing an
active role in creating awareness and implementing
various capacity building and research initiatives towards
adaptation and mitigation. Some of the examples at a
sub-national level are as follows.
The Maharashtra-ENVIS Centre: Climate Change
Interactive Forum has been established to understand
and dene climate change and its links with local
scenarios, which help undertake mitigation measures
The Government of Maharashtra has signed an MoU
with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
to incorporate climate change related issues on a
priority basis in its policies, plans, and projects. The
study Assessing climate change vulnerabilities and
adaptation strategies for Maharashtra is a two-year
joint TERI-UK Meteorology Ofce research project
to assess the regional impacts of climate change by
using advanced modelling techniques. The project
will focus, in particular, on projected climate change
impacts like changes in temperature, precipitation,
and sea level rise, and relate these impacts to
Maharashtras water resources, agriculture, coastal
areas (particularly Mumbai), and important rural
and urban livelihood systems. Many training and
orientation workshops for building local capacity on
vulnerability assessment and adaptive policy-making
are planned to be organized.
The World Institute of Sustainable Energy (WISE),
a non-prot institute based in Pune, has undertaken
the task of developing State Level Clean Energy
Technology Action Plan for climate change mitigation
in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and
The Department of Environment has recently issued
climate change related guidelines pertaining to the
use of energy saving instruments in government
Andhra Pradesh
The Centre for Climate Change and Environment Advisory,
within the Andhra Pradesh government, is envisaged to
function as follows:
Act as a think-tank and help translate government
goals, objectives, and policy priorities in climate
change and environmental management.
Reform agenda into tangible policy and climate
change adaptation actions by the state. Provide
technical support and advisory services to state,
municipal, local governments, and national and
international organizations in the areas of climate
change and environment.
Create a knowledge hub and document best
industry practices and models in climate change and
environmental management.
Create and house technology and geographic
information system (GIS) interfaces in climate change
and environmental management.
Provide a platform for industry and others for carbon
market and its modelling and provide environment
economic models for adoption by the industry and
other agencies.
Through a research cooperation with Bioforsk, the project
Climarice-II, supported by the Norwegian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs through the Royal Norwegian Embassy
(RNE), New Delhi, has collaborated with other partners
including, International Pacic Research Centre (IPRC),
Hawaii; Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU),
Coimbatore, along with International Water Management
Institute (IWMI), Hyderabad. This network has been
formulated as a case study for establishing strong
institutions that enables management- and application-
oriented research for farmers so as to meet the challenges
of extreme oods and droughts.
The Department for Climate Change in the Gujarat
government funds research in green technology; prepares
a comprehensive multi-dimensional climate change policy
230 | INDIA Second National Communication
for Gujarat state Conservation of Land, Water and Air;
and coordinates with all other departments with respect
to climate change.
It is envisaged that various universities within the State
will undertake R&D on climate change along with the
introduction of new courses and teachers training
modules on climate change, as a part of the Government
of Gujarats initiative on building educational curriculum
to spread awareness about climate change. It is also
envisaged that public participation and public awareness
would play important roles in addition to cooperation with
national and international agencies. It will also carry out
a study on the impact of global warming along the states
1600 km coastline. Gujarat currently has 29% share of
the entire countrys carbon credit. The state government
further intends to launch Green Credit Movement on the
lines of carbon credit.
The Gujarat government launched a state-wide campaign
to create awareness on climate change and its impact
on environment and human life. The Gujarat Ecology
Commission (GEC) under the state Department of
Forests and Environment has been made the nodal
agency for the campaign. GEC has also developed a logo
with tagline You can beat the climate change too! and
have released a character called Jeeva Bapaa man
dressed in traditional Gujarati attire, which will be used
during the campaign to educate school students and rural
population. The Gujarat Forest Department manages a
Social Forestry Programme for planting trees on non-
forest lands and became a pioneer to improve green
cover of the state. The objectives were to increase the
number of trees in Gujarat, promote the participation of
people and institutions, and convert unproductive land to
productive use as a part of the states agenda towards
sustainable growth.
The Kerala government envisages to have a separate
institutional set-up to study the issues related to climate
change and prepare itself in advance to face them. It
would be implemented by the State Council for Science,
Technology and Environment.
Madhya Pradesh
The Madhya Pradesh government created a dedicated
cell on CDM in Environmental Planning and Coordination
Organisation (EPCO) to create awareness amongst
Indian organizations about CDM and its benets and to
build capability for developing and implementing CDM
projects. The prime objectives of the Cell include creating
awareness about CDM and training of resource persons
on the various dimensions of CDM.
The government is also in the process of establishing
partnerships with institutions like TERI, Development
Alternatives (DA), Confederation of Indian Industries (CII),
and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
Industries (FICCI) in this eld. FICCI, in partnership with
Norwegian Development Agency (NORAD), is interested
in taking up certain pilot projects for CDM-related activities
to prepare a status paper on CDM-related project and
potential available in the state. State Carbon Fund is
envisaged to be created in EPCO for capacity building
activities and project formulation cost.
Tamil Nadu
The Department of Environment in Tamil Nadu proposed
and implemented several schemes during the Tenth
Five-year Plan, which include conservation of coastal
ecosystem, land management, preparation of the status of
environment report, conservation of wetland ecosystem,
implementing eco-cities programme, forming biodiversity
conservation network, environment R&D, setting up
an agency for environmental projects, and generating
environment education and awareness.
The draft Second Master Plan of the Chennai Metropolitan
Development Authority (CMDA) offers direction on the
greening project. A project to plant 35,000 trees in six
municipal corporations in the state has been initiated
at a cost of Rs 40 million. Several other initiatives such
as use of compact orescent lamps (CFLs), hybrid
cars, and clean and renewable energy sources such as
solar, geothermal, and wind power are taken up by the
government on priority.
The United States Educational Foundation in India and
the East West Centre, Honululu, have formed an action
group called Full Bright Environmental Action Group to
create awareness on various environmental issues such
as climate change and its implications, importance of
safe drinking water in rural areas, eco-sanitation, harmful
effects of overuse of pesticides in agriculture, and solid
waste management in the region.
The Government of Delhi initiated the idea of adoption
of CDM concepts in all infrastructural initiatives. The
infrastructural agencies in general agreed to adopt various
concepts in implementing CDM projects, which, inter alia,
include energy conservation, use of CFL and electric
Education, Training and Public Awareness | 231
chokes, solar water heating systems, efcient street-
lighting, efcient use of water pumps, energy-efcient
buildings, promotion of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), use
of solar air-conditioning, and afforestation.
The Mahatma Gandhi Institute will be involved in research,
planning, capacity building, and imparting training on
global warming issues and climate change. It will be under
the Department of Environment. The Energy Efciency
and Renewable Energy Management Centre of the Delhi
government, earlier geared towards integrated rural
renewable energy, will now engage in partnerships and
conduct research on non-fossil fuel energy development.
Delhis new Action Plan on Climate Change lays heavy
emphasis on forest plantation, CFL lighting, and using
renewable energy like solar energy and clean public
The Department of Environment sponsored a project
Environmental Consequences Due To Urbanization.
This project is an attempt to prepare a GHG emissions
inventory for Delhi, which will help in developing
baseline information on emission levels and identifying
major sources and sectoral contributions. To full
these objectives, estimation has been done using two
approaches top-down and bottom-up using IPCC Tier
1 Methodology. On-site monitoring of GHGs was also
carried out at 64 sites across Delhi using CO
and CH

automatic analysers. Based on the carbon map, various
policy measures have been recommended in the report.
The state government formulated a renewable energy
policy to harness green and clean renewable energy
sources in the state for environmental benets and energy
security. The objectives of the policy are as follows.
1. To harness environment-friendly renewable energy
sources and to enhance their contribution to socio-
economic development.
2. To meet and supplement rural energy needs through
sustainable renewable energy projects.
3. To provide decentralized energy supply to the
agriculture, industry, commercial, and household
4. To supplement efforts in bridging the gap between
demand and supply of power with renewable energy
sources and strengthening the grid and evacuation
systems and arrangements for renewable energy
5. To support efforts for developing, demonstrating, and
commercializing new and emerging technologies in
the renewable energy sector, and towards this end,
help establish linkages with national and international
institutions for active collaboration.
6. To create public awareness and involve users/local
community in establishing, operating, and managing
renewable energy projects while undertaking capacity
building measures.
7. Establish dedicated renewable energy special
economic zones (SEZ) to promote renewable energy
8. Give necessary support and facilitation to
entrepreneurs and investors to successfully
implement renewable energy projects without delay
and to attract more investment in the state by private
The Department of Environment and Forests, Assam,
started a pilot project called Natural Resource Management
and Integrated Livelihood Project (NARMIL) under the
Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project (AACP), with
the objective of improving livelihood of the communities
through integrated approach of rural development and
natural resource conservation in forest fringe communities
in 15 villages. Joint Forest Management Committees at
village level and NGOs are the implementation partners
with the Department of Forests, Assam.
The Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd (UJVNL) a state
government undertaking is spearheading efforts in the
state to address challenges due to climate change. UJVNL
is, therefore, mandated to participate in the global carbon
market through the purchase of high quality certied
emission reductions (CERs) credits from climate-friendly
projects in Uttarakhand. UJVNL has taken pioneering
steps in availing the CDM benets from Greensite
projects, and has prepared PIN, or Project Idea Note, and
the respective PDD, or Project Design Document, for four
small hydro projects. UJVNL is also taking appropriate
steps to avail the CDM benets from renovation and
modernization of the existing power plants.
West Bengal
Kolkata, capital of West Bengal, launched an LED pilot as
part of the Climate Groups Lightsavers Programme. The
Climate Group and the Kolkata Municipal Corporation
232 | INDIA Second National Communication
(KMC) have unveiled an extensive LED pilot project.
The trial will see LED streetlights installed across nine
arterial roads in Kolkata, with 350 lights being tested in
total. The project will evaluate the performance of LED
luminaries with respect to illuminance, uniformity, colour,
temperature, durability, longevity, and colour shift, over
two to three years. The project is being carried out as a
joint collaboration with the Government of Indias BEE,
the West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company
Ltd (WBSEDCL), and the West Bengal Pollution Control
Board (WBPCB), with overall facilitation by the Climate
There exists a climate vision plan for Howrah, being drawn
up by the Howrah Municipal Corporation. The plan calls
for creating an underground sewer system across the
city (the present drainage system runs on the surface),
regular testing of water supplied by the civic body, and
monitoring the use of groundwater. Among other measures
in the pipeline are implementation of a scheme of trafc
rationalization, imposition of green tax on industrial units
that emit excessive CO
, conservation of the Hooghly
river, upgrading of the public health infrastructure to tackle
diseases resulting from climate change, and setting up of
disaster management units.
Himachal Pradesh
In order to achieve the objectives of National Action
Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) and dovetail states
initiatives with the centre, the Himachal Pradesh
government has formed State Level Governing Council
on Climate Change. The overall objective of the Council
would be to monitor targets, objectives, and achievements
of the national missions specied in NAPCC. The centre
will be a repository of databases on environment, natural
resources, and climate change.
The state has constituted a voluntary Environment
Fund for protecting environment and combating climatic
changes. The Government of Himachal Pradesh has
drafted a climate change policy to strengthen its green
initiative and earn maximum benets of carbon credits
under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The
draft policy prepared by the Environment and Scientic
Technology Department has been circulated amongst all
stakeholders for comments and suggestions, considering
substantial impact on viability of hydropower projects,
cropping patterns, and geographic shift in horticultural
Some Select Government-supported
Education and Outreach Initiatives
The 25 ENVIS Centres of the Government of India
function as a dynamic network of numerous institutions
in the country, based on which it is easy for stakeholders
to access relevant information rapidly. The network
comprises ENVIS nodes in several government
departments, institutions including the Botanical Survey of
India, the Zoological Survey of India, the Wildlife Institute
of India, the G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment
and Development, and the Central Pollution Control
Board, and various NGOs, including the Bombay Natural
History Society, TERI, and the Centre for Environment
National Green Corps (NGC) Programme: it is a well
established and recognized fact that the children can be
catalysts in promoting a mass movement about various
environmental issues. Being future citizens, inculcation of
environment-friendly attitudes and behavioural patterns
amongst them can make a signicant difference to the
long-term efforts for the protection of the environment.
The MoEF has, hence, embarked upon a major initiative
for creating environmental awareness among children
by formulating NGC in 2001/02. In less than nine years
since the programme has been in operation, it has
been catapulted into a mass movement of children for
maintaining and preserving the environment. A total of
130,931 eco-clubs have so far been established in NGC
schools across the country.
National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC)
fulls the need gap for a mass movement for the protection of
the environment, which needs no emphasis. The concerns
of the people for the environment need to be harnessed
into voluntary action. This requires a network of nodal
agencies and grassroot-level organizations. The NEAC
was, hence, launched in mid-1986 with the objective of
creating environmental awareness at the national level. In
this campaign, nominal nancial assistance is provided to
NGOs, schools, colleges, universities, research institutes,
women and youth organisations, army units, government
departments, etc. from all over the country for raising
awareness and conducting action-oriented activities.
The awareness activities could be seminars, workshops,
training programmes, camps, padyatras, rallies, public
meetings, exhibitions, essay/debate/painting/ poster
competitions, folk dances and songs, street theatre, puppet
shows, preparation and distribution of environmental
education resource materials, etc. Action components
Education, Training and Public Awareness | 233
could be plantation of trees, management of household
waste, cleaning of water bodies, taking up water harvesting
structures, use of energy saving devices, etc. Diverse
target groups encompassing students, youths, teachers,
tribals, farmers, other rural population, professionals,
and the general public are covered under the NEAC. The
programme is implemented through designated regional
resource agencies (RRAs) appointed for specic states/
regions of the country. Thirty-four RRAs appointed by
the Ministry are involved in conducting, supervising, and
monitoring the NEAC activities. The theme for NEAC
2009/10 was climate change, covering sub-themes such
as plantation activities, solar cookers and solar heaters,
restoration and maintenance of waterbodies, wetland
conservation, and energy conservation.
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) carries
out important investigations on spatial and temporal
diversity of GHGs and emissions from agro-systems,
sources and sinks and their relationships, modelling
carbon and nitrogen dynamics, vulnerability to climate
variations, characterization of climate parameters of
agricultural importance, agronomy, sustainable land-use
systems, and policy initiatives. The Indian Council of
Agriculture Research (ICAR) also organized a summer
school on photosynthetic efciency and crop productivity
under climate change scenarios. The other areas under
its domain include participatory rural appraisals and
optimization tools for site-specic management, decision
support systems integrating natural resources inventory,
simulation of soil and water processes, and conservation
practices in watersheds. The University of Agricultural
Science, Bengaluru, has established the Centre for
Studies in Global Climate Change and Food Security,
which would act as an important research centre to
facilitate climate change specic research.
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
(ICFRE) is an apex body in the national forestry research
system, working on holistic development of forestry
through need-based policy education and extension
services. The Biodiversity and Climate Change Division
builds capacities on CDM vis--vis forestry for the
benet of forestry ofcials and assesses policy aspects
in international negotiations. Case studies on carbon
mitigation potential and assessment of barriers in
afforestation and reforestation are important approaches
being followed by the institute. The institute is also linked
with the EU initiative through an information dissemination
and policy reform agenda programme. The Forest Survey
of India (FSI) is similarly engaged in many activities, and
forest cover, diversity, and abundance mapping are the
important thrust areas of the institute. Some of the other
related areas are near-real time monitoring of res and
investigations on land-based protected areas, and marine
and freshwater systems. These include assessments
of coral reefs, mangroves, and vegetation in the Ganga
Wildlife Institute of India organizes several capacity
building programmes on vulnerability assessment and
adaptation due to climate change with reference to
agriculture, forestry, and natural ecosystems for senior
forestry ofcials and other stakeholders in the areas of
zoo management, interpretation, and conservation.
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, works on the
impacts of climate change on milk production in buffaloes
and their links with roughages on milk production and
methane emissions. Links with livestock management
and agro-forestry have also been studied.
National Carbon Project, Regional Climate Modeling
and Impact Assessment, Specic Atmospheric
Assessment Projects and the ISRO Geosphere
Biosphere Programme are some of the important
programmes that address issues and contribute to an
overall understanding of parameters responsible for
the observed climatic changes. Several training and
capacity building programmes are inherent parts of these
Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar,
undertakes research on energy conservation in industries.
Several training programmes on these aspects have been
and are being organized. The Central Leather Research
Institute developed a report on the development
of environment-friendly technologies through the
modernization of various sectors. The Indian Institute of
Petroleum delivers several certication programmes to
enhance technical capabilities of stakeholders, particularly
on pollution abatement.
Department of Science and Technology, through
its various departments and missions, including WAR,
or Winning, Augmentation and Renovation, for Water,
Solar Energy Research Initiative, and Monsoon and
Tropical Climate, are making signicant contribution
in the domain of climate change research, capacity
building, and assessment exercises. Similarly, the India
Meteorological Department (IMD) publishes various
types of climate data products/publications for the benet
of end-user agencies.
234 | INDIA Second National Communication
National Physical Laboratory, the National Chemical
Laboratory and the Central Institute of Mining and
Fuel Research are some of the institutions working on
GHG inventories and emissions, chemical substitution,
energy conservation, atmospheric chemical dynamics,
and specic technical assistance programme.
National Climate Center (NCC) is responsible for long-
range forecast, climate monitoring, diagnostics, and
development of climate data products. It released its
annual climate summary for the rst time in 2004. The
recently published summary is for the year 2008. The
National Institute of Oceanography specializes in
areas of oceanic climate change and sea level and its
impacts and is involved in numerous kinds of research
and outreach programmes.
IITM has developed Climate Change Data Archive and
Retrieval Systems that are useful for decision-making.
One of the main objectives of the IITM is the estimation
of change and uncertainties in the South Asian summer
monsoon rainfall under different climate change scenarios
based on dynamic downscaling of monsoon rainfall
using regional climate models. The model data will be
needed by different user groups for conducting impact
assessment studies.
Various countrywide autonomous and non-governmental
institutions are actively engaged in general environmental
awareness programmes and activities, encouraged and
supported by the Government of India, with special
focus on climate change. Information on some selected
agencies is presented subsequently.
The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
publishes several newsletters, magazines, lms,
interactive electronic media, and technical publications
aimed at sensitizing stakeholders across all strata of the
society. This is in addition to its important role in advocacy
with a special emphasis on equity and environmental
justice. IIT Delhi and IIT Madras joined hands with CSE to
launch the landmark Indian Climate Research Network on
6 March 2010 in Delhi. The Green Schools Programme of
CSE acts as Environment Education Unit (EEU), aimed at
encouraging and identifying green environment-friendly
schools. Under this programme, students are trained
and encouraged to carry out a rigorous environmental
self-audit of their schools use of resources, primarily on
parameters related to water, air, land, energy, and waste.
Institute for Rural Management, Anand, has organized
a series of management development programmes on
climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Indian
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Indian Institute of
Management (IIM), Lucknow, IIM, Bangalore, Institute
for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Maulana
Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), and
IIM, Ahmedabad, organized seminars on strategically
important management and policy aspects relevant at
the national, regional, and global levels, particularly on
aspects of natural resources management, technology
and economic aspects, support for entrepreneurs
and industrialists on various aspects of mitigation and
adaptation, and energy management.
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, is engaged
in the advancement of the use of renewable energy in
rural India. The PK Sinha Centre for Bio-Energy at IIT,
Kharagpur, Indias rst integrated bio-energy centre,
works on climate change and economic challenges.
The Centre for Environment and Education (CEE), through
its various ofces associated with the seven regional
cells across India, reached out to diverse stakeholders
on location-specic scoping, mitigation, and adaptation
measures. Some of the activities were as follows.
CEE Himalaya has held series of teachers training
workshops on disaster risk reduction and climate
change adaptation in Baramulla, Kupwara, Srinagar,
and Gandarbal districts of Jammu and Kashmir.
The programme aims at grooming teachers as
Green Ustads, who have the basic understanding
of the changing dynamics of global climate and the
mitigation of risks caused by the changing climate.
As a part of Disaster Risk Reduction Awareness
and Preparedness Campaign in Schools in the
Kashmir Valley, students from around 2000 schools
are learning about the natural disasters and various
preventive measures. These schools were also a part
of CEEs Pick Right and Kaun Banega Bharat ka
Paryavaran Ambassador campaigns. Schools from
Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand also
participated in this campaign.
Community-based disaster preparedness initiative
has been taken up in 50 villages falling in ve districts
of Jammu and Kashmir. The villagers analyse local
climate change, availability of water, and seasonal
variations along with other risks and hazards. They
map natural resources and develop contingency
plans involving suitable alternatives to tackle risks.
C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre (CPREEC)
organized an exhibition on climate change at its premises
Education, Training and Public Awareness | 235
on 1628 February 2009. Several schools brought their
students in batches to view the exhibition. A booklet on
climate change was developed and distributed among
the school students. As a part of the exhibition, CPREEC
also conducted poster designing competition for the
school students of Classes VI to XI on 28 February 2009.
CPREEC, in collaboration with the British Council of South
India, launched the Indo-UK Films for Schools Project
on Climate Change for Tamil Nadu on 12 November 2009,
which was followed by a workshop for teachers.
The National Strategy on Climate Change in India
(NSCCI) has aimed at the following.
1. Designing a National Climate Policy and incorporation
of it in Eleventh Five-year Plan. It also envisages to
analyse co-benets of several policies to tackle the
challenges due to climate change (both in terms of
mitigation and adaptation) and thereafter suggest
suitable remedial policy measures to bridge the
various gaps.
2. Integrating environment, ecology, and climate change
concerns in Indian scal federalism framework.
The specic project involved construction of an
environmental performance index for all states in India.
The index scores are envisaged to be a basis on which
a grant for environmental management would be
disbursed between states. The project would also delve
into the possibility of a climate change response facility
for states that are most vulnerable to the ill-effects of
climate change. This project would be conducted under
the aegis of ICSD. The centre has also embarked on a
pilot application of participatory approach to investigate
local vulnerability and adaptation to climate variability and
water stress in Uttarakhand.
Climate Change Outreach and Awareness Programme
through the USAID assists local institutions in becoming
better providers of information on climate change. The
other institutions involved in this programme are CII,
IIM, Ahmedabad, FICCI, TERI and Credit Rating and
Information Services India Limited (CRISIL).
Development Alternatives received the prestigious
Development Market place 2009 award for its innovation
on creating a reality show for communicating climate
change risks to rural women and youth in Bundelkhand,
and to undertake adaptation measures with multiple
Integrated Research and Development (IRADE) is a
Centre of Excellence in the area of urban development
on Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation of the
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. It
aims at identifying important options for mitigation and
adaptation, which are aligned with development plans
of Indian cities, and preparing state governments for
tackling the challenges and providing policy prescriptions
for vulnerable areas.
M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation has carried out
extensive outreach activities on the management of coastal
systems using community-based models for mangrove
restoration and rehabilitation and livelihood generation.
This has integrated identication and characterization
of novel genetic combinations from mangrove species
offering tolerance/resistance to abiotic stresses. Amongst
its other activities, it carried out the following.
Established the Community Food Security System
consisting of seed, grain and water banks to achieve
stability of food production and elimination of chronic
and transient hunger induced by various factors
including climate change.
Hosted an inter-disciplinary dialogue on the theme
Community Management of Climate Change: Role
of Panchayats and Nagarpalikas to prepare a well-
dened roadmap for empowering local communities
with knowledge and skills relevant to enhancing their
Climate Change Awareness initiatives
236 | INDIA Second National Communication
capacity to manage the adverse impact of climate
change. A series of consultations involving various
panchayat leaders have been initiated to discuss the
possible components of such a legislation.
Hosted a National Dialogue on Adaptation to
Climate Change. Participants included Cabinet
Ministers, Prime Ministers Special Envoy for Climate
Change, Secretaries from various ministries, State
Secretaries, donor agencies, members of Planning
Commission, academics, and various NGOs.
Centre for Social Markets (CSM) runs the Climate
Challenge India initiative to reframe the climate debate in
India and to create a proactive, opportunity-led approach
towards addressing it. CSM is active in many national
and international networks on sustainability, corporate
responsibility, climate change, and other issues. Public
awareness building and mobilization to make political
constituencies more receptive to the need for change
are central to the campaign. Business and city elites are
another target for focused engagement and leadership.
The Climate Challenge India initiative was to promote
a proactive domestic response to climate change in
India, as also the City Dialogues on Climate change.
Working closely with the arts and culture community,
the campaign uses creative media technology to reach
out to Indias geographically and linguistically diverse
communities, building a nationally relevant knowledge
and communications platform in the process. An important
directory about institutions working on various aspects of
climate change has also been published.
Climate Project is an international non-prot organization
founded by Nobel Laureate Al Gore in June 2006 and is
dedicated to calling attention to what it believes are global
problems associated with climate change. The Climate
Project-India (TCP-India) is an independent chapter of
this international organization. It has trained over 120
presenters in India, who voluntarily raise awareness about
climate change by interacting with media, corporations, or
by simply making presentations to their own communities
and networks. TCP-India supports these presenters by
providing guidance and updated information. It has, in
a short span, trained over 700 presenters, comprising
representatives from the civil society.
Climate, Energy and Sustainable Development
Analysis Centre (CESDAC) is aimed at providing an
information base to facilitate developing countries of
Asia and the Pacic in coping with the potential threats
due to climate change and includes educational and
training programmes, which emphasize the teaching of
the concepts and methods of sustainable development,
including the need for diversity of solutions in different
national and regional circumstances. It also undertakes
publications on climate change, innovative approaches
to energy efciency, environmental education, and
sustainable development challenges in Asia and the
Pacic. A Quarterly Scientic Journal Asia Pacic Journal
of Environment and Sustainable Development is planned
to be launched for this purpose.
