California State Board of Education May 2014 Agenda: ITEM #W-13
California State Board of Education May 2014 Agenda: ITEM #W-13
California State Board of Education May 2014 Agenda: ITEM #W-13
Executive Office
SBE-005 General (REV. 0!0"#$ ITEM #W-13
General Wa!er
Re%ue&t '( San De#$ C$%n&' O(()e $( E*%)a&$n to )aive
California Education Code Section 500* and portion& of &ection&
50"+* 50"* and 50,0* t-at re%uire a di&trict)ide election to e&ta'li&-
a '(-tru&tee-area met-od of election.
.aiver /um'er0 ",-,-0"#
Sc-ool di&trict& t-at elect 1overnin1 'oard mem'er& at-lar1e are facin1 exi&tin1 or
potential liti1ation under t-e California Votin1 Ri1-t& 2ct of 00" (CVR2$. Count(
committee& on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation (count( committee$ al&o -ave 'een &u'4ect to
CVR2 liti1ation due to t-e role t-e( pla( in t-e proce&& to e&ta'li&- tru&tee-area
election& in &c-ool di&trict&. 5ur&uant to t-e California Education Code (EC$* a di&trict
can c-an1e from at-lar1e election& to tru&tee-area election& onl( if t-e c-an1e i&
approved '( 'ot- t-e count( committee and voter& at a di&trict)ide election.
6-e San Die1o Count( Office of Education (COE$ i& concerned t-at t-e S)eet)ater
7nion 8i1- Sc-ool Di&trict (78SD$ and t-e San Die1o Count( Committee are at ri&9 for
CVR2 liti1ation if t-e di&trict:& at-lar1e election met-od i& not c-an1ed. 6o -elp reduce
t-e potential for liti1ation* t-e COE re%ue&t& t-at t-e California State Board of Education
(SBE$ )aive t-e re%uirement t-at '(-tru&tee-area election& 'e approved at a
di&trict)ide election;allo)in1 &uc- '(-tru&tee-area election& to 'e adopted upon
revie) and approval of t-e Count( Committee.
A%&-$r&' ($r Wa!er. EC Section ,,050
A//r$!al A//r$!al 0&- )$n*&$n+ Denal
6-e California Department of Education (CDE$ recommend& t-at t-e SBE approve t-e
re%ue&t '( t-e San Die1o COE to )aive EC Section 500* and portion& of &ection&
50"+* 50"* and 50,0* )-ic- re%uire t-at a '(-tru&tee-area met-od of election for t-e
S)eet)ater 78SD 'e approved at a di&trict)ide election.
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
El1na&$n $( Tr%+&ee Area Ele)&$n
2a#e 2 $( 3
2pproval of t-i& )aiver re%ue&t )ould eliminate t-e election re%uirement for approval of
a '(-tru&tee-area met-od of election for 1overnin1 'oard election& in t-e S)eet)ater
78SD. Di&trict voter& )ould continue to elect all 'oard mem'er&;-o)ever* if t-e SBE
approve& t-e )aiver re%ue&t* all 'oard mem'er& )ill 'e elected onl( '( voter& in t-eir
re&pective tru&tee area&* 'e1innin1 )it- t-e /ovem'er 0"# 'oard election.
2 count( committee -a& t-e &tatutor( po)er to approve or di&approve t-e adoption of
tru&tee area& and met-od& of election for &c-ool di&trict 1overnin1 'oard election& (&uc-
approval con&titute& an order of election pur&uant to EC Section 500$. 2dditionall(* t-e
count( committee -a& t-e &tatutor( po)er to initiate a propo&al to e&ta'li&- tru&tee
area& and a tru&tee-area met-od of election for an( di&trict in t-e count(. Becau&e it -a&
t-e&e &tatutor( po)er&* t-e count( committee could 'e &u'4ect to CVR2 liti1ation if it
fail& to exerci&e t-em.
Sc-ool di&trict& in California al&o are facin1 exi&tin1 or potential liti1ation under t-e
CVR2 over at-lar1e election met-od&. 6o -elp avoid potential liti1ation in San Die1o
Count(* t-e San Die1o COE i& re%ue&tin1 t-at t-e SBE )aive t-e re%uirement t-at
tru&tee area& and t-e election met-od for t-e S)eet)ater 78SD 'e approved at a
di&trict)ide election. Onl( t-e election to e&ta'li&- tru&tee area& and election met-od
)ill 'e eliminated '( approval of t-e )aiver re%ue&t;voter& in t-e &c-ool di&trict )ill
continue to elect all 1overnin1 'oard mem'er&. =oreover* approval of t-e )aiver
re%ue&t )ill not eliminate an( exi&tin1 le1al ri1-t& of currentl( &eated 'oard mem'er&.
