Adams4e Tif Ch32
Adams4e Tif Ch32
Adams4e Tif Ch32
Question 1 Type: MCSA A child has leukemia and is immunosuppressed due to chemotherapy. The mother frantically calls the clinic to say that her child was exposed to varicella (chicken pox). What does the est plan y the nurse include! 1. The child should come to the clinic as soon as possi le to receive an in"ection of varicella immune #lo ulin if he develops chicken pox. 2. The child should come to the clinic as soon as possi le to receive an in"ection of varicella immune #lo ulin. 3. The child should e rou#ht to the clinic immediately to receive a vaccination for chicken pox. 4. The child should e kept away from other children to avoid further exposure to varicella. Correct Answer: $ Rationa e 1% &mmune #lo ulin is not #iven after the disease develops. Rationa e 2% &mmune #lo ulin must e #iven efore the disease develops. Rationa e 3% The child is immunosuppressed' administerin# a vaccination for chicken pox could result in developin# the disease. Rationa e 4% (eepin# the child away from others will not help' the child has already een exposed. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% )lannin# %earnin# )utcome: +$,Question 2 Type: MCSA A mother rin#s her child to the clinic for his last diphtheria,pertussis,tetanus (.)T) immuni/ation. The mother tells the nurse that the child developed a red rash after the previous diphtheria,pertussis,tetanus (.)T) immuni/ation. What does the est action y the nurse include! 1. Administer only a pertussis,tetanus immuni/ation.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
2. Withhold this immuni/ation and contact the physician. 3. Tell the mother to #ive the child acetaminophen (Tylenol) if another rash develops. 4. Administer diphenhydramine (5enadryl) prior to the diphtheria,pertussis,tetanus (.)T) immuni/ation. Correct Answer: $ Rationa e 1% There is no such immuni/ation as pertussis,tetanus. Rationa e 2% This red rash is unexpected and could indicate a potential adverse reaction to the vaccine such as anaphylaxis4 so the nurse should withhold the immuni/ation and contact the physician. Rationa e 3% The nurse should not tell the mother to administer acetaminophen (Tylenol)' this will not prevent anaphylaxis. Rationa e 4% The nurse cannot administer diphenhydramine (5enadryl) without a physician6s order. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: +$,7 Question 3 Type: MCMA The nurse is teachin# a class on immuni/ations for women with new orn infants. The nurse evaluates that learnin# has occurred when the women make which statements! Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected 'tandard Te*t: Select all that apply. 1. 8The immuni/ations are more effective if they are #iven closer to#ether.8 2. 89ur a ies mi#ht have a mild fever and e fussy for a few days.8 3. 8&f our a ies develop a fever4 we must call the doctor immediately.8 4. 8We can #ive acetaminophen (Tylenol) if our a ies have a mild fever.8 +. 8&f our a ies develop a mild fever4 it means an aller#ic reaction.8 Correct Answer: $4Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
Rationa e 1% The recommended immuni/ation schedule should e followed. There is no enefit to #ivin# the immuni/ations closer to#ether. Rationa e 2% A mild fever is a typical reaction to immuni/ations. Rationa e 3% The physician does not need to e called unless the fever is hi#h. Rationa e 4% Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is indicted for relief of mild symptoms. Rationa e +% A mild fever does not indicate an aller#ic reaction to the immuni/ation. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )hysiolo#ical Adaptation &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% 1valuation %earnin# )utcome: +$,32 Question 4 Type: MCSA The client receives an immunostimulant. The client tells the nurse that he #ets very sleepy and thirsty every time he takes the medication. What is the est assessment :uestion for the nurse to ask! 1. 8Are you consumin# at least ei#ht #lasses of water daily!8 2. 8;ave you een drinkin# any alcohol!8 3. 8;ave you had any flu symptoms lately!8 4. 8;ow much time have you spent out in the sun!8 Correct Answer: $ Rationa e 1% There is no indication to drink ei#ht #lasses of water daily when takin# immunostimulants. Rationa e 2% Com inin# immunostimulants with ethanol can result in excessive drowsiness and dehydration. Rationa e 3% While flu,like symptoms are common with immunostimulants4 this :uestion does not address the client complaint as well as another option. Rationa e 4% There is no indication that sun exposure would result in these symptoms in a client takin# an immunostimulant. ! o"a Rationa e:
