Getting To Know The Work Area
Getting To Know The Work Area
Getting To Know The Work Area
In this lesson, youll familiarize yourself with the Acrobat toolbars and palettes. Youll learn how to navigate through a PDF document, paging through an online magazine using controls built into Adobe Acrobat. Youll use the Acrobat 5.0 online Help and get some tips on printing PDF les.
Getting to Know the Work Area
Work with Acrobat tools and palettes. Page through a PDF document using Acrobats built-in navigational controls. Change how a PDF document scrolls and displays in the document window. Change the magnication of a view. Retrace your viewing path through a document. Use the Acrobat 5.0 online Help.
This lesson will take about 60 minutes to complete. If needed, remove the previous lesson folder from your hard drive and copy the Lesson02 folder onto it. Note: Windows users need to unlock the lesson les before using them. For information, see Copying the Classroom in a Book les on page 3.
Getting to Know the Work Area
Using the work area The Acrobat work area includes a window with a document pane for viewing PDF documents and a navigation pane showing bookmarks, thumbnails, comments, and other navigation elements related to the document. A menu bar, status bar, and several toolbars around the outside of the window provide other controls you need to work with documents.
A. Menu bar B. File toolbar C. Navigation toolbar D. View History toolbar E. Viewing toolbar F. Adobe Online button G. Basic Tools toolbar H. Commenting toolbar I. Editing toolbar J. Tab palettes K. Navigation pane L. Status bar M. Document pane
The buttons and menus in the status bar and the Viewing toolbar provide quick ways to change your on-screen display and to navigate through documents.
A. Magnication level B. Magnication pop-up menu C. Page Layout buttons D. Navigation Pane button E. First Page button F. Previous Page button G. Current page H. Next Page button I. Last Page button J. Page size
Separator bar
Open Open Web Page Save Print Email Show/Hide Navigation Pane Search Find Create Adobe PDF Online
Getting to Know the Work Area
Hand Tool (H) Zoom In Tool (Z) Text Select Tool (V) Graphics Select Tool (G)
Note Tool (S) Pencil Tool (Z) Highlight Tool (V) Digital Signature Tool (D) Spell Check Form Fields and Comments
Movie Tool (M) Link Tool (L) Article Tool (A) Crop Tool (C) Form Tool (F) TouchUp Text Tool (T)
Previous View
Next View
Navigation toolbar
1 To select a tool, you can either click the tool in the toolbar or press the tools keyboard shortcut. For example, you can press Z to select the zoom-in tool from the keyboard. Selected tools remain active until you select a different tool. If you dont know the keyboard shortcut for a tool, position the mouse over the tool until its name and shortcut are displayed in a tooltip. 2 Some of the tools in the toolbars have a small triangle to their right, indicating the presence of additional hidden tools.
Hold down the mouse button on either the tool or the triangle next to the tool until the additional tools appear, and then drag to the tool you want. Hold down Shift and press the tools keyboard shortcut repeatedly to cycle through the group of tools. For example, press Shift+Z to select the zoom-in tool ( ). Press Shift+Z again to select the zoom-out tool ( ). To place hidden tools in the toolbar alongside the visible tools, hold down the mouse button on either the tool or the triangle next to the tool until the additional tools appear, and then drag to select the Expand This Button option. To collapse the hidden tools, click the triangle to the right of the tools.
Getting to Know the Work Area
3 Drag a toolbar (by the separator bar) to the navigation pane or document pane. Now drag a second toolbar on top of the oating toolbar to combine them in a single oating window. 4 Change the orientation of oating toolbars by right-clicking (Windows) or Control-clicking (Mac OS) within the toolbar area. Choose Horizontal, One Column, or Two Column. Experiment with expanding and collapsing toolbars, reordering them, and creating oating palettes.
Displaying palettes
You can display palettes in a variety of ways. Experiment with several techniques:
To show or hide the navigation pane as you work, click the Show/Hide Navigation Pane button ( ) in the toolbar, the Navigation Pane button ( ) in the status bar at the bottom of the Acrobat window, or click the left border of the document pane. To show or hide a palette, choose the palettes name from the Window menu. The palette that is currently active is checked. Palettes appear in the navigation pane or in a oating window.
