Jfs v27
Jfs v27
Jfs v27
of tube arrays
N.K.-R. Kevlahan
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4K1
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 13 October 2010
Accepted 30 March 2011
Available online 29 April 2011
Fluidstructure interaction
Vortex-induced vibration
Tube arrays
Potential ow
a b s t r a c t
Potential ow and 2-D NavierStokes calculations are used to investigate the role of vortex
shedding in the non-resonant ow-induced vibration of periodic tube arrays. This dual
approach untangles the effects of potential and vortical ow. The negative damping theory
is shown to be inconsistent with the NavierStokes simulations, and allowing only a single
degree of freedom in tube motion signicantly overestimates the critical velocity. In
contrast, NavierStokes simulations which allow all tubes to move in both the transverse
and streamwise directions give results in good agreement with experiment. Somewhat
surprisingly, potential ow calculations including an articial phase lag between uid force
and tube motion give reasonably accurate results for a wide range of phase lags. This may
be due to the fact that the most unstable mode at onset appears to be streamwise anti-phase
(not whirling), as observed in the potential ow case.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The role of vortex wake dynamics in the ow-induced vibration of isolated freely oscillating cylinders is now quite well
understood (Williamson and Govardhan, 2004). In particular, Williamson and Govardhan (2004) discovered that for low
mass damping ratios there exists a critical mass ratio below which the regime of high amplitude oscillations extends to
innite velocities. They also found that as velocity increases at xed (small) mass damping there is a jump in oscillation
amplitude associated with a switch from the 2S to 2P vortex shedding mode (and associated jump in the phase lag
between vortex force and cylinder oscillation). These observations show that vortex-induced vibration is sensitive to the
detailed dynamics of vortex shedding.
In this paper we consider the case of the free vibration of circular cylinders in a tightly packed periodic square inline
array of cylinders with a pitch to diameter ratio P/D=1.5. The role of vortex wake dynamics in the ow-induced vibration
of tube arrays is still not well understood, particularly for inline arrays (whose wake dynamics are characterized by
incomplete vortex shedding). Two principal theories have been advanced to explain the vibrational instability of such tube
arrays: negative damping (which requires only that one tube move relative to its xed neighbours), and stiffness controlled
(which requires that adjacent tubes move out of phase in a whirling mode). We use appropriate numerical simulations
to investigate both scenarios.
If a single cylinder free to vibrate in the transverse direction is surrounded by xed cylinders (a common experimental
conguration), the ow asymmetries caused by the movement of the central cylinder relative to its neighbours generates a
galloping type instability in addition to the pure vortex-induced vibration of the isolated cylinder case. Although this
galloping is often treated as a purely potential ow instability mechanism (except in the resonant vortex shedding case
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Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (2011) 829837
-1=St), the necessary forces and phase lag are determined by the interaction of the wake of the moving cylinder with
the surrounding cylinders.
Pa doussis and Price (1988) developed a simple negative damping theory of uidelastic instability in tube bundles by
assuming a phase lag between the cylinder motion and total uid force. (If there is no phase lag, the dynamics is purely
potential and only a non-oscillatory divergent instability is possible.) Consider an array of cylinders as in Fig. 1(a) in which
the central cylinder is free to vibrate in the y-direction transverse to the mean ow (all other cylinders are xed). If the
response of the cylinder is modelled as a simple harmonic oscillator, the equation of motion for the vibrating cylinder is
_ y o
y =
, (1)
where o
is the natural frequency, m is the mass (including added mass) and d is the logarithmic decrement (i.e.
mechanical damping). For small displacements quasi-static theory gives the total uid force as
(t) -
y(t), (2)
where the rst term is the force due to the cylinder displacement and the second term is the uid damping. C
and C
respectively the lift and drag coefcients at equilibrium, where C
=0 due to symmetry. Note that we assume a time lag t
between the cylinder displacement and the resulting force. This time lag leads to an additional drag term since y(t) is assumed
to be sinusoidal. Substituting (2) in (1), assuming that t -mD=U
51 (where U
is mean velocity in the gap between the
cylinders and m O(1)) and setting the total drag equal to zero gives the critical velocity for the negative damping instability:
: (3)
This expression suggests that dC
=dy must be large and negative for instability. This is consistent with vortex shedding ows
since a positive vortex is shed from the lower side of a cylinder when its displacement is maximal. Note that in practice the
phase lag parameter m and the linear force coefcients C
and dC
=dy must be measured experimentally.
