Modelling of Power System Component PDF
Modelling of Power System Component PDF
Modelling of Power System Component PDF
The development of the modern day electrical energy system took a few centuries. Prior to 1800, scientists like William Gilbert, C. A. de Coulomb, Luigi Galvani, Benjamin Franklin, Alessandro Volta etc. worked on electric and magnetic field principles. However, none of them had any application in mind. They also probably did not realize that their work will lead to such an exciting engineering innovation. They were just motivated by the intellectual curiosity. Between 1800 and 1810 commercial gas companies were formed - first in Europe and then in North America. Around the same time with the research efforts of scientists like Sir Humphrey Davy, Andre Ampere, George Ohm and Karl Gauss the exciting possibilities of the use of electrical energy started to dawn upon the scientific community. In England, Michael Faraday worked on his induction principle between 1821 and 1831. The modern world owes a lot to this genius. Faraday subsequently used his induction principle to build a machine to generate voltage. Around the same time American engineer Joseph Henry also worked independently on the induction principle and applied his work on electromagnets and telegraphs. For about three decades between 1840 and 1870 engineers like Charles Wheatstone, Alfred Varley, Siemens brothers Werner and Carl etc. built primitive generators using the induction principle. It was also observed around the same time that when current carrying carbon electrodes were drawn apart, brilliant electric arcs were formed. The commercialization of arc lighting took place in the decade of 1870s. The arc lamps were used in lighthouses and streets and rarely indoor due to high intensity of these lights. Gas was still used for domestic lighting. It was also used for street lighting in many cities. From early 1800 it was noted that a current carrying conductor could be heated to the point of incandescent. Therefore the idea of using this principle was very tempting and attracted attention. However the incandescent materials burnt very quickly to be of any use. To prevent them from burning they were fitted inside either vacuum globes or globes filled with inert gas. In October 1879 Thomas Alva Edison lighted a glass bulb with a carbonized cotton thread filament in a vacuum enclosed space. This was the first electric bulb that glowed for 44 hours before burning out. Edison himself improved the design of the lamp later and also proposed a new generator design. The Pearl Street power station in New York City was established in 1882 to sell electric energy for incandescent lighting. The system was direct current three-wire, 220/110 V and supplied Edison lamps for a total power requirement of 30 kW. The only objective of the early power companies was illumination. However we can easily visualize that this would have resulted in the under utilization of resources. The lighting load peaks in the evening and by midnight it reduces drastically. It was then obvious to the power companies that an elaborate and expensive set up would lay idle for a major amount of time. This provided incentive enough to improve upon the design of electric motors to make them commercially viable. The motors became popular very quickly and were used in many applications. With this the electric energy era really and truly started. However with the increase in load large voltage and unacceptable drops were experienced, especially at points that were located far away from the generating stations due to poor voltage regulation capabilities of the existing dc networks. One approach was to transmit power at higher voltages while consuming it at lower voltages. This led to the development of the alternating current. In 1890s the newly formed Westinghouse Company experimented with the new form of electricity, the alternating current. This was called alternating current since the current changed direction in synchronism with the generator rotation. Westinghouse Company was lucky to have Serbian engineer
Nicola Tesla with them. He not only invented polyphase induction motor but also conceived the entire polyphase electrical power system. He however had to face severe objection from Edison and his General Electric Company who were the proponents of dc. The ensuing battle between ac and dc was won by ac due to the following factors: Transformers could boost ac voltage for transmission and could step it down for distribution. The construction of ac generators was simpler. The construction of ac motors was simpler. Moreover they were more robust and cheaper than the dc motors even though not very sophisticated.
With the advent of ac technology the electric power could reach more and more people. Also size of the generators started increasing and transmission level voltages started increasing. The modern day system contains hundreds of generators and thousands of buses and is a large interconnected network.
The power distribution network starts with transformer T3, which steps down the voltage from 66 kV to 11 kV. The distribution system contains loads that are either commercial type (like office buildings, huge apartment complexes, hotels etc) or residential (domestic) type. Usually the commercial customers are supplied power at a voltage level of 11 kV whereas the domestic consumers get power supply at 400-440 V. Note that the above figures are given for line-to-line voltages. Since domestic customers get singlephase supplies, they usually receive 230-250 V at their inlet points. While a domestic customer with a low power consumption gets a single-phase supply, both industrial and commercial consumers get threephase supplies not only because their consumption is high but also because many of them use threephase motors. For example, the use of induction motor is very common amongst industrial customers who run pumps, compressors, rolling mills etc.
The main components of a power system are generators, transformers and transmission lines.
