Concept Attainment Lesson 4 6 5
Concept Attainment Lesson 4 6 5
Concept Attainment Lesson 4 6 5
5 Solving Linear Inequalities Con ept !ttainment !uthor: Kyle Miller "ate Created: April 21, 2014 Su#$e t%s&: Algebra I 'opi or (nit of Study %'itle&: Chapter Six: Solving Systems of !"ations an# Ine!"alities $esson %o"r: &'( Solving $inear Ine!"alities )rade Level: )ra#e * Materials: +hite ,oar# or Smart ,oar#, -aper an# +riting .tensil for /ote0ta1ing, 2or1sheet for g"i#e# pra3ti3e, 4extboo1 for In#epen#ent pra3ti3e Summary %and Rationale&: St"#ents have alrea#y ha# an intro#"3tion to solving ine!"alities in Chapter 4hree, so the i#ea of $inear Ine!"alities sho"l# not be terribly #a"nting or "nfamiliar' Solving $inear !"alities is also relatively similar to solving $inear !"ations, so, again, st"#ents sho"l# not feel frightene# by this ne2 material' )raphing Ine!"alities is in3re#ibly appli3able in geometry, b"siness an# e3onomi3s, an# 3omp"ter animation' 4hese appli3ations be3ome more 3lear in the follo2ing lesson0 Systems of $inear Ine!"alities I. Fo us and *evie+ %Esta#lish ,rior -no+ledge&: 510 min"tes6 7evie2 Chapter 4hree' St"#ents sho"l# be refreshe# abo"t ho2 to solve ine!"alities for one variable' %or intro#"3tory examples #o -roblems 18, 1*, 22, an# 9& on page 1*1 #epen#ing on st"#ent 3omprehension an# their memory of solving ine!"alities' 7evie2 the terms Linear Inequality an# Solutions of a Linear Inequality from $esson :ne' II. Statement of Instru tional .#$e tive%s& and Assessments: .#$e tives St"#ents 2ill be able to 3he31 if a parti3"lar point is 2ithin the sol"tion of a linear ine!"ality 2ith *0; a33"ra3y' St"#ents 2ill be able to solve linear ine!"alities 2ith *0; a33"ra3y' !ssessments 4he instr"3tor 2ill as1 !"estions #"ring the lesson to ens"re st"#ent "n#erstan#ing' 4he instr"3tor 2ill 2al1 aro"n# the room 2hile the st"#ents are 2or1ing on their g"i#e# pra3ti3e 2or1sheet to ans2er !"estions an# ens"re "n#erstan#ing' 4he st"#ents 2ill 3omplete a home2or1 assignment in#epen#ently 2hi3h is to be t"rne# in next 3lass perio# for a gra#e'
State the ob<e3tive: 51 min"te6 Assessment: 520 min"tes6 III. 'ea her Input %,resent tas/s0 information and guidan e&: 590 min"tes6 1' /ame the Con3ept: Solving $inear Ine!"alities 2' -rovi#e examples an# non0examples: Sho2 the st"#ents examples of e!"ations an# ine!"alities' 4he st"#ents 2ill reali=e that the only #ifferen3e algebrai3ally bet2een the t2o is that ine!"alities "se a > or ? 2hile e!"ations "se an @'
9' 4'
xplain the Con3ept Attainment -ro3ess to the st"#ents: i'e' $et the st"#ents 1no2 the instr"3tor 2ill be presenting examples in or#er to generate hypotheses, #evelop a label an#Aor #efinition, an# provi#e test examples' -resent e!"ations an# ine!"alities along 2ith their graphs on a n"mber line' Bave st"#ents i#entify 2hi3h are ine!"alities an# 2hi3h are e!"ations an# the #ifferen3es of their graphs on the n"mber line' -resent linear e!"ations an# linear ine!"alities an# have st"#ents i#entify the #ifferen3es in sol"tions sets an# algebrai3 format' Also in3l"#e examples 2ith >, ?, >@, an# ?@' )enerate hypotheses abo"t the graph of a linear ine!"ality "sing graphs of linear e!"ations an# o"r 1no2le#ge of a graph of an ine!"ality on a n"mber line an# the sol"tions sets of ea3h' $et the st"#ents hypothesi=e "ntil the 3on3l"sion is rea3he# that the graph of a linear ine!"ality in3l"#es all of the sol"tions of the f"n3tion, therefore the entire si#e of the line is sha#e#' -rovi#e 4est examples to soli#ify the #efinition: -age 41( xample 2 CA,,, an# CD Fis3"ss the pro3ess of Con3ept Attainment 2ith the st"#ents' Bo2 #i# 2e 3ome to o"r 3on3l"sion abo"t linear ine!"alitiesG Bo2 are ine!"alities relate# to e!"ationsG +hat are the 1ey #ifferen3es bet2een >, ?, >@, an# ?@G Bo2 #o yo" thin1 2e 2ill "se linear ine!"alities both in the 3lass an# in the real 2orl#G