D = 1
P = 1.5
= 45 (rotated), or 0 (inline)
Fig. 1. (a) Tube conguration for a square array of circular cylinders. We consider only inline ow. (b) Vortex wake dynamics for 2-D ow at Re=200
with all cylinders xed.
N.K.-R. Kevlahan / Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (2011) 829837 830
On the other hand, if neighbouring tubes can move out of phase then tube vibration may be amplied via the stiffness-
controlled mechanism. Linear stability analysis (Connors, 1978) then gives
: (4)
Observations suggest that the dominant vibrational instability is a whirling mode where adjacent tubes along a column transverse
to the mean ow move in phase, while every other tube moves anti-phase: i.e. x
j 1
, y
j 1
, but x
j 1
j 1
. Adjacent columns of tubes move approximately anti-phase. Assuming such a whirling vibrational mode, Connors
(1978) used linear stability analysis to show that the critical velocity coefcient C can be expressed in terms of the linear uid
force coefcients (which can be measured experimentally).
Experimentally, it is found that if the mass damping ratio md=rD
40:7 the critical velocity U
follows an
approximately square root dependence on the mass damping ratio as in (4). However, there is signicant scatter in the
measured values for C, with C -3:471:4 for inline square arrays (Blevins, 2001). Despite their qualitative differences,
Eqs. (3) and (4) give similar results for mass damping ratios smaller than 100 provided the relevant parameters are
measured experimentally. Although these expressions are based on an essentially inviscid quasi-static analysis, the effect
of the vortex shedding wakes is encoded in the parameters. It is still unclear to what extent the negative damping and
stiffness-controlled theories can predict ow-induced vibration, even when the relevant parameters are measured
experimentally (Whiston and Thomas, 1982).
In tube arrays vortex shedding is considered to the be the primary cause of instability only when U
-1=St. However,
vortex-induced vibration (VIV) and uidelastic instability (FEI) are clearly not separate effects since, according to potential
theory, dC
=dy40 and there is no phase lag between cylinder motion and the uid force. The goal of this paper is to help
elucidate the relative roles of potential ow and vortex effects in generating ow-induced vibration in tube arrays.
We focus on the following questions:
+ Are the 2-D NavierStokes simulation results consistent with the negative damping (single degree of freedom) theory?
+ Do the single moving cylinder and multiple moving cylinder cases give similarly accurate estimates of the critical ow
velocity for instability?
+ What is the role of vortex-induced vibration in non-resonant uidelastic instability?
+ How accurate are periodic potential ow simulations for predicting FEI (i.e. estimating the critical velocity coefcient C)?
+ How accurate are 2-D periodic NavierStokes simulation for predicting FEI?
Since our goal is to evaluate the relative contributions of potential ow and vortex shedding to ow-induced instability,
we use two distinct numerical methods: a charge simulation method for potential ow on doubly periodic domains
(Amano et al., 2001) and a penalized pseudo-spectral method for the 2-D NavierStokes equations on periodic domains
(Kevlahan and Wadsley, 2005). The response of the cylinder is modelled as an harmonic oscillator forced by the uid forces
(either potential alone or potential and vortical together).
2. Method
In order to evaluate the relative contributions of potential ow and vortex shedding to the ow-induced instability, we
use two distinct numerical methods. We calculate the potential ow through the periodic tube array using a modied
version of the charge simulation method (Amano et al., 2001; Amaya and Sakajo, 2008). The complex potential w(z) for the
periodic 2-D ow around J disks with centres d
and radii s
is given by
w(z) =
j = 1
k = 1
, (5)
where c
are the strengths of the N charges located in the interior of each of the j =1, . . . ,J disks at points
exp(2pik=N). The charge strengths are found by enforcing the no-penetration (inviscid) velocity boundary
conditions at the collocation points z
exp(2pik=N) on the disks. The Jacobi y-function y
(u; q) formulation ensures
doubly periodic boundary conditions, with periods L
and L
in the x- and y-directions, respectively. Note that the cylinders
can be given an instantaneous velocity by suitably modifying the boundary conditions on the disks. This method produces
highly accurate results (to machine precision). Fig. 3(a) shows streamlines for a typical example.
The complex force F on the disk j is then found by evaluating the integral
F =
which is discretized (to exponential accuracy) using the collocation points z
. To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst
time the charge simulation method has been applied to uidstructure interaction.