In this module we shall discuss the models of these components that will be used subsequently in power system studies.
Inductance of Three-Phase Lines with Asymmetrical Spacing Transposed Line Composite Conductors Bundled Conductors
Overhead transmission lines and transmission towers are a common sight in rural India. The transmission towers are usually made of steel and are solidly erected with a concrete base. The threephase conductors are supported by the towers through insulators. The conductors are usually made of aluminum or its alloys. Aluminum is preferred over copper as an aluminum conductor is lighter in weight and cheaper in cost than copper conductor of the same resistance. The conductors are not straight wires but strands of wire twisted together to form a single conductor to give it higher tensile strength. One of the most common conductors is aluminum conductor, steel reinforced (ACSR). The cross sectional view of such a conductor is shown in Fig. 1.2. The central core is formed with strands of steel while two layers of aluminum strands are put in the outer layer. The other type of conductors that are in use are all aluminum conductor (AAC), all aluminum alloy conductor (AAAC), aluminum conductor, alloy reinforced (ACAR).
Line Resistance
It is very well known that the dc resistance of a wire is given by
where is the resistivity of the wire in - m, l is the length in meter and A is the cross sectional area in 2 m . Unfortunately however the resistance of an overhead conductor is not the same as that given by the above expression. When alternating current flows through a conductor, the current density is not uniform over the entire cross section but is somewhat higher at the surface. This is called the skin effect and this makes the ac resistance a little more than the dc resistance. Moreover in a stranded conductor, the length of each strand is more that the length of the composite conductor. This also increases the value of the resistance from that calculated in (1.1). Finally the temperature also affects the resistivity of conductors. However the temperature rise in metallic conductors is almost linear in the practical range of operation and is given by
where R1 and R2 are resistances at temperatures t1 and t2 respectively and T is a constant that depends on the conductor material and its conductivity. Since the resistance of a conductor cannot be determined accurately, it is best to determine it from the data supplied by the manufacturer
where L is the inductance in Henry, is the flux linkage in Weber-turns and I is the phasor current in Ampere.
A. Internal Inductance
Consider a straight round (cylindrical) conductor, the cross-section of which is shown in Fig. 1.3. The conductor has a radius of r and carries a current I . Ampere's law states that the magnetomotive force (mmf) in ampere-turns around a closed path is equal to the net current in amperes enclosed by the path.
where H is the magnetic field intensity in At/m, s is the distance along the path in meter and I is the current in ampere. Let us denote the field intensity at a distance x from the center of the conductor by Hx. It is to be noted that Hxis constant at all points that are at a distance x from the center of the conductor. Therefore Hx is constant over the concentric circular path with a radius of x and is tangent to it. Denoting the current
(1.6) If we now assume that the current density is uniform over the entire conductor, we can write
Assuming a relative permeability of 1, the flux density at a distance of x from the center of the conductor
(1.8) is given by
The flux inside (or outside) the conductor is in the circumferential direction . The two directions that are perpendicular to the flux are radial and axial . Let us consider an elementary area that has a dimension of dx m along the radial direction and 1 m along the axial direction. Therefore the area perpendicular to 2 the flux at all angular positions is dx X 1 m . Let the flux along the circular strip be denoted by d x and
Note that the entire conductor cross section does not enclose the above flux. The ratio of the cross sectional area inside the circle of radius x to the total cross section of the conductor can be thought about
(1.10) as fractional turn that links the flux d x. Therefore the flux linkage is
(1.11) Wbt/m Integrating (1.10) over the range of x , i.e., from 0 to r , we get the internal flux linkage as
(1.12) H/m Then from (1.3) we get the internal inductance per unit length as
r H/m
It is interesting to note that the internal inductance is independent of the conductor radius.
B. External Inductance
Let us consider an isolated straight conductor as shown in Fig. 1.4. The conductor carries a current I . Assume that the tubular element at a distance x from the center of the conductor has a field intensity Hx .
(1.13) Since the circle with a radius of x encloses the entire current, the mmf around the element is given by
(1.16) Wbt/m The external flux linkage between any two points D1 and D2, external to the conductor is
(1.17) H/m From (1.3) we can then write the inductance between any two points outside the conductor as
For 1,
Therefore from (1.12) and (1.17) we can specify the inductance of conductor 1 due to internal and external flux as
(1.18) H/m
(1.19) H/m
The radius r1 can be assumed to be that of a fictitious conductor that has no internal flux but with the same inductance as that of a conductor with radius r1 . In a similar way the inductance due current in the conductor 2 is given by
(1.20) H/m
(1.21) H/m
(1.22) H/m
where r
= re1/4.