National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) is
devoted to environmental education using such means as
theme-based exhibition galleries, experiential resource
centres such as Discovery Room and Activity Room, and
educational and outreach activities, depicting the countrys
rich natural heritage and natural history. A snapshot of
some of the important activities carried out is as follows.
Earth Day on 22 April 2008: On the occasion of
the Earth Day, NMNH invited school students
to participate in an On-the- Spot Essay Writing
Summer Programme 2008: Exploring Nature and
Environment for the students of Standard VIII, IX, and
X. The programme was being conducted from 15 May
to 15 June 2008. The programme was a unique mix
of lectures, slide/CD presentations, and institutional
visits. It also involved presentation of projects, quiz
contest, declamation contest, nature photography,
art out of waste, preparation of nature magazine,
and nature study tour to a wildlife sanctuary as its
constituent activities.
To sensitize school children on the matters for
preservation of the ozone layer, a declamation
contest was organized on 16 September 2008 in
Delhi and NCR.
Education, Training and Public Awareness | 237
Climate Change Awareness initiatives: Capacity building and
Private Sector Initiatives
Industry associations have also played an active role
in awareness generation through various activities like
preparing technology transfer projects, conducting
workshops and training, bringing out publications, and
through interactive and knowledge- based websites.
CII promotes and engages industry stakeholders in the
development of technologies, processes, and approaches
to deal with climate change in the overall perspective
of development, corporate governance, sustainability
reporting, and much more. It was an Observer at
the UNFCCC meetings in the BINGO category. It
is engaged in formulating corporate climate change
strategies, developing GHG emission inventory, carbon
footprinting, GRI sustainability reporting, conducting CDM
awareness workshops, energy audit and management,
and implementing the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
in India. It has organized the following.
Seminars in different cities in relation to business
missions from the UK on climate change / clean
energy solutions / waste management between 2005
and 2007. It also facilitated an industry interaction
with Sir Nicholas Stern in 2006.
CEOs Mission to the UK led by the President of CII
and others on clean coal technologies and carbon
sequestration, waste-to-energy and renewable
energy in 2007.
Training services for members as well as CII ofces
on developing corporate climate change strategies
with the support of the German governments
development cooperation department.
The CII also releases various publications in the form of
manuals, case study booklets, papers, reports, periodicals,
and newsletters to facilitate sustainable development
activities for industries (Box 6.3).
The CII Centres of Excellence work towards enabling
and implementing ideas. For instance, the CII-ITC
Centre for Sustainable Development facilitates business
transformation by embedding the concepts of sustainable
development during the stages of formulating strategies,
taking decisions and nalizing processes. The CII-
Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre (a joint initiative
of the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Godrej & Boyce
Mfg. Co. and CII, with the technical support of USAID) is
a unique model of publicprivate partnership. The Centre
strives to become the Centre of Excellence for energy
efciency, environment, green buildings, renewable
energy, water and climate change activities in India. The
various services being offered are: green building rating,
world class energy efciency, green audits, renewable
energy services, green business incubation, exhibit of
green equipment and materials at the technology centre,
and information and database centre.
Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of
India (ASSOCHAM) interfaces with the government on
policy issues and interacts with counterpart international
organizations to promote bilateral economic issues.
ASSOCHAM has set up an Energy Efciency and
Conservation Promotion, Guidance, Counselling and
Consultancy Centre with the assistance of Indian
Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (IREDA).
The Centre provides information on the various nancing
schemes available at IREDA for energy efciency and
conservation projects.
Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (FICCI) constituted its Climate Change Task
Force in July 2007 to evolve an industry position on climate
change, examine measures by industry for mitigation,
and develop a consensus on policy, regulatory, and scal
measures that would be required to formulate effective
mitigation strategies. The Task Force released its rst
Box 6.3: Snapshot of publications by CII for industries
1. CII Discussion Paper Building a Low-carbon
Indian Economy
2. Report on Energy Trading and Derivatives
3. Bi-monthly e-newsletter titled Sustainability
4. Infomercial in public interest on Climate Change
and How it Affects our Health
5. Report on Indias Ecological Footprint - A Business
6. Corporate GHG inventory programme guide
7. Manual on best practices in Indian and International
cement plants
8. Quarterly periodical titled Sustainability
9. CDP India Reports annually
10. National and international best practices manual in
the pulp and paper sector
11. Case study booklet on renewable energy
12. Directory on green building material and service
13. Green building reference guides - LEED-India for
New Construction (NC) and Core and Shell (CS)
14. Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) green homes
rating system
15. IGBC green factory building rating system
238 | INDIA Second National Communication
report in December 2007 at a conference organised by
FICCI during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP-
13) in Bali, Indonesia. The Task Force released its second
report in December 2008 at COP-14 in Poznan, Poland.
The FICCI has also been involved with the following.
Undertaken a project on Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) in the Post-2012 Climate Change
Regime, under a climate strategies initiative.
The objectives of the project envisaged review of
performance of CDM projects, analysis of scope of
reforms in the current CDM framework, making CDM
work for SMEs, and identifying ways of promoting
equitable distribution of CDM (geographical, across
companies, project scale).
Been associated with the Methane to Markets (M2M)
Partnership since 2006 and is also undertaking
a project under the M2M Partnership as part of a
USEPA grant. The rst workshop was jointly organized
by FICCI and USEPA in March 2006 on landll gas to
energy projects. In 2007, FICCI organized a two-day
conference Advancing Project Development in India
through Public Private Partnerships, jointly with
USEPA, USAID, USTDA, and Government of India.
Launched the maiden India Carbon Market Conclave
in November 2007, in partnership with the MoEF,
Government of India, the World Bank, and International
Emissions Trading Association (IETA). The Conclave
has garnered participation of global carbon market
players from 30 countries, Indian project developers
from 43 sectors, and diverse stakeholders.
Organized a SAARC CDM Conference on 1
September 2009 in collaboration with the MoEF and
Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
Organized the Indo-Norwegian Seminar on
Renewable Energy and Climate Change on 20
October 2008
Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is another industry
association engaged in the climate change and sustainable
development initiatives. It organized the following events.
Environment Partnership Summit 2008: A technical
session on Climate Change and Carbon Trading:
Issues and Road Ahead was organized followed by a
CEO Forum on Climate Change, namely, Reducing
carbon footprint Corporate Best Practices and
Experience Sharing.
CDM@East on 19 December 2008: Aimed at
serving as a platform for mapping the risks and
threats associated with climate change and exploring
business opportunities and possibilities to forge
protable alliances and ventures that exist for CDM
in eastern India.
Environment Partnership Summit 2009:
Strengthening Global Ties for a Greener Business
in February 2009.
Environment Partnership Summit 2010: Low
Carbon High growth A Road Map for Global
Competitiveness on 1113 February 2010.
It publishes Environment Watcha quarterly newsletter
containing relevant facts, notications, information and
opportunities on climate change issues. The magazine also
includes a monthly market report on CDM registration and
carbon credit markets. The ICC Climate Change Charter
was also released during the Environment Partnership
Summit 2010.
Many private sector companies have launched corporate
social responsibility (CSR) initiatives similar to ICICIs
Go Green Initiative which reaches out to staff within
and to customers. ICICI Foundation collaborates with
and supports the Environmentally Sustainable Finance
(ESF) group at Centre for Development Finance (CDF)
in Chennai ( to identify ways in which
resources for growth can be more effectively channelled
to support environmental sustainability. ESF focuses
on research and action to inform environmental policy-
making and implementation, integrate environmental
sustainability into development initiatives, and support
scalable commercial and non-prot interventions to make
Indias economy more environmentally sustainable from
the bottom up.
International Cooperation
With the participation of different delegations from the
Prime Ministers Special Envoy on Climate Change, MoEF,
various other central and state government agencies,
NGOs, and private sector organizations, India has
played an active and important role in many international
The MoEF participated in the G8+ Environment Ministerial
meeting in Siracusa, Italy, on 2224 April 2009. Several
meetings of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and
Climate Change (an initiative launched by the USA) were
held in Washington, Paris, Mexico, and Rome, in which
the MoEF and ofcials from the Ministry of External Affairs
(MEA) and BEE participated under the leadership of the
Prime Ministers Special Envoy on Climate Change.
Education, Training and Public Awareness | 239
One of the important events in this series was the summit on
climate change organized by the UN Secretary-General in
the UN Headquarters at New York on 22 September 2009.
This was attended by the Minister of State, Environment
and Forests. India has consistently been represented by
high-level delegations to the Conference of Parties held
from time to time and has engaged constructively in the
climate change negotiation process.
India and China engaged in regular consultations in the
format of BASIC to coordinate positions and take care
of the interests of developing countries. Immediately after
the Copenhagen Conference, the Ministry organized
the Second Ministerial Meeting of the BASIC countries
environment ministers in New Delhi on 24 January 2010
to take stock of the post-Copenhagen developments and
chalk out a coordinated strategy of negotiations.
The Ministry, in collaboration with the United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA),
organized a high level conference on Climate Change:
Technology Development and Transfer on 2223 October
2009 in Delhi to focus on technology-related issues under
negotiation. The Conference, organized in association with
the FICCI, was attended by 58 country delegations and
30 ministers from various countries and was addressed
by the Prime Minister.
Bilateral/other initiatives on climate change
The Minister of State (Independent Charge),
Environment and Forests, accompanied by a delegation
of ofcials, visited China, US, and Denmark to hold
bilateral consultations on climate change and matters
related to environmental cooperation. As a result of an
understanding reached during the Ministers visit to
China; India and China signed (in October 2009 in New
Delhi) a Memorandum of Agreement on Cooperation on
Addressing Climate Change. The Agreement is intended
to enhance cooperation with China and promote mutual
understanding and coordination on international issues
related to climate change while providing opportunities
for cooperation in areas of research, development, and
diffusion of technologies.
The Agreement establishes a ChinaIndia Working Group
on Climate Change for exchange of views on issues
related to domestic policies, international negotiation,
and implementation of related cooperation projects. The
Secretary (Environment and Forests) also led an Indian
delegation to the South Asia Regional Conference on
Climate Change in the Himalayan Region, organized by
the Government of Nepal in Kathmandu in September
2009, in order to foster regional cooperation in the domain
of climate change.
The Ministry also participates in the sessions of Inter-
governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and
engages bilaterally with several countries in the eld
of climate change. India has signed an MoU with Italy,
Canada, and Denmark for promoting cooperation in the
eld of CDM. During October 2009, India and Norway
signed an MoU on cooperation in the area of climate
change and implementation of CDM Projects under the
Kyoto Protocol.
A Joint Work Programme on Climate Change issues
between India and EU is being formulated. India is also
engaged in discussions with World Bank, DFID, and
GTZ to launch specic studies/projects for adaptation to
climate change in chosen areas/regions of the country.
These projects will be so designed so as to ensure that
they are consistent with the objectives of the National
Action Plan. As a member of the Asia Pacic Partnership
on Clean Development and Climate (APP-China, Japan,
South Korea, Canada, US, and India), the Ministry, in
coordination with the Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry
of Coal, and Ministry of Power participated in the meetings
of the APP held in Gold Coast, Australia, and Shanghai.
The partnership focused on development, diffusion, and
transfer of clean and more efcient technologies and
functions through eight task forces in the area of aluminium,
buildings and appliances, cement, fossil energy use, coal
mining, power generation and transmission, renewable
energy and distributed generation, and steel industry
through publicprivate sector coordination.
240 | INDIA Second National Communication
Education, Training and Public Awareness | 241
DoE (Department of Environment), 2010. Delhi Climate
Change Action Plan. DoE, Governemnt of Delhi
ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), 2008/09.
DARE/ICAR Annual Report 20082009. Department
of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of
Agriculture, Government of India
MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development),
200809. Annual Report. Department of School Education
and Literacy, Department of Higher Education, MHRD,
Government of India, New Delhi
MoC (Ministry of Coal), 2008/09. Annual Report. MoC,
Government of India, New Delhi
MoCIT (Ministry of Communications and Information
Technology), 2008/09. Annual Report. MoCIT, Government
of India, New Delhi
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2006.
Climate Change Dialogue: India Country Presentation.
MoEF, Government of India, New Delhi
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2008/09
to 2010/11. Annual Report. MoEF, Government of India,
New Delhi
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2009. Delhi
Statement on Global Cooperation on Climate Technology.
MoEF, Government of India, New Delhi
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2009. State
of Environment Report 2009. MoEF, Government of India,
New Delhi
MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), 2010. India:
Taking on Climate Change 24 Recent Initiatives Related
to Climate Change. MoEF, Government of India, New
MoF (Ministry of Finance), 2008/09. Annual Report.
Ministry of Finance, Government of India, New Delhi
MoM (Ministry of Mines), 2008/09. Annual Report. MoM,
Government of India, New Delhi
MoP (Ministry of Power), 2008/09. Annual Report. MoP,
Government of India, New Delhi
MoRTH (Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways),
2008/09. Annual Report. MoRTH, Government of India,
New Delhi
References and Sources
MSME (Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises),
2008/09. Annual Report. SME, Government of India, New
NAPCC, 2008. National Action Plan on Climate Change.
PMs Council on Climate Change, Government of India,
New Delhi
Planning Commission, 2002. 10th Five-year plan Vol.
I-III. Planning Commission, Government of India, New
Planning Commission, 2004/05 to 2008/09. Annual
Report. Planning Commission, Government of India, New
Planning Commission, 2007. 11th Five-year plan Vol.
I-III. Planning Commission, Government of India, New
Planning Commission, 2007. Reports of the Task
Forces on Governance, Transparency, Participation
and Environmental Impact Assessment and Urban
Environmental Issues in the Environment and Forests
Sector for the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012).
Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi
Websites Referred:
Center for Climate Change and Environment Advisory
The Embassy of Norway in India (http://www.norwayemb.
ENVIS Center Himachal Pradesh (http://www.hpenvis.
ENVIS Center Maharashtra (http://envis.maharashtra.
Department of Environment, Government of Delhi (http://
The Climate Group (
The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of
India (
Constraints, Gaps
and Related Financial,
Technical and Capacity
In accordance with Indias national circumstances and development priorities,
a description of the constraints and gaps, and related financial, technical,
and capacity needs, as well as proposed activities for overcoming the gaps
and constraints associated with the implementation of activities, measures,
and programmes envisaged under the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and with the preparation and improvement of
national communications on a continuous basis has been provided in this
chapter. The chapter presents some projects that were identified for building
research capacity and implementing climate change related projects in India
as part of the preparatory process for future national communications. The
coverage is not an exhaustive elucidation of Indias financial and technological
needs and constraints. With more scientific understanding and increasing
awareness, further areas of work could be identified.
Continuing Need for Reporting
of Information on
Implementation of Convention 245
Inventory estimation 245
Non-availability of relevant data 245
Data non-accessibility 246
Data organization constraints 246
Development of representative emission
coefcients 246
Needs for greenhouse gas inventory
estimation on a continuous basis 247
Land use, Land-use Change
and Forestry Sector (LULUCF) -
Constraints and Needs 247
Research and monitoring to increase
understanding of climatic impacts and
adaptation strategies in forest sector 249
Gaps and constraints 249
Identication of specic research themes
related to adaptation and mitigation
aspects of forests 252
Agriculture Research
Themes for Adaptation
to Climate Change 253
Livestock Sector -
Opportunities and Challenges 255
Mitigating methane emissions from livestock
production system 255
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation 256
Technology Needs for
Adaptation and Mitigation 259
Chapter 7 Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and
Capacity Needs
Research and Systematic
Observation 261
Weather, climate, and oceanographic research 261
Extreme events 261
Agriculture sector research 261
Space sciences 262
Sustenance and enhancement of
established capacities 262
Constraints and Gaps
Related to GEF Programmes 263
Climate Change Projects 264
Improvements for future national 264
Thematic project proposals 269
Needs for Adaptation to
Climate Change 276
Lack of awareness at all levels 277
Lack of research on formulating specic
adaptation measures for various sectors 277
Lack of inter-linkages in adaptation policy
formulation and appropriate market responses 277
Lack of resources to implement
adaptation measures 277
Technological Needs 277
Capacity Needs 278
Financial Needs 279
References & Sources 281
244 | INDIA Second National Communication
Constraints, Gaps and Related
Financial, Technical and
Capacity Needs
The Indian government visualizes the SNC as an
opportunity to enrich and enhance Indias experience
in identifying constraints, gaps, and related nancial,
technical, and capacity needs to adequately full our
obligations under the UNFCCC, including continuing
need for improving the quality of national greenhouse
gas (GHG) inventories, carrying out regional and sectoral
assessment of vulnerabilities and adaptation responses,
and communicating information on a continuous basis.
The broad participatory domestic process for preparing
Indias SNC has contributed to an improved understanding
of the challenges associated with formulating an
appropriate policy response for addressing climate change
concerns in India, while simultaneously building capacity in
diverse disciplines such as inventory estimation, emission
coefcient measurements, vulnerability assessment and
adaptation, and inventory data management.
Continuing Need for Reporting of Information
on Implementation of Convention
Inventory estimation
The GHG emissions inventory for Non-Annex I countries
is to be reported to the UNFCCC Secretariat as per 17/
CP.8 guidelines for the SNC. GHG inventory reporting
requires detailed activity data collection and estimation
of country-specic emission coefcients. The level of
inventory reporting depends on the data quality and
methodology employed and is indicated as Tier-I, -II or
-III as per the Revised 1996 Intergovernmental panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for Greenhouse
Gas Inventories, IPCC Good Practice Guidance (2000),
the Land use, Land-use Change and forestry (LULUCF)
Good Practice Guidance (2003), and the IPCC Guidelines
for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2006). Despite
the comprehensive initiation of activities under the SNC
project, there is considerable scope for improvement. The
inventory estimation has to be made at more disaggregated
level, preferably at Tier-II or -III levels for the key sources.
Finer sub-sectoral-level estimates of activity data and
emission factors (EF) have to be developed. Similar and
consistent formats have to be adopted for data reporting
and ensuring consistency in generating activity data by
organizations. The major constraints and gaps in Indian
GHG inventory estimation are now presented.
Non-availability of relevant data
This is a prominent concern, especially in developing
countries, where time series data required for GHG
inventory estimation is not available for some specic
inventory sub-categories. For example, in the waste
sector, still details about annual municipal solid waste
(MSW) generation, collection, and dumping, and dumpsite
characteristics are not available beyond 5 to 10 years
for even the large metropolitan cities, while for smaller
cities, the data availability is poor and therefore, a lot of
extrapolation is undertaken for estimation of methane
from the entire country.
Another constraint is the non-availability of data for
informal and less organized sectors of the economy.
These include agriculture, forestry, and many small-scale
industries (SSI) like brick, sugar, glass and ceramics, dyes,
rubber, plastic, and chemical and engineering products.
The SSI sector in India comprises modern and traditional
industries encompassing the continuum of the artisans
and handicrafts units on the one hand and modern
production units producing a wide range of products on
the other. Many of these industries, along with domestic
and commercial sectors, are informal as far as energy
accounting is concerned.
Similarly, improvements in activity data for various sub-
categories of agriculture-related GHG emissions are
critical. The key activity data includes livestock population,
synthetic fertilizer application, areas under different water
regimes for rice paddy cultivation, and agriculture crop
residue generation for various crops. Under the LULUCF
sector, areas under different land use categories, above-
ground biomass and mean annual increment, soil carbon
density, fuelwood, and commercial timber consumption
have considerable uncertainty.
National GHG inventory preparation is a continuous
process of improving the reliability and consistency of
inventory assessments. The Indian GHG inventory for
the SNC has been mostly reported using Tier-I and -II
approaches. Tier-III methodology has also been used for
certain key sources. As India plans to move to higher tier
and more detailed inventory assessments in subsequent
communications, the data gaps have to be identied, and
corrective action has to be taken. Since the GHG inventory
reporting year lags behind the year of assessment by about
four to ve years for developing countries, the above data
has to be generated now for use in subsequent national
communications. This requires sustained commitment
of resources and setting up of appropriate institutional
Data non-accessibility
This is yet another peculiar problem associated with data
in developing countries. Since data collection requires
considerable effort and resources, it is often treated as
proprietary. Moreover, some data required for rening
inventories to Tier-III level is treated as trade secret by the
respective rms and is not easily accessible. These rms
have to be, therefore, sensitised about the data needs for
inventory reporting and renement. Systems have to be
devised for regular publication of relevant information in
desired formats for national GHG inventory estimation.
Another issue is non-availability of data in electronic form.
However, with the increased penetration of computers,
information is becoming electronically available. In some
instances, security concerns lead to data non-accessibility,
like satellite imageries, while the procedures also delay
access to data.
Data organization constraints
The different levels of GHG inventory reporting, called
tiers, require different data quality. Although data required
for initial levels is already in public domain through the
annual reports and data statistics made available by
various ministries and departments of the Government
of India, the data is not organized in desired formats.
Considerable data organization, consistency checks and
data management are required.
There is also inconsistency in some data sets released by
the central and state governments for some activity data.
Another gap area is that the sectoral data for various fuels
does not match across different ministry reports, in a few
instances. Many of the industries are reasonably organized.
However, accounting of all the energy resources is not
available for all the industries. The sectoral denitions for
different fuels may not be consistent even in the same
ministry document. For example, the national consumption
of Low Sulphur Heavy Stock (LSHS) is combined and
reported together for the entire transport sector while for
diesel consumption, separate data is provided for road,
aviation, shipping, railways, and other transport, thereby
enabling inventory under Tier-I only.
Development of representative emission
To capture Indian situations and circumstances,
beginnings have been made to generate India-specic
emission coefcients by undertaking in situ measurements
in some key source categories and dene the range in
uncertainties in the estimates through statistical methods.
However, time and budgetary resources available under
the project constrain the coverage under this activity. For
uncertainty reduction in GHG emissions, India needs to
undertake in situ measurements for many more activities
to capture the Indian realities. The sample size has to
be statistically determined for all the categories covered
under the National Communication. Some critical gap
areas covering the key source categories for Indian GHG
emissions are as follows.
Measurement of GHG emission coefcients from
power plants, for new technologies.
Measurement of GHG emission coefcients for road
transport sector, for newer technologies.
GHG emission coefcients measurements from fully/
partially informal energy-intensive sectors such as
brick manufacturing, sugar, and ceramics.
GHG emission coefcient measurement from
industrial processes like lime production and use,
aluminium production, soda ash use, pulp and paper
production, etc.
GHG emission measurements and activity data
assessment for biomass used for energy purpose.
Measurement/estimation of GHG emission
coefcients (especially N
O) for different types of
soils in India.
These activities necessitate signicant additional scientic
work, requiring considerable resources. Technical capacity
has to be built in more institutions to conduct these
in situ measurements. Instrumentation upgradation and
process accrediting have to be done for many existing
246 | INDIA Second National Communication
Need for greenhouse gas inventory estimation
on a continuous basis
The GHG inventory estimation needs may be estimated
at three levels: (i) data needs, (ii) capacity development
and enhancement needs, and (iii) institutional networking
and coordination needs.
The data needs are based on the data gaps and constraints
explained earlier (Table 7.1). These include designing
consistent data reporting formats for continuous GHG
inventory reporting, collecting data for formal and informal
sectors of the economy, enhancing data quality to move to
higher tier of inventory reporting, and conducting detailed
measurements for India-specic emission coefcients.
Capacity development has to be at two levels: institutions
and individual researchers. Institutional capacity
development requires nancial support, technological
support, instrumentation, and networking. Individual
researcher capacity development is required to sensitize
and train data generating teams in various sectors and
at different institutions about GHG inventory estimation
process, so that the researchers would be better equipped
to collect and report the desired data on a continuous
basis. Institutional networking and coordination are
critical factors for establishing new data frameworks and
reporting formats in various sectors. Industry, ministries,
and government departments have to coordinate closely
for this. The SNC NATCOM project has made strides
in this direction in India at various levels (formation of
INCCA facilitated the creation of such a network-based
institutional structure through which the GHG inventory
for 2007 was published). However, sustained and timely
nancial and technological support is critical to sustain
and strengthen this process.
Land use, Land-use Change and Forestry
Sector (LULUCF) - Constraints and Needs
The LULUCF sector in India has the potential to be a
major source or sink of CO
in the future. The uncertainty
in the estimates of inventory in the LULUCF sector is
shown to be higher than other sectors such as energy
transformation, transportation, industrial processes, and
even agriculture. The availability and access to information
on activity data, emission coefcients, and sequestration
rates in the LULUCF sector in India are limited, and the
uncertainty of the data is high, as in most countries.
Thus, there is a need for improvement in the information
generation processes for the inventory so as to reduce the
uncertainty involved in the estimation of GHG inventory in
the LULUCF sector.