6-e )aiver re%ue&t -a& 'een revie)ed '( CDE &taff and it -a& determined t-at t-ere
)a& no pu'lic oppo&ition to t-e re%ue&t at t-e pu'lic -earin1& -eld '( t-e San Die1o
COE;in fact* ne)&paper covera1e (San Die1o 7nion-6ri'une* =arc- #* 0"#*
Sweetwater community favors waiver of election$ indicate& con&idera'le communit(
&upport for t-e )aiver re%ue&t. 2t t-e time of preparation of t-i& item* t-e S)eet)ater
78SD -ad not ta9en a formal po&ition re1ardin1 t-e San Die1o COE )aiver re%ue&t.
6-e CDE -a& furt-er determined t-at none of t-e EC Section ,,05" condition&* )-ic-
aut-ori3e denial of a )aiver* exi&t. 6-e CDE recommend& t-at t-e SBE approve t-e
re%ue&t '( t-e San Die1o COE to )aive EC Section 500* and portion& of &ection&
50"+* 50"* and 50,0* )-ic- re%uire t-at a '(-tru&tee-area met-od of election for t-e
S)eet)ater 78SD 'e approved at a di&trict)ide election.
De1$#ra/-) In($r1a&$n. 6-e S)eet)ater 78SD -a& a &tudent population of #0*+">
and i& located in an ur'an area of San Die1o Count(.
Be)a%+e &-+ + a #eneral 0a!er4 ( &-e SBE *e)*e+ &$ *en' &-e 0a!er4 & 1%+&
)&e $ne $( &-e +e!en rea+$n+ n EC 330516a7*
1 Rey et al. v. Madera Unified School District et al. (0"$* 0, Cal. 2pp. #
",* ",C Cal. Rptr. ,d "+.
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
El1na&$n $( Tr%+&ee Area Ele)&$n
2a#e 3 $( 3
6-e SBE -a& approved numerou& &c-ool di&trict re%ue&t& to )aive t-e election
re%uirement for t-e e&ta'li&-ment of '(-tru&tee-area met-od& of election;mo&t recentl(
for &even &c-ool di&trict& at t-e =arc- 0"# SBE meetin1. 6-e SBE al&o -a& approved
nine &uc- re%ue&t& filed '( a COE on 'e-alf of a di&trict* mo&t recentl( for t-e =adera
COE at t-e =a( 0" SBE meetin1.
6-e SBE* at it& =arc- 0"# meetin1* di&approved a re%ue&t from t-e San Doa%uin COE
to )aive t-e election re%uirement for t-e e&ta'li&-ment of a '(-tru&tee-area met-od of
election for t-e Ripon 7SD )-en t-ere )a& &i1nificant pu'lic oppo&ition to t-e re%ue&t
and t-at di&trict oppo&ed t-e e&ta'li&-ment of &uc- an election met-od.
2pproval of t-e )aiver re%ue&t )ill not -ave ne1ative fi&cal effect& on an( local or &tate
a1enc(. Eailure to approve t-e )aiver re%ue&t )ill re&ult in additional co&t& to t-e
S)eet)ater 78SD for a di&trict)ide election.
