Nursing Textbooks

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Nursing Textbooks
Top Pediatric & Neonatal Nursing

1. Wongs Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 9e by Marilyn J. Hockenberry

2. Pediatric Primary Care, 5e (Burns, Pediatric Primary Care)
by Catherine E. Burns PhD RN CPNP-PC FAAN Ardys M. Dunn PhD RN
PNP Margaret A. Brady PhD RN CPNP-PC Nancy Barber
Starr,Catherine G. Blosser

3. Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 9e by Marilyn J.
Hockenberry and David Wilson

4. Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) by American Academy of
Pediatrics American Heart Association.

5. Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing, 6e by Gloria Leifer

6. Essentials of Pediatric Nursing by Theresa Kyle and Susan Carman

7. Maternal-Newborn Nursing: The Critical Components of Nursing
Care by Roberta Durham and Linda Chapman

8. Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants,
Children, and Adolescents by Paula Duncan

9. OB/GYN & Peds Notes: Nurses Clinical Pocket Guide (Nurses
Clinical Pocket Guides) by Brenda Walters Holloway , Cheryl Moredich
and Kathie Aduddell


10. Pediatric Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking
Skills to Test Taking (Davis Success Series) by Beth Richardson

11. Maternity and Pediatric Nursing (Point (Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins)) by Susan Ricci , Theresa Kyle and Susan Carman

12. Study Guide for Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing, 6e
by Gloria Leifer MA RN .

13. Study Guide for Wongs Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 9e
by Marilyn J. Hockenberry and Kelley Ward

14. Wongs Clinical Manual of Pediatric Nursing, 8e (CLINICAL
Marilyn J. Hockenberry.

15. Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook, 1e
by Karen Duderstadt RN PhD CPNP PCNS.

16. Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Child Health Nursing with Nursing
Reviews & Rationales (3rd Edition) by MaryAnn Hogan.

17. Study Guide for Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 9e
by Marilyn J. Hockenberry , David Wilson , Anne Rath Rentfro and Linda

18. Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children and Their Families (Better
Solution for Your Combo Course) by Nicki L. Potts and Barbara L

19. Nursing Care of Children: Principles and Practice, 4e by Susan R.
James PhD MSN RN Kristine Nelson RN MN and Jean Ashwill .


20. Wongs Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 8e by Marilyn J.
Hockenberry and David Wilson

21. Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children Multimedia
Enhanced Version, 9e (Hockenberry, Wongs Nursing care of Infants
and Children) by Marilyn J. Hockenberry and David Wilson

22. Maternal-Child Nursing, 3e by Emily Slone McKinney, Susan R.
James , Sharon Smith Murray and Jean

23. Manual of Critical Care Nursing: Nursing Interventions and
Collaborative Management, 6e (Baird, Manual of Critical Care Nursing)
by Marianne Saunorus Baird and Susan Bethel .

24. Clinical Skills Manual for Maternal and Child Nursing Care by Ruth
C. Bindler Kay J. Cowen Marcia L. London Patricia W. Ladewig
Jane W. Ball

25. Maternal-Newborn Nursing: The Critical Components of Nursing
Care by Linda Chapman , Roberta Durham

Nursing Textbook Bestsellers Fall 2013

1. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination,
6e (Saunders Comprehensive Review for Nclex-Rn) by Linda Anne

2. NCLEX-RN 2013-2014 (Kaplan Nclex-Rn Exam) by Kaplan.

3. First Year Nurse: Wisdom, Warnings, and What I Wish Id Known
My First 100 Days on the Job by Barbara Arnoldussen.


4. Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 6th Edition
by Carolyn Jarvis.

5. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to
Planning Care, 10e by Betty J. Ackley and Gail B. Ladwig

6. Daviss Drug Guide for Nurses by April Hazard Vallerand and Cynthia
A. Sanoski

7. Call the Nurse: True Stories of a Country Nurse on a Scottish Isle
by Mary J. MacLeod.

9. Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare by Bernadette
Mazurek Melnyk and Ellen Fineout-Overholt

10. Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 8e by Richard A. Lehne

11. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination,
5th Edition by Linda Anne Silvestri.