N.K.-R. Kevlahan / Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (2011) 829837 831
The 2-D vortical ow through the periodic tube array is calculated by solving the following L
-penalized equations:
u VuVP =
), V u =0, (6)
where the last term on the r.h.s. of (6) approximates the no-slip boundary conditions on the surface of the cylinder moving
with velocity u
as Z-0 (where the characteristic function w(x,t) =1 or 0 in the solid and uid regions of the ow,
respectively). Note that w is the union of the characteristic functions corresponding to each cylinder w
(x,t). The Reynolds
number Re =U
D=n, where U
is the mean velocity over both the solid and uid parts of the periodic domain (equivalent
to the free stream mean ow upstream of a tube array), and D is the tube diameter. Note that the force on a cylinder can be
found simply by integrating its penalization term:
F =
) dx: (7)
The penalized NavierStokes equation (6) are solved using a Fourier transform based pseudo-spectral method in space
(e.g. Vincent and Meneguzzi, 1991) and a Krylov method in time (Edwards et al., 1994). The pseudo-spectral method is
computationally efcient and highly accurate for spatial derivatives, while the Krylov method is a stify stable explicit
method with an adaptive step-size to maintain a specied error tolerance. We consider only 2-D ow at a Reynolds
number Re=200 (based on the free stream mean velocity). At this Reynolds number the ow is still approximately 2-D,
and is characterized by strong periodic vortex shedding.
In both the potential and vortical ow simulations the response of cylinder j is modelled as a forced simple harmonic
(t) =F
(t)=m, (8)
where m is the mass (including added mass), d is the logarithmic decrement (i.e. mechanical damping), o
is the natural
frequency and F
is the total uid force (vortex and potential) on cylinder j. We assume that all cylinders are mechanically
identical (i.e. m, d and o
are the same for all cylinders). The cylinders are free either to oscillate in both directions, or only
in the direction transverse to the mean ow. By coupling the potential ow force calculation to the oscillator equation (8),
and introducing an articial time lag t in the uid forcing, i.e. F
(tt), one can derive a set of ordinary differential
delay equations to model the negative damping instability. In the vortical ow case the cylinder motion is coupled to the
uid motion by updating the mask functions w
(x,t) according to the coupled oscillator equation (8).
3. Results
3.1. Conguration
We investigate the ow through inline square arrays with a pitch to diameter ratio P/D=1.5 as shown in Fig. 1(a,b). The
periodic unit cell contains between four and 25 complete cylinders (depending on the case), and either all cylinders can
move in both streamwise and transverse directions (multiple degrees of freedom), or we allow only transverse motion of
the central cylinder (single degree of freedom). All vortical simulations are done at Reynolds number Re=200.
It is important to note that there are two distinct denitions of mean velocity: the mean velocity over the entire domain
(including the cylinders) U
, and the velocity averaged across the gap between the tubes U
. U
corresponds to the mean
velocity upstream of a tube array, and measures the total mass ux through the array, while U
measures the typical
velocity through the array. If all ow must pass through the array (i.e. for an innite array, or for ducted arrays):
if P=D=1:5: (9)
Note that the Reynolds number based on U
is also larger: Re
=3Re =600 in our case.
As emphasized below, relation (9) does not hold for an isolated bundle of tubes. In this case some of the mean ow can
by-pass the array due to the blockage effect and U
is correspondingly lower.
3.2. Potential ow
We rst consider the case of potential ow, where the periodic unit cell contains 22 complete cylinders free to
oscillate in both the transverse and streamwise directions (the transverse-only mode is stable). Since the tube array does
not have a vibrational instability mode for zero phase lag (only a divergent mode), we perform a nonlinear stability
analysis for a range of non-zero phase lags from 01 to 1801. In order to determine the critical velocity for each phase lag we
simply solve the relevant delay equations (described in Section 2) for the system of coupled oscillator ordinary differential
equations, with the uid forcing for each cylinder determined by the numerical potential ow calculation. The results for
the critical velocity coefcient C do not depend on the mass damping ratio, at least in the range [0.1, 100], and are not
signicantly affected by using more than four cylinders in the periodic unit cell.
N.K.-R. Kevlahan / Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (2011) 829837 832
Fig. 2 shows that the potential ow results for the critical velocity coefcient, C -5:2 for phase lags f c [40,140], is
surprisingly close to the experimental data. Fig. 5 shows that potential ow results are within the experimental scatter for
square arrays for phase lags f c [40,140]. However, as we will see below, the actual phase lag measured in the Navier
Stokes simulations is about 1681, which corresponds to a signicantly larger C -7:6. This suggests that the potential ow
results, although accurate, do not adequately approximate the vortical ow dynamics. In addition, the vibrational mode is
strictly streamwise for the potential ow, with adjacent cylinders vibrating anti-phase. This is quite different from the fully
developed whirling mode seen in vortical ows where the vibration mode is essentially transverse (see Fig. 4(b)). This
shows that the phase lag does not correctly model the effect of vortex shedding, even though it gives a reasonable estimate
for the critical velocity.