2ttac-ment "0 Fnformation from Di&trict& Re%ue&tin1 .aiver& of Election& Re%uired to
E&ta'li&- 6ru&tee 2rea Election& (" pa1e$
2ttac-ment 0 San Die1o Count( Office of Education General .aiver Re%ue&t
",-,-0"# (C pa1e&$ (Ori1inal )aiver re%ue&t i& &i1ned and on file in t-e
.aiver Office.$
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
A&&a)-1en& 1
2a#e 1 $( 1
In($r1a&$n (r$1 D+&r)&+ Re9%e+&n# Wa!er+ $( Ele)&$n+ Re9%re* &$ E+&a:l+- Tr%+&ee Area Ele)&$n+
California Education Code Section 500 and portion& of &ection& 50"+* 50" and 50,0
N%1:er D+&r)& 2er$* $( Re9%e+&
Bar#ann# Un&4
Re/re+en&a&!e+ C$n+%l&e*4
Da&e4 an* 2$+&$n;
2%:l) ,earn#
an* B$ar*
A//r$!al Da&e
2%:l) ,earn#
A*!+$r' C$11&&ee
San Die1o
Count( Office
of Education
Re9%e+&e* an*
Dune "* 0"#* to
=a( +* 0">
S)eet)ater Education
Ro'erto Rodri1ue3* 5re&ident*
!<!"#0 S%//$r&
California Sc-ool Emplo(ee&:
Eranci&co 6ama(o* 5re&ident*
!<!"#0 S%//$r&
Coun&elin1 and Guidance
Elva E&trella* 5re&ident*
,!",!"#0 S%//$r&
/ational 2&&ociation of
Government Emplo(ee&*
Ric-ard =orrell* 5re&ident*
,!"!"#0 S%//$r&
!<!"# and
B$ar* A//r$!al0
/otice& in t-ree paper&*
po&tin1 on di&trict
.e' &ite and at &c-ool
&ite&* notification to
&uperintendent& and
'oard mem'er& of di&trict
and component
elementar( di&trict&*
e-mail& to + elected
Revie)ed '( 5 &c-ool &ite
council&* t-e Di&trict 2dvi&or(
Committee (D2C$-6itle "!State
Compen&ator( Education*
D2C-Gate* and t-e Di&trict
En1li&- Gan1ua1e 2dvi&or(
Committee 'et)een !#!"#
and ,!",!"#0 T0$ $( &-e 25
+)-$$l +&e )$%n)l+
$:<e)&e* &$ &-e 0a!er
re9%e+& :e)a%+e &-e' 0an&
&-e !$&er+ &$ *e)*e &-e
++%e $( e+&a:l+-n# a
:'-&r%+&ee-area 1e&-$* $(
H S)eet)ater 7nion 8i1- Sc-ool Di&trict 'ar1ainin1 unit& and advi&or( committee&
Created '( California Department of Education
=arc- "C* 0"#
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
A&&a)-1en& 2
2a#e 1 $( >
Cal($rna De/ar&1en& $( E*%)a&$n
CD Code0 ,<"0,<" .aiver /um'er0 ",-,-0"# 2ctive Iear0 0"#
Date Fn0 ,!"<!0"# #00+ 5=
Gocal Education 21enc(0 San Die1o Count( Office of Education
2ddre&&0 >#0" Ginda Vi&ta Rd.
San Die1o* C2 +"""
Start0 >!"!0"# End0 5!+!0">
.aiver Rene)al0 /
5reviou& .aiver /um'er0 5reviou& SBE 2pproval Date0
.aiver 6opic0 Sc-ool Di&trict Reor1ani3ation
Ed Code 6itle0 Elimination of Election Re%uirement
Ed Code Section0 500* and portion& of 50"+* 50"* and 50,0
Ed Code 2ut-orit(0 ,,050
Ed Code or CCR to .aive0 See attac-ment0 Section& to 'e .aived
Outcome Rationale0 6-e San Die1o Count( Board of Education i& &u'mittin1 a re%ue&t for a
)aiver of t-e election re%uired to 'e -eld in t-e S)eet)ater 7nion 8i1- Sc-ool Di&trict. On
Decem'er +* 0",* a petition to c-an1e to a '(-tru&tee-area election &(&tem )a& filed )it- t-e
Count( Superintendent pur&uant to Education Code &ection 50"+(c$ and )a& determined to 'e
&ufficient. 6-e re%uired pu'lic -earin1 )a& -eld in t-e di&trict* and t-e Count( Committee
approved t-e propo&al on Ee'ruar( "* 0"#.
Eollo)in1 approval of t-e petition* t-e Count( Superintendent )a& directed '( t-e Count( Board
of Education to explore t-e option of appl(in1 for a )aiver of t-e election t-at )ould 'e re%uired.
Su'&e%uentl(* t)o pu'lic -earin1& )ere -eld in t-e di&trict. 2ll of t-e participant& in t-e
-earin1& ent-u&ia&ticall( &upported t-e c-an1e in t-e di&trict:& election &(&tem* and* )it-out
exception* &upported t-e &u'mi&&ion of a )aiver re%ue&t. Ba&ed on input from t-e communit(
and di&trict &ta9e-older& and )it- con&ideration of t-e factor& de&cri'ed 'elo)* t-e Count(
Board voted unanimou&l( to re%ue&t a )aiver of election &o t-at a '(-tru&tee-area election
&(&tem can 'e implemented in t-e di&trict for t-e /ovem'er 0"# election&.
