C Language Quiz Questions and Answers With Explanation

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C language quiz questions and answers with explanation

(1) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int a=5;
float b;
printf(" %d",a);
return 0;

(a)2 6
(b)4 6
(c)2 5
(d)4 5
(e)Compiler error
Output: (d)
++a +b
=6 + Garbage floating point number
=Garbage floating point number
//From the rule of automatic type conversion
Hence sizeof operator will return 4 because size of float data type in c is 4 byte.
Value of any variable doesnt modify inside sizeof operator. Hence value of variable a will remain 5.

Properties of sizeof operator.
Operators tutorial

(2) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
char *str;
return 0;
(a)It will accept a word as a string from user.
(b)It will accept a sentence as a string from user.
(c)It will accept a paragraph as a string from user.
(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (b)
Task of % [^\t] is to take the stream of characters until it doesnt receive new line character \t i.e. enter
button of your keyboard.
General meaning of %[^ p]
String tutorial.

(3) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int array[3]={5};
int i;
printf("%d ",array[i]);
return 0;

(a)5 garbage garbage
(b)5 0 0
(c)5 null null
(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (b)
Storage class of an array which initializes the element of the array at the time of declaration is static.
Default initial value of static integer is zero.
Properties of static storage class.
How to read complex array.

(4) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

void call(int,int,int);
int main(){
int a=10;
return 0;
void call(int x,int y,int z){
printf("%d %d %d",x,y,z);

(a)10 10 12
(b)12 11 11
(c)12 12 12
(d)10 11 12
(e)Compiler error
Output: (b)
Default parameter passing scheme of c is cdecl i.e. argument of function will pass from right to left

First ++a will pass and a=11
Then a++ will pass and a=11
Then a will pass and a=12
What is pascal and cedecl parameter passing scheme?
Concept of variable numbers of argument.

(5) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int x=5,y=10,z=15;
printf("%d %d %d");
return 0;

(a)Garbage Garbage Garbage
(b)5 10 15
(c)15 10 5
(d)Compiler error
(e)Run time error
Output: (c)
Auto variables are stored in stack as shown in following figure.

Stack follow LIFO data structure i.e. last come and first out. First %d will print then content of two
continuous bytes from the top of the stack and so on.
Memory map tutorial.
More questions based on memory map.
(6) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
register int i,x;
x=++i + ++i + ++i;
return 0;

(e)Compiler error
Output: (e)
In c register variable stores in CPU it doesnt store in RAM. So register variable have not any memory
address. So it is illegal to write &a.
Complete tutorial of storage class with examples.
Properties of register storage class.

(7) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int a=5;
int b=10;
int a=2;
printf("%d %d",a,b);
return 0;

(a)5 10
(b)6 11
(c)5 11
(d)6 10
(e)Compiler error
Output: (c)
Default storage class of local variable is auto. Scope and visibility of auto variable is within the block in
which it has declared. In c, if there are two variables of the same name then we can access only local
variable. Hence inside the inner block variable a is local variable which has declared and defined inside
that block. When control comes out of the inner block local variable a became dead.
Complete tutorial of storage class with examples.
What is auto storage class?

(8) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
float f=3.4e39;
return 0;

(d)Compiler error
(e)Run time error
Output: (c)
If you will assign value beyond the range of float data type to the float variable it will not show any
compiler error. It will store infinity.
Data type tutorial with examples.
Concept of float data type.

(9) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
enum color{
enum color x;
return 0;

(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (b)
Default value of enum constant = value of previous enum constant +1
Default value of first enum constant=0
Complete tutorial of enum data type with examples.

(10) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
mov bx,8;
mov cx,10
add bx,cx;
return 0;
(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (a)
asm keyword is used to write assembly language program in c. mov command stores the constants in
the register bx, cx etc. add command stores the content of register and stores in first register i.e. in bx.
How to write assembly language program by c?
Advance c tutorial.