This result appears to be inconsistent with Paidoussis et al.s (1985) potential ow calculations, who found that the
critical velocities are threeve times higher than the experimental values. This discrepancy may be due to the fact that
Paidoussis et al. (1982) apparently made their linear stability analysis using small (non-periodic) arrays assuming that the
gap velocity U
. However, as mentioned earlier, this relation does not hold for isolated arrays, due to the
blocking effect which diverts the mean ow around the array. In fact, this relation signicantly overestimates the gap
velocity for isolated arrays (by a factor of about 1.55 for a 33 array with P/D=1.5), which would therefore overestimate
the critical velocity by a factor of about 1:55
-2:4. Note that this overestimation is not improved by using larger arrays.
3.3. Vortical ow
We now consider numerical solutions of the full 2-D NavierStokes equations at Re=200, which allows us to directly
measure the parameters in (3) and to perform nonlinear stability analyses including vortical effects. At Re=200 the ow is
still approximately 2-D, and is characterized by strong periodic vortex shedding at a Strouhal frequency St=1.08. In order
to ensure that we are well outside the domain of the resonant vortex-induced vibration instability, we choose the natural
frequency of the cylinder f
=1, mean ow velocity U
=5 (U
=15), d =0:1 and mass damping ratio md=(rD
) =1:0.
Since the Strouhal frequency St=1.08 at Re=200, this choice of parameters ensures that we focus on the non-resonant
uidelastic regime U
b1=St. We consider periodic unit cells containing between 22 and 55 cylinders
(see Figs. 1(a) and 4(a)).
When the cylinders are xed Fig. 1(b) shows that the vortex wakes do not undergo complete vortex shedding
(i.e. complete detachment of the shed vortices). Nevertheless, the wake develops periodic transverse oscillations which
produce a periodic oscillation of the lift force with an amplitude of 0.333 (normalized by U
) and frequency 1.08. Cylinder
motion generates complete vortex shedding, similar to von Karman vortex shedding in the isolated cylinder case (see
Williamson and Govardhan, 2004) and in the rotated tube array conguration (see Price et al., 1995). This observation
indicates that the vibrational instability is a form of singular perturbation that qualitatively changes the wake dynamics.
When the central cylinder is free to move in the transverse direction, and all other cylinders are xed, it undergoes
large periodic oscillations. Fig. 3(b) conrms that the vortex wake dynamics is strongly modied by the cylinder motion.
The wake is stabilized (i.e. it becomes essentially potential ow) at the narrow gap side, while the wide gap side allows for
complete vortex shedding. Comparing Figs. 3(b) and 4(a) suggests visually (as conrmed by quantitative calculations) that
the 33 periodic unit cell captures the main vortex wake dynamics. Fig. 6(a) shows that the vortex contribution to the
total lift is large: about twice as large in magnitude as the contribution from the potential ow. However, since the
contributions from the vorticity and potential ow are exactly anti-phase, the maximum amplitude of the total lift force is
similar to that of the potential ow alone. It is important to remember, however, that the potential force is proportional to
cylinder displacement, and so the vortex force will strongly dominate for small amplitude vibrations. The vortex force is
anti-phase with the cylinder motion (and hence the potential force) because a positive vortex is shed from the lower side
Fig. 2. Nonlinear stability calculations for periodic potential ow with 22 unit cell. The potential ow value of the critical velocity coefcient C is close
to the experimental data for a wide range of phase lags.
N.K.-R. Kevlahan / Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (2011) 829837 833
of the cylinder when cylinder displacement y(t) is maximum, thus generating a strong downward force. The fundamental
difference between the potential ow and vortical ow is illustrated by Fig. 3(c), which shows that vortex shedding
reverses the sign of C
(y), breaks monotonicity and introduces signicant hysteresis (C
depends on the velocity of the
cylinder as well as its position). In particular, maximum lift force is achieved for intermediate (not maximum)
displacements of the cylinder in the vortical ow.