6-e 1overnin1 'oard of t-e S)eet)ater 7nion 8i1- Sc-ool Di&trict i& elected at-lar1e to
num'ered &eat&. JEC 50,0.5K 7nder certain circum&tance&* &uc- &(&tem& can 'e found to
violate t-e California Votin1 Ri1-t& 2ct (CVR2$. 6-e fact t-at t-e di&trict i& >"L 8i&panic furt-er
expo&e& it to alle1ation& of violatin1 t-e CVR2. Fmplementation of a '(-tru&tee-area election
&(&tem at t-e earlie&t po&&i'le date )ill -elp protect t-e di&trict a1ain&t potentiall( co&tl(
Fmplementation of a '(-tru&tee-area election &(&tem in /ovem'er 0"# )ill al&o improve t-e
operation of t-e di&trict and -elp re&tore pu'lic confidence in t-e di&trict:& educational pro1ram.
5u'lic di&tru&t and di&&ati&faction )ere evident at t-e pu'lic -earin1&. 5articipant& expre&&ed a
'elief t-at entire communitie& )it-in t-i& lar1e and ver( diver&e di&trict -ave not 'een
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
A&&a)-1en& 2
2a#e 2 $( >
ade%uatel( repre&ented on t-e 1overnin1 'oard and* a& a re&ult* t-e educational pro1ram -a&
'een compromi&ed. Some )-o te&tified at -earin1& &tated t-at &c-ool& located in t-e more
affluent area& of t-e di&trict -ave con&i&tentl( received 1reater 'enefit from di&trict re&ource&
t-an t-o&e in poorer area&. 5articipant& expre&&ed fru&tration t-at t-eir concern& a'out t-e
operation of t-e di&trict -ave not 'een -eard and t-at* in addition* political i&&ue& -ave
di&tracted from a focu& on t-e education of it& &tudent&. 6-e communit( expect& t-at a '(-
tru&tee-area election &(&tem )ill re&ult in 1reater diver&it( on t-e 'oard and t-e election of
'oard mem'er& )-o )ill 'e accounta'le to t-e communitie& t-e( repre&ent. Ft i& evident t-at
t-e S)eet)ater communit( i& ea1er for t-e c-an1e to 'e implemented )it-out dela(.
Einall(* in ma9in1 it& deci&ion* t-e Count( Committee con&idered co&t& to t-e di&trict t-at )ould
'e incurred if a 'allot propo&ition on a c-an1e of election &(&tem i& re%uired to 'e placed 'efore
t-e electorate at t-e /ovem'er 0"# election.
Student 5opulation0 #0+">
Cit( 6(pe0 7r'an
5u'lic 8earin1 Date0 !<!0"# and ,!0>!"#
5u'lic 8earin1 2dverti&ed0 /otice& in , paper&* po&tin1 on di&trict )e'&ite and at &c-ool &ite&*
notification to &uperintendent& and 'oard mem'er& of di&trict and component elementar(
di&trict&* e-mail& to + elected official&.
Gocal Board 2pproval Date0 ,!"!0"#
Communit( Council Revie)ed B(0 See attac-ment0 Council& and 2dvi&or( Committee&
Communit( Council Revie)ed Date0 !#!0"#
Communit( Council O'4ection0 I
Communit( Council O'4ection Explanation0 .ant voter& to decide
2udit 5enalt( I/0 /
Cate1orical 5ro1ram =onitorin10 /
Su'mitted '(0 =&. Erin Garcia
5o&ition0 Con&ultant* Bu&ine&& 2dvi&or( Service&
E-mail0 erin.1arciaM&
6elep-one0 C5C-+-,C"0
Eax0 C5C-5#"-0>+<
Bar1ainin1 7nit Date0 0!<!0"#
/ame0 California Sc-ool Emplo(ee& 2&&ociation
Repre&entative0 Eranci&co 6ama(o
6itle0 5re&ident
5o&ition0 Support
Bar1ainin1 7nit Date0 0,!",!0"#
/ame0 Coun&elin1 B Guidance 2&&ociation
Repre&entative0 Elvia E&trella
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
A&&a)-1en& 2
2a#e 3 $( >
6itle0 5re&ident
5o&ition0 Support
Bar1ainin1 7nit Date0 0,!"!0"#
/ame0 /ational 2&&ociation of Government Emplo(ee&
Repre&entative0 Ric-ard =orrell
6itle0 5re&ident
5o&ition0 Support
Bar1ainin1 7nit Date0 0!<!0"#
/ame0 S)eet)ater Education 2&&ociation
Repre&entative0 Ro'erto Rodri1ue3
6itle0 5re&ident
5o&ition0 Support
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
A&&a)-1en& 2
2a#e 4 $( >
? 501@= Tr%+&ee area+ an* +Ae $( +)-$$l *+&r)& #$!ernn# :$ar*+B /$0er+ $( )$%n&'
)$11&&eeB /r$/$+al an* -earn#
(a$ Except in a &c-ool di&trict 1overned '( a 'oard of education provided for in t-e c-arter of a
cit( or cit( and count(* in an( &c-ool di&trict or communit( colle1e di&trict* t-e count( committee
on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation ma( e&ta'li&- tru&tee area&* rearran1e t-e 'oundarie& of tru&tee
area&* a'oli&- tru&tee area&* and increa&e to &even or decrea&e to five t-e num'er of mem'er&
of t-e 1overnin1 'oard* or adopt one of t-e alternative met-od& of electin1 1overnin1 'oard
mem'er& &pecified in Section 50,0.
