This document is an application form for a community-based organization's (CBO) universal pre-kindergarten program for the 2012-2013 school year. It requests basic student information such as name, date of birth, address, as well as optional information on health insurance and home language. The form also collects contact information for the student's parent or guardian and requires their signature. It explains that daily attendance is expected and no transportation is provided.
This document is an application form for a community-based organization's (CBO) universal pre-kindergarten program for the 2012-2013 school year. It requests basic student information such as name, date of birth, address, as well as optional information on health insurance and home language. The form also collects contact information for the student's parent or guardian and requires their signature. It explains that daily attendance is expected and no transportation is provided.
This document is an application form for a community-based organization's (CBO) universal pre-kindergarten program for the 2012-2013 school year. It requests basic student information such as name, date of birth, address, as well as optional information on health insurance and home language. The form also collects contact information for the student's parent or guardian and requires their signature. It explains that daily attendance is expected and no transportation is provided.
This document is an application form for a community-based organization's (CBO) universal pre-kindergarten program for the 2012-2013 school year. It requests basic student information such as name, date of birth, address, as well as optional information on health insurance and home language. The form also collects contact information for the student's parent or guardian and requires their signature. It explains that daily attendance is expected and no transportation is provided.
DIRECTIONS: Please print clearly in blue or black ink only. Please note that only Parent/ Guardians who are New York City residents may submit an application. Complete, sign and return this application directly to each CBO you wish to apply to. Be sure to make a copy of the application and retain for your records. For a list of CBOs, please review the Pre-kindergarten Directory available at your local school, CBO or online at
NAME OF CBO YOU ARE APPLYING TO:____________________________
Section A: STUDENT INFORMATION Please print clearly in ink STUDENT LAST NAME STUDENT FIRST NAME DATE OF BIRTH (mm/ddyyyy) GENDER (optional) / / 2008 M F STUDENT CURRENT ADDRESS (House #, Street, Apt. #, City, State and Zip Code)
Section B: OPTIONAL INFORMATION Please print clearly in ink HEALTH INSURANCE Does the student have health insurance? Yes If yes, what type of coverage is it? Private Health Insurance Medicaid Child Health Plus B No If no, would you like to be contacted about getting coverage? Yes No HOME LANGUAGE In which language(s) would you like to receive written and/or oral communication regarding the Pre-Kindergarten Admissions Process? Please check all that apply: English Arabic Bengali Chinese Haitian Creole Korean Russian Spanish Urdu Other, please specify: _____________________
Section C: PARENT INFORMATION Please print clearly in ink I understand that daily attendance and promptness are required. I must arrange for a responsible adult to bring my child to school and pick him/her up daily. I understand that no transportation is provided. PARENT/GUARDIAN LAST NAME PARENT/GUARDIAN FIRST NAME RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER EVENING TELEPHONE NUMBER PARENT/GUARDIAN EMAIL ADDRESS Parent/Guardian Signature Date
N.Y. 2014 - 2015 2010 Health CareProvider Name and Degree(print) Provider License No. and State Facility Name National Provider Identifier (NPI) Address City State Zip CHILD & ADOLESCENT HEALTH EXAMINATION FORM NYC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & MENTAL HYGIENE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN Please Print Clearly Press Hard STUDENT ID NUMBER OSIS Childs Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex 0 Female Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year ) Childs Address Hispanic/Latino? 0 Yes 0 No 0Male / / Race (Check ALL that apply) 0 American Indian 0 Asian 0 Black 0 White 0Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0Other City/Borough State Zip Code School/Center/Camp Name District Number Phone Numbers Home Health insurance 0 Yes (incl udi ng Medicaid)? 