I1. )uided ,ra ti e %Eli it performan e&: 520 min"tes6 4he st"#ents 2ill 3omplete the 2or1sheet fo"n# on http:AAblog'2s#'netAbhalversonAfilesA2019A11A)raphing0 $inear0Ine!"alities0+or1sheet'p#f V. Closure %,lan for maintenan e&: 510 min"tes6 I#entify any problems signifi3ant amo"nts of st"#ents seem to be str"ggling 2ith' ,e espe3ially s"re to ma1e s"re the type of problem fo"n# on -age 418 in xample 4 is "n#erstoo# by the st"#ents as it is the reverse of the pro3ess learne# in the lesson' ,e s"re st"#ents "n#erstan# the #ifferen3e bet2een >, ?, >@ an# ?@' VI. Independent ,ra ti e: 234 minutes5 4he st"#ents 2ill #o the follo2ing problems from the textboo1 for home2or1: -age 41E C109&D' 4hey 2ill be given 20 min"tes in 3lass to begin an# the rest is to be finishe# at home' S'!6"!*"S: CCSS'Math'Content'BSA0C F'A'1 Create e!"ations an# ine!"alities in one variable an# "se them to solve problems CCSS'Math'Content'BSA0C F'A'9 7epresent 3onstraints by e!"ations or ine!"alities, an# by systems of e!"ations an#Aor ine!"alities, an# interpret sol"tions as viable or nonviable options in a mo#eling 3ontext CCSS'Math'Content'BSA07 I','9 Solve linear e!"ations an# ine!"alities in one variable, in3l"#ing e!"ations 2ith 3oeffi3ients represente# by letters CCSS'Math'Content'BSA07 I'F'10 .n#erstan# that the graph of an e!"ation in t2o variables is the set of all its sol"tions plotte# in the 3oor#inate plane, often forming a 3"rve C2hi3h 3o"l# be a lineD CCSS'Math'Content'BSA07 I'F'10 .n#erstan# that the graph of an e!"ation in t2o variables is the set of all its sol"tions plotte# in the 3oor#inate plane, often forming a 3"rve C2hi3h 3o"l# be a lineD CCSS'Math'Content'BSA07 I'F'11 xplain 2hy the x03oor#inates of the points 2here the graphs of the e!"ations y @ fCxD an# y @ gCxD interse3t are the sol"tions of the e!"ation fCxD @ gCxDH fin# the sol"tions approximately, e'g', "sing te3hnology to graph the f"n3tions, ma1e tables of val"es, or fin# s"33essive
approximations' In3l"#e 3ases 2here fCxD an#Aor gCxD are linear, polynomial, rational, absol"te val"e, exponential, an# logarithmi3 f"n3tions CCSS'Math'Content'BSA07 I'F'12 )raph the sol"tions to a linear ine!"ality in t2o variables as a half0plane Cex3l"#ing the bo"n#ary in the 3ase of a stri3t ine!"alityD, an# graph the sol"tion set to a system of linear ine!"alities in t2o variables as the interse3tion of the 3orrespon#ing half0planes ,lans for Individual "ifferen es: If the 3lass is parti3"larly ro2#y or #oes not #o 2ell in f"ll03lass #is3"ssions, the entire Con3ept Attainment pro3ess may be 3omplete# in small gro"ps of st"#ents' 4he instr"3tor m"st ma1e s"re ea3h gro"p "n#erstan#s the 3on3epts in this 3ase' Also, for both g"i#e# pra3ti3e an# in#epen#ent pra3ti3e st"#ents may 2or1 in small gro"ps or alone if they prefer' If any st"#ents have #iffi3"lty in rea#ing or 2or# problems be s"re that problems 22, 28, an# 2E are "n#erstoo# an# the important information 3an be extra3te#' If not, the instr"3tor may assist the st"#ent in #oing so' San#ra: San#ra may prefer 3ompleting this lesson in a small gro"p rather than 2ith the entire 3lass' As in the previo"s lesson, be s"re San#ra graphs the e!"ations in the problems presente#' Ber 3omp"ter s1ills 2ill allo2 her to easily #o so, an# the vis"al representation of ine!"alities sho"l# ma1e fin#ing a sol"tion easier' :f 3o"rse, g"i#e# an# in#epen#ent pra3ti3e in gro"ps 2ill help her s"33ee# as 2ell' *eferen es %!,! style&: +or1sheet fo"n# at http:AAblog'2s#'netAbhalversonAfilesA2019A11A)raphing0$inear0Ine!"alities0+or1sheet'p#f ,oo1 "se#: Algebra 1 p"blishe# by Bolt M3Fo"gal 3opyright 2011' A"thore# by ,"rger, Char#, Ball, Kenne#y, $ein2an#, 7enfro, Seymo"r, an# +aits' /C Common Core Stan#ar#s a3!"ire# from http:AA222'3orestan#ar#s'orgAMathA