Англо-Русский разговорник
Англо-Русский разговорник
Англо-Русский разговорник
-What's the best way of getting to -Kax nyume scero x sam zopaiscn?
your place?
-Take the subway.Get off at Lin- -Hoes+anie na meipo.B-xozwie
coln Center,turn right and walk two na ocianosxe "Lwnxonsn-uenip",
blocks. nosepnwie nanpaso w nponzwie
zsa xsapiana.
Alexander can't find his way to Ed- nexcanzp ne mo+ei naniw zopory
ward's home.Edward gives him direc- x zomy Ozsapza.Ozsapz oncnn-
tions on the phone. ei emy no ieneony,xax exais.
-Hi,Alexander.Where are you? At -Hpwsei,nexcanzpLze i-? a
the corner of Taylor Avenue and yrny Tennop-asenx w xx-cipwi?
Duke Street? Wait there.I'll be Hozo+zw menn iam.epes nnis
there in five minutes. mwnyi n iam yzy.
-It's not necessary. I drove the car -e ny+no.H na mamwne,ezy ws
from New Haven. Give me the directions. sx-osena.xa+w mne,xax
I'll find my way. exais,w n cam nanzy zopory x
isoemy zomy.
-All right. Go north on Duke Street -Lazno.Hoes+an s cesepnom nanpas-
to Shore Drive. You can't miss the nenww no xx-cipwi zo opzpans.
large supermarket there. Turn left T- ne cmo+ems ne sameiwis ons-
there.Continue on Stevenson Avenue moro cynepmapxeia.Tam nosepnw
to Fourth Street. Make a right turn naneso.Hpozon+an exais no iwsen-
and go to the middle of the block. con-asenx zo eisepion ynwu-.
I'll wait for you in front of the house. Hosepnw saiem nanpaso w noes+an
zo cepezwn- xsapiana.H yzy ien
+zais nepez zomom.
-I got it.See you soon,Edward. -Honnn.o cxopon scipeuw ,Ozsapz
-I'm afraid we're lost. -Boxcs,uio m- ezem ne iyza.
-We'd better ask for directions. - am - nyume cnpocwis zopory.
-Okay.I'll ask at the next gas -opomo.H cnpomy xax nam exais
station. oxono cnezyxmen ensoxononxw.
Stopping in front of a gas station: cianasnwsancs y ensoxononxw:
-How do we get to York Village? -Kax nam nonacis s Uopx-Bwnnez+?
-You're going west, but you should -B- ezeie na sanaz, a sam nazo
be going east. exais s sociounom nanpasnenww.
-Should we make a U-turn? -M- zon+n- passepnyiscn?
-Yes. Make a U-turn and go -a.assepnwiecs w noes+anie
straight.Then turn to the right at snepez.. cseioopa nosepnwie
the traffic lights. That's interstate 95. nanpaso.Oio mocce 95(yxs.:mocce,
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
Take interstate 95 for about 15 miles coezwnnxmee pasn-e miai-)Hpoezeie
and then get off at Roundview.You can't npwmepno 15 mwns no mocce 95,
miss your destination. csepneie c mocce y aynzssx.
B- ne cmo+eie nponyciwis ny+noe
sam mecio.
-Thank you very much. -Bonsmoe cnacwo.
---------------- -----------------------
A:Pardon me,do the buses stop here? -Hpociwie,asioyc- szecs ocianasnw-
B:YES,most downtown buses stop at this -a.Bonsman uacis asioycos,oinpas-
corner. nnxmwxcn s zenosyx uacis ropoza,
ocianasnwsaeicn szecs
A:I want to go to Washington Avenue. -Mne nazo nonacis na Bamwnrion
Can I take any bus that stops here? senx.Mne nozxozwi nxon ws asio-
ycos,xoiop-e szecs ocianasnw-
B:You can take any bus except number 12. -B- mo+eie cecis na nxon ws nwx,
The number 12 turns off at Richmond sa wcxnxuenwem nomepa 12.
Street. sioyc nomep 12 csopauwsaei na
wumonz ipwi.
A:How often do the buses run? -Kax uacio xozni asioyc-?
B:They are supposed to run according -uwiaeicn ,uio onw npwzep+wsaxicn
to the schedule that you can see over pacnwcanwn,xoiopoe swcwi son iam
there.In fact,the buses don't always (yx:xoiopoe s- mo+eie swzeis).
run on schedule. o axiwuecxw asioyc- ne scerza
xozni no pacnwcanwx.
A:What are the usual intervals bet- -epes xaxwe wniepsan- o-uno npw-
ween the bus arrivals? -saxi asioyc-?
B:About every fifteen minutes. You -Hpwmepno xa+z-e 15 mwnyi.
won't have to wait any longer. o sam y+e ne npwzeicn +zais.
A bus is coming.It's number 5. Bon wzei asioyc.Oio nomep 5.
You can take it. n sam nozxozwi(yx:mo+eie
cecis na nero).
Rider N:Would you point out the City -B- ne mornw - cxasais mne
Theater as we go by? (yx:yxasais),xorza m- noz-
ezem x ropozcxomy ieaipy?
D:It's on Third Avenue. It's the next -Teaip na Tpeisem senx.
stop. Oio-cnezyxman ocianosxa.
N:Thank you. -nacwo.
(At the stop) (. ocianosxw)
D:Move along,please.There are many -Hpozswraniecs ,no+anyncia.
people waiting to get on.That's it. Mnoro napoza +zei y sxoza.
I'm closing the door.Another bus will saiwi.H saxp-sax zseps.
be along in about five minutes. epes nnis mwnyi npwyzei
zpyron asioyc.
------------------------------- -------------------------
M:Oceanfront Realty.Bob Murphy -reniciso"meanponi" no
speaking. npoza+e (w apenze) nezsw-
+wmoro wmymecisa.Losopwi
Bo Mopw.
K:-Hello. My name is Igor Koltunov. -op-n zens.Oio rops Kon-
I'm calling about the ad. iynos. H ssonx s csnsw c
samwm o'nsnenwem.
-Which one. -Kaxwm wmenno?
-The two-bedroom apartment.How -inocwiensno xsapiwp- c
much is the rent. zsymn cnansnnmw.xonsxo
cociasnnei xsapinnaia?
-700 a month.You have also to pay -700 zonnapos s mecnu.B-
a 700 dollar deposit that will be iax+e zon+n- sneciw sanor
given back to you when you move. s pasmepe 700 zonnapos,xo-
The agency's fee amounts to one iop-e yzyi sam sosspamen-
month rent. xorza s- yzeie s-es+ais.
renciso sswmaei nnaiy,pas-
nnxmyxcn cymme xsapinnai-
sa mecnu.
-Is there a lease to be signed? -penzn-n zorosop noznwc-sa-
-YES,there is .It's a two-year lease. -a.orosop na zsa roza.
-When can I see the apartment? -Korza n cmory nocmoipeis
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
-You can see it today after three -B- ee cmo+eie ocmoipeis ce-
o'clock. roznn +e,nocne ipex uacos.
-What about four o'clock? Is that all -B uei-pe uaca sac ycipawsa-
right? ei?
-Okay.I'll meet you at the apartment. -opomo.Bcipeiwmcn y sxoza s
240 Beach Street,Apt.5A. xsapiwpy.240 Bwu-cipwi.Ksap-
iwpa 5-.
-That's fine ,thanks. -Lazno.Bnarozapx sac.
O.R.:These shoes are pretty. What -Oio xpacws-e iynw. Kaxwe useia
colors do they come in? y sac ecis?
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
S:Presently we have them in brown -enuac y nac ecis iaxwe iynw
and black. xopwunesoro w uepnoro useia.
O.R.:Could you show me the black -B- mo+eie mne noxasais uepn-e
shoes in a medium heel? iynw na cpeznem xanyxe?
S:We have them in a higher ,lower, -Tynw oioro acona y nac ecis na
and medium heel.Just a minute.I'll s-coxom ,nwsxom w cpeznem xanyxe.
bring you the pair you wanted to see. zny mwnyiy. H sam npwnecy na-
py,xoiopyx s- xoienw nocmoipeis.
