Army Vacuum Tube Theory

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DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL TM ] ° DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDER TO Gt BASIC THEORY AND APPLICATION OF ELECTRON TUBES DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR. FORCE FEBRUARY 1952 ‘AGO 2244A—Jen CORRECTED COPY ™ 11-462 1 TECHNICAL MANUAL BASIC THEORY AND APPLICATION OF ELECTRON TUBES TM 11-662 (Cuanazs No. }) ‘TM 11-662, 20 February 1952, is changed as follows: Page $6, paragraph £7. Make the following changes in paragraph 27: a. Line 12. Delete ““—(i,Xr,)” from the equa- tion. a. Delete lines 14 and 15. Delete b. Page 48, paragraph $2/(#). Line 4. Chango “in reference to ground” to read: in reference to ‘the cathode. Page 60, paragraph 460. Make the following changes: Second column, line 15. Change “It is a pure” to read: The amplification factor is a pure. Line 30. Change “u—10=100” to read: Page 61, figure 56. In the figure caption, change the word “amplifisction” to read: amplification. Page 64, paragraph 48¢. Change the heading to read: Ac Plate Resistance. Page 65, paragraph 48, Make the following changes in paragraph 48: (3). Line 15. Change “C” to read: 0. ¢. Change “Br” in the heading to read: rp. Page 66, paragraph 49d. Change “Gy in the heading to read: Gm. Page 67, paragraph 49¢. Change “Gy” in the heading to read: gm Page 67, paragraph 60. Change “R,” in the heading to read: rp. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ‘Wasnmeron 25, D. C., 8 November 1966 Page 72, paragraph 5£e(2). Make the following changes: In line 17 of the second column, on the page, change “Ey.” to read: By. Line 19 of the second column. Change “‘hori- zontal” to read: vertical. Page 78, paragraph 68e(#). Line 6. Chango “horizontal” to read: vertical. Page 74. f. (Added) Use of Load Line to Ttustrate Amplifcation. The output signal voltage and plate current that will result from a given input (grid) signal voltage can be clearly seen by using # load line on a plate family of characteristics. Tho grid input signal causes the grid voltage to vary along the load line. If an input signal with 2 swing of 0 to —8 volts is drawn perpendicular to the load line (, fig. 61.1), the output signal voltage may be obtained by drawing vertical lines from the maximum end minimum grid voltage pointe on the load line to the plate voltage axis, It can be seen that the plate voltage swing, o,, and consequently, the output signal, is 125 volts. Therefore, an input grid signal of 8 volta is amplified by the tube to an output signal of 125 volts. However, the output wave form (fig. 61.1) may sppear smaller than the input. ‘This is because the scale on which the output voltage is drawn (plate volts scale) differs from that on which the input signal is drawn (grid bias scale). The plate current variation, i,, can be seen by drawing horizontal lines to the plate current axis, ‘This shows that the plate current varies between 5.3 and 10.3 milliamperes. Thus, by plotting the input signal wave form on a load line, the relationship, at any instant, between the input and output signdls may be quickly and easily determined. Page 74. PLATE CURRENT (MAY oo 55 sy) om PLATE 1, L vottaee an I I le | J | oureur stenauy j I I ! [28 2-clot Figure @1.1, (Added) Plate characteristics showing signal voltage amplification, Page 91, ph 62h. Line 4. Change “5” Page 96, paragraph 67a, Line 6. Change to read: 1.5. “even” to read: €5=Eoe. ee paragraph 66. Make the following — Page 116, figure 96. Place the letter “L” at the anges in a: j u ‘Line 2 of the second column of the page. Delete an Plate current axis and the ar ia tee 78a charset : “linea C Change “in other types, the connection _ Page 180, paragraph 90a(1). Line 18, Change i” to read: in other types as in figure 75, the “changes negligibly and” to read: changes negll- connection is. sibly throughout the middle frequency range and. Page 130, paragraph 90b(1). Line 5. Change “Jow-middle and high-frequency” to read: low-, middle-, and high-frequeney. Page 186, paragraph 98d, Line 9 in the second column on the page. Change “20X20=40” to