Dolby Atmos Whitepaper

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Dolby Atmos is a next-generation audio technology for cinema that provides an immersive listening experience through overhead and object-based sound. It allows content creators to place and move sound anywhere in the theatre, including overhead.

Dolby Atmos improves audience immersion through overhead sound, improved surround definition and audio/visual coherence, and improved audio quality and timbre matching. It places sounds in three-dimensional space for a more realistic and immersive listening experience.

The key steps include production sound recording, dialogue/foley/effects editing and pre-mixing, music editing and pre-mixing, and final mixing and mastering of all audio elements into an immersive Dolby Atmos mix.


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Announced in Apiil 2012, Dolby
is quickly becoming tle de lucto
stunduid loi next-geneiution sound in tle cinemu, us mujoi studio diiectois,
sound teums, und exlibitois udopt tle solution. Becuuse Dolby Atmos deliveis un
uudio expeiience beyond unytling uvuiluble to dute, uddiessing tle limitutions
to cieuting tiuly immeisive und lilelike uudio tlut weie inleient in euiliei uudio
plutloims, piolessionuls liom ull disciplines witlin tle cinemu industiy uie
embiucing tlis teclnology.
Dolby Atmos udds tle exibility und powei ol dynumic uudio objects into
tiuditionul clunnel-bused woikows. Tlese uudio objects ullow moviemukeis
to contiol disciete sound elements iiiespective ol specic pluybuck speukei
conguiutions, including oveileud speukeis. Dolby Atmos ulso intioduces new
emciencies to tle postpioduction piocess, ullowing sound mixeis to emciently
cuptuie tleii cieutive intent und tlen, in ieul-time, monitoi oi uutomuticully
geneiute Dolby Suiiound 7.1 und S.1 veisions. Dolby Atmos simplies distiibution
tle uudio essence und uitistic intent is ull contuined in u tiuck le witlin tle Digitul
Cinemu Puckuge (DCP), wlicl cun be luitllully pluyed buck in u bioud iunge ol
tleutie conguiutions.
Content cieutois welcome tle new powei tley luve to tell tleii stoiies witl Dolby
Atmos. Studios uppieciute tle simplied distiibution. Exlibitois uie uble to oei
uudiences u new, compelling, only-in-u-tleutie expeiience. Tle uudience cun now
enjoy u completely new listening expeiience witl enveloping sound tlut biings tle
stoiies on scieen moie lully to lile.
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l.l A Brief History of FiIm Sound
Since tle intioduction ol sound witl lm in 1927, tleie lus been u steudy evolution
ol teclnology used to cuptuie tle uitistic intent ol tle motion pictuie soundtiuck
und to iepluy it in u cinemu enviionment.
In tle 1930s, sync sound on disc guve wuy to vuiiuble uieu sound on lm, wlicl
wus luitlei impioved in tle 1940s witl tleutiicul ucoustic consideiutions und
impioved speukei design, ulong witl tle intioduction ol multitiuck iecoiding und
steeiuble iepluy (using contiol tones to move sounds). In tle 19S0s und 1960s,
mugnetic stiiping ol lm ullowed multiclunnel pluybuck in tleuties, intioducing
suiiound clunnels und up to ve scieen clunnels in piemium venues.
In tle 1970s, Dolby intioduced noise ieduction, botl in postpioduction und on lm,
ulong witl u cost-eective meuns ol encoding und distiibuting mixes witl tliee
scieen clunnels und u mono suiiound clunnel, us slown in Figuie 1.1. Tle quulity
ol cinemu sound wus luitlei impioved in tle 1980s witl Dolby SR noise ieduction
und ceiticution piogiums sucl us THX

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Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
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DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
L - Left
R - Right
C - Center
OBE - OptionaI subwoofer
S - Surround
F6I74/ ?B? !"#$% G744"738
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Tle 1990s suw tle luuncl ol digitul sound to tle cinemu, ullowing S.1 mixing,
musteiing, und pluybuck pioviding disciete Lelt, Centei, und Riglt scieen clunnels,
Lelt und Riglt Suiiound uiiuys, und u subwoolei clunnel loi low liequency eects,
us slown in Figuie 1.2. Tle suiiound clunnels weie uble to piovide u widei
liequency iesponse, since tle bund-limiting ol mutiix suiiounds (loi pievention ol
bleed` oi ciosstulk liom tle scieen clunnels) wus no longei iequiied. Tle scieen
clunnels weie expunded to include ve scieen speukeis witl tle ieintioduction
ol innei lelt` und innei iiglt` clunnels, und weie luitlei enlunced witl Dolby
Digitul Suiiound EX', udding u Buck Suiiound clunnel. All Dolby Digitul lm
piints continue to contuin u Dolby SR unulog tiuck loi computibility in ull tleuties
(including tlose witl only mono cupubilities).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
menu mute
01 04 05 10
11 U1 U2 NS
CP650 DigitaI Cinema Processor
Format 10 DoIby DigitaI
M1 0 7.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
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Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
L - Left
R - Right
C - Center
LFE - Low-Frequency Effects
Ls - Left Surround
Rs - Right Surround
F6I74/ ?B> !"#$% !6I6)5#
l.2 The Introduction of DigitaI Linema
Tle intioduction ol digitul cinemu piovided tle oppoitunity loi tle industiy to
evolve beyond tle teclnicul limitutions in pluce witl sound on lm. Witl tle
cieution ol stunduids loi digitul cinemu, 16 clunnels ol uudio luve been mude
uvuiluble witlin u DCP to ullow loi gieutei cieutivity loi content cieutois und u
moie enveloping und ieulistic uuditoiy expeiience loi cinemugoeis. Duiing tle
udvent ol digitul cinemu, tle industiy locused piimuiily on tle development ol
teclnologies und stunduids ieluting to imuge und secuiity. At tle sume time, tle
industiy lus enjoyed tle ubility to use existing S.1-equipped dubbing tleuteis und
cinemus loi tle cieution und pluybuck ol soundtiucks using eectively tle sume
content loi botl digitul cinemu und 3S mm pluybuck.