Boris: I would like to mail this Bopwc:-H xoien - oinpaswis oioi na-
parcel by fourth class mail. xei ueisepi-m xnaccom.
Clerk:-What's in the parcel? Knepx:-io s nem?
B:-Nothing but books. The parcel -Tonsxo xnwrw.Oioi naxei cnezyei oi-
should be mailed by books rate. npaswis xnw+n-m iapwom.
C:-(weighs the parcel).Four pounds. (Knepx sssemwsaei naxei)-ei-pe yn-
It would cost 1.95. ia.Oio yzei ciowis ozwn zonnap zesn-
nocio nnis uenios.
B:-How long does it take for a par- -epes cxonsxo znen naxei npwyzei s
cel to arrive in San Francisco? an-Ipanuwcxo?
C:- Fourth class mail takes about -Haxei- ueisepioro xnacca zociasnnxi-
15 days to arrive. cn s npezenax 15 znen.
B:- Okay (pays for postage).I have -opomo(onnauwsaei noc-nxy). . menn
a problem.I'll be out of town next sonpoc.B ieuenwe cnezyxmen nezenw me-
week. Can you hold my mail for me nn ne yzei s ropoze. Mornw - s- oc-
at the post office? I'll pick it up iaswis mox nouiy s nouiosom oizenenww?
when I get back. H ee saepy,xorza sepnycs.
C:-Yes,we can do that. You have to -a,mo+no.Bam nazo sanonnwis opmynnp.
fill out this form.Bring it back to Hoiom sepnwie ero mne.
express mail cpounan nouia
general delivery zo socipeosanwn
package,parcel noc-nxa,naxei
slot mens(s nouiosom nmwxe)
air letter nwcsmo aswa
to insure a package sacipaxosais noc-nxy
addressee azpecai
sender oinpaswiens
Clerk: Good morning.What can I do -opoe yipo.em mory cny+wis?
for you?
Victor Nemirov: Good morning.I wo- -opoe yipo. H xoien - oixp-is y
uld like to open a savings account. sac ceperaiensn-n cuei. 'ncnwie
Could you explain your policy to me? mne ,no+anyncia, na xaxwx ycnoswnx
oio zenaeicn.
Clerk: A small initial deposit is -io- oixp-is ceperaiensn-n cuei s
all it takes to open a savings ac- namem anxe,ny+no sneciw nwms neons-
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
count at our bank, but if you open mon nepsonauansn-n sxnaz. o ecnw s-
your account with five hundred dol- nono+wie na cuei ne menee 500 zonna-
lars or more and keep that much at pos, w oia cymma yzei ociasaiscn na
all times,there is no service char- cueiy nocionnno, io sam ne npwzeicn
ge.If you fall below the 500 dollar nnaiwis sa (anxoscxwe) ycnyrw. cnw
limit, you will be charged five dol- +e na samem cueiy oxa+eicn mensme 500
lars a month. zonnapos, y sac yzyi yzep+wsais no 5
zonnapos s mecnu.
V.N.:I'm not sure I understand what -H ne coscem nonnn oinocwiensno 500-
you've said about the five-hundred- zonnaposoro mwnwmyma. e mornw - s-
dollar limit.Could you explain that o'ncnwis oio mne eme pas?
to me again?
Clerk: Of course. Our bank requires -Koneuno. am anx ipeyei, uio- s-
you to maintain a minimum balance of s- coxpannnw (na cueiy) mwnwmansn-n
500 dollars or more. Should your mi- sxnaz - 500 zonnapos wnw onee. cnw
nimum balance fall below that amount sam mwnwmansn-n ananc oxa+eicn nw+e
your account would be charged for 5 oion cymm-,c samero cueia yzyi cnw-
dollars a month. mais no 5 zonnapos s mecnu.
V.N.: I see. That's clear enough.One -Honwmax. Oio ncno. o soi eme iaxon
more question. sonpoc...
Clerk: Go ahead. -H cnymax.
V.N.: How does the bank know what am- -Kax +e anx snaei ws xaxon cymm- wc-
ount to use to figure out my balance? xozwis npw onpezenenww moero ananca?
Clerk: Okay. That's not difficult to -Honnis oio ne ipyzno. am xomnsxiep
understand.Our computor adds all the cymmwpyei sce cooiseicisyxmwe e+ezne-
daily figures and then divides by the sn-e cymm- uwp-, a saiem zenwi nony-
number of days in our statement peri- uennyx cymmy na uwcno znen samero a-
od. That's called your averige daily nxoscxoro cueia. Honyuaeicn io, uio
balance. nas-saeicn cpeznwm e+eznesn-m anan-
V.N.: May I ask you another question? -Mo+no mne sazais eme ozwn sonpoc?
Clerk: I'll be happy to answer your - yzosonsciswem oiseuy.
V.N.: Could I get a banking card af- -Mory nw n nocne oixp-iwn cueia no-
ter opening an account? nyuwis xapiouxy znn anxoscxoro as-
Clerk: When you open an account, you -Hocne ioro,xax s- oixpoeie cuei, s-
will be in touch with your money - yzeie wmeis zociyn x csowm zensram,
thanks to our machine services. Our nonssyncs namwmw asiomaiamw. nw
machines can handle the most regular cnpasnnxicn nouiw co scemw o-un-mw
teller transactions.You can make de- onepauwnmw anxoscxwx cny+amwx.Hons-
posits, cash withdrawals,and balance syncs xapiouxon, s- mo+eie snocwis
inquiries with your card.The machine zene+n-e sxnaz-, cnwmais w ysnasais,
is at work 24 hours a day, 7 days a xaxos sam ananc. siomai- paoiaxi
week. xpyrn-e cyixw, 7 znen s nezenx.
V.N.: Okay.I've made up my mind. I'd -opomo. H y+e npwnnn pemenwe. H oi-
like to open a savings account with xpox ceperaiensn-n cuei,snecn sxnaz
a deposit of one thousand dollars. s pasmepe i-cnuw zonnapos.
Clerk: Could you please fill out this -Byzsie zop-, sanonnwie oiy anxeiy.
application.Besides you need to write Kpome ioro, sam ny+no sanonnwis npw-
a deposit ticket for 1000 dollars. If xozn-n opzep s csnsw c snecenwem i--
you have any questions regarding the cnuw zonnapos.cnw y sac ecis sonpo-
application, I'll be glad to assist c-, oinocnmwecn x sanonnenwx anxei-,
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
you. n oxoino sam nomory.
V.N.(fills out application and depo- (Knweni sanonnnei anxeiy w npwxozn-n
sit ticket). opzep o snecenww sxnaza.)
Clerk: Everything is correct. Here is -Bce npaswnsno.Boi sama ceperaiens-
your passbook. The bank will pay you nan xnw+xa. Banx yzei sam nnaiwis
5 12 interest. 5 12 npouenia rozos-x.
V.N.: Thank you for your assistance. -nacwo sa nomoms.
Clerk: Good afternoon. May I help -op-n zens. em mory cny+wis?
Vladimir Melnik: Good afternoon.I'm -op-n zens. H x sam npwmen, uio-
here to open a checking account. My oixp-is uexos-n cuei.Menn sosyi Bna-
name is Vladimir Melnik. My wife's zwmwp Mensnwx.mn moen +en- aiansn.
name is Natalya.
Clerk: Do you want a joint account -B- xoiwie oixp-is cosmecin-n cuei
with your spouse? c samen +enon?
V.M.: Yes,I do. Tell me about your -a.accxa+wie mne o npaswnax uexo-
checking account policy. Is there a soro cueia. ymecisyei nw mwnwmans-
minimum balance required? n-n ananc?
