Dungeon 2 Go 6 en

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Goblins, Orcs and even an Ogre are pillaging

the countryside (200 GP bounty per head).

The characters set off to nd the last wizard
of Lom-Tranar: Once inhabited by the
wisest of Elves, the ruins of the tower are
now the home of the old Darbu, a human
wizard. He might know where to nd the
In reality, old Darbu has long since passed
away and the monsters led by the dangerous
evil wizard Kardos now occupy the tower.
THE TOWER The party arrives at the ruins of the
once proud Elven tower at dusk. The upper
levels have clearly collapsed and the glow
of relight emanates from the ground oor.
If the characters make a stealthy approach,
they will hear (Perception) the babbeling of
Goblins, otherwise the Goblins notice the
characters (Perception).
A. RUBBLE A successful search (Perception)
turns up a magical Ring (Ranged Attack/
Targeted Spells +1).
B. CAMPFIRE Several Goblins (1/PC) are
roasting a freshly killed doe. One is wearing
a golden ring (6 GP). The eastern staircase
to the rst oor is blocked by rubble, while
the western one leads downwards.
1. ENTRANCE Splashing sounds can be heard
from the west, while mufed goblin
clamoring can be heard from the south.
2. FOUNTAIN OF HEALING Drinking heals a PC of
D20 HP (once daily). Good for D20 hours if
bottled. A rotting Goblin lies on the ground
before the exit to 3, from which a deathly
cold emanates.
3. DARBUS CHAMBER This is where Darbu
died several months ago, but his spirit is
still bound here and has been awakened
with the arrival of the larcenous band.
These chambers have remained untouched
since he killed the Goblin in 2. His spirit
whispers: Free Lom-Tanar from the evil dark
mage Kardos, who holds captive the Mistress of
the Forest. Though he has spoiled the waters, in
the shadow of the setting sun it will aid you. Unite
the Goddess, so that I may be at peace again.
Some of Darbus poems are on his writing
table. A chest contains a blue Runic Robe
along with mundane clothing and scrolls of
Identify Magic and Slow.
4. DARBUS LABORATORY A Ring of Cooldown lies
on the table amidst alchemical equipment
(+1 Alchemy when using the whole set).
The shelves contain 4 red Healing Potions,
1 Potion of Strength (ST x2 for ST rounds)
and 1 dose of Sleeping Dust.
5. LIBRARY The Elves took all their books when
they left Lom-Tranar. Chattering Goblins
and rolling dice can be heard from 6.
6. GOBLINS Quarreling and gambling Goblins
(1/PC) stand around a once beautiful
marble table. Besides their two wooden
dice, the mugs and a barrel of ale are their
only property.
7. BASIN Dark and foul water. When passing
the east or west rim, 3m long tentacles (1/
PC) will attack (Death Vine Shrub). A
Secret door is hidden In the shadow of the
setting sun (east).
8. STORAGE Kardos cohorts store their supplies
here: 7 ale kegs, 2 boxes of waybread (all in
all, 200 rations), 1 crate of dried apples (100
meals worth) and a chest with 20 jars of jelly
and 10 jars of honey.
9. WILD ORCS A former shrine, now occupied by
Wild Orcs (1/PC) standing near a beheaded
statue. A rope attached to a
bell disappears into the wall. A frightened
squirrel is trapped in a small cage. If it
(the Mistress of the Forest) is freed, it
produces white nuts (1/PC, heals D20 HP)
and scurries away into the forest.
10. GUARD ROOM More Wild Orcs (1/PC) are
napping here (they will try to sound the
alarm bell to warn their brothers in 9). The
Ogre in 11 will hear battle sounds, as will
Kardos (in 13) on a roll of 1-9 on a D20.
11. OGRE This is the home of the Ogre Squish
and his 12 lovingly cared for chickens.
Under his bed of animal furs, an emerald
(200 GP), the head of an Elven statue (9)
and 4 eggs can be found.
12. DARK SHRINE A human skull sits on a black
cat pelt surrounded by 6 candles. As long as
all the candles burn, Kardos and his cohorts
regenerate 1 HP/rd while in this room.
13. KARDOS CHAMBER Here Kardos is writing
deranged poetry. In a chest, more poems
can be found as well as spell scrolls of:
Banish, Lightning, Terror, Walk on Water
and Magic Ladder.
14. KARDOS TREASURE Apart from 3 ale and
2 wine kegs, some chests and boxes with
620GP, 461CP, Long Sword +2, Light
Crossbow +1, Plate Helmet +1 (all magical)
and a Bone Foot Bracelet (Fast I).
Kardos: BOD: 6 (0/4); AGI: 6 (0/4); MND 6 (3/4)
20HP; Defense 12 (Ring of Protection +2); Melee Attack:
7 (Quarterstaff WB +1); Targeted Spells: 13 (+3 Lightning, +1
Quarterstaff) or 10 (+1 Fireray with magical Staff) ; 59XP
Kardos uses his magical Staff during Lightning cooldown
XP: Each room 1 XP, Combat (defeated XP/PC)XP, Setting Sun Hint solved 20XP, nd secret door otherwise 15XP, free squirrel 15XP, join statue 15XP, douse rst candle 15XP, adventure 25XP
Level 1
down to Level 2
1 Square = 1 Meter
up to Level 1 down to Level 2
up to Level 1
Level 2
1 Square = 1 Meter

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