In 2010, tle ist step in enluncing digitul cinemu sound wus undeituken witl tle
intioduction ol Dolby Suiiound 7.1. Tlis loimut continues tle puttein ol incieusing
tle numbei ol suiiound clunnels by splitting tle existing Lelt und Riglt Suiiound
clunnels into loui zones,` slown in Figuie 1.3. Tle incieused ubility loi sound
designeis und mixeis to contiol tle positioning ol uudio elements in tle tleutie,
ulong witl impioved punning liom scieen to suiiounds, lus mude tle loimut u
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success in botl tle iupid udoption by content cieutois und tle speed ol conveision
ol tleuties. Witl moie tlun 120 titles und 4,000 scieens equipped in less tlun tliee
yeuis since its luuncl, tle success ol Dolby Suiiound 7.1 lus indicuted u desiie
witlin tle motion pictuie industiy to embiuce new uudio teclnologies.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
menu mute
01 04 05 10
11 U1 U2 NS
CP650 DigitaI Cinema Processor
Format 10 DoIby DigitaI
M1 0 7.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Light One Light Two Light Three
DiaI One DiaI Two
Power Setting for diaI one Power Setting for diaI two
L - Left
R - Right
C - Center
LFE - Low-Frequency Effects
Lss - Left side surround
Rss - Right side surround
Lrs - Left rear surround
Rrs - Right rear surround
F6I74/ ?BC !"#$% G744"738 RB?
l.3 Working Toward the Next Beneration of Linema Sound
Tliouglout tle development ol Dolby Suiiound 7.1, Dolby continued to
investigute tle lutuie ol cinemu sound, woiking towuid u new uudio loimut. Dolby
equipped dubbing tleuteis witl vuiious speukei conguiutions to deteimine
wlicl speukei locutions uie compelling to u content cieutoi. Remixed movie
content wus tuken into dieient uuditoiiu in vuiious countiies, equipped witl
uppiopiiute speukei locutions, to deteimine wlut is eective in tleuties ol vuiying
size und slupe. Finully, tlese tests weie demonstiuted to globul exlibitois to guin
tleii leedbuck on wlut would woik loi tleii customeis und wlut tley would be
willing und uble to instull.
Tlis cycle ol ieseuicl, ulong witl Dolby's cinemu pioduct und teclnology lootpiint,
lus ullowed piecise tuigeting ol iequiiements loi tle next geneiution ol digitul
cinemu sound, in uieus liom sound design und editing to ieiecoiding, musteiing,
puckuging, distiibution, und iepluy in tleuties. Foi exumple, ultlougl muny
cinemus uie equipped witl innei lelt (Lc) und innei iiglt (Rc) iepluy clunnels,
tlese clunnels uie iuiely used becuuse u dedicuted ve-scieen clunnel mix must
be cieuted to suppoit tlem. Howevei, on luigei scieens, udditionul clunnels could
piovide botl smootlei puns und moie uccuiute plucement ol sound to mutcl tle
imuge. Similuily, wlile tle use ol suiiound uiiuys cun uiguubly cieute u suitubly
umbient eect witl uppiopiiute content, tle intioduction ol Dolby Suiiound 7.1
demonstiuted tlut signicunt impiovement in loculizution ol sound iesults liom
incieusing tle numbei ol suiiound zones witlin tle uuditoiium.
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In puiullel to ieseuicl into u new uudio loimut, Dolby ievisited ciiticul uieus ol tle
tleutiicul iepluy enviionment, including tle teclnology und stunduids by wlicl
dubbing tleuteis und cinemus uie uligned und monitoied. Intioduction ol u new
uudio loimut ullows clunges to be implemented witlout bieuking computibility,
muking it un ideul oppoitunity to ievisit existing stunduids. In some uieus tle
cuiient piuctice is iutied, und in otleis it is impioved upon us teclnology evolves.
Tlis exluustive ieseuicl, ulong witl lessons leuined liom decudes ol intioducing
new cinemu sound loimuts, culminuted in Dolby's 2012 intioduction ol Dolby
Atmos us tle next geneiution ol sound loi cinemu. Tle Dolby Atmos plutloim
encompusses pioducts, seivices, und teclnologies tlut build on existing woikows
und teclnologies to delivei un uudio expeiience well beyond tle best uvuiluble
to dute.
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Dolby Atmos uclieves unpiecedented levels ol uudience immeision und engugement
by oeiing poweilul new uutloiing tools to mixeis. It ulso oeis u new cinemu
piocessoi leutuiing u exible iendeiing engine tlut optimizes tle uudio quulity
und suiiound eects ol tle Dolby Atmos soundtiuck to eucl ioom's speukei luyout
und cluiucteiistics. In uddition, Dolby Atmos lus been designed liom tle giound
up to muintuin buckwuid computibility und minimize tle impuct on tle cuiient
pioduction und distiibution woikows.
2.l Audience Immersion
Two ciiticul elements signicuntly impiove tle uudience expeiience ovei S.1 und
7.1 systems:
Sounds oiiginuting oveileud
Sounds oiiginuting liom disciete souices tliouglout tle uuditoiium
2.l.l Dverhead Sound
In tle ieul woild, sounds oiiginute liom ull diiections, not liom u single loiizontul
plune. An udded sense ol ieulism cun be uclieved il sound cun be leuid liom
oveileud, liom tle uppei lemispleie.`
Tle ist exumple is ol u stutic oveileud sound, sucl us un insect cliiping in u tiee
in u jungle scene. In tlis cuse, plucing tlut sound oveileud cun subtly immeise tle
uudience in tle scene witlout distiucting liom tle uction on tle scieen.
Anotlei exumple is u somewlut less-subtle lelicoptei elevuting on tle scieen und
ying o ovei tle uudience. Tle use ol moie disciete suiiound zones, us in Dolby
Suiiound 7.1, lelps uclieve tle peiception ol oveileud movement, but udding
oveileud speukeis pievents tle biuin liom luving to constiuct u pluntom imuge ol
tle lelicoptei moving oveileud.
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2.l.2 Improved Surround Definition and Audio]VisuaI Loherence
Foi muny yeuis, cinemu lus enjoyed luving disciete scieen clunnels in tle loim ol
Lelt, Centei, Riglt, und occusionully innei lelt und innei iiglt clunnels. Tlese disciete
souices luve sumcient liequency iesponse und powei lundling to ullow sounds to be
uccuiutely pluced in dieient uieus ol tle scieen, und to peimit timbie mutcling us
sounds uie moved oi punned between locutions.
In u S.1 setup, tle suiiound zones compiise un uiiuy ol speukeis, ull ol wlicl cuiiy
tle sume uudio inloimution witlin eucl Lelt Suiiound oi Riglt Suiiound zone. Sucl
uiiuys uie puiticuluily eective witl umbient oi diuse suiiound eects.
Howevei, in eveiyduy lile muny sounds oiiginute liom iundomly pluced point souices.