(11) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
enum xxx{
return 0;

(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (d)
Size of enum constant is size of sign int. Since value of c=32767. Hence value of d will be 32767+1=32768
which is beyond the range of enum constant.
Tutorial of data type with examples.

(12) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
signed int a=-1;
unsigned int b=-1;
printf("%d %d",a,b);
printf("Not equal");
return 0;

(a)-1 -1
(b)-1 32767
(c)-1 -32768
(d)Not equal
(e)Compiler error

Output: (a)

What is automatic type conversion?

(13) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
float f=5.5f;
float x;
return 0;

(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (d)
Modular division is not allowed with floating number.
Properties of modular division.
Operators tutorial with examples.
(14) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int a=-20;
int b=-3;
return 0;

(e)Compiler error

Output: (b)
Sign of resultant of modular division depends upon only the sign of first operand.
Properties of modular division.
Operators tutorial with examples.
(15) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
char c='0';
printf("%d %d",sizeof(c),sizeof('0'));
return 0;

(a)1 1
(b)2 2
(c)1 2
(d)2 1
(e)None of above
Output: (c)

Size of char data type is one byte while size of character constant is two byte.
Why character constant is of two byte in c?

(16) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
char *url="c:\tc\bin\rw.c";
return 0;

(c)c: c inw.c
(e)w.c in
Output: (e)
1. \t is tab character which moves the cursor 8 space right.
2. \b is back space character which moves the cursor one space back.
3. \r is carriage return character which moves the cursor beginning of the line.

Complete string tutorial with examples.
Properties of escape characters.

(17) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
goto abc;
return 0;
void dispaly(){
(e)Compiler error
Output: (e)
Label of goto cannot be in other function because control cannot move from one function to another
function directly otherwise it will show compiler error: unreachable label
What is goto keyword.
Complete function tutorial with examples.

(18) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int i=3;
printf("Not equal");

(d)Not equal
(e)Compiler error
Output: (c)
Associative of bitwise left shifting operator is left to right. In the following expression:
There are two bitwise operators. From rule of associative leftmost operator will execute first.
i <<><<>
After execution of leftmost bitwise left shifting operator:
so i=i*pow(2,2)
What is associative?
What is precedence?
Tutorial of bitwise operators.

(19) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int x=2,y=3;

(c)Compiler error: Lvalued required
(d)Compiler error: Invalid expression
(e)None of above
Output: (a)
Expression x+y<=5
=> 2+3 <=5
=> 5<=5 is true because 5 is either greater than 5 or equal to 5.
Operator tutorial with examples.
(20) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
const int i=5;
return 0;

(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (d)
We cannot modify the const variable by using increment operator.
Properties of const keyword.
Properties of volatile keyword.
Data type tutorial with examples.

(21) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?


int main(){
int i=11;
int const * p=&i;
return 0;

(b) 12
(c)Garbage value
(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (c)
In the following line:
int const * p=&i;
*p i.e. content of p is constant pointer p is not constant pointer. So we can modify the pointer p. After
incrementing the pointer it will point next memory location and its content will any garbage value.

Note: We have assumed arbitrary memory address.

To make pointer p as constant pointer write:
int const * const p=&i;
Properties of const keyword.
Properties of volatile keyword.
(22) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int a=15,b=10,c=5;
if(a>b>c )
return 0;

(c)Run time error
(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (b)
Relation operator in c always returns 1 when condition is true and 0 when condition is false. So in the
following expression
a > b > c
Associative of relational operators are left to right order of execution will be following manner:

Hence in this expression first solve bolded condition: a > b > c
Since condition a>b is true so result will be 1. Now expression became:
1 > c
Since this condition is false so result will be 0. Thus else part will execute.
What is associative?
What is precedence?
(23) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
float f;
return 0;

