Self Declaration Form Sep13
Self Declaration Form Sep13
Self Declaration Form Sep13
Merchiston Castle School is a boarding school and as such, all employees have direct access to young people.
Thus, all posts within Merchiston Castle School are considered exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders ct
!"#$. %n practice, this means that all applicants must disclose all previous and pending convictions, even if
they are considered &spent', or be liable to prosecution.
(ith the exception of offences against children, a previous conviction will not automatically bar an applicant
from employment. (e will ma)e all decisions based on careful consideration of all the information available to us.
%n line with *overnment guidance, the +eadmaster,-ursar will, in each case, consider the following.
whether the conviction is relevant to the employment/
the length of time since the offence occurred/
whether the applicant has a pattern of convictions/
whether the applicant's circumstances have changed since the offence was committed.
%t is important that all applicants and existing staff understand the need to disclose convictions, and are actively
encouraged to do so, so that any convictions can be fully discussed during the recruitment process. %f the
+eadmaster,-ursar feels that further clarification is re0uired, further information may be sought from additional
sources, for example, previous employers, placements etc. (e may also as) the applicant to supply additional
references. 1or further information please refer to the 2rotection of 3ulnerable *roups 2olicy.
Disclosure of Criminal Records
ll applicants will be vetted via the Protection of Vulnerable Groups cheme, prior to commencing employment.
More details regarding the 23* scheme can be found at http.,,,guidance,index.html.
23* records provide Merchiston Castle School with details of an individual's criminal record and other charges and
cautions, irrespective of the time elapsed since conviction. pplicants should be aware that, should a 23*
record show convictions which were not disclosed by the applicant prior to interview, the School will consider this as
a fundamental breach of trust. %f this situation arises the individual is liable to be summarily dismissed or have any
offer of employment withdrawn, irrespective of the nature of the conviction. !t is an offence to apply for a post
for which you are dis"ualified#
Please complete Parts $%& and return this along with your application form# This information will be treated in
the strictest confidence and will only be seen by senior management and authori4ed staff involved in the selection
process. Should you not be selected for a position the form will be shredded.
P'R( $
re you currently sub5ect to any criminal charges or investigations6
78S 9O :
+ave you ever received or been sub5ect to any of the disposals noted in 2art !6 ;if yes
please complete 2art !<
78S 9O :
P'R( $'