Table 7.1: Gaps and constraints in greenhouse gas inventory estimation
Gaps and constraints Details Possible approach
Data organization Data not available in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC)-friendly formats, for inventory reporting
Consistent reporting formats
Mismatch in top-down and bottom-up data sets for same activities Regular monitoring and consistency check on
collected data
Mismatch in sectoral details across different published documents Consistent reporting formats
Non-availability of
relevant data
Time series data for some specic inventory sub-categories, for
example, municipal solid waste sites
Generate and maintain relevant data sets
Data for informal sectors of economy Data surveys
Data for rening inventory to higher tier levels Data depths to be improved
Data non-accessibility Proprietary and trade secret data for inventory reporting at Tier-III
Involve industry, industry associations, and
monitoring institutions
Data not in electronic formats Standardize data reporting and centralize data in
usable electronic format
Security concerns Protocols to access data
Procedural delays Awareness generation
Technical and
institutional capacity
Training the activity data generating institutions in inventory
methodologies and data formats
Extensive training programmes
Institutionalize linkages of inventory estimation and climate change
Wider dissemination activities
emission coefcients
Inadequate sample size for representative emission coefcient
measurements in many sub-sectors
Conduct more measurements, statistical
Non-availability of resources to sustain National Communication networks Global Environment Facility (GEF)/International
timely funding
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 247
Inventory in LULUCF sector requires activity data on area
under different forest types and the area subjected to land
use change as well as the changes in carbon stocks of
different land use categories or forest types. The data
needs, features and current status are given in Table 7.2,
and a snapshot of the future actions related to inventory
estimation, vulnerability assessment, and adaptation-
related activities is given in Table 7.3.
The forestry sector is projected to be adversely impacted
by climate change, threatening biodiversity, and forest
regeneration and production. The impacts and vulnerability
studies conducted in India have only made preliminary
assessment due to modelling and data limitations.
There has been signicant improvement from Indias
Initial National Communication (INC) due to improved
methods adopted for GHG inventory (IPCC Good Practice
Guidelines, 2003) methodology for LULUCF sector
and improved dynamic global vegetation modelling for
assessing the impacts of climate change. However, the
inventory estimates as well as impact assessments are
characterized by data limitations and uncertainty. Thus,
there is a need for initiating long-term studies to monitor
the carbon stocks and changes as well as impacts of
climate change on forest vegetation parameters .
During INC, an equilibrium model BIOME4 was used
for assessing the impacts of climate change on forest
vegetation. This study as well as other studies conducted
in India faced limitations of regional climate projections
at ner grid scales, access to only equilibrium models,
and lack of climate, vegetation, and soil data needed
for projecting impacts of climate change on vegetation.
The tropical forests such as those in the Western Ghats
are highly diverse, with vegetation changing every few
kilometres. However, equilibrium models such as BIOME,
MAPPS, and TVM-IMAGE have been applied to model
changes in global biome boundaries, and thus, may have
limitations for regional scale assessments. Dynamic forest
models are required to simulate the transient response
Table 7.2: Data needs for greenhouse gas inventory in the land use, land-use change and forestry sector
Sl. No. Data elds Format in which required Status/problems
1 Terrain (elevation/topography),
aspect data
Digital elevation model (DEM) directory (resolution
1:250,000 with 50,000 desirable in select areas
especially with greater elevation range)
Available in public domain but data under
classied domain, that is, one-third of the
data not available, including coastal areas
and international boundaries
2 Land use data Processed satellite data (1:250,000 with 50,000
desirable in select areas, especially with greater
elevation range)
Satellite data (1:50,000), non-availability of
processed data, costs involved
3 Soil prole data Digital (1:250,000 with 50,000 desirable in select
areas especially with greater elevation range)
Status (1:250,000) available
4 Hydrological data Water quality and sediment load location specic Data needs to be consistently organized
Groundwater data (location of observation
wells), dynamic data on water table uctuations,
groundwater utilization patterns
5 Meteorological data Daily precipitation data, minimum, maximum, and
average daytime temperatures, PAN evaporation
data, relative humidity, sunshine hours, solar
radiation, and wind speed. Time period is 50 years
No access to recent data (last ve years
or so)
6 Forest cover, vegetation map Spatial data sets (1:250,000 with 50,000 desirable
in select areas especially with greater elevation
Widely scattered datasets, the Forest
Survey of India (FSI) has not classied a
large proportion of the forest areas
7 Forest resource surveys Tree species, abundance, timber volume, etc Widely scattered data sets; practically
nothing in digital/ electronic form
8 Long-term vegetation data Permanent preservation plots Data widely scattered; location of plots on
ground unknown in many cases
9 Plant and animal species
Spatial digitized data for select species Data widely scattered, may not be digitized
10 Non-timber forest products
Species and volumes, prices Data widely scattered
11 Forest plantations Species and spatial extent, year of plantation Data widely scattered
12 Protected Area (PA) network Digitized maps (1: 250,000) Data widely scattered
13 Socio-economic data sets
Village, tribal, and forest dependent datasets Scale availability might be a concern
248 | INDIA Second National Communication
of vegetation to climate change as each species or plant
functional type responds differently. In a rapidly changing
climatic environment, there would be no chance for plant
communities to reach equilibrium or climax stage and
they would be dominated by early to mid-successional
species. As a prerequisite to identifying nely tuned
adaptation strategies, research on the impacts of climate
change on forests needs to be strengthened. There have
been signicant efforts to improve the methods, models,
and scenarios for generating more accurate estimates of
the future climate, its impact, and cost of damages, and
for the formulation of appropriate adaptation measures.
Country level, particularly, regional level impact
assessments are necessary for the formulation and
implementation of adaptation policies and strategies. This
requires developing methods and models and generating
local climate, land use, and vegetation data. An improved
understanding of the effects of changing temperature,
water availability, ambient CO
concentrations, and
photoperiod on the establishment, growth, water use
efciency, stomatal conductance, and biomass allocation
of forests is needed.
The climate impact assessment for SNC was conducted
using a dynamic vegetation model IBIS. However, this
too had several data limitations and uncertainties.
IBIS is known to over-predict grasslands, and at the
same time, IBIS tends to simulate a fairly strong CO

fertilization effect. IBIS is also known to have limitations
in characterizing nitrogen dynamics. IBIS model, in its
current form, does not include a dynamic re module. It
does not account for changes in the pest attack prole in
a changed climate. At the same time, climate projections
are currently not available in probabilistic terms, which
currently limits us from presenting a probability-based
forest dynamics scenario for India. There is uncertainty
in climate projections, particularly in precipitation at
down-scaled regional levels. Land-use change and other
anthropogenic inuences are not factored in the model
projections. Afforestation and regeneration (for example,
on abandoned croplands or wastelands) are also not taken
into consideration. Finally, due to lack of regional model
predictions for short (2025) and medium term (2050), we
are not able to provide policy-relevant recommendations
for short and medium periods. But it is very important
to recognize the likely trends in the impacts and adopt
win-win adaptation strategies, initiating at the same time
research to reduce uncertainties in climate projections
and dynamic vegetation modelling.
Research and monitoring to increase
understanding of climatic impacts and
adaptation strategies in forest sector
To assist policy-making in India, reliable regional
projections of climate change and vegetation response
are necessary. The regional-level Atmosphere-Ocean
Global Circulation Models (AOGCM) projections currently
have several limitations. A consistent set of high-resolution
information of climate change for different regions, which
can be used as likely climate change scenarios, is not
yet available. The methodologies to generate such data
are still maturing, and the limitations, especially for impact
applications, are likely to remain till signicant modelling
developments occur. Also, the information available
currently is insufcient, and existing climate models lack
the spatial details required to make condent projections.
India has a large diversity of tropical and sub-tropical
forest ecosystems subjected to diverse socio-economic
pressures. Climate change will be an additional stress
on the complex forest ecosystems. There is a need for
systematic long-term research, monitoring, and modelling
programme to study the status of forests, response of
forests to changing climate, model future responses, and
develop adaptation strategies. Currently, there is little
effort to understand climate change and forest response
related aspects in India. Some potential specic research
and monitoring programmes are given in Table 7.4.
Gaps and constraints
There are numerous gaps and constraints, which hamper
in undertaking research activities related to the forestry
sector. These gaps and constraints are there in the forms
of lack of knowledge, lack of technologies in developing
countries, non-availability of nance, non-availability of
relevant data, data non- accessibility, data organization
constraints, lack of well-framed and effective policy
framework, etc. The details of these gaps and constraints
are summarized subsequently.
1. Knowledge gaps
Although climate change is a global issue for discussion,
there are some gaps and constraints visible in the
knowledge of adaptation and mitigation aspect of forestry.
Key knowledge gaps include the linkages between
impacts of climate change and adaptation and mitigation
options. More research is required to better understand
climate change challenges and cost-effective solutions
at the local levels and to ll knowledge gaps. Despite
the emergence of more and more regional and country-
Constraints, Gaps And Related Financial, Technical And Capacity Needs | 275 Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 249
Table 7.4: Potential research and monitoring programmes in land use, land-use change and forestry
Sl. No Research theme/programme
1 Strengthening the forest area monitoring programme according to forest types at ner spatial resolution
2 Studies to assess and project socio-economic pressures and drivers contributing to forest degradation and loss
3 Field ecological studies to monitor the response of forest vegetation to changing climate at different latitude and altitudinal zones,
through long-term permanent research plots
4 Field and laboratory studies to develop plant physiological and phenological characteristics of different forest types as input to climate
impact dynamic vegetation models
5 Research programmes to achieve indigenization of input parameters for climate impact models
6 Improvement in regional projections of climate parameters; regional climate modelling
7 Development of transient ecosystem models that deal with multiple stresses: climate change and socio-economic
8 Regional climate model grid level database generation for dynamic vegetation modelling; vegetation characteristics, climate parameters,
and socio-economic pressures
9 Studies to identify forest policies and silvicultural practices that contribute to vulnerability of forest ecosystems and plantations
10 Studies to identify forest policies, strategies and silvicultural practices to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience of forest
ecosystems to projected climate change.
Table 7.3: Greenhouse gas inventory and impact modelling studies
Greenhouse gas inventory studies Impact, vulnerability and adaptation modelling studies
1. Forest inventory studies to monitor the stocks and uxes of
carbon in different forest and plantation types
1. Long-term monitoring of vegetation response to climate change
through establishment of permanent plots in different forest
zones and management systems
2. Estimation and monitoring of land use change matrix at the
national and state level
2. Development of India-specic plant functional types and all the
physiological parameters required for dynamic global vegetation
3. Estimation and monitoring of soil carbon stocks in different land
use systems as well as land use change systems
3. Impact assessment using multiple dynamic global vegetation
4. Monitoring of forest res in different regions and the biomass
4. Impact assessment using multiple climate models and multiple
scenarios of climate change
5. Developing models for soil carbon dynamics in different land use
5. Identifying the indicators of vulnerability of forest ecosystems and
developing vulnerability index maps
6. Developing carbon balance models for Indian land use systems 6. Monitoring of different adaptation practices and their implications
for resilience of different species to projected warming and
climate change
7. Capacity building in forest departments for forest inventory 7. Developing monitoring mechanisms for adaptation projects
8. Generating database for Clean Development Mechanism and
Greening India Mission projects for estimating carbon benets
As climate change is an issue of discussion at international,
national, and regional levels, it is basically a local and
location-specic phenomenon and forests have extreme
capacity to mitigate the impact of climate change, but
climate change also affects the adaptive and mitigative
potential of forests. So it is necessary to develop or
design location-specic methodologies and strategies of
adaptation and mitigation for the forestry sector. Otherwise
it will not be able to cope up with climate variability. Since,
local forest-related knowledge is declining in most regions
of the world, it is important to strengthen and upgrade the
knowledge of local and indigenous community for better
adaptation and mitigation.
specic studies on climate change in India in recent years,
knowledge gaps remain huge. There is an urgent need
for undertaking more research at regional level to better
understand the climate change and its impact, risks and
vulnerability, adaptation needs, and mitigation potential at
local levels. To undertake such type of research activity,
there are many barriers. Some signicant gaps from
aspects of knowledge are as follows.
Knowledge and information gaps on climate change
and solutions at local levels.
Lack of International and regional cooperation in
250 | INDIA Second National Communication
2. Financial gaps
There is a need to translate policy statements into
strategies and strategies into budgetary allocations.
There is an urgent need for action and investment
planning for the research activities of the forestry sector.
It is important to make simple and easy approachable
rules and regulations to funding the project work related
to adaptation and mitigation activity.
3. Research gaps
There is a considerable gap in our knowledge on various
aspects of climate change, such as
First, there is much to learn about the potential
magnitude and rate of climate change at the regional
and local levels, and subsequent impacts on the full
range of biodiversity endpoints and ecosystems.
Second, there is no consolidated literature of proven
biodiversity conservation techniques, or climate
adaptation techniques, covering all the eco-regions
of India.
Third, detailed analyses need to be developed
for each of the priority climate change threats to
biodiversity and other natural resources.
A further strategic approach is needed for detailed
research on different ecosystem services and functions
to estimate the potential impacts of climate change.
Such research could develop adaptation mechanisms
and/or highlight mechanisms that have already been
implemented by local people in response to the changing
environment. Detailed indicative research is also essential
to dene mitigation strategies at the policy level, which
need prioritizing at the government/international level.
Apart from the above, some potential areas of research
that should be considered are the inter-comparison of
key physical and biological processes along a series of
transects placed over the region; the establishment of a
comprehensive regional database; and an in-depth study
of the major forest areas of India.
4. Technological and capacity building gaps
The forestry sector has not been able to tap into the
advances in technology to the optimal level, and there is
a vast gap in the current technology applications and their
adaptation to the day-to-day working of forest research.
Besides, the local capacity to collect data at regional level
is weak. Before implementing technological advances
in statistical data reporting work, it is necessary to build
adequate capacity for the collection of data from primary
sources. The primary data collector should be well versed
not only with the terminology of the database, but also with
the importance of such a database to ensure sincerity in
the work. The capacity-building programmes should have
a sustainable structure aiming at timely upgradation with
the technology. Use of local and wide area networks is
essential to ensure on-time data availability.
5. Monitoring mechanism
There is a need for more organized and structured
monitoring system for better output in research activity
related to climate change. This monitoring needs to be
done at regional and national levels at regular intervals.
6. Institutional constraints
There are some institutional constraints to undertake
research activity in the eld of adaptation and mitigation in
the forestry sector. In view of the growing complexities of
economic development and the technical issues involved,
it seems necessary to remove the institutional constraints
in the country in an efcient and coherent manner.
7. Gaps and constraints at policy level
India was among the rst few countries in the world
to provide for the protection and improvement of the
environment in the national constitution, and it has taken
several steps in designing policies and legislation to
overcome environmental problems.
Since the National Action Plan on Climate Change
(NAPCC) is still in its initial phase, enormous work will need
to be done. Cumulatively, over a period of several years,
the Missions of NAPCC could help in gradual removal of
bottlenecks at the policy level, as well as boost a strategic
shift to enhance adaptation/mitigation activities. There is
also a need to develop sector-specic climate policies,
measures, and regulations that could help in adaptation
and mitigation activities.
8. Gap and constraints in data collection and impact
assessment capacity
There exists a signicant data gap. Climate change is
an interdisciplinary subject that cuts across physics,
chemistry, biology, earth sciences, economics, technology
development, etc. Therefore, multiple data sets are required
even to simulate the current situations by different models.
Current data on climate, natural ecosystems, forest
boundaries, forest productivity, soils, and socio-economic
parameters, amongst others, is continuously required. It
is essential to have accessibility to databases that reect
national and regional concerns. Various agencies in India
are presently collecting such data on a regular basis.
However, efforts need to be made to establish an effective
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 251
mechanism for sharing and accessing this data in formats
that can be easily deciphered.
The forest sector provides an interesting opportunity to
analyse and understand the synergy/trade-off between
mitigation and adaptation. Thus, it is necessary to model
and study the opportunity to promote mitigation in
adaptation programmes and projects.
Improving data collection and sharing results at national,
regional, and international levels will improve the work
quality regarding adaptation and mitigation. It can also
increase the detail of climate impact assessments to a
scale that is meaningful for optimizing adaptation and
mitigation measures, and operating nearly real-time
early warning and hotspots warning systems for forestry
in India. This refers particularly to the 1015 years time
horizon over which the reliability of impact projections is
probably acceptable and the planning of responses is
probably realistic.
9. Need for long term observations
New systematic observations that are long term in nature
must be taken up on a continuous basis in India to add
to the SouthSouth database on physical and biological
systems, for example, data on forest vegetation types.
In India, forest observation plots were established in
the early nineteenth century to observe the changes in
nature of forest vegetation in different regions. However,
most of these plots have not been continuously observed,
and as a result, data on the vegetation types, forest soil
characteristics, etc. is not easily available, which could
have been effectively used for modelling. There is an
urgent need to revive these plots. The data variables from
these plots have to be observed for a long period of time
to attribute the effects of climate on various systems. The
results need to be shared through a network of institutions
engaged in these studies.
10. Climate-related capacity needs in forestry
Country capacity to assess and apply adaptation and
mitigation measures in forestry is weak at two levels:
national institutional frameworks and adaptive capacity
of local populations to climate change and variability. To
implement national climate change and forest policies,
there is need for in-depth knowledge of appropriate
methods and tools as well as awareness of available
funding mechanisms, such as the carbon market and
adaptation funds established under the IPCC.
Extension services will need to be strengthened
substantially in order to address adaptation and mitigation
for them to provide an efcient interface between policy-
makers and the forest community. Recognizing that
climate change will alter many existing equilibriums,
socio-economic dynamics must be considered, and the
role of all the partners may need to be re-examined or
Identication of specic research themes related
to adaptation and mitigation aspects of forests
Our present state of knowledge on the relationship between
climate and plant performance is grossly inadequate for
the purpose of modelling future climate change impacts.
Research in the following areas is thus a key prerequisite
for coming up with robust adaptation strategies.
1. Ecological research on plant and animal species
and communities in relation to climate variability
and change: Keeping in view the sensitivity of plant
and animal species to climate variability and change,
the ecological studies of plant and animal species,
plantanimal interactions, and community in relation
to climate variability and change are required to be
carried out.
2. Dynamic vegetation modelling of climate change
impacts on forest ecosystems, biodiversity
and adaptation: The few studies so far conducted
in India are largely based on equilibrium models,
which assume that one forest type is replaced by
another forest type under changing climate. The
varying climate tolerances of different plant species
and the transient phase response of plant species
subjected to climate change are not analysed. There
is a need to adapt the existing dynamic vegetation
models for application to the diverse tropical
forest types in order to analyse the implications of
climate change at species level. The ultimate goal
is to develop adaptation strategies and practices to
reduce vulnerability of forests to climate change. The
modelling effort should incorporate adaptation.
3. Impact of climate change on mitigation potential,
carbon sinks, and adaptation: India has a large
afforestation programme, and it is important to
understand the likely impacts of climate change to
ensure sustainable management of forests and ow
of timber, industrial wood, and non-timber products
and conservation of biodiversity. There is a need to
analyse the climate impacts using dynamic vegetation
models and developing adaptation strategies.
4. Mitigation potential assessment: There is also
252 | INDIA Second National Communication
a need to develop a database on biomass growth
rates and soil carbon accumulation rates in forests
and plantation systems in different agro-ecological
zones of India. This data is required for a realistic
assessment of the mitigation potential of the forest
sector in India.
Agriculture Research Themes for Adaptation
to Climate Change
Agriculture is a key sector in India, as a vast population
base of the country still lives in rural areas and depends
for its food and livelihoods requirement on agriculture.
The agriculture sector is hugely dependent on climate
parameters such as rainfall and temperature, and therefore,
a signicant amount of the countrys resource needs to be
expended in identifying appropriate adaptation strategies
for the agriculture sector, so as to ensure food security
for the nation as well livelihoods security for its vast
population. Some adaptation strategies are listed below,
which would require considerable research resources in
the future.
Conservation Agriculture (Efcient use of resources):
Resource conserving technologies involving zero or
minimum tillage with direct seeding, permanent or
semi-permanent residue cover, and crop rotations have
the potential to improve the efciency of use of natural
resources, including water, air, fossil fuel, and soil. Among
other things, the efciencies gained include less land and
time needed to produce the required staple cereals and
allowing farmers to diversify crops and cropping patterns
or pursue other gainful activities. The technologies can
improve the sustainability of the cropping system by
conserving the resource base and higher input use
efciency and also mitigating GHG emission.
Change in crop management: Crop management, such
as short, medium, and long duration variety; change in
sowing time, which includes early as well as late sowing
relative to current sowing time; increasing the seed
replacement rate by the farmers; and change in irrigation
patterns and fertilizer application for increased input use
efciency, should be pursued.
Crop diversication: Diversication of crop and livestock
varieties, including the replacement of plant types, cultivars,
hybrids, and animal breeds with new varieties intended for
higher drought or heat tolerance, has been advocated as
having the potential to increase productivity in the face
of temperature and moisture stresses. Diversity in seed
genetic structure and composition has been recognized
as an effective defence against disease and pest outbreak
and climate hazards. Moreover, the demand for high value
foods such as fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, eggs, and sh
is increasing because of growing income and urbanization.
This is reducing the demand for traditional rice and wheat.
Diversication from ricewheat to high value commodities
will increase income and result in reduced water and
fertilizer use. However, there is a need to quantify the
impacts of crop diversication on income, employment,
soil health, water use, and GHG emission. The most
signicant problem to overcome is that diversication is
costly in terms of the income opportunities that farmers
forego, that is, switching crop varieties can be expensive,
and making crop diversication typically less protable
than specialization. Moreover, traditions can often be
difcult to overcome and will dictate local practices.
Adjusting cropping season: Adjustment of
planting dates to minimize the effect of temperature
increase- induced spikelet sterility can be used to reduce
yield instability, by avoiding having the owering period to
coincide with the hottest period. Adaptation measures to
reduce the negative effects of increased climatic variability
as normally experienced in arid and semi-arid tropics may
include changing the cropping calendar to take advantage
of the wet period and avoiding extreme weather events
(for example, typhoons and storms) during the growing
season. Cropping systems may have to change to include
growing suitable cultivars (to counteract compression of
crop development), increasing crop intensities (that is,
the number of successive crop produced per unit area
per year) or planting different types of crops. Farmers
will have to adapt to changing hydrological regimes by
changing crops.
Augmenting production and income: Production can
be enhanced by improved crop management, improved
adverse climate tolerant varieties, improved seed
sector, using technology dissemination mechanisms,
making available capital and information, which are the
key reasons for yield gaps. Watershed management
programme can yield multiple benets. Such strategies
could be very useful in future climatic stress conditions.
Income can be increased from agricultural enterprises by
suitable actions such as accelerated evolution of location-
specic fertilizer practices, improved fertilizer supply and
distribution system, improved water and fertilizer use.
Early warning system and crop insurance: Improved
risk management can be carried out through early warning
system and crop insurance policies that encourage crop
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 253
insurance and can provide protection to the farmers if
their farm production is reduced due to natural calamities.
In view of these climatic changes and the uncertainties
in future agricultural technologies and trade scenarios, it
will be very useful to have an early warning system of
environmental changes and their spatial and temporal
magnitude. Such a system could help in determining the
potential food-insecure areas and communities, given the
type of risk. Modern tools of information technology could
greatly facilitate this.
Water management: In situ soilwater management,
particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, where crop
growth is severely limited by water decit even if nutrient
availability is adequate, is important for enhancing
productivity and organic carbon content of soil. Water
harvesting techniques and micro catchments are
extremely benecial in increasing biomass production in
arid climates. Waste water and solid waste in agriculture
should be recycled as freshwater supplies are limited and
water has competing uses, and it would become even
more constrained in changed global climate. Industrial and
sewage waste water, once properly treated, can also be a
source of nutrients for crops. Since water serves multiple
uses and users, effective inter-departmental coordination
in the government is needed to develop the location-
specic framework of sustainable water management and
optimum recycling of water.
Post-harvest management: Harvest and post-harvest
management should be carried out for minimizing the
losses due to extreme climatic events or mean climate
change conditions. Providing community-based post-
harvest storage spaces at village level can help the
farmer to save the produce from exposure to any climate
related extreme event. Research efforts are required to
design the storage structures and efcient processes for
changed climate scenarios.
Harnessing the indigenous technical knowledge of
farmers: Farmers in South Asia, often poor and marginal,
are experimenting with the climatic variability for centuries.
There is a wealth of knowledge for a range of measures
that can help in developing technologies to overcome
climate vulnerabilities. There is a need to harness this
knowledge and ne-tune it to suit the modern needs.
Agriculture: mitigation of climate change
Agriculture has the potential to cost-effectively mitigate
GHGs through changes in agricultural technologies and
management practices. Mitigation of GHG emission from
agriculture can be achieved by sequestering carbon in
soil and reducing methane and N
O emissions from soil
through change in land use management. Changing crop
mixes to include more plants that are perennial or have
deep root systems increases the amount of carbon stored
in the soil. Cultivation systems that leave residues and
reduce tillage, especially deep tillage, encourage the build-
up of soil carbon. Shifting land use from annual crops to
perennial crops, pasture, and agro-forestry increase both
above- and below-ground carbon stocks. Changes in crop
genetics and the management of irrigation, fertilizer use,
and soils can reduce both N
O and methane emissions.
Such options are not only important for global warming
mitigation but also for improving soil fertility.
Sequestration of C in agricultural soil: Mitigation of CO

emission from agriculture can be achieved by increasing
carbon sequestration in soil through application of organic
manure, change in soil management, and restoration of
soil carbon on degraded land. Soil management practices
such as reduced tillage, manuring, residue incorporation,
improving soil biodiversity, micro-aggregation, and
mulching can play an important role in sequestering
carbon in soil. Sequestration of carbon in soil is not
only important for global warming mitigation but also for
improving soil fertility.