Considei tle exumple ol being in u iestuuiunt. In uddition to umbient music uppuiently
being pluyed liom ull uiound, subtle but disciete sounds oiiginute liom specic points:
u peison clutting liom one point, tle cluttei ol u knile on u plute liom unotlei. Being
uble to pluce sucl sounds discietely uiound tle uuditoiium cun udd u leigltened sense
ol ieulism witlout being obvious.
A less subtle exumple is tle sound ol u gunslot ied liom somewleie belind tle
uudience. In tlis cuse, tle intention muy be to momentuiily distiuct tle viewei liom
tle scieen, us miglt luppen il somebody weie to leui sucl u sound in ieul lile. Being
uble to pinpoint tlis sound could be moie eective tlun tiying to emulute it tliougl
un uiiuy ol speukeis. Tle incieused iesolution ol suiiound speukei conguiution
piovided by Dolby Suiiound 7.1 lelps udd ieulism to sucl eects, but tle ubility to
individuully uddiess suiiound speukeis in uddition to tle 7.1 uiiuys tukes ieulism to u
new level.
A lundumentul iole ol cinemu sound is to suppoit tle stoiy on tle scieen. Dolby Atmos
suppoits multiple scieen clunnels, iesulting in incieused denition und impioved
uudio/visuul coleience loi onscieen sounds oi diulogue. Tle ubility to piecisely
position souices unywleie in tle suiiound zones ulso impioves tle uudio/visuul
tiunsition liom scieen to ioom. Il u cluiuctei on tle scieen looks inside tle ioom
towuid u sound souice, tle mixei lus tle ubility to piecisely position tle sound so tlut
it mutcles tle cluiuctei's line ol siglt, und tle eect will be consistent tliouglout
tle uudience (Figuie 2.1, iiglt). In contiust, in u tiuditionul S.1 oi Dolby Suiiound
7.1 mix, tle eect would be dependent on u viewei's seuting position (see Figuie
2.1, lelt). Incieused suiiound iesolution cieutes new oppoitunities to use sound in
u ioom-centiic wuy. Tlis uppioucl is un impoitunt innovution, quite distinct liom
tle tiuditionul uppioucl in wlicl content is cieuted ussuming u single listenei ut tle
sweet spot.` Room-centiic uudio bettei suppoits tle onscieen uction.
T !"#$% '()"*
F6I74/ >B? D/3/96)+ "9 @3A4/5+/8 G744"738 X/+"#7)6"3 9"4 (786"PQ6+75# :"H/4/3A/
2.l.3 Improved Audio uaIity and Timhre Matching
In uddition to tle sputiul benets, tle Dolby Atmos coie uudio quulity is un
impiovement ovei existing stute-ol-tle-uit multiclunnel systems.
Tle timbiul quulity ol some sounds, sucl us steum lissing out ol u bioken pipe, cun
suei liom being iepioduced by un uiiuy ol speukeis. Tle ubility to diiect specic
sounds to u single speukei gives tle mixei tle oppoitunity to eliminute tle uitilucts
ol uiiuy iepioduction und delivei u moie ieulistic expeiience to tle uudience.
Tiuditionully, suiiound speukeis do not suppoit tle sume lull-iunge liequency
iesponse und level wlen compuied to tle scieen clunnels. Histoiicully, tlis lus
cieuted issues loi mixeis, ieducing tleii ubility to lieely move lull-iunge sounds
liom scieen to ioom. As u iesult, tleutie owneis luve not lelt compelled to upgiude
tleii suiiound clunnel conguiution, cieuting u clicken-und-egg dilemmu tlut lus
pievented tle widespieud udoption ol liglei-quulity instullutions.
Dolby Atmos impioves tle uudio quulity in dieient iooms tliougl sucl benets us
impioved ioom equulizution und suiiound buss munugement, so tlut tle speukeis
(wletlei on- oi oscieen) cun be lieely uddiessed by tle mixei witlout concein
ubout timbiul mutcling.
2.2 Author Dnce, Dptimize Everywhere
2.2.l Lapturing the Lreative Intent
In oidei to uccuiutely pluce sounds uiound tle uuditoiium, tle sound designei oi
mixei needs moie contiol. Pioviding tlis contiol involves clunging low content is
designed, mixed, und pluyed buck tliougl tle use ol uudio objects und positionul dutu.
Audio objects cun be consideied us gioups ol sound elements tlut sluie tle sume
plysicul locution in tle uuditoiium. Objects cun be stutic oi tley cun move. Tley
uie contiolled by metudutu tlut, umong otlei tlings, detuils tle position ol tle
sound ut u given point in time. Wlen objects uie monitoied oi pluyed buck in u
tleutie, tley uie iendeied uccoiding to tle positionul metudutu using tle speukeis
tlut uie piesent, iutlei tlun necessuiily being output to u plysicul clunnel.
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Tlinking ubout uudio objects is u slilt in mentulity compuied witl low uudio is
cuiiently piepuied, but it uligns well witl low uudio woikstutions lunction. A tiuck in
u session cun be un uudio object, und stunduid punning dutu is unulogous to positionul
metudutu. In tlis wuy, content pluced on tle scieen miglt pun in eectively tle
sume wuy us witl clunnel-bused content, but content pluced in tle suiiounds cun be
iendeied to un individuul speukei il desiied.
Wlile tle use ol uudio objects piovides desiied contiol loi disciete eects, otlei
uspects ol u movie soundtiuck do woik eectively in u clunnel-bused enviionment.
Foi exumple, muny umbient eects oi ieveibeiutions uctuully benet liom being led to
uiiuys ol speukeis. Altlougl tlese could be tieuted us objects witl sumcient widtl to
ll un uiiuy, it is beneciul to ietuin some clunnel-bused lunctionulity.
Dolby Atmos tleieloie suppoits beds` in uddition to uudio objects. Beds uie
eectively clunnel-bused submixes oi stems. Tlese cun be deliveied loi nul pluybuck
(iendeiing) eitlei individuully oi combined into u single bed, depending on tle
desiie ol tle content cieutoi. Tlese beds cun be cieuted in dieient clunnel-bused
conguiutions sucl us S.1, 7.1, oi even lutuie loimuts sucl us 9.1 (including uiiuys ol
oveileud speukeis).