12. McGraw-Hills 5 TEAS Practice Tests by Kathy Zahler.

13. Fundamentals of Nursing, 8e by Patricia A. Potter , Anne Griffin Perry
, Patricia Stockert and Amy

14. Nursing2014 Drug Handbook (Nursing Drug Handbook)
by Lippincott.


15. Lippincotts Q&A Review for NCLEX-RN (Lippincotts Review for
Nclex-Rn) by Diane M. Billings Desiree Hensel.

16. Student Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination & Health
Assessment, 6e (Jarvis, Student Laboratory Manual for Physical
Examination & Health Assessment) by Carolyn Jarvis.

17. Wongs Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 9e by Marilyn J.
Hockenberry David Wilson

18. Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of
Clinical Problems, 8th Edition by Sharon L. Lewis Shannon Ruff
Dirksen Margaret McLean Heitkemper Linda Bucher Ian Camera.

19. I Wasnt Strong Like This When I Started Out: True Stories of
Becoming a Nurse by .

20. Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care
by Carol R. Taylor PhD MSN RN Carol Lillis MSN RN Priscilla LeMone


Top Pharmaceutical Drug Guides

1. Nursing2014 Drug Handbook (Nursing Drug Handbook)
by Lippincott.

2. Daviss Drug Guide for Nurses by April Hazard Vallerand Cynthia A.
Sanoski BS PharmD

3. Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia 2014 Classic Shirt Pocket Edition
by Richard J. Hamilton.

9. Pearson Nurses Drug Guide 2014 (Pearson Nurses Drug Guide
(Nurse Edition)) by Billie A. Wilson Margaret T Shannon Kelly Shields.

10. Nursing2013 Drug Handbook (Nursing Drug Handbook)
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

11. Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists by John
D. Preston John H. ONeal MD Mary C. Talaga.

12. Antibiotic Basics for Clinicians: The ABCs of Choosing the Right
Antibacterial Agent by Alan R. Hauser

13. Tarascon Primary Care Pocketbook by Joseph S. Esherick.


14. Medical Coding: ICD-9 & ICD-10-CM: Quick Study Guide by Inc.

15. Medications and Mothers Milk 2012: A Manual of Lactational
Pharmacology by Thomas W.. Hale.

16. Physicians Desk Reference 2014 (Physicians Desk Reference
(Pdr)) by PDR Staff.

17. 2014 Lippincotts Nursing Drug Guide by Amy M. Karch

18. Drug Information Handbook with International Trade Names Index
(Drug Information Handbook (International Ed)) by Lexi-Comp.

19. Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry by Richard L. Wynn
Timothy F., Ph.D. Meiller Harold L., Ph.D. Crossley.

20. Handbook of Psychiatric Drugs, 2011 Edition (Current Clinical
Strategies Medical Book) by Lawrence J. Albers MD Rhoda K. Hahn
Christopher Reist.

21. Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to
Self-Care by Daniel L. Krinsky Rosemary R. Berardi.

22. 2014 Lippincotts Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses by Amy M. Karch

23. Pocket Guide For Brand And Generic Drugs by Jones & Bartlett


24. Daviss Drug Guide for Nurses + Resource Kit CD-ROM by Judith
Hopfer Deglin PharmD April Hazard Vallerand Cynthia A. Sanoski

25. Mosbys Nursing Drug Cards, 22e by Mosby.

26. Pediatric Anesthesia And Emergency Drug Guide (Macksey,
Pediatric Anesthesia and Emergency Drug Guide) by Lynn Fitzgerald

27. Mosbys Pediatric Drug Consult, 1e by Mosby.

28. Medical Coding: Icd-10-Pcs (Quick Study Academic) by Inc.

29. Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide by Robert R.

30. Drug Information Handbook: A Comprehensive Resource for All
Clinicians and Healthcare Professionals (Lexicomps Drug Reference
Handbooks) by American Pharmacists Association.


Top NCLEX-RN Review and Study
4. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination,
6e (Saunders Comprehensive Review for Nclex-Rn) by Linda Anne

5. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination,
5th Edition by Linda Anne Silvestri.

6. Lippincotts Q&A Review for NCLEX-RN (Lippincotts Review for
Nclex-Rn) by Diane M. Billings EdD RN FAAN Desiree Hensel.