Clerk: If you open a checking acco- -Hpw oixp-iww uexosoro cueia npez-
unt you are supposed to maintain an nonaraeicn,uio s- coxpanwie cpeznwn
average daily balance of 1000 . e+eznesn-n ananc pasmepom 1000 zon-
As long as you keep this average ba- napos sa nepwoz anxoscxoro cueia.
lance you won't be charged for bank- Hoxa s- coxpanneie oioi cpeznwn a-
ing services. Should you fall below nanc, y sac ne yzep+ai zener sa o-
the 1-thousand-dollar limit,you would cny+wsanwe.o ecnw sam cuei oxa+eicn
have to pay a service charge of 6 nw+e i-cnuezonnaposoro mwnwmyma, sam
a month, and each of your transacti- npwzeicn e+emecnuno nnaiwis 6 zonna-
ons would be charged separately. pos sa ocny+wsanwe, w xpome ioro,
sam nazo yzei onnauwsais xa+zyx an-
xoscxyx onepauwx oizensno.
V.M.: What is meant by transaction -io wmeeicn s swzy noz " nnaion sa
charge? anxocxyx onepauwx " ?
Clerk: You'll have to pay 25 cents -Bam npwzeicn nnaiwis 25 uenios sa
for each check made out by your spose xa+z-n uex, s-nwcann-n samw wnw sa-
or you, and also 25 cents for each men +enon,a iax+e 25 uenios sa xa+-
cash withdrawal. But you can easily zoe ws'niwe zener c anxoscxoro cue-
avoid paying these charges by mainta- ia.o s- nerxo mo+eie wse+ais oiwx
ining one thousand dollars or more on pacxozos, coxpannn no xpannen mepe
your checking account. ozny i-cnuy zonnapos na samem uexo-
som cueiy.
V.M.: I'd like to know how much in- -Mne xoienocs - ysnais , cxonsxo
terest you pay. npouenios s- nnaiwie.
Clerk: Interest is paid if your ave- -Hpoueni- s-nnauwsaxi,ecnw cpeznwn
rage daily balance is over 2500 dol- ananc npes-maei 2500 zonnapos.cnw
lars.Unless you fall below 2500 dol- na samem cueiy yzei ne mensme 2500
lars, you'll be paid 6 12 inte- zonnapos, sam nonaraxicn 6 12 .
rest. We credit the interest you've M- asiomaiwuecxw nepesozwm samw npo-
earned automatically to your account. ueni- na sam cuei.
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
V.M.: I would like to open a cheking -H xoien - oixp-is uexos-n cuei sne-
account with a deposit of 1500 dol- cenwem zenoswiwsa pasmepom s 1500
lars. Is it okay? zonnapos. Lozwicn?
Clerk: It is perfectly all right. -Bce s nopnzxe. B- mo+eie saxasais ue-
You can order your check books af- xos-e xnw+xw, xax ionsxo sanonnwie
ter having filled out an applica- nanx sansnenwn w ianon na zenoswi.
tion and your deposit ticket.
V.M.(fills out application and de- (Knweni sanonnnei nanx sansnenwn w
posit ticket): Is anything wrong? ianon) - H sce npaswnsno sanonnwn?
Clerk: Everything is correct. Now -a, sce npaswnsno. B- ieneps mo+eie
you can order your check books. saxasais uexos-e xnw+xw.
V.M.: I have a question.What are -. menn x sam eme sonpoc.Kaxos- npez-
the preconditions for getting a sapwiensn-e ycnoswn znn nonyuenwn
credit card? xpezwinon xapiouxw?
Clerk: You must have an income of -B- zon+n- wmeis zoxoz ne menee 15000
15,000 dollars or more. zonnapos (s roz).
V.M.: What proof of income will -Kaxoro poza zoxasaienscisa o zoxoze
you accept? s- npwsnaeie?
Clerk: Either your last pay stub -Hpwnecwie nwo xopemxw nocneznero
or a copy of your tax return. As nonyuennoro samw na paoie uexa, nw-
soon as we have the necessary in- o xonwx samen nanoroson zexnapauww
formation, credit cards will be sa npomn-n roz.Kax ionsxo m- nonyuwm
available to you and your wife. ny+nyx wnopmauwx, m- cmo+em s-cnais
xpezwin-e xapiouxw sam w samen +ene.
V.M.: I appreciate your assis- -Bnarozapx sa nomoms.
Anatoly: I'm going to buy fur- -H cowpaxcs xynwis meens.Mory nw n
niture.Can I buy it on credit? ee npwopeciw s xpezwi.
Tess(Anatoly's American aunt): -Koneuno.B- mo+eie nonyuwis xpezwinyx
Of course,you can. You can get xapiouxy s oznom ws xpynn-x meensn-x
a charge card from one of the maraswnos.Hozonan xapiouxa oecneuw-
large furniture stores. This is saei xpezwi s oznom onpezenennom ma-
a card for credit at one store. raswne. Bonsmwnciso xpynn-x maraswnos
Most large stores have their pacnonaraxi iaxwmw xapiouxamw.
awn charge cards.
A:Where I should apply for this -Kyza n zon+en opaiwiscn znn nonyue-
card? nwn iaxon xapiouxw?
T:Apply directly to the store -pamaniecs sa xapiouxon nenocpezci-
for this card. senno s cooiseicisyxmwn maraswn.
A:What about major credit cards? - xax nacuei omwx xpezwin-x xapio-
T:You can use Visa, Master Card, -B- mo+eie nonssosaiscn "Bwson","Mac-
or American Express. These are iep-xapz" wnw "mepwxen oxcnpecc" ,
cards from a bank or a credit io ecis xapiouxamw, s-zasaem-mw an-
company. xom wnw xpezwinon xomnanwen.
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
A:Where can I use these credit - rze npwnwmaxicn oiw xpezwin-e xap-
cards? iouxw?
T:You can use them at many dif- -Bo mnorwx maraswnax,peciopanax w ro-
ferent stores, restaurants, and ciwnwuax.
A:Where can I get an application -Kyza mne opamaiscn sa omwmw xpezwi-
for major credit cards? n-mw xapiouxamw?
T:There are application forms for -B anxax w s nexoiop-x rociwnwuax
major credit cards at banks and at wmexicn nanxw anxei znn nonyuenwn
some hotels. omwx xpezwin-x xapiouex.
A:Would you tell me about various -accxa+wie mne o pasn-x swzax xpezw-
kinds of credit? ia.
T: There are two kinds of credit: -ymecisyxi eme zsa swza xpezwia: me-
monthly accounts and revolving ac- cnun-e cueia w cueia, onnauwsaem-e s
counts. paccpouxy.
A: What's the difference between -B uem +e pasnwua me+zy nwmw?
T:Monthly accounts must be paid in -Mecnun-e cueia zon+n- -is nonnocisx
full every month.You don't have to onnauen- s mecnun-n cpox. Honssyncs
pay interest in this type of acco- oiwm swzom xpezwia, s- ne zon+n- nna-
unt.In a revolving account,you pay iwis npoueni-.Ho cueiam, onnauwsaem-m
a part of the total bill. You also s paccpouxy, s- s-nnauwsaeie scx cymmy
pay interest on the unpaid balance. no uacinm. o sa neonnauennyx uacis
cueia npwxozwicn snocwis npoueni-.
A:How much is the interest? -xonsxo wmenno npouenios?
T: The interest can be as high as -Hpoueni- zosonsno s-coxwe, snnois zo
20.This means that you are paying 20 npouenios. Oio snauwi, uio nnaiwms
much more than the cost of your ropaszo onsme ciowmociw cooiseicisy-
purchase.Credit cards can be use- xmen noxynxw. Kpezwin-e xapiouxw-sems
ful,but they can also be expensive. nonesnan, no nopon oxoznmancn secsma
A:I think it depends on the card -ymax, uio s-op xpezwia saswcwi oi
holder what kind of credit he pre- camoro snazensua xapiouxw.
T:You are perfectly right. I have -B- cosepmenno npas-.. menn necxonsxo
several credit cards.Since I don't (pasn-x) xpezwin-x xapiouex. o iax
want to pay any interest, I pay my xax n ne xouy nnaiwis npoueni-,n cpa-
bills in full. sy onnauwsax cueia nonnocisx.
A:Are American credit cards accep- -mepwxancxwe xpezwin-e xapiouxw npw-
ted overseas? nwmaxicn w sa pye+om?
