HUD Exhibits 1-4
HUD Exhibits 1-4
HUD Exhibits 1-4
Mcbride, Mary E
Miodek, Katrina
Thursday, January 31, 2013 9:55 AM
Basgal, Ophelia B; Brezina, Mark J; Fields, Barbara G; Garcia, Rick M; Jennings Jr, Edward
L; Mcbride, Mary E; Orriols, Mirza; Porter, Theresa; Riley, Antonio R; Vincent, Jane
Hoban-Moore, Patricia A; Fleischer, laura A; Garrigan, Virginia L; Gray, Shelia M; Hernandez,
Denise Z; Rodriguez, Margarita; Schooley, Diane; Urbina, Angelique M; Willlams, Tanetta;
Wooten, Donald E
FW: ACA Outreach Strategy
ACA Outreach - Senior Team Presentation 1-29-13. pdf
Thanks for letting me know if you can join today's Spm call. Here is background information on the Affordable Care Act
Thank you,
Katrina Miodek
Special Assistant to the Director
Office of Field Policy & Management
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
[email protected]
From: Motherslll, Shaneke T On Behalf Of Kollurl, Lopa P
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 9:55 AM
To: Jenkins, Nate; Blatchford, Laurel A; Bryon, Jemine A; Newton Cole, Karen A; Galante, carol J; Harwltz, Jonathan M;
Henriquez, Sandra B; Hoban-Moore, Patricia A; Kanevsky, Helen R; Poticha, Shelley R; Richman, Estelle B; Tombar ill,
Frederick; Tozer, Theodore W; Trasvlna, John D; Wiiiiams, Jeny E; Sldarl, David P; Youngberg, Francey L; Kollurl, Lopa P;
Hernandez, Deborah A; Barker, Larkin E; Kinney, Mary K; Shuback, Susan J; Danzig, Lisa E; Poethig, Erika C; Basgal,
Ophelia B; Jennings Jr, Edward L; Mcbride, Mary E; Riley, Antonio R; Vincent, Jane; Garcia, Rick M; Jones, Maurice A;
Fields, Barbara G; Johnston, Mark; Orrlols, Mirza; Brezina, Mark J; Anderson, Michael A; Elliott, Barbara A; Berman,
Michael D; Mincberg, Elliot M; SarkozyBanoczy, Stewart G; Argllagos, Ana Marie; Richardson, Todd M
Cc: Kefalas, Ioanna T; Kovar, Peter; Cherry {Ctr), Greta M; Smith (Ctr), carllse G.; Cue, Christina M; Bruns, Melissa S;
Thrower, Laura A; carter, Stevens J; Rodriguez, Alda N; Snipes, Amy E; Wint, candace R; Leavy-Sperounis, Marianna B
Subject: ACA Outreach Strategy
Dear Folks,
I wanted to follow up on our Senior Team discussion on ways in which HUD can support the White House/HHS push for
education around enrollment of uninsured individuals in health insurance exchanges and expanded Medicaid programs.
The Secretary is committed to engaging as intensively as we can on this initiative. Members of your staff have worked
with our office over the last couple of weeks to generate a llst of possible areas in which HUD can engage -- Please
review the attached PowerPoint and let me know by noon tomorrow any comments questions that you have about the
proposed areas of engagement (Carol, we noted your suggestion about activating an OFA or Americorps-like volunteer
base around enrollment, as well as lessons from EITC Sites, and will relay that to the WH.}
Thanks much,
Lo pa
Affordable Care Act Rollout
Outreach, Education and Enrollment
The Affordable Care Act
On March 23rd, 2010, President Obama signed the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. Key Provisions
- Individual Mandate
- State-level Health Insurance Exchanges
On June 28, 2012, the Supreme Court upheld the Act, but
allowed states to opt out of a provision requiring the
expansion of Medicaid to serve individuals under 65 with
income below 133 percent of the federal poverty level.
- In states that do expand their Medicaid programs, it will represent the
first time in which low-income adults without children will be
guaranteed coverage without the need for a waiver.