It is interesting to check whether the negative damping theory (3) is consistent with the NavierStokes simulation
results. Curve tting shows that the cylinder displacement and lift force (normalized by the gap velocity U
) are,
y(t) =0:27sin1:1o
(t) =0:7y(t0:03)0:19sin(StU
These results conrm that, as required for the negative damping instability mechanism (3), dC
=dy =0:7o0 and there is
a phase lag between the uid force and the cylinder motion of f=ot =p0:2 (taking into account the change in sign).
Note the distinct Strouhal frequency contribution to C
(t) due to vortex shedding.
However, the actual numerical results of the NavierStokes simulation are inconsistent with negative damping theory,
even in the ideal case when only a single tube is free to vibrate transverse to the mean ow and the relevant parameters
are measured precisely. Substituting the simulation values C
=0.27, m =tU
=D=0:45 and dC
=dy =0:7 into (3) gives a
critical velocity U
=89, which is much larger than the actual value U
=8:770:1 measured for the NavierStokes
simulation, which is in turn much larger than the experimental value of about U
-3:4. These results suggest that
considering only a single (transverse) vibrational mode signicantly overestimates the critical velocity. Fig. 5 shows each
of these results compared with the experimental data.
On the other hand, if all cylinders are free to vibrate in both directions, the 2-D NavierStokes simulation gives
estimates for the critical velocity in good agreement with the experimental data for a wide range of mass damping ratios,
as shown in Fig. 5. Although these results were calculated for a xed Reynolds number, Re=200, they should be relatively
robust as the force amplitudes do not depend sensitively on Reynolds number once vortex shedding has developed. It is
interesting to note that the initial instability at onset is in fact streamwise (as in the potential ow case), although the
vibration quickly switches to an essentially transverse (or, more precisely, whirling) mode, as observed in experiments.
This may explain why linear stability analysis based on an anti-phase whirling mode have not successfully predicted the
critical velocity in inline arrays (Whiston and Thomas, 1982).
It is instructive to separate the contributions to the uid force from the potential and vortical parts of the ow. Fig. 6(a)
shows the total lift force compared with its potential and vortical parts. This decomposition is done during the Navier
Stokes simulation by rst calculating the total force and then subtracting the potential force contribution calculated based
on the instantaneous position and velocity of the cylinder using the charge simulation method described earlier. A curve t
shows that vortex force is almost exactly out of phase with the cylinder motion:
(t) =2y(t0:01)0:203sin(StU
=D2pt 0:03): (10)
Because the mass damping ratio is relatively small, the amplitude of motion is large (A=0.27), and the size of the potential
force is also correspondingly large. Despite the relatively large potential force it is clear that the total force is controlled by
its vortical component, apart from a small change in amplitude.
Fig. 3. Flow induced vibration in an inline tube array with P/D=1.5. The central cylinder is free to move in the transverse direction only. (a) Potential
ow streamlines. (b) Re=200 vorticity (red is positive, blue is negative). (c) Comparison of lift force (normalized by U
) as a function of cylinder position
for potential ow and NavierStokes ow at Re=200. The lift force for the NavierStokes ow has been averaged over many periods of cylinder
oscillation. The dotted line is C
(y) for the potential ow and the arrows give the direction of cylinder motion (note hysteresis). (For interpretation of
the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
N.K.-R. Kevlahan / Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (2011) 829837 834
We now propose a physical explanation for the phase lag, and give a rough estimate for its magnitude. If we assume
that the vortex force is generated by a vortex of strength U
shed at speed U
in a direction 451 to the mean ow
direction (where U
is the mean speed in the gap between cylinders), then the maximum lift force magnitude should be
approximately C
. For the case presented here, this gives C
-0:667, in reasonable agreement
with the observed value 0.541 from Eq. (10). (In comparison, the potential force C
-y for tube arrays with
P/D=1.5.) Note that this approximation is strictly valid only for 2-D ows at moderate Reynolds numbers. The phase shift
may be estimated by noting that the vortex shedding begins at maximum cylinder amplitude (minimum gap). However,
the vortex initially moves vertically (generating no lift). The lift is maximum when the vortex moves below the cylinder
into the fast downstream ow. This gives f
o-0:18 in our case, in reasonable agreement with the
observed value 0.2 (the 1/8 of the circumference estimate was used based on observing ow animations). This estimate
agrees with the experimental observation that tpD=U
(Blevins, 2001).
Fig. 4. (a) Vorticity eld at Re=200 for a 55 periodic unit cell with the central cylinder free to move in the transverse direction. (b) Cylinder
trajectories for a 55 periodic unit cell with all cylinders free to move.