Getting to Know the Work Area
To change the width of the navigation pane while its visible, drag its right border. To bring a palette to the front of its group, click the palettes tab.
To move a palette to its own oating window, drag the palettes tab to the document pane. To return the palette to the navigation pane, drag the palettes tab back into the navigation pane.
To move a palette to another group, drag the palettes tab to the other group.
To display a palette menu, hold down the mouse button on the palette name and triangle in the upper right corner of the palette. Drag to select a command. To hide a palette menu without making a selection, click in the blank space in the navigation pane.
Getting to Know the Work Area
The magnication shown in the status bar does not refer to the printed size of the page, but rather to how the page is displayed on-screen. Acrobat determines the on-screen display of a page by treating the page as a 72 ppi (pixels-per-inch) image. For example, if your page has a print size of 2-by-2 inches, Acrobat treats the page as if it were 144 pixels wide and 144 pixels high (72 x 2 = 144). At 100% view, each pixel in the page is represented by 1 screen pixel on your monitor.
How large the page actually appears on-screen depends on your monitor size and your monitor resolution setting. For example, when you increase the resolution of your monitor, you increase the number of screen pixels within the same monitor area. This results in smaller screen pixels and a smaller displayed page, since the number of pixels in the page itself stays constant. The following illustration shows the variation among 100% displays of the same page on different monitors.
Pixel dimensions and monitor resolution Regardless of the print size specied for an image, the size of an image on-screen is determined by the pixel dimensions of the image and the monitor size and setting. A large monitor set to 640-by-480 pixels uses larger pixels than a small monitor with the same setting. In most cases, default PC monitor settings display 96 pixels per inch, and default Macintosh monitor settings display approximately 72 pixels per inch.
20" 15" 13"
640 x 480
832 x 624
640 x 480
1024 x 768
640 x 480
Getting to Know the Work Area
5 Press Enter or Return to display the next part of the page. You can press Enter or Return repeatedly to view the document from start to nish in screen-sized sections. 6 Click the Fit in Window button ( ) to display the entire page in the window. If needed, click the First Page button ( ) to go to page 1. 7 Position the pointer over the down arrow in the scroll bar, and click once. The document scrolls automatically to display all of page 2. In the next step, youll control how PDF pages scroll and display. 8 Click the Continuous button ( to page 3. ) in the status bar, and then use the scroll bar to scroll
The Continuous option displays pages end to end like frames in a lmstrip.
9 Now click the Continuous - Facing button ( ) in the status bar to display page spreads, with left- and right-hand pages facing each other, as on a layout board. 10 Click the Fit Width button ( ) to maximize your viewing area.
Continuous option
11 Click the First Page button to go to page 1. In keeping with the conventions of printed books, a PDF document always begins with a right-hand page. 12 Click the Single Page button ( ) to return to the original page layout.
You can use the page box in the status bar to switch directly to a specic page. 13 Move the pointer over the page box until it changes to an I-beam, and click to highlight the current page number. 14 Type 4 to replace the current page number, and press Enter or Return. You should now be viewing page 4 of Digital Arts. The scroll bar also lets you navigate to a specic page.
Getting to Know the Work Area
15 Begin dragging the scroll box upward in the scroll bar. As you drag, a page status box appears. When page 1 appears in the status box, release the mouse.
2 Click the Show/Hide Navigation Pane button ( ) to display the navigation pane. Click the Thumbnails tab to bring the Thumbnails palette to the front. With Acrobat 5.0, thumbnails for every page in the document are displayed automatically in the navigation pane. The thumbnails represent both the content and page orientation of the pages in the document. Page-number boxes appear beneath each thumbnail. If your document is a long one, you may need to use the scroll bar to view all the thumbnails. 3 Double-click the page 3 thumbnail to go to page 3.
The page number for the thumbnail is highlighted, and a 100% view of page 3 appears in the document window, centered on the point that you clicked.
Take a look at the page 3 thumbnail. The rectangle inside the thumbnail, called the pageview box, represents the area displayed in the current page view. You can use the pageview box to adjust the area and magnication being viewed. 4 Position the pointer over the lower right corner of the page-view box. Notice that the pointer turns into a double-headed arrow.
