Anticoagulant Therapy For Ischemic Stroke

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Review article

Anticoagulant therapy for ischemic stroke: A review of literature

Mohammad Mehdi Shahpouri1, Seyed Ali Mousavi1,2, Faribourz Khorvash1,2, Seyed Morteza Mousavi2, Tahereh Hoseini2

Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. Isfahan Neurosciences Research Center, Isfahan, Iran

For many years, anticoagulants have been used in the emergent treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke. Anticoagulants are prescribed in an effort to prevent first or recurrent stroke, especially among patients with cardioembolism due to arterial fibrillation and large-artery atherosclerotic disease. Despite the widespread use, efficacy and safety of anticoagulants are controversial. Experts have given a broad spectrum of opinions. Surveys of practitioners have also demonstrated a lack of consensus on the use of anticoagulants for ischemic stroke. The uncertainty is due, in large part, to the lack of definitive clinical data. A review by the panel of the Stroke Council of the American Heart Association found no strong evidence for effectiveness of anticoagulants in treating acute ischemic stroke. Several clinical trials have suggested that utility of emergent anticoagulation has no significant effect in improving clinical outcomes for patients with acute ischemic stroke. In the present review, we have attempted to provide a framework for the emergent use of anticoagulants in acute ischemic stroke patients. Key words: Ischemic Stroke, Anticoagulants, Significant effect

Stroke is the leading cause of disability and the third leading cause of death in the United States with an estimated annual total cost of 57.9 billion dollars.[1]Eachyear,5millionpeopledieas aconse quence of stroke, and at least 1 in 6 patients who survive a stroke will suffer another stroke within 5 years. There are about 600,000 new strokes each year in the European Union (EUSI 2003) and over 700,000 new strokes each year in the USA (AHA 2006). Twothirds of all strokes occur in developing countries and over 80% of all strokerelated deaths occur in developing countries.[2] Although data on the epidemiology of stroke, its pattern and risk fac tors from Iran is scarce, the available data suggests relativelylowincidenceofstroke.Thismayreflecta similarity toward neighboring countries and a con trastwithWesterncountries.[3] Physicians have used anticoagulants to treat pa tientswithacute ischemicstroke for50 years. These medications continue to be prescribed commonly. Despite their widespread use, the usefulness of emergency anticoagulation is a subject of debate.[4] Disagreements exist about the best agent to admi nister,therouteofadministration,theuseofabolus dosetostarttreatment,thelevelofanticoagulation required, and the duration of treatment.Heparin

and low molecular weight (LMW) heparin have been evaluated for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. However, clinical trials have not adequately evaluated adjusteddose intravenous anticoagula tion in patients with selected stroke subtypes, and only one trial has evaluated the role of very early anticoagulation after stroke onset.[5] Beside uncer tainty regarding efficacy, a safety concern that ur gent anticoagulation may lead to symptomatic in tracranial hemorrhage exists as well. Physicians have been uncertain about the severity of neurolog ical impairments or the initial CT findings that wouldcontraindicatetheearlyuseof heparin. Anti coagulants often are prescribed to patients with re cent stroke in an effort to prevent early recurrent stroke and to improve neurological outcomes. The Cerebral Embolism Study Group estimated that the risk of early recurrent embolism was 12% among untreated patients with embolic stroke.[6,7] A Nor wegian trial testing urgent anticoagulation among patients with recent stroke and atrial fibrillation found the risk of recurrent stroke to be 8% in 1 week.[8] Other trials testing anticoagulants in stroke have found the rates of early recurrent stroke to be much lower (in the range of 0.3%/d to 0.5%/d).[911] These relatively low rates mean that detection of a therapeutic effect in prevention of early recurrent strokebyanticoagulationwillbedifficult.