('$ 6-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation ma( e&ta'li&- or a'oli&- a common
1overnin1 'oard for a -i1- &c-ool di&trict and an elementar( &c-ool di&trict )it-in t-e
'oundarie& of t-e -i1- &c-ool di&trict. 6-e re&olution of t-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict
or1ani3ation approvin1 t-e e&ta'li&-ment or a'olition of a common 1overnin1 'oard &-all 'e
pre&ented to t-e elector& of t-e &c-ool di&trict& a& &pecified in Section 500.
(c$ ("$ 2 propo&al to ma9e t-e c-an1e& de&cri'ed in &u'divi&ion (a$ or ('$ ma( 'e initiated '(
t-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation or made to t-e count( committee on &c-ool
di&trict or1ani3ation eit-er '( a petition &i1ned '( 5 percent or 50* )-ic-ever i& le&&* of t-e
%ualified re1i&tered voter& re&idin1 in a di&trict in )-ic- t-ere are *500 or fe)er %ualified
re1i&tered voter&* '( , percent or "00* )-ic-ever i& le&&* of t-e %ualified re1i&tered voter&
re&idin1 in a di&trict in )-ic- t-ere are *50" to "0*000 %ualified re1i&tered voter&* '( " percent
or 50* )-ic-ever i& le&&* of t-e %ualified re1i&tered voter& re&idin1 in a di&trict in )-ic- t-ere
are "0*00" to 50*000 %ualified re1i&tered voter&* '( 500 or more of t-e %ualified re1i&tered
voter& re&idin1 in a di&trict in )-ic- t-ere are 50*00" to "00*000 %ualified re1i&tered voter&* '(
<50 or more of t-e %ualified re1i&tered voter& re&idin1 in a di&trict in )-ic- t-ere are "00*00" to
50*000 %ualified re1i&tered voter&* or '( "*000 or more of t-e %ualified re1i&tered voter&
re&idin1 in a di&trict in )-ic- t-ere are 50*00" or more %ualified re1i&tered voter& or '(
re&olution of t-e 1overnin1 'oard of t-e di&trict. Eor t-i& purpo&e* t-e nece&&ar( &i1nature& for a
petition &-all 'e o'tained )it-in a period of "C0 da(& 'efore t-e &u'mi&&ion of t-e petition to t-e
count( committee on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation and t-e num'er of %ualified re1i&tered voter& in
t-e di&trict &-all 'e determined pur&uant to t-e mo&t recent report &u'mitted '( t-e count(
election& official to t-e Secretar( of State under Section "C< of t-e Election& Code.
($ .-en a propo&al i& made pur&uant to para1rap- ("$* t-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict
or1ani3ation &-all call and conduct at lea&t one -earin1 in t-e di&trict on t-e matter. 2t t-e
conclu&ion of t-e -earin1* t-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation &-all approve or
di&approve t-e propo&al.
(d$ Ff t-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation approve& pur&uant to &u'divi&ion (a$
t-e rearran1ement of t-e 'oundarie& of tru&tee area& for a particular di&trict* t-en t-e
rearran1ement of t-e tru&tee area& &-all 'e effectuated for t-e next di&trict election occurrin1 at
lea&t "0 da(& after it& approval* unle&& at lea&t 5 percent of t-e re1i&tered voter& of t-e di&trict
&i1n a petition re%ue&tin1 an election on t-e propo&ed rearran1ement of tru&tee area
'oundarie&. 6-e petition for an election &-all 'e &u'mitted to t-e count( election& official )it-in
>0 da(& of t-e propo&alN& adoption '( t-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation. Ff
t-e %ualified re1i&tered voter& approve pur&uant to &u'divi&ion ('$ or (c$ t-e rearran1ement of
t-e 'oundarie& to t-e tru&tee area& for a particular di&trict* t-e rearran1ement of t-e tru&tee
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
A&&a)-1en& 2
2a#e 5 $( >
area& &-all 'e effective for t-e next di&trict election occurrin1 at lea&t "0 da(& after it& approval
'( t-e voter&.