T: Not all of them are acceptable -e sce ws nwx npwnwmaxicn. o npw
there.But if you use American Ex- nonssosanww "mepwxen oxcnpecc" y sac
press, you won't have any trouble ne yzei nwxaxwx saipyznenwn nw s ma-
in stores,restaurants, and hotels raswnax, nw s peciopanax, nw s rociw-
the world over. nwuax pasn-x cipan mwpa.
A:Thank you for the information. -nacwo sa wnopmauwx.
T;You are very welcome. -Ho+anyncia.
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
---------------------- ------------------------------------
Yuri Mirov:Hello,I would like -Bzpascisynie.H xoien - nonyuwis
to ask you for some information wnopmauwx o ycnoswnx ccyz- na
about your auto loan policy. npwopeienwe asiomownn.
Bank clerk:Are you our bank's -op-n zens.B- xnweni namero anxa?
Y.M.:Yes,I'm(shows his banking -a(noxas-saei anxoscxyx xapiouxy)
card).How much could I borrow? xonsxo n mory sannis?
Clerk:You can borrow up to 25.000 -Mo+eie sannis snnois zo 25.000
dollars. zonnapos.
Y.M.:I need only 10.000 dollars.Is -Mne ny+no ionsxo 10.000 zonnapos.
there a down payment? Bazaiox ipeyeicn?
Clerk:No down payment is required. -Bazaiox ne ipeyeicn.
Y.M.:What is the interest rate? -xonsxo cociasnnei npoueninan
Clerk:If you keep over 20.000 -cnw na samem anxoscxom cueiy
dollars in our bank,the interest onsme 20.000 zonnapos,npoueni-
rate is 10.9. nan ciasxa-10.9
Y.M.:I don't keep that much on my -. menn cionsxo nei na cueiy.
Clerk:If you go under 20.000 dollars -cnw y sac mensme 20.000 zonnapos
the interest rate for an auto loan npoueninan ciasxa-11.4
is 11.4.
Y.M.:What about the term of an auto - xax nacuei cpoxa ynnai- ccyz-?
Clerk:The bank lends the money for -Banx ozan+wsaei zensrw na nniw-
five years.I guess you are going to neinwn cpox.ymax ,uio s- cow-
buy a new car? paeiecs xynwis nosyx mamwny?
Y.M.:Yes,I am .But why are you asking -a .o nouemy s- mne sazaeie
that question? oioi sonpoc?
Clerk:If a customer applies for a loan - cnw xnweni opamaeicn x nam
for buying a used car,he has to pay znn nonyuenwn ccyz- na npwope-
a higher interest rate -13.Such a ienwe asiomownn,-smero s yno-
loan has to be paid up in 48 months. ipenenww,emy npwxozwicn nnaiwis
onee s-coxwe npoueni--13
Hozonan ccyza zon+na -is s--
nnauena sa 48 mecnues.
Y.M.:I see.As I told you,I need -Honnino.Kax n sam y+e cxasan,
10.000 dollars for buying a new car. mne ny+n- 10.000 zonnapos znn
Could you please tell me what's the npwopeienwe noson mamwn-.Mornw
total I would have to pay up? - s- mne nassais omyx cymmy,
xoiopyx mne nazo yzei s-nnaiwis?
Clerk:Just a moment.If you borrow -zny mwnyiy.cnw s- sanwmaeie
10.000 dollars,your total payment 10.000 zonnapos,io oman cymma,
amounts to 13.753 dollars.Life insu- nozne+aman ynnaie,cociasnnei
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
rance is included. 13.753 zonnapos.ipaxosxa +wsnw
Y.M.:Is life insurance mandatory? -asse cipaxosxa +wsnw onsaiensna?
Clerk:Yes,it is. -a.
Y.M.:And how much would my monthly - cxonsxo mne npwzeicn s-nnauwsais
payment be in case of a 10.000 e+emecnuno npw ccyze 10.000 zonnapos?
dollar loan?
Clerk:229 dollars. -229 zonnapos.
Y.M.:Are my interest rate and -Hpoueninan ciasxa w cymma e+eme-
monthly payment fixed for the cnunoro nnaie+a ociaxicn nocio-
full term of my loan? nnn-mw s ieuenwe scero cpoxa ccyz-?
Clerk:Yes,they are .So you don't -a,sepno.Taxwm opasom s- ne zon-
have to worry about fluctuating +n- sonnosaiscn ws-sa xonenx-
interest rates. mencn npoueninon ciasxw.
Y.M.:One more question.Can I -me ozwn sonpoc.Mory nw n zocpouno
pre-pay my loan at any time s-nnaiwis ccyzy,ne nasnexan na cen
without penalty? mipaa?
Clerk:Absolutely. -Besycnosno.
Y.M.:Thank you very much for -nacwo sa wnopmauwx.Mo+no
this information.Could I have nonyuwis anxeiy znn osnaxomnenwn?
a loan application for getting
familiar with it?
Clerk:Of course(passes an application -Koneuno(nepezaei .M.anxeiy)
to Y.M.).
Y.M.:Thanks. -Bnarozapx.
-------------------------- ----------------------
Attendant:What can I do for you? -em mory cny+wis?
Lev Shkolnik:Fill it up,please. -anonnwie ax,no+anyncia.
A:I guess your car takes unleaded -Ka+eicn,znn samen mamwn- ny+en
gas. enswn es npwmecw cswnua.
L.S.:That's correct. - osepmenno sepno.
(attendant finishes pumping the gas) (aoinwx ensoxononxw saxanuw-
saei nanonnenwe ensoaxa)
L.S.:How much gas did it take? -xonsxo enswna noipeosanocs?
A:Eight gallons. -Bocems rannonos.
L.S.:Would you check the oil,please. -e mornw - s- nposepwis macno.
(Attendant checks the oil) (Hposepnei macno)
A:It's below the full mark. -w+e oimeixw "anonneno".
L.S.:Please fill it up. -Ho+anyncia,noznenie.
L.S.:Will you wash the windshield -e mornw - s- s-m-is seipo-
for me? soe ciexno?
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
A:Okay.Should I check the tires too? -Lazno.wn- nposepwis?
L.S.:Please ,do. -Ho+anyncia.
(Attendant fills the tires with air) (aoinwx naxauwsaei mwn-)
L.S.:How much do I owe you? -xonsxo n sam zon+en?
A:11 dollars even. -osno 11 zonnapos.
L.S.:(pays for service)One more thing. -(Knweni nnaiwi sa ycnyrw)
What's the best way for me to get to eme ozno.Kax nerue nonacis
interstate highway 87? na me+miainoe mocce 87?
A:No problem,sir. -Oio npocio,cop.
(Explains the way to be taken) (ncnnei ,xax ny+no exais)
L.S.:Thank you.Next week I'll come -nacwo.a cnezyxmen nezenw
again for a tune-up.I need a major one. n npwezy cnosa-oiperynwposais
mamwny.ymax ,iam mnoro paoi-.
A:Our mechanic will be more than happy -am mexanwx yzei paz nomous
to help you.If possible, try to make sam.cnw mo+no,nociapaniecs
an appointment with our mechanic. zorosopwiscn c namwm mexanwxom
o scipeue.
L.S.:Of course,I'll try. -Koneuno,n nociapaxcs.
------------------ ----------------------
steering wheel pyns
wheel xoneco
engine zswraiens,moiop
body xopnyc
brake iopmos
front seat nepeznee cwzenwe
back seat saznee cwzenwe
flat tire cnymennan mwna
headlight apa
(windshield)wiper zsopnwx
speed cxopocis
honk ryzox
pump nacoc
bumper yep
shock absorber amopiwsaiop
fender xp-no
muffler rnymwiens
tank ax
trunk ara+nwx
traffic lights cseioop
traffic sign zopo+n-n snax
---------------------- -----------------------
Customer:Good morning. -opoe yipo.
Dealer:Good morning ,sir.May I help -opoe yipo,cop.Mory n sam
you? nomous.
C:I want to buy a new car. -H xouy xynwis nosyx mamwny.
