Practice Problems MCQ
Practice Problems MCQ
Practice Problems MCQ
In electron microscope what material is used as an c) Living organisms doesnt discriminate between ob!ecti"e lense# a) Magnetic coils stereoisomers b) Super(ine glass d) Both a and b c) Aluminium (oils d) "lectrons Who demonstrated that open tubes of broth remained The resolution power of the compound microscope is free of bacteria when air was free of dust. a) ! " micron a) Abbc Spallanzani b) .+/ millimeter b) John Tyndall c) .+/ Angstrom units c) Francisco Redi d) .+/ centimeter d) Pasteur $ight gathering capacity of Microscope is called Antiseptic methods were first introduced by a) Numerical aperture a) Joseph Lister b) Angular aperture b) Iwanows i c) Bei!ernic d) "dward #enner The experiments of Stanley Miller demonstrated that a) $omple% proteins and &'A could sel() assemble in the earl* "arth atmosphere+ b) ,he earl* "arth atmosphere was rich in both o%*gen and carbon dio%ide+ c) Nonbiological synthesis of amino acids and simple sugars could occur d) All o( the above+ c) Both a and b d) 'one o( these If %&x and '&x ob!ecti"es are used (air is the medium) the numerical aperture is a) 0+1 b) /+. c) # ! d) 0+2 The ability of Microscope to distinguish two ob!ects into two separate ob!ects is called. a) $esolving power b) 3ave length c) '+A+ In Electron Microscope source of electrons is from a) -ercur* lamp d) 'one o( these *lostridium perfingens poison is an a) e%oto%in b) enteroto%in produced during sporulation
c) endoto%in d) enteroto%in produced during vegetative phase &hich type of fermentation is used to produce yogurt' a) -esophilic b) Thermophilic c) ,herapeutic d) 4east)lactic (ermentations e) -old)lactic (ermentations Salt and sugar preser"e foods because they a) -a e them acid b) Produce a h*potonic environment c) &eplete nutrients d) Produce a hypertonic environment +ancidity in spoiled foods is due to a) Lipolytic organisms b) Proteol*tic organisms c) ,o%igenic microbes d) Saccharol*tic microbes The most infectious food borne disease is a) ,etanus b) &*senter* c) 5as gangrene d) (otulism ,altimore scheme of "ial classification is based upon a) ,*pe and structure o( the viral nucleic acid b) The strategy used in its replication c) ,*pe o( s*mmetr* o( the virus capsid 6helical versus icosahedral) d) Ppresence or absence o( a lipid envelope+ Which one of the following is about -erpes "iruses# a) )cosahedral* with envelope* ds +N, b) Pol*hedral with envelope7 ds &'A c) R'A7 helical with envelope
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) is caused by a) Bacteria b) 8iroides c) Prions d) -*coplasma Intermediate group of pathogen between bacteria and "iruses which are intracellular parasites are called a) -ucoplasmas b) $ic-ettsias c) Prions d) 8irusoides .irion means a) In(ectious virus particles b) 'on)in(ectious particles c) Complete viral particles d) &e(ective virus particles