Grounded Theory For Social Justice: With Kathy Charmaz
Grounded Theory For Social Justice: With Kathy Charmaz
Grounded Theory For Social Justice: With Kathy Charmaz
Providing critical knowledge and skills of qualitative research related to the use of the Grounded Theory for Social Justice in education; The course provides a high-quality academic training in data analysis strategies, abstraction and theory construction from data, guiding the students to explore the wide-range of Grounded Theory Method. At the end of the Summer School students will: Use Grounded Theory as critical research approach for Social Justice, particularly in Education, as well as in other research fields; Be able to conduct a rigorous data analysis according to Grounded Theory Method; Understand and manage issues about abstraction and theory construction, getting autonomy in theorizing from data; Get or reinforce autonomy in projecting and leading a field research.
Some of the most renowned experts and well known international scholars in Qualitative Research Methods in Education will be involved in the Summer School: Massimiliano Tarozzi (director, University of Bologna, Italy), Kathy Charmaz (Sonoma State University, USA), Penny Jane Burke (University of Roehampton, UK), Francesca Rapan (University of Trento, Italy); Luca Ghirotto (University of Verona, Italy).
Designated Lectures
Introducing Qualitative Methods for Social Justice in Education - Massimiliano Tarozzi Social Justice Research Paradigm - Penny Jane Burke Grounded Theory for Social Justice Research Kathy Charmaz Coding Lab Luca Ghirotto, Francesca Rapan
Participants must be second year master students, PhD students, graduate students, post doc or researchers. Participants will be considered by their CV, qualifications and by their personal statement In addition, a good knowledge of the English language is required (B2 level), as well as a previous knowledge or experience of qualitative research.
Participants will have the opportunity to present their work with a poster. More detailed information on this opportunity will be available with a specific call, which will be posted on the summer school web page (
How to apply
Candidate are required to submit the application form (available online from the web address below), together with a personal statement and their curriculum vitae. All applications will be examined by a selection committee. The closing date for applications is April 30th, 2014.
Standard Rate: 370 The cost of the summer school is 370 to be paid in two rates. The first one (220 ) is due by the 30th of April and the second one (150 ) is due on the first day of the summer school. In case of withdrawal, the first rate will not be refunded. If the applicant wont be selected, the first rate will be returned. Course fees include the following: tuition, all course materials including reading materials, lunch (except the one of the last day), some social activities (social dinner), access to the structures of the Department of Cognitive and Education Sciences, as well as to online services and resources (wireless). Early Bird Rate: 330 If you apply by the 15th of April the cost of the summer school is 330 instead of 370. In this case, the first rate is of 180 (instead of 220) to be paid by the 15th of April, while the second rate is of 150 , to be paid on the first day of the summer school. The payment can be made online with credit card or through a bank transfer. Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Trento c/c 000003110X62 BIC: POSOIT22 (per bonifici dall'estero) ABI 05696 CAB 01800 CIN Y IBAN IT03Y0569601800000003110X62 In the reason of payment (or causale) write Summer School Dipsco + Surname Name.
Candidates must submit their application by filling exclusively the application form available on the summer school web page. Persons interested in participating in the Summer School should fill in the application form online and submit the following: curriculum vitae; personal statement which provides additional evidence of your intellectual and creative achievement. The statement is also the only opportunity for the readers of the application to get a feel for you as a person as well as for you as a student. The statement is also the place where you can put your academic record into the context of your opportunities and obstacles. copy of a ID; copy of the first rate receipt (if paid by bank transfer). Candidates will be automatically excluded whenever their applications are: - received after the deadline (after April 30th); - incomplete or erroneous; - not edited on the specific application form given by the University; - including non-accurate or false information.
In collaboration with
University of Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze della Qualit della Vita Paulo Freire Institute, Los Angeles London Paulo Freire Institute, UK
Summer School Director Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi Summer School Referents Dr Francesca Rapan Dr Giovanna Malus Dr Francisco Leite Dr Federica Cont