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% Assessment %earnin# )utcome: +$,< Question + Type: MCSA The physician has ordered cyclosporine (Sandimmune) for the client who has under#one a kidney transplant. What will the nurse6s priority assessment of this client include! 1. Assessin# for infection 2. Assessin# for peripheral edema 3. Assessin# airway clearance 4. Assessin# cardiac output Correct Answer: 3 Rationa e 1% Cyclosporine suppresses the immune response4 so the nurse should assess the client for infection. Rationa e 2% There isn6t any correlation etween edema and cyclosporine. Rationa e 3% There isn6t any correlation etween airway clearance and cyclosporines. Rationa e 4% ;ypertension may result from use of cyclosporine4 ut there is no direct relation to cardiac output. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Analy/in# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% Assessment %earnin# )utcome: +$,= Question , Type: MCSA The client receives inflixima (>emicade)4 an immunosuppressant medication. What is the priority information for the nurse to teach the client a out this medication! 1. The client should #et ade:uate exercise. 2. The client should drink plenty of fluids.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
3. The client should eat plenty of fruits and ve#eta les. 4. The client should avoid crowds. Correct Answer: Rationa e 1% Ade:uate exercise is not the est method for avoidin# infection. Rationa e 2% The concept of avoidin# exposure to infection is the priority4 so drinkin# plenty of fluids is incorrect. Rationa e 3% The concept of avoidin# exposure to infection is the priority4 so eatin# plenty of fruits and ve#eta les is incorrect. Rationa e 4% Avoidin# crowds is important to avoid exposure to infection. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: +$,32 Question Type: MCSA A mother tells the nurse4 8& am so concerned a out my child. ;e may not have ade:uate immunity to chicken pox.8 What is the est response y the nurse! 1. 8?ou don6t have to worry as lon# as your child has received all of his vaccinations.8 2. 8We can #ive your child another ooster if you would like.8 3. 8There really is no way to know if your child will develop chicken pox.8 4. 8We can draw a titer to determine if there is ade:uate immunity.8 Correct Answer: Rationa e 1% Tellin# the mother not to worry is non,therapeutic' she is worried. Rationa e 2% @ivin# another ooster may e unnecessary. Rationa e 3% .rawin# a titer will help determine if the child will develop chicken pox. Rationa e 4% .rawin# a titer is a valid way to determine the immune level to chicken pox.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )hysiolo#ical Adaptation &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: +$,32 Question . Type: MCSA A mother comes to the clinic and tells the nurse4 8& don6t want my child to have any vaccinations. & have heard they cause autism.8 What is the est response y the nurse! 1. 8Aaccinations are safe' there is no reason to worry.8 2. 8Aaccinations have some risks4 ut the enefits outwei#h the risks.8 3. 8& understand what you are sayin#' this is really your choice.8 4. 8Aaccinations are re:uired y law' you really don6t have a choice.8 Correct Answer: $ Rationa e 1% &t is very non,therapeutic to tell a client not to worry. Rationa e 2% Aaccines have some risks4 ut many more deaths and serious illnesses occur from the diseases than from the vaccinations. Rationa e 3% Tellin# the client the nurse understands her is incomplete ecause it does not answer the client6s :uestion. Rationa e 4% Tellin# a client she does not have a choice with vaccinations is also non,therapeutic' many states do allow a parent to decline vaccinations. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: +$,32 Question / Type: MCSA
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
