Generic TRA For Mobile Elevating Work Platform

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Serial No: XXXXXX Rev. No.




RISK E-AL.AT ION (Refer to Evaluation form) S L R

DATE: !t" Fe# 0$% &o'( )e'*it + CRF / WO #.

S'. +







Fall hazard (tripping over hains! 1 Fall "ro# vehi le de $ %nviron#ental onditions (&ind' Rain' poor visi(ilit)! 4nse ,re load ((oth #a hines and o#ponents! . 4#pa t 5o& (ridges (stri$ing &ith high #a hines! Site onditions (p,(li high&a)' gro,nd onditions' gradients' ranes' servi es' environ#ent' tra""i ' pedestrians! Slip' trip and Falls. *ersonnel in+,r).

Always remain standing within the platform. Do not attempt to increase your height or reach by standing and/or climbing on the platform guardrails or any other object.
Che $ &eather report one da) in advan e o" a tivit).

Stop &or$ i" &ind speeds e- eed ./ #ph or 01 $#ph Wear sa"et) harness &ith a lan)ard (&ith #ini#,# length as possi(le to red, e i#pa t "or e and possi(le toppling o" 2%W*!. An hor the lan)ard to the pad e)e provided on the plat"or#. 2%W* operator

4#pa t &ith tra""i and ()standers. *ersonnel in+,r)

O(serve sa"e travel speed li#its. Be a,tio,s &hile passing ,nder overhead o(str, tion. Al&a)s ret,rn (oo#s to the entral sto&ed position. Che $ (ase is level ,sing spirit level #o,nted on #a hine hassis. All +a $s #,st (e lo&ered onto a "ir#' level s,r"a e' &ith ea h one ta$ing e9,al &eight as near as an (e reasona(l) as ertained. 6o not operate the 2%W*

6o not e- eed road speed li#its as re o##ended () 7%*. %ns,re that pro-i#it) alar# at the rear o" 2%W* is operational :he #a hine #,st not (e operated (e)ond a "ive degree o,t o" level ondition. *osition 2%W* on "ir#' level gro,nd. Never &or$ &ith (ase a ross or ad+a ent to an) slope. 7se the +a $s to level the (ase o" the #a hine' i" ne essar) ,sing s,ita(le load

2%W* operator

Overt,rning/ Cr,shing. Fatal opersonnel in+,r)

2%W* operator

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4nappropriate ra#ps 2a hine slipping o"" tr, $ de $ and Ra#ps Overhead o(+e ts Cr,shing (et&een 2%W* and tr, $ head(oard and ad+a ent 2%W*s on tr, $ (ed Collapse d,e to se&ers' #anhole overs' a(le d, ts' &ater #ains' gas #ains

&hilst elevated ,nless on a "ir#' level s,r"a e "ree "ro# an) possi(le o(str, tions or hazards (oth at gro,nd level and overhead. Al&a)s ens,re the aerial plat"or# is on a "ir# s,r"a e and the area is "ree o" an) overhead o(str, tions.

Always check the area below and around the platform before lowering or slewing to ensure that it is clear of personnel and obstructions.

(earing pads to S,pport the do&nhill +a $s. A slope o" ,p to 1. degrees an (e a o##odated in this "ashion. 6o not elevate the plat"or# ,nless the (ase an (e orre ted to &ithin 8 degrees o" level. i" level alar# so,nds' des end i##ediatel). Avoid setting;,p 2%W* in the vi init) o" se&ers' #anhole overs' &ater #ains' gas #ains et . %ns,re that o ,pant other then 2%W* operator is &ell a&are o" the e#ergen ) s&it h resetting in ase o" loss o" *.:.O or #a hine "ail,re. Failure to deploy the

outriggers correctly could result in death or serious injury.

Ensure Ground bearing capacity is with in allowable limits

Collision &ith po&er lines' telephone lines' ele tri al ond, tors<

%le tro ,tion and "ire. *ersonnel in+,r) or death

Al&a)s he $ that there are no po&er lines dire tl) a(ove/near() the plat"or#. Operator and o ,pants re9,ire spe ialized training and personal prote tive e9,ip#ent &hen &or$ing &ith ele tri al ond, tors.

%le tri al ond, tors shall (e onsidered energized ,ntil deter#ined to (e other&ise () tests or other appropriate #ethods or #eans and properl) gro,nded. 2aintain sa"e distan es &hile setting ,p near high tension ele tri po&er lines. 6o not ,se the 2%W* in ele tri al stor#s. :he operator shall ens,re ade9,ate learan e is #aintained "ro# overhead o(str, tions.

2%W* operator/ O ,pant

Never start the MEWP if you smell petrol (gasoline), li uid propane or diesel fuel. !hese

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fuels are highly flamma"le.

6o not operate a potentiall) de"e tive or #al",n tioning #a hine. orre t and repair an) de"e ts (e"ore operating )o,r 2%W*. 2a hine "ail,re 4n apa itated Operator 1 4ns,""i ient e-perien e and o#peten e 4ns,""i ient prod, t $no&ledge %#ergen ) 5o&ering Che $ing the operation o" the e#ergen ) ontrols ever) da) and/or (e"ore ea h shi"t is an essential part o" the operators d,ties.