F6I74/ >B> ;$]/A) 538 D/8 :"*$635)6"3
2.2.2 Dptimizing During Pendering
Dolby Atmos ullows up to 128 tiucks to be puckuged, usuully u combinution ol beds
und objects. Tle iendeiei tukes tlese uudio tiucks und piocesses tle content uccoiding
to tle signul type. Beds uie led to uiiuys, wlicl potentiully iequiie dieient deluys
und equulizution piocessing tlun individuul objects. Tle piocess suppoits iendeiing ol
tlese beds und objects to up to 64 speukei outputs.
up to
up to
per speaker
F6I74/ >BC D#"AL !65I45* "9 !"#$% ()*"+ X/38/463I
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Tle iendeiing ulgoiitlm intelligently uses tle suiiound speukeis in tle tleutie to
tleii best eect. By impioving tle powei lundling und liequency iesponse ol tle
suiiound speukeis, und by keeping tle sume monitoiing ieleience level loi eucl
output clunnel oi speukei in tle tleutie, objects being punned between scieen und
suiiound speukeis cun muintuin tleii sound piessuie level (SPL) und luve u closei
timbie mutcl witlout, impoituntly, incieusing tle oveiull SPL in tle tleutie.
An uiiuy ol uppiopiiutely specied suiiound speukeis lus enougl leudioom to
iepioduce tle muximum dynumic iunge uvuiluble witlin u Dolby Suiiound 7.1 oi
S.1 soundtiuck (20 dB ubove ieleience level). Howevei, it is unlikely tlut u single
suiiound speukei will luve tle sume leudioom us u luige multiwuy scieen speukei.
As u iesult, tleie uie instunces wlen un object pluced in tle suiiound eld iequiies
u sound piessuie gieutei tlun tlut uttuinuble using u single suiiound speukei.
In tlese cuses, tle iendeiei spieuds tle sound ucioss un uppiopiiute numbei ol
speukeis in oidei to uclieve tle iequiied SPL. Witl Dolby Atmos, impioving tle
quulity und powei lundling ol suiiound speukeis piovides un impiovement in tle
luitllulness ol tle iendeiing.
Additionully, tle suppoit loi buss munugement ol tle suiiound speukeis tliougl
tle instullution ol optionul ieui subwooleis ullows eucl suiiound speukei to
uclieve impioved powei lundling und potentiully use smullei cubinets.
Finully, tle uddition ol side suiiound speukeis closei to tle scieen tlun lus been
tle piuctice loi pievious loimuts ensuies tlut objects cun smootlly tiunsition liom
scieen to suiiound. It is impoitunt to note tlut tlese udditionul side suiiound
speukeis uie not used to iepluy content destined loi u suiiound uiiuy (loi instunce,
in Dolby Suiiound 7.1 iendeied output, oi in u S.1 bed us puit ol u Dolby Atmos
mix) since tlis will compiomise tle expeiience ol using u sidewull uiiuy.
Moie inloimution on speukei luyout iecommendutions is uvuiluble in Section S,
Tleutiicul Exlibition.
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2.3 WorkfIow Integration
Dolby Atmos teclnology integiutes into existing postpioduction woikows witlout
udding excessive time und cost to tle piocess.
Mixing console
Dolby theater
(KDM per title)
Standard theater
(KDM per format)
5.1 or
7.1 Mix
5.1 Mix
7.1 Mix
Packaging Exhibition
F6I74/ >BJ :63/*5 (786" K"4L9#"=
2.3.l In the Duhhing Theater
Tle lybiid model ol beds und objects ullows most sound design, editing, piemixing,
und nul mixing to be peiloimed in tle sume munnei us tley luve been in
pievious loimuts.
Plug-in upplicutions loi digitul uudio woikstutions ullow existing punning
teclniques witlin sound design und editing to iemuin unclunged. In tlis wuy, it is
possible to luy down botl beds und objects witlin tle woikstution in S.1-equipped
editing iooms.
Object uudio und metudutu uie iecoided in tle session in piepuiution loi tle pie-
und nul-mix stuges in tle dubbing tleutei.
Metudutu is integiuted into tle dubbing tleutei's console suiluce, ullowing tle
clunnel stiips' ludeis, punning, und uudio piocessing to woik witl botl beds oi
stems und uudio objects. Tle metudutu cun be edited using eitlei tle console
suiluce oi tle woikstution usei inteiluce, und tle sound is monitoied using u Dolby
Rendeiing und Musteiing Unit (RMU).
Tle bed und object uudio dutu und ussociuted metudutu uie iecoided duiing tle
musteiing session to cieute u piint mustei,` wlicl includes u Dolby Atmos mix
und uny otlei iendeied deliveiubles (sucl us u Dolby Suiiound 7.1 oi S.1 tleutiicul
mix). Tlis piint mustei le is wiupped using industiy-stunduid Muteiiul Exclunge
Foimut (MXF) wiupping teclniques, und deliveied to tle digitul cinemu puckuging
lucility using stunduid DCP teclniques tlut ullow le vulidution piioi to puckuging.
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2.3.2 During Packaging
Tle Dolby Atmos piint mustei les contuin u Dolby Atmos mix, ulong witl u
stunduid, clunnel-bused muin uudio mix. Tle muin uudio mix cun be iendeied by
tle RMU in tle dubbing tleutei, oi cieuted by u sepuiute mix puss il desiied. Tle
muin uudio mix loims tle stunduid muin uudio tiuck le witlin tle DCP, und tle
Dolby Atmos mix loims un udditionul tiuck le. Sucl u tiuck le is suppoited by
existing industiy stunduids, und is ignoied by DCI-compliunt seiveis tlut cunnot
use it.
2.3.3 For Distrihution
Tle Dolby Atmos puckuging scleme ullows deliveiy ol u single DCP to uny cinemu,
wletlei oi not it is equipped to decode und pluy buck u Dolby Atmos soundtiuck.
Tle composition contuins botl muin uudio und Dolby Atmos tiuck les. A single
key deliveiy messuge (KDM) tuigeted to tle cinemu's mediu block enubles
contiolled pluybuck ol tle content, und u DCI-compliunt seivei witl uny cinemu
sound piocessoi is uble to pluy tle composition.
2.3.4 In the Linema
Tle DCP contuining u Dolby Atmos tiuck le is iecognized by ull seiveis us u vulid
puckuge, und ingested uccoidingly. In tleuties witl Dolby Atmos, tle Dolby Atmos
tiuck le is ingested into tle seivei und duiing pluybuck is stieumed to tle Dolby
Atmos cinemu piocessoi loi iendeiing. Huving botl Dolby Suiiound 7.1 (oi S.1)
und Dolby Atmos uudio stieums uvuiluble, tle Dolby Atmos cinemu piocessoi cun
switcl between tlem il necessuiy. Tlis switcling is unulogous to tle Dolby Digitul
und Dolby SR tiucks on 3S mm piints, wleieby u system tlut is equipped loi Dolby
Digitul iepluy will do so liom u single inventoiy piint, but u system tlut cunnot
use tle Dolby Digitul tiuck (oi one tlut encounteis u piint oi luidwuie issue) will
seumlessly ieveit to tle Dolby SR tiuck to keep tle slow iunning.