(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (c)
In the following expression:
f=3/2 both 3 and 2 are integer constant hence its result will also be an integer constant i.e. 1.
Properties of floating type numbers.
(24) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int a=sizeof(a);
return 0;
int modify(int x){
int y=3;
(d)Garbage value
(e)None of above
Output: (c)
_AX is register pseudo variable. It stores return type of function.
What is register pseudo variable?
What is global identifier?
(25) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?
#define PRINT printf("c");printf("c++");
int main(){
float a=5.5;
printf("Not equal");
return 0;
(a)c c++
(b)Not equal
(d)Compiler error
(e)None of above
Output: (d)
First see intermediate file:
try.c 1:
try.c 2: int main(){
try.c 3: float a=5.5;
try.c 4: if(a==5.5)
try.c 5: printf("c");printf("c++");
try.c 6: else
try.c 7: printf("Not equal");
try.c 8: }
try.c 9: return 0;
try.c 10:

If there are more than one statement in if block then it is necessary to write inside the { } otherwise it
will show compiler error: misplaced else
More questions on preprocessors.
Preprocessor tutorial with examples.

(26) What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
int array[2][2][3]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};
return 0;

Output: 8
array[1][0][2] means 1*(2*3)+0*(3)+3=9
element of array starting from zero i.e. 8.

1. What is the correct value to return to the operating system
upon the successful completion of a program?
A. -1
B. 1
C. 0
D. Programs do not return a value.

2. What is the only function all C programs must contain?
A. start()
B. system()
C. main()
D. program()

3. What punctuation is used to signal the beginning and end
of code blocks?
A. { }
B. -> and <-
D. ( and )

4. What punctuation ends most lines of C code?
A. .
B. ;
C. :
D. '

5. Which of the following is a correct comment?
A. */ Comments */
B. ** Comment **
C. /* Comment */
D. { Comment }

6. Which of the following is not a correct variable type?
A. float
B. real
C. int
D. double

7. Which of the following is the correct operator to compare
two variables?
A. :=
B. =
C. equal
D. ==

Programming Quiz: If statements
If you didn't do as well as you would have liked, be sure to read
through Cprogramming.com's tutorial on if statments in C. Otherwise,

1. Which of the following is true?
A. 1
B. 66
C. .1
D. -1
E. All of the above

2. Which of the following is the boolean operator for logical-and?
A. &
B. &&
C. |
D. |&

3. Evaluate !(1 && !(0 || 1)).
A. True
B. False
C. Unevaluatable

4. Which of the following shows the correct syntax for an if statement?
A. if expression
B. if { expression
C. if ( expression )
D. expression if

C Programming Quiz Solutions:
If you didn't do as well you as would have liked, be sure to
read through Cprogramming.com's tutorial on loops in C.

1. What is the final value of x when the code int x; for(x=0;
x<10; x++) {} is run?
A. 10
B. 9
C. 0
D. 1

Note: This quiz question probably generates more email to
the webmaster than any other single item on the site. Yes,
the answer really is 10. If you don't understand why, think
about it this way: what condition has to be true for the loop
to stop running?

2. When does the code block following while(x<100)
A. When x is less than one hundred
B. When x is greater than one hundred
C. When x is equal to one hundred
D. While it wishes

3. Which is not a loop structure?
A. For
B. Do while
C. While
D. Repeat Until

4. How many times is a do while loop guaranteed to loop?
A. 0
B. Infinitely
C. 1
D. Variable

Quiz: Functions
If you didn't do as well as you would have liked, be sure to
read through Cprogramming.com's tutorial on functions.
Otherwise, well done!