The client receives cyclosporine (*eoral). The nurse completes medication education and evaluates that learnin# has occurred when the client makes which statement! 1. 8& must check my lood pressure' it can run low with this medication.8 2. 8& cannot have #rapefruit while & am on this medication.8 3. 8Mealtimes will have no effect on when & take this medication.B 4. 8& mi#ht have an increased urine output with this medication.8 Correct Answer: $ Rationa e 1% Cyclosporine (*eoral) can cause hypertension4 not hypotension. Rationa e 2% @rapefruit increases lood levels of cyclosporine (*eoral)4 and should not e consumed y the client while takin# cyclosporine (*eoral). Rationa e 3% Cood decreases the a sorption of cyclosporine (*eoral). Rationa e 4% Cyclosporine (*eoral) can decrease4 not increase4 urine output. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Analy/in# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% 1valuation %earnin# )utcome: +$,< Question 10 Type: MCSA The nurse mana#es care for clients who have had or#an transplants. What is the est information for the nurse to include when teachin# the clients a out ody defenses! 1. *onspecific ody defense is effective primarily a#ainst acteria. 2. Specific ody defense usually only acts a#ainst a sin#le or#anism. 3. Specific ody defense includes the complement system. 4. *onspecific ody defense is also known as the immune response. Correct Answer: $
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
Rationa e 1% *onspecific ody defense is effective a#ainst many kinds of micro es and environmental ha/ards4 not "ust acteria. Rationa e 2% Specific ody defense usually only acts a#ainst a sin#le or#anism. Rationa e 3% *onspecific ody defense4 not specific ody defense4 includes the complement system. Rationa e 4% Specific ody defense4 not nonspecific ody defense4 is known as the immune response. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )hysiolo#ical Adaptation &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% )lannin# %earnin# )utcome: +$,3 Question 11 Type: MCSA The nursin# instructor is teachin# student nurses a out humoral and cell,mediated immune responses. What does the est teachin# plan include! 1. ;elper T cells are an important part of humoral immunity. 2. ;umoral immunity refers to immune responses where tar#ets are attacked y immune cells. 3. 5 lymphocytes are an important part of cell,mediated immunity. 4. ;umoral immunity refers to immune responses that are mediated y anti odies. Correct Answer: Rationa e 1% ;elper T cells are part of cell,mediated immunity4 not humoral immunity. Rationa e 2% ;umoral immunity refers to immune responses that are mediated y anti odies. Rationa e 3% 5 lymphocytes are part of humoral immunity4 not cell,mediated immunity. Rationa e 4% ;umoral immunity refers to immune responses that are mediated y anti odies. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )hysiolo#ical Adaptation &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% )lannin#
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
%earnin# )utcome: +$,$ Question 12 Type: MCMA The nurse is teachin# a class to clients who have recently under#one transplant sur#ery and are takin# immunosuppressant dru#s. The nurse evaluates that learnin# has occurred when the clients make which statements! Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. 'tandard Te*t: Select all that apply. 1. 8We must immediately report hair loss to the physician.8 2. 8We must wear a protective mask when #oin# out in pu lic.8 3. 8We must avoid exposure to individuals who have infections.8 4. 8We must practice relia le contraception.8 +. 8We must avoid eatin# raw fruits and ve#eta les.8 Correct Answer: 34+4-4D Rationa e 1% ;air loss may indicate si#nificant immunosuppression and should e reported. Rationa e 2% &t is not necessary to wear a mask in pu lic. Rationa e 3% Avoidin# exposure to individuals who have infections is a necessary precaution when a client takes immunosuppressant dru#s. Rationa e 4% )racticin# relia le contraception is a necessary precaution when a client takes immunosuppressant dru#s. Rationa e +% The client should avoid raw fruits and ve#eta les that can har or infection. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% 1valuation %earnin# )utcome: +$,32 Question 13 Type: MCSA
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
