Resume, DR - Deepak, Reader (Oral Surgery)

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Deepak Gupta, BDS, MDS

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon & Implantologist

Present Address: H.No-158, Usha Sadan, Near raj chopla, Modinagar-2 12 1

Executive Member of Delhi-NCR, AOMSI

M!": #$1$$$%%12%1&

Key Skills
All kinds of Minor oral surgeries including Implantology Primary and definitive management of maxillofacial trauma Pathologies involving the jaws and face Assessment and management of Temporoman i!ular "oint isor ers Assessment and management of Dentofacial eformities including #acio$%sthetic Surgeries, Orthognathic Surgeries

PRO !""#O$A% &'A%# #(A)#O$ *.D."., +.D.". ,Oral - +a.illofacial "urgery/ 0"u1harti Dental (ollege. PRO !""#O$A% +!+*!R"2#P" +em1er of 'ttar Pradesh Dental (ouncil ,Reg. $o. A0334456/. %ife mem1er of Association of Oral and +a.illofacial "urgeons of #ndia. %ife mem1er of Academy of Oral #mplantology. %ife mem1er of Delhi0$(R Association of Oral and +a.illofacial "urgeons of #ndia. A(AD!+#( !7P!R#!$(! 8orked as a (onsultant in #.D.".). Dental (ollege and 2ospital, +odinagar since "ep93:. P'*%#(A)#O$"666666 6. !valuation of efficacy of Arthrocentesis with or without sodium hyaluronate in treatment of )+; #nternal Derangement<A prospective study.;ournal of Oral *iology - (raniofacial Research04365 4. Or1ital Reconstruction in facial trauma< Our e.perience.#DA ;ournal of Aligarh04365 =. )reatment of Recurrent )+; dislocation in geriatric Patient 1y Autologous 1lood0A techni>ue revisited. ;ournal of Oral *iology - (raniofacial Research0436=. 5. (omparative evaluation of local anesthesia with adrenaline and without adrenaline on 1lood glucose concentration in patients undergoing tooth e.tractions. ;ournal of +a.illofacial and Oral "urgery04366. ?. Percutaneous Dilatational )racheostomy< An Alternative - "ecure 8ay to Protect Airway in
'(ail: drdg%%)g(

Dr. Deepak Gupta, BDS, MDS

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon & Implantologist

Present Address: H.No-158, Usha Sadan, Near raj chopla, Modinagar-2 12 1

Executive Member of Delhi-NCR, AOMSI

M!": #$1$$$%%12%1&

patients with space infection< A case report. 2eal talk04366 @. 'nusual presentation of caustic ingestion and its surgical treatment< a case report. ;ournal of +a.illofacial and Oral "urgery0 4366. A. 'nusual causes of reduced mouth opening and its suita1le surgical management< Our e.perience0

$ational ;ournal of +a.illofacial "urgery0 4363. :. !.tended spectrum of ma.illofacial surgeons< case report on management of frontal 1one fracture. 2eal talk0 4363. B. (oncrescence< report of rare case. 2eal talk0 4363. 63. Odontogenic keratocyst< an enigma for clinician. #;O+"0433A 66. Amelo1lastic fi1roodontoma< a case report. ;ournal of +a.illofacial - Oral "urgery 0433@. "(#!$)# #( PR!"!$)A)#O$" 6. "urgical treatment of chronic pain in )+; internal derangement< Our e.perience 0AO+"#, 2ydera1ad, 4364. 4. =. +andi1ular )ransport distraction0#D", *areilly, 4364. )ransport Distraction in mandi1ular non0continuity defect< A challenging case 0AO+"#, Delhi, 4366. 5. ?. @. A. :. B. 63. #mplantopho1ia C #DA (onference, %udhiana, 433B. (oronectomy< time to ponder0 AO+"#, %ucknow, 433:. "inus lift0 AO#0 Delhi, 433A. Odontogenic keratocyst< an enigma for clinician0 #(O+"- AO+"#, *angalore, 433A. #ntentional partial odontectomy C AO+"# 0 Dolkata, 433@. Amelo1lastic fi1ro0odontoma0 AO+"# C ;aipur, 433?. AO) mimicking simple gingival swelling0 AO+"#0Delhi0$(R, 433?.
'(ail: drdg%%)g(

Dr. Deepak Gupta, BDS, MDS

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon & Implantologist

Present Address: H.No-158, Usha Sadan, Near raj chopla, Modinagar-2 12 1

Executive Member of Delhi-NCR, AOMSI

M!": #$1$$$%%12%1&

A8ARD" R!(!#E!D Best poster award-IDS, Bareilly2012 8ORD"2OP" A))!$D!D 6. 4. =. 5. ?. @. A. Distraction osteogenesis0 Delhi, 4366. O")P(0 #D"), +odinagar, 4363. Rhinorth0Delhi, 433B. *%" - )"(0#D"), +odinagar, 433B. RO+!0 (hennai, 433:. !sthetics in dentistry C "D(, +eerut, +arch 433:. 2#EF A#D", )raining the )rainer, ".D.(., +eerut, 433A.

