MobiusMitts1 3oct2011

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Mobius Mitts V.1
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike .0 !icense Australia
Please "o not sell gloves ma"e #rom this $attern

%hanks #or coming to check out this unusual an" slightly geeky creation. Peo$le &ill be
#ascinate" &hen you han" over your mitts an" let them t&ist an" try to &ork them out'
%he beauty o# the m(bius loo$ #or knitting an" crochet is that you get to &ork either si"e o# the
cast on ro&)#oun"ation chain* so that you start your &ork in the mi""le an" go out&ar"s+
, have use" a blue an" a green stitch marker to kee$ track o# ro&s. -ecause each .ro&/ takes
you the "istance bet&een t&o markers it shoul" not be too har" to #ollo&. ,t/s a goo" i"ea to
look u$ at the "iagram above an" starting at the blue marker* #ollo& the e"ge aroun" until it
hits the green marker - this &ill be calle" one .ro&/.
A$ologies #or the evolving nature o# this $attern an" the many u$"ates. Please 0ust "o&nloa"
the most recent version #rom my blog or ravelry be#ore starting your $ro0ect.
, &oul" love to see any $hotos o# your #inishe" gloves i# you &oul" like to sen" them to me
1$i2elate"mushroom3gmail.com4. 5eel #ree to contact me i# you have any &orries or 6uestions.
7o$e you have as much #un crocheting as , "i" "esigning the $attern'
Mbius strip image: David Benbennick
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes
Picture" on the #ront o# this $attern is -en"igo 8oollen 9ills :ustic ; $ly 1D<4 1:avelry
link4 in =mi"night t&ee"=.
>0 grams 11.? o@4 &ill usually make a small $air* you &ill nee" ?0-;0A 12.B-2.; o@4 #or
the larger si@es. !e#tover 1)2 skeins are great #or the colour variations.
%ry an" match the &ool o# your choice to a hook that &ill match the belo& gauge. Please
check your &ork a#ter ro& > as in"icate" in the $attern.
> sts an" B ro&s in hal#-"ouble crochet $er inch &ith the smaller o# your hooks.
small Cme"ium* largeD
A$$ro2imate measurements "e$en" heavily on yarn choice an" gauge+
small+ .>in 1Ecm4 &i"e* .>in 1Ecm4 tall at smallest $oint
me"ium+ Bin 110cm4 &i"e* .>in 1Ecm4 tall at smallest $oint
large+ B.>in 111cm4 &i"e* B.> 111cm4 tall at smallest $oint
,# you are #in"ing none o# these si@es match* you can a"")remove an amount o# stitches
#rom the initial starting chain an" #irst ro&s* then continue #ollo&ing the $attern* trying
on #re6uently as you go.
>mm crochet hook
>.>mm crochet hook 1or sim$ly make your starting chain more loosely4
A green an" a blue stitch marker 1or scra$s o# yarn4
Stitches/Abbreviations 1FS crochet terms4
Sts G Stitches Ch G Chain
Sc G Single crochet
7"c G 7al#-"ouble crochet Cvi"eoD
Dc G Double crochet
Sc-"ec G Single crochet "ecrease Cvi"eoD
7"c-inc G 7al#-"ouble crochet increase Cv i" e o D
The Pattern
Right Mitt
Fsing your larger hook* chain 0CB* B0D
Change to smaller hook
:o& 14 9ake 2 turning chains* then h"c0CB* B0D
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes
5li$ the &ork over hori@ontally as i# to start the ne2t ro&* then lay &ork on a #lat sur#ace as
sho&n belo&
Arrange &orking yarn to to$ le#t as sho&n here
%&ist the bottom le#t corner a&ay #rom you 1;0"eg until it becomes the to$ le#t corner
24 ,nsert hook into the stitch in"icate" above an" sc1 1sho&n belo&4* then continuing in
the same "irection h"c 2EC* ED
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes
4 Place a green stitch marker here* then h"c 0CB* B0D
B4 Place a blue stitch marker here* h"c-inc* h"c-inc* h"c remaining sts to green marker
>4 h"c to blue marker
1$lace &ork aroun" #our #ingers an" check that it isn/t too tight. ,t shoul" be some&hat
loose at this $oint. Hou may consi"er re"oing these ro&s &ith a larger hook or going u$
a si@e i# not4
I4 h"c-inc* h"c* h"c* h"c-inc* h"c remaining sts to green marker
?4 h"c to blue marker
;4 h"c-inc* h"c-inc* h"c* h"c-inc* h"c-inc h"c remaining sts to green marker
E4 h"c to blue marker
104 h"c1* chain 2CB* ED* sc in the Eth stitch #rom hook 1makes thumb hole4* h"c remaining sts
to green marker
114 h"c to blue marker
124 h"c to green marker
C!arge si@e only+ re$eat ro&s 11 an" 12D
14 h"c to blue marker
1B4 h"c to green marker
1>4 h"c to blue marker
1I4 h"c* "c2B* h"c remaining sts to green marker (start new colour now if desired)
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes
1?4 h"c21* "c remaining sts to blue marker
1;4 "c2B* h"c to t&o sts be#ore the green marker* sc-"ec
1E4 sc-"ec* sc1I* h"c* "c remaining sts to blue marker
204 "c1I* h"c2* sc1* sli$1
214 turn &ork* sc in 2n" stitch #rom hook* h"c* "c to blue marker
224 "c;* h"c2* sc2* sli$1
-reak yarn leaving a long tail then threa" tail through stitch on hook an" $ull tight. Se& in en".
Fse loose en" #rom cast on ro& to se& u$ the hole bet&een cast on chain an" ro& 2.
Left Mitt
Fsing your larger hook* chain 0CB* B0D
Change to smaller hook
:o& 14 9ake 2 turning chains* then h"c 0CB* B0D
5li$ the &ork over hori@ontally as i# to start the ne2t ro&* then lay &ork on a #lat sur#ace as
sho&n belo&
Arrange &orking yarn to to$ le#t as sho&n here
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes
%&ist the bottom le#t corner to&ar"s you 1;0"eg until it becomes the to$ le#t corner
24 ,nsert hook into the stitch in"icate" above an" sc1... 1sho&n belo&4

