Chetan Mahajan provides tips for answering common interview questions successfully. For the question "tell me about yourself", keep your response brief at under two minutes, focusing only on relevant information like family, education, experience, skills and career goals. When asked "why do you want this job", be honest about your interests and passions, and demonstrate research on the company. Discuss relevant strengths with examples, and admit weaknesses but with solutions, like a willingness to learn. Overall, make eye contact, ask thoughtful questions, send a thank you, and maintain professional connections.
Chetan Mahajan provides tips for answering common interview questions successfully. For the question "tell me about yourself", keep your response brief at under two minutes, focusing only on relevant information like family, education, experience, skills and career goals. When asked "why do you want this job", be honest about your interests and passions, and demonstrate research on the company. Discuss relevant strengths with examples, and admit weaknesses but with solutions, like a willingness to learn. Overall, make eye contact, ask thoughtful questions, send a thank you, and maintain professional connections.
Chetan Mahajan provides tips for answering common interview questions successfully. For the question "tell me about yourself", keep your response brief at under two minutes, focusing only on relevant information like family, education, experience, skills and career goals. When asked "why do you want this job", be honest about your interests and passions, and demonstrate research on the company. Discuss relevant strengths with examples, and admit weaknesses but with solutions, like a willingness to learn. Overall, make eye contact, ask thoughtful questions, send a thank you, and maintain professional connections.
Chetan Mahajan provides tips for answering common interview questions successfully. For the question "tell me about yourself", keep your response brief at under two minutes, focusing only on relevant information like family, education, experience, skills and career goals. When asked "why do you want this job", be honest about your interests and passions, and demonstrate research on the company. Discuss relevant strengths with examples, and admit weaknesses but with solutions, like a willingness to learn. Overall, make eye contact, ask thoughtful questions, send a thank you, and maintain professional connections.
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Chetan Mahajan, President, HCL Learning tells you how to respond to these
seemingly simple but tricky interview questions (edi!!"com#
Question $% &ell me something about yoursel! Don't read out from the CV. Highlight only what's relevant. Don't elaborate on a single point/area unless you are asked to do so. For eample! when you are talking about your family! the employer definitely doesn't need to know where your great grandfather worked unless he did something "ommendable like winning the #obel! fighting the $orld $ar... and that has inspired you in some way. %eep it brief and to the point. &alk about your family! edu"ation! professional eperien"e! spe"ial skills and your "areer ob'e"tive. (ra"ti"e in advan"e and "ompile the information in less than two minutes. Don't forget to make a mental note of what kind of information interests the employer through the rest of the "onversation. &his should help you de"ide what to say and what to avoid. Downplay hobbies and interests unless you've a"hieved something at the national or international level. Question '% (hy did you apply !or this job) (hy do you think should the company hire you) )gain! the key is to be honest. *ay you are passionate and are looking for a new "hallenge through the opportunity. &his is where your resear"h and homework will prove handy. +very organisation epe"ts their prospe"tive hires to "ome prepared and know a few important things about them. *hare an eample of how a "ertain initiative or pro'e"t of the organisation impressed you! or how you aim to work on a "ertain pro'e"t the "ompany is planning to undertake. &alk about your merits ,, your marketing and negotiating skills! how you led your team through a "hallenging situation et". )t the same time! never mention the - word in the first round of the interview. .t is understood that you are epe"ting a better remuneration than what your "urrent organisation is offering. /eserve the dis"ussion for the H/ round. Question *% +e!ine your strengths and weaknesses" $hen talking about skills! always demonstrate with the right eamples. &alking about your strengths should be easy! but pi"k the ones you think will be relevant to the 'ob profile and organisation you applied for. For eample! if you have applied for a "onsultant profile! you must talk about your resear"h and analyti" skills. $hen it "omes to dis"ussing weaknesses! don't a"t smart. 0ad handwriting! for eample! doesn't 1ualify as a weakness! parti"ularly in this age of the internet. *o try to be a little more giving here. .f you're a Colle"tions guy! you may probably say! you2re not an epert at -i"rosoft +"el but if given the opportunity! you'd like to sign up for a training programme to improve your skills in it. +ven if the "ompany doesn2t have a training programme! they might "onsider your honesty and eagerness to learn and improve your skills. *ome more tips to turn the interview in your !avour% ,! you-re a !resher, don-t be rigid in the !irst $. months o! your career" /e open to new e0periences and take on a completely di!!erent job pro!ile" &his is your learning phase and you need to get the most out o! it" 1o be !le0ible" 3nless you're being interviewed over the phone! make eye "onta"t with the person you are speaking with. .f during the "onversation you look away be"ause you2re nervous or the employer looks intimidating! you will be giving the impression that you are either not prepared or not sure of taking the opportunity. /emember to etend a firm! "onfident handshake before and at the end of the interview. Don't sound too anious when talking. (ause at the right intervals. *peak loudly and "learly. .f you are not sure of something! it's okay to say '. don't know'. $hen the interviewer asks ,, Do you have any 1uestions4 ,, Don't 'ust nod your head and say 'nothing'. )sk at least one relevant 1uestion related to the 'ob profile you have applied for. .t shows that you are interested in the opportunity. )sk non,frivolous 1uestions like5 '$ho will . be reporting to4' or '$hat is my probable "areer path going to be in the organisation4' Consider the 'ob lo"ation and dis"uss it with your employer before you take it up. 0e honest about what your priorities are! rather than setting up the wrong epe"tations and avoid the disappointment of not fulfilling them later. +ven if you don't make it through the interview! don't forget to send a '&hank you' note to the hiring manager and stay in tou"h professionally through 6inked.n or any other "areer site that you are part of. #etworking! a wise man told me! is 'the art of rea"hing out to people when you don't need them'.