Consider a point P external to the conductors. The distance of the point from the phases a, b and c are
The flux linkage with the conductor of phase-a due to the current Ib , excluding all flux beyond the point P , is given by (1.17) as
Now if we move the point P far away, then we can approximate Dpa Dpb Dpc.. Therefore their logarithmic ratios will vanish and we can write (1.28) as
Note that due to symmetry, the inductances of phases b and c will be the same as that of phase-a given above, i.e., Lb= Lc = L a .
The distances between the phases are denoted by Dab, Dbcand Dca. We then get the following flux linkages for the three phases
Note that for the above operator the following relations hold
Let as assume that the current are balanced. We can then write
Substituting the above two expressions in (1.31) to (1.33) we get the inductance of the three phases as
It can be seen that the inductances contain imaginary terms. The imaginary terms will vanish only when Dab= Dbc= Dca. In that case the inductance will be same as given by (1.30).
Transposed Line
The inductances that are given in (1.36) to (1.38) are undesirable as they result in an unbalanced circuit configuration. One way of restoring the balanced nature of the circuit is to exchange the positions of the conductors at regular intervals. This is called transposition of line and is shown in Fig.1.8. In this each segment of the line is divided into three equal sub-segments. The conductors of each of the phases a, b and c are exchanged after every sub-segment such that each of them is placed in each of the three positions once in the entire segment. For example, the conductor of the phase-a occupies positions in the sequence 1, 2 and 3 in the three sub-segments while that of the phase-b occupies 2, 3 and 1. The transmission line consists of several such segments.
(1.39) value of the three inductances calculated in (1.36) to (1.38). We therefore have
This implies
(1.40) From (1.35) we have a + a = - 1. Substituting this in the above equation we get
(1.43) H/m
Notice that (1.43) is of the same form as (1.30) for symmetrically spaced conductors. Comparing these two equations we can conclude that GMD can be construed as the equivalent conductor spacing. The GMD is the cube root of the product of conductor spacings
Composite Conductors
So far we have considered only solid round conductors. However as mentioned at the beginning of Section 1.1, stranded conductors are used in practical transmission line. We must therefore modify the equations derived above to accommodate stranded conductors. Consider the two groups of conductors shown in Fig. 1.9. Of these two groups conductor x containsn identical strands of radius rx while conductor y contains m identical strands of radius ry . Conductor x carries a current I the return path of which is through conductor y . Therefore the current through conductor y is - I .
In a similar way the inductances of the other conductors are also obtained. For example,
The average inductance of any one of the strands in the group of conductor x is then
Conductor x is composed of n strands that are electrically parallel. Even though the inductance of the different strand is different, the average inductance of all of them is the same as Lav, x . Assuming that the average inductance given above is the inductance of n parallel strands, the total inductance of the conductor x is
where the geometric mean distance ( GMD ) and the geometric mean radius ( GMR ) are given respectively by
(1.51) (1.52)
The inductance of the conductor y can also be similarly obtained. The geometric mean radius GMRy will be different for this conductor. However the geometric mean distance will remain the same
Bundled Conductors
So far we have discussed three-phase systems that have only one conductor per phase. However for extra high voltage lines corona causes a large problem if the conductor has only one conductor per phase. Corona occurs when the surface potential gradient of a conductor exceeds the dielectric strength of the surrounding air. This causes ionization of the area near the conductor. Corona produces power loss. It also causes interference with communication channels. Corona manifests itself with a hissing sound and ozone discharge. Since most long distance power lines in India are either 220 kV or 400 kV, avoidance of the occurrence of corona is desirable. The high voltage surface gradient is reduced considerably by having two or more conductors per phase in close proximity. This is called conductor bundling . The conductors are bundled in groups of two, three or four as shown in Fig. 1.10. The conductors of a bundle are separated at regular intervals with spacer dampers that prevent clashing of the conductors and prevent them from swaying in the wind. They also connect the conductors in parallel. The geometric mean radius (GMR) of two-conductor bundle is given by (1.53)
where Ds is the GMR of conductor. The GMR for three-conductor and four-conductor bundles are given
respectively by
(1.54) (1.55)
where the geometric mean distance is calculated assuming that the center of a round conductor is the same as that of the center of the bundle.
Fig. 1.10 Bundled conductors: (a) 2-conductor, (b) 3-conductor and (c) 4-conductor bundles
Capacitance in a transmission line results due to the potential difference between the conductors. The conductors get charged in the same way as the parallel plates of a capacitor. Capacitance between two parallel conductors depends on the size and the spacing between the conductors. Usually the capacitance is neglected for the transmission lines that are less than 50 miles (80 km) long. However
the capacitance becomes significant for longer lines with higher voltage. In this section we shall derive the line capacitance of different line configuration.