Address for correspondence: Seyed A Mousavi, Department of Neurology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. E-mail: [email protected] Received: 05-07-2011; Revised: 25-12-2011; Accepted: 05-01-2012


Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

| April 2012 |

Shahpouri, et al. Anticoagulant therapy for ischemic stroke

There is substantial variability in the acute manage ment of stroke within and between countries. Stroke clinicians are interested in studying variations in man agement, because this may help them choose better treatmentsthatcouldimproveoutcomes.[12]

Pathophysiology of Ischemic Stroke

Approximately 45% of ischemic strokes are caused by small or large artery thrombus, 20% are embolic in ori gin,andothershaveanunknowncause.[13]Thrombosis is the basic process in atherothrombotic ischemic stroke, and it can form in the extracranial and intra cranial arteries when the intima is roughened and pla que forms along the injured vessel. The endothelial injury initiates platelet adhesion and aggregation, which is responsible for thrombus formationat the site ofplaque.Duringanembolicstroke,aclottravelsfrom a distant source and lodges in cerebral vessels. Micro emboli can break away from sclerosed plaque in the arteryorfromcardiacsourcessuchasatrialfibrillation, patent foramen ovale, or a hypokinetic left ventricle.[13] Emboli in the form of blood, fat, or air can occur dur ing surgical procedures, most commonly during car diac surgery, but also after long bone surgeries.[14] Less common causes of ischemic stroke include carotid dis section and the presence of coagulopathies.[15] Other causesincludearteritis,infection,anddrugabuse,such as the use of cocaine.[13,16] As a thrombosis or emboli cause a decrease in blood supply to the brain tissue, events occur at the cellular level, referred to as the ischemic cascade.[17] Understanding the ischemic cas cadehasledtotheconceptoftherapeutictimewindow fortreatmentpossibilities.[18]

Anticoagulants Therapy for Stroke Subtypes

Asnotedabove,clinicaltrialshavenotadequatelyeva luatedadjustedintravenousanticoagulationinpatients withselectedstrokesubtypes.Therefore,therearecon flicting data regarding the benefit of intravenous un fractionated heparin or LMW heparin in the subgroup of patients with large vessel atherosclerotic disease. The TOAST trial evaluated the efficacy of the LMW heparinoiddanaparoidadministeredasanintravenous bolus within 24 h of symptom onset and continued for seven days in 1281 patients with acute ischemic stroke.[9] Compared to placebo, danaparoid was asso ciated with no improvement in overall outcome at three months (75% and 74%). However, subgroup analysis suggested a higher rate of favorable outcomes in patients treated with danaparoid who had a large artery atherosclerotic stroke (68% vs. 55% with place bo).Asubsequentanalysisof this studysuggested that
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acute performanceofcarotid dupleximagingto identi fy patients with carotid occlusion or severe stenosis may improve selection of patients who could benefit fromuseofthisagent.[19] The FISStris trial evaluated the LMW heparin nadro parin (3800 antifactor Xa international units, 0.4 ml subcutaneously twice daily) versus aspirin (160 mg once daily) started within48 h ofacute ischemicstroke onset and continued for 10 days.[20] The main study population was 353 patients with confirmed large ar tery occlusive disease, consisting of 300 with intra cranial, 11 with extracranial, and 42 with both intra cranial and extracranial disease. The mean time to treatment wasabout30h.Therewasno significantdif ference between treatment with nadroparin or aspirin fortheproportionofpatientswithgoodoutcomeatsix months (73% vs. 69% absolute risk reduction 4%; 95% CI5to13). In a trial of unfractionated heparin in hyperacute stroke, a single center randomly assigned 418 patients with nonlacunar hemispheric infarction (with car dioembolic, atherothrombotic, or unknown/ undeter mined etiology) to receive either intravenous heparin or salinewithin3 hof stroke onset for fivedays.[21]The primaryendpoint(afavorableoutcomeat90days)was observed significantly more frequent in patients in he parin group as compared with those in saline group (38.9% vs. 28.6%, respectively, P = 0.025). Heparin use was associated with an increased risk of intracranial and extracranial hemorrhage, with no significant in creaseinmortality.Otherstudiesof heparintherapyin acutestrokedidnotconsidertheetiologyofstrokeand yieldedmixedresults.[2123]

