General Information For Bicycle and Tricycle Repair
General Information For Bicycle and Tricycle Repair
General Information For Bicycle and Tricycle Repair
N C O Code !uration of Cour e Unit i$e %No& of Trainee ' )o*er Norm Space Norm %+or, -op and Cla Room' .o/ )rofile 0/1ective "00 #r (0 3 KW- (a) Class Room: 1 KW (b) Workshop: 2 KW (a) Class room: 30 @1.5 sq. mtr per trainee (b) Workshop: 30 q. mtr ! 10 q. mtr ("arkin# area) Bicycle & Tricycle Mec-anic 1&T-e Trainee -ould /ecome Bicycle & Tricycle Mec-anic *it- follo*in2 employa/ility ,ill i'& Safety a*arene afety ii'&5uality a*arene iii'&Ba ic ,ill of to do a em/ly and maintenanceof Bicycle and Tricycle iv'& S,ill to do minor and ma1or repair *or, in Bicycle and Tricycle(& Self Employment in t-e area of Cycle Repairin2 and Sellin2 Centre Terminal competency Succe ful candidate *ould /e a/le to do 1& Safety i2nal *ord (& Safe practice on *or, 6& 7ir t aid and fire e8tin2ui -er -andlin2 of tool and pecial tool ,it& 4& 9mplementation of 4uality tool on repair "& Ba ic fittin2 *or, a*in23 filin2 uc- a mar,in23 punc-in23 -ac, 2eneral a/out *or, afety3 tool 3 Automotive Repair Bicycle & Tricycle Repair AUR 104
:& A em/ly3 2eneral ervicin2 and repair of Bicycle and Tri cycle ;& )re<ride c-ec, li t =& Maintenance and Trou/le -ootin2 >& +arranty repair 9n tructor 5ualification !e2ree in Automo/ile? Mec-anical En22& +it- one year relevant e8perience
OR !iploma in Mec-anical En2ineerin23 *it- t*o year relevant E8perience in Supervi ory level& OR 9n tructor mu t -ave 9T9 %NTC?NAC' in fitter trade *itT-ree year e8perience in any relevant manufacturin2 ? repair unit !e ira/le 5ualification Craft men 9n tructor Certificate%C9C' in 7itter trade
11& C0URSE C0NTENT@ Contents Underpinning Theoretica !no" edge #$%&hrs' Basics and +a,et 9ntroduction to ervice manual of /icycle and tricycle 9ntroduction on conventional /icycle and 2eared /icycle Safety rule and traffic ym/ol for t*o *-eeler Nomenclature of different part of /icycle and tricycle and t-eir location 9ntroduction to operatin2 in truction of motori$ed tricycle Aayout of po*er flo* from pedal to *-eel Safety precaution 3 u e of protective clot-in2 and elementary fir t aid& Type of fire e8tin2ui -er and t-eir u e Rea on for carryin2 out 2ood -ou e,eepin2 practice 3 need for environmental afety3 afe di po al of replaced part and material Too s and e./ip(ent 7unction and u e of variou tool and e4uipment Care and u e of tool 3 e4uipment and material u ed in Bicycle & Tricycle Repair Selection and correct u e of tool Study of different type of -ard*are Practica Co(petencies #)%& *rs' Basics and sa,et !rive /icycle afely !evelop afety attitude /y u in2 )er onal )rotective E4uipment %))E'3 fir t aid met-od 3 u e of fire e8tin2ui -er Safe di po al of replaced part ? Material Safety i2nal *ord 3 afety ym/ol 3 afety *arnin2 and ridin2 afety in truction /efore u in2 /icycle and tricycle Apply 2ood -ou e,eepin2 practice 3 proper -andlin2 of material and di po al of *a te A/ility to read and interpret clau e of *arranty card
Too s and e./ip(ent 7amiliari$ation *it- t-e conventional and pecial tool 3 -ard*are and fa tener 9dentify tool 3 e4uipment and material u ed in Bicycle & Tricycle repair