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
D:DO you have anything special in -. sac na npwmeie uio-nwyzs
mind? xonxpeinoe?
C:It shouldn't be either an expensive -Mamwna zon+na -is nezoporan
car or a big one. w ne cnwmxom onsman.
D:I see.What about a Honda?It's -Honnino.Kax nacuei onz-?
a good and rather inexpensive car. Oio xopoman w oinocwiensno
One of these cars is to the right of nezoporan mamwna.zna ws
you. nwx ciowi cnpasa oi sac.
C:How much is it? - xonsxo ona ciowi?
D:6900 dollars. -6900 zonnapos.
C:I've got a large family. There- -. menn onsman cemsn.Hooiomy
fore I'm looking for a mid-sied n wmy mamwny cpeznen senwuwn-.
D:If you are interested in a family -cnw s- sawniepecosan- s mamw-
car,the new Oldsmobile Delta 88 ne znn scen cemsw,nos-n nz-
would be a good buy. cmown ensia 88 yzei xopo-
men noxynxon.
C:May I see it? -Mo+no ssrnnnyis?
D:It's right this way.It's a very -xza,no+anyncia.Oio ouens
popular model.Let's take a look. nonynnpnan mozens.asanie
Here we are.This car will get you nocmoipwm.Boi m- w npwmnw.
an excellent gas mileage.Do you a oion mamwne s- coxono-
like the color? mwie na enswne.Bam npaswicn
C:Yes,dark blue is my favorite color. -a,iemno-cwnwn-mon nxwm-n
What special features does the car have? usei.Kaxwmw oco-mw yzoci-
samw (yxs.uepiamw)onaza-
ei mamwna?
D:It has air conditioning,vinyl seat -B nen ecis xonzwuwonep,
seat covers,and a radio. swnwnos-e noxp-iwn cwzenwn
w pazwo.
C:Is it economical to run? -sza na nen yzei oxonomna?
D:Absolutely.It uses lighter material -a.Kopnyc ee czenan ws
in the body,and it has a new type of nerxoro maiepwana,w s nen
carburetor.Therefor your gas consump- wcnonssosan xapxpaiop
tion will be cut down.Will you take nosoro iwna.Hooiomy noipe-
a test drive to see how the car runs? nenwe enswna yzei cnw+eno.
oiwie nonpoosais nosozwis
ee,uio- nposepwis ,xaxon
y nee xoz?
C:Okay. -opomo.
(They get in,and the customer starts (nw caznicn s mamwny,w no-
driving) xynaiens nauwnaei seciw ee)
Several minutes later. epes necxonsxo mwnyi.
C:I like the car.It's comfortable. -Mne npaswicn oia mamwna.
The steering and the brakes work well. na yzonan.ynesoe ynpas-
What about a trade-in? nenwe w iopmosa xopomo ynx-
uwonwpyxi.Kax nacuei omena
(ciapon mamwn- na nosyx c
D:I can estimate your old car. If you -H mory nozcuwiais ciowmocis
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
wish,I can ask my assistant to drive it samen ciapon mamwn-.cnw
around the block.He could check out s- xoiwie ,n mory nonpocwis
your car.He'll tell me what he thinks moero nomomnwxa nosozwis ee
about a trade-in. soxpyr oioro xsapiana.
n cxa+ei mne ,uio on zymaei
o omene.
C:All right.Thereare the keys.My car -opomo .Boi xnxuw .Moen ma-
is only four years old .I've not been mwne ionsxo uei-pe roza.
in a single accident.I've taken good H ne -n nw s oznon asapww.
care of the car. H xopomo cnezwn sa mamwnon.
D:Well,Let's go back to my office. -Lazno, sepnemcn s mon owc.
C:Let's see what kind of deal I can -Hocmoipwm ,na xaxyx czenxy
expect.My decision depends on the n mory paccuwi-sais.Moe pe-
price and the trade-in.As soon as you menwe saswcwi oi uen- w omena
can give me your ultimate price,I'll Kax ionsxo s- cmo+eie na-
talk it over with my family.I defini- ssais mne oxonuaiensnyx ueny
tely need a new car. n ocy+y oio c moen cemsen.
npezenenno mne ny+na nosan ma
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
Operator:May I help you? -em mory nomous?
Customer:I would like to bill my call to -H xoien - ,uio- mon
a third number.The number is :(212)371-1839. pasrosop -n onnauen
zpyrwm aoneniom.omep
-Who is calling,please? -Kax sac sosyi?
-Alexander is calling.Somebody should be -nexcanzp.Kio-nwyzs iam
at home. zon+en -is zoma.
(Operator is verifying the third number (Teneonwcixa nposepnei,
charge): cornacen nw aoneni nnaiwis
sa pasrosop)
-This is ATT.Alexander is calling from -Oio-TT.nexcanzp ssonwi
Flushing,Queens,to Washington,D.C. ws Inamwnra,Kswnc,s Bamwnr-
Would you pay for this call? ion.B- cornacn- onnaiwis
oioi pasrosop?
-Okay. -opomo.
-Thank you. -nacwo.
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Simon:Hi,Jack.It's nice to see you. -Bzpascisynie,+ex.az sac swzeis.
How are you? Kax no+wsaeie?
Jack:(his American friend).I'm fine. -opomo.az sac swzeis.
I,m glad to see you.
S:Do you have a couple of spare minutes? -. sac nanzeicn necxonsxo csooz-
n-x mwnyi?
J:Of course,I do. -Koneuno.
S:Couldn't you explain to me what these -Mo+eie s- mne oncnwis,uio
"800" telephone numbers mean? snauai nomepa(ieneona),na-
uwnaxmwecn c "800"?
J:That's very simple,Simon.Numerous -Oio ouens npocio,anmon.Mnorwe
telephone numbers -mostly related to nomepa ieneonos-s ocnosnom,
businesses or governmental of fices wsnecos wnw npaswienscisen-
-are "800" numbers.These numbers pro- n-x yupe+zenwn-nauwnaxicn c
vide free customer service. uwp "800".Hossonws no oiwm no-
In many other cases ,companies are mepam,noipewienw moryi nonyuwis
interested in getting new customers. ecnnainoe ocny+wsanwe.Bo mnorwx
If you dial an "800" number,your party zpyrwx cnyuanx xomnanww sawnie-
will pay the bill. pecosan- s npwsneuenww nos-x
xnwenios.cnw s- nawpaeie nomep
"800",io pasrosop yzei onnauen
samwm coeceznwxom(i.e.cooiseicisy
xomnanwen wnw npaswienscisennon
S:I see.I appreciate your explanation, -Honnino.nacwo sa oncnenwe,+ex
Jack.Next time I'll try to make use B cnezyxmwn pas n nociapaxcs soc-
of these toll-free numbers. nonssosaiscn oiwmw nomepamw znn
ecnnain-x neperosopos.
J:Don't forget to dial:1-800-telephone -e sayzsie napais1-800 nepez
number.Good luck. nomepom ny+noro sam ieneona.
enax yzauw.
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
G:Good evening.What can I do for you? -op-n seuep.em mory
H:I've a long list of things I need. -. menn znwnn-n cnwcox
Most items I can find on your shelves semen,xoiop-e mne ny+n-.
without any help.Please tell me only Bonsmyx uacis n mory cam
where I should look for vitamins and naniw na nonxax,es no-
adhesive tapes. cioponnen nomomw.xa+wie
mne,no+anyncia,rze y sac
swiamwn- w nnaci-ps.
G:Aisle3-for vitamins,Aisle2-for adhesive -Bwiamwn- -s ipeisem
tapes.Anything else? pnzy,nnaci-ps -so siopom
pnzy.me uio-nwyzs?
H:Aspirin,a deodorant,shaving cream,and -cnwpwn,zesozopani,xpem
shampoo for my wife. znn pwisn,a iax+e mam-
nyns znn +en-.
G:You'll find aspirin in aisle 1. Aspirin -cnwpwn s- nanzeie s
comes in bottles of fifty,one hundred,and nepsom pnzy.n npozaeicn
two hundred tablets.In aisle 4,you can find s yi-nouxax,cozep+amwx
deodorants,shampoos,and shaving creams. 50,100,200 ianeiox.