N.K.-R. Kevlahan / Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (2011) 829837 835
Finally, we check that the cylinder is indeed stable when forced only by the potential part of the force, even when the
ow itself is vortical. Fig. 6(b) shows the cylinder displacement as a function of time when forced by the total force,
the potential force alone and the vortical force alone. This conrms that the overall vibrational mode is entirely due to the
vortical component of the force, even though the potential force is of comparable magnitude to the total force. The crucial
contribution of the vortex wake is to shift the force anti-phase to the cylinder displacement, and to introduce a new
Strouhal frequency component to the force. However, it is important to remember that in this case only the central
cylinder can move, and only in the transverse direction. When all cylinders can move the initial instability is potential in
nature (although the fully developed whirling instability is strongly vortical).
4. Conclusions
The results presented here have helped to untangle the roles of vortex shedding and potential ow in the non-resonant
uidelastic instability of tube arrays. We have shown that vortex wake dynamics (especially vortex shedding) is the
dominant factor determining the vibrational stability of inline tube arrays, even in the non-resonant case.
In particular, we have shown how ow asymmetry (a potential ow effect) ensures that the vortex-generated lift force
=dyo0, which is necessary for the negative damping instability mechanism. The negative damping mechanism also
requires that the uid force lag behind the cylinder motion and our results allowed us to measure this phase lag, and to
understand why it is proportional to D=U
, as observed experimentally. However, we found that the simple negative
damping theory is inconsistent with the results of the 2-D NavierStokes simulations, even when the relevant parameters
measured from the simulation are used to predict the critical ow velocity. Moreover, we found that the critical ow
velocity measured in the 2-D NavierStokes simulations for a single cylinder moving transverse to the ow is much higher
than that measured in experiments. In contrast, nonlinear stability analysis using the 2-D NavierStokes simulations of the
Fig. 5. Potential ow and 2-D NavierStokes calculations compared with data and theory. Results are normalized with respect to the gap velocity U
(Modied from Blevins (2001) Figs. 5 and 6.)
48.6 48.8 49 49.2 49.4 49.6
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. The 2-D NavierStokes simulation results for a 33 periodic array with the central cylinder free to move in the transverse direction only and a
mass damping of one. (a) Total lift compared with its potential and vortical parts. (b) Cylinder amplitude when cylinder is forced by the total force, only
the potential force, or only the vortical force.
N.K.-R. Kevlahan / Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (2011) 829837 836
case where all cylinders are free to move in both the streamwise and transverse directions gave results consistent with the
experiments over a large range of mass damping ratios, from 1 to 100.
In order to check that the fully developed vibrational instability is controlled by the vortical part of the total uid force
(and that the potential part does not play a direct role) we performed 2-D NavierStokes simulations where the cylinder is
forced either by the total force, or by the potential force alone, or by the vortical force alone. These numerical experiments
conrmed that the vibrational instability is due to the vortical part of the force, and that the vortex shedding ensures that
the force is approximately anti-phase to the cylinder motion (together with a Strouhal frequency component).
Surprisingly, we found that the potential ow simulations gave reasonably accurate predictions of the critical ow
velocity for a wide range of phase lags, provided all cylinders are free to oscillate in both streamwise and transverse
directions. The instability mode in this case is essentially streamwise, with adjacent cylinders moving anti-phase. We
conjecture that the accuracy of the potential ow calculations is due to the fact that the initial instability mode in the 2-D
NavierStokes simulations is also streamwise (although the fully developed instability mode is the so-called whirling
mode, as observed in experiments). This suggests that potential ow calculations may be far more accurate than
previously thought, provided the gap velocity is measured correctly and that the cylinders are free to vibrate in the
streamwise direction. It also suggests that the linear instability analysis of tube arrays should assume a streamwise anti-
phase mode, rather than the usual whirling (or transverse) anti-phase mode.
In summary, we found that 2-D NavierStokes simulations of periodic arrays of cylinders give good predictions of the
critical ow velocity for the vibrational instability of inline tube arrays over a wide range of mass damping ratios. The fact
that the potential ow stability analysis also gives reasonably good results for the critical ow velocity is surprising and
requires further analysis, focusing on the form of the initial instability mode. The initial instability mode is likely to be
qualitatively different from the fully developed mode because the dynamics of the wake changes qualitatively in inline
arrays once the tubes start to vibrate (from jet-like to von Karman-like with complete vortex shedding).
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