? 5020= 2re+en&a&$n $( /r$/$+al &$ ele)&$r+
(a$ 6-e re&olution of t-e count( committee approvin1 a propo&al to e&ta'li&- or a'oli&- tru&tee
area&* to adopt one of t-e alternative met-od& of electin1 1overnin1 'oard mem'er& &pecified in
Section 50,0* or to increa&e or decrea&e t-e num'er of mem'er& of t-e 1overnin1 'oard &-all
con&titute an order of election* and t-e propo&al &-all 'e pre&ented to t-e elector& of t-e di&trict
not later t-an t-e next &ucceedin1 election for mem'er& of t-e 1overnin1 'oard.
('$ Ff a petition re%ue&tin1 an election on a propo&al to rearran1e tru&tee area 'oundarie& i&
filed* containin1 at lea&t 5 percent of t-e &i1nature& of t-e di&trictN& re1i&tered voter& a&
determined '( t-e election& official* t-e propo&al &-all 'e pre&ented to t-e elector& of t-e
di&trict* at t-e next &ucceedin1 election for t-e mem'er& of t-e 1overnin1 'oard* at t-e next
&ucceedin1 &tate)ide primar( or 1eneral election* or at t-e next &ucceedin1 re1ularl( &c-eduled
election at )-ic- t-e elector& of t-e di&trict are ot-er)i&e entitled to vote* provided t-at t-ere i&
&ufficient time to place t-e i&&ue on t-e 'allot.
(c$ Ff a petition re%ue&tin1 an election on a propo&al to e&ta'li&- or a'oli&- tru&tee area&* to
increa&e or decrea&e t-e num'er of mem'er& of t-e 'oard* or to adopt one of t-e alternative
met-od& of electin1 1overnin1 'oard mem'er& &pecified in Section 50,0 i& filed* containin1 at
lea&t "0 percent of t-e &i1nature& of t-e di&trictN& re1i&tered voter& a& determined '( t-e
election& official* t-e propo&al &-all 'e pre&ented to t-e elector& of t-e di&trict* at t-e next
&ucceedin1 election for t-e mem'er& of t-e 1overnin1 'oard* at t-e next &ucceedin1 &tate)ide
primar( or 1eneral election* or at t-e next &ucceedin1 re1ularl( &c-eduled election at )-ic- t-e
elector& of t-e di&trict are ot-er)i&e entitled to vote* provided t-at t-ere i& &ufficient time to
place t-e i&&ue on t-e 'allot. Before t-e propo&al i& pre&ented to t-e elector&* t-e count(
committee on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation ma( call and conduct one or more pu'lic -earin1& on
t-e propo&al.
(d$ 6-e re&olution of t-e count( committee approvin1 a propo&al to e&ta'li&- or a'oli&- a
common 1overnin1 'oard for a -i1- &c-ool and an elementar( &c-ool di&trict )it-in t-e
'oundarie& of t-e -i1- &c-ool di&trict &-all con&titute an order of election. 6-e propo&al &-all 'e
pre&ented to t-e elector& of t-e di&trict at t-e next &ucceedin1 &tate)ide primar( or 1eneral
election* or at t-e next &ucceedin1 re1ularl( &c-eduled election at )-ic- t-e elector& of t-e
di&trict are ot-er)i&e entitled to vote* provided t-at t-ere i& &ufficient time to place t-e i&&ue on
t-e 'allot.