Mitigating methane emission from rice elds:
The strategies for mitigating methane emission from
rice cultivation could be altering water management,
particularly promoting mid-season aeration by short-
term drainage; improving organic matter management
by promoting aerobic degradation through composting
or incorporating it into soil during off-season drained
period; use of rice cultivars with few unproductive tillers,
high root oxidative activity, and high harvest index; and
application of fermented manure like biogas slurry in
place of unfermented farmyard manure. Direct-seeding
of rice (DSR) could be a potential option for reducing
methane emission. Methane is emitted from soil when
it is continuously submerged as in case of conventional
puddled transplanted rice. However, the DSR crop does not
require continuous soil submergence, thereby reducing or
totally eliminating methane emission when it is grown as
an aerobic crop. As the DSR reduces methane emission
drastically it has considerable potential (about 75%) to
reduce the global warming potential (GWP) compared to
conventional puddled transplanted rice.
Efcient manure management using biogas plant for
global warming mitigation: Biogas technology, besides
supplying energy and manure, provides an excellent
254 | INDIA Second National Communication
opportunity for mitigating GHG emission and reducing
global warming through substituting rewood for cooking,
kerosene for lighting and cooking, and chemical fertilizers.
The global warming mitigation potential of a family-size
biogas plant is about 10 t CO
Mitigating N
O emission: The most efcient management
practices to reduce N
O emission are site-specic
nutrient management and use of nitrication inhibitors
such as nitrapyrin and dicyandiamide. There are some
plant-derived organics such as neem oil, neem cake, and
karanja seed extract, which can also act as nitrication
Livestock Sector - Opportunities and
The livestock sector is one of the signicant contributors
to GHG emissions in India. Large uncertainties exist in
the livestock enteric methane emission estimates due
to variations in livestock breeds, body weights, growth,
feed quality and resources and their digestibility, milk
production, and emission coefcients.
Livestock species of India are well-adapted breeds, and
prospects for these animal species to adapt to increased
air temperature through traditional breeding and genetic
modications appear to be promising. More research on
possible adaptation of these species to elevated CO
needed. The loss in milk yield of these adapted species
has been observed to be small due to rise in temperature,
suggesting that adapted species will more consistently
yield produce under climate change scenarios in tropical
latitudes than in temperate latitudes.
Livestock production with scientic management practices
will reduce production losses. Livestock management
and proper housing under tropical conditions will help in
abating extreme productivity losses. The livestock producer
awareness of livestock threshold for physiological stress
can help in the adaptation of livestock to climate change
and reducing losses due to temperature variability and
rise due to climate change. Impacts of climate change on
livestock after adaptation are estimated to result in small
percentage changes in income; these changes tend to be
positive for a moderate global warming, especially when
the effects of temperature rise are taken into account. The
effectiveness of adaptation in ameliorating the economic
impacts of climate change on livestock across India will
depend on local or on regional resource endowments.
A review of various adaptation strategies needs to be
carried out to estimate future requirements of livestock
(species and breeds) to assess the impact of climate
change. There should be a scientic development of
impacts inventory for different livestock species based
on quantitative modelling outputs and qualitative
assessments. Assessment of the impacts in monetary
values for policy decisions making, use of multipurpose
adapted livestock species and breeds to minimize
impacts, and superior breeds with higher productivity
(meat, milk, wool or draught) may be encouraged only for
commercial use, and a livestock mix at farm level has to
be made available to our farmers. Farmers need to be
educated about the consequences of climate change
and options. Preventive methods for diseases and vector
spread may be taken. Use of suitable animal management
practices (some strategies and the related description is
given in Table 7.5) to reduce negative impact on yield and
production by short-term and long-term strategic planning
is to be formulated and executed at grassroot level.
Mitigating methane emissions from livestock
production system
Methane production from livestock, either directly through
the livestock production system or indirectly through
changes in the biodiversity, has signicantly contributed to
the GHG ux emanating from India. Livestock production
can also result in emissions of N
O. However, there are
ways through which GHG emissions can be reduced
from livestock through various kinds of management
and technical strategies, which would at the same
time enhance production efciency and result in lower
emissions per unit of milk or meat produced.
There are a number of options that exist to assist in
minimizing the effect of heat stress on livestock. The two
primary options are making some ration adjustments and
altering the environment that the animals live in. Mitigation
of methane production from ruminants has both long-
term environmental and short-term economic benets.
Manipulations in rumen through different possible
options are benecial to reduce the methane production
by decreasing the fermentation of organic matter in the
rumen, shifting the site of digestion from the rumen to the
intestine, diverting H
for more propionic acid production,
and inhibiting the activity of methanogens.
In addition to the enteric fermentation contribution of
methane from ruminants, one of the major GHG emission
contributions from livestock production is from forage
or feed crop production and related land use. Proper
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 255
Table 7.5: Strategies for adaptation studies in the livestock sector
Strategy Description
Breeding strategies Adaptation strategies should not only consider the tolerance of livestock to heat, but also their ability to survive,
grow, and reproduce in the conditions of poor nutrition, and infestation with parasites, and onset of diseases.
Such measures could include: (i) identifying and strengthening local breeds that have adapted to local climatic
stress and feed sources and (ii) improving local genotype through crossbreeding with heat- and disease-tolerant
Scientic and technological
Working towards a better understanding of the impacts of climate change on livestock, developing new breeds
and genetic types, improving animal health, and enhancing water and soil management would support livestock
adaptation measures in the long term.
Livestock management
systems and water
Efcient and affordable adaptation practices need to be developed for the rural poor who are unable to afford
expensive adaptation technologies. These practices include provision of animal shade and water to reduce heat
stress of temperature rise and using improved methods of harvesting water resources through the introduction of
simple techniques for localized irrigation (for example, drip and sprinkler irrigation), accompanied by facilities to
harvest and store rainwater.
Awareness programmes Information about climate change is a crucial component of adaptation. It is very important that the knowledge on
livestock is shared with local farmers/communities. Training in agro-ecological technologies and practices for the
production and conservation of fodder improves the supply of animal feed and reduces malnutrition and mortality
in animals due to climate change.
pasture management through rotational grazing is the
most cost-effective way to mitigate GHG emissions
from feed crop production. Animal grazing on pasture
also helps reduce emissions. Introducing grass species
and legumes into grazing lands can enhance carbon
storage in soils. Improving the management of animal
waste products through different mechanisms, such as
the use of covered storage facilities, is also important.
The level of GHG emissions from manure (methane,
O, and methane from liquid manure) depends on the
temperature and duration of storage. Long-term storage
at high temperatures results in higher GHG emissions.
In the case of ruminants, pasture grazing is an efcient
way to reduce methane emission from manure because
storage is not necessary.
Agriculture contributes to about 17.6% of the total GHG
emissions of the country (MoEF, 2010). Considering the
growing demand for food in the near future and the need
for ensuring food and nutritional security of the nation,
the Department of Agriculture and Co-operation (DAC)
proposes an emphasis on growth in food production rather
than on mitigating GHG emissions from the agriculture
sector. However, apart from the two broad areas proposed
for further research in mitigation of climate change i.e.
emission from rice elds and N
O emission due to nutrient
management; there is a need to develop research themes
that have more focus on mitigating GHG emissions from
the livestock sector (According to MoEF, 2010; out of
the total GHG emissions from the agriculture sector, a
majority share i.e. 63.6% is contributed by livestock).
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation
The six critical priorities of the Indian planning process
are as follows:
1. Economic security
2. Energy security
3. Environmental security
4. Water security
5. Food security
6. Provision of shelter and health for all
Climate change would impact all of these in varying
degrees. Linking of these priority concerns with climate
change policies is the key to harmonizing sustainable
development and climate change actions. Research has
been initiated under the SNC process to assess potential
impacts of climate change on some of these concerns,
such as Indian agriculture, water resources, forestry,
coastal zones, natural ecosystems, human health, industry,
and infrastructure, including construction of consistent
climate change scenarios for India and assessment of
extreme events using existing models and expertise.
The work involves assimilation of existing research work,
identication of vulnerable sectors and areas, and a few
specic case studies for each sector. Lack of data and
national databases, resource scarcity, unavailability of
sub-regional and sectoral impact assessment scenarios,
lack of modelling efforts and trained manpower, and
limited national and regional networking of institutes and
researchers are some of the constraints highlighted. The
key conclusions that emerged from these assessments
are as follows:
256 | INDIA Second National Communication
First, during the current century, under plausible global
emissions scenarios, the climate over the Indian sub-
continent would be signicantly altered, with regional
variations in temperature and precipitation as well as in the
distribution of the extreme climatic events like hurricanes.
Second, this would be a century of development for India,
accompanied by rising incomes, stabilized population
(by the later half of the century), integration with global
markets, and enhanced social-infrastructure. The effects
of this would be increased energy consumption on the
one hand and enhanced mitigative and adaptive capacity
on the other.
Third, climate change would impact the key sectors of
the Indian economy, and in the absence of adaptation
strategies, could cause signicant damage. The water,
agriculture, and forest sectors would experience direct
impacts. In these sectors, understanding the regional
variability of climate change across different agro-climatic
zones would be the key to develop the response strategies.
The ecosystems would experience direct stress from the
altered climate. The impacts would vary across species
and regions. Thus, it is important to identify the vulnerable
species, examine their migration capabilities, and develop
strategies to enhance resilience and survival.
Fourth, the direct and indirect effects of climate change
on health are vital. While the temperature rise and
increased precipitation may exacerbate the vector-borne
diseases such as malaria and its spread to newer areas,
such as higher altitudes in Himalayan mountains; the
rising incomes, medical inventions, and increased supply
of social infrastructure would cause benign effects that
would mitigate the health impacts.
Fifth, the human activities as well as natural processes
along the long coastline of India are especially vulnerable
to changes in climatic parameters and secondary effects
like the rising sea level and increased hurricane activities.
Globalization processes are already adding environmental
stresses in coastal regions, as trade tends to concentrate
economic activities and population in the coastal areas.
Finally, in summation, the impacts and vulnerability would
be decided on the one hand by the extent of climate
change and on the other by the pace and quality of
development in the country. While a successful global
climate regime could keep the concentrations of GHGs
in the atmosphere within dangerous limits, the quality of
development would be the prime insurance at the national
level to deal with the adverse impacts of climate change.
The key tasks to address vulnerability and adaptation
may be viewed in the matrix of strategies and geographic
hierarchy (Table 7.6). Climate change is a long-term
issue, that is, the change in climatic parameters and their
impacts would continue to exacerbate over decades and
centuries. Therefore, the type and intensity of interventions
would enhance with the expiry of time. Strategically, we
therefore propose only the immediate, that is, near-term
tasks to keep adjusting to the advancing knowledge of
climate change and its impacts, emerging technologies,
and emerging signals from the global policy regime.
In the short-run, that is, within a decade, the immediate
tasks are to enhance capacity for scientic assessment,
Table 7.6: Key tasks for addressing vulnerability and adaptation needs
Geographic Hierarchy/Strategies Local National Regional/ global
Capacity building Monitoring, observation,
awareness/assessment at state/
district/city/ community levels
Scientic assessment,
measurement, models, national
research agenda
Participation in global/regional
modelling and assessments
Knowledge/information Locale-specic databases,
scenarios and assessment, local
monitoring networks
Research networks, National
databases (for example,
NATCOM), scientic and policy
models, national scenarios,
technology inventory
Interface with IPCC assessments,
interfacing with regional/
global databases, scenarios
and assessments, technology
inventory database
Institutions/ partnerships Community initiatives, early
warning networks
Stakeholders networks, public/
private programmes
UNFCCC processes, trans-
boundary impacts assessment
Policy/ instruments Locale-specic adaptation plans,
community-based adaptation
Science-policy linkage,
economic instruments (for
example, insurance, R&D
funds), integration with national
development/ planning process
Adaptation funds, trans-boundary
Technology Locale-specic technology
Targeted R&D, technology
transfer protocols, demonstration/
pilot projects
Scientic exchange, technology
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 257
generate awareness among the stakeholders, and
institutionalize learning processes. These tasks were
effectively initiated within the process for preparing the
INC. A network of research institutions exists in India,
which houses excellent competences in different areas
of assessment (like INCCA). In India, other organized
stakeholders like the industry associations and NGOs
are already participating in the climate change activities.
The institutionalization of the existing research initiatives
rst via coordinated networks and later via the creation
of centres of excellence would be a key task. The global
assessments, especially by the IPCC, are pertinent
inputs into the national assessment. Indian experts are
contributing to the IPCC assessments over the past
decade. Organizing a cell of experts, especially those
participating in the current global assessments, and
linking it with the government processes would enhance
the Indian assessment, besides improving inputs from
the country into the IPCC assessments. The Indian
Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) has
been constituted to institutionalize the various aspects of
climate change related research.
While major investments in adaptation technologies
may wait, creating technology knowledge base would
be essential to reduce transaction costs and transition
time. In case of projects building long-life assets, such
as infrastructure, including future climate change in the
project impacts assessment would be critical. In the short
run, building partnerships is another key task. Awareness
among stakeholders is essential for this. In brief, the short-
term tasks would focus on soft processes that involve
capacity building for assessment, technological learning,
partnerships among stakeholders, databases and models
to support policy making, vertical-geographical integration
of assessment, instituting policy-science interface
between government and researchers, and initiating pilot
work on economic instruments, such as insurance, for
efcient implementation of response strategies.
The medium and long-run tasks would best get crafted with
time. Though the specics of these tasks and timetable of
their implementation are uncertain, an a priori speculation
of these tasks indicates that instituting measurement
systems to assess the extent of impacts in critical sectors
would be an important task. The involvement of local actors
in developing and implementing adaptation response
strategies is critical since the impacts by their very nature
are sector- and locale-specic. A vital task would be to
institute self-driven and efcient mechanisms under a
global umbrella such as the insurance markets, and
adequate funds for adaptation technology development
and transfer to Non-Annex I countries.
In the nal analysis, any new initiatives, institutions,
and policies are executed through existing institutions
and under prevailing conditions. The apparently perfect
strategies designed to address a specic issue, such
as climate change, would be implemented via markets,
institutions, and organizations that are far from perfect
in developing countries. The tasks delineated above,
therefore, will have to be moderated and adapted to the
realities of the prevailing national dynamics. In India,
the present policy dynamics are imbued with reforms
perspective. This offers positive opportunities for efcient
execution of new initiatives. This notwithstanding, the
vulnerability and adaptation strategies to deal with climate
change have inherent implementation difculties on three
counts. First, efcient markets to deal with natural climate
variability are weak. This is evident from the incomplete
and inadequate insurance cover for crop failures and
against hurricanes. Second, the insurance market to
address the added variability from anthropogenic climate
change operates over the distorted baseline of existing
insurance market for natural climate variability. The
incremental damages due to anthropogenic forcing on
climate are difcult to isolate from the baseline climate
variability. This makes it difcult to assess incremental
damages as well as incremental cost of adaptation. Third,
implementation and coordination failures are frequent
in developing countries. The damages, therefore, may
far exceed those feasible under an efcient system.
Vulnerabilities, therefore, appear exaggerated compared
to what they would be under an efcient market system
or an effective public governance system. The National
Action Plan on Climate Change has underscored the use
of market mechanisms, wherever and whatever extent
possible, in mitigating harmful impacts due to climate
The future poses added perception problems for
vulnerability assessments. Sector specialists, who
are generally scientists or domain experts, carry out
most assessments. The scientic assessments make
projections of impacts of climate change on specic
sectors in a distant future, such as 100 years from now.
However, the scientic assessments often fail to grasp
the signicantly altered social, political, and economic
dynamics that would exist after 100 years, especially in
developing countries. The scientic assessments thus
err in assuming future climate to be operating in the
present society. For instance, the impacts assessment
258 | INDIA Second National Communication
on agriculture miss the fact that farmers of distant future
in India would be living in a country with high average
annual per capita income and would operate their farming
business in an interconnected world with signicant
global trade in agriculture commodities, having access to
superior weather-resistant seeds and efcient cultivation
practices. The country would be less likely to have food
security as its prime concern, and farmers are unlikely to
face starvation. Similarly, the residents of India then would
have better access to health and sanitation services and
improved medicines. The malaria would be less likely to
spread under such conditions, unlike in the present society
exposed to the future hot and humid climatic conditions.
The key to valid vulnerability assessment would be to
assess the future impacts of climatic changes in the context
of the then prevailing socio-economic conditions through
articulated and structured socio-economic scenarios.
These observations point to a vital nexus between
development and climate change. Conventionally, the
vulnerability assessments and search for adaptation
solutions have been conned to climate change
science and policy. The development is then viewed as
exogenous to the assessment, at best offering some
ancillary benets. The climate change vulnerability and
adaptation assessments conducted for India under
the SNC project validate the alternate perspective that
considers development as the key contributor of adaptive
and mitigative capacities. This perspective shifts the
search for adaptation solution away from climate change
science and policy to the broader domain of development
policies. The real baselines then emerge as the point
of departure of the analysis rather than as barriers
to achieving efcient solutions in the ideal domain.
Development then emerges as the source of solutions for
climate change and its impacts, rather than its root cause.
The key lesson is that the national development priorities,
driven along sustainable pathways, can be the drivers
of benign environmental changes. Thus, the integration
of well-crafted development and climate actions would
not only benet development, but shall also redress the
climate change vulnerabilities in developing countries.
The architecture of an effective climate change regime
thus rests on the foundation of a robust development
regime. If there is to be a reorientation of the energy and
other sectors in developing countries to meet the climate
change and sustainable development challenges, there is
a wide agreement that technology will play a central role
in this transformation.
India makes capital goods to the tune of INR 260,000
crores. This sector comprises Heavy Electrical Machinery,
Earth Moving Machinery, Industrial Machinery,
Engineering Sector and Machine Tools. The sector has
a multiplier effect on energy consumption. Energy
efcient machinery will save MWs of energy during its
lifecycle. Indian technologies for the manufacture of these
machineries lag behind the international best designs
from energy use perspective. The Indian industry needs
technology, nance and standards in order to achieve
global standards.
In the case of automobiles, emission norms have already
been introduced and the study of manufacturing plan of
electric mobility in the Department of Heavy Industry is
underway. In Heavy Industrial and Electrical Machinery
sector, Working Group on Capital Goods & Engineering
Sector recommended the manufacture of machinery with
new technology with certain percentage of value addition
and import of brand new energy efcient machineries as
against import of second hand machines by the Indian
Technology Needs for Adaptation and
Given that the technology needs of the developing
countries in relation to climate challenges are diverse
and that deployment often requires a range of activities
(not only technical, but many others as well), the term
technology transfer provides too narrow a perspective
and framework for successfully leveraging technologies
for meeting climate challenges. The agenda for moving
ahead must be viewed with the understanding that the
necessary elements must be appropriately tailored both
to the specics of the technology as well as national
circumstances. At the same time, the importance
of controlling GHGs through the application of new
technologies on terms that make such an application
economically and socially benecial must also be
recognized, as highlighted in the UNFCCC.
Framework for leveraging technology for meeting the
climate challenge (Also see Table 7.7):
1. Financial assistance: In cases where the high cost
is the barrier to the deployment of improved energy
technologies that advance climate mitigation as well
as the development agenda, industrialized countries
will need to fund the incremental costs of these
technologies. Such an approach has already been
implemented by the Global Environmental Facility
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 259
(GEF). One possibility may be to develop a policy of
graduated nancial assistance, where a portion of
the incremental costs would be covered by developed
2. Technology deployment in Annex I countries:
There is an urgent need to begin deploying improved
energy technologies in industrialized countries. In
the case of technologies in the pre-commercial or
early deployment stage, enhancing deployment in
industrialized countries could be the fastest route to
cost reduction, as the benets of learning-by-doing
accumulate. While large-scale deployment is unlikely
to take place in the absence of national climate
mitigation policies, targeted policies aimed at key
technologies need to be implemented sooner rather
than later.
3. Joint technology development: This involves a
cooperative technical programme that is driven by
technology needs of developing countries rather
than the technology agenda of industrialized
countries. Such a programme would have elements
that cover all aspects of technological development,
from basic research to demonstration and early
deployment, with the combination of activities for
any specic technology being shaped by a nuanced
understanding of the innovation gaps for that
technology. In the case of mature, well-developed
commercial technology such as supercritical power
plants, this programme would involve renement and
adaptation of technologies to meet local conditions. In
the case of emerging technologies such as fuel cells,
the programme would involve some joint applied
R&D, signicant adaptation to local conditions, and
even joint demonstration activities.
4. Knowledge sharing for enhancing deployment:
This is particularly important where non-economic
barriers hinder the deployment of technology that
otherwise make sense from the economic, climate and/
or Sustainable Development point of view. Sharing
of experiences in industrialized or other developing
countries and adopting policy approaches to overcome
these barriers should be very helpful. At the same
time, exploration of new and innovative mechanisms
should also yield valuable results. Furthermore,
analysis and development of appropriate policies
and programmatic approaches, tailored to the needs
of specic technologies and national circumstances,
would be helpful. It also would be useful to explore
alternative ways of enhancing and accelerating
innovation such as innovation challenges/prizes,
the creation of guaranteed markets, and IP-sharing
Table 7.7: A taxonomy of energy technology needs and activities to enhance innovation
Domain Key issue AREA OF ACTIVITY
Examples Basic
- scale
Ultra- supercritical
power plants,
hybrid cars, solar-
PV systems

Advanced space
compact uorescent
lamps (CFLs)

risk, cost,
combined cycle
(IGCC), fuel cells,
light emitting
diodes (LEDs),

capabilities for
in value-

Cook stoves,
biomass gasiers,
solar lanterns

260 | INDIA Second National Communication
5. Capacity building in Non-Annex I countries: Since
climate challenge is a long-term challenge, a case
can be made that building local innovation capacity
in developing countries will be critical for helping with
adaptation, development of appropriate technologies,
and effective deployment. This would not come about
just from stafng a few high-tech laboratories, but
also from training the next generation of technically
competent people. Therefore, it is critical to strengthen
local education and research institutions and ensure
that they link up to international innovation activities.
Research and Systematic Observation
Weather, climate, and oceanographic research
The Indian Atmospheric and Oceanographic Research is
committed to enhance the knowledge of Asian summer
monsoon (ASM) under various objectives, such as, climate
modelling, monsoon studies, climatic tele-connections,
predictability of weather and climate, climate change and
related socio-economic impacts, severe weather systems,
middle and upper atmosphere, boundary layer and land
surface processes, observation system, and data archive
and dissemination.
Main thrust of research in the Atmospheric Sciences in
India is to improve the capabilities of the existing General
Circulation Models (GCMs) and paleao-climatological
modelsto simulate the past, present, and future of the
ASM under the projected biogeophysiological changes.
Parameterization of sub-grid scale physical processes,
including convection and land surface processes to
improve the skill of models and inclusion of orography,
is another thrust area. Improving the model resolution for
better understanding of the ASM is also considered as
the main objective in modelling research. Other objectives
are to resolve several important ASM phases, like active
and break phases, inter-annual variability, monsoon
trough, inter-tropical convergence, southern hemispheric
equatorial trough, easterly jet, low level jet, etc. Interaction
between the tropics and extra tropics in the monsoon
region is yet to be understood, which includes the role
of blocking, shifts of the westerly jet, and other major
anomalies in the circulations of both the hemispheres.
Development of physical and mathematical models of
energy and mass exchange in the boundary layer of agro-
ecosystems and other land surface processes is also
projected for the near future.
Detailed analysis of ENSOmonsoon relationship using
Tropical-Ocean-Global-Atmosphere (TOGA) and other
support from World Climate Research Programme
(WCRP) is projected. Understanding the synoptic scale
and mesoscale phenomena in monsoon region using
satellite cloud imagery/ocean-land-remote sensing data,
radar, and other conventional data is proposed. Kinematics
and dynamical study of different phases, such as onset,
progression, withdrawal, break, and active phases, is also
considered as a thrust area. Interrelationship between
ASM and other global circulations is to be worked out by
statistical approach. Detailed study of winter monsoon in
India, which is the least studied part in Indian meteorology,
is proposed as an important task to enhance our knowledge
base and to improve the winter time agriculture system.
Instrumental capabilities are to be improved by developing
various ground-based remote sensing systems, such
as LIDARS, SODARS, spectrometers, photometers,
and radiometers. These are supposed to enhance the
capability of studying trace gases, including aerosols,
ozone, CO
etc. Role of CO
and other such constituents in
the evolution of atmospheric processes leading to climate
of the given region is to be studied for understanding the
atmospherebiosphere reactions.
Extreme events
Under the theme of extreme events, India is intended
to study the pre-monsoon thunderstorm activities in the
north-eastern region of India, intense vortices within
the monsoon system such as lows, depressions, mid
tropospheric cyclones, and offshore vortices.
To lower the impact of loss due to cyclonic activities,
installation of Doppler radars along the Indian coast is
being carried out. Multi-sensor instrumented aircraft ights
are to be incorporated for this purpose. Three-dimensional
models are also being developed for simulation and
prediction of cyclones. Support is being taken from
physical factors or synoptic features for studying the
cyclones favourable for the development and movement
of cyclone over Indian seas, with particular interest like re-
curvature and looping, and formation and maintenance of
cyclone eye. Associated phenomena, such as the storm
surges, are being modelled.
Agriculture sector research
The future pathway for agriculture research includes
inventorizing, characterizing, and monitoring natural
resources using modern tools and techniques.