Design 2010 Nyss Parkes
turn work, then h"c 1C>* B1D
:o&s -224 Same as #or le#t han"
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes
olours variations
5or these colour variations start the secon" colour at ro& 1?

%his is great #or using u$ little bits o# lovely le#tovers #rom other $ro0ects
To crochet a sim!le "arn flo#er
14 magic loo$ >* leaving a long tail
24 Jch* sli$1 into ne2t stJ re$eat to en"
8eave in the en" o# threa" an" se& to #inger $art o# gloves
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes
Wearing the Mitts
5in" the thumbhole an" &ork your han" into the o$ening. %hen arrange the #la$ across the
back o# the han" until it #eels com#ortable
%he m(bius stri$ &ill t&ist aroun" to a"0ust #or the angle o# your han"
De$en"ing on the thickness o# your chosen yarn you &il en" u$ &ith "i##ering bulk aroun" the
insi"e o# the &rist. 5or an ; $ly yarn is shoul" be $ossible to arrange it as above &ith 0ust a
small #ol" as above.
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes
,t=s &orth noting that crochet "oes have a back an" a #ront si"e.
-ecause these gloves are &orke" as a mobius* si"es change the centre $oint 1see above4.
%he #ront o# crochet looks like "istinct chunky sts 1above the line4*
the back looks like a tight slante" stitch 1belo& the line4
9obius 9itts are "esigne" to sho& one si"e #or the ma0ority o# the gloves* &ith 0ust a hint o#
the back si"e aroun" the &rist. Hou can choose &hich you $re#er* an" then access your
$re#erre" si"e by turning your gloves #ully insi"e out bet&een the t&o o$tions.
7o$e you have en0oye" this $attern'
attach "our ravelr" !ro$ect to
sen) an" images or comments to
Design 2010 Nyss Parkes

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