December 20, 2013

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P.O. Box 1800 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-0800 7206 TRN X ST01

Account Number: 1 534 6618 5714 Statement Period: Nov 23, 2013 through Dec 20, 2013 Page 1 of 3

000095819 1 SP 106481396359325 S MOMOKO SUGAI 903 N EUCLID ST APT C SANTA ANA CA 92703-1163

To Contact U.S. Bank By Phone: Telecommunications Device for the Deaf: Internet: 1-800-US BANKS (1-800-872-2657) 1-800-685-5065


At U.S. Bank, protecting your accounts is our highest priority. We have many safeguards in place to help ensure your accounts are secure. One of these is to close long-term inactive cards. Therefore, if your U.S. Bank Visa Debit or ATM Card has not been used within the last 12 months, it will be closed. One U.S. Bank Visa Debit or ATM Card per customer, per checking account will remain open. Please call us with any questions at 800-USBANKS (800-872-2657).


Effective February 7, 2014 changes will be made to your Deposit Account Agreement section titled Overdraft Protection Plans. Changes are being made to overdraft protection transfer amounts. If you have linked eligible accounts, and the negative available balance in your checking accounts is $5.01 or more, the advance amount will transfer in multiples of $50. If however, the negative available balance is $5 or less, the amount advanced will be $5 and the Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee will be waived. Refer to the Consumer Pricing Information for information on Overdraft Protection Transfer Fees. In addition, the U.S. Bank Cardmember Agreement section titled Overdraft Protection is being modified. Advance increment language is being removed and will now be located in the Deposit Account Agreement. Refer to the above paragraph for the advance increment revisions effective February 7, 2014.


U.S. Bank National Association

Member FDIC
Account Number 1-534-6618-5714 1,606.18 792.89 464.57 0.30 1,934.20 Ref Number From OLNEY THEATRE CO PAYROLL 9002770556 From OLNEY THEATRE CO PAYROLL 9002770556 From OLNEY THEATRE CO PAYROLL 9002770556 From OLNEY THEATRE CO PAYROLL 9002770556 Total Deposits / Credits $ Amount 198.21 198.26 198.21 198.21 $ 792.89 Number of Days in Statement Period Average Account Balance Customer Segment 28 1,742.55 Student

Account Summary
Beginning Balance on Nov 23 Deposits / Credits Card Withdrawals Other Withdrawals $ $

Ending Balance on Dec 20, 2013 $

Deposits / Credits
Date Description of Transaction Nov 29 Electronic Deposit REF=13330017513433 N Dec 6 Electronic Deposit REF=13338003964123 N Dec 13 Electronic Deposit REF=13346006525862 N Dec 20 Electronic Deposit REF=13353007014949 N

Card Withdrawals
Card Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-9170 Date Description of Transaction Nov 25 Debit Purchase 320649 Nov 26 Debit Purchase 177136 Ref Number HARRIS TEETER 18 Olney MD 4911231640 On 112313 ILK1TERM REF 332722320649 CVS 01431 OLNEY MD 3611261225 On 112613 NYC1TERM REF 333000177136 $ Amount 10.065.29-

BALANCE YOUR ACCOUNT To keep track of all your transactions, you should balance your account every month. Please examine this statement immediately. We will assume that the balance and transactions shown are correct unless you notify us of an error.
Outstanding Deposits DATE


1. List any deposits that do not appear on your statement in the Outstanding Deposits section at the left. Record the total. 2. Check off in your checkbook register all checks, withdrawals (including Check Card and ATM) and automatic payments that appear on your statement. Withdrawals that are NOT checked off should be recorded in the Outstanding Withdrawals section at the left. Record the total. 3. Enter the ending balance shown on this statement. $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________

TOTAL Outstanding Withdrawals DATE


4. Enter the total deposits recorded in the Outstanding Deposits section. 5. Total lines 3 and 4. 6. Enter the total withdrawals recorded in the Outstanding Withdrawals section. 7. Subtract line 6 from line 5. This is your balance.

8. Enter in your register and subtract from your register balance any checks, withdrawals or other debits (including fees, if any) that appear on your statement but have not been recorded in your register. 9. Enter in your register and add to your register balance any deposits or other credits (including interest, if any) that appear in your statement but have not been recorded in your register. 10. The balance in your register should be the same as the balance shown in #7. If it does not match, review and check all figures used, and check the addition and subtraction in your register. If necessary, review and balance your statement from the previous month.

IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES TO OUR CONSUMER CUSTOMERS In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Checking, Savings, ATM, Check Card, ACH, Bill Pay and Other Electronic Transfers
If you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt, we must hear from you no later than 60 days* after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. Telephone us at the number listed on the front of this statement or write to us at U.S. Bank P.O. Box 64991 St. Paul, MN 55164-9505. Tell us your name and account number. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We will tell you all the results of our investigation within 10 business days and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint. In that case, we will provisionally credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. For transfers initiated outside the United States or transfers resulting from point of sale debit card transactions, the time period for provisional credit is 10 business days and the time to resolve the investigation is 90 days. *Please note: Paper draft and paper check claims must be disputed within 30 days per Your Deposit Account Agreement.

CONSUMER BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY What To Do If You Think You Find A Mistake on Your Statement
If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at: U.S. Bank, P.O. Box 64991, St. Paul, MN 55164-9505. In your letter, give us the following information: Account information: Your name and account number. Dollar Amount: The dollar amount of the suspected error. Description of problem: If you think there is an error on your bill, describe what you believe is wrong and why you believe it is a mistake. You must contact us within 60 days after the error appeared on your statement. You must notify us of any potential errors in writing. You may call us, but if you do we are not required to investigate any potential errors and you may have to pay the amount in question. While we investigate whether or not there has been an error, the following are true: The charge in question may remain on your statement, and we may continue to charge you interest on that amount. But, if we determine that we made a mistake, you will not have to pay the amount in question or any interest or other fees related to that amount. While you do not have to pay the amount in question, you are responsible for the remainder of your balance. We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit.


If you have a problem with the quality of the goods or services that you purchased with a credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may not have to pay the remaining amount due on the goods or services. You have this protection only when the purchase price was more than $50 and the purchase was made in your home state or within 100 miles of your mailing address. If we own or operate the merchant, or if we mailed you the advertisement for the property or services, all purchases are covered regardless of amount or location of purchase.

Reserve Line Balance Computation Method: To calculate the Balance Subject to Interest Rate (sometimes referred to as the "average daily balance"), we take the beginning balance of your account (minus unpaid finance charges and unpaid fees from the previous billing cycles), add any new advances, and subtract any payments and credits. This gives us a daily balance. Then, we add up all the daily balances for the billing cycle and divide the total by the number of days in the billing cycle. This is your Balance Subject to Interest Rate. The ***INTEREST CHARGE*** begins from the date of each advance.


We may report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report.


Errors related to any transaction on a business account will be governed by any agreement between us and/or all applicable rules and regulations governing such transactions, including the rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA Rules) as may be amended from time to time. If you think this statement is wrong, please telephone us at the number listed on the front of this statement immediately.

Member FDIC


Account Number: 1 534 6618 5714 Statement Period: Nov 23, 2013 through Dec 20, 2013 Page 2 of 3


U.S. Bank National Association

Account Number 1-534-6618-5714

Card Withdrawals (continued)