Development of sustainable land use plans for each agro-
ecological sub-region in the country is underway. Another
agenda is to develop a system, which regulates the
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 261
fertilizers usage by increasing the fertilizer-use efciency
by 810% from the current level and its integrated use
with organics by enhancing the contribution of organics,
including bio-fertilizers. Management and monitoring
Table 7.8: Directions (meteorological and oceanographic
Name Launch Usage
CARTOSAT-2+ 2004/05 Remote sensing satellite
INSAT 3 series+ 2004/05 Meteorology,
telecommunications, extension
RISAT-1+ 2005/06 Remote sensing satellite
OCEANSAT-2+ 2006/07 Remote sensing satellite
ASTROSAT+ 2005/06 Astrophysics, environment,
KALPANA 2+ 2005/06 Meteorology, environment
MEGHA-TROPIQUES+ 2006/07 Meteorology, oceanography,
of soils for sustainability, on-farm irrigation water
management to enhance water-use efciency, renement
of technology for economical utilization of poor and
marginal quality waters for agriculture, and development
of location-specic model watersheds in various agro-
ecological zones of the rain- fed areas to enhance the
productivity are planned for the future. Weather-based
expert systems for enhanced prediction and improvement
in agriculture meteorology advisory services are planned
for near future. Increasing overall cropping intensity with
emphasis on energy efciency and alternate agriculture,
especially with crops requiring low water, is proposed to
be investigated. Development of agro-forestry system to
enhance tree cover in agricultural lands to support the
supply of fodder, fuel, industrial wood, and small timber
requirements on a sustainable basis and monitor climate
change and mitigation of its adverse effects on agricultural
production systems is also planned.
Space sciences
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has initiated
development of many future satellites, with particular
emphasis on meteorological and oceanographic
objectives (Table 7.8). ISRO has been launching satellites
with advanced payloads and is progressing in the direction
of advancing space science knowledge in India.
Sustenance and enhancement of established
Capacity building, networking, and resource commitment
form the core of institutionalizing Indian climate change
research initiatives. These involve a shared vision for policy-
relevant climate change research, scientic knowledge
and, institutional capacity strengthening (enhanced
instrumentation, modelling tools, data synthesis, and
data management), technical skill enhancements of
climate change researchers, interagency collaboration
and networking improvement, and medium to long-
term resource commitment. A step, with the formation
of INCCA, has been made in the right direction and it is
proposed to be expanded to include multiple stakeholders
at all levels and forums.
Several anchors have to be developed for sustenance and
enhancement of established capacities in India based on
policy needs and disciplines. Policy research includes
diverse needs such as international climate change
negotiation related research, contribution to the IPCC
process, sub-regional sectoral and integrated impact
assessment, adaptation/response strategy formulation,
mechanisms for mitigation and adaptation project
selection and nancing, and climate-friendly technology
identication and diffusion in multiple sectors.
Sporadic research efforts are continuing in India since
the last decade, such as the ALGAS, or Asia Least
cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy, initiative;
independent climate change related research initiatives by
government ministries such as the Ministry of Environment
and Forests, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry
of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture,
Ministry of Science and Technology, among others; and
the National Communication project; apart from a few
initiatives at individual expert and institution level. Many
Indian scientists and researchers have contributed and
continue contributing signicantly to the IPCC process.
Indias SNC project has, for the rst time, brought these
together in a formal network to cover diverse research
areas such as preliminary sub-regional sectoral impact
assessments, GHG emission coefcient development for
a few key source categories, and institutional networking
However, the procedures, methodologies, and data
requirements for GHG inventory preparation are not
known to most of the institutions generating activity data in
various sectors. On the other hand, a few research teams
in the country have the latest international expertise in
preparing GHG inventories. The National Communication
project has attempted to network the two. However, the
capacity building initiatives have to be continued, widened,
and strengthened. The existing capacity gaps have to be
identied, prioritized, and then strengthened gradually.
The focus has to be to institutionalize the process.
Climate change research has to catch the attention and
imagination of the younger Indian research community,
262 | INDIA Second National Communication
especially in the universities and premier academic
institutions. The second stage would be to keep these
researchers engaged in their pursuit. This is particularly
important in a developing country perspective where lack
of incentives and resources divert trained manpower to
better job avenues, creating a vacuum in national capacity
building efforts. There have to be sustained capacity
building efforts for a reasonable time so that the process
then becomes self-sustaining and institutionalized. Timely
and sustained international funding is critical to realize
this effort.
The networking efforts have to be simultaneously and
consistently extended to interface the research community
with industry and policy-makers. Industry would benet
from latest scientic research and GHG accounting
practices. On the other hand, industry concerns and
capabilities would also be reected in research. The
42 laboratories of Council of Scientic and Industrial
Research (CSIR) across the country are meant to provide
interface between the industry and scientic research.
Climate change concerns have to be brought into focus
in this networking, especially with regard to their linkages
with sustainable development.
Constraints and Gaps Related to GEF
This section covers national capacity development needs
for climate change related projects. Global Environment
Facility (GEF) is one of the mechanisms of the UNFCCC to
promote projects aimed at providing global environmental
benets. The ofcial GEF pipeline has only very few
projects from India, while the list of project concepts in
the country is quite large. The GEF Cell in the Ministry
of Environment and Forests has over 75 submissions of
project concepts.
GEF programmes and policies are constantly evolving.
GEF portfolio and operational programmes are increasing.
The programmes keep increasing (sustainable transport,
integrated ecosystem management, agro-biodiversity);
the strategic priorities within programmes keep changing;
the focal areas have increased (land degradation and
POPs); and many more executing agencies are knocking
at its doors.
The growth in amounts allocated to Indias portfolio of
GEF projects has slowed. Until 1996, a sort of parity
was maintained between allocations to the two largest
developing countries. However, since then, Indias portfolio
of single-country projects has slipped from being the
second largest in the world to being the fourth largest. If
country allocations to global and regional projects were
also considered, India would slip further behind.
Although GEF can only meet a small portion of the
countrys nancing requirements for sustainable
development, it may act as a catalyst for broad-based
involvement of various stakeholders. GEF normally
funds only one project of a type in a country. Since so
few projects have closed, it is still too early to assess
how successful replications have been, but we need to
undertake concerted efforts to analyse, document, and
disseminate to clearly established target audiences, good
practices distilled from pilot projects.
Suggestions to overcome constraints and gaps include
creating web-based eligibility programme; creating
Table 7.9: Indicative portfolio of Indias ongoing GEF projects
S.No. Project Name GEF Executing Agency Project Status
1 Alternate Energy Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Completed
2 Development of High Rate Bio Methanation
Processes as Means of Reducing Greenhouse Gas
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Completed
3 Optimizing Development of Small Hydel Resources
in Hilly Areas
Ministry of Environment and Forests Under Implementation
4 Coal Bed Methane Capture and Commercial
Ministry of Environment and Forests Under Implementation
5 Energy Efciency Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
6 Selected Options for Stabilizing Greenhouse Gas
Emissions for Sustainable Development
Ministry of Environment and Forests Under Implementation
7 Biomass Energy for Rural India Department of Rural Development, State Govt. of
8 Enabling Activity for the Preparation of Indias Initial
Communication to the UNFCCC
Ministry of Environment and Forests Completed
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 263
9 Removal of Barriers to Energy Efciency
Improvement in the Steel Re-rolling Mill Sector
Ministry of Steel Completed
10 Electric 3-Wheeler Market Launch Phase Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) and
Bajaj Auto Ltd, India, (BAL)
Under Implementation
11 Removal of Barriers to Biomass Power Generation,
Part I
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Under Implementation
12 Enabling activities for Preparing Indias Second
National Communication to UNFCCC
United Nations Development Programme Under Implementation
13 Achieving Reduction in GHG Emissions through
Advanced Energy Efciency Technology in Electric
International Copper Association (ICA) Completed
14 Energy Conservation in Small Sector Tea Processing
Units in South India.
Ministry of Environment and Forests Completed
15 IND Programmatic Framework Project for Energy
Efciency in India (PROGRAM)
Bureau of Energy Efciency Under Implementation
16 Energy Efciency Improvements in the Indian Brick
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
through The Energy Resource Institute (TERI)
Under Implementation
17 Improving Energy Efciency in the Indian Railway
System - under the Programmatic Framework for
Energy Efciency
Indian Railways (IR) Under Implementation
18 Promoting Energy Efciency and Renewable Energy
in Selected Micro SME Clusters in India under the
Programmatic Framework for Energy Efciency
Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME),
BEE, IREDA and Small Industries Development
Bank of India (SIDBI)
Under Implementation
19 IND Energy Efciency Improvements in Commercial
Buildings under the Programmatic Framework for
Energy Efciency
Bureau of Energy Efciency Under Implementation
20 Coal Fired Generation Rehabilitation Project World Bank Under Implementation
21 Chiller Energy Efciency Project under the
Programmatic Framework for Energy Efciency
ICICI Bank Under Implementation
22 Sustainable Urban Transport Project Ministry of Urban Development Under Implementation
23 Financing Energy Efciency at Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
India Bureau of Energy Efciency Under Implementation
24 Low Carbon Campaign for Commonwealth Games
2010 Delhi
Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee Under Implementation
25 Market Development and Promotion of Solar
Concentrators based Process Heat Applications in
Solar Energy Centre, Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy
Under Implementation
non-transferable individual, systemic and institutional
capacity for implementing projects in the sector
ministries; determining national priorities to sequence and
develop individual projects; streamlining approvals and
endorsements to reduce processing delays through single
window processing and inter-ministerial coordination,
creating a project mix with small grants, medium-sized
and full-sized projects and their structural graduation;
and facilitating project development and implementation
through project champions.
GEF Portfolio in India
The current portfolio of Indias GEF single country and
global/regional projects is presented in Table 7.9. Under
the replenishment cycles, the GEF portfolio for India is
broadly spanned over ve focal areas, including climate
change, biodiversity, land degradation, and POP.
Climate Change Projects
Improvements for future national
India would like to immediately launch the activities for
preparing the Third National Communication, reecting
commitment to the UNFCCC and would access further
funding from the GEF for this purpose. The following table
(Table 7.10) indicates the proposed project proposals so
as to maintain continuity in the preparation of information
for future national communication and also simultaneously
ensure implementation of the Convention.
264 | INDIA Second National Communication
Table 7.10: Project proposals for preparation of information and implementation of the Convention.
Sl. No Type/ sector Title Description
A National
Preparation of Third National
Communication proposal
The project will assist India in preparing a detailed proposal for Enabling
Activities for the Preparation of Indias Third National Communication to the
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
B National
Enabling activities for the
preparation of Indias Third
National Communication to the
The project will assist India in undertaking enabling activities to prepare
Third National Communication to the Conference of Parties in accordance
with the UNFCCC and build capacity to full its commitments to the
Convention on a continuing basis.
B.1 Inventory estimation
1 All Data format preparation for
greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory
Presently, the data being reported by the various ministries and departments
at resource and sector level shows some mismatch and the consistency
cannot be easily veried. It is imperative that the available data formats be
reorganized for removing mismatch and inconsistency in reporting data at
intra- and inter- ministerial levels in appropriate GHG inventory reporting
2 Energy Strengthen the activity data for
GHG emission estimates from
Indias transport sector
Analysis of the current vehicle types and their distribution in various cities of
the country and fuel use.
3 Energy GHG emission measurements
and activity data assessment
for biomass used for energy
GHG emission measurements and activity data assessment for biomass
used for energy purpose.
4 Energy and
GHG inventory estimation Data collection and GHG Inventory estimation to climb the tier ladder to II/III
tiers from the current Tier-I for the various sub-sectors.
5 Agriculture Inventory estimation Evaluation of sources and sinks of GHGs related to agricultural activities at
disaggregated level, including data collection and validation of livestock, by
age, sub-regional crop production, and sub-regional synthetic fertilizer use.
6 Land use,
land-use change
and forestry
Land use pattern assessment
for India for GHG inventory
Periodically monitoring and estimating the area under different forest types
as well as preparing a land use change matrix, describing the extent of land
use change from one category to another, preferably at .
7 LULUCF Assessment of wood,
agriculture products, forestry &
consumption in India for GHG
inventory estimation
Estimating the fuelwood and commercial roundwood consumption,
dung cake production and consumption, and agriculture crop residue
consumption in India.
8 LULUCF Assessment of carbon pools
in India for GHG inventory
Estimating different terrestrial carbon pools, namely, vegetation biomass,
soil, and litter carbon stocks under various land use categories and assess
changes in carbon-pools.
9 Waste Activity data improvement for the
waste sector.
Data collection and GHG inventory estimation to climb the tier ladder to II/III
tiers for the various sub-sectors.
10 LULUCF Inventory estimation Inventory of forest soils of India.
11 LULUCF Assessment of carbon pools
in India for GHG inventory
Measurement of above- and below-ground pools and uxes under different
forest types in India.
12 LULUCF Inventory estimation Inventorization, characterization, and management of forest invasive species.
13 Agriculture Inventory estimation Measurement techniques for GHG emissions from livestock and livestock
manureapproaches to measuring and standardizing measurements.
14 Agriculture Inventory estimation Modelling GHG emissions from animal agriculture in India.
B.2 Uncertainty reduction in inventory estimation
15 Energy Development of CO
factors, linking coal beds with
power plants, and impacts on
their immediate environment
dispersion and transportation of
emitted pollutants
(i) This project envisages GHG emission measurements from 40 power
plants (coal- and gas-based). (ii) Evaluation of the changing sectors of
coal use, including small-scale sectors. Investigation of characteristics of
coal in the country, linking them to the various coalelds, which are used
in the power plants. Comparative evaluation of the reliability of emission
measurements by direct measurement, traditional mass balance approach,
and continuous monitoring system. (iii) This will also carry out dispersal
modelling and ascertain the levels of emissions in and around the plants.
Will explore the sequestration potential of planned forest cover around the
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 265
16 Energy Development of mass emission
measurement system for GHGs
from the automotive vehicles
This will involve development and integration of techniques and systems
for measurement of GHGs (CO
, CH
, N
O) along with direct toxic emissions
(CO, HC, NOx and PM) for conventional and alternative fuels. Measurements
and data generation for emission factors in g/km of about 60 vehicle
technologies and vintage combinations. Procurement and commissioning of
measurement and sampling systems for GHGs.
17 Energy GHG emission measurement
from large point sourcessteel
This project envisages GHG emission measurements from 10 steel plants.
The process-based emissions will be distinguished and will be measured
18 Energy GHG emission measurement
from large point sources
petroleum reneries
GHG emission measurements from ve petroleum reneries.
19 Energy CH
emission measurements
from the coal mines
Cover 100 coal mines, including opencast mining, for CH
coefcient measurements.
20 Energy CH
emission measurement
from oil and natural gas venting,
aring, and transport
Cover all the major oil exploration sites in India.
21 Energy GHG emission measurement
from informal /partially informal
energy intensive sectors
GHG emission measurements from fully/partially informal energy-intensive
sectors like brick manufacturing, sugar, ceramics, etc. About 10 sectors are
proposed to be covered here. The major ones being brick (sample about
100 kilns), sugar (sample about 50 units), soda ash (sample about 5 units),
textile (sample about 20 units), ceramics (sample about 30 units), and
chemical and dyes (sample about 30 units).
22 Industrial process Reduction of uncertainties in
GHG emissions factor in lime and
cement sectors in India
This project will help to reduce the uncertainties in CO
emission coefcients
derived for the INC. The work programme will entail systematic collection
of CO
uxes, samples of raw materials, and intermediate and nal products
for analysis. About 50 cement plants representing prevalent technologies for
producing cement in India will be covered.
23 Industrial
GHG emission coefcient
measurements from industrial
GHG emission coefcient measurements from industrial processes like,
aluminium production, soda ash use, pulp and paper production, etc.
24 Agriculture Nitrous oxide emission from
selected agricultural elds of rice
and paddy
Irrigated rice and dryland farming are major sources of CH
and N
O in
selected agro-ecological zones consisting of irrigated as well as dryland
farming. The project will measure CH
and N
O emission coefcients from
25 Agriculture (i) Measurement of CH
and N
emission coefcients for rice
cultivation (ii) Development of
emission coefcient of non-CO

gas emissions from major
agriculture crop residue
This will involve setting up a network of stations for continuous and more
rened measurement of these emissions for the entire season of rice
growth and year, assessment of fertilizer used, types of cultivars planted,
soil carbon, etc. to ascertain the dependence of CH
and N
O emissions on
these parameters. Also individual measurements of changes in CH
under increased CO
environment using FACE facility will be carried out.
26 Agriculture Measurement of CH
and N
emission coefcient from enteric
fermentation in animals and
manure management
This will involve establishment of CH
emission coefcients from different
types of animal categories in India, with focus on the major emitters
and N
O emission coefcients measured from different types of manure
27 Agriculture Measurement of N
O emission
coefcients from major soil types
in India
This will involve establishment of network of stations for taking year long
measurements of N
O for representative soil types in India.
28 Agriculture Soil carbon content assessment To assess the organic carbon contents of Indian Agricultural Soils at
emission and uptake
measurements in specic forest
types/areas to ascertain their net
sink capacity
(i) This will involve establishment of towers inside and outside forests tted
with online CO
measuring equipment and weather parameters, including
temperature, humidity, and wind direction.(ii) Determination of the rate of
photosynthesis, transpiration, leaf area, and canopy cover of different native
and planted species vis--vis reduction in GHGs, especially CO
30 LULUCF Soil carbon measurements, soil
carbon cycle modelling, remote
sensing and generation of GIS-
based mapping of land use for
Indian forest
(i) Setting up of network of stations for measuring soil carbon for different
soil types in India. The measurements will be carried out according to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) specication of soil
depths.(ii) Carbon cycle modelling will be developed.(iii) To get a perspective
of the land use and forestry of the Indo-Gangetic region of India, GIS based
maps will be developed by decoding remote sensed data for use in emission
inventory from this source in the future.
266 | INDIA Second National Communication
31 LULUCF Uncertainty reduction Generating emission factor/sequestration factors for GHG inventory in the
LULUCF sector of India.
32 Waste Measurement of emission
coefcients from domestic and
commercial waste water
(i) Measurement of CH
emission coefcient from domestic waste water with
distinctive composition.(ii) Measurement of CH
emission coefcients from
representative major efuent producing industries.
33 Waste CH
emission from selected
landll sites
measurements will be carried out in identied major landll sites
in cities with population greater than one million. The likely cities to be
selected for this study will be Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore,
Hyderabad, and Ahmedabad in India, where systematic collection and
dumping of solid waste take place.
34 All Undertake climate change
related environmental studies
(background measurements)
Continuous in situ monitoring of concentrations of GHGs (CO
, N
and CH
) from baseline stations at Kodaikanal and Shillong using gas
chromatographic analysers. Regional grab sampling programme for GHGs
using stainless steel sampling asks and gas chromatographic analysis from
a central laboratory.
B.3 Vulnerability assessment and adaptation
35 Climate change
Generation of high resolution
regional climate change
scenarios and investigating their
impact on the Indian monsoon
and on extreme climate events
(i) This will involve detailed diagnostic analysis of climate model control
runs to assess the skill in simulation of present day climate and its variability
over India.(ii) Analysis of perturbed simulations with SRES emission
scenarios to quantify the climate change pattern over India with reasonable
high resolution during the 21
century. (iii) Application of regionalization
techniques to improve the assessment of climate change on regional scale.
(iv) Study of the sensitivity of monsoon climate to natural/anthropogenic
perturbations by model output diagnostics and numerical experiments.
(v) Perform climate change experiments with global AOGCMs as well as
regional climate models, with special emphasis on the development of
realistic scenarios for the Indian region.(vi) Examination of the nature of
possible changes in the frequency and intensity of severe weather and
climate events (for example, droughts/oods, cyclonic storms, etc.). (vii)
Interaction with various impact assessment groups and design specic
climate change data products for use in their models through workshops
and meetings.(viii) Ware house for the storage of all validated and
downscaled AOGCM data products for South Asia, designed for regional
climate change impact assessment, high-resolution scenario data for
different administrative units of India (for example, states) and provide
regular upgradation to keep pace with developments in the area.
36 Indian emission
Generation of future GHG
emission scenarios for India
Articulation of alternate development pathways for India and quantication
of key driving forces. These alternate scenarios will be congruent to IPCC-
SRES scenarios and Indian climate change scenarios.
37 Various relevant
Development of vulnerability and
adaptation scenarios for India
Develop sub-regional vulnerability and adaptation scenarios for India which
integrate the cross linkages between different sectors of the economy. These
scenarios will be congruent to the Indian climate change and emission
38 Agriculture Assessment of vulnerability of
Indian agriculture sector due
to impacts of climate change
and formulation of adaptation
(i) Studying the impacts of enhanced level of CO
using Mid-FACE facility
in the country on grain yield of cereals important to the economy (rice
and wheat). The cereals under each category should be of different types
of cultivars. Incorporating these results into modelling.(ii) Case study to
understand the impacts of climate change on important crops in the country
using modelling approach and formulating a matrix of alternate cultivar/
cropping pattern/farming practices, etc. to adapt to climate change.
39 Water resources To study the impact of climate
change on the water resources
and to develop adaptation
(i) To assess water resources nationally, taking into account the climate
change. (ii) To identify future water scarce zones in the country. (iii) To
undertake case studies in some of the anticipated water-scarce zones in the
country and devise adaptation strategies for availing water.
40 Water resources Reducing uncertainties in
assessing climate change
variability and extreme events
such as droughts and oods in
Enhancing the temporal and spatial resolutions of GCM/RCM models to be
more specic to India and using the precipitation and temperature series
thus generated, as input to hydrologic models for forecasting drought/
oods variability and extremes in select water-stressed river basins
(Sabarmati in Gujarat and Palar in Tamil Nadu), and select ood-prone
basins (Ganga and Meghna).
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 267
41 LULUCF To study the impact of climate
change on forestry and formulate
adaptation strategies
Develop current (and past) climate and vegetation type linkages and
correlation and geographic maps of distribution. Evaluate, adapt, and
develop vegetation response models suitable for the complex, diverse
vegetation types in India. Assess the vulnerability of different ecosystems to
different scenarios of climate change. Assess the impacts of different climate
change scenarios on vegetation ecosystems in terms of shifts in boundary,
changes in area, biodiversity, regeneration and growth rates, and carbon sink
capacity. Evaluate different adaptation options and implementation barriers
to reduce adverse impacts of climate change. Develop policy, institutional
and nancial measures to implement adaptation measures.
42 Natural
To study the impacts of climate
change on natural ecosystems
such as the Sundarbans
This will involve study and modelling of impacts of climate change, including
sea level rise on the dominant forest species in Sundarbans. Modelling the
impacts of sea level rise on appearance and disappearance of Islands in the
Sundarbans area.
43 Human health To study the impacts of climate
change on human health
This will involve identication of areas where malaria and diseases related
to extreme heat or cold events will be prevalent in the future climate
scenarios. Identication of communities most susceptible to climate change.
Undertaking case studies integrating climate change and socio-economic
scenarios. Development of adaptation matrix to combat the impacts of
climate change.
44 Extreme events
and coastal zones
Impacts of climate change and
extreme events on coastal zones
(i) This study will include development of a sea level rise scenario due to
climate change along the coastline of India. Study on impacts of sea level
rise on specically densely populated area with important infrastructure. (ii)
Impacts of sea level rise on sheries.
45 Energy Integrated model development
for assessment of impacts on
energy sector
Developing software modules for impact assessment of climate change
on energy sector and soft linking the same with models of inventory
estimation to get an integrated view.
46 Energy and
Impacts of climate change on
energy and infrastructure in the
(i) This study will involve specic case studies to evaluate the impacts of
climate change on the energy availability and urban infrastructure in India.
(ii) Evaluation of adaptation strategies, including insurance to combat the
47 Energy and
Development of urban policy
response for integrating
climate change and sustainable
This will involve identication of issues in urban areas relevant to climate
change and development of methodology for linking them to sustainable
48 Agriculture Integrated assessment for
vulnerability assessment
Climate change vulnerability on productivity and quality of plant species of
medicinal importance.
49 LULUCF Impact assessment on forests
due to climate change
(i) Inuences on forest diseases and mycorrhizal fungi.(ii) :
Forest fungi: carbon losses and sequestration.(iii) Bamboo mycorrhizae.
50 LULUCF Adaptation needs assessment Socio-economic adaptation among forest-dependent communities to climate
B.4 Capacity building/enhancement
51 Inventory
To establish a GHG reference
laboratory for generating and
disseminating certied reference
(i) This will involve preparation and dissemination of gas-CRMs of CO
, and N
O. Calibration of gas chromatographs (GCs) used for baseline
monitoring for above gases.(ii) Preparation of uncertainty budget for
baseline monitoring for above gases for homogenization of uncertainty of
measurements. Validation of test methods and organization of prociency
tests for measurement of above gases.
52 Inventory
Nodal centre for synthesis and
coordination of uncertainty
reduction in GHG emissions
This centre will essentially validate and synthesize, and ensure application
of good practices for uncertainty management and quality assurance
(QA) and quality control (QC). Periodic training will be conducted to
update researchers on the latest good practice guidance for undertaking
measurements and also train personnel for undertaking measurements in
various sectors. Following the guidance specied by the IPCC good practices
report, this agency will act as a third party for implementing the QA/QC
53 Vulnerability
assessment and
Integrated impact assessment
for India including long-
term emission scenarios,
GHG abatement policies and
adaptation measures
Develop an integrated impact assessment modelling framework for India
using sectoral models, consistent scenarios, and databases. It is proposed
to deploy modular integration that is integrating modules consisting of
individual sectoral models, run using similar climate, emission, and socio-
economic scenarios. The basic thrust will be on generating common and
nely gridded databases for use in models.