Potential Impact for
HUD Programs and Residents
Insurance enrollment status of HUD residents is not known
The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) reports that
HUD has the potential to save $100 million in rental subsidy
costs when elderly and disabled HUD residents enroll in
insurance programs like the Medicare Savings Program (MSP)
- MSP reduces out-of-pocket costs for Medicare insurance premiums,
deductibles, and copayments.
CBPP reports that approximately 700,000 assisted households
claimed $1.4 billion in such expenses in 2010
- This increased HUD rental subsidy costs by more than $400 million
that year.
Geographic and
Demographic Targeting
Top 10 states:
- Texas, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Georgia, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio & Michigan
Top 8 cities:
- Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, Miami, Chicago, Atlanta,
Phoenix/Tucson MSA, Philadelphia & Washington, DC
Priority demographic is "young and healthy"
- "Sick and worried" will require less intensive outreach
- "Passive and unengaged" will be more difficult to reach
ACA Rollout Phases
Phase 1: Outreach and Education (January-June)
- Agencies conduct outreach to uninsured individuals,
specifically the "young and healthy"
- Provide high level me.ssaging/education on health
insurance literacy and the value of insurance
Use of social media, online communication, cell phones
- On January 16th, CMS re-launched its site as
consumer-facing site
Will help individuals learn about insurance and begin to
understand their options.
ACA Rollout Phases
Phase 2: Training of Application Assisters (starts in
- will re-launch as the place for enrollment
- Navigators (30-40 hour training) and ~ e r t i f i e Application
Assisters (4-5 hour training) will train to be able to enroll
- Call Center will launch for people to get more info (24
hours/day; 150 languages)
- Outreach and education continues
Phase 3: Enrollment {starting October 1st)
Low to Medium Level of Engagement
1. Include messaging in Senior Team talking points
2. Social media amplification via Twitter and Facebook and biogs
3. Provide information and encourage participation in training
(as appropriate) via listservs:
Continuums of care
- Public housing directors
- Multifamily service coordinators
- Neighborhood networks coordinators
- Multifamily housing owners and management agents
Housing counselors
- Public engagement specialized stakeholders
4. Post information on program websites
- Neighborhood Networks
- Public Housing portal and Resident Newsletter
- Homelessness Resource Exchange
Medium Level of Engagement
5. Encourage industry groups and other stakeholders to contact
inform their members; offer to provide information at
conferences/public events:
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLAPHA)
- Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA)
- U.S. lnteragency Council on Homelessness (USICH)
Community Solutions/lOOK Homes Campaign
- National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA)
- American Association of Service Coordinators (AASC)
- New England Resident Service Coordinators (NERSC)
- Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF)
- Housing Partnership Network (HPN}
- Neighborworks (NW)
- National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA)
- National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH)
Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH}
High Level of Engagement
6. Encourage staff who work with residents to participate in
Certified Application Assistance training so that they can provide
in-person enrollment assistance starting October 1st:
- Public Housing FSS and ROSS Coordinators
- Voucher program FSS Coordinators
- Multifamily Service Coordinators
- Neighborhood Network Coordinators (MFH)
- Homeless service providers (CoC- and ESG-funded)
- Participants of With Every Heartbeat is Life (WEHL-PIH} program
7. Incorporate outreach and possibly enrollment into ongoing
activities with residents:
- Public housing resident income certification
- Section 811 program activities
- Continuum of Care centralized or coordinated assessment system
- Point-in-Time Counts
- Annual eligibility certification process for multifamily housing residents
- Father's Day activities (June 1gth)
- With Every Heartbeat is Life (WEHL-PIH) health programming
Comments? .
Report of
U.S. l>cpnrtmcnt or Housi nJ.:
anti Urhun Development
Office uf Inspector General
Office oflmt'.\tl;:aticm
201311QOO Special Investigations Division, Washington, DC
Deputy Secretary
U.S. Depart ment of and Urban Development (H UD)
ct al.
;\:ar rnlhr:
The Orrice of Inspector General. IJ.S. Dcpuruncnt of' !lousing and Urban Dcvdopmcm (HUO-O! Ci).
initi ated an investi gation of potential anti-lobbying violations committed by A. JONES.