As to the shampoo,we have a special on a asn-e copia zesozopan-
new brand. ios,mamnynn w xpema znn
pwisn s- nanzeie s
ueisepiom pnzy.io xaca-
eicn mamnynn,y nac xax
pas pacnpoza+a nosoro
H:Is it for oily hair? -Oio mamnyns znn +wpn-x
G:Yes,it is. -a.
J:That's the right thing for my wife. -Oio xax pas io,uio
Thank you.Now I can find the items I ny+no +ene.nacwo.
need without any difficulties. Teneps n nanzy ny+n-e
mne iosap- es nwmnero
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
--------------------------------- ------------------------------
Secretary:Good morning,can I help you? -opoe yipo.em mory nomous?
Patient:Yes,my name is Anne Pearl. -Menn sosyi nna Hopn.H sanw-
I have an appointment for ten o'clock. cana na 10 uacos.
S:Have a seat ,please.The doctor will -azwiecs,no+anyncia.oxiop sac
see you soon. cxopo npwmei.
P:Thank you. -nacwo.
S:Dr.Smith,this is Ms.Pearl. -oxiop mwi,oio-mwcc Hopn.
Dentist:Hello,Ms.Pearl.Please come -Bzpascisynie,mwcc Hopn.
with me.Sit down. Honzemie.azwiecs,no+anyncia.
(Ms.Pearl sitting down in the dentist's (Mwcc Hopn cazwicn s xpecno
chair) zaniwcia)
What's the problem? io sac ecnoxowi?
P:I have a toothache on the left upper side -. menn onwi sy cnesa
D:How long have you had it? -Kax zonro oioi sy sac
P:For about three days.I have a fillling -Hpwmepno ipw znn.. menn
that is loose.I'm afraid it is about to iam nnoma.na maiaeicn.
drop out. Boxcs,uio ona sosce s-nazei.
D:Let me take a look at it.Open your -asanie ,n ocmoipx sam sy.
mouth wide,please.I'll take an -ray. ixponie,no+anyncia,mwpoxo
poi.H czenax peniren.
P:Good. -opomo.
D:There's a rather deep cavity on the - npason ciopon- y sya
right side of the tooth. zosonsno rnyoxoe zynno.
P:Will you have to pull the tooth? -Hpwzeicn yzanwis sy?
D:No .I hope to save your tooth. -ei ,nazexcs ero cnaciw.
I'll give you an injection of H sam czenax yxon nosoxawna.
P:Okay. -Lazno.
D:Now I can drill the tooth. -Teneps n mory npwciynwis
You don't feel any pain ,do you? x paoie opmamwnon.B- ne
uyscisyeie nwxaxon onw,
ne npasza nw?
P:No,I don't. -ei ,ne uyscisyx.
D:I'd suggest that -besides the usual -H sam npeznarax-nomwmo
filling-we put a crown on your tooth. o-unoro nnomwposanwn
That can save it.I'll put a temporary nociaswis xoponxy na sy.
crown there today.The permanent crown Oio mo+ei cnaciw sy.
will be ready in about 10 days.Then eroznn n nociasnx spe-
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
you'll come back.Is it all right with you? mennyx xoponxy.Hocionnnan
xoponxa yzei roiosa uepes
10 znen.K oiomy spemenw
s- cnosa npwzeie.ornacn-?
P:If you think it's the only way to save
the tooth,then go ahead.I realie a crown -cnw s- cuwiaeie,uio
is rather expensive.But what's to be done? ionsxo iaxwm cnocoom
mo+no cnaciw sy,io zasan
ie.H nonwmax,uio xoponxa
oonzeicn zosonsno zoporo.
o uio nozenaems?
D:Okay.You can eat in two hours.Call my -opomo.Mo+eie ecis uepes
secretary for an appointment next week. zsa uaca.Hossonwie moen
cexpeiapme nacuei sanwcw
na npwem uepes nezenx.
P:Thank you,doctor. -nacwo,zoxiop.
---------------------------------- ---------------------------
Secretary:Good morning.Can I help you? -opoe yipo.em mory cny+wis?
Vladimir Roov:Good morning.My name is -opoe yipo.Menn sosyi osos.
Roov.I have an 11 o'clock appointment. H sanwcan na 11 uacos yipa.
S:Please,take a seat.The doctor will -azwiecs no+anyncia.oxiop sac
see you soon. cxopo npwmei.
V.R.:Thank you. -nacwo.
Doctor:Hello,Mr.Roov.Come in,please. -Bzpascisynie,r-n osos.
Sorry to have kept you waiting. Baxozwie.Hpociwie,uio saciaswn
sac +zais.
V.R.:That's all right.Did you get all -wuero.B- nonyuwnw sce pe-
the test results? synsiai- ananwsos?
D:Yes,I got them last hight.As to the -a,n wx nonyuwn suepa seuepom
tests,everything is okay.Your cardio io xacaeicn ananwsos,io
gram is normal too. sce s nopnzxe.Bama onexipo-
xapzworpamma iax+e s npezenax
V.R.:But what about the -ray?Is anything - uio c penirenom?amnw
wrong? uio-nwyzs?
D:The -ray shows emphysema.That's evidently -eniren noxas-saei omwsemy
the result of your heavy smoking.Your breath Oio ,oueswzno,pesynsiai
shortness and your cough are probably caused ioro,uio s- mnoro xypwie.
by the emphysema. Bama oz-mxa w sam xamens,
nasepno,s-ssan- omwsemon.
V.R.:Is that serious? -Oio onacno?
D:It could become extremely serious. -Oio mo+ei ciais ouens
If you are worried about your health onacno.cnw sac ecnoxowi
cut out your smoking. cocionnwe samero szopossn,
pocanie xypwis.
V.R.:Certainly,I'll try to stop smo- -Koneuno,n nociapaxcs pocwis
king.What else could you advise me xypwis.Kaxwe zpyrwe mep-
to do for improving my health? s- mo+eie mne nocoseiosais
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
znn ynyumenwn moero szopossn
D:You should do daily exercises.Eat -B- zon+n- e+eznesno sanw-
small meals four or five times a day. maiscn wswuecxwmw ynpa+nenw
nmw.msie no-nemnory 4-5 pas
s zens.
V.R.:Do I have to go to the hospital? -Mne npwzeicn neus s onsnw-
D:No.I'll give you a prescription. -ei .H sam s-nwmy peueni.
Take the pills three times a day. Hpwnwmanie nwnxnw 3 pasa
I want you to see me again in s zens.Hpwxozwie cnosa xo
three weeks.Stay well. mne uepes 3 nezenw.Byzsie
V.R.:Thank you ,doctor. -nacwo,zoxiop.
V: How many books may I take out - xonsxo xnwr mne mo+no ssnis c
at one time? coon sa ozwn pas?
L: You can borrow three books at - B- mo+eie pais na zom no ipw
one time. xnwrw cpasy.
V: What about the magaines? - xax na cuei +ypnanos?
L: Some of them are not to be lent. - exoiop-e ws nwx na zom ne s--
You've read them at the library. zaxicn (yxsansno :ne ozan+wsa-
Other magaines can be taken out, xicn). wiais wx cnezyei s no-
but not than two at one time. memenww wnwoiexw. cis +ypnan-,
xoiop-e s-zaxicn na zom,no ne
onsme zsyx cpasy.
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
Lxoe zenosoe nwcsmo s mepwxe cozep+wi uei-pe uaciw. xza sxozni
1. BH o oinpaswiene (i.nas.'letterhead')- nassanwe wpm-
wnw wmn w amwnwn uacinoro nwua,azpec w ieneon. Houiw sce amepwxancxwe
npeznpwniwn w owuwansn-e yupe+zenwn nonssyxicn roios-mw nanxamw
naneuaiann-mw nasepxy "letterhead". acin-m nwuam npwxozwicn neuaiais
oiw csezenwn sanoso na mamwnxe.
