Astrology For All

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Astrology for old age people

Old age brings with it its own set of apprehensions, doubts, worries and concerns. There are many questions that bother men and women standing at the threshold of old age such as how long will I work, will I be loved, will be become bed-ridden, will I travel, will my children stay with me etc. All the questions related to health, children, travel, solitude and life longevity etc can be satisfactorily be answered by astrology and solutions found to cumbersome problems that might loom large in the coming future.

Astrology for Love

Astrology for love, reveals the truth about ones love life. It helps understand your heart, your love and your partner. ou can also find details about your love life based on the sun signs of self and your partner. It offers solutions to problems of those looking for a partner, those already in love and those willing to reunite.

Indian Astrology
Indian Astrology has a highly sophisticated system that analy!es the matching based on various criteria like thinking, traits, and se"ual compatibility. The love compatibility report, gives a detailed description of - #ental $thinking % intellectual& compatibility' (hysical compatibility' )ealth % luck generated due to the match' *ongevity of attraction between the couple' *ongevity of life of each spouse' +rowth of family, -hildren etc. The reports of love given by Indian astrology encompasses both the astrology compatibility and astrology sign compatibility along with many more minor details.

It therefore helps seek answer to various questions, which are as follows. Am I unlucky in love/ )hen will I get married/ 0oes he,she love me/ Are we se"ually compatible/ )hen will I meet soul mate/ The magic mantra to make him,her fall in love with you. 1ow many relationships will I have in life/ Am I destined for marital bliss/ )ill it be better to remain single/

Astrology for Man/Woman

Astrology For Man These are a few things that almost everybody is worried about and seeks astrologer2s help for the same. A man may be confused and worried about the debts owed by him, the marriage that is getting delayed, the acceptance of love from girl of his dreams, and the insecure 3ob. Astrology offers answers to various issues that keep cropping up in the lives of men, of all ages and from different walks of life. The issues could pertain to

education, career, love, marriage, family and over all future. The astrology for man not only predicts future but also helps seek remedial solutions for the same. 4ome men go in for astrology 3ust for the sake of utter curiosity about the future while few look for solutions as well when they are crushed under the wheels of destiny and are not able to tolerate the situations. Astrology For Woman Are you a woman seeking answers to questions like will I have a successful career ahead/ 0oes he love me/ )hen will I get married/ )hen will I meet soul mate/ )ill I be better off remaining single/ Are we compatible/ )ill my kids be successful/ Astrology for woman is all about predicting the future of a woman. A woman is the home maker and plays various important roles in a family- the role of a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother and each relationship has its own importance. 4he is influential in all these relationships. Astrology for woman puts forward the predictions and possible answers to issues related to these relationships. Astrology also helps her seek remedial solutions for the same.

Astrology for Marriage

#arriage is one of the most important decisions of life. 1ence it is important to find out the compatibility between the couples. Astrology for marriage gives details about the match, the details about the ups and downs in your married life, the amount of love between the couples, se"ual compatibility, chances of divorce and so on. The chief importance is given to the moon2s position and aspects in case of a male horoscope and the sun2s position in case of a female horoscope. The configuration of the two connotes the happiness of married life. )hen sun and moon are harmoniously configured in the horoscope of birth by being two signs or four signs $56 or 786 degrees& apart, and therefore, in the se" life or trine aspect to one another, or even in con3unction when well placed by the chief planets, there will be harmony and happiness in the marital life. On the other hand, when the luminaries are in quadrate or opposition or in con3unction or badly placed, there will be discord and trouble. The degree of discord and trouble is dependent on the power of adaptation. The lack of power of adaptation is chief cause of incompatibility of temperament.

Astrology for Job/Career

Astrology for Career 9very person looks forward to a rewarding career is one2s life. 1ow do you find the 3obs that you would love to do/ )hat is your earning potential/ )hich 3ob is best suited to your personality/ All these questions continuously warrant your attention.