Sccrclilry (DS). I IUD. on July 31. 2013, an e-rnoil communication was sent on behalf or
OS JO:--.! E to more than 1.000 recipients. including -+6 II UO employees. This c-muil wa.s asking the
recipients to contact specific U.S. senators and encourage the senators to\ ote in fiwor of procedural
motions to advance 'cnatc consideration of S. 12-+3. I IUD. and Rcluted Agencies
Appropriations (THUD) (F.xhibit A}. On August 5. 2013, a tallow-up e-mail. "Thank You for Your
Support." was also di sscminntcd to more than 1.000 recipients. incl uding 46 I II JJ) employees. on held f
or OS JO ES (Exhibit B).
This investigation began pursuant to a request from Representative Patrick Mel knry. Chainmm.
Subcommiuce on and Investigations. U.S. 11ousc of Rcprcscntmives Committee on Finnncinl
Services (Committee). dated August 28. 2013 (Exhibit C). The request questioned the di ssemination of
the e-mai l sent on July 3 I. 2013. on of DS JONES. The Comrnillec suggcstcd that the directncss
and specificity of the e-mail communication appeared to violate ,,cll -cstablishcd Fcdcn:tl restrictions on
lobbying by federal agencies and. based on the apparcm violations of Federal 13\\'. requested that lll'D-
OJG thoroughly investigate the mancr and ndvisc the Commincc on whcthcr 11\ ll)' s actions' iolalcd
any Federal law.
/ ) t (_ \pfllll\'1'1111): I) lltiH':
( { /. / "t/ - I --.v i. L J'
0 . . 'cssoms Nicholas Padi lla, .Jr. "-
Spcciul Agent in ChurJ!C Deputy Inspector General Fchruary IR,
Spcciallnvc tigations Division fo r Investigations
Office of Investigat ions
hh. rtllnn h lhf' prUJtC.r1) uf lht nmr .. of It nrilhrr n'('Of11mrndation' nor ronC'Iu,ion" of tht Offitr or '"'IK'Cior (.rncn.l. h il'- contruh
no I br rrrrodurrtl .. iahout """'" trrmhlun. I hr .... ,,.,n h FOR 01 rtC'I ,\1. llll: O'I.Y nd it\ di>doUn' IO h ruohibltnl. l' uhlk u.toilil> l o
1lrtrrmlnl undrr !>I .S.C'.
Provlous Editions Obsoloto
OIGM 3000 Appendix 14a
Case Number: 20 13HQOOri44I
On August 28 20 13, the Committee also referred the matter to the U.S. Government Accountability
Office (GAO) (Exhibit D) and specifically requested that GAO determine whether the e-mail
communication violated Federal appropriations law. Therefore, our conclusions with respect to HUD's
compliance with Federal appropriations laws are preliminary, pending GAO's review and
Deputy Secretary (OS), EX-030 1-02 -Presidential Appointment with Senate conflnnation (PAS)
Office of the Deputy Secretary
Washington, DC
Office of the Chief Human Capital Office (OCHCO)
Executive Schedul ing and Operations Division
Washington, DC
Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary (GDAS), GS-030 1-15
Congressional and Lntergovernmenta1 Relations (CIR)
Washington, DC
Associate General Counsel, ES-0905-00
Office of the Deputy General Counsel (ODGC)
Ethics, Appeals, and Personnel Law Division (EAPLD)
Washington, DC
Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Intergovernmental Relations, GS-030 1-15
Office of the Assistant Secretary for CIR
Washington, DC
Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Public Engagement, GS-030 1- 15
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
Washington, DC
This report Is u,., 1>ro1>crt y or t ht Office or Investigation. II contains neither r ecommendations nor conclusions or the Office or Inspector Gcncrol. It ond Its contents may
not be re1>roduccd without written permission. The rqwrt is FOit OFFICIAL USE Oi'iLY and its disclosure to p<rson.< Is prohibited. l' uhllc vallahlllty to
he determined under S U.S.C. 552.