0 No 0 Parent/Guardian Last Name First Name 0 Foster Parent Cell Work TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH CARE PROVIDER If yes to any item, please explain (attach addendum, if needed) Birth hi story (age 0-6 yrs) 0 Uncomplicated 0 Premature: weeks gestation Does the child/adolescent have a past or present medical history of the following? 0 Asthma (check severity and attach MAF/Asthma Action Plan): 0 Intermittent 0 Mild Persistent 0 Moderate Persistent 0 Severe Persistent If persistent, check all current medication(s): 0 Inhaled corticosteriod 0 Other controller 0 Quickrelief med 0 Oral steroid 0 None 0Complicated by 0 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 0 Orthopedic injury/disability Medications (attach MAF if i n-school medi cati on needed) All ergies 0 None 0 Epi pen prescribed 0Drugs (list) 0Foods (list) 0 Other (list) 0 Chronic or recurrent otitis media 0 Seizure disorder 0 Congenital or acquired heart disorder 0 Speech, hearing, or visual impairment 0 Developmental/learning problem 0 Tuberculosis (latent infection or disease) 0Diabetes (attach MAF) 0Other (specify) 0 None 0 Yes (list below) Dietary Restri cti ons 0 None 0 Yes (list below) PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Height cm ( %ile) Weight kg ( %ile) BMI kg/m 2 ( %ile) Head Circumference (age 2 yrs) cm ( %ile) Blood Pressure (age 3 yrs) / Explai n all checked items above or on addendum General Appearance: Nl Abnl Nl Abnl Nl Abnl Nl Abnl Nl Abnl 0 0 HEENT 0 0 Lymph nodes 0 0 Abdomen 0 0 Skin 0 0 Psychosocial Development 0 0 Dental 0 0 Lungs 0 0 Genitourinary 0 0 Neurological 0 0 Language 0 0 Neck 0 0 Cardiovascular 0 0 Extremities 0 0 Back/spine 0 0 Behavioral Describe abnormalities: DEVELOPMENTAL (age 0-6 yrs) 0 Within normal limits SCREENING TESTS Date Done Resul ts Date Done Resul ts If delay suspected, specify below Blood Lead Level (BLL) (required at age 1 yr and 2 yrs / / g/dL Tubercul osi s Only required for students entering intermediate/middle/junior or high school who have not previously attended any NYC public or private school 0 Cognitive (e.g., play skills) and for those at risk) / / g/dL PPD/Mantoux placed / / Induration mm Lead Risk Assessment 0 At risk (do BLL) PPD/Mantoux read / / 0 Neg 0 Pos 0 Communication/Language (annually, age 6 mo-6 yrs) Heari ng / / 0 Not at risk Interferon Test / / 0 Neg 0 Pos 0 Social/Emotional 0 Pure tone audiometry 0 Normal 0 OAE / / 0 Abnormal Chest x-ray 0 Nl 0 Not 0 Adaptive/Self-Help Hemogl obi n or Head Start Onl y g/dL (if PPD or Interferon positive) Visi on / / 0 Abnl Indicated Acuity Right / 0 Motor Hematocri t (age 912 mo) (required for new school entrants / / Left / IMMUNIZATIONS DATES CIR Number / / % and children age 47 yrs) 0 with glasses Strabismus 0 No 0 Yes of Child Influenza / / / / / / Hep B / / / / / / / / MMR / / / / / / Rotavirus / / / / / / Varicella / / / / DTP/DTaP/DT / / / / / / Td / / / / / / / / / / / / Tdap / / Hep A / / / / Hib / / / / / / / / Meningococcal / / / / PCV / / / / / / / / HPV / / / / / / Polio / / / / / / / / Other, specify: / / ; / / RECOMMENDATIONS 0 Full physical activity 0 Full diet 0 Restrictions (specify) Follow-up Needed 0 No 0 Yes, for Appt. date: / / Referral(s): 0 None 0 EarlyIntervention 0 Special Education 0 Dental 0 Vision 0Other ASSESSMENT 0 Well Child (V20.2) 0 Diagnoses/Probl ems (list) ICD-9 Code Health Care Provider Signature Date DOHMH PROVIDER / / ONLY I.D. TYPE OF EXAM: NAE Current NAE Prior Year(s) Comments Telephone Fax Date Reviewed: / / I.D. NUMBER ( ) ( ) REVIEWER: CH-205 (5/08) Copies: Whi te School/Child Care/Early Intervention/Camp, Canary Health Care Provider, Pi nk Parent/Guardian 2008 N.Y. / / 2010
FORM PSE THE New York City DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FEDERAL PARENT/GUARDIANSTUDENT ETHNIC &RACE IDENTIFICATION To the Parent/Guardian: Federal lawrequires the New York City Department of Education to collect and record the ethnic identity and race of public school students. This information is used to determine funding for your school, among other things, and is kept secure and confidential. We need your help to accomplish this task. Please respond to the ethnicity and race identification questions on the back of this page. The first question provides an opportunity for you to indicate whether your child is of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin; the second question provides an opportunity for you to indicate your childs race(s). Please be sure to respond to both questions. Students identified with more than race will be counted in the two or more races category. Hispanic students of all races will be counted in the Hispanic category. The New York City Department of Education understands the sensitive nature of this process. The options provided by the federal government may