Faststart-Guide-3 4 2
Faststart-Guide-3 4 2
Faststart-Guide-3 4 2
2 FastStart Guide
2014-03-03 Eucalyptus Systems
Eucalyptus Faststart Requirements.........................................................................3
Install Cloud-in-a-Box..............................................................................................5
Installing a Node Controller.....................................................................................6
Installing the Frontend.............................................................................................7
Launch the Default FastStart Image.......................................................................8
Find More Information...........................................................................................10
Eucalyptus | Contents | 2
Eucalyptus Faststart Requirements
This section provides instructions for quickly installing Eucalyptus in two different congurations.
Cloud-in-a-box: a Eucalyptus cloud with all components on a single machine
Front-end and Node Controllers: a Eucalyptus cloud with all front-end components on a single system, and one or
more Node Controllers on separate machines
Eucalyptus consists of the following components:
Cloud Controller (CLC): this component provides EC2 functionality
Walrus: this component provides S3 functionality
Cluster Controller (CC): this component provides management service for a cluster in your cloud
Storage Controller (SC): this component provides EBS functionality
Node Controller (NC): this component controls virtual machine instances
In the Frontend+NC conguration, the CLC, Walrus, CC, and SC are installed on one machine, called the Frontend.
The NC is installed on another machine, called the Node. In this conguration you can have one Frontend and one or
more Nodes.
In the Cloud-in-a-box conguration, all components are installed on one machine.
Hardware Requirements
Before installing FastStart in the Cloud-in-a-box conguration, make sure you have a machine with:
a minimum of 200GB of disk space
a minimum of 4GB of memory
at least one ethernet NIC
Before installing FastStart in the Frontend+NC conguration, make sure you have at least two machines with:
a minimum of 100GB of disk space
a minimum of 4GB of memory
at least one ethernet NIC
Network Requirements
You must have access to the internet.
You must be able to assign static IP addresses within your network.
You must set aside a static IP address for each physical system.
You must set aside a range of available public IP addresses. Eucalyptus will assign these to VM instances.
You must set aside a large range of available private IP addresses. These will be used by a virtual subnet. They can
not overlap or contain any part of a physical network IP address space. Note: Eucalyptus will set aside, by default,
the subnet unless you choose to set different values.
A sample set of IP addresses might go as follows: for the Frontend system for the rst Node Controller for the second Node Controller for the public IP address range
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Eucalyptus | Eucalyptus Faststart Requirements | 3
Software Requirements
You must have access to the Eucalyptus FastStart ISO. You can get the FastStart ISO from You should then burn this ISO to a DVD. This DVD will be used for
installation on all physical machines in your cloud.
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Eucalyptus | Eucalyptus Faststart Requirements | 4
Install Cloud-in-a-Box
The simplest way to install Eucalyptus is to install Cloud-in-a-Box. It's not intended for production use, but it's a great
way to learn the basics about how Eucalyptus works. All components are installed in a single system, and most of the
conguration is handled automatically.
To install Cloud-in-a-Box:
1. Boot the target system from the Eucalyptus Faststart media. Wait for the boot screen to load. When the boot screen
loads, select "Install CentOS 6 with Eucalyptus Cloud-in-a-box"
2. You may be asked to check the media, to ensure that there are no data issues. You may check the media, or you may
Skip to move on to the next step. You will then be asked to select language and keyboard options. (Note that Faststart
instructions are currently available in English only.)
3. Next, you will be asked for network information. For Network Interface, select your ethernet interface (usually eth0).
For Mode, Static is recommended; DHCP will work in many cases, but if DHCP leases change, your Eucalyptus
cloud will no longer be functional. Also enter IP address, Netmask, Default Gateway, and a comma-delimited list
of DNS servers.
4. Next, you will be asked to select timezone, and after that you will be asked to enter the root password for the system.
5. Next, you will be asked for cloud conguration options. Most are defaults that you should not touch unless you are
an experienced Eucalyptus administrator; see the Administration Guide for details. The one parameter you must
enter here is the range of public IP addresses. New virtual instances created by Eucalyptus will receive IP addresses
from within this specied range. Enter the lower and higher range of available public IP addresses, a dash between
them (e.g.:
6. Next, you will be asked for disk install options. Eucalyptus is intended to be the primary application on the system;
by default, it will take up all disk space on the system. Experienced Linux admins can set up a separate partition for
Eucalyptus here.
7. At this point, the Eucalyptus installation will begin. Software will be installed, and a default Eucalyptus machine
image (EMI) will be built. When this process is completed, you will be prompted to reboot the system.