(e$ Eor eac- propo&al t-ere &-all 'e a &eparate propo&ition on t-e 'allot. 6-e 'allot &-all contain
t-e follo)in1 )ord&0OEor t-e e&ta'li&-ment (or a'olition or rearran1ement$ of tru&tee area& in
???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict --Ie&O and OEor t-e e&ta'li&-ment (or a'olition or
rearran1ement$ of tru&tee area& in ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict--/o.O
OEor increa&in1 t-e num'er of mem'er& of t-e 1overnin1 'oard of ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool
Di&trict from five to &even--Ie&O and OEor increa&in1 t-e num'er of mem'er& of t-e 1overnin1
'oard of ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict from five to &even--/o.O
OEor decrea&in1 t-e num'er of mem'er& of t-e 1overnin1 'oard of ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
A&&a)-1en& 2
2a#e C $( >
Di&trict from &even to five--Ie&O and OEor decrea&in1 t-e num'er of mem'er& of t-e 1overnin1
'oard of ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict from &even to five--/o.O
OEor t-e election of eac- mem'er of t-e 1overnin1 'oard of t-e ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool
Di&trict '( t-e re1i&tered voter& of t-e entire ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict--Ie&O and OEor
t-e election of eac- mem'er of t-e 1overnin1 'oard of t-e ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict '(
t-e re1i&tered voter& of t-e entire ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict--/o.O
OEor t-e election of one mem'er of t-e 1overnin1 'oard of t-e ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool
Di&trict re&idin1 in eac- tru&tee area elected '( t-e re1i&tered voter& in t-at tru&tee area--Ie&O
and OEor t-e election of one mem'er of t-e 1overnin1 'oard of t-e ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool
Di&trict re&idin1 in eac- tru&tee area elected '( t-e re1i&tered voter& in t-at tru&tee area--/o.O
OEor t-e election of one mem'er* or more t-an one mem'er for one or more tru&tee area&* of
t-e 1overnin1 'oard of t-e ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict re&idin1 in eac- tru&tee area
elected '( t-e re1i&tered voter& of t-e entire ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict--Ie&O and OEor
t-e election of one mem'er* or more t-an one mem'er for one or more tru&tee area&* of t-e
1overnin1 'oard of t-e ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict re&idin1 in eac- tru&tee area elected
'( t-e re1i&tered voter& of t-e entire ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict--/o.O
OEor t-e e&ta'li&-ment (or a'olition$ of a common 1overnin1 'oard in t-e ???? (in&ert name$
Sc-ool Di&trict and t-e ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict--Ie&O and OEor t-e e&ta'li&-ment (or
a'olition$ of a common 1overnin1 'oard in t-e ???? (in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict and t-e ????
(in&ert name$ Sc-ool Di&trict--/o.O
Ff more t-an one propo&al appear& on t-e 'allot* all mu&t carr( in order for an( to 'ecome
effective* except t-at a propo&al to adopt one of t-e met-od& of election of 'oard mem'er&
&pecified in Section 50,0 )-ic- i& approved '( t-e voter& &-all 'ecome effective unle&& a
propo&al )-ic- i& incon&i&tent )it- t-at propo&al -a& 'een approved '( a 1reater num'er of
voter&. 2n incon&i&tent propo&al approved '( a le&&er num'er of voter& t-an t-e num'er )-ic-
-ave approved a propo&al to adopt one of t-e met-od& of election of 'oard mem'er& &pecified
in Section 50,0 &-all not 'e effective.
? 5021= In)%1:en&+ &$ +er!e $%& &er1+ *e+/&e a//r$!al $( )-an#e
(a$ Ff a propo&al for t-e e&ta'li&-ment of tru&tee area& formulated under Section& 50"+ and
500 i& approved '( a ma4orit( of t-e voter& votin1 at t-e election* an( affected incum'ent
'oard mem'er &-all &erve out -i& or -er term of office and &ucceedin1 'oard mem'er& &-all 'e
nominated and elected in accordance )it- Section 50,0. Fn t-e event t)o or more tru&tee area&
are e&ta'li&-ed at &uc- election )-ic- are not repre&ented in t-e mem'er&-ip of t-e 1overnin1
'oard of t-e &c-ool di&trict* or communit( colle1e di&trict t-e count( committee &-all determine
'( lot t-e tru&tee area from )-ic- t-e nomination and election for t-e next vacanc( on t-e
1overnin1 'oard &-all 'e made.
('$ Ff a propo&al for rearran1ement of 'oundarie& i& approved '( a ma4orit( of t-e voter& votin1
on t-e mea&ure* or '( t-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation )-en no election i&
re%uired* and if t-e 'oundar( c-an1e& affect t-e 'oard mem'er&-ip* an( affected incum'ent
'oard mem'er &-all &erve out -i& or -er term of office and &ucceedin1 'oard mem'er& &-all 'e
nominated and elected in accordance )it- Section 50,0.
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
A&&a)-1en& 2
2a#e D $( >
(c$ Ff a propo&al for a'oli&-in1 tru&tee area& i& approved '( a ma4orit( of t-e voter& votin1 at t-e
election* t-e incum'ent 'oard mem'er& &-all &erve out t-eir term& of office and &ucceedin1
'oard mem'er& &-all 'e nominated and elected at lar1e from t-e di&trict.
