Registration Form: Pathways To Employment Mining Training Program

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Pathways to Employment Mining Training Program

Return this form to: Jocelyn Bebamikawe, Wikwemikong WDC [email protected] or fax 705-859-2000

Registration Form
Last Name: First Name: Previous Last Name (if applicable): Address: City: Phone (home): Email: Date of Birth (YY/MM/DD): Please check: How did you hear about the program: Newspaper ___ Friend____ Parent____ Flyer____ Information Session ____ Facebook___ Email ____ Employment Officer ____ OW Worker ___ Other: ______________________________ Aboriginal Descent First Nation (please specify) _______________________________ Metis Have you ever been on E.I.? Yes Inuit No (If yes, when? ______________) No Gender: Male Female Province: Cell Phone: Postal Code: Second Name:

Do you have a valid drivers license? Yes

Do you have a secondary school diploma? Yes No If no, what was the highest grade you completed? _____________ Have you attended any post-secondary institution? Yes No / If yes, College University What program(s) did you take? ____________________________________ Please rate your strengths on a scale of --- 1(lowest) 2, 3, 4, or 5 (highest) Adding ____ Subtracting ___ Dividing ___ Multiplying ____ Measurements _____ Fractions ____ Writing _____ Reading ____ Are you willing to upgrade your literacy and numeracy skills as part of this training? Yes Turn page over 1 No

Pathways to Employment Mining Training Program

Return this form to: Jocelyn Bebamikawe, Wikwemikong WDC [email protected] or fax 705-859-2000

In case of an emergency whom can we contact? Name: Relationship to you: Phone:

Consent to Disclosure
I certify that the above information is true and complete. I understand that any false or incomplete information may invalidate my application. I have read the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection statement below. I authorize my previous educational institutions and/or the Ministry of Education to release my academic information and school record to the above mentioned college. I also authorize the release of this information to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. I authorize Canadore College to disclose academic information as required to sponsoring agencies or other adult education providers.

Applicants Name (please print) _________________________________________________________ Applicants Signature _________________________________ Date __________________

Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy

The personal information on this application is collected under the legal authority of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990,c.M.19,s.5 and Regulation 770, R.R.O.1990,s.8. The information is used for the administration and statistical purposes of the College and/or the Ministries and Agencies of the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada. If you have any questions regarding the collection and use of this personal information, please contact the Registrar of the College.

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