Practice Problems MCQ

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Practice Problems MCQ According to Pasteur statements which one of the following is true a) Living organisms discriminate between

stereoisomers b) Fermentation is an aerobic process

b) Tungsten metal c) both a and b d) 'one o( these

In electron microscope what material is used as an c) Living organisms doesnt discriminate between ob!ecti"e lense# a) Magnetic coils stereoisomers b) Super(ine glass d) Both a and b c) Aluminium (oils d) "lectrons Who demonstrated that open tubes of broth remained The resolution power of the compound microscope is free of bacteria when air was free of dust. a) ! " micron a) Abbc Spallanzani b) .+/ millimeter b) John Tyndall c) .+/ Angstrom units c) Francisco Redi d) .+/ centimeter d) Pasteur $ight gathering capacity of Microscope is called Antiseptic methods were first introduced by a) Numerical aperture a) Joseph Lister b) Angular aperture b) Iwanows i c) Bei!ernic d) "dward #enner The experiments of Stanley Miller demonstrated that a) $omple% proteins and &'A could sel() assemble in the earl* "arth atmosphere+ b) ,he earl* "arth atmosphere was rich in both o%*gen and carbon dio%ide+ c) Nonbiological synthesis of amino acids and simple sugars could occur d) All o( the above+ c) Both a and b d) 'one o( these If %&x and '&x ob!ecti"es are used (air is the medium) the numerical aperture is a) 0+1 b) /+. c) # ! d) 0+2 The ability of Microscope to distinguish two ob!ects into two separate ob!ects is called. a) $esolving power b) 3ave length c) '+A+ In Electron Microscope source of electrons is from a) -ercur* lamp d) 'one o( these *lostridium perfingens poison is an a) e%oto%in b) enteroto%in produced during sporulation

c) endoto%in d) enteroto%in produced during vegetative phase &hich type of fermentation is used to produce yogurt' a) -esophilic b) Thermophilic c) ,herapeutic d) 4east)lactic (ermentations e) -old)lactic (ermentations Salt and sugar preser"e foods because they a) -a e them acid b) Produce a h*potonic environment c) &eplete nutrients d) Produce a hypertonic environment +ancidity in spoiled foods is due to a) Lipolytic organisms b) Proteol*tic organisms c) ,o%igenic microbes d) Saccharol*tic microbes The most infectious food borne disease is a) ,etanus b) &*senter* c) 5as gangrene d) (otulism ,altimore scheme of "ial classification is based upon a) ,*pe and structure o( the viral nucleic acid b) The strategy used in its replication c) ,*pe o( s*mmetr* o( the virus capsid 6helical versus icosahedral) d) Ppresence or absence o( a lipid envelope+ Which one of the following is about -erpes "iruses# a) )cosahedral* with envelope* ds +N, b) Pol*hedral with envelope7 ds &'A c) R'A7 helical with envelope

d) ds &'A7 bric shape

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) is caused by a) Bacteria b) 8iroides c) Prions d) -*coplasma Intermediate group of pathogen between bacteria and "iruses which are intracellular parasites are called a) -ucoplasmas b) $ic-ettsias c) Prions d) 8irusoides .irion means a) In(ectious virus particles b) 'on)in(ectious particles c) Complete viral particles d) &e(ective virus particles

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