268 | INDIA Second National Communication
54 Energy Setting up of Indian energy
systems model for medium
and long-term energy and
environmental policy
Economyenergyenvironment modelling using Indian emission scenarios
and shared databases developed under other projects. Major outputs will
include projection of alternate GHG emission pathways, energy intensities,
technology and fuel mix, and energy sector investment requirements for
India in medium to long term.
55 All sectors Organizational and institutional
issues for climate change
Creating awareness at all levels (grassroots to policy) on climate change,
vulnerability and adaptation issues for industry and infrastructure, energy,
agriculture, LULUCF sectors, through sectoral workshops in various
(vulnerable) regions of the country, dissemination, publication, etc.
56 All sectors Educating and informing the
corporate sector about the
emission abatement technologies
and projects.
(i) Create awareness about climate change in business sector, especially on
impacts on industry, cleaner production, Clean development Mechanism
(CDM), etc.(ii) Role of insurance as a tool of adaptation for long life assets.
57 LULUCF Modelling efforts Develop technical and institutional capacity for modelling, monitoring, and
verication of C-stock changes in LULUCF projects involving: developing
models for predicting changes in stocks of different pools in different
types of forestry projects; building capacities of institutions to undertake
these activities; assisting project developers and project promoters; and
developing information packages.
58 LULUCF Modelling efforts (i) Evaluation of forest dynamics and climate change through permanent
(ii) Estimation of regeneration potentials of the dominant forest species.
(iii) Investigation of plant invasion in the natural forest stands.
(iv) Models for predicting tree and stand growth and yield.
59 LULUCF Impact assessment Evaluation and monitoring the impact of climate change on plant diversity in
ecotone regions of important forest types.
60 LULUCF Adaptation needs assessment Valuation of forest ecosystem goods and services.
61 LULUCF Modelling efforts Ecological assessment of indigenous tree species for carbon sequestration
under different agro-ecological regions in India.
Thematic project proposals
Some thematic potential project concepts that are over
and above the specic projects presented in earlier
sections are presented. These include projects for
assessing vulnerability of various socio-economic sectors
and natural ecosystems to climate change, enhancing
adaptation to climate change impacts, undertaking GHG
emission abatement projects, and implementing capacity
building initiatives (Table 7.11). These, however, are
indicative and not an exhaustive listing of concepts. New
understanding, knowledge development, and resources
and technology transfers from GEF will enhance Indias
capacity to augment this list in subsequent National
Communications, and nancial resources would be
required to further develop these projects into full-scale
projects for funding.
It is envisaged that activities to enable continuous reporting
to the UNFCCC will involve more detailed development
of local emission factors, thus reducing uncertainties in
inventory estimates, focusing on methodological issues,
helping develop regular monitoring networks, maintaining
and enhancing national capacity through establishment of
nodal centres for climate change research, undertaking
impact assessment and adaptation related activities,
and increasing public awareness through information
dissemination and education.
India also needs to form a network of stations, which will
monitor the background GHG concentrations in pristine
areas and also concentrations in polluted areas. For this,
measurement facilities need to be set up at pristine areas
such as at Hanle in Ladakh (the Himalayas), which is a
high altitude station in the northern part of the country, at
Sundarbans in West Bengal, at Kodaikanal in the southern
part of India nestled in the relatively pristine environment
of the Western Ghats, and the Andaman Nicobar Islands
in the Bay of Bengal. These stations need to run like the
Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) stations and should
measure the GHG concentrations continuously. Along with
this, concentrations of SO
, NOx, atmospheric turbidity,
and atmospheric radiation (both direct and diffused) need
to be measured at these stations.
India has a large potential for implementing GHG
abatement options. This is primarily because the power
sector in India is still predominantly coal-based, and the
vintage technology status in power and transport sector
has considerable potential for efciency improvements.
Abatement projects are mainly in the areas of energy
efciency, renewable energy, and sustainable transport.
Capacity to develop bankable detailed project proposals
is to be enhanced in India, such as energy audit projects.
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 269
It is critical to ensure minimum performance standards,
codes, and certication for energy auditors. Energy
managers in industries need training. Commercial banks
need to gradually build their own technical capacity. A
project nancing approach to lending has to be promoted
rather than collateral-based loan nancing, for energy
In the Industrial Processes and product use sector, for
a consistent and continuous GHG inventory estimation,
it is increasingly imperative to involve a larger base of
Industry Associations in the preparation of GHG inventory
along with special attention to the involvement of industry
associations of large energy consuming industries.
According to the present land-use pattern, agriculture
occupies about 44% of the total geographical area. The
present knowledge base in agriculture sector regarding
the impact of climate change is limited to a combination
of sporadic eld studies and simulation models primarily
restricted to impact of temperature rise, in particular the
InfoCrop Dynamic Model. So far, the information that we
have on the impact scenario is limited to select crops such
as paddy, wheat, potato, cotton, coconut, apple, grape,
etc that shows differential behaviour of improvement and
deterioration in the yield with increasing temperature.
It has also been estimated that India loses 1.8 million
tonnes of milk production due to climatic stresses, thus
indicating possible threat to livestock. Growing stresses
in the agriculture sector will have a signicant bearing
on human health. With the present day conditions, the
Government of India is in the process of enacting the Food
Security Act. Climatic variability and climate change will
have a strong bearing on the mandate of this Act. Thus, a
coordinated research on assessment of climatic variability
and climate change vis-a-vis food grain production and
public health should be prepared at the National level in
the coming plan period.
Additionally, the forest sector provides large potential
for abatement of carbon. Though the deforestation rate
in India has reduced in the recent years, still, the vast
degraded lands can be used for afforestation and hence
for sequestration of carbon. For example, lands in and
around mines and the abandoned agricultural lands can
be the initial targets for afforestation.
In the Maritime transport sector, in order to move the
cargo in an energy efcient and environmentally friendly
manner and to attain sustainable development and to
decongest our roads, greater focus is required in many
areas, such as: giving a boost to coastal movement of
freight, promoting modal shift from road and rail to coastal
shipping and inland water transportation, investment in
support for developing infrastructure (setting up more
minor ports along the Indian coast and dedicated berths
for coastal ships at all Indian ports, setting up of adequate
ship repair facility and dry-docks along the Indian coast
for catering to the growth of coastal shipping, setting
up of LNG supply facilities, and setting up of rail and
road connectivity at the ports to the nearest rail heads),
incentivising the modal shift from road to coastal shipping
through nancial measure on the lines of the Marco Polo
in the EU and through supporting mechanisms
such as the Clean Development Mechanism.
Table 7.11: Research and demonstration project proposals for adaptation, vulnerability assessment, and abatement
Sl. No Type/ sector Title Description
A Adaptation
1 Agriculture Crop insurance and climate
Research to understand performance of various insurance models to
develop comprehensive crop insurance packages for Indian farmers.
2 Land use,
land-use change
and forestry
Vegetation modelling Develop, validate, and disseminate dynamic vegetation models for assessing
impact of climate change on forest ecosystem at the regional level,
including: evaluation of existing dynamic vegetation models; adaptation/
modication/development of dynamic vegetation models for application
at regional scales; validation for current climate and vegetation; and,
dissemination of information package on the dynamic vegetation model.
3 LULUCF Ecosystem modelling Long-term monitoring of vegetation response in Himalayan ecosystem/
Western Ghats with wide altitudinal gradient to changing climate, along the
latitudinal and altitudinal gradient, specically including monitoring climate
changes and vegetation changes; establishing linkage between climate
change variables and forest vegetation characteristics.
1. Marco Polo scheme aims to ease road congestion and its associated pollution by promoting a switch to greener transport modes for European freight traffic.
Companies with viable projects to shift freight from roads to greener modes can turn to Marco Polo for financial support. A company with a project to transfer
freight from road to rail or short-sea shipping routes or inland waterways will qualify for a Marco Polo grant.
270 | INDIA Second National Communication
4 LULUCF Adaptation policies for forest
To assess the impact of forest policies, programmes, and silvicultural
practices, to enhance resilience or reduce the vulnerability of Himalayan
ecosystems/Western Ghats with wide altitudinal gradient forest ecosystem
to projected climate change. Specically, it will include reviewing forest
policies, programmes, and silvicultural practices in selected regions;
suggesting policies, programmes and silvicultural practices to reduce the
vulnerability of forest ecosystems; assessing the implications of biodiversity,
silvicultural practices, and dominant species to determine the vulnerability of
forest ecosystems.
5 LULUCF Assisting adaptation for
vulnerable plant species
Anticipatory planting of vulnerable plant species in Himalayan ecosystems/
Western Ghats to adapt to projected climate change involving; identifying
vulnerable species that are likely to migrate; planting along altitudinal
gradient; monitoring performance of species; and making recommendations
on anticipatory planting practices.
6 Coastal zones Integrated adaptation policies for
coastal zones
Identifying points of integrating the adaptation policy, having elements of
both coastal zone management and sustainable development, into national,
regional, and local developmental planning and policies. Specically, it will
include: review of other policies, namely, disaster abatement plans, land use
plans, watershed resource plans; understanding local livelihood stresses
induced due to environmental factors such as groundwater degradation due
to sea water intrusion, coastal ooding, and erosion; understanding and
documenting the local traditional knowledge systems used in combating
these non-climatic stresses; and climate change induced enhanced variability
and extremes in ooding.
7 Agriculture Small and marginal farmers Develop suitable adaptation policy and implementation of few pilot schemes
to enhance the adaptive capacities of small and marginal farmers in India.
8 Water resources Arid and semi-arid regions Developing check dams and water harvesting demonstration projects in each
of the arid and semi-arid districts in India.
9 Agriculture,
forestry, and
water resources
Conventional adaptation
Develop a compendium of national indigenous and traditional practices on
adaptation in selected sectors like agriculture, forestry, and water resources
(oods and droughts) in various agro-ecological regions of India.
10 Industry Research on innovations Research on adaptation innovations in Indian industry for adaptation to
climate change impacts.
11 Agriculture Agronomic management To evaluate alternate agronomic management options to sustain the
agricultural production in relation to changed soil moisture availability in
ood- and drought-prone regions.
12 All Integrated impact assessment
modelling for India
Developing integrated assessment model for India to assess impacts of
climate change and corresponding adaptation requirement, in addition to
understanding possible abatement and adaptation measures, in various
sectorswater resources, agriculture, terrestrial and marine ecosystems,
human health, human settlements, energy, and industry.
13 Agriculture Conservation agriculture Evaluation of conservation agriculture (zero tillage, direct-seeded rice, SRI,
crop diversication, etc.) for climate change mitigation and adaptation
14 Agriculture Resource efciency Assessing the scope of water and nutrient, use efciency enhancing
strategies for climate change adaptation options for rain-fed areas.
15 Agriculture Rain-fed agricultural areas Developing climate change adaptation options for rain-fed areas.
16 Agriculture Adaptation strategies Characterize germplasm for climatic stress tolerance and develop varieties
for climate change adaptation using conventional and molecular tools.
17 Agriculture Adaptation strategies Development of C4 rice and wheat for climate change adaptation.
18 Agriculture Adaptation strategies Adaptation of the Indian marine and inland sheries to climate change.
19 Agriculture Adaptation strategies Adaptation of hill and mountain agriculture to climate change.
20 Livestock Adaptation strategies Adaptation of livestock to climate change with modied shelter and
improved nutrition.
21 Agriculture Risk mitigation Application of short, medium, and long-term weather forecasts in agriculture
for reducing climatic risks.
22 Agriculture Risk mitigation Development of drought indices and promoting their use in adaptation by
farmers and other stakeholders.
23 Agriculture Risk mitigation Development of pest and disease forecasting and surveillance system based
on ground monitoring, simulation models, and remote sensing.
24 Agriculture Adaptation strategies Develop community-based rural livelihoods strategies to minimize adverse
climatic impact in drought- and ood-prone regions.
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 271
25 Agriculture Adaptation strategies Evaluation and renement of indigenous knowledge for climatic risks in the
context of required production growth and mitigation.
B Vulnerability
26 All Extreme events and identication
of vulnerable regions in India
Impact assessment to address a range of possible increase in temperature
scenarios in ood-, cyclone-, and drought-prone regions, as these different
geographical regions are expected to experience variability in temperature
changes due to climate change.
27 All Economic scenarios and
vulnerability to climate change
Conducting scenario-based studies for various possibilities of extent
of climate change impacts, for example, for a range of increase in
temperatures, rise in sea water level, deforestation, economic growth and
emissions, abatement efforts, etc.
28 Infrastructure/
Climate change impact on coastal
infrastructure and industries
Coastal infrastructure is most vulnerable to sea level rise and extreme
events. India has many industrial complexes close to the coastal areas.
The infrastructure such as roads, railway lines, and ports will be adversely
affected by the changing rainfall pattern and extreme events.
29 Energy Impact of climate change on
energy demand and resultant
change in emission pattern
Increase in temperature and change in climate are likely to affect the energy
demand. Almost all the sectors will experience change in the demand
based on the location. The increased demand for energy will also affect the
resultant emissions, as most of the increased demand will be fullled by the
power sector, which depends primarily on coal.
30 Agriculture Soil and crop productivity Evaluating the impact of climate change and its variability on soil and crop
productivity (ve years).
31 Water Impacts of climate change
on water resources on
transportation sector of
agriculture goods
Will involve mapping the existing inter-state ow volume of agriculture
goods and assessing impact of drought conditions on reduction in
transportation and assessing opportunities for adapting to shortfalls in
agriculture production relative to food security.
32 Agriculture Developing genetic modied
Will involve developing species and conducting trials of the same, and
disseminating the ndings through biotechnological advances for improving
crop yields in drought-prone states.
33 Water resources Assessing the effect of global
warming on major Indian rivers
and aquifers
This study will assess aquifers and their behaviour in Indian peninsula vis--
vis their exploitation for water and hence greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
34 Water resources Impact of climate change on
water availability in Himalayan
glaciers and rivers
Himalayan glaciers and rivers have an important role in the Indian water
supply system. Temperature increase due to climate change may bring about
changes in the Himalayan ecosystem, which will alter the water availability
for India in short, medium, and long term.
35 Water resources Developing hot spot (extreme
scarcity) areas in the water
resources sector and developing
micro-level (household and
community level) assessments
of vulnerability and impacts of
(i) This will involve preparing overlays of mapssuch as maps for
drought hazard, groundwater development and degradation, surface water
development, road network, state domestic product, and state human
development indices, and superimposing the same to assess hot spots for
detail assessment of micro-level vulnerability assessment. (ii) Based on the
identication of hot spot states as above, conducting eld surveys in 100
randomly proportionate stratied sampled villages in each state for a total of
400 villages.
36 Water resources Mapping vulnerable population
due to climate change impacts
on water resources
Mapping national-level temporal (at ve years interval) and spatial (at state
level) distribution of vulnerable population at risk at state level due to climate
change impacts on water resources. This will involve mapping the current
demographic trends in urban and rural population growths, overlaying the
same with state developmental plans on infrastructure in water supply sector
and water sector reforms parameters.
37 Industry and
Assessment of impacts on
industry and infrastructure
Assessing impacts on industry and infrastructure through: preparing a
catalogue of historic extreme events, assessing the damages and providing
the loss estimates in coastal and inland areas, showing the spatial
distribution, developing detail GIS map covers with topographic, vegetation,
and geological details showing the major industries and infrastructure
systems and their components, and assessing sensitivities of different
components with respect to various climate parameters.
38 Agriculture Gridded database generation To characterize the extent of rainfall variability, surface water and
groundwater availability in various agro-ecological regions of the country at
1/2 1/2 grid (or ner).
39 Agriculture,
forestry, and
water resources
Asset vulnerability assessment Research to understand vulnerability by assessing type and extent of various
livelihood assets social, physical, nancial, institutional, and natural of
communities from various potential impact geographical regions.
272 | INDIA Second National Communication
40 Coastal zones Vulnerability assessment at
coastal village level
Assessing vulnerabilities of communities from 100 villages along the coast
to climate change impacts by using sustainable livelihood framework.
Analysing social dynamics and institutional landscape to identify points of
leverage for short- and long-term adaptation interventions.
41 Health Vulnerability assessment of areas
where malaria has been predicted
to shift in the climate change
Assessment of vulnerability of communities to be affected by malaria in
areas above 1800 m and in coastal areas will be the focus of this study. The
accessibility to health facilities and assessment of the current adaptation
practices and the policies of the government will be reviewed to understand
the adaptation needs of the aficted communities in the climate change
42 Health Assessing vulnerability of
communities exposed to extreme
Extremely high temperatures have been recorded in recent times in the
northern, central, and south-eastern parts of the country, which have caused
mortality. A study will be carried out to identify areas that will experience
recurrent intense heat due to climate change, and assessment will be made
of adaptation needs of the communities in the climate change regime. For
this, the current adaptation practices, including the government policies, will
be analysed.
C Abatement/ capacity development
43 Energy To study the level of non-coking
coal beneciation and its impact
on efciency improvement/
abatement of GHG emission in
thermal power stations
This will involve a detailed study of non-coking coals for the identication
of quality parameter/s, including combustion behaviour. Estimation of the
impact of coal quality on the boiler efciency will be carried out. Quantitative
assessment of the effects of the variations of fuel quality on the performance
of the critical sub-processes involved in power generation and GHG
emission will be done.
44 Energy Validation of the multi stage
hydrogenation (MSH) technology
for converting coal to oil
(i) The aim is to conrm the results of the batch reactor studies. (ii)
Establish viability of the process through generation of technical data,
required for upscaling the process to higher scale. (iii) Research for
increasing the present yield of distillates from 60% to between 85% and
90%. Commercial viability of this project to be carried out.
45 Energy Utilization of GHGs (CO
) for production of fuels and
This will involve conversion of CH
and CO
, producing syngas with low
/CO ratio (nearer to one), which is highly desirable in gas-to-liquid fuel
conversion technology using iron-based catalysts. Conversion of CH
developing solid acid catalysts based on heteropoly acids and other catalysts
to value-added chemicals like methanol, formaldehyde, and ethylene.
46 Energy Abatement of GHG via in situ
infusion of y ash with CO
thermal power plant: upscaling of
the process vis--vis associated
carbon sequestration and
(i) This will involve characterization of y ash samples from two to three
representative thermal power plants of the country in respect of various
physico-chemical parameters, including minerals and trace and heavy metals
content. Experiments to be carried out, under laboratory conditions, on CO

infusion of these y ashes at varying pressure.(ii) Assessment of extent
of infusion of y ash and consumption of CO
therein to be carried out.
Experiments on leaching characteristics of y ashes (treated and untreated)
with CO
infusion following shake and column tests to be conducted.
47 Energy Minimization of CO
and other
polluting gaseous levels by
suitably developing soft coke
technology as the source of
rural/semi urban domestic
This will involve development of more energy-efcient soft coke technology
utilizing inferior coal. Making suitable provisions for less emitting/arresting
the GHG. Improvement of the present technology for making it more
suitable for rural use. Generation of data/techno-economic as well as socio-
economic evaluation. Improvement in design/development of the xed/
movable domestic soft coke cook stove in view of energy efciency as well
as emission of GHG.
48 Energy Cleaner electricity production
through fuel cell technology
The project will develop a 1 kW MCFC system operating at 650C. The
performance of this system will be evaluated with reformed natural gas fuel.
49 Energy CO
sequestration in geologic
formations with enhanced coal
bed methane (CBM) recovery
This will involve examination of the potential for CO
sequestration in
geologic formations/un-mineable coal seams. Identication of un-mineable
coal seams/geologic formations in India suitable for CO
sequestration will
be done. Mathematical models will be developed for reservoir simulation of
CBM and for gaswater ow in coal beds.
50 Energy Improvement in solar cell
R&D studies to improve the efciency of solar cells to 15% at commercial
level and 20% at research level. This will be added on the already ongoing
programme of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
51 Energy Penetration of energy efcient
Demonstration projects for increased penetration of efcient technologies
(supply and demand management based) such as heat rate reduction,
electric arc furnaces, energy-efcient processes, efcient lighting, agriculture
pump sets, etc., in order to enhance scale and acceptance of efciency
interventions for GHG emission abatement.
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 273
52 Energy/petroleum Geological storage of CO

in exploration/recovery of
petroleum gas, etc.
This will involve injection of CO
in the petroleum wells for the recovery of
petroleum gas and other products.
53 Energy Removal/ absorption of CO

through absorptive media
This will involve identication and characterization of different absorptive
media for CO
removal and its absorption in thermal power plants.
54 Energy CO
decomposition through
plasma technology
This will involve use of an arc discharge device where CO
will be dissociated
to give rise to carbon and oxygen ions. A directionally aligned magnetic eld
can be used to separate out the carbon and oxygen ions. The carbon ions so
deected with the help of magnetic eld can be separately collected.
55 Energy and
Recovery of CH
from landlls
and paddy elds
The project will involve the study of CH
efux in different seasons at various
sites. The components of the measurements will include investigation
on CH
production potential of different methanogenic bacteria under
different conditions, the process of augmentation of CH
formation through
biological and non-biological means, suppression of CH
oxidation through
manipulation of edaphic factors, and use of inhibitors. The study will also
investigate and demonstrate the options for maximum recovery of CH
from landlls and paddy elds for heat and electricity production.
56 Industrial
Ecologically friendly and value-
added steel making process
based on vertical retort direct
reduction (VRDR) submerged
arc furnace (SAF)electro slag
rening (ESR) route
The proposed process attempts using hot charging of direct reduced iron
(DRI) into submerged arc furnace (SAF)/ electro-slag crucible melting
furnace (ESCF) from which the hot liquid steel enters the electro-slag casting
equipment to produce high quality alloyed steel product of near-net shapes.
The process is expected to be environment-friendly and techno-economically
attractive even on a medium scale of operation. The process has the
exibility to treat various feed materials and produce a range of different
steel products based on the local demand. Since the DRI based route
by-passes the conventional components such as coke and sinter making,
the process would require much less energy and would lead to substantial
reduction in the emission of CO
to the atmosphere.
57 Industrial
Non CO
GHG emission
abatement from process
Abatement demonstration projects in industries such as nitric acid, paper,
adipic acid, etc.
58 Agriculture Cost-effective abatement
strategies for the Indian
agriculture sector
Developing abatement strategies for GHG reduction; socio-economic
evaluation of the abatement strategies; possible consequences of the
suggested abatement options on agro-ecological system (short- and long-
term consequences)
59 LULUCF Enhancing agro-forestry in India Implementing agro-forestry in dryland farms to increase the tree resources
on farms, increasing the economic returns and increasing C-stocks in any
rain-fed region/ states such as Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu,
Madhya Pradesh, and Haryana. The scale of the project would be 20,000 ha,
covering about 20,00040,000 farms.
60 LULUCF Energy plantation in India for
GHG emission abatement
Provide biomass sustainably for generating biomass power, substituting
fossil fuel energy in any of the states facing power shortage such as
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh, where power generation is
mainly from coal-based power plants. The activities will involve: raising
mixed species energy plantations in about 6000 ha in a phased manner;
using high yielding package utilities; developing and implementing
sustainable biomass harvesting practices to supply feedstock to biomass
power utilities; and installing biomass power plant of 20 MW and supplying
electricity to meet the decentralized power needs.
61 LULUCF Carbon sink enhancement and
sustainable development in
Developing, implementing, and disseminating an integrated and participatory
approach for the re-vegetation of village ecosystems for enhancing carbon
sinks, conserving biodiversity, and enhancing sustained ow of benets to
the local communities in the Western Ghats region in about 10,000 ha area,
extending over 100 villages.
62 LULUCF Degraded forest regeneration To sequester carbon by regenerating degraded sal forests in Orissa, West
Bengal or Bihar involving: regenerating degraded sal forests for timber and
non-timber forest products; involving local communities in protection and
management of regenerating forests; and promoting biodiversity.
63 LULUCF Mangrove ecosystem
Rehabilitating about 20,000 ha of degraded mangrove ecosystem in Orissa
to protect the coastal lands and sequester carbon involving: identifying
degraded mangrove; protecting and regenerating mangroves; monitoring the
biodiversity, growth rate and C-stock changes.
64 Energy,
industry and
and waste
Issues in technology transfer for
abatement of GHG emissions
in India
Facilitating transfer of technology from developed to developing countries
through joint research and development, and adoption.
274 | INDIA Second National Communication
65 Industry Fiscal instruments for emission
abatement from Indian industry
Research and pilot projects.
66 Energy Role of technology in abatement
and adaptation of climate change
impacts on energy sector
Conducting intensive studies for abatement and adaptation of energy-
efcient technology and methods and identifying points of leverage in
market chains and institutional regimes for demand side management
measures for abatement.
67 Agriculture Carbon sequestration in
agriculture soils
Research and demonstration projects to sequester carbon in agricultural
soils by adopting appropriate land use options.
68 Energy Fuel switching Research and demonstration projects for the penetration of low and no
carbon fuels in the transport sector.
69 Industry Energy efciency improvement Research and demonstration of energy-efcient technologies in energy-
intensive small-scale industries in India.
70 Agriculture Enteric fermentation Research, development, and demonstration of low-CH
emitting feeds.
71 Energy CO
capture and storage Demonstration project for CO
capture and storage at one high concentration
stream plant in India.
72 Agriculture Carbon sequestration Carbon sequestration potential in Indian agriculture: biophysical and
economic evaluation.
73 Livestock Enteric fermentation Potential of balanced feeding and feed additives in mitigating methane
emission from livestock: feasibility and economic assessment.
74 Agriculture Mitigation studies Potential of organic farming as a strategy for GHG mitigation.
75 Agriculture Mitigation studies Optimal land use for maximizing productivity and income and reducing
carbon footprint.