not represent an accurate or complete portrayal of your familys own ethnic or race identification. We encourage you to provide responses using your best judgment. If you decline to respond to either question, federal guidelines require New York City Department of Education school staff to make an identification of your child on your behalf. Race and ethnicity information for students is protected by the confidentiality regulations cited at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your cooperation. PSE FORM08252010 Parents and Guardians: Please complete the form on the reverse side of this page and return it to your childs school. Confidentiality Procedures and Regulations The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (1974) and Regulations of the Chancellor A-820 prohibit unauthorized access to student records and unauthorized release of any student record information identifiable by either student name or student identification number. 1 Race may be considered as a factor in school enrollment only where required by court order; gender is a factor only in single-gender schools. School staff: File the completed form in the students Cumulative Record folder as confidential information.
1. Is the student Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin? Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin means a person of Cuban, Dominican, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
YES, Hispanic
NO, not Hispanic FORM PSE THE New York City DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FEDERAL PARENT/GUARDIAN STUDENT ETHNIC & RACE IDENTIFICATION - All students between 5 and 21 years of age have the right to a free public education. - Federal law requires the New York City Department of Education to collect and record the ethnic identity and race(s) of public school students. - Children may not be refused admission to a public school because of race, color, creed, national origin, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, immigration/citizenship status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or ethnicity. 1
Name of High School/ Mini School /Annex Grade Code
Class Code
NYC Student Identification Number
Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year)
(HIGH SCHOOL ONLY 4-DIGIT) Student Name: Last, First, Middle Initial PARENT/GUARDIAN: PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION PLEASE ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS (1) AND (2). PLEASE READ THEM BEFORE YOU RESPOND. For Question (1), check () the box that best describes your child. For Question (2), check () all boxes that apply to your child. 2. Select one or more races from the following five racial groups.
AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and South America (including Central America. (ATS Code: B) ASIAN: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Sub-Continent including for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. (ATS Code: C) NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, or other Pacific Islands. (ATS Code: D) BLACK: A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. (ATS Code: E) WHITE: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. (ATS Code: F) Signature of Parent/Guardian/Other/School Staff Observer: Date: Relationship to Student: Parent Guardian Other (Specify): See reverse side for an important message to parents/guardians and for confidentiality procedures and regulations School Staff Observer (Name): -- --- Residency Questionnaire
Parent/Guardian/Student: This form is intended to address the McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C. 11435, and must be completed for each student. The information you provide is confidential. Your child will not be discriminated against based upon the information provided.
Please complete the following questions regarding the students housing in order to help determine services the student may be eligible to receive.
Note to schools/Temporary Housing Liaisons: Please assist students and families in filling out this form. Do not simply include this form in the registration packet, because if the student qualifies as residing in temporary housing, the student is not required to submit proof of residency and other required documents that may be part of the registration packet. Please identify the students current living arrangements. Please check one box:
If the student is NOT living in permanent housing, also indicate if the below applies:
________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________ Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date Please return this form to your childs school as requested.