Atrial Fibrillation and Cardioembolic Stroke

A subject of intense debate is the role of immediate anticoagulation with heparin in stroke patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). It appears that early treatment with heparin in patients with AF who have an acute stroke may result in unfavorable clinical outcomes, although a careful assessment of risk for thromboem bolism and serious bleeding in individual patients is essential. Further evidence comes from a 2007 meta analysis that examined seven trials involving 4624 pa tients and compared heparin with LMW heparins started within 48 h of acute cardioembolic stroke with other treatments (aspirin or placebo).[24] The following observations were reported: 1) Anticoagulants were associated with a statistically insignificant reduction in recurrent ischemic stroke within 7 to 14 days (3.0% vs.

Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

Shahpouri, et al. Anticoagulant therapy for ischemic stroke

4.9%, OR: 0.68, 95% CI: 0.441.06). 2) Anticoagulants were associated with a statistically significant increase in symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (2.5% vs. 0.7%, OR: 2.89, 95% CI: 1.197.01). 3. Anticoagulants and othertreatments hadasimilarrate of death or dis ability at 3 to 6 months of follow up. Thus, the pub lished results do not support early anticoagulant treatment of acute cardioembolic stroke.[24] However, the use of warfarin is strongly recommended for pa tients with left ventriculardysfunction andatrialfibril lation as it has been shown that atrial fibrillation is as sociated with relatively high incidence of cardioembol ic events including stroke.[25] Warfarin can reduce the risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. On the other hand, the use of warfarin in patients with left ventriculardysfunctionandsinusrhythmisstillamat ter of debate. The comparison between warfarin and aspirin in the patients with reduced cardiac ejection fraction(WARCEF)iscurrentlyunderway.[26]

were assessed with sufficient data for comparison of antiplatelet versus anticoagulation therapy.[32] In this assessment, no randomized trials were identified, but 34 nonrandomized studies including 762 patients were evaluated. There was no significant difference in risk of death [antiplatelet 5/268 (1.8%), anticoagulation 9/494 (1.8%), P = 0.88)]; stroke [(antiplatelet 5/268 (1.9%),anticoagulant10/494(2.0%),P=0.66)],orstroke and death between antiplatelet and anticoagulatant therapy. There are no data to support the therapeutic superiority of anticoagulants over antiplatelet agents ontreatmentofcervicalarterydissection.

