Promiscuous mode allows a network device to intercept and read all network packets that arrive. It eliminates any reception filtering so the guest operating system receives all traffic. Promiscuous mode is insecure as it gives access to packets regardless of intended recipient, allowing viewing of other guest or host traffic.
Promiscuous mode allows a network device to intercept and read all network packets that arrive. It eliminates any reception filtering so the guest operating system receives all traffic. Promiscuous mode is insecure as it gives access to packets regardless of intended recipient, allowing viewing of other guest or host traffic.
Promiscuous mode allows a network device to intercept and read all network packets that arrive. It eliminates any reception filtering so the guest operating system receives all traffic. Promiscuous mode is insecure as it gives access to packets regardless of intended recipient, allowing viewing of other guest or host traffic.
Promiscuous mode allows a network device to intercept and read all network packets that arrive. It eliminates any reception filtering so the guest operating system receives all traffic. Promiscuous mode is insecure as it gives access to packets regardless of intended recipient, allowing viewing of other guest or host traffic.
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Promiscuous Mode Operation
1) In a network, promiscuous mode allows a network device to intercept and read each network packet that arrives in its entirety. This mode of operation is sometimes given to a network snoop server that captures and saves all packets for analysis (for example, for monitoring network usage). 2) In an thernet local area network (!"#), promiscuous mode is a mode of operation in which every data packet transmitted can $e received and read $y a network adapter. %romiscuous mode must $e supported $y each network adapter as well as $y the input&output driver in the host operating system. %romiscuous mode is often used to monitor network activity. Promiscuous Mode Operation Promiscuous mode eliminates any reception filtering that the virtual network adapter would perform so that the guest operating system receives all traffic observed on the wire. By default, the virtual network adapter cannot operate in promiscuous mode. Although promiscuous mode can be useful for tracking network activity, it is an insecure mode of operation, because any adapter in promiscuous mode has access to the packets regardless of whether some of the packets are received only by a particular network adapter. This means that an administrator or root user within a virtual machine can potentially view traffic destined for other guest or host operating systems. ' (hat is )*+"&),- --)*+"&), is the access method used in an thernet. --It stands for )arrier *ense +ultiple "ccess with )ollision ,etection. --)ollision. (henever multiple users have unregulated access to a single line, there is a danger of signals overlapping and destroying each other. *uch overlaps, which turn the signals into unusa$le noise, are called collisions. --In )*+"&), the station wishing to transmit first listens to make certain the link is free, then transmits its data, then listens again. ,uring the data transmission, the station checks the line for the extremely high voltages that indicate a collision. --If a collision is detected, the station /uits the current transmission and waits a predetermined amount of time for the line to clear, then sends its data again. 0 (hat is token ring- --Token ring is a !"# protocol standardi1ed $y I and num$ered as I 232.4. --In a token ring network, the nodes are connected into a ring $y point5to5point links. --It supports data rate of 4 6 10 +$ps. --ach station in the network transmits during its turn and sends only one frame during each turn. --The mechanism that coordinates this rotation is called Token passing. --" token is a simple placeholder frame that is passed from station to station around the ring. " station may send data only when it has possession of the token Q12. What is Bluetooth? Give the performance characteristics of a typical Bluetooth device. Ans. 7luetooth is a low cost, low power, short range, wireless communication technology. The performance characteristics of a 7luetooth device is as follows, (i) 8perating 9re/uency : 2.4;<1 (ii) Transmission power : 1m( (iii) ,ata rate : =23>$ps (iv) ?ange : 13meters (v) #um$er of devices : 2 (vi) )onnectivity : *pread *pectrum he different !ayers availa"le in #O$% are listed "elo&. @ %hotonic !ayer @ *ection !ayer @ !ine !ayer @ %ath !ayer o implement access mechanisms '(() differentiates "et&een t&o types of frames. synchronous and asynchronous. *ynchronous refers to the information that is real time,while asynchronous refers to information that is not real time. These frames are really called *5frames and "5frames @ 'ast %thernet &as desi*ned to compete &ith !A$ protocols such as '(() or 'i"er +hannel. @ )%%% created 'ast %thernet under the name ,-2..u. @ 'ast %thernet is "ac/&ard0compati"le &ith #tandard %thernet1 "ut it can transmit data 1- times faster at a rate of 1-- M"ps To preserve compati$ility with 13 +$ps thernet. A *ame frame format, same interfaces, same protocols A <u$ topology only with twisted pair 6 fi$er A 7us topology 6 coaxial ca$le a$andoned A )ategory B twisted pair (ordinary telephone grade) re/uires 4 pairs A )ategory ' twisted pair re/uires 2 pairs (most popular) A +ost prevalent !"# today
What are the /ey "enefits of layered net&or/? +ain $enefits of layered network are given $elow. A)omplex systems can $e $roken down into understanda$le su$systems. A"n y f a c i l i t y i mp l e me n t e d i n o n e l a y e r c a n $ e ma d e v i s i $ l e t o a l l o t h e r layers. A*ervices offered at a particular level may share the services of lower level. Aach layer may $e analy1ed and tested independently. A!ayers can $e simplified, extended or deleted at any time. AI n c r e a s e t h e i n t e r o p e r a $ i l i t y a n d c o mp a t i $ i l i t y o f v a r i o u s c o mp o n e n t s $uild $y different vendors .