and fa tener < cre* 3 /olt 3 nut 3 *a -er 3 tud 3 loc, nut 3 loc, *a -er 3 tem *ed2e cap3 pla tic cap 3 plit and cotter pin 3 *ire connector and clamp & +or,in2 tep on di mantlin2 and a em/lin2 Study of lu/rication c-edule< type of c-ain lu/e and 2rea e
Store?lay material at *or, in afe manner )ractice on cuttin2 *or, u in2 cuttin2 tool )ractice on filin2 u in2 deferent type of file Cleanin2 tool and e4uipment Select proper tool for a particular ta , Care and u e of tool and e4uipment@ teel rule3 mea urin2 tape3 divider 3 punc-e 3 c-i el3 -ammer3 cre* driver 3 Allen ,ey3 vice and clamp 3 panner oc,et 3 plier 3 +renc-e 3 tor4ue *renc-e 3 file3 feeler 2au2e3 -ac, a*3 2rea e 2un3 nip 3 -ydrometer3 *ooden?)la tic mallet3 Multi meter3 Tyre pre ure 2au2e *itacce orie
0hee 1 T-re1 T/2e1 2ra!e Beneral tudy of *-eel <rim 3 -u/3 de i2nation of tyre 3 maintenance of tyre and tu/e& )rocedure of *-eel a em/ly )ro/a/le cau e<effect3 remedyof fault in /ra,e y tem Met-od of ali2nin2 t-e *-eel and /alancin2 )rocedure for puncture repairin2 Met-od of te tin2 air lea,a2e Tyre inflator and it u e Tu/e valve a em/ly and it function Safety precaution in puncture repair Dis(ant ing 1 Asse(2 ing )rocedure to a em/le /icycle and tricycle?Motori ed Tricycle& Brief introduction of /earin2 <-ead et3 *-eel /earin2 3 )edal /earin2 3 /ottom /uc,et /earin2 & Safety precaution durin2 t-e a em/ly of tricycle and /icycle )rocedure of attac- t-e -andle /ar3 0hee 1 T-re1 T/2e1 2ra!e )lacin2 drive *-eel and non drive *-eel on t-e a8le C-ec, pin *-eel 3 rim C-ec,? replace po,e and -u/ /earin2 +-eel ali2nment and /alancin2 Replace?ad1u t /ra,e lever 3 ca/le part C-an2e tyre and tu/e C-ec, tyre inflation3 t-read3 valve Repair puncture in /icycle and tricycle
Dis(ant ing 1 Asse(2 ing !i mantle t-e /icycle and tricycle %Su/ a em/lie < #andle /ar3 teerin2 a em/ly3 drive y tem3 /ra,e y tem3 /ra,e y tem3 /ottom -ell a em/ly' Clean and in pect part C if nece repair?replace defective part A ary3
main frame rear frame po*er train )rocedure of connect t-e t*o end of c-ain?Replacin2 c-ain& )rocedure of /ra,e y tem A em/ly& Type of /ra,e y tem<pad type and /and type Brief introduction of di c /rea, calliper and di c /ra,e rotor
u/ a
Maintenance and tro/2 e shooting Need and importance of maintenance and trou/le -ootin2& 9mportance of po ition of t-e front centre3 rear fender 3 addle3 addle tem and pedal & )ro/a/le cau e<effect D remedy of fault in /ra,e y tem 3 teerin2 y tem 3 *-eel and drive y tem )lacin2 acce orie on t-e cycle & Study pre ride c-ec, li t</efore ridin2 cycle & Maintenance c-edule and procedure for /icycle and tricycle
Maintenance and tro/2 e shooting Trou/le -oot t-e variou pro/lem t-at occur durin2 runnin2 %7re4uent lo of air pre ure3 c-ain lippin23 *-eel *o//lin23 free *-eel3 mal functionin23 pedal cran, lippin23 -andle /ar -a,in23 /ra,e failure3 -ard pedallin23 noi e in runnin2 etc&' Au/ricate t-e lu/rication point a per t-e c-edule C-ec, pin *-eel 3 rim 3 replace?c-ec, po,e and -u/ /earin2 Maintenance of /icycle and tricycle %cleanin23 periodical c-ec, up3 lu/rication and oilin23 air pre ure3 /ra,e3 drive y tem3 tyre3 tu/e3 valve ' Replace? ad1u t /ra,e lever 3 pedal3 /earin23 ca/le part