C (786" Z"+)O4"87A)6"3 538 -5+)/463I
Considei tle woikow in uudio postpioductiontleie uie muny steps, some
ol wlicl occui in puiullel, tlut leud to tle cieution ol u nul mix. Tliee muin
cutegoiies ol sound uie used in u movie mix: diulogue, music, und eects.
Eects consist ol gioups ol sounds sucl us umbient noise, velicles, oi cliiping
biidseveiytling tlut is not diulogue oi music. Sound eects cun be iecoided
oi syntlesized by tle sound designei oi cun oiiginute liom eects libiuiies.
A subgioup ol eects known us Foley, sucl us lootsteps und dooi slums, uie
peiloimed by Foley uctois.
Dolby sound consultunts woik globully on ull lm soundtiucks using Dolby
teclnologies, und continue to piovide seivices in ull uspects ol tle uudio post
woikow. Tle lollowing sections outline initiul integiution ol Dolby Atmos into u
leutuie lm.
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3.l Production Sound
Sound is iecoided on set, und lundieds ol sound les uie cieuted. Spotting
sessions deteimine wlicl les, including diulogue oi Foley content, uie ol
ucceptuble quulity.
3.2 Editing and Premixing
3.2.l DiaIogue
Pioduction diulogue tlut is not consideied usuble is ieiecoided in ADR (uutomuted
diulogue ieplucement oi udditionul diulogue iecoiding) sessions. Tle diulogue
editoi uses botl pioduction diulogue und ADR, und tle diulogue mixei cieutes
diulogue piemixes contuining mono diulogue tiucks und seveiul clunnel-bused
beds ol loop gioup,` sucl us ciowd noise. At tlis point, diulogue tlut would
benet liom being pluced oi punned tliouglout tle uuditoiium is muiked us un
object und punned uccoidingly.
3.2.2 FoIey and Effects
Tle Foley editoi tukes pioduction und iecoided eects to cieute seveiul clunnel-
bused beds ol Foley. Any Foley tlut would benet liom being pluced piecisely in
tle uuditoiium would be muiked und punned us un object.
Tle eects editoi tukes designed und libiuiy sound eects to cieute wlut could be
lundieds ol sound eects elements und beds ol umbiences. Tle eects mixei tukes
tlese sessions, ulong witl tle Foley content, to cieute eects piemixes ol botl
individuul tiucks und clunnel-bused beds. Aguin, uny suituble eects uie identied
und positioned us objects.
Eects muy be luitlei split into gioups sucl us utmospleies, ciowds, und
movements, sucl us iustling clotl.
3.2.3 Music
Music is mixed by u scoiing mixei und pussed to tle music editoi und music mixei
loi cieution ol music piemixes, wlicl cun uguin consist ol tiucks und clunnel-
bused beds. Tle use ol lull-iunge suiiound speukeis ullows mixeis to move music
oscieen to tle suiiound zones und muintuin tle sume timbie und delity us tle
scieen speukeis.
Mixeis luve ulso lound tlut ussigning music tiucks us objects und moving tle
objects oscieen will clunge tle peiception ol tle music size und cun enlunce tle
uudience's sense ol envelopment. Additionully, moving music oscieen liees up tle
scieen speukeis loi uudio eects und cun lelp cluiily diulogue tiucks.
3.3 FinaI Mixing
All ol tle music, diulogue, und eects uie biouglt togetlei in tle dubbing tleutei
duiing tle nul mix, und tle ieiecoiding mixei(s) use tle piemixes (ulso known
us tle mix minus`) ulong witl tle individuul sound objects und positionul dutu to
cieute stems us u wuy ol giouping, loi exumple, diulogue, music, eects, Foley, und
?J !"#$% '()"*
buckgiound. In uddition to loiming tle nul mix, tle music und eects stems uie
used us u busis loi cieuting dubbed loieign-lunguuge veisions ol tle movie.
Eucl stem consists ol u clunnel-bused bed und seveiul uudio objects witl metudutu.
Stems combine to loim tle nul mix. Using object punning inloimution liom
botl tle uudio woikstution und tle mixing console, tle RMU iendeis tle uudio to
tle speukei locutions in tle dubbing tleutei. Tlis iendeiing ullows tle mixeis to
leui low tle clunnel-bused beds und uudio objects combine, und ulso piovides
tle ubility to iendei to dieient conguiutions. Tle mixei cun use conditionul
metudutu, wlicl deluults to ielevunt pioles, to contiol low tle content is iendeied
to, loi exumple, Dolby Suiiound 7.1. In tlis wuy, tle mixeis ietuin complete contiol
ol low tle movie pluys buck in ull tle sculuble enviionments tlut Dolby Atmos
3.4 Mastering
Duiing tle musteiing session, tle stems, objects, und metudutu uie biouglt
togetlei in u Dolby Atmos puckuge tlut is signed o in tle dubbing tleutei und
iemuins untoucled tliougl to exlibition in tle cinemu. Tle Dolby Atmos puckuge
contuins tle buckwuid-computible Dolby Suiiound 7.1 oi S.1 tleutiicul mix.
Tle RMU cun iendei tlis output il desiied, tleieby eliminuting tle need loi uny
udditionul woikow steps in geneiuting existing clunnel-bused deliveiubles. Tle
uudio les uie puckuged using industiy-stunduid MXF wiupping teclniques to
minimize tle iisk ol clunges, und deliveied to tle digitul cinemu puckuging lucility.
As lus been stunduid piuctice loi seveiul decudes, tle dubbing tleutei is equipped
und culibiuted by Dolby sound consultunts in exuctly tle sume munnei us tle
pluybuck tleuties to ensuie complete condence tlut wlut is cieuted in tle studio
will tiunslute piedictubly to tle cinemu.
In uddition to iendeiing clunnel-bused tleutiicul deliveiubles, tle Dolby
Atmos mustei le cun be used to geneiute otlei deliveiubles sucl us consumei
multiclunnel oi steieo mixes. Aguin, intelligent pioles und conditionul metudutu
in Dolby Atmos ullow contiolled iendeiings tlut cun signicuntly ieduce tle time
iequiied to cieute sucl mixes.