Note: The answer you give above will help determine what services you or your child may be eligible to receive under the McKinney- Vento Act. Students who are protected under the Act are entitled to immediate enrollment in school even if they do not have the documents normally needed, such as proof of residency, school records, immunization records, or birth certificate. After the student has been enrolled, the new school must contact the last school attended to request the students educational records, including immunization records, and Students in Temporary Housing (STH) Liaison(s) must help the student get any other necessary documents or immunizations. Students who are protected under the McKinney-Vento Act may also be entitled to free transportation and other services. Please refer to Chancellors Regulation A-780. This form is accompanied by a one-page attachment titled, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Students in Temporary Housing Guide for Parents & Youth. Revised 7/1/09 Student Name Last First Middle
OSIS # Date of Birth MM/DD/YY Gender School Check () Residency Questionnaire Choice
ATS Code Doubled-Up With another family or other person because of loss of housing or as a result of economic hardship D Shelter Emergency or transitional shelter S Awaiting Foster Care Placement A Hotel / Motel Living in what is NOT an emergency or transitional shelter and involves payment H Other Temporary Living Situation Trailer park, campground, car, park, public places, abandoned building, street, or any other inadequate living space T Permanent Housing Student who is living in a fixed, regular, and adequate housing situation P Unaccompanied Youth Youth who is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian Unac Youth Enter Y if applicable School Use Only School Use Only / / 2008 / / 2010 Chancellors Regulation A-101 Attachment No. 3 Page 1 of 2 PARENT AFFIDAVIT OF RESIDENCY In accordance with Chancellors Regulation A-101, if a parent is subletting an apartment or home, or if more than one family shares a living space and there is only one leaseholder or homeowner, the parent must present a notarized Address Affidavit signed both by the primary leaseholder as well as the parent affirming that the family is residing in this home, and must attach the lease or deed. Section A: STUDENT INFORMATION Please print clearly in ink STUDENTS LAST NAME STUDENTS FIRST NAME GENDER (optional) M / F DATE OF BIRTH (MM/DD/YY) OSIS #/STUDENTS ID #(if available) TELEPHONE # STUDENTS CURRENT ADDRESS (House #, Street, Apt. #, City, State and Zip Code) Section B: PARENT INFORMATION Please print clearly in ink PARENT/GUARDIANS LAST NAME PARENT/GUARDIANS FIRST NAME PARENT/GUARDIANS CURRENT ADDRESS (House #, Street, Apt. #, City, State and Zip Code) HOME PHONE WORK PHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS Section C: PRIMARY RESIDENT/TENANT INFORMATION Please print clearly in ink PRIMARY RESIDENT/TENANTS LAST NAME PRIMARY RESIDENT/TENANTS FIRST NAME PRIMARY RESIDENT/TENANTS CURRENT ADDRESS (House #, Street, Apt. #, City, State and Zip Code) HOME PHONE WORK PHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP TO PARENT ANTICIPATED DURATION OF STAY MALE FEMALE 2008 N.Y. 2010 Chancellors Regulation A-101 Attachment No. 3 Page 2 of 2 To be completed by the Parent: I, _________________________________________, the parent of ___________________________________________, (insert name and date of birth of student) hereby affirm that I am residing with _____________________________________________________________________ (insert name) at the following address ______________________________________________________________________________. (insert address and contact number of primary leaseholder) I understand that the New York City Department of Education has the right to conduct an Attendance Investigation to verify my residence including a visit to the home of the primary leaseholder. I also understand that registration in school is based on eligibility determined by my residence, and the Department of Education has the right to transfer students for whom falsified documentation was provided at the time of registration. In the event that my residency changes, I agree to notify my childs school and present new proof of address. Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________ STATE OF NEW YORK SS: COUNTY OF Sworn to before me this _______ day of _______________________, Year _________ Notary Public To be completed by Primary Leaseholder/Tenant: I hereby affirm that __________________________________________________________________________________ (insert name of parent and child/children) are residing with me at _______________________________________________________________________________. (insert address) I understand that by signing this affidavit I am verifying the residence of ________________________________________. (insert names) I also understand that the New York City Department of Education has the right to conduct an Attendance Investigation to verify the residence of the parties named in this affidavit, including a visit to my home and interviews with my neighbors. I can be contacted at the number(s) listed below should the Department of Education require further information. Primary Leaseholder Signature: ____________________________________________ STATE OF NEW YORK SS: COUNTY OF Sworn to before me this _______ day of _______________________, Year _________ Notary Public The New York City Department of Education Pre-Kindergarten Language Needs Survey 1 Dear Parent or Guardian, This survey is an important piece of your pre-kindergarten enrollment package as it provides your new school with information about your familys language needs. Your assistance in answering the questions below is greatly appreciated. Please return this form to your school administrator, , and if you have questions, speak with at . Thank You
PART 1. LANGUAGE NEEDS: This information will establish what language is used at home and the language of instruction requested by the family (if available). 1. Which language(s) do you speak at home? Please check () all that apply:
English Spanish Chinese Bengali Arabic Haitian Creole Russian 2.What language does the child understand?