76 Agriculture Mitigation and adaptation studies Assessing the potential and cost of agri-horticulture and agro-forestry for
climate change mitigation and adaptation.
77 Agriculture Carbon sequestration Carbon sequestration in soil through application of biochar.
78 Energy Technology development Sustainable bioenergy generation from rice straw for global warming
79 LULUCF Mitigation studies REDD+ pilot studies for climate change mitigation.
80 LULUCF Technology development Development of clean technology to transform atmospheric CO
into value-
added commercial products.
81 LULUCF Adaptation studies Eco-rehabilitation of mined out areas for mitigation of climate change.
82 LULUCF Technology development Biogas technology use and GHG emissions.
83 LULUCF Carbon sequestration Use of molecular procedures to dene the microbial ecology of ruminal
84 LULUCF Mitigation studies Use of additives and herbal compounds to improve efciency of rumen
fermentation and CH
D Integrated assessment
85 Energy Impact of climate change on
energy systems
Integrated assessment would require integrating supply of energy
resources (commercial and traditional) and energy demand keeping in mind
constraints posed by key drivers.
86 Built environment Impact on and of built
The required alterations and adaptation strategies shall vary according
to the building designs, materials used, technology employed, and most
importantly, the location.
87 Livelihoods Climate change impact case
studies on livelihoods
Livelihoods depend upon endowment and conservation of natural resources,
as well as infrastructure assets and man-made systems and institutions
available in a region. Under future climate change, an integrated assessment
is necessitated from the perspective of human development.
88 Gender Integrating gender issues under
climate change
Integrating future climate change issues with issues related to gender,
particularly women, such as the burden of water on Indian households
(particularly rural areas).
89 Health Climate change impact
assessment on human health
and livelihoods
Global warming poses serious challenge to the health sector and hence
warrants emergency health preparedness and response. Heat stresses,
vector-borne diseases, and water contamination are some of the main health
impacts projected due to climate change.
90 Water, energy Climate change impact on water
Integrating water and climate change with the energy needs would be
important from both the development as well as resource conservation
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 275
Some other thematic areas of research needing resources
and support for further development, as appropriate are
international and intergovernmental programmes and
networks or organizations aimed at dening, conducting,
assessing, and nancing research, data collection, and
systematic observation, which may include the following:
Forecasting energy requirements.
Energy usage efciency studies from producers to
user groups.
Socio-economic costs related to climate change, that
is, increased vulnerability to climate change.
Effect of climate change on marine infrastructure,
business, and marine ecosystem.
Conservation studies.
Assessment of carbon abatement potential.
Design of the Indian economic modelling in
conjunction with global economic modelling based
on carbon and energy intensities, and the cost
reductions from trading, including the compatibility of
domestic and international mechanisms, constraints
on emissions trading, transaction costs, and marginal
cost estimates.
Analyses of spill over effects on Non-Annex I
Technology development and diffusion for cost-
effective stabilization studies.
Studies on emission pathways.
Studies to assess incentive needed for the promotion
of energy-efcient technologies.
Promotion of research on energy-efcient building
Conducting environment policy research for economic
development and environmental changes.
Awareness generation and information dissemination are
two important aspects for climate change initiative in India.
It should aim at integrating climate change concerns in
the national planning process. Workshops and seminars,
promotion of independent research and publication in
climate change related areas, and website development
would be the main instruments of dissemination.
Dissemination is a continuous process that operates at
three levels in India. Primarily, it has been the Government
of Indias initiative, where Ministry of Environment and
Forests, the nodal agency, along with other ministries
and government departments like the Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Ministry of Agriculture,
Ministry of Power, Department of Heavy Industry, etc. have
organized workshops, seminars, and meetings. The latter
efforts are more focused on specic sectoral issues.
The second level of involvement is the participation of the
Indian industry. The industry has shown keen interest in
climate change concerns, especially in its linkages with
energy efciency improvements. Confederation of Indian
Industry (CII), Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (FICCI), and Associated Chambers of
Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) are the
three largest industrial associations in India. They have
established special Climate Change Cells in their portfolio
and are actively involved in organizing workshops to
improve awareness level in the industry on climate change,
especially on the multilateral funding mechanisms.
The third tier involves technical and academic institutions
such as research institutes, and universities and NGOs.
India has a thriving research and higher education network
that should be sensitized to climate change. Academic
institutes of international repute such as Indian Institutes
of Technology (IITs), Indian Institutes of Management
(IIMs), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Council of
Scientic and Industrial Research (CSIR) laboratories,
Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI), and The
Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) are already a
part of the National Communication network. A network
of institutions and researchers interested and working
on climate change related areas is slowly emerging.
However, these initiatives have to be strengthened and
further built upon.
Needs for Adaptation to Climate Change
Reduction of GHG emissions, leading to stabilization of
their concentrations in the atmosphere in the long run,
will neither altogether prevent climate change and sea-
level rise, nor reduce their impacts in the short to medium-
run. Adaptation is a necessary strategy at all scales, from
national to local, to complement climate change abatement
efforts; together they can contribute to sustainable
development objectives and reduce inequities.
In addition, the development of planned adaptation
strategies to address risks and utilize opportunities can
complement abatement actions to lessen climate change
impacts. However, adaptation would entail costs and
cannot prevent all damages. There are many constraints
faced by the developing countries, including India, while
deploying the scarce resources specically for adaptation
276 | INDIA Second National Communication
Lack of awareness at all levels
There is limited awareness among the developing
countries, where there is inadequate research on
adaptation studies. There is a lack of awareness at the
policy-makers level as it is at the academic research
level. This can be attributed to the uncertainty involved,
complexity of climate change and its effects, and the kind
of adaptation measures and policy needed. Nature of
adaptation studies would differ from location to location
and sector to sector in an economy and even at the micro
level, across different economic activities in a locality. The
studies also need to consider the stakeholders perspective
and their difference in endowment of resources and
Lack of research on formulating specic
adaptation measures for various sectors
Sectoral adaptation measures would depend, to a large
extent, on the awareness and understanding of the climate
change impacts. The lack of research on sectoral impacts
extends to adaptation research as well. Various sectors
like water resources, agriculture, terrestrial and marine
ecosystems, human health, human settlements, energy,
and industry have their unique adaptation requirements,
and there is a need for studies to understand the extent
of climate change impacts and the possible adaptation
measures in each of these sectors.
Lack of inter-linkages in adaptation policy
formulation and appropriate market responses
Adaptation to climate change presents not only complex
challenges, but also opportunities, in many sectors. Policy
formulation on adaptation measures has to relate to the
complex sectoral interdependence and interrelationships
in climate change impacts. This area has been scarcely
researched, and information necessary at the local level
for adaptation policy planning is generally not available.
This in turn also affects coordination with the market
responses in adaptation. Market responses would not
be forthcoming if there is no clarity in causeeffect in
the absence of proper information. Further, policies dont
reect such clarity and free riding prevails. Developed
countries have experienced cases of complacency and
maladaptation fostered by public insurance and relief
programmes. The developing countries, which may
experience adverse effects of climate change, have to
deal with equity issues and development constraints in
market responses. Market responses have to be matched
with extensive access to insurance and more widespread
introduction of micro-nancing schemes and development
Lack of resources to implement adaptation
The costs of weather change events have risen rapidly
despite signicant and increasing efforts at fortifying
infrastructure and enhancing disaster preparedness in
the recent decades. Part of the observed upward trend in
disaster losses over the past 50 years is linked to socio-
economic factors, such as population growth, increased
wealth, and urbanization in vulnerable areas. Moreover,
climate change impacts occur in the long term, and for
a sustained level research to enhance preparedness
requires enormous resources in developing capabilities in
knowledge and infrastructure.
Technological Needs
In the last decade, the Ofcial Development Assistance
(ODA) from Annex I countries to developing countries
has declined in nominal and real terms to such an extent
that private ows from developed to developing countries
have gained importance in technology transfer. There is
a signicant need for augmenting funding of technology
transfer from developed to developing countries, which
seems to have receded in the last decade.
The Government of India has been promoting low
emission intensive technologies for sustainable
development through programmes such as the Integrated
Renewable Energy Programme. India has one of the
largest programmes for promoting renewable energy in
the world. Activities cover all major renewable energy
technologies, such as, biogas, biomass, solar energy,
wind energy, small hydropower, and other emerging
technologies. MNRE is involved in the promotion for
development, demonstration and utilization of various
renewable energy-based technologies, such as, solar;
thermal; solar photovoltaic; wind power generation and
water pumping; biomass gasication/combustion/co-
generation; small, mini, and micro hydropower; solar
power; utilization of biomass, biogas, improved cook stove;
geothermal for heat applications; power generation/energy
recovery from urban, municipal and industrial wastes;
and tidal power generation. Commercialization of several
renewable energy systems and products is underway.
India targets to add 10% of new additions to electricity
generation capacity through renewable technologies by
2012. MNRE also deals with other emerging areas and
new technologies, such as, chemical sources of energy,
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 277
fuel cells, alternative fuel for surface transportation,
hydrogen energy, etc.
Global thrust on climate-friendly technologies is presently
focused on climate change mitigation, such as fuel cell
cars, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies to reduce
electricity demand, CO
capture and storage, etc. There
is a growing need to develop technologies that reduce
vulnerabilities of developing and least developed country
populations to adverse impacts of climate change. These
technologies have to be low cost and compatible with
local environment and socio-economic situations for faster
adaptation. Revival of and building upon conventional
wisdom, such as water management in arid and desert
areas, weather-proof low-cost housing, and less water
intensive night soil disposal etc. is also required. Modern
technologies should augment the conventional wisdom
for adapting to climate change. Various ministries and
departments of the Government of India are engaged
in technology development on diverse fronts that have
been synthesized through the Technology Information,
Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC). The
continuing work of scientists will remain crucial, generating
the knowledge needed to develop effective responses to
the challenges of climate change. North-South and South-
South cooperation on climate change is a necessity,
especially from developing country perspective, as it
needs the support for adaptation activities and technology
Capacity Needs
Beyond the sectoral and scientic or technological
capacity needs on climate change, the critical need in
India is to integrate the diverse scientic assessments
and link them with policy-making. Science has to provide
objective, scientic and technical advice to the policy-
makers, especially for a complex process like climate
change. While some experience of using integrated
assessment models does exist in India, the capacity
building in this area remains a double priority; rst, to
provide policy orientation to the scientic assessments
and second, to provide robust scientic foundation to
the policy-making. The development of assessment tools
by interdisciplinary teams within developing countries
is most vital. This would need commitment of sustained
resources and institutionalization of multi-disciplinary and
networking efforts within the scientic and policy-making
Climate change concerns, assessment challenges, and
response strategies for diverse sectors and regions
in India require an integrated assessment approach.
Integrated assessment is an interdisciplinary process
that combines, interprets, and communicates knowledge
from diverse scientic disciplines from the natural and
social sciences to investigate and understand causal
relationships within and between complex systems.
Integrated assessment attempts to present the full
range of consequences of a given policy economic
or environmental, intended or unintended, prompt or
delayed in order to determine whether the action will
make the society better or worse off, and by how much. It
must be noted here that integrated assessment is also not
a monolithic, uniform, unique, and universal model that
can be applied to any context. It indicates an approach
to policy-making that has to consider contextual issues
and specic nuances of the sector under scrutiny to arrive
at integrated policy assessment. For example, in deciding
policy for water quality management in a particular place,
integrated scientic advice should include the direct and
indirect effects of urban development, agricultural run-offs,
industrial pollution, and climate change induced increase
in heavy precipitation events on water resources, along
with many other factors.
Integrated approach also refers to integration over regions,
sectors, and time scales. For example, the analysis of
water availability may be rst integrated at individual
sub-basin levels, further integrated into individual river
basin levels, and nally integrated at national level. Such
integration across both multiple stresses and multiple
scales is needed to provide the type of comprehensive
analysis that policy-makers seek.
Integrated assessment of climate change has developed
rapidly in the recent years into an important policy
research area. In spite of this growing recognition, its
methodological basis is rather narrow, especially in
developing countries such as India. Methodological
approaches include mathematical model simulations,
shared databases, consistent future scenario generation
for emissions, climate change, sub-regional impact
assessment, and qualitative validation based on current
climate change related events and experiences.
A framework for integrated assessment of climate change
at the national level indicates the interactions of the country-
level dynamics with global emissions and atmospheric
change, global policy regimes, and international
agreements (Figure 7.1). This framework also suggests
national implementation arrangements. GHG emissions
278 | INDIA Second National Communication
and climate change impacts have to be assessed on a
continuous basis at sectoral and sub-regional levels.
Institutional networking, shared and gridded databases,
modelling capability enhancement, consistent scenario
construction (climate change, emission, and impact)
are the building blocks for this. New models may also be
developed to capture developing country dynamics such
as informal sectors, small and medium enterprises, and
South-South cooperation.
Networking is a critical requirement for integrated
assessment. The SNC activities have more than 100
interdisciplinary research teams spread across the
country been networked together for a shared vision on
climate change related research. Such initiatives have
to be maintained and strengthened. Participation of the
state and union territory government departments is
to be encouraged in climate change activities. This will
build capacities at the state level for implementing policy
measures such as those for reducing vulnerability of
various sectors and communities, disseminating and
promoting climate-friendly technologies and initiatives,
adaptation, and energy efciency improvements.
Figure 7.1: Framework for integrated assessment and implementation at the national level.
Lastly, technology R&D, technology transfer, and
technology diffusion in the country will need special
attention. Since there are diverse disciplines involved in
climate change, having a unied command and control
regime may not be appropriate for these.
Financial Needs
The nancial needs arise from the constraints detailed
in previous sections. These cover four areas: continuous
reporting to the UNFCCC, vulnerability assessment and
adaptation due to climate change, capacity building, and
GHG emission abatement through nancial mechanisms.
The nancial needs are for research and actual projects
for implementing climate change adaptation and
abatement actions. These cover diverse sectors and
require considerable technology transfers and nancial
resources. Given the magnitude of the tasks, complexities
of technological solutions, and diversity of adaptation and
mitigation actions envisaged, the incremental nancial
needs would be enormous to address and respond to the
requirements of the Convention.
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 279
The systems and policies in developing countries are not
tuned to handle even the present climate related stress
and climate variability. Income disparities and population
growth further constrain the opportunities and equitable
access to existing social infrastructure. Projected climate
change could further accentuate these conditions.
The challenge then is to identify opportunities that
facilitate sustainable use of existing resources. It entails
considerations that make climate-sensitive systems,
sectors, and communities more resilient to current climate
variability. This will pave the way to enhance their adaptive
capacity to future climate change. Faster economic
development with more equitable income distribution,
improved disaster management, sustainable sectoral
policies, and careful planning of capital-intensive and
climate-sensitive long-life infrastructure assets are some
measures that assist in ameliorating Indias vulnerability
to climate change.
280 | INDIA Second National Communication
NATCOM, 2004. Indias Initial National Communication
to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government
of India, New Delhi
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change),
2006. IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas
Inventories. Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas
Inventories, IPCC
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 1997.
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse
Gas Inventories. IPCC, Paris
References and Sources
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 1996.
Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in
National Green House Gas Inventories. IPCC, Paris
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change),
2000. Good Practice Guidance. IPCC, Paris
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change),
2003. Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land Use
Change and Forestry. Published by the Institute for Global
Environmental Strategies (IGES) for the IPCC
MoEF, 2010. India: Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2007.
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of
India, New Delhi
Constraints, Gaps and Related Financial, Technical and Capacity Needs | 281
282 | INDIA Second National Communication
The project on preparation of Indias Second National Communication to the UNFCCC has been implemented and
executed by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India. A National Steering Committee under
the Chairmanship of the Secretary, MoEF, Government of India oversaw its implementation. Technical Consultations
were held with numerous experts of various disciplines as well as other Stakeholders, through consultative meetings
and National Workshops. These experts advised on matters relating to the scientic and technical aspects of the
various components of communication. A broad-based participatory approach involving more than 120 research teams
from government ministries and departments, autonomous institutions and national research laboratories, universities,
non-governmental agencies, industry associations, and private sector were involved in the process.
National Communication (NATCOM) Networks
Institutional networks were set up for GHG inventory estimation, measurement of emission coefcients, vulnerability
assessment and adaptation (V&A), introductory context, general description of steps being taken to implement the
convention, and other information such as case studies. The institutional mechanisms for each of these were different
and unique, based on the requirements of the task. GHG inventory estimation required extensive sectoral data collection
and validation, a framework of sectoral Lead Institutes supported by Participating Institutes was implemented. V&A
required national level modelling for a macro view on the various sectors. These were conducted at premier national
institutes under the guidance of prominent national experts. Independent case studies were also conducted to assess
the broader canvas of V&A research requirements for a large country like India. The NATCOM network is categorised
in three broad categories:
GHG Inventory Network
V & A Network
National Circumstances Network
Annexures | 283
Ministry of Environment & Forests, GoI
(Implementing and Executing Agency)
National Steering Committee
(Chaired by Secretary E&F)
Stakeholder Involvement through
National Workshops
National Project Director
Project Management Cell
GHG Inventory &
Management System
Vulnerability Assessment &
National Circumstances &
other Information
Technical Consultants
Institutional Framework
GHG Inventory Network
AFRI : Arid Forest Research Institute
ARCBR : Advanced Research Centre for Bamboo and
BCKVV : Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya
CFRHRD : Centre for Forestry Research and Human
Resource Development
CII : Confederation of Indian Industry
CIMFR : Central Institute of Mining and
Fuel Research
CLRI : Central Leather Research Institute
CMA : Cement Manufacturers Association
CRRI : Central Road Research Institute
CSFER : Centre for Social Forestry and
FSI : Forest Survey of India
FRC : Forest Research Centre
HFRI : Himalayan Forest Research Institute
IARI : Indian Agricultural Research Institute
ICFRE : Indian Council of Forestry Research and
IFGTB : Institute of Forest Genetics and
Tree Breeding
IFP : Institute of Forest Productivity
IGFRI : Indian Grassland and Fodder
Research Institute
IIP : Indian Institute of Petroleum
IISc : Indian Institute of Science
IVRI : Indian Veterinary Research Institute
IWST : Institute of Woods Science and Technology
JU : Jadavpur University
NDRI : National Dairy Research Institute
NEERI : National Environmental Engineering
Research Institute
NPL : National Physical Laboratory
NRSA : National Remote Sensing Agency
PPAC : Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell
RFRI : Rain Forest Research Institute
TERI : The Energy and Resources Institute
TFRI : Tropical Forest Research Institute
Indias Second National Communication to UNFCCC
Preparation of GHG inventory
Industrial Process
& Product use
284 | INDIA Second National Communication
Institutional Framework
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Network
Annexures | 285
Indias Second National Communication to UNFCCC
Climate Change Assessment
Socioeconomic Scenario
National Impact Assessment Integrated V&A and Adaption Framework
security- Livelihoods-
Water-Human health-
Forests-Forest products-
Livelihoods- Adaption
Natural Ecosystems &
Energy- Infrastructure-
Climate Change Scenario
Coastal Zone
Natural ecosystem &
AGWC : Arete Glacier & Water Consultants
AFPRO : Action for Food Production
CARI : Central Agriculture Research Institute
CGWB : Central Ground Water Board
CMFRI : Central Marine Fisheries Research
CPCRI : Central Plantation Crops Research
CPRI : Central Potato Research Institute
CRIDA : Central Research Institute for Dryland
GBPIHED : G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan
Environment and Development
GHS : Global Hydrological Solution
IARI : Indian Agricultural Research Institute
IEG : Institute of Economic Growth
IHE : Institute of Home Economics
IIHR : Indian Institute of Horticulture
IIMA : Indian Institute of Management,
IISc : Indian Institute of Science
IISS : Indian Institute of Soil Science
IITB : Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
IITD : Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
IITR : Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
IITM : Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
IMMT : Institute of Minerals and Materials
INRM : Integrated Natural Resource
IRADe : Integrated Research and Action
for Development
IWMI : International Water Management
JU : Jadavpur University
JNU : Jawaharlal Nehru University
MANIT : Maulana Azad National Institute of
MSSRF : M.S. Swaminathan Research
NEERI : National Environmental Engineering
Research Institute
NIMR : National Institute of Malaria Research
NRAA : National Rainfed Area Authority
NIO : National Institute of Oceanography
NPL : National Physical Laboratory
NRC : National Research Centre for Soybean
PAU : Punjab Agriculture University
TERI : The Energy and Resources Institute
TNAU : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
WII : Winrock International India
YSPUHF : Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of
Horticulture and Forestry
Vulnerability Assessment
Acronym List
286 | INDIA Second National Communication
Institutional Framework
National Circumstances
Indias Second National Communication to UNFCCC
Other Elements
National Circumstances
Research & Systematic Observation
Constraints & Gap
Education, research &
Capacity Building
Steps taken or envisaged to
implement the Convention
Annexures | 287
National Circumstances
Acronym List
BSI : Botanical survey Survey of India
CPCB : Central Pollution Control Board
CSIR : Council of Scientic and Industrial
CEA : Centre for Electricity Authority
CEE : Centre for Environment Education
CoI : Census of India
DA : Development Alternatives
DST : Department of Science and
ESSO : Earth System Science Organisation
FSI : Forest Survey of India
GSI : Geological Survey of India
IARI : Indian Agricultural Research Institute
IITD : Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
IITB : Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
IISc : Indian Institute of Science
ICFRE : Indian Council of Forestry Research &
ICAR : Indian Council of Agricultural
ICMR : Indian Council of Medical Research
ISRO : Indian Space Research Organisation
IIMA : Indian Institute of Management,
IMD : Indian Meteorological Department
INCOIS : Indian National Centre for Ocean
Information Services
IIPH : Indian Institute of Public Health
MoES : Ministry of Earth Sciences
MSE : Madras School of Economics
NDRI : National Dairy Research Institute
NRSC : National Remote Sensing Centre
NSSO : National Sample Survey Ofce
NIDM : National Institute of Disaster
TERI : The Energy and Resources Institute
288 | INDIA Second National Communication
AAR Area Accumulation Ratio
ABER Annual Blood Examination Rate
ADB Asian Development Bank
ALGAS Asia Least-cost Greenhouse Gas
Abatement Strategy
AOGCM Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General
Circulation Models
API Annual Parasite Index
ASSOCHAM Associated Chambers of Commerce
and Industry
BAPMON Background Air Pollution Monitoring
CADA Command Area Development
CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CENPEEP Centre for Power Efciency and
Environmental Protection
CERES Crop Environment Resource Synthesis
CGMS Crop Growth Monitoring Systems
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
CIMMYT Centre for Maize and Wheat Research
CMA Cement Manufacturers Association
CMIE Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
CMFRI Central Mining Research Institute
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
Carbon dioxide
COP Conference of Parties to UNFCCC
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CRRI Central Road Research Institute
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone
CSE Centre for Science and Environment
CSIR Council of Scientic and Industrial
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientic and
Industrial Research Organisation
DALYs Disability-Adjusted Life Years
DDT Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane
DGVM Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
DMMF Dry Mineral Matter on Free Basis
DOD Department of Ocean Development
DSSAT Decision Support System for Agro-
technology Transfer
DST Department of Science and
EMC Energy Management Centre
EMCP Enhanced Malaria Control Programme
ENSO El-Nino Southern Oscillation
ESI Economic Survey of India
FACE Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment
FICCI Federation of Indian Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
FSI Forest Survey of India
GAW Global Atmospheric Watch
GCM General Circulation Model
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GEF Global Environment Facility
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GIS Geographic Information System
GOI Government of India
GWP Global Warming Potential
HadRM Hadley Centre Regional Model
HCV Heavy Commercial Vehicles
Annexures | 289
IA Integrated Assessment
IAM Integrated Assessment Models
IGCC Integrated Gas Combined Cycle
IGIDR Indira Gandhi Institute of
Development Research
INDOEX Indian Ocean Experiment
INFOCROP Informatics on Crops
IPCC Inter-governmental Panel on Climate
IREDA Indian Renewable Energy
Development Agency
IWRM Integrated Water Resources
JFM Joint Forest Management
KRCL Konkan Railway Corporation Limited
LCV Light Commercial Vehicles
LNG Liqueed Natural Gas
LULUCF Land Use, Land-use Change and
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable
MoCM Ministry of Coal and Mines
MoEA Ministry of External Affairs
MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests
MoF Ministry of Finance
MoHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
MoR Ministry of Railways
MP Montreal Protocol
MPI Max-Planck Institute
MSEB Maharashtra State Electricity Board
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
N Nitrogen
O Nitrous Oxide
NAMP National Anti-Malaria Programme
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NATCOM National Communication
NBP Net Biome Production
NCA National Commission on Agriculture
NCAR National Centre for Atmospheric
NCR National Capital Region
NGO Non- Governmental Organization
NHT Northern Hemispheric Temperature
NIES National Institute of Environmental
NMCP National Malaria Control Programme
NMEP National Malaria Eradication
NMVOC Non Methane Volatile Organic
NOX Nitrogen Oxides
NPD National Project Director
NPL National Physical Laboratory
NPP Net Primary Productivity
NSC National Steering Committee
NTFP Non-Timber Forest Product
NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation
OC Organic Carbon
OECD Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development
OH Hydroxyl Radical
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
OTC Open Top Chambers
PC Planning Commission
PCA Principal Component Analysis
PCRA Petroleum Conservation Research
PDSI Palmer Drought Severity Index
PFBC Pressurized Fluid Bed Combustion
PFC Peruorocarbon
PFT Plant Functional Type
PIM Participatory Irrigation Management
PLFA Phospho Lipid Fatty Acid
PMC Project Management Cell
PNUTGRO Peanut Crop Growth Simulation Model
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
PT Perturbation Lifetime
290 | INDIA Second National Communication
PV Photovoltaic
R&D Research and Development
R&M Renovation and Modernization
RCM Regional Circulation Model
RET Renewable Energy Technology
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional
SAC Space Applications Centre
SAIL Steel Authority of India Limited
SAR Second Assessment Report of IPCC
SARP System Analysis for Rice Production
SD Standard Deviation
SEB State Electricity Board
Sulphur Hexaouride
SGM Second Generation Model
SHS Solar Home Systems
SMD Soil Moisture Decit Ratio
SMI Soil Moisture Index
Sulfur Dioxide
SOI Southern Oscillation Index
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter
SPV Solar Photo Voltaic
SRES Special Report on Emission Scenarios
SST Sea Surface Temperature
START System for Analysis Research and
STIG Steam Injected Gas Turbine
SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TAR Third Assessment Report of IPCC
TEAM Tool for Environmental Assessment
and Management
TEM Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
TIFAC Technology Information Forecasting
and Assessment Council
UA Urban Agglomerations
UMB Urea Molasses Block
UNCBD United Nations Convention on
Biological Diversity
UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat
UNCED United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development
UNDP United Nations Development
UNEP United Nations Environmental
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change
UVA Ultraviolet Radiation - A
UVB Ultraviolet Radiation - B
VA Vulnerability Assessment and
VI Vulnerability Indicators
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
WEAP Water Evaluation and Planning
WHC World Heritage Convention
WHO World Health Organization
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WOFOST World Food Study Programme
WRI World Resources Institute
WSSD World Summit on Sustainable
WTGROWS Wheat Growth Simulator
WTO World Trade Organization
Annexures | 291
BCM Billion Cubic Meter (equals 1km3)
C Celsius
Gg Giga gram
GW Giga Watt
GWh Giga Watt hour
ha Hectare
hPa hecto pascal
ka Kilo annual
km Kilometer
Square kilometer
Cubic kilometer
kW kilo Watts
kWp kilo Watts peak
M Million
Cubic meter
Mha Million hectare
Units and quantities
MJ Mega Joule
mm millimetre
Mt Million tonne
Million tonnes of Carbon dioxide
eq. Million tonnes of Carbon dioxide
MW Mega Watts
ppb parts per billion by volume
ppm parts per million by volume
ppt parts per trillion by volume
t ton
Tg Tera gram
TJ Tera Joule
toe tons of oil equivalent
tons/cap tons per capita
Watt per square meter
1Giga gram (Gg) = 1000 tons
= 10
1Tera gram (Tg) = 1 Million tons
= 1000 Gg
= 10
= 10
1 Tera Joule (TJ) = 10
= 10
1 Calorie = 4.18 J
Conversion table
292 | INDIA Second National Communication
Secretary Chairman
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex
Lodi Road, New Delhi-3
Special Secretary Member
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex
Lodi Road, New Delhi-3
Principal Adviser (Environment) Member
Planning Commission
Yojna Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi-1
Principal Adviser (Energy) Member
Planning Commission
Yojna Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi-1
Secretary Member
Department of Agriculture, Research & Education
Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-1
Secretary Member
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-1
Secretary Member
Department of Economic Affairs
Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi-1
Secretary Member
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Block-14, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-3
Secretary Member
Ministry of Science & Technology
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-16
Secretary Member
Department of Coal
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-1
Secretary Member
Ministry of Power
Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi-1
Secretary Member
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-1
Secretary Member
Department of Road Transport & Highways
Ministry of Shipping, Transport & Highways
Parivahan Bhawan, New Delhi-3
Secretary Member
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-1
Institutional Arrangement for Indias Second National Communication
Annexures | 293
Secretary Member
Ministry of Water Resources
Shram Shakti Bhavan, New Delhi -1
Secretary Member
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi -1
Secretary Member
Ministry of Earth Sciences
Block No. 12, Mahasagar Bhavan
CGO Complex, New Delhi-3
Secretary Member
Ministry of Rural Development
Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road
New Delhi -1
Secretary Member
Department of Chemical and Petrochemicals
Shastri Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road
New Delhi -1
Secretary Member
Department of Fertilizers
Shastri Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road
New Delhi-1
Secretary Member
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi-1
Secretary Member
Ministry of Steel
Udyog Bhavan, Maulana Azad Marg
New Delhi- 1
Director General Member
India Meteorology Department
Ministry of Science & Technology
Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi- 3
Joint Secretary (UN) Member
Ministry of External Affairs
South Block, New Delhi-1
Representative Member
United Nations Development Programme
55, Lodi Estate, New Delhi- 3
Joint Secretary (Climate Change) Member
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi- 3
Dr. Subodh K Sharma Member Secretary
Adviser (NATCOM)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex
Lodi Road, New Delhi-3
294 | INDIA Second National Communication
Contributors to Indias Second National Communication
Participating Institutions and Experts
Dr. Subodh K. Sharma
National Project Director, NATCOM
Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India
Room No. 112 , 1st Floor
Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003
Ph: 91-11-24360861
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Amir Bashir Bazaz
National Expert Consultant
NATCOM Project Management Cell
S 212, IInd Floor, Panchsheel Park
New Delhi 110017
Ph: 91-11-26013876/ 26013869
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Sumana Bhattacharya
National Expert Consultant
NATCOM Project Management Cell
S 212, IInd Floor, Panchsheel Park
New Delhi 110017
Ph: 91-11-26013876/ 26013869
Project Management Cell
Ms. Pooja Kotiyal
Project Associate - Technical
NATCOM Project Management Cell
S 212, IInd Floor, Panchsheel Park
New Delhi 110017
Ph: 91-11-26013876/ 26013869
Dr. Rita Chauhan
Technical Consultant
NATCOM Project Management Cell
S 212, IInd Floor, Panchsheel Park
New Delhi 110017
Ph: 91-11-26013876/ 26013869
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Forest & Plantation
Corporation Limited
Port Blair-744102
A & N Islands (India)
Ph: +913192238986
Dr. Alok Saxena
Dr. Mani Saxena
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research Institute,
Council of Scientic and Industrial Research
Dept. of S&T, Govt. of India
P.O. FRI, Dhanbad 828108
Ph: +913262388268
Mr. S. Biswas
Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh
Dr. A. Choudhury
Dr. A. Mukherjee
Dr. J. Roy
Dr. P. Sarkar
Mr. M. Kumar
Mr. S.G. Sahu
Mr. J. George
Mr. A. K. Adak
Mr. T.B. Das
Dr. S. K. Bharti
Mr. John Kispotta
Mr. Vinod Atmaram Mendhe
Mr. Shyam Nath Hazari
Central Leather Research Institute
Adyar, Chennai 600020
Ph : 044-24911386
Dr. T. P. Sastry,
Mr. D Chandramouli
Dr. A. B. Mandal
Dr. Giriyappa Kollannavar,
Mr. S. Nithiyanantha Vasagam
Ms. V. Shashirekha
Dr. Mahadeswara Swamy
Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kerala
Dr. Soora Naresh Kunar
Annexures | 295
Central Potato Research Institute
Jalandhar 144003 (Punjab)
Ph: 0181- 2791474
Dr. J. P Singh
Central Road Research Institute
Mathura Road
New Delhi 110020
Dr. Anil Singh
Dr. S. Gangopadhyay
Mr. Chander Bhan
Dr. Y S Parmar University
Nauni, Solan 173230 (H.P)
Tel: 01792 252270
Prof. K. S. Verma
Dr M. S. Mankotia
Dr S. K. Bhardwaj
Dr Sudhir Verma
Forest Survey of India
Kaulagarh Road, P.O., IPE Dehradun 248195
Ph: 91-135-2755037
Dr. Jakati
Mr. Subhash Ashutosh
Mr. Rajesh Kumar
Mr. Raj Kumar Bajpai
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
NRL Building, Pusa, New Delhi 110012\
Ph: 91-11-25841866
Dr. Himanshu Pathak
Dr. Anita Choudhary
Dr. Arti Bhatia
Dr. Niveta Jain
Dr. S. Naresh Kumar
Dr. Dinesh Kumar
Dr. R. Choudhary
Dr. S.D Singh
Dr. Shantha Nagrajan
Dr. Madan Pal
Dr. A. Bhatia
Dr. Anjali Anand
Dr. Subash Chander
Dr. B. Banerjee
Dr. U. Meena
Mr. Amar singh
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
P.O. New Forest
Dehra Dun - 248006,
Uttarakhand, India
Ph: 0135- 2750296
Dr. V.K. Bahuguna
Dr. V.R.S. Rawat
Dr. Renu Singh
Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute
Near Pahuj Dam, Gwalior Road, Jhansi 284003
Ph: 0510-2730908
Dr. Sultan Singh
Dr. S. K. Nag
Dr. A. K. Mishra
Dr. B.P. Khushwaha
Indian Institute of Horticulture Research
Hessaraghatta Lake P.O.
Bangalore 560089 , India
Ph: 080 28466420-423
Dr. N.K. Srinivasa Rao
Dr. R.H. Laxman
Dr. R. M. Bhatt
Miss. H.Mamatha
Mrs. G. H. Ashwini
Indian Institute of Management
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015
Ph: 91-79-26324827
Prof. P. R. Shukla
Dr. Amit Garg
Dr Minal Pathak
Ms Jigeesha Upadhyay
Ms Jyoti R. Maheshwari
Ms Amita Jataliya
Indian Institute of Petroleum
P.O. IIP, Mohkampur,
Ph: 91-135-2660099
Dr. S. K. Singal
Dr M O Garg
Mr. Sunil Pathak
Mr. A K Aigal
Mr. L Robindro
Mr. Yograj
Mr. Vineet Sood
Indian Institute of Science
Bengaluru 560012
Ph: 91-80-23601455
Prof. N. H. Ravindranath
Dr. G. Bala
Dr. N. V. Joshi
Indian Institute of Soil Science
Nabibagh, Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038
Ph: +91-755- 2730970
Dr. K. B. Hebbar
Indian Institute of Technology
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Ph: 91-11-26591186
Dr. Ashvani Kumar Gosain
Dr. Sandhya Rao
296 | INDIA Second National Communication
Mr. Atish Nandy
Mr. Indranil Mukherjee
Madras School of Economics
Gandhi Mandapam Road,
Behind Government Data Center, Kottur
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, - 600 025
Dr. Kavi Kumar
Malaria Research Centre
Indian Council of Medical Research
22, Sham Nath Marg, New Delhi 110054
Dr. Ramesh C. Dhiman
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
Bhopal 462007 (M.P.)
Ph: 91-755-2670416
Dr. Manmohan Kapshe
Dr. Aashish Deshpande
Mr. Rajat Soni
Mr. Pankaj Singh
National Dairy Research Institute
Karnal 132001
Ph: 91-0184 2259088
Dr. Madhu Mohini
Dr. KK Singhal
Dr. AK Tyagi
Dr. KSN Prasad
Dr Ranjan Mohanta
Ms Chanchal Dua
Mr Virender Kumar
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Nagpur 440 020.
Ph: 2249885-88
Mr. J.K Bhattacharya
Mr. M.Karthik
Mr. Atul Vaidya
Dr. Paras Pujari
Dr. S.R. Wate
Dr. P.K.Labhasetwar
Dr. Anjana Singh
Mr. Piyush Mahore
Dr. S.Y. Bodkhe
Dr. Tapas Nandy
Mr. Pawan Aswale
Dr. S.P.M. Prince William
National Institute of Oceanography
Dona Paula, Goa 403004
Ph: 91-832-2450338
Prof. A .S. Unnikrishnan
Indian Institute of Technology
Powai, Mumbai 400076
Ph: 912225767381
Dr. K. Narayanan
Dr. Anand Patwardhan
Dr. D. Parthasarathy
Dr. A. Inamdar
Mr. Santosh Kumar Sahu
Mr. Yogesh Y.Y. A.
Mr. V. J. Gandhi
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pashan, Pune 411008
Ph: 912024893600
Dr. K. Krishna Kumar
Dr. Savita Patwardhan
Dr. Ashwani kulkarni
Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology
Bhubaneswar 751 013, Orissa, India
Ph: 0674-2581635
Dr Manish Kumar
Dr G Roychaudhury
Dr C R Panda
Dr S N Das
Mr. Nrusingha Charan Mohanta
Institute of Economic Growth
University Enclave Delhi 110 007
Ph: (O)27667288
Dr. Purnamita Dasgupta
Dr. Kanchan chaudhary
Institute of Home Economics
University of Delhi
F-4, Hauz Khas Enclave
New Delhi-110016
Ph: (O)26532402
Dr. Savita Aggarwal
Dr. Geeta Punhani,
Ms. Jagriri Kher
Ms. Sakshi Saini
Indian Veterinary Research Institute
Izatnagar-243 122, U.P.,
Ph: +91-581-2301318
Dr. A.K. Verma
Dr. Putan Singh
Dr. V.B.Chaturvedi
Jadavpur University
Kolkata 700032
Ph: 91-33-24146666
Prof. Niladri Chakraborty
Dr. Joyashree Roy
Mr. Partho Pratim Mandal
Annexures | 297
National Physical Laboratory
K.S. Krishnan Marg
New Delhi 110012
Ph : 91-11-45608232
Dr. Prabhat K. Gupta
Dr. Chhemender Sharma
Dr. Nahar Singh
Mr. Monojit Chakraborty
Mr. Khem Singh
Mr. Shivraj Sahai
Mr. P. Johri
Ms. Tripti Aggarwal
Mr. A.K. Aggarwal
Ms. Vandana Gupta
Dr. M.K. Tiwari
National Research Centre for Soybean
Khandwa Road, Indore, M.P, India - 452 017
Ph: 091-0731-2476188
Dr. V.S.Bhatia
Advance Research Centre for Bamboo and Rattans,
Alkali Manufacturers Association of India, New Delhi
Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur
Botanical survey of India, Kolkata
Census of India, New Delhi
Centre for Forestry Research and Human Resource
Development, Chhindwara
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata
Central Ground Water Board, New Delhi
Central Mines Planning & Design Institute, Dhanbad
Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod
Central Pollution Control Board
Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack
Central Statistical Organization, New Delhi
Central Water Commission, New Delhi
Centre for Electricity Authority, New Delhi
Centre for Social Forestry and Eco- Rehabilitation.
Coal India Ltd, Kolkata
Council of Scientic and Industrial Research, New Delhi
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC),Durgapur
Punjab Agricultural University
Ludhiana -141004
Telefax No. : 0161-2401997
Prof Prabhajyot Kaur Sidhu
Dr Harpreet Singh
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Coimbatore 641003, Tamil Nadu
Ph: +91-0422 6611519
Dr. V.Geethalakshmi
Dr. K. Palanisami
Ms. S.Poornima
Damodar Valley Corporation, Jharkhand
Department of Coal, Ministry of Coal,
Department of Mines, Ministry of Mines
Department of Power, Ministry of Power, New Delhi
Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
Electronics Industries Association of India, New Delhi
Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi
Foundation Chitegaon Phata, Nashik- Aurangabad
Geological Survey of India, Kolkata
Himalayan Institute of Mountaineering, Darjeeling
Holtec Consulting Engineers Ltd; Gurgaon
India Meteorological Department, New Delhi
Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur
Indian Chemical Council, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Indian Council of Agricultual Research, New Delhi
Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi
Indian Institute of Public Health, Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal
Indian Lead Zinc Development Association, New Delhi
Indian Mountaineering Foundation, New Delhi
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services,
Other Government Departments/Research Institutions
298 | INDIA Second National Communication
India Semiconductors Association,
Bangaluru, Karnataka
Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangaluru
Institute of Forest Genetics and tree breeding,
Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangaluru
Jawahar Institute of Mountaineering and
Winter Sports, Pahalgam, Kashmir
Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi
Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, New Delhi
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, New Delhi
National Bureau of Soil Science &
Land Use Planning, Bangaluru
National Bureau of Soil Science &
Land Use Planning, Nagpur
National Horticultural Research and Development
District, Maharashtra
National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi
National Sample Survey Ofce, New Delhi
National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad
Navsari Agricultural University, Surat
Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., Tamil Nadu
Orissa Space Application Centre, Bhubaneswar
Petroleum Conservation Research Association,
New Delhi
Planning Commission, New Delhi
Reef Watch Marine Conservation, Mumbai
Regional Horticulture Fruit Station, Moshobra, Shimla
Regional Horticulture Research Station, Sharbo, Kinnaur
Steel Authority of India, New Delhi
Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangaluru
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
University of Kashmir, Sri Nagar
Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, Delhi
Water Technology Centre for East Region, Bhubaneswar
West Bengal Irrigation and
Water Works Department, Kolkata
Zoological Survey of India, Port Blair
Annexures | 299
National Steering Committee meeting, May 22, 2007, New Delhi,
Inception workshop on Indias Second National Communication to the United Nation Convention on Climate
Change, May 28, 2007, New Delhi
Workshop on Issues in Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation in India, November 1&2, 2007, New Delhi
Training on methodology to develop GHG inventory in the Industrial Process and Product Use Sector, January
25,2008, New Delhi
Consultative meeting on Energy Sector Greenhouse Gas Inventory Estimates for Indias Second National
Communication, April 28, 2008, at New Delhi.
Consultative meeting on Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Sector, May 26 & 27, 2008, at IISC,
Workshop on Impacts, Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation, August 11 & 12, 2008, at IIC, New Delhi
NATCOM Consultative meeting on Livestock, Waste and Industrial Processes August 27, 2008, at New Delhi,
NATCOM Climate Change Scenario, October 13 & 14, 2008, at IITM, Pune
Consultative meeting on Socio Economic Scenario, November 7, 2008, at Institute of Economic Growth, New
National Steering Committee Meeting, November 20, 2008, at Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi
Consultative meeting for assessing the progress of work in IPPU sector, January 12, 2009, at CII, New Delhi.
Consultative meeting for assessing the Progress of work in energy sector, January 21, 2009, at TERI, New Delhi.
Consultative meeting on Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry Sector, February 6, 2009, at NATCOM PMC
New Delhi
Consultative meeting on GHG Inventory Preparation from Agriculture Sector Crops, March 9,2009 at NATCOM
PMC, New Delhi
Workshop on Interim Review Workshop on Vulnerability and Adaptation Component of Agriculture Sector of Second
NATCOM (SNC) July 2, 2009 at CRIDA Hyderabad
NATCOM interim review Workshop, October 13, 2009, Ashok Hotel, New Delhi
National Workshop to review the Implementation of Work Programme towards a Comprehensive Assessment of
Climate Change, October 14, 2009,at Ashok Hotel, New Delhi
Events for Education, Training and Public Awareness
300 | INDIA Second National Communication
NATCOM review meeting on LULUCF Sector, April 6, 2010 at Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi
NATCOM review meeting on Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2007, April 7, 2010, at NATCOM PMC, New Delhi
NATCOM data extraction meeting, April15, 2010 at NATCOM PMC, New Delhi
INNCA workshop, May 11, 2010 at Ashok Hotel, New Delhi
Consultative meeting of INCCA on Assessment of Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in India with a focus
on Four regions in India, July 8, 2010 at NATCOM PMC, New Delhi
National Workshop on India: Climate Change & India A 4x4 Assessment, A Sectoral and Regional Analysis for
2030s, 16th November, 2010 at Ashok Hotel, New Delhi
Consultative meeting on LULUCF Sector, December 27, 2010 at Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi
Consultative meeting for the review of SNC, January 20, 2011 at Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi
Consultative meeting on LULUCF Sector, January 21, 2011 at Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi
Consultative meeting on LULUCF Sector, February 23, 2011 at Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi
Review meeting on GHG Inventory, March14 & 15, 2011 at NATCOM PMC
Launch Programme of Black Carbon Research Initiative, National Carbonaceous Aerosols Programme (NCAP)
Science Plan, March 29, 2011 at Ashok Hotel, New Delhi
National Steering Committee meeting, August 1, 2011, at Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi
National Review Workshop, September 20, 2011, at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi
Annexures | 301
Publications under the Aegis of Indias Second National Communication
Indias Green House Gases
Inventory: 2007 May 2010
Work Program from Indias
Second National Communication
To UNFCCC, August 2008
Science Plan: National
Carbonaceous Aerosols Programme
March 2011
Climate Change and India: A 4X4
Assessment was released in
November 2010
Climate Change and India a
Comprehensive study of Climate
Change, October, 2009
302 | INDIA Second National Communication
UMEED (hope) EK Khawish (One Desire) THE CHANGING COLOURS
(Badalte Rang)
Video Films
Documentary lms
Annexures | 303
304 | INDIA Second National Communication
Annexures | 305
NATCOM NETWORK Spread all over India
306 | INDIA Second National Communication
Centre for Environment Education,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Andaman & Nicobar Island
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Forest &
Plantation Corporation Limited
A & N Islands (India)
Zoological Survey of India,
Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Island
Advance Research Centre for Bamboo and Rattans,
Aizwal, Mizoram
Centre for Social Forestry and Eco- Rehabilitation.
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Foundation Chitegaon Phata,
Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Indian Institute of Soil Science,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology,
Bhubaneswar Orissa
Water Technology Centre for East Region,
Bhubaneswar, Orissa
Orissa Space Application Centre,
Bhubaneswar, Orissa
Indian Institute of Horticulture Research
Bengaluru, Karnataka
National Bureau of Soil Science & Land Use Planning,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Indian Space Research Organisation,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
University of Agricultural Sciences,
India Semiconductors Association,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Institute of Wood Science and Technology,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Centre for Forestry Research and Human Resource
Development, Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh
Central Leather Research Institute
Madras School of Economics
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Naively Lignite Corporation Ltd.,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Himalayan Institute of Mountaineering,
Darjeeling, West Bengal
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC),
Durgapur, West Bengal
Arete Glacier & Water Consultants
New Delhi
Cement Manufacturers Association
National Capital Region
Central Road Research Institute
New Delhi
Confederation of Indian Industry,
New Delhi
Development Alternatives,
New Delhi
Global Hydrological Solutions
New Delhi
Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
New Delhi
Annexures | 307
Institute of Economic Growth,
New Delhi
Institute of Home Economics
New Delhi
New Delhi
Integrated Research and Action for Development
New Delhi
National Institute of Malaria Research,
New Delhi
National Physical Laboratory
New Delhi
The Energy and Resources Institute
New Delhi
India Meteorological Department
New Delhi
Planning Commission
New Delhi
Indian Council of Agriculture Research
New Delhi
Ministry of Finance
New Delhi
Central Water Commission
New Delhi
Central Ground Water Board
New Delhi
Department of Science and Technology
New Delhi
Indian Mountaineering Foundation
New Delhi
Indian Lead Zinc Development Association
New Delhi
Alkali Manufacturers Association of India
New Delhi
Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute
New Delhi
Department of Mines, Ministry of Mines
New Delhi
Department of Coal, Ministry of Coal
New Delhi
Department of Power, Ministry of Power
New Delhi
Petroleum Conservation Research Association
New Delhi
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
New Delhi
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
New Delhi
Central Statistical Organization
New Delhi
Central Pollution Control Board
New Delhi
Council of Scientic and Industrial Research
New Delhi
Centre for Electricity Authority
New Delhi
Census of India
New Delhi
Ministry of Earth Sciences
New Delhi
National Sample Survey Ofce
New Delhi
National Institute of Disaster Management
New Delhi
Indian Council of Medical Research
New Delhi
Fertiliser Association of India
New Delhi
Electronics Industries Association of India
New Delhi
Steel Authority of India
New Delhi
Holtec Consulting Engineers
Gurgaon, NCR
308 | INDIA Second National Communication
Forest Survey of India,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Indian Institute of Petroleum,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research Institute,
Dhanbad, Jharkhand
University of Agricultural Sciences,
Dharwad, Karnataka
National Institute of Oceanography,
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information services,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
National Remote Sensing Centre,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Indian Institute of Public Health,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh
National Research Centre for Soybean
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat, Assam
Central Potato Research Institute,
Jalandhar, Punjab
Jammu & Kashmir
Jawahar Institute of Mountaineering and Winter Sports,
Pahalgam, Kashmir
University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Kashmir
Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
Damodar Valley Corporation
Tropical Forest Research Institute
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Arid Forest Research Institute
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
National Dairy Research Institute
Karnal, Punjab
Central Plantation Crop Research Institute
Kasaragod, Kerala
Regional Horticulture Research Station
Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal
West Bengal Irrigation and Water Works Department
Kolkata, West Bengal
Botanical Survey of India
Kolkata, West Bengal
Geological Survey of India
Kolkata, West Bengal
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute
Kolkata, West Bengal
Coal India Ltd., Kolkata, West Bengal
Punjab Agricultural University
Ludhiana, Punjab
Ace Consultancy and Services
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Indian Institute of Technology
Reef Watch Marine Conservation
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Indian Chemical Council, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Annexures | 309
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Nagpur, Maharashtra
National Bureau of Soil Science & Land Use Planning
Nagpur, Maharashtra
Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur, Maharashtra
National Horticultural Research and Development
Foundation, Nasik, Maharashtra
Central Rice Research Institute
Cuttack, Orissa
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Pune, Maharashtra
Central Mines Planning & Design Institute
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Regional Horticulture Fruit Station
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Dr. Y S Parmar University
Solan, Himachal Pradesh
Navsari Agricultural University
Surat, Gujarat
Government of Sikkim
Action for Food production
Udaipur, Rajasthan
310 | INDIA Second National Communication
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Government of India
Second National Communication to
the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change




















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