1. Which is not a proper prototype?
A. int funct(char x, char y);
B. double funct(char x)
C. void funct();
D. char x();

2. What is the return type of the function with prototype: "int
func(char x, float v, double t);"
A. char
B. int
C. float
D. double

3. Which of the following is a valid function call (assuming
the function exists)?
A. funct;
B. funct x, y;
C. funct();
D. int funct();

4. Which of the following is a complete function?
A. int funct();
B. int funct(int x) {return x=x+1;}
C. void funct(int) { printf( "Hello");
D. void funct(x) { printf( "Hello"); }
C Programming : Introduction To C Language
1. Who invented the C - Programming?
[A] James Gosling
[B] Dennis Ritche
[C] Bjarne Stroustrup's
[D] Tim Berners-Lee
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aditya
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [B]

Explanation: Dennis Ritche invent c - programming between 1969 and 1973.
2. C is _______ language.
[A] Low level
[B] Middle Level
[C] Machine Level
[D] All Of Above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aditya
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [B]

Explanation: C is High level language as well as business oriented language.
3. Where does C language get invented?
[A] Ritche's Lab
[B] AT & T Bell Labs
[C] Under Oak Tree
[D] Fringe Labs
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aditya
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [B]

Explanation: C language get invented at AT & T Bell Labs.
4. Which symbol terminates a C statement?
[A] .
[B] ,
[C] ;
[D] }
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]

Explanation: Semi Colon (;) terminates a C statement.
5. How to comment in C language?
[A] //Comment
[B] /* Comment */
[C] <---Comment---->
[D] A & B
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]

Explanation: // Comment is use for single line comment and /* */ is user for multiline
6. Which is not a character of C?
[A] $
[B] !
[C] ^
[D] ~
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]

Explanation: Doller $ is not the character set of C language.
7. Identify the scalar data type in C.
[A] union
[B] function
[C] double
[D] array
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aditya
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]

Explanation: double is the the scalar data type in C.
8. How many tokens are in the following:
[A] 4
[B] 5
[C] 6
[D] 7
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aditya
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]

Explanation: There are six tokens in if(age==21).
9. Which is an invalid variable name?
[A] integer
[B] Xx
[C] net-total
[D] sum
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aditya
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]

Explanation: net-total is the invalid variable name because - (minus) is used as a
10. C constants can be divided into _ categories?
[A] 3
[B] 6
[C] 2
[D] 4
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by B ANTESHWAR
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]

Explanation: C constants can be divided into 2 major categories. 1) Primary
constants 2) Secondary constants

C Programming : C Data Types
1. Identify the type(s) if data type.
[A] Scalar
[B] Drived
[C] Pointer
[D] All Of Above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aditya
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]

Explanation: All are the type of data type. Scalar include integer, float, double, char.
Derived include structure, union, array/string. Pointer is also data type.
2. What will be output when you will execute following c code?
int main(){
return 0;
[A] 4 2 1
[B] 8 2 1
[C] 8 4 2
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Rashi Agggarwal
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]
3. integer datayape in c define by
[A] int
[B] integer
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by sandeep
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]

Explanation: integer datatype in c language define by int

C Programming : C Arrays
1. What will happen if in a C program you assign a value to an array element whose
subscript exceeds the size of array?
[A] The compiler would report an error.
[B] The program may crash if some important data gets overwritten.
[C] The array size would appropriately grow.
[D] The element will be set to 0.
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Monika Vinayak
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [B]

Explanation: If the index of the array size is exceeded, the program will crash.
Hence "option c" is the correct answer. But the modern compilers will take care of
this kind of errors. Example: Run the below program, it will crash in Windows
(TurboC Compiler)
2. What does the following declaration mean? int (*ptr)[10];
[A] ptr is a pointer to an array of 10 integers
[B] ptr is array of pointers to 10 integers
[C] ptr is an array of 10 integers
[D] ptr is an pointer to array
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Monika Vinayak
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]