Urdu French Korean Albanian Punjabi Polish Other, please specify
English Other Home Language(s) :
3. What language does the child speak?
English Other Home Language(s) :
4. What language does the child read?
English Other Home Language(s) : Does not read yet 5. What language does the child write?
English Other Home Language(s) : Does not write yet 6. What language is spoken in the childs home or residence most of the time? English Other Home Language(s) : 7. What language does the child speak with parents/guardians most of the time? English Other Home Language(s) : 8. What language does the child speak with brothers, sisters, or friends most of the time?
English Other Home Language(s) :
9. What language does the child speak with other relatives or caregivers (e.g., babysitters) most of the time? English Other Home Language(s) : 10.Would you like your child to receive instruction using your home language (if available):
All the time Most of the time Some of the time Does not read yet Does not read yet 2 The New York City Department of Education Pre-Kindergarten Language Needs Survey
PART 2. INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING: Responses to these supplementary questions will be used for instructional planning. Enter the correct response for each of the following questions concerning your child. 1. Is this your childs first time participating in an instructional program or group experience in the U.S.?
Yes No
a. Where did he/she go participate in daycare/preschool/play group?
b. What was the date of enrollment?
c. How long did he/she attend?
d. Which language was used for instruction?
2. Has your child participated in an instructional program or group experience in another country?
Yes No
IF YES: a. Where did he/she participate in daycare/preschool/play group? b. How long did he/she attend? c. Which language was used for instruction? 3. Does your child have any conditions that require special help or attention in school? Yes No IF YES, please check all that apply: Hearing impaired Visually impaired Speech impaired Physically impaired
Emotionally impaired Asthma Developmentally Disabled Other (Please Specify) IF YES, what early intervention has your child received, if any?
4. Does the child use any other form(s) of communication, such as American Sign Language or Augmentative Communication Device (e.g., Communication Board-manual/electronic)? Yes No IF YES: Which ones?
PART 3. PARENT INFORMATION: Responses to these supplementary questions will be used so that the NYC Department of Education can communicate with you in the language of your choice.
1. What is your first language? Parent/Guardian: First language:
Parent/Guardian: First language:
2. In what language would you like to receive written information from the school?
3. In what language would you prefer to communicate orally with school staff?
Parent Signature Date 3 The New York City Department of Education Pre-Kindergarten Language Needs Survey
TO BE COMPLETED BY ENROLLMENT OR SCHOOL PERSONNEL ONLY Date: Name of Student: Borough District: School: Gender: Ethnicity Code: (form PSE): Date of Birth: Relationship of person providing information for survey (check one): Mother Guardian Father Other (specify): If an interview is conducted, in what language is it conducted? Is a translator/interpreter used? Pre-K Home Language Code Potential English Language Learner? Instruction will be provided in: English Spanish Other Both English and the home language of
Office of Communications and Media Relations 52 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007 Tel: 212.374.5141 Fax: 212.374.5584
CONSENT TO PHOTOGRAPH, FILM, OR VIDEOTAPE A STUDENT FOR NON-PROFIT USE (e.g. educational, public service, or health awareness purposes)
I hereby consent to the participation in interviews, the use of quotes, and the taking of photographs, movies or video tapes of the Student named above by . I also grant to the right to edit, use, and reuse said products for non- profit purposes including use in print, on the internet, and all other forms of media. I also hereby release the New York City Department of Education and its agents and employees from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever in connection with the above.
Signature of Parent/Guardian (if Student is under 18): _____________________________ Date: _______________
Address of Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________________________________________
Signature of Student (if 18 or over): ____________________________________ Date: __________________
Address of Student: __________________________________________________________________________