Al&a)s allo& the engine to &ar# ,p (e"ore operating. Operate #an,al hand p,#p (lo ated ad+a ent to the (ase ontrols! and lo&er plat"or# to the gro,nd ,sing either plat"or# or (ase ontrols. 4" initial #ove#ent o" the #a hine allo&s the #aster alar# to reset' nor#al ontrols &ill (e availa(le. 4" an ,npo&ered re over) o" the #a hine &o,ld involve sle&ing' t,rn ,sing a s,ita(le spanner on the drive sha"t e-tension. *er"or# thoro,gh inspe tion and ",n tional test o" gro,nd/plat"or# ontrols and #an,al hand p,#p (e"ore o##en ing the +o(.

2%W* operator

5oss o" *.:.O. 4ns,""i ient e-perien e and o#peten e 4ns,""i ient prod, t $no&ledge > 5a $ o" assistan e in event o" tripping over the plat"or# S,spension tra,#a. *ersonnel 4n+,r) or death

%#ergen ) 5o&ering

6o not operate a potentiall) de"e tive or #al",n tioning #a hine. orre t and repair an) de"e ts (e"ore operating )o,r 2%W*. Che $ing the operation o" the e#ergen ) ontrols ever) da) and/or (e"ore ea h shi"t is an essential part o" the operators d,ties. %ns,re there is no 5one &or$ing &hen it o#es to 2%W*. :here sho,ld (e a helper to lo&er the operator/o ,pant to sa"et)

*,sh and hold the green (,tton to r,n the 6.C. po&er pa $ &hilst #ane,vering the #a hine (a $ to the rest position. *er"or# thoro,gh inspe tion and ",n tional test o" gro,nd/plat"or# ontrols and #an,al hand p,#p (e"ore o##en ing the +o(. Operate #an,al hand p,#p (lo ated ad+a ent to the (ase ontrols! and lo&er plat"or# to the gro,nd ,sing either plat"or# or (ase ontrols. 4"

2%W* operator

O ,pant/ ?elper

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in event o" e#ergen ). %ns,re that helper is &ell a&are o" e#ergen ) lo&ering pro ed,re. %ns,re anti;slip shoes are &orn &hen #oving on the vehi le de $ Avoid rapid #ove#ent in all dire tions.

initial #ove#ent o" the #a hine allo&s the #aster alar# to reset' nor#al ontrols &ill (e availa(le. Wear proper **% %ns,re that onl) o#petent and e-perien ed personnel operate the 2%W*. %ns,re that the o ,pant &ears a tool (elt &hile &or$ing on ele tri al lightning poles' et . %ns,re proper ho,se$eeping o" 2%W* de $ (no oil spills' de(ris' o(+e ts pro+e ting into or o(str, ting ro,te &a)s et .! %ns,re repair and #aintenan e log (oo$s are availa(le. %ns,re8rd part) proo" load test/thoro,gh inspe tion is arried o,t a"ter an) #a+or repair ((oo#' o,trigger' et !

5o& height "alls "ro# vehi le #o,nt de $s 4n orre t set ,p or operating te hni9,e 2a hine "ail,re Falling o(+e ts tools

Fall "ro# ?eight' *ersonnel in+,r) to others

Stunt driving and horseplay, on or around the M !", shall not be permitted.

2%W* operator/ ?elper

Poor maintenance 1A Unauthorized modifications

Structural Failure. Personnel injury or death.

%ns,re that proper #aintenan e is arried o,t periodi all) as per the #an,"a t,rer #aintenan e #an,al. %ns,re no ,na,thorized #odi"i ation i.e. &elding' part hange is arried o,t other then the #an,"a t,rers re o##endation

2%W* operator

1ENERAL COMMENTS: )T&2 3o4'5e6 *7578e*e5t2 ER)2 1CM 9 ))E2 p'e:4;e i5;pectio5 of <ifti58 7pp<i75ce ;"o4<= #e c7''ie= o4t p'io' to 756 <ifti58 ope'7tio5. NAME OF TEAM LEADER: (Ce'tifie= S4pe'vi;o') CONFIRMED ALAR): YES 0 NO: Ye; Ye; )OSITION: S4pe'vi;o' SI1NAT.RE DATE:

EMER1ENCY )RO-ISION RE>.IRED: Loo( o4t2 e;co't2 fi'e e?ti584i;"e' 75= 7t ;ite ;t75= #6 ve"ic<e RISK ASSESSMENT A))RO-AL I 7* ;7ti;fie= t"7t t"e ;7fe847'=; p4t i5 p<7ce @i<< 'e=4ce t"e <eve< of 'i;( to 75 7ccept7#<e <eve< 75= t"e t7;(07ctio5 i; pe'*itte= to p'ocee=. Ri;( A;;e;;*e5t Te7* Le7=e': AAAAAAAAAAAAAA D7te:::::::::::: Ti*eAAAAAAAA A4t"o'iBi58 Si857to'6CCCCCCCCC.D7teCCCCCCC.Ti*eAAAAAAAAA RE-IE&ED /Y :

NAME OF TEAM MEM/ERS: SB Severit) 5B 5i$elihood R B Ris$ Rating


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