Fraction Fracas! (Third Grade Math)

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Student Lesson Plan Student Name _______Cori Bashaw________ Student Name ______Logan Wewers_____ Date to be Taught ___4-19-13_____

Name of Lesson ______Fraction Fracas____________ 1. Cite the source of the lesson in proper APA format. ETA/Cuisenaire, The SUPER SOURCE.

2. Explain the main concepts involved in the lesson. Fractions are a number expressing part of a whole. Equivalent fractions mean that although there are a different number of total parts that make up the whole, they both have the same values. Fractions that are equivalent can sometimes be expressed as whole numbers. I.E. 4/4 is one whole. Fractions can be compared by sizes. Just because the denominator or numerator of one is larger than the other, does not mean that the one with the larger number is the largest. I.E. 8/10 is not bigger than 4/5. They are both equivalent. 3. List vocabulary words and definitions related to the lesson. a. Fractions = a part of a whole b. Equivalent fractions = two fractions with a different number of total parts that make up the whole that both have the same values. c. Compare = to estimate and look for similarities d. Numerator = the number above a line in a fraction that tells how many parts are taken from the denominator e. Denominator = the sum or total parts of a whole f. Whole number = a full quantity or amount, containing all of the parts.

4. List the primary national standards related to this lesson and include a brief description of each standard. Standard Short Description Number Explain equivalent fractions and compare 3.NF. 3 3.NF. a 3 NF. c 3. NF. d Recognize and generate equivalent fractions Express whole numbers as fractions Compare two fractions with the same numerator and/or denomonator

5. Performance Objective or Performance Expectations: Students will be able to model equivalent fractions using Cuisenaire rods. Students will be able to express a whole number as a fraction. Students will be able to compare the sizes of two or more fractions.

What the Teacher Does Engage First, I will pass out the sheets the students turned in from the previous class and I will ask them to look over what I wrote. Then, we will quickly review the Good Work Checklist. For the introduction Logan and I will pass out Cuisenaire Rods to students in groups of two.

Probing Questions (number each question) Time ___8 minutes__

Expected student response

1. Please take out one of every color Cuisenaire Rod and put in order from shortest to longest? (There should be ten colors). 2. Take out the lime green rods. Can you use two or more green rods to make a rod the same size as the blue rod? Notice that even though the green rods are divided into three pieces they are equal to one whole blue rod. Lets count the fractions together: 1/3, 2/3. 3/3 or one whole.

1. Each student in the group will have the following order of colors shown on their desk: white, red, green, purple, yellow, dark green, black, brown, blue, and orange. 2. Yes, three lime green rods equal one blue rod.


Time _____15 minutes________

I will ask questions involving the use of Cuisenaire rods that will help the students to better understand the performance objectives so that they can apply this knowledge to the game Fraction Fracas.

1. Can you find a Cuisenaire rod that is one half of the orange rod? 2. Can you find a rod that is 1/3 the length of the blue rod? 3. Can you find a Cuisenaire rod that is one half of the brown rod? How about one fourth? 4. Can you find many different Cuisenaire rods that are equal to the blue rod? 5. What is another way of writing 3/3rds? 6. What is another way of writing 4/6ths?

1. Yes, the yellow rod is one third the length of the orange rod. 2. There are three lime green rods, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 that makes up the whole which is one blue rod. 3. Yes, the purple is one half and the red is one fourth of the brown rod. 5. Three green rods, nine white rods, four red rods, etc. 6. One whole is another way of writing 3/3rds. 7. Another way of writing four sixths is two thirds. Demonstrate with dark green lime green, red and white rods.

Explain This part should be a quick review for the students to see if they understand what we have talked about from previous lessons. I will ask them the following questions and have students answer/explain in their own words.

Time ______2 minutes_- 5 minutes________

1. What is an equivalent fraction? 2. What are ways we can compare fractions and know if they are the same value or not?

1. An equivalent fraction is a fraction that has a different number of total parts that make up the whole, but is still the same value. 2. I can compare fractions by drawing a picture of them on a pizza or pie if I need to or by looking at a number line. 3. I know that a numerator that is the same number as the denominator is always equal to one. Four out of a group of four is equal to one whole.


Time _______20__minutes______

Students will be told how to play fraction fracas.

They will also be given a 1cm grid paper to help visualize the representations.

This game should help the students be more comfortable recognizing fractions that are equivalent without the values already present and help with their problem solving skills regarding fraction problems. Evaluate Students will be evaluated on their knowledge of equivalent fractions by being given a problem to work by themselves and represent it through drawings on the grid paper and a written explanation.

Please listen carefully while I explain the instructions to the game we are about to play. This game is called Fraction Fracas. You will each work with your partner as a team. First you will all be given a fraction that is picked from a deck. Then, you will be given a certain amount of time to think of all the ways you can demonstrate this fraction with Cuisenaire rods and put them on your grid paper. The goal is to come up with the most ways to represent that fraction. The winners (the two with the most ways of representing) will win a prize sticker. Now, we will begin the game. Time _________5minutes then clean up 1. Choose one Cuisenaire rod to be representative of one whole. Shade this color in on the grid paper. 2. Next, find other Cuisenaire rods that are representative of one fourth, one third and one half of that rod color if possible and shade in the representative area (1/4, 1/3, 1/2 ) on the 1 cm grid paper. Final instructions: Please place all of the Cuisenaire rods from your desk into the bag. Check the floors as well to make sure that you havent dropped any rods. Then sit quietly while Logan and I collect the bags.

Students should look very excited because they love to play games and they will want to win a sticker. Every group should at least have one or two ways of representing the given fraction on their grid paper.

Students will have names at the top of the paper (I am hopeful that they all will this time!) They will have chosen one rod and shaded in the space it takes up on the grid paper. They will have chosen at least two other rods of different colors to represent the equivalent of the rod they have chosen. They will label whether or not it is , 1/3, , 1/6 of the rod they chose and so on. They will place the sheet in the bin when they are finished and collect their Cuisenaire rods in the bags.

6. List possible safety issues related to this lesson and explain how they will be minimized in the classroom. Include instructions that will be delivered to the students.

Students, please do NOT put the Cuisenaire rods in your mouths/ears/nose, etc. Please do not try to bounce them or let them fall off of the table. Make sure your partner is able to use the Cuisenaire rods as well (share).

7. Describe expected student misconceptions and how the teacher will guide the students to correct these misconceptions. Students may not understand why groups of different sizes or fractions with different denominators can be equivalent. It will be explained often that although they have a different total number of parts, fractions can be divided into groups with the same amount and that makes them equivalent. Even with the different sizes, the value is still the same. It will also be demonstrated visually with an example before Fraction Fracas begins.

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