Venous Thrombus
Dural sinus and/or cerebral veins thrombosis (CVT) is an uncommon form of stroke, usually affecting young individuals.[33,34] Anticoagulation therapy in CVT is used for prevention of thrombus growth, to facilitate recanalization, and to preventDVT or PE. Controversy has ensued because cerebral infarction with hemorr hagic transformation or ICH is commonly present at the time of diagnosis of CVT, and it may also compli cate treatment.[35] Despite using anticoagulation in treatment of patients with CVT there are controversies due to complications such as hemorrhage conversion after ischemic stroke or ICH that may further compli cate the treatment plan.[35] Data from a metaanalysis thatexaminedtwotrialsrevealedastatisticallyinsigni ficant relative risk of death or dependency with anti coagulation (RR: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.161.31), with a risk difference in favor of anticoagulation of 13% (95% CI: 30%3%). The RR for death was 0.33 (95% CI: 0.08 1.21).[3638] Another randomized trial included 57 wom en with puerperal CVT confirmed by CT imaging. Treatment was with subcutaneous heparin 5000 IU every 6 h, doseadjusted to an activated partial throm boplastin time 1.5 times baseline for at least 30 days after delivery. Outcome assessment was not blinded. Three patients in the control group either died or had residual paresis compared with none in the heparin group.[39] Other studies have suggested low rates of cerebralhemorrhageafteranticoagulationforCVT.[36,40] The largest observational study was the ISCVT, which included 624 patients at 89 centers in 21 countries. Nearly all patients were treated with anticoagulation initially, and mortality was 8.3% over 16 months; 79% had complete recovery (modified Rankin scale [mRS] score of 0 to 1), 10.4% had mild to moderate disability (mRS score 2 to 3), and 2.2% remained severely dis abled (mRS score 4 to 5).[41] Data from other observa tional studies suggest a range of risks for ICH after anticoagulationforCVTfromzeroto5.4%.[36,4244]
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Progressing Stroke
Heparin is often prescribed for patients who continue to have neurologic deterioration in the first hours or days after stroke (i.e., progressing stroke, also re ferred to as stroke in evolution). Studies performed in the 1950s and 1960s suggested that IV heparin ther apy may be beneficial for patients with unstable ischemicstrokewithasmuchasa50%reductioninthe likelihood of further worsening.[27,28] These studies, however, were either not randomized or blinded, had poorly defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, or did not use standardized assessments for outcomes. Other nonrandomized studies of consecutive patients with unstable stroke who received IV heparin have shown high rates (27% to 50%) of further progression despite treatment.[29,30] The TOAST trial did not find an im provement in outcomes with danaparoid treatment in suchpatients,nordidanonrandomizedstudyofhepa rin therapy.[9] These findings do not support a role for heparin in halting neurologic worsening after stroke. So the 8th edition of American College of Chest Physi cians (ACCP) Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guide linesforAntithromboticandThrombolyticTherapyfor Ischemic Stroke recommend against full dose anticoa gulationforthesepatients.[31]

Cervical Artery Dissection

Cervical dissection is an important cause of stroke in the young. In a systematic review and metaanalysis, the effectiveness of different treatment approaches such as antithrombotic medications, thrombolysis and stenting in management of cervical arteries dissection


Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

Shahpouri, et al. Anticoagulant therapy for ischemic stroke

Although there is limited data from randomized con trolled clinical trials, these findings, in combination with observational data on outcomes and bleeding complications of anticoagulation, support a role for anticoagulation in treatment of CVT, regardless of the presence of pretreatment ICH, and anticoagulation appears safe and effective in CVT. Also, if anticoagula tion is given, there are no data supporting differences in outcome with the use of UFH in adjusted doses or LMWHinCVTpatients.

Heparin, LMW Heparin, and Warfarin

Therearescantclinicaldatadirectlycomparingunfrac tionated heparin with low molecular weight (LMW) heparin for ischemic stroke treatment. One rando mized, openlabel study of acute ischemic stroke pa tients found no significant difference between treat ment with intravenous heparin as compared with sub cutaneous enoxaparin twice daily.[45] Systemic and ce rebral embolic events, bleeding complications, and outcome at three months were similar in both groups. Another trial found that subcutaneous enoxaparin was as safe and effective as unfractionated heparin for pre vention of venous thrombosis in acute ischemic stroke patients.[46] The largest randomized controlled trial, which was performedinEnglandandstudiedtwodosesofsubcu taneous heparin in undefined stroke patients, showed no significant benefit with heparin.[10] LMW heparins have several potential advantages over unfractionated heparin including ease of administration, more rapid achievement of therapeutic effect, decreased require ments for blood testing (LMW heparins do not require PTTmonitoringinpatientswhoarenotpregnant),and lower rates of thrombocytopenia. One disadvantage is that LMW heparins are more expensive, although this may be outweighed by reduced administration and monitoringcosts. A systematic review published in 2008 examined the effect of anticoagulant therapy versus control in the early treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke.[47] This review included 24 trials involving 23,748 subjects. The quality of the trials varied consi derably. The anticoagulants tested were standard un fractionated heparin, lowmolecularweight heparins, heparinoids, oral anticoagulants, and thrombin inhibi tors. The following were the major findings: 1) Based upon 11 trials (22,776 patients), anticoagulant therapy did not reduce the odds of death from all causes (odds ratio 1.05, 95% CI 0.981.12). 2) Based upon eight trials