An adult female client is e#innin# her series of ;epatitis 5 immuni/ations. What does the est teachin# y the nurse include! 1. 8Contact your physician if you develop pain at the in"ection site4 mild fever4 or soreness.8 2. 8)ractice relia le irth control for three months after the administration of the vaccinations.8 3. 8&mmediately report any si#ns of leedin# such as hematuria4 or leedin# from the #ums.8 4. 8Avoid crowed areas where you mi#ht e exposed to an infectious disease.8 Correct Answer: $ Rationa e 1% &t is not necessary to contact the physician if pain develops at the in"ection site4 or if the client develops a mild fever4 or soreness. These are expected effects. Rationa e 2% The client should practice relia le irth control for three months after the administration of the vaccines to prevent harm to a developin# fetus. Rationa e 3% 5leedin# is not associated with ;epatitis 5 immuni/ations. Rationa e 4% &t is not necessary to avoid crowded areas followin# a ;epatitis 5 immuni/ation. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: +$,< Question 14 Type: MCSA The client receives interferon alfa,$ (&ntron,A) for treatment of (aposi6s sarcoma. Which :uestion y the client would alert the nurse that additional assessment is necessary! 1. 8& really feel sad' do & need to see a psychiatrist!8 2. 8&s it safe to drink #rapefruit "uice with this medication!8 3. 8.o & need to limit my fluids while on this medication!8 4. 8&s it okay to use aspirin or i uprofen products while on this medication!8 Correct Answer: 3
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
Rationa e 1% Ese of immunostimulant dru#s can lead to the development of encephalopathy. Assess mental status and e especially vi#ilant for si#ns and symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation. Rationa e 2% There is no relationship etween interferon alfa,$ (&ntron,A) and #rapefruit "uice. Rationa e 3% There is no relationship etween limitin# fluids and interferon alfa,$ (&ntron,A). Rationa e 4% There is no relationship etween interferon alfa,$ (&ntron,A) and aspirin or i uprofen products. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Analy/in# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% 1valuation %earnin# )utcome: +$,7 Question 1+ Type: MCSA All of the followin# are associated with non,specific immune response except 1. lymphocytes. 2. pha#ocytes. 3. epithelial linin# of the skin. 4. #astrointestinal mem rane. Correct Answer: 3 Rationa e 1% Fymphocytes are the primary cell of the specific immune response. Rationa e 2% )ha#ocytes are non,specific. Rationa e 3% The epithelial linin# of the skin is non,specific. Rationa e 4% The @& mem rane is non,specific. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : >emem erin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: %earnin# )utcome: +$,3
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
Question 1, Type: MCSA The ma"or difference etween 5 cell lymphocytes and T cell lymphocytes is that 1. T cells produce clones. 2. 5 cells produce anti odies. 3. T cells produce anti odies. 4. 5 cells produce clones. Correct Answer: $ Rationa e 1% 5 and T cells oth produce clones. Rationa e 2% 5 cells produce anti odies. Rationa e 3% T cells do not produce anti odies ut rather cytokines. Rationa e 4% 5 and T cells oth produce clones. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Enderstandin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )hysiolo#ical Adaptation &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: %earnin# )utcome: +$,$ Question 1Type: MCSA T cells produce 1. cytokines. 2. leukotrienes. 3. lymphocytes. 4. erythrocytes. Correct Answer: 3
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
Rationa e 1% Cytokines are produced y T cells to kill off forei#n or#anisms. Rationa e 2% Feukotrienes are not produced y T cells. Rationa e 3% Fymphocytes are lood products that assist with the immune system. Rationa e 4% 1rythrocytes are red lood cell components. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : >emem erin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: %earnin# )utcome: +$,$ Question 1. Type: MCSA The most important nursin# consideration when a client is receivin# immunostimulant therapy is to 1. monitor for chan#es in mental status. 2. monitor intake and output. 3. monitor for chan#es in hepatic en/ymes. 4. monitor vital si#ns. Correct Answer: + Rationa e 1% Chan#es in mental status can increase certain disorders4 ut this is not the first priority. Rationa e 2% Monitorin# intake and output is important ut not the most important consideration. Rationa e 3% ;epatic en/ymes may ecome elevated which could re:uire discontinuation of the dru#. Rationa e 4% Aitals si#ns are necessary with any medication. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Enderstandin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: %earnin# )utcome: +$,<