5 Drag to shrink the page-view box, and release the mouse button. Take a look at the status bar and notice that the magnication level has increased to accommodate the smaller area being viewed. 6 Now position the pointer over the bottom border of the page-view box. Notice that the pointer changes to a hand. 7 Drag the page-view box within the thumbnail, and watch the view change in the document window.
Getting to Know the Work Area
8 Drag the page-view box down to focus your view on the contents at the bottom of the page. Thumbnails provide a convenient way to monitor and adjust your page view in a document. 9 Click the Show/Hide Navigation Pane button to hide the navigation pane.
You can also enter a specic value for the magnication. 5 Move the pointer over the magnication box in the Viewing toolbar until it changes to an I-beam, and click to highlight the current magnication.
Next youll use the zoom-in tool to magnify a specic portion of a page. 8 Type 3 in the page box, and press Enter or Return to go to page 3. Then select the zoomin tool ( ) in the toolbar. 9 Click in the top right section of the page to increase the magnication. Notice that the view centers around the point you clicked. Click in the top right section of the page once more to increase the magnication again. 10 Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac OS). Notice that the zoom pointer now appears with a minus sign, indicating that the zoom-out tool is active. 11 With Ctrl or Option held down, click in the document to decrease the magnication. Ctrl-click or Option-click once more to decrease the magnication again, and then release Ctrl or Option. The entire page should t on your screen again. Now youll drag the zoom-in tool to magnify the Contents area.
Getting to Know the Work Area
12 Position the pointer near the top left of the Contents, and drag over the text as shown in the following illustration.
The view zooms in on the area you enclosed. This is called marquee-zooming.
Following links
In a PDF document, you dont always have to view pages in sequence. You can jump immediately from one section of a document to another using custom navigational aids such as links. One benet of placing Digital Arts online is that you can convert traditional cross-references into links, which users can use to jump directly to the referenced section or le. For example, you can make each item under the contents list of Digital Arts into a link that jumps to its corresponding section. You can also use links to add interactivity to traditional book elements such as glossaries and indexes. In this lesson youll follow links; in later lessons, youll create links. Now youll try out an existing link. You should be viewing the Contents at the bottom of page 3. 1 Select the hand tool ( ). Move the pointer over the Trapping Pitfalls listing in the Contents. The hand tool changes to a pointing nger, indicating the presence of a link. Click to follow the link.
This item links to the Trapping Pitfalls section at the bottom of the rst page.
2 Click the Go to Previous View button ( ) to return to your previous view of the Contents. You can click the Go to Previous View button at any time to retrace your viewing path through a document. The Go to Next View button ( ) lets you reverse the action of your last Go to Previous View. In this section, you have learned how to page through a PDF document, change the magnication and page layout mode, and follow links. In later lessons, youll learn how to create links and create and use other navigational features, such as bookmarks, thumbnails, and articles.
To select pages to print, open the Thumbnails palette and click the thumbnails corresponding to the pages you want to print. You can Ctrl-click (Windows) or Commandclick (Mac OS) thumbnails to select non-contiguous pages, or Shift-click to select contiguous pages.
Getting to Know the Work Area
To print an area on a page (rather than the entire page), select the graphics select tool ( ), and drag on the page to draw the area you want to print.
2 If you have a printer attached to your system and turned on, choose File > Print. Make sure the name of the printer attached to your system is displayed. Note that the Selected Pages (Windows) or Selected Thumbnails (Mac OS) option or the Selected Graphic option is automatically selected in the Print dialog box. In Mac OS, choose Acrobat 5.0 from the pop-up menu to display the correct Print dialog box.
3 Click OK or Print to print your selected pages. Click Cancel to abort the printing operation. If you have an Internet connection and a Web browser installed on your system, you can click Printing Tips in the Print dialog box to go to the Adobe Web site for the latest troubleshooting help on printing. For information on printing comments, see Printing comments on page 184. 4 Choose File > Close.