Hoz "letterhtad" ciaswicn zaia oinpasnenwn. B nwcsmax uacin-x nwu
oia nepsan uacis nomemaeicn s npason ciopone nwcia. Hpwsezem npwmep:
Joseph Stern
214 West 81st St., 34-A
New York, N.Y. 10024.
Tel.(212) 424-4600
March 6,1989
2. BT.HTLB TB nwcsma (opening) pacnono+ena cnesa - na
necxonsxo wniepsanos nw+e nepson uaciw. B oion siopon uaciw zenosoro
nwcsma yxas-saxicn yupe+zenwe ,wpma wnw uacinoe nwuo, x xoiop-m
nwcsmo opameno. Hpwsezem npwmep:
Mr.Robert Smith
Direktor of Marketing
Furniture Center
234 Main Street
Flushing ,N.Y. 11355
Kax swzno ws npwsezennoro npwmepa ,nepez wmenem w amwnwen azpecaia
ynoipenneicn coxpamenwe Mr. (a iax+e Mrs.,Ms.,Miss).B nepson uaciw
nwcsma ("letterhead") wseranie ynoipenenwn coxpamenwn Mr., Mrs.,Miss
wnw Ms., wo peus wzei o sac, a cen ne npwnnio nas-sais iaxwm opa-
som. cnw s- ne snaeie amwnww azpecaia, pexomenzyeicn nwcais:
Attention (Attn.:Director of Personnel.Bnwmanwe: nauansnwx xazpos).
cnw s samem nwcsme wrypwpyei "Attn...",io oio cnezyei naneuaiais
noz nassanwem wpm- wnw yupe+zenwn. Henecoopasno iax+e nonssosaiscn
opmynon Attention....(Atten...) na xonsepie. Taxwm opasom ,s-
yzeie ysepen- s iom, uio same nwcsmo yzei nepezano nwuy, xoiopomy
ono azpecosano.
K sciynwiensnon uaciw oinocwicn w opamenwe x azpecaiy. nezyei
oiciynwis mwnwym na zsa wniepsana oi nocneznen cipouxw azpecaia no-
nyuaienn nwcsma.cnw s- ne snaeie amwnww azpecaia ,io cnezyei ,nanp.,
nwcais: Dear Sir:(ez. uwcno); Gentlemen:(mn.uwcno).
n-e cnyuaw opamenwn x azpecaiy (ecnw amwnwn wssecina):
Dear Mr.Jones:
Dear Mrs. Miller:
Dear Ms. Siberstein:
Dear Professor Lee:
Dear Dr. Richardson:
Hocne opamenwn cnezyei ciaswis zsoeiouwe (s oinwuwe oi pyccxoro
ns-xa ,rze s oiwx cnyuanx cioni socxnwuaiensn-n snax wnw sannian).
enaiensno , uio- nwcsmo ymemanocs na oznon cipanwue. nezyei
opamais snwmanwe na io,uio- nauano w xoneu nwcsma naxozwnwcs na
ozwnaxosom paccionnww oi sepxnero w nw+nero xpan nwcia(i.n. centering).
Taxwm opasom, opamenwe x azpecaiy cnezyei nomeciwis nw+e, ecnw
iexci nwcsma xopoixwn. cnw sam nazo nwcais nwcsmo,xoiopoe sanmei
onsmyx uacis cipanwu-, io cnezyei nomeciwis opamenwe x azpecaiy
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
cooiseicisenno s-me.
3. BU TKT. Hocne opamenwn x azpecaiy cnezyei ociaswis nepez
ocnosn-m iexciom npome+yiox s zsa wniepsana. niwmansn-n sapwani
zenosoro nwcsma- iexci,cocionmwn ws zsyx osaues. Me+zy asauamw
cnezyei iax+e ociaswis npome+yiox s zsa wniepsana . Texci nwcsma
neuaianie uepes ozwn wniepsan. cnw same nwcsmo ouens xopoixoe
(cocionmee ws necxonsxwx cipox), io nyume ociasnnis me+zy cipou-
xamw zsa wniepsana w pacnonarais iexci nwcsma s uenipe nwcia.
4. BKLTLBH uacis nwcsma (closinng). Konuosxa nwcsma cociowi
ws opmyn--sasepenwn s ysa+enww, cocisennopyunon noznwcw oinpasw-
ienn nwcsma w wmenw w amwnww oinpaswienn,oineuaiann-x na mamwnxe.
1) Yours truly
John King (cocisennopyunan noznwcs)
John King (naneuaiano na mamwnxe)
2) Sincerely yours
Richard White (cocisennopyunan noznwcs)
Richard White (naneuaiano na mamwnxe)
3) Cordially yours
George Smirnov (naneuaiano na mamwnxe)
Vice President ( zon+nocis)
Kax swzno ws ipeisero npwmepa, oinpaswienx,sanwmaxmemy s wpme
wnw yupe+zenww onpezenennyx zon+nocis, cnezyei yxasais ee noz csoen
amwnwen .
pezw pasn-x opmyn-sasepenwn s ysa+enww, nawonee owuwansn-mw
nsnnxicn: yours truly wnw yours very truly. Menee owuwansn-mw
no snonne se+nws-mw nsnnxicn ociansn-e opmyn-: sincerely yours,
cordialy yours.
cnw s- noc-naeie nwcsmo c npwno+enwem, io cnezyei oio yxasais:
nclosure (wnw Encl.).
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
Oioi iwn nwcem npezciasnnei oco-n wniepec, nocxonsxy s amepwxan-
cxon neuaiw e+eznesno nomemaxicn onsnenwn o saxanin-x zon+nocinx
(help wanted)
ipyxiypa nwcsma nonnocisx cooiseicisyei ocnosn-m uei-pem uacinm,
xoiop-e -nw zeiansno paccmoipen- s-me.
Hpw cociasnenww ocnosnoro iexcia nwcsma-sansnenwn na saxaninyx
zon+nocis nazo yxasais zaiy w nassanwe rasei-, rze s- onapy+wnw
cooiseicisyxmee onsnenwe. anee nazo ueixo w ncno yxasais xonxpei-
nyx paoiy, o xoiopon mna peus s onsnenww.
Hpownnxcipwpyem cxasannoe zsymn npwmepamw(c nocnezyxmwm nepesozom
Hwcsmo nwmei nporpammwci ,npouwiasmwn onsnenwe s "Bocion Lno"
Victor Fredman
105-40 66th Rd.,3-D
Forest Hills, N.Y.11375-
February 24,1989
Patel Consultants, Inc.
1525 Morris Avenue
Union, N.J. 07083
Dear Sir:
Your advertisement for a computer programmer in today's Boston Globe
interests me very much because many years of experience have guali-
fied me to work for a company like yours. Please consider me an
You will find additional information about my gualifications in the
enclosed resume. i would appreciate your granting me an interview.
Sincerely yours
Victor Freedman
.sa+aem-n rocnozwn
Bame onsnenwe o saxancww znn nporpammwcia no xomnsxiepam, no-
memennoe s ceroznnmnem nomepe rasei- 'Bocion Lno' ,menn ouens
sawniepecosano. Mnoroneinwn on-i s oion onaciw nossonnei mne cuw-
iais cen xomneienin-m znn paoi- s samen wpme. accmaipwsanie me-
nn,no+anyncia,npeienzeniom na onsnennyx zon+nocis.
ononnwiiensnyx wnopmauwx o moen xsanwwxauww B- nanzeie s npw-
naraemom pesxme. H -n - Bam narozapen sa sosmo+nocis scipeiwis-
cn c Bamw wnw Bamwm npezciaswienem.
Bwxiop Ipwzman
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
Hepenzem x zpyromy cnyuax. aoiy wmei ,cxa+em, yxraniep.
nsnenwe o cooiseicisyxmen saxancww -no nomemeno s raseie "sx-
Uopx ianmc". Hpwsezem anrnons-un-n iexci nwcsma:
Maria Solovyev
2141 Starling Avenue,401
Bronx, N.Y. 10462
March 12,1989
Stephen J.Cobel Co.
