Unit 8 Mixing Substancesa: Objective Questions
Unit 8 Mixing Substancesa: Objective Questions
Unit 8 Mixing Substancesa: Objective Questions
Which of the following materials will mix with water? A B C D Cooking oil Vinegar Marble Petrol
3 Which of the following does not mix with water? A B C D range !uice Milk il Salt
1 mixture of glass marbles and cork 2ieces is 2laced in a bucket3 1ll the marbles are of the same si4e and sha2e3 The cork 2ieces have different si4es and sha2es3
Can a filter be used to se2arate the mixture? State your reason3 A /es3 The glass marbles and cork 2ieces have different si4es3 B /es3 The glass marbles and cork 2ieces have different sha2es3 C /es3 The glass marbles and cork 2ieces have not changed chemically3 D -o3 1ny filter would grou2 at least some of the cork 2ieces with the marbles3 ne way to se2arate the mixture would be to 5555555555555555553 A B C D add water to the bucket6 then 2our out the cork 2ieces shake the bucket6 then 2ick out the cork 2ieces from the to2 layer shake the bucket6 then 2ick out the cork 2ieces from the bottom layer move a magnet through the mixture
Which of the following is an unsafe substance? A B C D Starch Ta2ioca flour Milk 2owder 1cid
+nsect killer is used at home to kill insects such as cockroaches and mos7uitoes3 Which of the following labels can be found on the container? A C
What ha22ens to the salt when it is mixed with water? A B C D # The salt changes into a new substance The salt moves to the bottom layer of the water The salt moves to the to2 layer of the water The salt dissolves in water6 forming a solution
There is a mixture of iron filings and sand in a box3 Which is the easiest way to se2arate the iron filings from the sand? A Pour water into the mixture B 8se a magnifying glass C 8se a magnet D 9eat the mixture What are the 2otential dangers if an acid s2ills onto your hand? A B C D /our hand could catch fire3 /ou will risk being infected with bacteria3 /ou could get a chemical burn3 /ou could cut your hand3
+n an ex2eriment6 salt and sand are mixed together3 Which of these methods could be used to se2arate the salt from the sand most easily? A i3 ii3 iii3 i ii3 iii3 i3 ii3 iii3 i3 ii3 iii3 Stir the mixture into a glass of water3 Pour the mixture in the glass through a filter3 ,va2orate the water3 Pour the mixture onto a 2iece of 2a2er3 #rush the mixture into a 2ile3 *rag a magnet through the 2ile3 Put the mixture in a 2an3 9eat the 2an for '% minutes3 )et the hot mixture cool slowly3 S2read the mixture into a thin layer3 )ook at the mixture through a magnifying glass3 Se2arate the crystals with a 2in3
The label of a household cleaner says6 : I% s&a''o&ed do not (nd)*e +o,(t(n-. D.(n/ a 'a.-e a,o)nt o% ,('/ o. &ate.3: +t also says6 :Do not .e)se *onta(ne.3: What can be inferred about this household cleaner? A B C D +t is free of chemicals harmful to animal life Small amounts are harmless if swallowed +t irritates and harms the digestive system +t causes 2eo2le to become sick and vomit
Pu2ils in a science lab saw some of their classmates switching the labels on the li7uids in the lab3 What is the most im2ortant reason the 2u2ils should re2ort this to their teacher? A B C D +t will affect the ex2eriment if the wrong li7uid is used 8sing the wrong li7uid may cause someone to be in!ured (ules that are broken should be re2orted Teachers are the only 2eo2le allowed to use the li7uids
Which of the following is not correct? S)0stan*e A B C D Wheat flour Cooking oil Sugar #aking 2owder 1.o2e.t3 <eels smooth6 white in colour <eels smooth6 tasteless <eels rough6 white in colour <eels rough6 sweet
Which of the following substances has a label as shown in the diagram above? A B C D Cooking oil #aking 2owder Vinegar 1lcohol
3 4
Sugar is a bit rough when you touch it and can dissolve in water3 Vinegar is a 2oisonous substance3 1 mixture of safety 2ins and sand can be se2arated using a magnet3
Match the substances with the label that can be found on them
Petrol 4 =d>
We can se2arate a mixture of 2olystyrene balls and thumbtacks using a = magnet B filter 2a2er >3
We can se2arate a mixture of tea 2owder and water using a tea 2owdera = filter funnel B sieve >3
D 1
Tick = C > in the boxes to show the 2ro2erties of the following substances3 #rown in colour
<eels smooth Ta2ioca flour ta2ioca 2 Tastes sweet <eels smooth Sugar White in colour Tasteless
cooking gas
#aking 2owder
E )ook at the 2ictures car battery below3 Circle the unsafe substances3lalcohol
car battery