Card Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-9170 Date Description of Transaction Nov 26 Debit Purchase - VISA KENTLANDS STADIU Nov 26 Debit Purchase 104518 Nov 27 Debit Purchase - VISA VESTA *VIRGIN M Nov 29 Debit Purchase - VISA STARBUCKS #07311 Dec 2 Debit Purchase 001747 Dec 2 Debit Purchase - VISA HARRIS TEETER #4 Dec 2 Debit Purchase - VISA STARBUCKS #07311 Dec 2 Debit Purchase - VISA NETFLIX.COM Dec 2 Debit Purchase 622069 Dec 3 Debit Purchase 239003 Dec 4 Debit Purchase - VISA CHICKEN OUT ROTI Dec 4 Debit Purchase 186148 Dec 9 Debit Purchase 955212 Dec 9 Debit Purchase - VISA CHEEBURGER CHEEB Dec 9 Debit Purchase - VISA REGAL CINEMAS RO Dec 9 Debit Purchase - VISA COACH USA INC Dec 9 Debit Purchase - VISA IVYMEDIA DBA GOT Dec 10 Debit Purchase 000339 Dec 10 Debit Purchase - VISA BEAN HOLLOW Dec 11 Debit Purchase 017028 Dec 11 Debit Purchase 035929 Dec 11 Debit Purchase 002199 Dec 12 Debit Purchase - VISA MCDONALD'S M4539 Dec 12 Debit Purchase - VISA TEAISM PENN QUAR Dec 12 Debit Purchase - VISA MCG DLC 21230 OL Dec 16 Debit Purchase 085486 Dec 18 Debit Purchase - VISA BETHESDA ROW CAF On 112513 GAITHERSBURG MD REF # 24493983330200915700049 HARRIS TEETER 18 Olney MD On 112613 ILK1TERM REF 333017104518 On 112613 800-665-9715 OR REF # 24692163330000869192054 On 112713 Olney MD REF # 24692163331000420720855 VALUE VILLAGE # SILVER SPRINMD On 120213 ILK1TERM REF 333640001747 On 112913 OLNEY MD REF # 24445003334000277568998 On 120113 Olney MD REF # 24692163335000057572344 On 112913 NETFLIX.COM CA REF # 24692163333000063616 US1 HARRIS TEETER 18 Olney MD On 120213 ILNKILNK REF 333619622069 SAFEWAY STORE OLNEY MD On 120213 ILNKILNK REF 333614239003 On 120213 ROCKVILLE MD REF # 24071053337158142841710 CVS 01431 OLNEY MD On 120313 NYC1TERM REF 333700186148 7-ELEVEN ASHTON MD On 120813 NYC3TERM REF 334300955212 You Requested $5 In Cash Back On 120813 OLNEY MD REF # 24071053342158110199375 On 120813 ROCKVILLE MD REF # 24755423343123432973649 On 120613 201-225-7580 NJ REF # 24013083341020324989125 On 120813 617-3542101 MA REF # 24755423342163429368255 TARGET T1046 GERMANTOWN MD On 121013 NYC1TERM REF 334400000339 On 120913 ELLICOTT CIT MD REF # 24013393343000554652446 NWS ERM02130 Washington DC On 121013 NYC1TERM REF 334579017028 NWS ERM03430 Silver SprinMD On 121013 NYC1TERM REF 334467035929 TARGET T1854 ROCKVILLE MD On 121113 NYC3TERM REF 334500002199 On 121113 OLNEY MD REF # 24427333345720033186237 On 121013 WASHINGTON DC REF # 24055233345200988401809 On 120913 OLNEY MD REF # 24755423345173451580740 CVS 01431 OLNEY MD On 121413 NYC3TERM REF 334800085486 On 121613 BETHESDA MD REF # 24224433352101021122323 Ref Number 0200915700 1811261117 0000869192 1000420720 4712021428 4000277568 5000057572 3000063616 6912021316 0312020820 7158142841 4812032108 1212082313 Amount 8.0014.2545.

2158110199 3123432973 1020324989 2163429368 3912101347 3000554652 2812102119 2912101739 9912111516 5720033186 5200988401 5173451580 8612141120 2101021122



Account Number: 1 534 6618 5714 Statement Period: Nov 23, 2013 through Dec 20, 2013 Page 3 of 3


U.S. Bank National Association

Account Number 1-534-6618-5714

Card Withdrawals (continued)

Card Number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-9170 Date Description of Transaction Dec 18 Debit Purchase - VISA 368 - AMF 300 SH Dec 18 Debit Purchase - VISA 368 - AMF 300 SH Dec 19 Debit Purchase - VISA UNITED 0167 On 121613 GAITHERSBURG MD REF # 24071053351158146655265 On 121613 GAITHERSBURG MD REF # 24071053351158146655034 On 121713 800-932-2732 TX REF # 24692163352000944775983 Ref Number 1158146655 1158146655 2000944775 $ $ Amount 14.5015.61138.83464.57464.57Amount 0.300.30-

Card 9170 Withdrawals Subtotal Total Card Withdrawals

Other Withdrawals
Date Description of Transaction Dec 19 Fed Withholding Adjust Ref Number Debit Total Other Withdrawals $ $ Ending Balance 1,925.21 1,913.73 1,875.12 1,735.99 1,934.20

Balance Summary
Date Nov 25 Nov 26 Nov 27 Nov 29 Dec 2 Dec 3 Ending Balance 1,596.12 1,568.58 1,523.58 1,716.79 1,675.98 1,666.63 Date Dec 4 Dec 6 Dec 9 Dec 10 Dec 11 Dec 12 Ending Balance 1,654.56 1,852.82 1,788.08 1,779.40 1,749.07 1,727.00 Date Dec 13 Dec 16 Dec 18 Dec 19 Dec 20

Balances only appear for days reflecting change.

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