Registration Form: Pathways To Employment Mining Training Program
Registration Form: Pathways To Employment Mining Training Program
Registration Form: Pathways To Employment Mining Training Program
Return this form to: Jocelyn Bebamikawe, Wikwemikong WDC [email protected] or fax 705-859-2000
Registration Form
Last Name: First Name: Previous Last Name (if applicable): Address: City: Phone (home): Email: Date of Birth (YY/MM/DD): Please check: How did you hear about the program: Newspaper ___ Friend____ Parent____ Flyer____ Information Session ____ Facebook___ Email ____ Employment Officer ____ OW Worker ___ Other: ______________________________ Aboriginal Descent First Nation (please specify) _______________________________ Metis Have you ever been on E.I.? Yes Inuit No (If yes, when? ______________) No Gender: Male Female Province: Cell Phone: Postal Code: Second Name:
Do you have a secondary school diploma? Yes No If no, what was the highest grade you completed? _____________ Have you attended any post-secondary institution? Yes No / If yes, College University What program(s) did you take? ____________________________________ Please rate your strengths on a scale of --- 1(lowest) 2, 3, 4, or 5 (highest) Adding ____ Subtracting ___ Dividing ___ Multiplying ____ Measurements _____ Fractions ____ Writing _____ Reading ____ Are you willing to upgrade your literacy and numeracy skills as part of this training? Yes Turn page over 1 No
Consent to Disclosure
I certify that the above information is true and complete. I understand that any false or incomplete information may invalidate my application. I have read the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection statement below. I authorize my previous educational institutions and/or the Ministry of Education to release my academic information and school record to the above mentioned college. I also authorize the release of this information to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. I authorize Canadore College to disclose academic information as required to sponsoring agencies or other adult education providers.
Applicants Name (please print) _________________________________________________________ Applicants Signature _________________________________ Date __________________