(22,125 patients), anticoagulants did not reduce the odds of being dead or dependent at the end of follow up (odds ratio 0.99, 95% CI 0.931.04). 3) Although full anticoagulant therapy was associated with about nine fewer recurrent ischemic strokes per 1000 patients treated, it was also associated with a nine per 1000 in crease in symptomatic intracranial hemorrhages. Simi larly, anticoagulants avoided about four pulmonary emboli per 1000, but this benefit was offset by an extra ninemajorextracranialhemorrhagesper1000.4)Sensi tivity analyses did not identify a particular type of an ticoagulant regimen or patient characteristic associated withnetbenefit. A 2002 systematic review assessed the effectiveness of anticoagulants compared with antiplatelet agents in acute ischemic stroke.[48] The reviewers concluded that anticoagulants offer no net advantages over antiplate let agents and they recommended that antiplatelet agents be the antithrombotic agents of first choice. However, this conclusion was driven in part by the lack of randomized trials comparing anticoagulation with antiplatelet therapy in the highrisk settings where we believe anticoagulation should be consi dered.

Anticoagulant therapy for acute stroke may only be considered after a brain imaging study has excluded hemorrhage and estimated the size of the infarct. Early anticoagulationshouldbeavoidedwhenpotentialcon traindications to anticoagulation are present, such as a largeinfarction(baseduponclinicalsyndromeorbrain imaging findings), uncontrolled hypertension, or other bleeding conditions. Although there is no standard definition, many stroke experts consider large infarcts to be those that involve more than onethird of the middle cerebral artery territory or more than onehalf of the posterior cerebral artery territory based on neu roimaging with CT or MRI.[49] Infarct size can also be clinically defined, but this process can result in unde restimation of the true infarct volume when the so called silent areas of the association cortex are in volved. Clinical estimation of infarct size should be considered in conjunction with the National Institutes ofHealth StrokeScale (NIHSS) score.One studyfound that an NIHSS score greater than 15 was associated with a median infarct volume of 55.8 cm3 and worse outcome than NIHSS scores of 1 to 7 (median volume of 7.9 cm3) or 8 to 15 (median volume of 31.4 cm3).[50] Thus, patients with an NIHSS score >15 generally have a large infarct. However, it should be recognized that,

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Journal of Research in Medical Sciences


Shahpouri, et al. Anticoagulant therapy for ischemic stroke

intheearlyhoursofanacutestroke,partoftheclinical deficit may be attributed to the penumbra, where the brainisischemicbutnotinfarcted.


Guidelinesissuedin2007bytheAmericanHeartAsso ciation/American Stroke Association state that urgent anticoagulation is not recommended for the treatment ofpatientswithacuteischemicstroke.Similarly,guide lines from the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) 8th edition issued in 2008 recommend against fulldose anticoagulation for patients with acute ischemic stroke. While many specialists believe it has no role at all in the early acute phase of ischemic stroke, the ACCP noted that some experts recommend early anticoagulation for various ischemic stroke sub types, including cardioembolic stroke and stroke with documented intraluminal thrombus or arterial dissec tion. However, there is no true consensus, and there are data suggesting that recurrent stroke risk after dis section is similar whether treated with antiplatelet or anticoagulants. In agreement with the national guide lines, there is no recommendation and efficacy for us ing fulldose anticoagulation for treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke because of limited efficacy andanincreasedriskofbleedingcomplications.


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How to cite this article: Shahpouri MM, Mousavi SA, Khorvash F, Mousavi SM, Hoseini T. Anticoagulant therapy for ischemic stroke: A review of literature. J Res Med Sci 2012; 17(4): 396-401.

Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.

| April 2012 |

Journal of Research in Medical Sciences


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