Comorbidity Addiction and Drug Abuse

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March 2011 Page 1 of 2

What Is Comorbidity?
The term comorbidity describes two or
more disorders or illnesses occurring in the
same person. They can occur at the same
time or one after the other. Comorbidity also
implies interactions between the illnesses that
can worsen the course of both.
Is Drug Addiction a Mental
Yes. Addiction changes the brain in
fundamental ways, disturbing a persons
normal hierarchy of needs and desires and
substituting new priorities connected with
procuring and using the drug. The resulting
compulsive behaviors that weaken the ability
to control impulses, despite the negative
consequences, are similar to hallmarks of
other mental illnesses.
How Common Are
Comorbid Drug Addiction
and Other Mental
Many people who are addicted to drugs are
also diagnosed with other mental disorders
and vice versa. For example, compared with
the general population, people addicted to
drugs are roughly twice as likely to suffer
from mood and anxiety disorders, with the
reverse also true.
Why Do These Disorders
Often Co-occur?
Although drug use disorders commonly occur
with other mental illnesses, this does not
mean that one caused the other, even if one
appeared rst. In fact, establishing which
came rst or why can be difcult. However,
research suggests the following possibilities
for this common co-occurrence:
Drug abuse may bring about symptoms
of another mental illness. Increased risk of
psychosis in vulnerable marijuana users
suggests this possibility.
Mental disorders can lead to drug abuse,
possibly as a means of self-medication.
Patients suffering from anxiety or
depression may rely on alcohol, tobacco,
and other drugs to temporarily alleviate
their symptoms.
These disorders could also be caused by
shared risk factors, such as
Overlapping genetic vulnerabilities.
Predisposing genetic factors may make
a person susceptible to both addiction
and other mental disorders or to having a
greater risk of a second disorder once the
rst appears.
Overlapping environmental triggers. Stress,
trauma (such as physical or sexual abuse),
and early exposure to drugs are common
environmental factors that can lead to
addiction and other mental illnesses.
Addiction and Other Mental Disorders
March 2011 Page 2 of 2
Involvement of similar brain regions.
Brain systems that respond to reward
and stress, for example, are affected by
drugs of abuse and may show abnormalities
in patients with certain mental disorders.
Drug use disorders and other mental
illnesses are developmental disorders.
That means they often begin in the teen
years or even youngerperiods when the
brain experiences dramatic developmental
changes. Early exposure to drugs of
abuse may change the brain in ways
that increase the risk for mental disorders.
Also, early symptoms of a mental disorder
may indicate an increased risk for later
drug use.
How Are These Comorbid
Conditions Diagnosed and
The high rate of comorbidity between drug use
disorders and other mental illnesses calls for
a comprehensive approach that identies and
evaluates both. Accordingly, anyone seeking
help for either drug abuse/addiction or another
mental disorder should be checked for both
and treated accordingly.
Several behavioral therapies have shown
promise for treating comorbid conditions.
These approaches can be tailored to patients
according to age, specic drug abused, and
other factors. Some therapies have proven
more effective for adolescents, while others
have shown greater effectiveness for adults;
some are designed for families and groups,
others for individuals.
Effective medications exist for treating
opioid, alcohol, and nicotine addiction
and for alleviating the symptoms of many
other mental disorders, yet most have not
been well studied in comorbid populations.
Some medications may benet multiple
problems. For example, evidence suggests
that bupropion (trade names: Wellbutrin,
Zyban), approved for treating depression
and nicotine dependence, might also
help reduce craving and use of the drug
methamphetamine. More research is
needed, however, to better understand how
these medications work, particularly when
combined in patients with comorbidities.
Other Information Sources
For more information on comorbidity
between drug use disorders and other
mental illnesses, see
NIDAs Research Report Series:
Comorbidity: Addiction and Other Mental
Illnesses at
NIDAs Topics in Brief: Comorbid Drug
Abuse and Mental Illness at www.
National Institute of Mental Health,
National Institutes of Health, at

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