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The International Journal of Engineering & Science is aimed at providing a platform for researchers, engineers, scientists, or educators to publish their original research results, to exchange new ideas, to disseminate information in innovative designs, engineering experiences and technological skills. It is also the Journal's objective to promote engineering and technology education. All papers submitted to the Journal will be blind peer-reviewed. Only original articles will be published.
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The International Journal of Engineering & Science is aimed at providing a platform for researchers, engineers, scientists, or educators to publish their original research results, to exchange new ideas, to disseminate information in innovative designs, engineering experiences and technological skills. It is also the Journal's objective to promote engineering and technology education. All papers submitted to the Journal will be blind peer-reviewed. Only original articles will be published.
The papers for publication in The International Journal of Engineering& Science are selected through rigorous peer reviews to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability.
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The International Journal of Engineering & Science is aimed at providing a platform for researchers, engineers, scientists, or educators to publish their original research results, to exchange new ideas, to disseminate information in innovative designs, engineering experiences and technological skills. It is also the Journal's objective to promote engineering and technology education. All papers submitted to the Journal will be blind peer-reviewed. Only original articles will be published.
The papers for publication in The International Journal of Engineering& Science are selected through rigorous peer reviews to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability.
Theoretical work submitted to the Journal should be original in its motivation or modeling structure. Empirical analysis should be based on a theoretical framework and should be capable of replication. It is expected that all materials required for replication (including computer programs and data sets) should be available upon request to the authors.
The International Journal of Engineering & Science would take much care in making your article published without much delay with your kind cooperation. The IJES Page 59 Malware Classification using Nave Bayes Classifier for Android OS 1, Deepak Koundel, 2, Suraj Ithape, 3, Vishakha Khobaragade, 4, Rajat Jain B.E. Computer Science JSPMs JSCOE Pune, India
-------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------- In the global world of mobile technology millions of users connect and share on unknown networks without being aware of vulnerability of their confidentiality. Android platform is most popular OS among the smart phones users as well as developers, its open and flexible nature allows a large community to upload and download applications. Such extensive usage makes it an easy target for attack and misuse. A malicious application may steal the confidential data of user and upload it on its server, which is a threat to user's security. In this paper, we propose an approach to classify an application as malware or benign app by using data mining. To categorize an application we use various attributes of an app:(i) the permissions used by an application, (ii) battery usage rating based on permissions and (iii)rating acquired by the application on Android market. We apply Naive Bayes classifier to deduce the results based on the probability of an application being malware or not. These results are uploaded on the cloud where a user can view the results and query an application as being malicious or not to our server. KEYWORDS: Android, Malware Detection, Data mining --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of Submission: 21 March 2014 Date of Publication: 15 April 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I. INTRODUCTION In the era of mobile technology smart phones have become essential part of our life, starting from being a personal assistant for organizing our daily work to adding entertainment in our lives smart phones play a crucial role. As of today many operating systems are available for smart phones. Android OS and iOS dominate the the smart phone world largely, these two OS together had 92.3% of all shipments done for smart phones[1] and Android held 75.0% of market share in smart phone world during the first quarter of 2013, according to IDC[1]. Android is the most widely used and popular OS among the users, which makes it a prominent target for the malware attacks. Malware are malicious applications which intentionally interfere with the systems functionality and causes damage to the software and security of the system. A malware application can send the personal and secret information of the user to an untrustworthy third party. It can cause the system or other applications to behave in an unexpected or malicious way. Unlike other platforms, Android maintains openness and doesnt put much restriction on its users in downloading and uploading apps. This attracts a huge community of developers as well users towards this platform .Unlike apple where app store is the only source of applications, Android allows the users to download apps from third party market. A malware author downloads a legitimate app, repackages it with malware and distributes such app on third party market and websites [2]. Android on its side leaves the security of device in users hand by letting him take the decision of whether to install an app or not. Unfortunately, due to lack of security awareness and knowledge about Android permissions user is not the right person to judge the intention of an application. These factors put user in a vulnerable situation where his confidentiality is at risk. To resolve this situation, in this paper we have proposed an approach that classifies the applications in two categories as: 1) malware app and 2) legitimate app using data mining. We make use of Nave Bayes classifier which is a probabilistic classifier and uses Bayes theorem. It takes parameters such as permissions, battery usage rating and user rating of an application and generates results depending on the probability values. These values are then classified by the classifier and the final results about the status of an application are stored on cloud where user can retrieve them.
Malware Classification using Nave Bayes Classifier for Android OS The IJES Page 60 Rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the literature survey and a brief explanation of Nave Bayes classifier. Section III explains our solution architecture and working of Bayesian classifier with the data set. We have also described the feature extraction method here which is used for gathering input set from the users phone. Finally in section IV concludes our work.
