Accupressure Eye

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Eye fatigue Nearsightedness (Myopia) Blurred vision Eye pain

Poets throughout the ages have often looked upon the eyes as the "windows of the soul". With a somewhat less romantic view, we can see that the eyes and their surrounding tissues are among the body's most delicate structures. Most of us value our gift of sight above all other senses. The eye is actually a direct extension of the brain. The retinathe light-sensitive structure at the back of the eyecontains millions of rods and cones, which are specialized nerve endings which convert light into electrical impulses. These impulses are then conveyed by the optic nerve to the visual center at the back of the brain, where the individual interprets them as specific images. In Oriental medicine the sense of vision and the eyes are under the control of the liver. If eye sight is failing it is the liver that is also failing in its function. The whole body with all the internal organ functions are represented in the eye. With study one can diagnose many body conditions from observation of the eyes. They represent the physical, mental, and spiritual parts of a person.

Self-Shiatsu With the thumbs, press against the upper inside corners of the eye sockets, below the eyebrow. Then, with the thumb and index finger of one hand, squeeze the base of the nose near the corner of the eyes. First press down, then squeeze and press upward, doing first one way With your four fingers press the upper eye rim and then the lower rim. With the middle finger press the Yintang point, directly in the center of the two eyebrows. Hold for several seconds. With the thumbs press the temples (Taiyang points.) Finally, apply pressure to the eyelids with the thumbs for about 10 seconds.

Shiatsu The points and areas of treatment are much the same for partner shiatsu as for self shiatsu. When working on someone else, press the shoulders and back of the neck. This will increase circulation to the head and eye area. watery eyes This condition is caused by fruits, fruit juice, sugar, and other excessive yin substances. Place a drop or two of pure toasted sesame oil directly in the eyes with an eyedropper, preferably before sleeping. The first few applications can sometimes sting. Continue one to three days, until the eyes improve. Next morning wash with salted twig tea. Before using the sesame oil for this purpose, boil and strain with a sanitized cheesecloth to remove any impurities and let cool to room temperature.

Simple Eye Exercises Twice a day, in almost every school in China and in many factories as well, the Chinese take a break and do four simple eye exercises, which take only ten minutes. The exercises relax the focusing muscles of the eyes and increase blood circulation. When doing exercises, keep your eyes closed. Fingernails should be short and your hands clean. Press lightly and slowly; don't use excessive pressure. Repeat each exercise eight times, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Sit with the elbows resting on a table.

1. Use thumbs to massage inside eyebrow corners; other fingers are slightly curled against forehead.

2. Use the thumb and index finger to massage the nose bridge. Press downward, then upward.

3. Place thumbs on lower jaw and index and middle fingers against both sides of nose near nostrils. Lower the middle fingers and massage with index fingers.

4. With fingers curled under and thumbs on each side of forehead, use the sides of the index fingers to rub outward, following the contours of the eyebrow and bony rim under the eye.

7 Best Acupressure Points for Better Eye Sight Improve Your Vision
November 11, 2013 By Barbara Williams Leave A Comment

Acupressure can treat many diseases, even the ones related to the eyes. It can also treat many eye ailments which sometimes cannot be treated naturally. Acupressure has been successful in treating Myopia (Short-sightedness), Hypermetropia (long sightedness), cataract, glaucoma, presbyopia, astigmatism, amblyopia (lazy eye), diploma, color blindness, night blindness and many other eye problems. By using the acupressure points correctly one can treat these eye disorders.

The main cause for eye muscle tension is neck muscle tension. The immobility of these muscles will cause such kind of conditions in the eyes. Try using these simple acupressure points to clear the eyes and experience, bright and clear eyesight. According to Ancient Chinese beliefs, the eye is closely related to the liver. Some acupressure points in the body are indirectly connected to the eye and accessing them will be of the best benefits. Let us look at some of the most effective acupressure points for healthy eyes.

Surround the Eyes:

To relax the eye muscles, relieve yourself from headaches and remove the stiffness in your neck, back, shoulders and the whole body, use this acupressure point. You will find this point around the socket of the eyes. Place your index and middle finger on your eyebrows. Rotate them on the edges of your bone. Press gently while rotating for 5 minutes. This is a magical massage as it completely soothing and relaxing. Try it regularly to keep your eyes stress free and healthy.

Third Eye:
Place your ring finger in the centre of the T junction of the nose. Your finger should be between your eyebrows and right on the bridge of the nose. You can simply press the point for 7 to 8 minutes or massage it gently. Look straight ahead while you massage this point. This point will help to relax eye strain, head aches and nasal congestion. It completely relaxes the nervous system by improving emotional stress and helps in improving eye sight.

Bridge of the Nose:

This point can be found near the bridge of the nose under the eyebrows and on the outer side of the eye socket. This point is marked A in the picture. Place your thumbs on both the sides of this pressure point and apply slight pressure. This point helps to relieve fatigue, redness and strain of the eyes.

Nostrils Point:
Put your index finger on either side of your nostrils and massage it gently. This point is marked C in the above picture. Your finger should be placed on the edge of your nostrils. You need to press both the sides of your nostrils simultaneously. Repeat this gentle massage for 5 minutes everyday. You will be activating all the points around the eyes with this massage. This point will help to prevent unclear vision, head aches, sinus pain and nasal congestion.

Edge of Eyes:
You will find this pressure point on the inner edge of the eyes, near the bridge of the nose. You need to press these points with your index fingers. You can also use a thumb and index finger to apply more pressure on these points. You need to be very careful not to touch the eye balls. Access this point everyday for 3 to 5 minutes to have a clear vision. It will also help to relax the eye muscles.

Tips of Thumbs:
You need to sit in a relaxed position and hold your right hand with your left. With the help of your left thumb, try to rub the tip of your right thumb. The tips of your thumbs are directly related to neck muscles, which help to nourish the eyes. This is a very effective point to strengthen your eye sight. Try to massage both the thumbs regularly for brighter eyesight.

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Tips of Big Toe:
You need to access the pressure points on your big toes just like the thumbs. Sit in a relaxed position and hold your right leg with your hands. With the help of your thumbs, gently massage the top of your big toes. You can thumb walk your toe thoroughly for a better blood circulation in the body. This will help to heal different kind of eye ailments.

These pressure points can be accessed easily, when ever you have a free hand. Do try these simple techniques to clear your vision and strengthen your eye sight. Other natural methods can be added to your pressure point routine. In case you are wearing glasses, take them off every now and then to set your eyes free. Try to roll your eyes often to improve the mobility. You can go out into the fresh air for a short walk every day. Keep yourself fit and healthy. Try to avoid staring at the computer or television for long periods of time. Wash off dust from your eyes and avoid anything that strains your eyes. Use the acupressure techniques daily to help cure your sight. If practiced in a proper way, you can even get rid of your glasses in a few days. Keep yourself happy all the time.

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