Notice To Community Members - Illegal Dumping

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Due to budgetary constraints and the health and safety of our community members, the INDIAN BROOK
DUMPSITE located at the end of Burma Road is CLOSED to residents and non-residents.
o Bagged garbage pick-up is every Monday and residents are encouraged to have their refuse at the curbside by
7am each household is permitted 1 black bag and 5 clear bags of garbage. There will not be any large
garbage items removed until spring clean-up.
o Organic pick-up is every second Monday along with the garbage removal and residents are encouraged to
have their organic bins curbside by 7 a.m.
o Recyclable pick-up is every second Wednesday and residents are encouraged to have their recyclables at
curbside by 7 a.m.
Illegal dumping of garbage on the Indian Brook Reserve will enact the Shubenacadie bands Trespassing Bylaw.
The Bylaw States:
Any person who trespasses on the reserve is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a maximum
fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000), or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty (30) days or some combination
of both.
Any person caught trespassing on the reserve may be asked to leave by bylaw office, or a law enforcement officer.
Should the person refuse to leave, he/she shall be escorted off the reserve by a law enforcement officer.
Frequenting the Reserve for Prohibited Purposes
Any person who frequents the reserve for prohibited purposes is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary of
conviction to a maximum fine of one thousand dollars ($1000), or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty (30)
days or some combination of both.
Any person caught frequenting the reserve for prohibited purposes may be asked to leave by a by-law officer, or a law
enforcement officer. Should the person refuse to leave, he/she shall be escorted off the reserve by a law enforcement
officer. Any community member that advises the band staff of ILLEGAL DUMPING occurring will receive a
$500 reward upon the successful charge and conviction of the trespasser.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation,

Nathan W. Sack
Director of Operations
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