P D05 Princess

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Rescue of the Princess

A Group Quest
The adventure "The Rescue of the Princess" is Four brave Heroes were summoned by the good
played the same way as quests in the original and wise old Mentor to fight Chaos. Delegated to
HeroQuest game. them is the challenge and ultimate heroics -
enter the treacherous world of the unknown and
HeroQuest is a fantastic adventure game that restore honor to the Empire. Destroy the legions
takes place in a secret maze of stone. This maze of Chaos! Committed by their loyalty to the
of underground corridors and rooms is Empire, the brave Heroes unite. Treading
controlled by the evil sorcerer Zargon and his carefully, they enter deeper into the dark and
forces of Chaos. hidden world...
The Quest was originally published in Drago Dourado Magazine, Annual 2, Number 5, in Portuguese.
The text has been translated using Google Translator and formatted to the text presented here. Some
words and phrases did not translate well, therefore certain assumptions had to be made. If anyone
reading this is bilingual and would like to assist in a better translation, feel free to contact me and I will
gladly make any necessary corrections.
~ Phoenix
Rescue of the Princess
The Empire is in deep sorrow. Gwendoline, the beautiful temple, BANGOR SWANN. This temple is known as a
princess, daughter of the Emperor was imprisoned by the refuge from a terrible cleric of Chaos, the irascible
evil sorcerer Zargon. Her recovery should be quick, Anders. The Emperor will be generous with those who
because there are reasons to believe that she will be bring back his beloved Gwendoline. A reward of 500 Gold
sacrificed in a grand ceremony conducted in the ancient Coins await the Heroes who rescue the princess.
Wandering Monster in this Quest:
Use the Chaos Sorcerer figure to represent the Warlock Anders is preparing the ceremony in the Temple. He may
Anders and any other figure to represent the princess. cast the following Chaos Spells: Summon Orcs, Fear,
Escape, Fire Ball (2 times), and Firestorm. No FIRE magic
The Princess is held captive in this room, waiting for the can harm Anders. His stats are as follows:
time of the sacrificial ceremony. When released, she will
battle alongside the heroes as a fighter. In fact, Gwendoline
is a gifted swordswoman, having the following stats:
Movement Attack Defend Body Mind
10 4 4 7 9
Movement Attack Defend Body Mind
8 3 6 5 9
Quest(s) re-created for purposes of standardization. Hero Quest and the HeroQuest logo are trademarks of the Milton
Bradley Corporation, a subsidiary of , 2012, in association with Games Workshop 1988-1993. All rights
reserved. Use of its theme and images in this document is not intended as a challenge or threat to their copyright. This
document is made available exclusively for private, in-home use and is not permitted to be altered or sold, in whole or
part, for profit. Maps and icons generated with 2012.
Quest written by:
Unknown, 1994
Cover Art by:
Gary Chalk
Originally Published by:
This file is permitted to be hosted
at the following website(s):
Executive & Design Editor/Publisher:
Communications & Copy Editor:
Contributing Editor/Production Manager:
Translated from Portuguese:
Drathe/Google Translator
Credits: Special Thanks to:

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