287aamanagement Inforamtion Systems Assignment
287aamanagement Inforamtion Systems Assignment
287aamanagement Inforamtion Systems Assignment
1. Differentiate between the following: a. Intranet vs. Extranet. b. Data vs. Information. c. Cohesion vs. Coupling d. Verification and Validation. e. Efficienc and effectiveness. !. "hat different t pes of feasibilit are considered in a feasibilit stud # $. "h use Information % stems# &. Discuss securit challenges faced b 'I% manager. (. "hat is an )Information* and list characteristics of +ualit information# ,. -ow I. help business to gain a competitive advantage# Explain with example. /. "hat is re+uirement structuring# 0. "hat is an effectiveness and efficienc criterion with reference to information s stem# 1. Explain the process to assess the maturit of an I% development. 12. -ow will the Internet3 Intranet3 and extranets affect the global I. business drivers# Explain with example. 11. Explain impact of globali4ation on business and its benefits. 1!. Discuss the constraints that come in the wa of implementation of 'I%. -ow those constraints could be overcome# 1$. "rite short notes on the following: a. Decision support s stem b. 5eographic information s stem 1&. "hat are various business decisions that ou will have to ma6e as manager that have both an ethical and I. dimensions# Explain with example. 1(. %hould ever compan become a customer-focused business# Defend our answer with example. 1,. Explain Information s stem and its components. 1/. In what wa s does an executive information s stem differ from the traditional information s stems# 10. 7ist various software evolution factors. 11. Explain the term )E89*. !2. "hat is re+uirement structuring# !1. Defining planning. Do plan change according to the level of management in business organi4ation# If es give the details of each planning. !!. "rite short notes on the following:
a. :7;9 b. Electronic commerce !$. %tate the need for an effective 'I% in pro<ect planning and control. !&. -ow the use of I. can bring about improvements in productivit within a business organi4ation. !(. "h organi4ations re<ect C;%E irrespective of having multiple benefits. Discuss !,. %hould ever compan become a customer-focused business# Defend our answer with example. !/. "hat is a )% stem* and list its elements# !0. Explain feasibilit stud and need of it. !1. 7ist various software evolution factors. $2. "h documentation of a new s stem is important# "hat does it contain# $1. Identif planning problems that could adversel impact an 'I% pro<ect. $!. In what wa s does an executive information s stem differ from the traditional information s stems# $$. Explain computer aided s stem engineering and various t pes of C;%E tools. $&. Can ou automate the process of decision ma6ing# .he answer is =>E%? and =@:?. Explain what best must be aimed at# $(. Differentiate between a. 'ultinational Vs International organi4ation b. Interviews Vs Auestionnaires $,. "hat are our ma<or concern about computer crime and privac on the Internet# 7ist its remedies too. $/. "hat are various business decisions that ou will have to ma6e as manager that have both an ethical and I. dimensions# Explain with example. $0. "hat is pro<ect management life c cle# Explain with suitable example. $1. "h do ou thin6 protot ping become a popular wa to develop computer based s stems. &2. -ow ou will identif the maturit of an organi4ation. Explain. &1. Can ou automate the process of decision ma6ing# .he answer is =>E%? and =@:?. Explain what best must be aimed at# &!. Defining planning. Do plan change according to the level of management in business organi4ation# If es give the details of each planning. &$. "hat different t pes of feasibilit are considered in a feasibilit stud # &&. "h is there such a high failure rate among enterprise resource planning and business process reengineering pro<ects# &(. Explain how to appl strateg concepts to the strategic rate of Information % stems. &,. Describe the various Ethical Dimensions of Business 9rofessionals.
&/. "hat is 9rocurement s stem# "hat is the advantage of computeri4ing procurement % stem#