read: 20X2=40. Page 138, paragraph 95a, Line 5. Change “nus” to read: equals. Page 144, paragraph 1018(1). Delete the fourth sentence and substitute the following: The diree- tion of the electron current flow is opposite to the IAG 413.44 (4 Oct 55)) ‘By onpex or rHx Secartany or THe Austr: Ormout, JOHN A. KLEIN, Major General, United States Army, The Adjutant General. direction of the arrowhead in the schematic symbol for the erystal. Page 145, figure 118. Reverse the connections to the symbol for the crystal. Connect point A to the arrowhead and connect the flat portion of the crystal symbol to the resistor. Page 145, figure 119,- Reverse the connections to the symbol for the crystal. Connect the generator to the arrowhead and connect the fiat portion of the crystal symbol to the junction of the capacitor and the resistor. MAXWELL D, TAYLOR, General, United States Army, Ohief of Staff. Durrarsvrion: Aine Army: CNGB (1) Gen & Br Sve Sch (5) except Sig 11-16R, Hq & Hq Co, Big Ba, ‘Tee Sve, DA (1) except CSIGO (30) Beh (25); Engr, Armd, Inf & Corps or Abn Corps (2) ‘Tee Sve Bd (1) Arty Sch (50) 11-57R, Armd Sig Co (2) Hq CONARC (8) Gen Depots (2) except Atlanta Gen _‘11-127R, Big Rep Co (2) CONARC Bd (Incl es Teat See) (1) Depot (None) 11-128R, Big Depot Co (2) Army AA Comd (2) Gen Depots (11 ‘11-500R (AA-AE), Big Svo Org. 08 Maj Comd (5) ine Dae CO @ 08 Base Coma (9) ora 11-857R, Abn Big Co (2) log Soma) FOE ensina LI-SE7R, ig Base Maint Co Dy ‘a ‘Sig Fid Maint Shops (3) Doce ee Corps (2) Sig Lab (5) u ‘Base Co ‘Tng Div (2) ‘Mii Dist (1) a, Be cman PMST Sig St. ROTC units (2) Unita organised under following Re Op @) TOR: CGSC (8); ICAF (8); AFSC (6) 11-7R, Sig Co, Inf Div (2) NG: State AG (6); unite—same as Active Army except allowance ia one copy to each unit, USAR: None. For explanation of abbreviations used, see SR 320-50-1, TM 11-662 c2 ‘TECHNICAL MANUAL BASIC THEORY AND APPLICATION OF ELECTRON TUBES TM 11-662 HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Cuanas No. 2 Wasuineron 25, D. C., 21 April 1968 TM 11-662, 20 February 1952, is changed as follow: Change “R,=25,000V” on the loadline to: R,=25,0009 in the following places: Page 72, figure 61. Page 7h, figure 61.1 (page 2 of C 1). Page 17, paragraph 165. Make the following changes: Line 4. Change “attract” to repel, Line 5. Change “repel” to attract. Page 88, paragraph 30f. Delete subparagraph f and substitute: J. Static characteristics are obtained with different de potentials applied to the tube electrodes, whereas dynamic characteristics are obtained with a load in the circuit. Page 58, paragraph 43d(3), last sentence. Change “charge” to change. Page 62, paragraph 476(3), line 4. Change “-9” to -8. Page 64, paragraph 48c. Make the following changes: Line 6. Change “265” to 285. Line 8. Change “33,100” to 35,625. TAG 413.44 (24 Mar 58)] TAGO BEB0A—Apr. as04T4r—38 1 Official : HERBERT M. JONES, By Order of Wilber M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army: Major General, United States Army, The Adjutant General. Distributi Active Army: ‘Technical Stf, DA ‘Technical Stf Bd USA Arty Ba USA Armor Ba USA Int Ba UBA Air Det Ba USA Abn & Elet Bd USA Ava Ba USA Armor Bd Test ‘Bee UBA Air Def Bd Test Seo USA Aretic Test Bd USCONARG US ARADCOM 08 Maj Comd Log Comd MDW ‘Armies Corps Div ‘UsATC Fe & Camps ‘Sve Colleges Br Sve Sch Gen Depots Sig Seo, Gen Depots Big Depots Fld Comd, AFSWP Engr Maint Cen ‘Army Pictorial Con WRAMC. AFIP ‘AMS Porta of Emb (0S) NG: State AG; units—same as Active Army. USAR: None. For explanation of abbreviations used, see AR 820-50. MAXWELL D. TAYLOR, General, United States Army, Chief of Staf. ‘Trans Terminal Comd Army Terminals 08 Sup Agey ‘USA Sig Pub Agcy USA Sig Comm Engr Agcy USA Comm Agey TTASSA ‘Mid-Western Rgn Ofe (TASSA) USA Sig Eqp Spt Agey USA White Sands Sig Agoy ‘Yuma Test Sta USA Elet PG Sig Fid Maint Shops Big Lab Mil Dist Sectors, USA Corps (Rea) USA Corps (Res) JBUSMC ‘Units organized under fol- lowing TOE’ M7 11-15 1-16 11-87 1-95 1-127 11-128 11-500 (AA-AE) 11-537 11-557 11-587 11-592 11-597 ‘AGO 50204,

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