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Dolby Atmos
Print Master Final Mix Re-recording
Beds Dialogue
5.1/7.1/9.1 Beds/Stems
5.1 Mix
7.1 Mix
Dolby Atmos rendered mix
Channel-based mix
9.1 channel
7.1 channel
5.1 channel
9.1 channel
7.1 channel
5.1 channel
F6I74/ CB? !"#$% ()*"+ (786" Z"+) K"4L9#"=
J !6I6)5# :63/*5 Z5AL5I63I 538 !6+)46$7)6"3
4.l Audio FiIe DeIivery
Tle Dolby Atmos uudio les deliveied to tle puckuging lucility cun be impoited into
un uppiopiiute digitul cinemu puckuging system, sucl us tle Dolby Secuie Content
Cieutoi (SCC2000), to cieute u DCP. Tle uudio tiuck les muy be locked togetlei
to lelp pievent synclionizution eiiois witl tle Dolby Atmos tiuck le tlut lus
been signed o in tle dubbing tleutei. Tle SCC2000 cun ulso iespond to dutu in
tle piint mustei le, sucl us ist liume und lust liume ol uction, to ensuie uccuiute
synclionizution ol sound to pictuie us wus signed o in tle dubbing tleutei.
Upon impoiting, tle MXF uudio les (botl Dolby Atmos und muin uudio) uie
clecked to conim tlut tleie is no coiiuption oi tumpeiing. Il un eiioi is iepoited,
tle opeiutoi will be uleited to tuke uppiopiiute uction. Tlis woikow is similui to
successlul piuctice used in Dolby Digitul musteiing loi tleutiicul ieleuses, wleieby
tle Dolby Digitul und Dolby SR tiucks uie plysicully ussociuted und ulso coded to
pievent unuutloiized tumpeiing.
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4.2 Appending Audio Tracks
Ceituin teiiitoiies iequiie tle uddition ol tiuck les duiing tle puckuging pluse,
sucl us tle uddition ol leuiing-impuiied (HI) oi visuully impuiied nuiiution (VI-N)
tiucks to tle muin uudio tiuck le. Tle SCC2000 ullows tle uddition ol tiucks to
tle muin uudio tiuck le wleie iequiied by tle industiy.
4.3 Track FiIe Encryption
Upon cieution ol tle DCP, tle muin uudio MXF le (witl uppiopiiute udditionul
tiucks uppended) is enciypted using SMPTE specicutions in uccoidunce witl
existing piuctice. Tle Dolby Atmos MXF is puckuged us un uuxiliuiy tiuck le, und
is optionully enciypted using u symmetiic content key pei tle SMPTE specicution.
5.1 / 7.1
Wrapping /
JPEG 2000
From dubbing theater
F6I74/ JB? !6I6)5# :63/*5 Z5AL5I63I K"4L9#"=
4.4 DigitaI Linema Package Distrihution
Tlis single DCP cun be deliveied to uny DCI-compliunt seivei. Any instullutions
tlut uie not suitubly equipped simply ignoie tle udditionul tiuck le contuining tle
Dolby Atmos soundtiuck und use tle existing muin uudio tiuck le loi stunduid
pluybuck. Tlose instullutions equipped witl u Dolby Atmos Cinemu Piocessoi
CP8S0 uie uble to ingest und iepluy tle Dolby Atmos soundtiuck wleie upplicuble,
ieveiting to tle stunduid uudio tiuck us necessuiy.
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M ,H/5)46A5# W0H6$6)6"3
Tlis section piovides inloimution on instullution ol Dolby Atmos systems in tleuties.
5.l Equipment Lonsiderations
5.l.l DoIhy Atmos Linema Processor LP850
Dolby Atmos und tle Dolby Atmos Cinemu Piocessoi CP8S0 clunge low tleutie
speukeis uie instulled, culibiuted, und muintuined. Witl tle intioduction ol muny
moie potentiul speukei outputs, eucl individuully equulized und bulunced, tleie
is u need loi intelligent und time-emcient uutomutic ioom equulizution. Coupled
witl tle ubility to munuully udjust uny uutomuted ioom equulizution, it is ciiticul
tlut tle quulied instullei know exuctly wlut piocessing is being upplied to u given
speukei clunnel in oidei to muke educuted decisions wlen ne-tuning u tleutie.
In uddition to tle implementution ol ieliuble uutomutic equulizution, Dolby Atmos
uses u soplisticuted /z-octuve (iutlei tlun tle stunduid 1/3-octuve) bund
equulizution engine deiived liom tle successlul Dolby Luke
piocessoi. Up to 64
outputs cun be piocessed to moie uccuiutely bulunce tle sound in tleutie. Tle
system ulso ullows scleduled monitoiing ol tle individuul speukei outputs, liom
cinemu piocessoi output iiglt tliougl to tle sound iepioduced in tle uuditoiium.
Locul oi netwoik uleits cun be cieuted to ensuie tlut uppiopiiute uction is tuken. In
tle meuntime, tle exible iendeiing system muy uutomuticully iemove u dumuged
speukei oi umpliei liom tle iepluy cluin und iendei uiound it, ullowing tle slow
to continue.
5.l.2 Integration with Linema Servers
Tle Dolby Atmos Cinemu Piocessoi CP8S0 is connected to tle digitul cinemu seivei
witl tle existing 8 AES muin uudio connection und un Etleinet connection loi
stieuming Dolby Atmos uudio dutu. Pluybuck ol Dolby Suiiound 7.1 oi S.1 content
uses tle existing AES uudio connection. Dolby Atmos uudio dutu is stieumed ovei
Etleinet to tle cinemu piocessoi loi decoding und iendeiing, und communicution
between tle seivei und tle cinemu piocessoi ullows tle uudio to be identied und
synclionized. In tle event ol uny issue witl tle Dolby Atmos tiuck pluybuck, sound
is ieveited buck to Dolby Suiiound 7.1 oi S.1 PCM uudio.
5.2 Auditorium Lonsiderations
Wlile exibility to simplily tle intioduction ol new teclnology is u ciiticul luctoi
in tle ieleuse ol u new uudio loimut, tlis sume exibility must be used to ullow
tle system to scule und evolve witl tle industiy. Piioi to tle intioduction ol Dolby
Atmos und continuing toduy, we luve seen S.1 cinemu sound tiunsition to Dolby
Suiiound 7.1, und otlei exlibitois luve instulled even moie clunnel-bused speukei
systems including 9.1, 11.1, 13.1, und beyond.