For information on the Advanced Print dialog box, which offers features such as the ability to tile oversize page for printing on 8-1/2 x 11 pages for fast review and proong and the ability to emit halftones, transfer functions, and undercolor removal and black generation, see Printing PDF documents and Managing color on a printer in the Acrobat 5.0 online Help.
Scanning the table of contents. Using the bookmarks. Searching for keywords. Using an index. Jumping from topic to topic using related topics links.
Using bookmarks
Since the Acrobat 5.0 online Help opens with the Bookmarks palette visible, try looking for a topic using the bookmarks. Look for information on how to use bookmarks to navigate the Acrobat 5.0 online Help.
Getting to Know the Work Area
In the Bookmarks palette, click the plus sign (Windows) or triangle (Mac OS) next to the Using Help bookmark to expand the bookmark. Click the Using Bookmarks bookmark. The document pane shows the section of online Help describing how to use bookmarks. Experiment with expanding and collapsing the bookmarks. Note that some bookmarks have multiple nested levels.
Click the Index bookmark in the Bookmarks palette to go to the rst page of the index. You can also expand the Index bookmark and click on the individual letters to go directly to that portion of the index. Click the Index link at the top or bottom of any page in the Acrobat 5.0 online Help to go to the rst page of the index. You can then click on any of the letter links at the top of each index page to go to that portion of the index.
When you nd the index entry youre looking for, click the page number next to the entry to go to that topic. If the index entry has more than one page number, after you have checked the information on the rst page number cited, click the Go to Previous View button ( ) to return to your place in the index and then click the next page number. You can also use the Back link at the top or bottom of each page to retrace your path.
4 Click OK to accept the settings and return to the Adobe Online dialog box. 5 In the Adobe Online dialog box, click Updates to see the Adobe Product Updates dialog box, which lists new updates and summarizes all available updates.
Getting to Know the Work Area
7 Select the required updates in the Available Updates text box, and click Download. (Click Close to close the dialog box without performing a download.) The updates are downloaded, and depending on the options you selected in the Adobe Online Preferences dialog box, installed. You must close and restart Acrobat for the updates to take effect. 8 If necessary, click Close to close the Adobe Update Products dialog box. The Go Online button takes you to the Acrobat home page on the Adobe Web site. 9 Close all the Adobe Online dialog boxes. Close and restart Adobe Acrobat if needed. 10 Choose File > Close to close the online Help. Now that youre familiar with the Acrobat 5.0 work area, you can move through the lessons in this book and learn how to create and work with Adobe PDF les.
Review questions
1 How do you select a hidden tool? 2 Name several ways in which you can move to a different page. 3 Name several ways in which you can change the view magnication. 4 How would you nd a topic in the Acrobat 5.0 online Help? 5 How would you print a graphic or a selected portion of text rather than the entire page?
Review answers
1 You can select a hidden tool by holding down the mouse button on either the related tool or the triangle next to the related tool until the additional tools appear, and then dragging to the tool you want. You can hold down Shift and press the letter key shown in the tool tip to cycle through the group of tools, or you can expand the toolbar by holding down the mouse button on the related tool or the triangle next to it until the additional tools appear, and then selecting the Expand This Button option. 2 You can switch pages by clicking the Previous Page or Next Page button in the toolbar; dragging the scroll box in the scroll bar; highlighting the page box in the status bar and entering a page number; or clicking a bookmark, thumbnail, or link that jumps to a different page. 3 You can change the view magnication by clicking the Actual Size, Fit in Window, or Fit Width button in the toolbar; marquee-zooming with the zoom-in or zoom-out tool; choosing a preset magnication from the magnication menu in the Viewing toolbar; or highlighting the magnication box and entering a specic percentage. 4 You can look for a topic using the Acrobat 5.0 online Help bookmarks. You can look for topics on the Contents page of the Acrobat 5.0 online Help. You can look in the index for keywords. You can search for words in the Acrobat 5.0 online Help using the Find command or Search command. 5 You can print a graphic from a mixed text and graphics page by selecting the graphic using the graphics select tool. When you open the Print dialog box, Selected Graphic is selected for the Print Range, and when you click Print, only the graphic will print. You can use this same technique to print a portion of text.