:. B. 63. 66. 64. 6=.

)otal implant treatment concept0Delhi, 433A. Periodontal Reconstructive "urgery, ".D.(., +eerut, 433@. %asers C #.D.".)., +odinagar, 433@. (left "urgery, ".D.(., +eerut, 433@. Dental Photography, ".D.(, +eerut, August 433?, #ndigenous dental implants< An overview, Delhi, 433?.

(.D.!. A))!$D!D 6. 4. =. 5. ?. +icrovascular surgery and reconstruction C "D(, +eerut, 436= $ew face of periodontics0#DA, +eerut, 4364. Oro0facial infections0"D(, +eerut, 4363. Detect or treat early0 +eerut, 433B. Art of direct restoration0"D(, +eerut, 433:.
'(ail: drdg%%)g(

Dr. Deepak Gupta, BDS, MDS

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon & Implantologist

Present Address: H.No-158, Usha Sadan, Near raj chopla, Modinagar-2 12 1

Executive Member of Delhi-NCR, AOMSI

M!": #$1$$$%%12%1&

@. A. :. B.

Orthognathic "urgery - (raniofacial #mplants, ".D.(., +eerut, $ovem1er, 433A "alivary Gland Pathologies, ".D.(., +eerut, 433@ Prostho0perio relationship0D; D(, +odinagar, 433@. Dental #mplants, ".D.(., +eerut, 433@

PG (O0G'#D! ,)2!"#"/ 6. (omparison of mandi1ular angle fracture treatment with single miniplate on e.ternal o1li>ue ridge versus single miniplate on lateral surface. 4. =. 5. ?. Ealidation of radiological signs of =rd molar and canal using dentascan. Ridge preservation after dental e.traction< comparison of platelet rich fi1rin matri. with polylactic polyglycolic acid. (omparison 1etween de.medetomidine and midaGolam for conscious sedation in minor oral surgery. (omparison of infraor1ital and su1ciliary approach to treat or1ital trauma.

PG (O0G'#D! ,PAP!RFPO")!R PR!"!$)A)#O$/ #n various national and regional conferences. (O$ !R!$(!" A))!$)!D A 0 #$)!R$A)#O$A% (O$ !R!$(! 6. 4. 4nd #nternational (onference on #mplant 0 Delhi, 433A. 6:th #(O+" C *angalore, 433A.

* C A$$'A% $A)#O$A% (O$ !R!$(!" a/ 6. 4. AO+"# 2HD!RA*AD, 4364 $!8 D!%2#, 4366
'(ail: drdg%%)g(

Dr. Deepak Gupta, BDS, MDS

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon & Implantologist

Present Address: H.No-158, Usha Sadan, Near raj chopla, Modinagar-2 12 1

Executive Member of Delhi-NCR, AOMSI

M!": #$1$$$%%12%1&

=. 5. ?. @. A. 1/ 6. 4. c/ 6.

DO(2#, 433B %'(D$O8, 433: *A$GA%OR!, 433A DO%DO)A, 433@ ;A#P'R, 433? #+P%A$)" ;A#P'R C 4364 $ew Delhi C 433A O)2!R" R!(O$ C #D", *AR!#%%H 0 4364

( 0 ")A)! (O$ !R!$(! a/ AO+"#, D!%2#0$(R ")A)! (O$ !R!$(!" 6. D!%2# C 4365

4. =. 5.

+!!R') C 436= D ; D!$)A% (O%%!G! 0 +OD#$AGAR0433@ $!8 D!%2#0 433?

1/ #DA (O$ !R!$(!" 6. %'D2#A$A

(O$ !R!$(!" ORGA$#I!D *%"FA"i), 436= C #D"), +odinagar. Painless dentistry< A myth or Reality, 4364 C #D"), +odinagar. !volution of (%P protocol - secondary procedures, 4364 0 #D"), +odinagar. *%"F)"(FO"P(, 4363 0 #D"), +odinagar.
'(ail: drdg%%)g(

Dr. Deepak Gupta, BDS, MDS

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon & Implantologist

Present Address: H.No-158, Usha Sadan, Near raj chopla, Modinagar-2 12 1

Executive Member of Delhi-NCR, AOMSI

M!": #$1$$$%%12%1&

)rauma skills course, 433B 0 #D"), +odinagar. (left "urgeries, 433@ C ".D.(., +eerut.

'(ail: drdg%%)g(

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