India As An Education Destination To Foreigners: - A Case Study of Sharda University

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Submitted by

SHWETA SAINI 2012014140 MBA( 2012-2014)

for MBA Vth Term




I hereby declare that this synopsis submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains neither any material previously published or written by another person nor any material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university/ other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.


Signature of the candidate:

Date: 11TH FEBRUARY 2014




The Indian education system has conquered a strong position in international circuit. India is a popular destination for higher education amongst foreign students as the country has an unparalleled variety of academic courses. A large number of students fly to India every year from all corners of the globe to satisfy their desire for learning more. Studying in India, the second largest higher education network in the World is an enriching experience in itself. A welcoming atmosphere, non-discriminative approach and an assured educational and career growth is what attracts students from all over the world to India and assured educational and career growth. There are universities focusing on the study of medicine, arts and language, journalism, social work, business, commerce, planning, architecture, engineering, and other specialised studies. Most Indian universities teach in English Medium and conduct special language classes for those weak in English. India has an impressive list of universities and colleges sprawled across its major states and cities, which have inducted numerous foreign students from time to time. With 343 universities and 17000 colleges, India offers a wide spectrum of courses that are recognised globally. Apart from undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral courses, there are many training and diploma-level institutes and polytechnics that cater to the growing demand for skill-based and vocational education. The quality education that India offers is within the reach of every incomegroup considering the reasonable fee structure. With 66 distance education institutions functioning in 60 universities besides 11 open universities, India has an enlarged outreach of distance education as well.



Identifying potential countries which select India as their study destination. Infrastructure required to attract international students. Identifying the various course of interest. Role of embassy in developing Indian institutions as international institutions.


H1 - The branding of Indian universities positively effect the international students decisions. H10 - There is no direct relation between branding and students decision.

H2 - The infrastructural facilities of Indian universities positively affect the international student decision. H20 - There is no direct relation between infrastructural facilities and students decision.

Sharda University is a University established through UP State Act in 2009 and approved by University Grants Commission of India (UGC). It is based in Greater NOIDA, Delhi NCR. The university offers Bachelor, Master and PhD degree courses in Medical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Nanotechnology, Environmental Engineering, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Computer Science, Information Technology, Allied Science, Business Administration, Mass Communication, Journalism and Advertising, Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Law, Languages and Culture. The university has approximately 25000 students out of which 1100 are international students coming from 42 countries globally.

LOCATION Sharda University campus in Greater NOIDA is situated in Plot No. 32-34 in Knowledge Park III.

CULTURAL DIVERSITY Sharda University has students from over 42 countries other than India and has thus become a melting pot of diverse cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicity. Some of the countries from where students come are Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, Bangladesh, West Africa, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Mauritius, Nepal, Tanzania, Thailand, Sri Lanka Mexico, Germany, Kuwait, Libya, Namibia, Burkina Faso and Mauritius. Acknowledging the world class education provided by Sharda University, top magazines, newspapers and television channels have bestowed good rankings to the University in various areas like placements, industry interface, infrastructure, international relations, etc. Sharda University continues to receive national and International recognition.


Sharda University has eleven separate schools pertaining to various different streams like Engineering, Business Studies, Medicine, Architecture, Dental Science, Media Studies, Law, Language and others. And each of these schools has dedicated Libraries of their own. Each library has an extensive collection of books, scientific and technical journals and electronic reference materials for satisfying the academic and research needs of the students and faculty of that school. The Libraries consist of Reference Sections, Circulation Sections, Audio-visual Sections, Periodical Sections, Book Banks and Digital Libraries. Each school library has automated all its library activities to provide effective and wide range of academic resources such as books, journals, online databases, DVDs and other useful materials.

The colleges have very well equipped Workshops and lab facilities and students are encouraged to acquire application skills and practically verify the knowledge acquired in the class room. SU College labs and workshops are amongst the best equipped in the country, second only to the govt. funded IITs. Well equipped laboratories exist for physics, chemistry, applied mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and IC engines, product and process development, material testing, R&D, advanced computation, software training, telecom, micro processor, DSP, CAD, CAM etc. and are supervised by competent faculty members and instructors.

Computer Centers
A dedicated computer center at Sharda University provides easily accessible and excellent facility to the faculty and students with over 870 high end computers catering to their academic, research and recreational requirements

Sharda University offers a world class infrastructure to its students. All eleven schools are equipped with state-of-the-art classrooms to facilitate teaching and interactivity amongst faculty and students. Classrooms are fitted with latest equipment for making presentations, lectures, debates and group discussions take place in the most convenient and enriching way.

Cafeteria and Food Court

Conveniently located cafes and mini refreshment joints are popular gathering places for students, faculty, and staff to eat, study, or socialize with friends. Sharda University provides a student with an environment to enjoy the fast paced metro lifestyle right within the campus. Caf Buddys, Sagar Ratna, Amul Parlor, Bikano, Caf Coffee Day and Nestle are certain brands currently running their restaurants and refreshment joint in the campus.

Students of Sharda University have access to medical facilities within the campus as University has a 500 bedded Multi specialty hospital with all modern medical facilities.

Sports fields
Sharda campus houses the state-of-the-art Basketball courts, badminton, football and cricket fields for its students. The best of equipment and facilities are available for students recreation. In addition to our home facilities, we have also tied up with Jaypee Greens Sports Ltd for offering their high-end sports infrastructure and facilities to SU students at special rates.

A gym for the students with all the latest exercising equipment and machines. All students have access to it.

Transport facility is readily available to students, faculty and staff for travelling to nearby places or even all the way to Delhi.

Eight safe and secure hostels with all the modern amenities for a comfortable living are part of the Sharda campus.

For girls: Sarojini Hostel Kasturba Hostel Mother Teresa Hostel Indira Hostel

For boys: Tagore Hostel Vivekananda Hostel

For international students: Mandela Hostel

RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 1. While keeping control on primary education, the Government should encourage the corporates with financial resources to venture into higher education with standards at par with top universities.2. The government of India should form an apex body (with public and private participation) toexercise control over the institutions entering in India.3. The government should monitor the quality of the programmes, verify the credentials of theinvestor-institutions, ensure that what comes in is real and useful and also ensure that theprogrammes offered are in accordance with the priorities of this country and the national policy interms of equity, affordability and access.4. The revenue generated by foreign institutions should be invested in primary education so that thebase also becomes stronger.5. The government must mandate that every educational institution operating in India, whether Indianor foreign, public or private to:a) Publish an annual report with details of the infrastructure available, the staff, the fees charged, thenumber of students, the results of the examinations, the amount of funds available to the institutionand the sources of funding, affiliation to any foreign bodies with details of those bodies etc.b) Be rated by independent rating agencies like CRISIL, ICRA, and CARE and publicly announce theirrating.6. The government formed apex body should not delay in their decision making process.7. The government should also introduce a concept of 'education credit', an amount equal to theaverage cost incurred in teaching a child in the privately run government schools. This 'educationcredit' should be made available to every child.

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