? 5030= Al&erna&e 1e&-$* $( ele)&$n
Except a& provided in Section& 50< and 50C* in an( &c-ool di&trict or communit( colle1e
di&trict -avin1 tru&tee area&* t-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict or1ani3ation and t-e
re1i&tered voter& of a di&trict* pur&uant to Section& 50"+ and 500* re&pectivel(* ma( at an(
time recommend one of t-e follo)in1 alternate met-od& of electin1 1overnin1 'oard mem'er&0
(a$ 6-at eac- mem'er of t-e 1overnin1 'oard 'e elected '( t-e re1i&tered voter& of t-e entire
('$ 6-at one or more mem'er& re&idin1 in eac- tru&tee area 'e elected '( t-e re1i&tered voter&
of t-at particular tru&tee area.
(c$ 6-at eac- 1overnin1 'oard mem'er 'e elected '( t-e re1i&tered voter& of t-e entire &c-ool
di&trict or communit( colle1e di&trict* 'ut re&ide in t-e tru&tee area )-ic- -e or &-e repre&ent&.
6-e recommendation &-all provide t-at an( affected incum'ent mem'er &-all &erve out -i& or
-er term of office and t-at &ucceedin1 'oard mem'er& &-all 'e nominated and elected in
accordance )it- t-e met-od recommended '( t-e count( committee.
.-enever tru&tee area& are e&ta'li&-ed in a di&trict* provi&ion &-all 'e made for one of t-e
alternative met-od& of electin1 1overnin1 'oard mem'er&.
Fn countie& )it- a population of le&& t-an 5*000* t-e count( committee on &c-ool di&trict
or1ani3ation or t-e count( 'oard of education* if it -a& &ucceeded to t-e dutie& of t-e count(
committee* ma( at an( time* '( re&olution* )it- re&pect to tru&tee area& e&ta'li&-ed for an(
&c-ool di&trict* ot-er t-an a communit( colle1e di&trict* amend t-e provi&ion re%uired '( t-i&
&ection )it-out additional approval '( t-e elector&* to re%uire one of t-e alternate met-od& for
electin1 'oard mem'er& to 'e utili3ed.
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5
A&&a)-1en& 2
2a#e > $( >
;2lea+e *en&(' &-e a//r$/ra&e )$%n)l6+7 $r a*!+$r' )$11&&ee6+7 &-a& re!e0e* &-+
Sc-ool Site Council& (&ee 'elo)$
Di&trict 2dvi&or( Committee-6itle F!State Compen&ator( Education
Di&trict 2dvi&or( Committee-Gate
Di&trict En1li&- Gan1ua1e 2dvi&or( Committee
Da&e )$11&&eeE)$%n)l re!e0e* re9%e+&. 0!#!0"# P 0,!",!0"#
,#- S)-$$l S&e 2$+&$n
Bonita Vi&ta 8i1- Sc-ool Support
Ca&tle 5ar9 8i1- Sc-ool /eutral
C-ula Vi&ta 8i1- Sc-ool Support
Ea&t 8ill& 2cadem( Oppo&e
Ea&tla9e 8i1- Sc-ool Support
8illtop 8i1- Sc-ool Support
=ar Vi&ta 8i1- Sc-ool Support
=ont1omer( 8i1- Sc-ool /eutral
Ol(mpian 8i1- Sc-ool Support
Ota( Ranc- 8i1- Sc-ool Oppo&e
5alomar 8i1- Sc-ool Support
San I&idro 8i1- Sc-ool Support
Sout-)e&t 8i1- Sc-ool Support
S)eet)ater 8i1- Sc-ool Support
M**le S)-$$l S&e 2$+&$n
Bonita Vi&ta =iddle Sc-ool /o re&pon&e
Ca&tle 5ar9 =iddle Sc-ool /o re&pon&e
C-ula Vi&ta =iddle Sc-ool Support
Ea&tla9e =iddle Sc-ool Support
Gran1er Dunior 8i1- Sc-ool Support
8illtop =iddle Sc-ool Support
=ar Vi&ta 2cadem( Support
=ont1omer( =iddle Sc-ool Support
/ational Cit( =iddle Sc-ool Support
Ranc-o Del Re( =iddle Sc-ool Support
Sout-)e&t =iddle Sc-ool Support
Revi&ed0 5!<!0"# #0"" a5!p5