Previous Editions Obsolete
OJGM 3000 Appendix 14a
Deputy Chief of Staff for Budget and Policy, GS-0301-15
Office of the Secretary
Washington, DC
Criminal-Civll Violations:
18 U.S.C. (United States Code) 1913- Anti-Lobbying Act
Case Number: 2013HQOOI7441
31 U.S.C. 1341- Anti-Deficiency Act (specifically, Section 716 of Public Law 112-74-
Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of2012)
18 U.S.C. 1505- Obstruction of Proceedings Before Departments, Agencies, and Committees
18 U.S.C. 1001- False Statements
Administrative Violations:
Internal HUD policy - Restrictions on Lobbying by Fedeml Employees
HUD Handbook 0752.02, REV-3, Appendix 1, HUD Offenses and Penalties- Delibemte
misrepresentation, falsification, exaggeration, concealment or withholding of material fact
HUD Handbook 0752.02, REV-3, Appendix 1, HUD Offenses and Penalties- Standards of conduct
violations not listed elsewhere in the Table of Penalties
HUD Handbook 0752.02, REV-3, Appendix 1, HUD Offenses and Penalties- Committing a
personnel practice prohibited by 5 U.S.C. 2302 by administrative, managerial, or personnel officials
The investigation disclosed that- and DS JONES, as
well as SZUBROWSKI, YOUNGBERG, appear to have violated
anti-lobbying riders contained in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012, and in the Consolidated
and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013. The riders included language that restricted the use
of appropriated funds for publicity or propaganda purposes directed at legislation pending before
Congress. As an appropriations measure, these provisions are subject to interpretation and enforcement
by the Comptroller General of GAO. The Comptroller Geneml has interpreted these restrictions to
apply to appeals to members of the public, urging them to contact their representatives to vote in a
particular manner. This matter has been referred to GAO for further review.
Tbls report Is tile property of the Office of lnvestlgatloa. It coatalns neither recommeud8tloas nor couclusloas of the Office of Inspector Ge11eraL It and Its coateats may
not be reproduced without wrlttea permlssloa. The report Is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and Its disclosure to uaaatborlad persons Is prohibited. PubUc avaU.billty to
be determlaed under 5 U.S.C. 552.
Previous Editions Obsolete
OIGM 3000 Appendix 14a
Case Number: 20 13HQOOI744I
-and DS JONES violated HUD's internal policy, Restrictions on Lobbying by Federal
Employees (Exhibit E), by sending an e-mail, asking recipients to contact senators on pending
legislation. SZUBROWSKI, YOUNGBERG, HARWITZ and MINCBERG violated HUD's internal
policy, Restrictions on Lobbying by Federal Employees, by preparing for distribution an e-mail asking
recipients to contact senators on pending legislation.
- sand DS JONES' nctions did not appear to violate the Anti-Lobbying Act provis ions rclnting
to grass roots lobbying activities, nor did the actions of SZUBROWSKI, YOUNGBERG, HARWITZ
or MINCBERG. While the e-mai l was a grass roots lobbying communication. the Anti-Lobbying Act's
prohibition relates to substantive" grass roots lobbying activity. The U.S. Department of Justice
(DOJ) has opined that to be substantive" the activity must cost in excess ol' $50,000. Although HUD-
OIG did not calculate the cost, it appears to fall short of the $50,000 threshold.
DS JONES to have committed a Prohibited Personnel Practice (PPP) by directing and
authorizing- to dispatch the July 3 1, 2013, and August 5, 2013, e-mail communications on his
behalf that also went to 46 HUD employees. This appears to violate 5 U.S.C. 2302(b)(3), which
prohibits an official from coercing any person's political activities. This matter has been referred to the
Office of Special Counsel (OSC).
The investigation also cletenninecl that MINCBERG committed violations of HUD' s adminjstrative
polic/ when he advised HUD personnel (coworkers and subordinates), who were involved in
compiling the e-mail recipient list, preparing the e-mail, and disseminating the e-mail to- and
DS JONES, that he had coordinated with HUD's Office of General Counsel (OGC) and that HUD-
OGC did not raise objections or have a problem with the dissemination of the e-mail as long as thee-
mail ''came from" the DS, a PAS official, and not pursuant to "instructions from" the DS.