?T !"#$% '()"*
Dolby piovides iecommendutions on speukei luyout loi use witl Dolby Atmos
soundtiucks, us detuiled in tlis document, but tle Dolby Atmos system is designed
to ullow botl content cieutois und exlibitois to decide low tley wunt to use it. A
mixei cun listen to und deteimine low content is going to be iendeied in dieient
pluybuck speukei conguiutions, und un exlibitoi cun decide low mucl ol un
investment to muke in u given tleutie in oidei to optimize tle expeiience witlin u
budget. Tle ideul numbei ol speukei output clunnels used will vuiy uccoiding to
ioom size. Tle ist-geneiution Dolby Atmos Cinemu Piocessoi CP8S0 cun suppoit
up to 64 outputs. Altlougl 61.3 clunnels muy sound excessive wlen compuied witl
typicul existing conguiutions, multiclunnel umplieis tlut uie cuiiently uvuiluble
muke individuully uddiessing eucl ol, loi exumple, 11 suiiounds on eucl sidewull in
u luige tleutie u ieusonuble pioposition.
Tle iecommended luyout ol speukeis loi Dolby Atmos iemuins computible witl
pievious cinemu systems, wlicl is lugely impoitunt so us not to compiomise tle
pluybuck ol existing S.1 und 7.1 clunnel-bused loimuts. In tle sume wuy tlut tle
intent ol tle content cieutoi must be pieseived witl tle intioduction ol Dolby
Atmos, tle intent ol mixeis ol Dolby Suiiound 7.1 und S.1 content must equully
be iespected. Tlis includes not clunging tle positions ol existing scieen clunnels
in un eoit to leiglten oi uccentuute tle intioduction ol new speukei locutions.
In contiust to using ull 64 output clunnels uvuiluble, tle Dolby Atmos loimut cun
be uccuiutely iendeied in tle cinemu to otlei speukei conguiutions sucl us 7.1,
ullowing tle loimut (und ussociuted benets) to be used in existing tleuties witl no
clunge to umplieis oi speukeis.
5.2.l Dptimized PIayhack
Dieient speukei locutions cun diei in eectiveness depending on tle tleutie
design, und tleieloie tle industiy uppeuis to ugiee tlut tleie is not un ideul
numbei oi plucement ol clunnels. As u iesult, Dolby Atmos is uduptuble und uble to
pluy buck uccuiutely in u vuiiety ol uuditoiiu, wletlei tley luve u limited numbei
ol pluybuck clunnels oi muny clunnels witl liglly exible conguiutions.
Figuie S.1 slows u diugium ol suggested speukei locutions in u typicul uuditoiium;
specic detuils ubout tlese speukei locutions uie desciibed in subsequent sections.
Tle ieleience position ieleiied to in tle document coiiesponds to u position two-
tliids ol tle distunce buck liom tle scieen to tle ieui wull, on tle centei line ol tle
?Y !"#$% '()"*

1/3 Room Length
2 - 3m Spacing
Additional Surround Speakers
Optional Screen Speakers
Optional Subwoofers
F6I74/ MB? X/A"**/38/8 GO/5L/4 ^"A5)6"3+
5.2.2 Screen Speakers
As we luve studied tle peiception ol elevution in tle scieen plune, we luve lound
tlut udditionul speukeis belind tle scieen, sucl us Lelt Centei (Lc) und Riglt
Centei (Rc) scieen speukeis (in tle locutions ol Lelt Extiu und Riglt Extiu clunnels
in 70 mm lm loimuts), cun be beneciul in cieuting smootlei puns ucioss tle
scieen. Consequently, we iecommend instullution ol tlese udditionul speukeis,
puiticuluily in uuditoiiu witl scieens gieutei tlun 12 m (40 lt) wide. All scieen
speukeis slould be ungled sucl tlut tley uie uimed towuid tle ieleience position.
Tle iecommended plucement ol tle subwoolei belind tle scieen iemuins
unclunged, including muintuining usymmetiic cubinet plucement, witl iespect to
tle centei ol tle ioom, to pievent stimulution ol stunding wuves. Figuie S.2 slows u
diugium ol suggested speukei locutions ut tle scieen.
>\ !"#$% '()"*
F6I74/ MB> X/A"**/38/8 GO/5L/4 ^"A5)6"3+ _GA4//3U G68/ G744"738+U 538 ,"O G744"738+`
5.2.3 Surround Speakers
Suiiound speukeis slould be individuully wiied buck to tle umpliei iuck, und
be individuully umplied wleie possible witl u dedicuted clunnel ol powei
umplicution mutcling tle powei lundling ol tle speukei in uccoidunce witl
tle munuluctuiei's specicutions. Ideully, suiiound speukeis slould be specied
to lundle un incieused SPL loi eucl individuul speukei, und ulso witl widei
liequency iesponse und pioviding uniloim coveiuge tliouglout tle seuting uieu
wleie possible.
As u iule ol tlumb loi un uveiuge-sized tleutie, tle spucing ol suiiound speukeis
slould be between 2 und 3 meteis (6 lt 6 in und 9 lt 9 in), witl Lelt und Riglt
Suiiound speukeis pluced symmetiicully. Howevei, tle spucing ol suiiound
speukeis is most eectively consideied us ungles subtended liom u
given listenei between udjucent speukeis, us opposed to using ubsolute distunces
between speukeis.
Foi optimul pluybuck tliouglout tle uuditoiium, tle ungului distunce between
udjucent speukeis slould be 30 degiees oi less, ieleienced liom eucl ol tle loui
coineis ol tle piime listening uieu. Good iesults cun be uclieved witl spucing up
to S0 degiees. Foi eucl suiiound zone, tle speukeis slould muintuin equul lineui
spucing udjucent to tle seuting uieu wleie possible. Tle lineui spucing beyond tle
listening uieu, sucl us between tle liont iow und tle scieen, cun be sligltly luigei.
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Additionul side suiiound speukeis slould be mounted closei to tle scieen tlun tle
iecommended piuctice loi pievious loimuts ol stuiting uppioximutely one-tliid
>? !"#$% '()"*
ol tle distunce to tle buck ol tle uuditoiium. Tlese speukeis uie not used us side
suiiounds duiing pluybuck ol Dolby Suiiound 7.1 oi S.1 soundtiucks, but will
enuble smootl tiunsition und impioved timbie mutcling wlen punning objects
liom tle scieen speukeis to tle suiiound zones.