Why &ires are t&isted in case of t&isted pair of transmission medium? It mi ni mi 1es el ectromagneti c i nterferences $etween the pai rs of wi res, whi ch are $undled together, so that the cross talk is minimum 121. %3plain the +ount to )nfinity pro"lem.+ount0to )nfinity pro"lem i s a pro$l em that $ad news travel sl owl y through the network and to advertise a $ad news throughout the entire network will take a long time.T h i s p r o $ l e m a r i s e s $ e c a u s e r o u t i n g u p d a t e me s s a g e s p r o p a g a t e s s l o wl y a c r o s s t h e network. )hoosi ng a smal l i nf i ni ty l i mi t (10) reduces i t $ut doesnC t el i mi nate i t. Thi s pro$l em causes i nconsi stenci es i n the routi ng ta$l es of di f ferent routers. Thi s pro$l em i s also called as slow convergence pro$le #.$ O. O4%$ 5)$G '(() 1 2 B 4 It uses shielded twisted pair ca$les It uses +anchester encoding It supports data rate up to 10+$ps It is implemented as a ring, switch or +ultistation "ccess Dnit It uses fi$er optic ca$le It uses 47&'7 $efore #?E51 for encoding It supports data rate up to 133 +$ps It is implemented as dual ring, nodes with single attachment station and dual attachment station with concentrator. 2. !ist the types of data frames in 9,,I. *ynchronous (*5frames) "synchroumous ("5 frames) B. ,efine the term *8#T. *8#T. *ynchronous 8ptical #etwork, a standard for connecting fi$er5optic transmission systems. The standard defines a hierarchy of interface rates that allow data streams at different rates to $e multiplexed. (ith the implementation of *8#T, communication carriers throughout the world can interconnect their existing digital carrier and fi$er optic system. 4. (hat is the main purpose of the second ring in 9,,I protocol- The main purpose of second ring in 9,,I is as follows. (henever a pro$lem occurs on the primary ring, the secondary can $e activated to complete data circuits and maintain servi 12'. ,ifference $etween <u$ and switch- *l.#o<u$*witch1,oes not recogni1e destinationaddress?ecogni1es destination address2?eceives frame from anincoming lines, either regenerates or simply propagates to all outgoing lines?eceives frame from anincoming line and routes theframe to appropriate outgoingline.B"ll stations receive the frame8nly destination stationreceives the frame4%hysically *T"? Topology $ut logically 7D* Topology7oth are *T"? Topology' 24. (hy do you re/uire a limit on the minimum si1e of thernet frame- To detect collision, it is essential that a sender continue sending a frame and at thesame time receives another frame sent $y another station. )onsidering maximum delaywith five thernet segments in cascade, the si1e of frame has $een found to $e 04 $ytessuch that the a$ove condition is satisfied A piconet is the type of connection that is formed $etween two or more 7luetooth5 ena$led devices, one device takes the role of FmasterF, and all other devices assume a FslaveF role for synchroni1ation reasons. Where as a scatternet is a num$er of interconnected piconets that supports communication $etween more than 2 devices. *catternets can $e formed when a mem$er of one piconet (either the master or one of the slaves) elects to participate as a slave in a second, separate piconet. A piconet is the type of connection that is formed $etween two or more 7luetooth5 ena$led devices such as modern cell phones or %,"s. 7luetooth ena$led devices are Gpeer unitsG in that they are a$le to act as either master or slave. <owever, when a piconet is formed $etween two or more devices, one device takes the role of FmasterF, and all other devices assume a FslaveF role for synchroni1ation reasons. %iconets have a B5$it address space, which limits the maximum si1e of a piconet to 2 devices (2 . : 2), i.e. 1 master and = slaves. A scatternet is a num$er of interconnected piconets that supports communication $etween more than 2 devices. *catternets can $e formed when a mem$er of one piconet (either the master or one of the slaves) elects to participate as a slave in a second, separate piconet. The device participating in $oth piconets can relay data $etween mem$ers of $oth ad5hoc networks. <owever, the $asic $luetooth protocol does not support this relaying 5 the host software of each device would need to manage it. Dsing this approach, it is possi$le to Hoin together numerous piconets into a large scatternet, and to expand the physical si1e of the network $eyond 7luetoothFs limited range. 21. ,efine piggy$acking-The inclusion of an acknowledgment to a previously received packet in an outgoing data packetis known as piggy$acking. 22. (hat is the meaning of ")> frame-")> frame is an indication that a station has received something from another. 03. (hat are the four *8#T layers-*8#T defines four layers. The photonic layer is the lowest and performs physical layer activities. The section, line and path layers correspond to the 8*I modelIs data link layer