MrNCBERG also took steps to interfere with the HUD-OlG investigation by interrupting and inserting
himself into an ongoing witness interview, threatening to terminate the interview and not allow the
witness to provide documentation as requested by investigators. MINCBERG also attempted to
obstruct HUD-OIG's investigation when he contacted HUD-OGC employees, before their interviews
by investigators, to discuss anti-lobbying and their recollection of events.
MINCBERG also threatened the investigating agents that he (MINCBERG) would ensure that the
agents were charged as a result of their inappropriate actions. MINCBERG did not identify those
actions to investigators.
MINCBERG was less than forthcoming in regard to his involvement in the preparation and
dissemination of the July 31 e-mail communication, his knowledge of the Anti-Lobbying Act and his
l HUD Handbook 0752.02 REV-3, Appendix I, HUD Table of Offenses and Penalties, section 13
(Deliberate misrepresentation, falsification, exaggeration, concealment or withholding of material fact)
and section 34 (Standards of conduct violations not listed elsewhere in the Table ofOffenses and
This repon b the pro1>en) of the Office or ln\ estigation. It contains n.-lthtr r ecornmtndations nor roncluslon.'l or the om co or IIUf>t<tor Central. It anti Its cont<nls "'")'
not be reproduced "ithout written permission. The rtpon is FOR OFFI CIAl. USE ONLY and Its disclosure to unauthorlud is p rohlblt<'tl. Public 'ilblllty to
l>c determined under 5 U.S.C. 552.
Previous Editions Obsolete HUD-1408(1295)
OIGM 3000 Appendix 14a
Case Number: 2013HQ0017441
knowledge ofHUD's internal policy governing the restrictions on lobbying by Fedeml employees.
Finally, the investigation disclosed that CONSTANTINE violated HUD's administmtive policy
failing to clarify the specifics of the action discussed between him and MINCBERG before the dispatch
of the e-mail communication and withheld information pertinent to the investigation when questioned
during multiple interviews with HUD-OIG investigators.
During the course of our investigation, we conducted 20 interviews and reviewed both current and
historical HUD policies on anti-lobbying. We also obtained and reviewed relevant documents
maintained by HUD, including e-mail communications.
The facts of this investigation were reviewed with DOJ's Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division.
On November 25, 2013, DOJ declined to open a criminal investigation into this matter. DOJ deferred
to HUD-OIG to refer the matter to HUD for any administmtive action it deemed appropriate.
Additionally, we have forwarded our report of investigation to GAO for its determination with respect
to potential appropriations law violations. We also forwarded the report of investigation to the Office
of Special Counsel for its determination with respect to potential violations of Prohibited Personnel
(Note: For the convenience of the reader, at the end of the report, we have provided a
list identifying the names and titles of all individuals referenced in the report, an index
of all exhibits (Exhibit), a list of all memoranda of interview (MOl) and activity (MOA),
and a list of acronyms.)
HUD's Policy on Restrictions on Lobbying by Federal Employees
At the time the July 31 and August 5, 2013, e-mails were dmfted and sent, HUD's policy with regard to
Restrictions on Lobbying by Fedeml Employees, dated July 6, 2011, prohibited any HUD employee
(including PAS officials) from encouraging anyone to contact Congress in support of or in opposition
to pending legislation.
This policy, approved by HUD's Geneml Counsel and published on HUD-OGC's internal Web page,
HUD Handbook 0752.02, REV-3, Appendix I, HUD Table of Offenses and Penalties, section 13
(Delibemte misrepresentation, falsification, exaggemtion, concealment or withholding of material fact)
and section 34 (Standards of conduct violations not listed elsewhere in the Table of Offenses and
Tills npon Is the propeny or the Ofllct or lansllilltlon. It contalaslltltber rteollllMDdatloas nor conclasloas or the Oftkt or lupector Ge11enl It nd Its coateats IIIII)'
Dot be nproduttd without written permission. Tilt npon Is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a ad Its disclosure to uaaulhorlzed persoas Is prohlblltd. Public avallabiUty to
be dtttrmhsed under 5 U.S.C. 551.