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
Question 1/ Type: MCSA &mmunosuppressants include 1. #amma #lo ulin. 2. #lucocorticoids. 3. antipsychotics. 4. antifun#als. Correct Answer: $ Rationa e 1% @amma #lo ulin is not a class of immunosuppressants. Rationa e 2% @lucocorticoids are a class of immunosuppressants. Rationa e 3% Antipsychotics are not a class of immunosuppressants. Rationa e 4% Antifun#al is not a class of immunosuppressants. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : >emem erin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: %earnin# )utcome: +$,= Question 20 Type: MCSA A key part of the nursin# process when carin# for a client who is receivin# immunosuppressant therapy should e to 1. assess nutritional status. 2. monitor vital si#ns. 3. assess renal function. 4. monitor liver function studies. Correct Answer: +
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
Rationa e 1% *utritional status is not a key priority for the client. Rationa e 2% Aital si#ns are important ut not the key priority. Rationa e 3% >enal function is key ecause these dru#s can cause nephrotoxicity ecause of physiolo#ical chan#es in the kidneys. Rationa e 4% Fiver function studies are important4 ut toxicity pro lems would occur over time. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Enderstandin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )hysiolo#ical Adaptation &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: +$,3< Question 21 Type: MCMA A new parent asks the nurse when her infant will receive the hepatitis A vaccine. ;ow should the nurse reply! Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. 'tandard Te*t: Select all that apply. 1. GWe will #ive the first dose efore you take your a y home from the new orn nursery.B 2. G&t will e included in the series of immuni/ations #iven at $ months4 - months4 and H months.B 3. G?our child will receive the first dose at 3$ months.B 4. G*ot until school a#e.B +. GA out H to 3$ months after the initial vaccine4 a ooster will e #iven.B Correct Answer: +4D Rationa e 1% ;epatitis A is not #iven to a new orn. Rationa e 2% ;epatitis A is not #iven with this series. Rationa e 3% The first dose of ;epatitis vaccine is administered when the child is 3$ months old. Rationa e 4% The hepatitis A vaccine is administered to children at an earlier date than school a#e. Rationa e +% A ooster immuni/ation is #iven HI3$ months after the initial immuni/ation.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: ;ealth )romotion and Maintenance C ient &eed 'u": &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: F9 J+ Cor each of the ma"or vaccines4 #ive the recommended dosa#e schedule. Question 22 Type: MCMA A new mother expresses concern a out immuni/in# her infant sayin#4 G& am reastfeedin#4 so & know that will pass my immunity to my a y. & donKt see why anythin# else is necessary.B ;ow should the nurse respond! Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. 'tandard Te*t: Select all that apply. 1. G?ou are correct that your a y will receive some passive immunity from you.B 2. GThat immunity is called adapted immunity and it only lasts for a few days.B 3. GThere are some diseases for which immunity is not passed from mother to child.B 4. G?our a y will need the extra protection provided y standard immuni/ations.B +. GAaccines are not indicated until you stop reastfeedin#.B Correct Answer: 34+4Rationa e 1% The mother is correct that passive immunity to some diseases is provided throu#h the placenta and throu#h reast milk. Rationa e 2% This is called passive immunity and it lasts lon#er than a few days. Rationa e 3% The passive immunity passed from mother to child does not protect the child from all the diseases that ac:uired immunity does. Rationa e 4% &n order to e protected from many diseases the child will need ac:uired immunity from vaccine. Rationa e +% The vaccine schedule for a reastfed infant is the same as for an infant who is not reastfed. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: ;ealth )romotion and Maintenance C ient &eed 'u":
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
&ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: F9 J- .istin#uish etween active immunity and passive immunity. Question 23 Type: MCMA .urin# an admission interview the client says4 G& was #iven &nterferon alfa,$ for cancer treatment.B The nurse should look for evidence of which type of cancer in this clientKs history! Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. 'tandard Te*t: Select all that apply. 1. 5reast cancer 2. Mali#nant melanoma 3. (aposiKs sarcoma 4. 5ladder cancer +. Cancer of the sinuses Correct Answer: $4+4Rationa e 1% 5reast cancer is not treated with &nterferon alfa,$ . Rationa e 2% Mali#nant melanoma is one of the cancers treated with interferon alfa,$ . Rationa e 3% (aposiKs sarcoma is one of the cancers treated with interferon alfa,$ . Rationa e 4% An off,la el use of interferon alfa,$ is the treatment of ladder cancer. Rationa e +% There is no indication for use of interferon alfa,$ in treatment of cancers located in the sinuses. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )harmacolo#ical and )arenteral Therapies &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% Assessment %earnin# )utcome: F9 JD% &dentify indications for pharmacotherapy with iolo#ic response modifiers. Question 24 Type: MCMA
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
A nurse is presentin# community education re#ardin# vaccines for influen/a. Which information should the nurse plan to include! Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. 'tandard Te*t: Select all that apply. 1. 1veryone should receive an in"ection of influen/a vaccine every year. 2. Children should not receive influen/a immuni/ations until a#e 32. 3. &ntranasal vaccine is availa le for infants. 4. Many adults have a choice etween in"ecta le and intranasal forms of immuni/ation. +. A childKs first immuni/ation will consist of two in"ections #iven 3 month apart. Correct Answer: -4D Rationa e 1% &n"ection is not the only form of influen/a immuni/ation. Rationa e 2% &nfluen/a immuni/ations are started earlier than a#e 32. Rationa e 3% There is no intranasal vaccine for infants. Rationa e 4% An intranasal influen/a vaccine is availa le for many adults. Rationa e +% A childKs first immuni/ation consists of an in"ection followed y a second in"ection in 3 month. After this initial immuni/ation the schedule chan#es to 3 immuni/ation per year. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Applyin# C ient &eed: ;ealth )romotion and Maintenance C ient &eed 'u": &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: F9 J+ Cor each of the ma"or vaccines4 #ive the recommended dosa#e schedule. Question 2+ Type: MCMA The client had a liver transplant and asks the nurse if she really needs all of those medications. ;ow should the nurse respond!B Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. 'tandard Te*t: Select all that apply.
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.
1. G?es4 this is necessary for you to not re"ect the new liver4 ut in time you will e down to only one medication.B 2. G?es you need these medications so you wonKt re"ect your new liver4 ut with current clonin# techni:ues in a out D years you should e a le to #row enou#h new liver cells to support your life.B 3. G?ou need these medications ecause it is important to dampen your immune response so you wonKt re"ect your new liver.B 4. G*ew research indicates that immunosuppressant dru#s are only needed for H months after transplant.B +. GThis seems excessive to me4 too4 ut your physician ordered all of them.B Correct Answer: + Rationa e 1% Tellin# a client that in time she will e down to one medication is false reassurance' the nurse does not know this will occur. Rationa e 2% There are not any clonin# techni:ues that will allow clients to #row new liver cells in a :uantity to support life. Rationa e 3% The client needs medication to dampen her immune response so that she will not re"ect the new liver. Rationa e 4% There is no research indicatin# immunosuppressant dru#s are not necessary. Rationa e +% The nurse should know why each dru# is ein# #iven and should not uild dou t in the clientKs mind. ! o"a Rationa e: Co#niti$e %e$e : Analy/in# C ient &eed: )hysiolo#ical &nte#rity C ient &eed 'u": )hysiolo#ical Adaptation &ursin#/(nte#rated Concepts: *ursin# )rocess% &mplementation %earnin# )utcome: F9 JH
Adams, Pharmacology for Nurse: A Pathophysiologic Approach, -01 Copyri#ht $23- y )earson 1ducation4 &nc.