The charge on the conductor gives rise to an electric field with radial flux lines where the total electric flux is equal to the charge on the conductor. By Gauss's law, the electric flux density at a cylinder of radius x when the conductor has a length of 1 m is
The electric filed intensity is defined as the ratio of electric flux density to the permittivity of the medium. Therefore
Now consider the long straight conductor of Fig. 1.12 that is carrying a positive charge q C/m. Let two points P1 and P2 be located at distances D1 and D2 respectively from the center of the conductor. The conductor is an equipotential surface in which we can assume that the uniformly distributed charge is concentrated at the center of the conductor. The potential difference V12 between the points P1 and P2 is the work done in moving a unit of charge from P2 to P1 . Therefore the voltage drop between the two points can be computed by integrating the field intensity over a radial path between the equipotential surfaces, i.e.,
Fig. 1.12 Path of integration between two points external to a round straight conductor.
(1.61) V Assuming that the conductor 1 alone has the charge q1 , the voltage between the conductors is
V Similarly if the conductor 2 alone has the charge q2 , the voltage between the conductors is
(1.64) V For a single-phase line let us assume that q1 (= -q2 ) is equal to q . We therefore have
Assuming r1 = r2= r3, we can rewrite (1.64) as
(1.66) V F/m Therefore from (1.57) the capacitance between the conductors is given by
The above equation gives the capacitance between two conductors. For the purpose of transmission line modeling, the capacitance is defined between the conductor and neutral. This is shown in Fig. 1.13.
Therefore the value of the capacitance is given from Fig. 1.13 as
Fig. 1.13 (a) Capacitance between two conductors and (b) equivalent capacitance to ground.
This implies
(1.79) F/m
The mutual inductances between the field coil and the stator windings vary as a function of d and are given by (1.82) (1.83) (1.84)
The self-inductance of the field coil is denoted by Lff. The flux linkage equations are then given by
Hence the flux linkage equations for the stator windings (1.85) to (1.87) can be modified as
Also assuming that the rotor rotates at synchronous speed s we obtain the following two equations
(1.93) (1.94)
where d0 is the initial position of the field winding with respect to the phase-a of the stator winding at time t = 0. The mutual inductance of the field winding with all the three stator windings will vary as a function of d, i.e.,
Substituting (1.92), (1.94), (1.95), (1.96) and (1.97) in (1.89) to (1.91) we get
Since we assume balanced operation, we need to treat only one phase. Let the armature resistance of the generator be R . The generator terminal voltage is given by
where the negative sign is used for generating mode of operation in which the current leaves the terminal. Substituting (1.98) in (1.101) we get
The last term of (1.102) is the internal emf ea that is given by (1.103)
Since d0 is the position of the d -axis at time t = 0, we define the position of the q -axis at that instant as (1.105)
The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 1.16. Let the current ia lag the internal emf ea by a . The stator currents are then
between a and ia to be . We assume that ea leads aby . Therefore we can write (1.112)
Then the voltages and currents shown in Fig. 1.17 are given as
Fig. 1.19 Simplified equivalent circuit of a single-phase transformer: (a) when referred to the primary side and (b) when referred to the secondary side.
As a consequence of the points (2) and (3) above, all phases are decoupled. All network variables are balanced sets in the same sequence as the sources.
Consider the three-phase circuit shown in Fig. 1.20 that contains three balanced sources Ea , Eband Ec along with three balanced source impedances, each of value Zs. The sources supply two balanced loads - one wye-connected with impedance of Zy and the other -connected with impedance of Z . Since this is a balanced network, the sum of the currents at the neutrals N (or n ) is zero. Therefore the neutral are at the same potential. Transforming the -connected load to an equivalent y, we get the per phase equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 1.21. In this fashion an entire power system can be converted into its per phase equivalent. The line diagram showing a per phase equivalent circuit is called a single-line diagram.
Fig. 1.20 Three balanced sources supplying two balanced load through balanced source impedances.
Fig. 1.21 Per phase equivalent circuit of the network of Fig. 1.20.
Based on the above two quantities the current and impedance bases can be defined as
Assume that an impedance Z is defined as Z1 per unit in a base impedance ofZbase _ old . Then we have
The impedance now has to be represented in a new base value denoted as Z base_new . Therefore
From (1.120) Z2 can be defined in terms of old and new values of VA base and voltage base as
This completes our discussion on the modeling of power system components. In the subsequent portion of this course we shall use these models to construct a power system and use the per unit notation and the impedance diagram to represent the system.