7. NCLEX-RN Drug Guide: 300 Medications You Need to Know for the
Exam (Kaplan Nclex Rn Medications You Need to Know for the Exam)
by Kaplan.

8. HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 4e
by HESI.

9. NCLEX-RN Practice Questions Exam Cram (4th Edition) by Wilda
Rinehart Diann Sloan Clara Hurd.

10. Saunders Q & A Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 5e
(Saunders Q&A Review for NCLEX-RN) by Linda Anne Silvestri

11. NCLEX-RN Questions & Answers Made Incredibly Easy!
(Incredibly Easy! Series) by Lippincott.

12. NCLEX-RN Questions and Answers Made Incredibly Easy (Nclexrn
Questions & Answers Made Incredibly Easy) by Susan Lisko.

13. Lippincotts Q&A Review for NCLEX-RN (Lippincotts Review for
Nclex-Rn) by Diane M. Billings

14. Mosbys Comprehensive Review of Nursing for the NCLEX-RN
Examination, 20e (Mosbys Comprehensive Review of Nursing for


Nclex-Rn) by Patricia M. Nugent Judith S. Green Mary Ann Hellmer Saul
RNCS AAS BS MS PhD Phyllis K. Pelikan RN AAS BS MA.
ISBN 9780323078955

15. HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 3e
by HESI.
ISBN 9780323065856

16. Saunders 2014-2015 Strategies for Test Success: Passing Nursing
School and the NCLEX Exam, 3e (Saunders Strategies for Success for
the Nclex Examination) by Linda Anne Silvestri PhD RN Angela Silvestri
ISBN 9781455733194

17. Kaplan NCLEX-RN 2012-2013 Strategies, Practice, and Review
WITH CD-ROM (Kaplan Nclex-Rn Exam) by Kaplan.
ISBN 9781609785659

18. Lippincotts NCLEX-RN Alternate-Format Questions 5e (Point
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)) by Diana L. Rupert RN MSN PhD.
ISBN 9781451185454

19. Illustrated Study Guide for the NCLEX-RN Exam, 8e by JoAnn
Zerwekh MSN EdD RN.
ISBN 9780323082327


20. Kaplan NCLEX-RN Medications You Need to Know for the Exam
by Kaplan.
ISBN 9781607146650

21. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN
Examination (Saunders Comprehensive Review for Nclex-Rn) by Linda
Anne Silvestri.
ISBN 9781416037088

22. Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Comprehensive Review for
NCLEX-RN (2nd Edition) (MyNursingReviews Series) by MaryAnn
ISBN 9780132621076

23. Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Comprehensive Review for
NCLEX-PN (2nd Edition) by MaryAnn Hogan Julie Skrabal MSN RN.
ISBN 9780132621410

24. Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for
the NCLEX Examination, 2e by Linda LaCharity Candice K. Kumagai
Barbara Bartz.
ISBN 9780323065702


25. Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for
the NCLEX Examination, 3e by Linda A. LaCharity PhD RN Candice K.
Kumagai RN MSN Barbara Bartz RN MN CCRN.
ISBN 9780323113434

26. Daviss Q&A for the NCLEX-RN Examination by Kathleen A.
ISBN 9780803621879

27. NCLEX-RN Review Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy!
Series) by Lippincott.
ISBN 9781608313419

28. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN
Examination, 5e (Saunders Comprehensive Review for Nclex-Pn)
by Linda Anne Silvestri PhD RN.
ISBN 9781455703791

29. Daviss NCLEX-RN Success by Sally L. Lagerquist RN MS.
ISBN 9780803621640
This entry was posted in nursing textbooks on October 5, 2013 by admin.
Top Assessment & Diagnosis Textbooks


1. Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 6th Edition
by Carolyn Jarvis.
ISBN 9781437701517

2. Student Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination & Health
Assessment, 6e (Jarvis, Student Laboratory Manual for Physical
Examination & Health Assessment) by Carolyn Jarvis.
ISBN 9781437714456

3. Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History-Taking (Point
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)) by Lynn Bickley MD.
ISBN 9781609137625

4. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to
Planning Care, 10e by Betty J. Ackley MSN EdS RN Gail B. Ladwig
ISBN 9780323085496

5. Mosbys Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 4e by Kathleen
Deska Pagana Timothy J. Pagana.
ISBN 9780323057479