470 Eighth Avenue , Suite 302
New York, N.Y. 10018
Dear Sir:
Iam writing you because of your advertisemment in the Sunday,
March 12, issue of New York Times. 10 years of bookkeeping
experience have gualified mme to seek employment at a company
like yours.
I am enclosing my resume that will inform you of my work expirience
as a bookkeeper. I would greatly appreciate your granting e an
interview at your convenience .
Sincerely yours
Maria Solovyov
.sa+aem-n cop
H opamaxcs x Bam s csnsw c Bamwm onsnenwem s socxpecnom s-nycxe
rasei- "sx-Uopx ianmc" oi 12 mapia c.r.
. menn zecniwneinwn yxranepcxwn cia+. Hooiomy n cuwiax cen nozxo-
znmwm xanzwzaiom znn paoi- s Bamen wpme.
Hpeznarax pesxme, xoiopoe npownopmwpyei Bac o moem on-ie paoi- s
xauecise yxraniepa. B-na - Bam ouens narozapna,ecnw - B- counw
sosmo+n-m npwnnis menn s yzonoe znn Bac spemn.
Mapwn onossesa
cnw y Bac mano wnw coscem nei npaxiwuecxoro on-ia, nociapaniecs
nozuepxnyis s nwcsme ycnexw s yuee, axazemwuecxwe narpaz- w i.n.
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
B mepwxe pesxme wrpae orpomnyx pons. ymecisyei xpo ,cne-
uwanwswpyxmwecn na cociasnenww pesxme. opomo cociasnennoe pesx-
me zon+no zasais nonnoe npezciasnenwe o samem ipyzosom on-ie,opa-
sosanww w zpyrwx zenos-x xauecisax, uio- noienuwansn-n paoiozaiens
mor cyzwis o samen xsanwwxauww.i ueixociw w wnopmaiwsnociw pesxme
so mnorom saswcni samw manc- -is npwnni-m na paoiy.
men nepez coon xopomwn opaseu, s- snonne mo+eie cociaswis pesxme
esxme cociowi ws cnezyxmwx uacien:
1. mn,amwnwn ,azpec w ieneon
2. on+nocis,xoiopyx s- xoiwie nonyuwis
3. Tpyzoson on-i (naunwie c nocneznen paoi- w nepeuwcnnnie s opai-
nom nopnzxe).
4. pasosanwe(naunwie nepeuens c yxasanwn nocneznero yuenoro sase-
zenwn,xoiopoe s- oxonuwnw, w s opainom nopnzxe).
5. Lwun-e zann-e
6. exomenzauww
B pnze cnyuaes nonesno npwseciw xpaixoe onwcanwe on-ia w zociw+enwn.
ai- nauana w oxonuanwn paoi- s iom wnw wnom yupe+zenwwwnw roz- yue-
s wnciwiyiax wnw ynwsepcwieiax moryi -is yxasan- nwo cnesa nepez cooi-
seicisyxmwm nassanwem, nwoo nocne nero .
Hpwsezem necxonsxo opasuos pesxme,nonnocisx oiseuaxmwx npeznsnnem-m
Alexander Bermann
376 West 186th Street,Apartment 6-3
New york, N.Y. 10033
Tel.(212) 973-6792
OBJECTIVE A position as a mechanical engieer
SUMMARY 15 years varied experience in mechanical engi-
neering.Designed and developed both autoatic and
spesial machines. Installed machinery and eguip-
ment. Familiar with use of industrial engineerig
technigues and machine shop practices.
1986-1988 Paterson,N.J.
Design Enginneer. Planed and designed both auto-
matic and special machines, instrumental system,
and pneumatics .
Design Engineer at the Automationn Department
Designed various automatic machines.
Installed machinery and eguipment
1969-1974 Kharkov,USSR
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering.
PERSONAL Arrived in the Uited States August 1989.
Permmanent US residet.
Married,two children.
REFERENNCES Furnished uponn reguest
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
mechanical engineer wn+enep-mexanwx
varied experiece pasnoopasn-n on-i
to design npoexiwposais
design xoncipyxuwn
to develop passwsais;szecs:paspaai-sais
to istall ycianasnwsais
eguipment oopyzosanwe
familiar with snaxoom c
machine shop mexanwuecxwn uex
automation department oizen asiomaiwsauww
design engineer wn+enep-xoncipyxiop
various pasn-n
to furnish cna+ais
furnished szecs:npezciasnniscn
upon request no nposse
Semyon segal
64-39 108 Street,Apt.4-D
Forest Hills, N.Y. 11375
Tel.:(718) 459-2330
OBJECTIVE A position as an accountant with emphasis
on financial planning annd genneral accoun-
ting functionns.
SUMMARY Experienced accounnting professionnal who
works well under pressure, has good oral and
written communication skills, knowledge of
computers and administrative abilities.
QUALIFICATIONS Kept all books of account, general ledgers,
and balance sheets at the of fiscal year,
prepared financial statements.
Flushing, N.Y. 1978-1988.
Duties:Prepared accounts payable, accounts
receivable and financial statements, handied
cash and keptchecking receipts, kept all
books of account, general ledgers and balans
Publishing House PROGRESS
Moscow, USSA 1972-1977.
Positionn:Assistant Bookkeeper
Duties:Prepared accouts payable and accounts
Moscou,USSR.Degree: MA in economics.
PERSONAL Arrived in the United states June,1978.
Naturalied US citienn-October5,1985
Married,one child.
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
REFERENCES Mr. James Smith,Senior Accountant.
Innovative Business Services,Inc.
Jamaica Consuiting Services.
New York, N.Y
Mrs. Joyce Reed, Accountant.
Management Consulting Services.
New York,N.Y.
accountant cneuwanwci no cociasnenwx wnanco-
s-x oiueios w sezenwx yxraniepcxwx
bookkeeper yxraniep
with emphasis szecs:co cneuwanwsauwen
books of accout yxranepcxwe xnwrw
general ledger rnasnan xnwra,rpoccyx
accounts payable cueia ,nozne+amwe onnaie cam-m
accouts receivable cueia, nozne+amwe onnaie xnwenom
skills maciepcso, ymenwe
kowledge snanwe,snaxomciso
ability cnoconocis
balace sheet anancos-n ouei
fincal wnancos-n
financial statement wnancos-n ouei
oral ycin-n
written nwcsmenn-n
to work under pressure paoiais noz cipecom
to handle cnpasnniscn
receipt xswianuwn
Irene Neymam
2020 84th Streets,Apartmmennt402
Jackson Heights ,N.Y.11372
Tel. (718) 456-8628
OBJECTIVE Commercial Artist.
SUMMARY Successful freelace artist for eight years
in such areas as sig painting,oil painting,
and design.Possesses considerable abilities
in a number of specialied areas of commer-
cial art. Has a talent to stimulate interest
for a variety of particular products,ideas,
and activities.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Coordinated two different advertisement ideas
around one basic theme on a poster for Park
South Gallery. Designed a menu for Howard
Johnson. Also completed all exterior advertising.
EPERIENCE Freelance Commercial Artist,New York
1981-present City
1975-1981 MOSFILM.Moscow, USSR. Designer.
EDUCATION Surikov A Institute. Moscow, USSR
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .
1970-1975 Degree: M.A.in art and Design.
PERSONAL Arrived in the United States March,1981
Naturalied US citien-September 15,1987
Married, one child. Eyesight-ecellent.
PORTFOLIO Available upon reguest
comercial artist pexnamn-n xyzo+nwx
freelance snemiain-n
design szecs:oopmnenwe
sign s-secxa,nnaxai
to paint nwcais(xapiwny w i. n)
considerable snauwiensn-n
considerable abilities onsmwe cnoconociw
area onacis
variety pasnoopaswe
particular oco-n
advertisent onsnenwe;szecs :pexnama
basic ocnosnon
poster nnaxai
around soxpyr;szecs :nocsnmenn-n
exterior snemnwn,napy+n-n
eyesight spenwe
excellent oinwuno
available zociynn-n;szecs:npezocasnnecn
www.slovar.com.ua - , !", .