Timescale On Gor

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the Gorean second--equals 1.35 earth seconds.


The Gorean Minute;(80 ehns) equals 108 Earth Seconds. AHN The Gorean Hour; ( 0 ehns); equal !" Earth Minutes. OHN The Gorean #a$; ("0 ahns) equals " Earth hours. HAND The Gorean %ee& ;(5 ohns); equals ! Earth da$s. YHN The Gorean Month ;(5 hands ); equals "5 Earth da$s. 'et(een each )onth there is (ee& called the *+assin, Hand-. Ma&in, each )onth equal to 30 da$s. E.ce/t 0or the 1" )onth (hich has a *%aitin, Hand- on the end o0 it )a&in, it 35 da$s. Equalin, 315 da$s /er $ear. PAHN The Gorean 2ear; (1" $hns); equals 1" Earth )onths . There are 1" )onths /er $ear. Each )onth is "5 da$s lon,; s/lit into 5 (ee&s. Each (ee& is )ade u/ o0 5 da$s. Then 3et(een each )onth is a 0i4e da$ (ee& called the *+assin, Hand-5 used to se/arate one )onth 0ro) the ne.t. 6t the end o0 the $ear5 there is one )ore (ee& se/aratin, the old $ear 0ro) the ne( one called the *%aitin, Hand-. First Month-11 Month (30 days) 7irst Hand Second Hand Third Hand

7ourth Hand 7i0th Hand +assin, Hand Twe !th Month (3" days) 7irst Hand Second Hand Third Hand 7ourth Hand 7i0th Hand +assin, Hand %aitin, Hand
5 da$s /er hand . 5 hand5 8 1 /assin, hand930 da$s; . 1" )onths 9 310 da$s 8 1 (aitin, hand 9 315 da$s. (('ut re)e)3er the actual nu)3er o0 da$s in a Gorean $ear is onl$ 300 da$s5 the other 15 da$s are in /assin, hands and the (aitin, hand.))

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