6. Mosbys Guide to Physical Examination, 7e by Henry M. Seidel MD
Jane W. Ball RN DrPH CPNP DPNAP Joyce E. Dains DrPH JD RN FNP
BC DPNAP John A. Flynn MD MBA Barry S Solomon MD MPH
Rosalyn W Stewart MD MS MBA.
ISBN 9780323055703

7. Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health
Assessment, 6e (Jarvis, Pocket Companion for Physical Examination
and Health Assessment) by Carolyn Jarvis PhD APN CNP.
ISBN 9781437714425

8. Mosbys Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 11e by Kathleen
Deska Pagana PhD RN Timothy J. Pagana MD FACS.
ISBN 9780323084680

9. Daviss Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic
Tests With Nursing Implications (Daviss Comprehensive Handbook
of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests With Nursing Implications) by Anne
M. Van Leeuwen MA BS MT (ASCP) Debra J. Poelhuis-Leth MS RT
(R)(M) Mickey L. Bladh RN MSN.
ISBN 9780803636644

10. Nurses Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and
Rationales by Marilynn E. Doenges APRN BC-retired Mary Frances
Moorhouse RN MSN CRRN LNC Alice C. Murr BSN RN-retired.
ISBN 9780803627826


11. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to
Planning Care, 9e by Betty J. Ackley Gail B. Ladwig.
ISBN 9780323071505

12. Bates Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking
by Lynn Bickley MD.
ISBN 9781451173222

13. Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 10th
Edition by Lynn S. Bickley MD.
ISBN 9780781780582

14. A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests by Frances Fischbach
RN BSN MSN Marshall B. Dunning III BS MS PhD.
ISBN 9780781771948

15. Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes, 8e
by Meg Gulanick PhD APRN FAAN Judith L. Myers RN MSN.
ISBN 9780323091374


16. Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary
Care, 4e by Joyce E. Dains DrPH JD RN FNP BC DPNAP Linda Ciofu
Baumann PhD APRN BC FAAN Pamela Scheibel RN MSN CPNP.
ISBN 9780323074179

17. Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis by Lynda Juall Carpenito RN MSN
ISBN 9781608311101

18. Health Assessment in Nursing by Janet R. Weber RN EdD Jane H.
Kelley RN PhD.
ISBN 9780781781602

19. Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice by Lynda Juall
Carpenito RN MSN CRNP.
ISBN 9781608311095

20. Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications (9th
Edition) by Joyce LeFever Kee.
ISBN 9780133139051
This entry was posted in nursing textbooks on August 29, 2013 by admin.
Top Pathophysiology Textbooks


1. Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and
Children, 6e by .
ISBN 9780323065849

2. Understanding Pathophysiology, 5e (Huether, Understanding
Pathophysiology) by Sue E. Huether RN PhD Kathryn L. McCance RN
ISBN 9780323078917

3. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States
by Carol Porth.
ISBN 9781582557243

4. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology by John E. Hall.
ISBN 9781416045748

5. Study Guide for Pathophysiology: The Biological Basis for Disease
in Adults and Children, 6e by Kathryn L. McCance RN PhD Sue E.
Huether RN PhD.
ISBN 9780323067508

6. Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 8th Edition
by Carol Mattson Porth Glenn Matfin BSc (Hons) MB ChB DGM .
ISBN 9780781766166


7. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease: With STUDENT
CONSULT Online Access, 8e (Robbins Pathology) by Vinay Kumar
Abul K. Abbas Jon C. Aster Nelson Fausto.
ISBN 9781416031215

8. Robbins Basic Pathology: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access,
9e (Robbins Pathology) by Vinay Kumar MBBS MD FRCPath Abul K.
Abbas MBBS Jon C. Aster MD PhD.
ISBN 9781437717815

9. Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 4e by Barbara E. Gould
Ruthanna Dyer.
ISBN 9781437709650

10. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease: A Collaborative Project of
Medical Students and Faculty (PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HEART
DISEASE (LILLY)) by Leonard S. Lilly MD.
ISBN 9781605477237

11. Pathophysiology, 5e by Lee-Ellen C. Copstead-Kirkhorn PhD RN
Jacquelyn L. Banasik PhD ARNP.
ISBN 9781455726509


12. Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology by Marcia Nelms Kathryn
P. Sucher Karen Lacey Sara Long Roth.
ISBN 9781439049624

13. Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, 3rd Edition by Edward C.
Klatt MD Vinay Kumar MBBS MD FRCPath.
ISBN 9781416049302

14. 100 Case Studies in Pathophysiology by Harold J. Bruyere Jr. PhD.
ISBN 9780781761451

15. Clinical Pathophysiology Made Ridiculously Simple by Aaron
ISBN 9780940780804

16. Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of
Disease, 8th Edition by Richard Mitchell Vinay Kumar Nelson Fausto
Abul K. Abbas Jon Aster.
ISBN 9781416054542


17. Pathophysiology Online for Understanding Pathophysiology (User
Guide, Access Code and Textbook Package), 5e by Sue E. Huether RN
ISBN 9780323090155

18. Human Diseases by Marianne Neighbors Ruth Tannehill-Jones.
ISBN 9781435427518

19. Study Guide to Accompany Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered
Health States by Carol Mattson Porth.
ISBN 9780781769136

20. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Text and Study Guide Package
by Carol M. Porth.
ISBN 9781451116380
This entry was posted in nursing textbooks on August 22, 2013 by admin.
Best Selling Nursing Textbooks
Summer 2013

1. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to
Planning Care, 10e by Betty J. Ackley MSN EdS RN Gail B. Ladwig
ISBN 9780323085496


2. Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 6th Edition
by Carolyn Jarvis.
ISBN 9781437701517

3. Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History-Taking (Point
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)) by Lynn Bickley MD.
ISBN 9781609137625

4. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination,
5th Edition by Linda Anne Silvestri.
ISBN 9781437708257

5. Daviss Drug Guide for Nurses by April Hazard Vallerand PhD RN
FAAN Cynthia A. Sanoski BS PharmD FCCP BCPS.
ISBN 9780803628342

6. Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (Thumb-indexed Version)
(Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (Thumb Index Version)) by .
ISBN 9780803629776

7. TEAS Review Manual, Vers. V (5) (ATI, Study Manual for the Test of
Essential Academic Skills(TEAS)) by Inc. Assessment Technologies.


ISBN 9781933107981

8. Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 8e by Richard A. Lehne PhD.
ISBN 9781437735826

9. Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care
by Carol R. Taylor PhD MSN RN Carol Lillis MSN RN Priscilla LeMone
ISBN 9780781793834

10. Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of
Clinical Problems, 8th Edition by Sharon L. Lewis Shannon Ruff
Dirksen Margaret McLean Heitkemper Linda Bucher Ian Camera.
ISBN 9780323065801

11. Student Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination & Health
Assessment, 6e (Jarvis, Student Laboratory Manual for Physical
Examination & Health Assessment) by Carolyn Jarvis.
ISBN 9781437714456

12. Understanding Pathophysiology, 5e (Huether, Understanding
Pathophysiology) by Sue E. Huether RN PhD Kathryn L. McCance RN
ISBN 9780323078917


13. Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical
Approach, 6e by Elizabeth M. Varcarolis RN MA Margaret Jordan Halter
ISBN 9781416066675

14. NCLEX-RN 2013-2014 (Kaplan Nclex-Rn Exam) by Kaplan.
ISBN 9781609788919

15. Fundamentals of Nursing, 8e by Patricia A. Potter RN MSN PhD
FAAN Anne Griffin Perry RN EdD FAAN Patricia Stockert RN BSN MS
ISBN 9780323079334

16. Mosbys Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 4e
by Kathleen Deska Pagana Timothy J. Pagana.
ISBN 9780323057479

17. Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care,
Single Volume, 7e by Donna D. Ignatavicius MS RN ANEF M. Linda
Workman PhD RN FAAN.
ISBN 9781437728019


18. Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook
of Internal Medicine (Pocket Notebook Series) by Marc S. Sabatine MD
ISBN 9781608319053

19. Mosbys Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 11e
by Kathleen Deska Pagana PhD RN Timothy J. Pagana MD FACS.
ISBN 9780323084680

20. Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for
the NCLEX Examination, 2e by Linda LaCharity Candice K. Kumagai
Barbara Bartz.
ISBN 9780323065702

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