Previous EdiUons Obsolete HUD-1408(1295)
OIGM 3000 Appendix 14a
List of HUD Personnel on Emails in HUD FOIA Production to Cause of Action (Nov. 21, 213)
Office of the Secretary
Laurel A Blatchford: Chief of Staff
Nate J enkins: White House Liaison
Lopa P Kolluri: Deputy Chief of Staff Operations and Strategy
Frederick Tombar: Senior Advisor for Disaster Recovery
Michael D Berman: Senior Advisor for Housing Finance
Ioanna T Kefalas: Executive Assistant to the Secretary
Greta M Cherry: Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff
Katrina Miodek: Staff Assistant to the Chief of Staff
Marianna B Leavy-Sperounis: Special Assistant
Office of General Counsel
Helen R Kanovsky: General Counsel
Amy E Snipes: Assistant to the General Counsel
Key HUD Staff
Maurice A J ones: then-Deputy Secretary
Carol J Galante: Assistant Secretary for Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner
J ohn D Trasvlna: Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Sandra B Henriquez: Assistant Secretary for Office of Public and Indian Housing
Erika C Poethig: then-Acting Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research
Peter Kovar: Assistant Secretary Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations
Todd M Richardson: Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Policy Development
Deborah A Hernandez: General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing
Elliot Mincberg: General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergov. Relations
Francey L Youngberg: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs
Mark J ohnston: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs
Ana Marie Argilagos: Deputy Assistant Secretary for International and Philanthropic Affair
Theodore W Tozer: President, Ginnie Mae
Mary K Kinney: Executive Vice President Government National Mortgage Association
Michael A Anderson: Chief Human Capital Officer
Barbara A Elliott: Acting CIO
J emine A Bryon: Chief Procurement Officer
Estelle B Richman: Chief Operating Officer
Regional Administrators
Barbara G Fields: Regional Administrator, Region 1
J ane Vincent: Regional Administrator, Region 3
Edward L J ennings J r: Regional Administrator, Region 4
Antonio R Riley: Regional Administrator, Region 5
Rick M Garcia: Regional Administrator, Region 8
Ophelia B Basgal: Regional Administrator, Region 9
Mary E McBride: Regional Administrator, Region 10
Mirza Orriols: Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 2
Mark J Brezina: Deputy Regional Administrator. Region 6
Regional Office Staff
Tanetta Williams: Management Analyst, Region 1
Angelique M Urbina: Secretary, Region 2
Laura A Fleischer: Secretary to the Regional Administrator, Region 3
Donald E Wooten: Administrative Assistant, Region 4
Shelia M Gray: Management Analyst, Fort Worth Regional Office, Region 6
Denise Z Hernandez: Secretary, Denver Regional Office, Region 8
Virginia L Garrigan: Administrative Assistant, Region 9
Diane Schooley: Confidential Secretary, Greater Seattle Area
Theresa Porter: Community Planning and Development (CPD) Director, Region 7
Other Headquarters Staff
Patricia A Hoban-Moore: Director of the Office of Field Policy and Management
Shelley R Poticha: Director for Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities
Lisa E Danzig: Director of Strategic Planning & Management
Larkin E Barker: Director of Internal Communications
Larkin E Barker: Director of Internal Communications
Christina M Cue: Director of Scheduling
Melissa S Bruns: Director of Scheduling & Advance
Candace R Wint: Director of Advance
Karen A Newton Cole: Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
J onathan M Harwitz: Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Programs
Susan J Shuback: Deputy CIO for Customer Relationships and Performance Management
Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy: Senior Advisor, Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation
Laura A Thrower: Special Assistant, Assistant Sec. for Housing, Federal Housing Commissioner
Stevens J Carter: Administrative Assistant, Assistant Sec. for Cong. and Intergov. Relations
Margarita Rodriguez
Shaneke T Mothersill
J eny E Williams
David P Sldarl
Carlisle G Smith
Alda N Rodriguez