Astrology for career helps you gain a better understanding of yourself, your talents, your challenges, and your dreams and gives you an insight into your talents, potential, communication abilities and challenges, and relationship with your colleagues and boss. It also provides you astrological clues relating to the personalities of successful people and successful companies.

Astrology for Students/Teenagers

4tudents, these days, have a lot of pressure to perform as per the e"pectations of their parents and peers and consequently, put in a lot of effort to reali!e their career dreams. :ut not all are lucky enough to get the desired results despite having put dedicated long hours of study. Astrology for students is about e"ams, results, best period for appearing in the competitive e"ams, pursuing higher studies abroad etc. Astrology for student entails the answers to questions related to education. It advises about the best periods of education and suggests you the educational stream, which would best suit you. Astrology also helps you to overcome the bad periods and suggest the appropriate remedial solutions to improve your educational conditions. The report of astrology gives complete and e"haustive insights and facts and figures of your educational future. The suggested remedies include - performing poo3a of siddha yantras, wearing of a gem stone or chanting of mantras.

Astrology for Business

:usiness is full of risks and a good businessman is one who anticipates the future contingencies and moulds them to suit his requirements. This is where astrology plays a big role. It helps predict the success and failure of a business venture and throws light on its profitability potential. The business forecast focuses on the issues that are important for making decisions in the business world. The results of astrology predicts the best time to start new ventures, losses, business rivalry, the increase in amount of work, the e"penditures, work load, co-operation by employees and so on. Astrology helps seek solution for the following. ; )hen to start a business/ ; 4uitability of new business ; <reedom from debts ; 4hould I get into the risk of getting into mortgage,debt/ ; 4hould I continue with business or give up/ ; )ill partnership be lucky for me/ ; #agnitude of success to be e"pected from the business. ; Am I more suited to 3ob or business.

Astrology for Health

)ho doesn2t want to have a hale % hearty life/ health is very much astrologically influenced. 9ach of the planet represents electromotive forces, which vary in

amount of their energy based on the date, time and place of birth. Thus astrological influences are responsible for mental and physical health. 9ach planets has rules a particular part of body, stated as follows.

Astrology for Peace & Harmony

According to Indian or =edic astrology, our lives are guided by various planets and all the nine planets must be propitiated to bring fortune and prosperity in the household. Astrology for peace and harmony involves forecasting about the factors leading to distrust, sorrow and distress in the surrounding environment. It also puts forwards the root causes for the lack of happiness and peace and suggests the remedies for the same.

Help regarding Remedies

Astrology helps gain favorable influence from the planets. >+raha 4hanti> as it is called, helps reduce the negative effects of our past karma as e"pressed through the agency of our >cosmic counterparts> in the form of the seven planets plus ?ahu and @etu. +enerally a >Aavagraha 4hanti> (u3a and,or 1oma is a performance that appeals to all nine of these heavenly bodies, with special emphasis on the one or two planets that may need special attention

Astrology for Money & Finance

9veryone has the desire to live a comfortable and blissful life, which is mostly influenced by the financial soundness. The financial astrologers are referred often by most of the people, like the business houses, and traders. They pursue the services of astrologers, who help them conclude the deal of profit yielding transactions and the best time for the same. Astrology for money is also of importance for those who suffer losses and look for the time to recover them. :esides astrology is also useful when deciding to invest in shares, stock trading, and while crediting loan.

Astrology for Child

As soon a baby is born, the parents start thinking about its future ahead. The horoscope of the child is made, which forecasts the future of the child based upon the placement of the planets at the time and place of birth. The horoscope gives information about the mental intellect, education, wealth, fame and health of the child. It also conveys some knowledge about the general interests of the child like sports, reading and entertainment.

It helps parents to en3oy parenting since it highlights and brings to the picture, the innate nature of the child. It features information about each stage of the childhood, adulthood and other phases of his,her life. :y understanding likes and dislikes of child, elders are able to help their children grow into healthy, wellad3usted adults.

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