C Programming : C Basic Concepts
1. The value of automatic variable that is declared but not initialized will be?
[A] 0
[B] 1
[C] Unpredictable
[D] None of above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]
2. Choose the correct statement
[A] An identifier may start with an underscore
[B] An identifier may end with an underscore
[C] IF is a valid identifier
[D] All of above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]
3. The const feature can be applied to?
[A] An identifier
[B] An array
[C] An array argument
[D] All of above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]
4. The expression 5-2-3*5-2 will evaluate to 18 if ?
[A] - is left associative and * has precedence over -
[B] - is right associative and * has precedence over -
[C] - is right associative and - has precedence over *
[D] - if left associative and - has precedence over *
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]
5. C language has been developed by ?
[A] . Dennis Ritchie
[B] Peter Norton
[C] Ken Thompson
[D] Martin Richards
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aanchal Porwal
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]
6. Smallest element of Array Index is called
[A] Lower Bond
[B] Upper Bond
[C] Extraction
[D] Rang
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aanchal Porwal
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]
7. Cons feature can be applied on
[A] identifier
[B] array
[C] Array Argument
[D] Function
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aanchal Porwal
8. Is it true that a global variable may have several declarations, but only one
[A] Yes
[B] No
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Aman
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]

Explanation: Yes, In all the global variable declarations, you need to use the
keyword extern.

Programming : C Functions
1. The default parameter passing mechanism is ?
[A] Call by value
[B] Call by reference
[C] Call by value result
[D] None of above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]
2. The order in which actual arguments are evaluated in function call
[A] is from the left
[B] is from the right
[C] is compiler dependent
[D] None of above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]
3. Use of functions ?
[A] Helps to avoid repeating a set of statements many times
[B] Enhance the logical clarity of the program
[C] Helps to avoid repeated programming across program
[D] All of above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]
4. Forward declaration is absolutely necessary?
[A] if a function returns a non integer quantity
[B] if the function call precedes its definition
if the function call precedes its definition and the function returns a non integer
[D] None of above
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]
5. Any C program
[A] Must contain at least one function
[B] Need not contain any function
[C] Needs input data
[D] None of above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]
6. Call by reference is also known as ?
[A] Call by address or Call by location
[B] Call by address or Call by value
[C] Call by value or Call by name
[D] None of above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]

C Programming : C Control Structure
1. In a for loop, if the condition is missing,then?
[A] it is assumed to be present and taken to be false
[B] it is assumed to be present and taken to be true
[C] it result in the syntax error
[D] execution will be terminated abruptly
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [B]
2. In a for loop, if the condition is missing, then infinite looping can not be avoided
by a
[A] Continue statement
[B] goto statement
[C] return statement
[D] break statement
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]
3. Choose the correct statement
[A] 0 represent a false condition
[B] Non zero value represent a false condition
[C] 1 represent a false condition
[D] Anything that is not 1, represents a false condition
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]
4. Which of the following comments about for loop are not correct?
[A] Index value is retained outside the loop
[B] Index value can be changed from within the loop
[C] goto can be used to jump,out of loop
[D] Body of the loop can not be empty
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]
5. Which of the following comment about for loop are correct?
Using break is equivalent to using a goto that jumps to the statement
immediately following the loop
[B] Continue is used to by pass the remainder of the current pass of the loop
if comma operator is used,then the value returned is the value of the right
[D] All of above
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]
6. Break statement can be simulated by using ?
[A] goto
[B] return
[C] exit
[D] any of the above statement
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [A]

C Programming : C Operators
1. Which of the following operator takes only integer operands?
[A] +
[B] *
[C] /
[D] %
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]
2. Pick the operator that not associates from the left?
[A] +
[B] -
[C] =
[D] <
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]
3. Pick the operator that not associates from the right?
[A] ?:
[B] +=
[C] =\
[D] !=
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]
4. The operators .,!!,<,= if arranged in ascending order of precedence reads ?
[A] .,!!,<,=
[B] =,<,!!,.
[C] =,!!,<,.
[D] <,!!,=,.
View AnswerReport Discuss in Forum-by Deepika
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [C]
5. Which of the following comment about the ++ operator are correct?
[A] It is unary operator
[B] The operand can come before or after the operator
[C] It cannot be applied to an expression
[D] All of above
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Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option [D]

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