8. When the system reboots, you will be prompted for a series of questions during the rstboot process. You will be
asked to accept the license, create a non-root login, and turn on NTP.
The installation is now complete. You may ascertain that your cloud is running by clicking on the the web browser links
from the Desktop.
Tip: The "Conguration Complete" screen provides login information for the User Console and the Admin
Console. Be sure to note these for later use.
Tip: Normally, you would download a credentials le and use it to congure the client tools. As part of the
Faststart process, credentials are downloaded and pre-installed for you. These credentials are available under
~/credentials/ in each user's home directory on your Cloud-in-a-Box system.
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Eucalyptus | Install Cloud-in-a-Box | 5
Installing a Node Controller
To install a standalone Node Controller, follow the instructions below. It's strongly recommended that you install any
Node Controllers before you install the Frontend.
To install a Node Controller:
1. Boot the target system from the Eucalyptus Faststart media. Wait for the boot screen to load. When the boot screen
loads, select "Install CentOS 6 with Eucalyptus Node Controller".
2. You may be asked to check the media, to ensure that there are no data issues. You may check the media, or you may
Skip to move on to the next step. You will then be asked to select language and keyboard options. (Note that Faststart
instructions are currently available in English only.)
3. Next, you will be asked for network information. For Network Interface, select your ethernet interface (usually eth0).
For Mode, Static is recommended; DHCP will work in many cases, but if DHCP leases change, your Eucalyptus
cloud will no longer be functional. Also enter IP address, Netmask, Default Gateway, and a comma-delimited list
of DNS servers.
4. Next, you will be asked to select timezone, and after that you will be asked to enter the root password for the system.
5. Next, you will be asked for disk install options. The Node Controller is intended to be the primary application on
the system; by default, it will take up all disk space on the system. Experienced Linux admins can set up a separate
partition for Eucalyptus here.
6. At this point, the Node Controller installation will begin. When this process is completed, you will be prompted to
reboot the system.
7. After reboot, login as the root user, and the post-install conguration will begin. Accept the defaults for NTP
conguration, networking mode, and network interface.
The installation of your Node Controller is now complete. You may now install other Node Controllers; when you've
installed all Node Controllers, you may move on to install the Eucalyptus Frontend.
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Eucalyptus | Installing a Node Controller | 6
Installing the Frontend
To install a Frontend on a separate system, follow the instructions below. It's strongly recommended that you install any
Node Controllers (NCs) before you install the Frontend.
To install the Frontend:
1. Boot the target system from the Eucalyptus Faststart media. Wait for the boot screen to load. When the boot screen
loads, select "Install CentOS 6 with Eucalyptus Frontend".
2. You may be asked to check the media, to ensure that there are no data issues. You may check the media, or you may
Skip to move on to the next step. You will then be asked to select language and keyboard options. (Note that Faststart
instructions are currently available in English only.)
3. Next, you will be asked for network information. For Network Interface, select your ethernet interface (usually eth0).
For Mode, Static is recommended; DHCP will work in many cases, but if DHCP leases change, your Eucalyptus
cloud will no longer be functional. Also enter IP address, Netmask, Default Gateway, and a list of DNS servers.
4. Next, you will be asked to select timezone, and after that you will be asked to enter the root password for the system.
5. Next, you will be asked for cloud conguration options. Most are defaults that you should not touch unless you are
an experienced Eucalyptus administrator; see the Administration Guide for details. The one parameter you must
enter here is the range of public IP addresses. New virtual instances created by Eucalyptus will receive IP addresses
from within this specied range. Enter the lower and higher range of available public IP addresses, a dash between
them (e.g.:
6. Next, you will be asked for disk install options. Eucalyptus is intended to be the primary application on the system;
by default, it will take up all disk space on the system. Experienced Linux admins can set up a separate partition for
Eucalyptus here.
7. At this point, the Eucalyptus installation will begin. Software will be installed, and a default Eucalyptus machine
image (EMI) will be built. When this process is completed, you will be prompted to reboot the system.
8. When the system reboots, you will be prompted to accept the license for this installation.
9. You will now be asked to enter the IP addresses of the Node Controllers that you've previously congured. Enter
the IP addresses, separated by spaces, for each NC that you'd like to control with your Eucalyptus frontend.
10. You will now be asked to create a non-root login, and turn on NTP. Note that NTP is required for Eucalyptus to
function properly.
The installation is now complete. You may ascertain that your cloud is running by clicking on the the web browser links
from the Desktop.
Tip: Normally, you would download a credentials le and use it to congure the client tools. As part of the
Faststart process, credentials are downloaded and pre-installed for you. These credentials are available under
~/credentials/ in each user's home directory on your Frontend system.