A. Android permissions Android permissions are an essential part of an application without which no Android app can be considered complete. Every app declares its permissions to user at the time of installation. Android enforces each app to perform only those functions that it has requested and declared. But, no matter how complying this permission model seems, it has some flaws. Using the permissions an app can perform those things in background which we would not have permitted it to do voluntarily. For example, a gaming app requests permissions as android.permission.READ_CONTACT and android.permission.INTERNET, then possibility is that it may read the devices contact and send the data to third party server over internet for advertising purpose. If an app declares android.permission.SEND_SMS, this could allow the app to send message on your behalf and cost you money by sending SMS to for-pay numbers [3].
Figure I. Structure of manisfest file
B. Nave Bayes Classifier Bayesian classifier is a supervised learning technique that allow us determine uncertainty of a model by determining probabilities of interdependent events. It is widely used in diagnostic and predictive problems where number of input parameters is very large [4]. It is based on Bayesian algorithm which tries to maximize the probability of an attribute in belonging to a classified category depending on existing training data set. In other words, predicting a suitable class for a tuple based on conditional probabilities of existing data set.
III. PROPOSED THEME The main objective of our approach is developing an Android application which enables the user to make a check of the applications installed in his phone. Our app allows user to send a list of applications for analysis and we classify the list of apps sent as malware or legitimate app.
Malware Classification using Nave Bayes Classifier for Android OS The IJES Page 61 A. Basic Architecture The basic architecture of our system is shown in Fig II. Our system follows client server architecture where users with smart phones act as clients and our server is setup in cloud. User initiates the process by making a list of applications to be tested on his phone. Then permissions specified in the manifest file of the app are extracted and sent to the server. Our app also calculates a feature called battery usage rating depending on permissions specified in manifest file. If an app uses permissions that drain phones battery we mark such app with high rating of battery usage. All these features are combined together and sent to our server. The server then parses this file and prepares a .csv file. The .csv file contains the organised dataset having necessary parameters on which the Nave Bayes classifier can be applied.
Figure II. Basic Architecture
B. Features Extraction Retrieving features for preparing a dataset is the most important module of our system. This work is done by our application on client side. Every application contains a AndroidManifest.xml file (shown in Fig I) and this file contains necessary parameters required by our system to perform data analysis. To decrypt the application file for extracting features we use the aapt tool (Android Asset Packaging Tool) [5] provided in Android SDK. We extract the following parameters: Permissions: the permissions required by an app are identified under <uses-permission> tag. Name of app: all features extracted are identified by the name of application. The name of app can be found at string (package=com.package_name.app_name). Battery rating: if an app is consuming or draining phones battery then it might be doing some heavy task in background that probably requires internet. If an application asks the permission for using internet and GPS of phone then we give the battery usage rating as high else we give low rating. User rating: the rating that an application got from users in Android market. These features are combined together in an object file and sent to server. Finally, on the server side this file is imported and the dataset is prepared ready for Bayes classification. Fig 3 shows the flow of work in features extraction.
Malware Classification using Nave Bayes Classifier for Android OS The IJES Page 62
Figure II. Flow of feature extraction
C. Applying the Classifier The data set consists of various parameters like app name, permissions required by the app, battery rating, etc, shown in Fig 4 Permission can take value as: 1 if that permission is found in app 0 if that permission is not found in app Similarly battery rating takes values as low(0), medium(1), high(2).The Bayesian classifier will work as follows: 1. The user sends a query for application testing which is treated as a vector [4] containing a set of n number of parameters. Each vector is a row where each parameter is represented as a column. The query is handled by the Nave Bayes classifier, which operates on the parameters given in vector. Then according to Bayes theorem, P(CLASS|VECTOR) is proportional to P(VECTOR|CLASS)*P(CLASS).
Here P(CLASS|VECTOR) is the posterior probability and P(CLASS) is the prior probability. 2. CLASS has two categories MALWARE and LEGITIMATE in which an app can be classified. Given a vector, the classifier will decide that the app belongs to which category on the basis of higher posterior probability, i. e. the Nave Bayes classifier decides that the vector belongs to the class(MALWARE) if,
P(LEGITIMATE|VECTOR) > P(MALWARE |VECTOR). Nave Bayes works on conditional probability of interdependent parameters. Therefore we calculate conditional probability for individual parameter as,
Malware Classification using Nave Bayes Classifier for Android OS The IJES Page 63 (Number of malware having that parameter)/ (total number of malwares in dataset), this is repeated for all parameters and all probabilities are multiplied with each other. Same is done for legitimate apps in the data set.
IV. CONCLUSION We prepared our own database of malware applications and good legitimate applications. For malware data set we used open source data source of android malwares by androguard [7]. We organized the data to create training data set and testing data set for malware as well as benign apps. After applying the Bayesian classifier on the testing data set we got satisfactory results. However, results were not fully accurate when tested for random real world data. Hence in this system we observed that accuracy of Nave Bayes classification depends on the quantity of data set.
TABLE I. A sample component from our database set.
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