0or! esti(ation Criteria for preparation of an e timate3 variou type of co t %fi8ed and varia/le co t'3 profit3 calculation of total e timated co t
Replace?c-ec,?Ad1u t drive train < )edal3 Bearin23 Cran, et and free *-eel C-ec, all part and acce orie are till ecure and ti2-t 0or! esti(ation Ai t out t-e material and pare re4uired for t-e 2iven repair *or, E timate co t of material and pare re4uired E timate manpo*er and time re4uired for completin2 t-e *or, E timate la/our co t3 over-ead and co t of utilitie %po*er3 *ater'
Motorised Tric-c e #E ectric Tric-c e' !e cription?+or,in2 principal of *itc-e 3 *irin2 circuit3 connector 3 c-ar2in2 Adapter3 Ca/le Colour code and Si$e& Aayout of po*er flo* from Motor to !rive *-eel & To tudy a/out t-e function of !rive a8le3 Motor and !rive 2ear & +or,in2 of t-rottle operation& To tudy 1ump *ire te tin2& Brief tudy a/out /attery
Motorised Tric-c e #E ectric Tric-c e' 7amiliari$e motori ed tricycle component i&e motor3 c-ar2in2 adapter3 drive y tem& )ractice to a em/le?c-ec, front Tricycle and pre<a em/led rear drive unit %A8le3 Motor and !rive Bear ' C-ec,?9n tall drive c-ain to operate properly& )ractice t-rottle in tallation< 0perate lidin2 operation 3 li2-t function on t-e monitor& )ractice to open /attery compartment and c-ec,?replace /attery& )ractice?!i connect motor unit from t-e drive unit& Repair puncture in /icycle? tricycle C-ec, t-e correctne of fault rectified C-an2e tyre and tu/e )ractice 1ump *ire te tin2&
Gear t-pe Bic-c e 7unction of 2ear type /icycle 3 type of different -iftin2 control <function of lever3 t*i t 2rip 3 tri22er 3 com/ination -ift control 3 pu /utton +or,in2 principal and function of derailleur and internal 2ear -u/ drive train U e of free *-eel proc,et clu ter3 front proc,et or c-ain )urpo e of /icycle u pen ion y tem Brief introduction of u pen ion mec-ani m 7amiliari$ation *it- pecial tool ,it of 2ear type /icycle repair&
Gear t-pe Bic-c e Bicycle<S-iftin2 2ear <C-ec,?Ad1u t 2ear -iftin2 control & Clean3 c-ec,<lever 3 t*i t 2rip 3 Tri22er 3 S-ift control and pu /utton & To c-ec,?replace?ad1u t rear Ca ette or free *-eel proc,et clu ter3 front proc,et or c-ain rin2 and drive c-ain& C-ec,3 ad1u t t-e function of derailleur mec-ani m& C-ec,3 ad1u t an internal 2ear -u/ drive train -iftin2 mec-ani m&
Description o, too s *-eel3 free *-eel /ody 3 rear cup adaptor3 for, tem M 6"
3/antit- proposed ,or a 2atch o, 5& trainees ( no ( no eac6 no 6 no ( no ( no ( no " no ( no " no " no ( no ( no ( no " no ( no ( no " no " no " no ( no ( no 1 no 1 no 1 no 1 no 1 no 1 no
64& 6"& 6:& 6;& 6=& 6>& 40& 41& 4(& 46& 44& 4"& 4:& 4;& 4=& 4>& "0& "1& "(& "6& "4& ""& ":& ";& "=& ">& :0& :1&
All in one panner C-ain ten ioner ratc-et type and cre* type Tor4ue +renc- 1&"nm to 60 nm Steel Rule 60cm #ydrometer #i2- rate di c-ar2e te ter Multi meter Cleanin2 Tray Bicycle repair tool ,it %Bear type' +ater /a in Tyre tu/e puncture repairin2 ,it Slip 1oint multi 2rip plier !rift punc- 1"0 mm Emery card +ire /ru 0ld /icycle for panner practice 0ld tricycle for panner practice +-eel a em/ly 7ree *-eel a em/ly #u/ a em/ly C-ildren cycle Sport cycle #andicapped cycle Bym cycle Bear type Bicycle Motori ed Tricycle Air Compre or *it- all acce orie Air inflatin2 nipple