CC-BY-SA, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc.
Eucalyptus | Installing the Frontend | 7
Launch the Default FastStart Image
Eucalyptus provides a default image that you can use to launch an instance immediately.
Your Eucalyptus Faststart installation includes a default CentOS 6 image. This section describes how to launch an
instance from this image and connect to that instance. The tasks listed in the follow sections require a network connection.
Important: Before you can use the commands that follow, your environment variables will need to be sourced
from the eucarc le. This is done for you automatically, but you may do it manually if needed. On the Frontend
enter the following command: source ~/credentials/eucarc.
To launch the default image included with Eucalyptus Faststart:
1. Find the default image by typing the following command:
This command returns a list of images available. For new Eucalyptus Faststart installations, a default image is
provided - in this example, the image ID is emi-72613A2E:
IMAGE eki-D313397A admin/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic.manifest.xml 508678674223
available public
i386 kernel instance-store
IMAGE emi-72613A2E admin/euca-centos-5.8-2012.05.14-x86_64.manifest.xml
available public i386 machine eki-D313397A eri-F9A83F12 instance-store
IMAGE eri-F9A83F12 admin/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic.manifest.xml 508678674223
public i386 ramdisk instance-store
2. Create a key pair using the euca-create-keypair command. This command will store the public half of the
key pair and keep it available for your Eucalyptus cloud instances, and will output the private half of the key pair.
Save this output to a le for future use, as in the following example:
euca-create-keypair euca-demo -f euca-demo.private
Tip: If you've already added a keypair, you can skip this step.
3. Run the instance with the euca-run-instances command, specifying the appropriate image ID and the name
of the key pair you just created. For example:
euca-run-instances -k euca-demo emi-72613A2E
This will return output similar to the following:
RESERVATION r-CCE33FC0 449455269925 default
INSTANCE i-68A24092 emi-72613A2E pending
euca-demo 0
m1.small 2012-05-17T10:36:46.232Z PARTI00 eki-D313397A
monitoring-disabled instance-store
Note that the initial state of the instance is 'pending' while the instance is being created.
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Eucalyptus | Launch the Default FastStart Image | 8
4. After a few moments, check to see if your instance is available for use yet by using the
euca-describe-instances command:
euca-describe-instances i-68A24092
When the instance is ready, this command will return output similar to the following:
RESERVATION r-CCE33FC0 449455269925 default
INSTANCE i-68A24092 emi-72613A2E
running euca-demo 0
m1.small 2012-05-17T10:36:46.232Z PARTI00 eki-D313397A
Note that the instance is now listed as 'running', and there's now an IP address - in this example, You
can use this IP address to connect to the instance.
5. Connect to the running instance using SSH, specifying the private key le and the IP address of the instance. For
ssh -i euca-demo.private
This command returns output similar to the following:
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Last login: Thu May 17 03:39:58 2012 from eucahost-9-91.eucalyptus
Congratulations! You've now successfully launched and connected to the default FastStart image.
Please see the Eucalyptus User Guide for more tutorials.
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Eucalyptus | Launch the Default FastStart Image | 9
Find More Information
This topic explains what to do once you have installed Eucalyptus, including further reading and other resources for
understanding your cloud.
Read More
Eucalyptus has the following guides to help you with more information:
The Administration Guide details ways to manage your Eucalyptus deployment. Refer to this guide to learn more
about managing your Eucalyptus components, managing access to Eucalyptus, and managing Eucalyptus resources,
like instances and images.
The User Guide details ways to use Eucalyptus for your computing and storage needs. Refer to this guide to learn
more about getting and using euca2ools, creating images, running instances, and using dynamic block storage devices.
The Image Management Guide describes how to create and manage images for your cloud.
The Hybrid Cloud Guide describes how to migrate resources between your private cloud and AWS.
The User Console Guide describes how to create and manage cloud resources using the Eucalyptus User Console.
The Euca2ools Reference Guide describes the Euca2ools commands. Refer to this guide for more information about
required and optional parameters for each command.
Get Involved
The following resources can help you to learn more, connect with other Eucalyptus users, or get actively involved with
Eucalyptus development.
The Eucalyptus IRC channel is #eucalyptus on Freenode. This channel is used for real-time communication among
users and developers. Information on how to use the network is available from Freenode.
Engage hosts the Eucalyptus knowledge base and discussion forum. This provides user discussions, answers to
problem reports, and other communications. Engage is available at
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Eucalyptus | Find More Information | 10
support 10
Eucalyptus | Index | 11