Ferrous Product

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Products We are the manufacturers of forgings, which may be further classified on the basis of metal used to make them.

The two main kinds of forgings manufactured by us are: Ferrous Forgings Forgings made out of ferrous metal such as Steel and Stainless Steel are referred to as ferrous forgings. more .. Non-Ferrous Forgings When metal other than ferrous metal, for instance, Copper, Aluminium and their alloys are used to make forgings, then the resultant forgings are known as non ferrous forgings. more ..

FERROUS FORGING We are manufacturers and suppliers of steel forging, stainless steel forging in !ndia. The ferrous forging is "ital to practically all the engineering industries. They constitute essential intermediates for automobiles, earth mo"ing e#uipment, industrial machines, construction e#uipment and other industries that are of great significance to the economy. We are offering steel forging and stainless steel forging. $ur product range includes : Cam Shafts, Crank Shafts Connecting %ods Flanges, &ubs 'e"ers, Fasteners (al"e )ody Shafts *lbows, Tee, +lugs +inion, ,ears -okes, Forks, .nuckles Slack Ad/usters, Tooth SEND YOUR QUERY

Ferrous Products Steel : SS, WCB / Plain Carbon, Mn Steel. C I : Grey, SG / Ductile Iron, Ni - Hard

Sample of Steel Casting [Single Chamber] All Grades o Steel includin! Stainless Steel, Plain Carbon Steel, Man!anese Steel and ot"er a##lication s#eci ic steel can be su##lied. $"e su##ly condition can be As Cast / Heat $reated % Mac"ined. $"e co&#lete de'elo#&ent (or) ro& Pattern De'elo#&ent / $reat&ent Ad'ise / *i+tures / Ins#ection Gua!es / ,e#ort !eneration can be "andled at -SP

Sample of Ductile Iron / SG Casting [Caliper Set rac!et " #ousing] Grades li)e Ductile Iron .S#"eroidal Gra#"ite/, Grey Iron, NiHard can be su##lied in As Cast / Mac"ined / Sur ace Coated Condition. *or a##lication sensiti'e co&#onents, C"e&ical / Mec"anical / Di&ensional / Custo&er s#eci ic ,e#orts (ill be &ade a'ailable (it" eac" su##ly. $e%uest a %uote &on Ferrous Products Non *errous Products

Sample of 'luminium Pressure Die Casting All Non errous Grades li)e Alu&iniu&, Bron0e / Gun Metal, 1inc can be &ade. S#ecial #olis"in! to re&o'e burrs and a##lication s#eci ic Sur ace treat&ent can be #ro'ided.

$e%uest a %uote (ther $anges S"eet Metal, Plastic, and ,ubber

Sheet )etal* Plastic* and $ubber All 2n!ineerin! co&#onents can be de'elo#ed. Bendin! / Blan)in! / Piercin! / Dee# Dra(in! o S"eet Metal co&#onents. In3ection Moldin! or Plastic co&#onents. ,ubber by Heat Moldin!. $"e rele'ant $ools and Dies can be de'elo#ed at -SP based on t"e custo&er re4uire&ent.

Process Castin! .Sand / PDC / GDC / Centri u!al/ Mac"inin! .Precision / Con'entional/ $reat&ent .Coatin! / Heat $reat&ent / Anodi0in!/ *abrication .S"eet Metal/ Co&#lete Asse&blin!

Sample of Proof )achined Centrifugal Casting -SP s#eciali0es in castin! #rocess. Be it t"e ty#e o castin! li)e Sand, GDC, PDC, Centri u!al or be it t"e Grade o castin! li)e *errous or Non *errous, -SP can su##ly t"e co&#lete ran!e. S#ecial Moldin! #rocess s"ell &oldin! or intricate desi!ns can also be acco&&odated. -SP can also educate t"e end user about t"e suitability o t"e ty#e and !rade o castin! based on t"e a##lication.

Sample of completel+ assembled ,- Class .// (utside Scre0 1o!e 2+pe SS.34 Internals Gate 5al6e We can su##ly co&#onents incor#oratin! 'arious #re - inis" and #ost inis" #rocesses. Asse&blies alon! (it" t"e *unctional re#ort li)e Pressure $est certi icate or 5al'es can be su##lied. S#ecial $reat&ent li)e Case Hardenin!, Nitridin!, Hard Anodi0in!, etc can be ta)en u#. Mac"inin! #rocesses &a)in! use o 5MC, HMC, Gear cuttin!, etc can be conducted.

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