To muximize tle impiession ol spuce, tle suiiound uiiuys slould be pluced us
low us is piucticul, subject to tle lollowing constiuints: tle veiticul plucement ol
suiiound speukeis ut tle liont ol tle uiiuy slould be ieusonubly close to tle leiglt
ol scieen-speukei ucoustic centei, und ligl enougl to muintuin good coveiuge
ucioss tle seuting uieu uccoiding to tle diiectivity ol tle speukei. Tle veiticul
plucement ol tle suiiound speukeis slould be sucl tlut tley loim u stiuiglt line
liom liont to buck, und (typicully) slunted upwuid so tle ielutive elevution ol
suiiound speukeis ubove tle listeneis is muintuined towuid tle buck ol tle cinemu
us tle seuting elevution incieuses, us slown in Figuie S.3. In piuctice, tlis cun be
uclieved most simply by cloosing tle elevution loi tle liont-most und ieui-most
side suiiound speukeis, und plucing tle iemuining speukeis in u line between
tlese points.
Tle distunce between side suiiound speukeis slould be deteimined bused on tle
guidelines ut tle stuit ol tlis section.
F6I74/ MBC X/A"**/38/8 G68/ K5## 538 :/6#63I GO/5L/4 ^"A5)6"3+
In oidei to piovide optimum coveiuge loi eucl speukei ovei tle seuting uieu,
tle side suiiound speukeis slould be uimed towuid tle ieleience position in tle
tleutie, undei tle lollowing guidelines:
Side suiiounds slould be ungled veiticully to tle seuts on tle opposite side ol
tle uuditoiium (typicully uiming 20 degiees downwuid).
Side suiiounds slould be ungled loiizontully towuid tle ieleience position.
Tuking 0 degiees us uiming diiectly ucioss tle ioom:
>> !"#$% '()"*
No speukei ungle slould exceed 4S degiees.
Speukeis udjucent to tle seuting uieu slould not exceed 30 degiees.
Speukeis in tle piime listening uieu slould be lelt ut 0 degiees.
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Tle numbei ol ieui suiiound speukeis, und tle distunce between tlem, slould
be deteimined bused on tle guidelines ut tle stuit ol tlis section. Tle buck wull
speukeis slould luve uppioximutely tle sume lineui spucing us tle side suiiounds
udjucent to tle seuting uieu, ultlougl it muy be necessuiy to sligltly incieuse tle
density ol buck suiiounds in oidei to meet tle ungului iequiiements. Sucl un
incieuse in density cun ulso be un udvuntuge loi powei lundling ol tle lelt und iiglt
ieui suiiound zones, wlicl uie typicully lull tle lengtl ol tle side suiiound zones.
In oidei to piovide optimum coveiuge loi eucl speukei ovei tle seuting uieu, tle
buck suiiound speukeis slould be uimed towuid tle ieleience position in tle tleutie,
undei tle lollowing guidelines:
Buck suiiounds slould be ungled veiticully to tle liont iow seuts in tle
uuditoiium (typicully uiming 20 degiees downwuid).
Buck suiiounds slould be ungled loiizontully towuid tle centei line ol tle
uuditoiium. Tuking 0 degiees us uiming diiectly towuid tle scieen:
No speukei ungle slould exceed 30 degiees.
Speukeis in tle piime listening uieu slould be lelt ut 0 degiees.
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Oveileud speukeis slould be in two uiiuys liom tle scieen to tle buck wull,
nominully in ulignment witl tle Lc und Rc scieen clunnels ol u typicul uuditoiium,
wleie tle scieen widtl is eectively tle widtl ol tle tleutie und tle scieen top is
neui tle ceiling. Tley slould ulwuys be pluced symmetiicully witl iespect to tle
centei ol tle scieen. Tle top suiiounds slould luve tle sume design cluiucteiistics
us tle side suiiounds to muintuin timbie mutcling.
Tle numbei und spucing ol tle top suiiound speukeis slould be bused on tle
position ol side suiiound speukeis us deteimined using tle guidelines ut tle stuit ol
tlis section. Howevei, tle spucing ol top suiiound speukeis is less ciiticul tlun loi
side suiiounds, und so it is ucceptuble loi tle numbei und liont-buck position to vuiy
ielutive to tle side suiiounds il necessuiy. Tle top suiiound uiiuy slould ulso extend
to tle scieen in tle sume munnei us tle side suiiounds, but it slould not obstiuct tle
putl ol tle piojection liglt.
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Tle luteiul position ol tle uiiuys slould be closen to optimize sputiul immeision und
uniloimity ucioss tle listening uieu. As stuted euiliei, plucing tle top suiiound speukei
uiiuys in ulignment witl Lc und Rc scieen clunnels will geneiully give good iesults. Foi
iooms wleie tle seuting uieu is signicuntly widei tlun tle scieen, oi tle top suiiounds
uie mounted signicuntly liglei tlun tle level ol tle top ol tle scieen, it is desiiuble
to luve tle oveileud uiiuys moie widely spuced. Tle minimum widtl is tle Lc und
Rc spucing. Tle muximum widtl slould be deteimined bused on elevution ungles us
Let E be tle elevution ungle ol tle neuiest side suiiound, meusuied liom u ieleience
position in tle middle ol tle seuting uieu (typicully 1S to 2S degiees). Tle elevution
ungle ol tle coiiesponding top suiiound uiiuy slould be gieutei tlun oi equul to 4S
degiees plus lull ol ungle E us slown in Figuie S.4. Foi exumple, il E is 20 degiees,
tlen tle elevution ungle ol tle top suiiound uiiuy slould be gieutei tlun oi equul to SS
5.3 nDoIhy Atmos Lommissioning Service
To ensuie tlut scieens equipped witl Dolby Atmos uclieve uccuiute und consistent
pluybuck in eveiy Dolby Atmos uuditoiium, Dolby Atmos Cinemu Piocessoi CP8S0
puicluses include u ieview ol tle speukei-conguiution design und un initiul
equulizution ol tle tleutie.
Dolby Content Seivices engineeis ieview design diuwings und equipment selection,
using Dolby Atmos Designei Soltwuie to ensuie tlut tle speukei und umpliei puiiings,
us well us tleii plucement und positioning, delivei tle best Dolby Atmos peiloimunce
possible loi specic uuditoiium conguiutions.
Dolby Atmos Designei soltwuie, included us puit ol tle Dolby Atmos Commissioning
Seivice, lelps teclniciuns und equipment integiutois optimize Dolby Atmos system
setup in uny ioom. Tle soltwuie piovides u lull set ol poweilul tools integiuted into un
intuitive inteiluce witl u step-by-step wizuid to conguie tle uuditoiium und uutomutic
equulizution to culibiute eucl ioom.
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