A Practical ISO9001-2000 Course Outline

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A Practical ISO9001:2000 Transition Training Workshop

Introduction to the ISO 9001:2000 Training Workshop

Is your organisation prepared for the ISO9001:2000 A recent study carried out !y a "ell kno"n and respected ISO9001 certification !ody has suggested that appro#i$ately %0& of their client ha'e still not co$pleted or not e'en started their ISO9001:2000 transition( This is particularly concerning) especially "hen considering that the old ISO9001:199* standard "ill !e discontinued in +ece$!er this year ,200-.( /01T has !een successfully pro'iding ISO9001:2000 support in a nu$!er of different "ays: Down loadable files on /01T2s "e!site to can help $anagers "hen creating docu$entation reflecting the ne" ISO9001:200 standard( CD Rom 34ssential ISO 9001 5 6uide to /uality 0anage$ent3 is a'aila!le( Customer Satisfaction) specifically $easuring le'els of custo$er satisfaction and custo$er feed!ack ser'ice is pro'ided( Software to support the ISO9001:2000 records $aintenance ,including7 auditing) docu$entation) hu$an resources and $uch $uch $ore.( Training courses ,!oth in5co$pany and open. for their ISO9001:2000 transition progra$$e and auditing are a'aila!le( General in-company support for their ISO9001:2000 transition7 internal audits) gap analysis) docu$entation creation) placing the /0S online and i$ple$entation( Pro!a!ly the !est $ethod of 3getting up to speed3 "ith the ISO9000:2000 standard( QM&T team were on the committee that help write S!"##$%&###' Included in the training course are all the ele$ents of ISO9001 5 co'ering the structure of the standard) "hich co$prises four principal su!syste$s: 0anage$ent 8esponsi!ility 5 re9uire$ents) policy) planning) $anage$ent syste$s and responsi!ilities) and re'ie"( 8esource 0anage$ent 5 re9uire$ents) hu$an resources) infor$ation) infrastructure and "ork en'iron$ent( Product and:or ser'ice reali;ation 5 custo$er related processes) design and de'elop$ent) purchasing) production and ser'ice operations and control of $easuring and $onitoring de'ices( 0easure$ent) analysis and i$pro'e$ent 5 0easure$ent and $onitoring of syste$ perfor$ance ,auditing. custo$er satisfaction and processes) control of non5confor$ity) analysis of data and i$pro'e$ent(

4ach ISO9001 ,2000. re9uire$ent "ill !e e#plained and interpreted 5 follo"ed !y practical application of the particular re9uire$ent i(e( the re9uire$ent in practice( <ere) practical guidance is gi'en in the application of the re9uire$ent) !y pro'iding e#a$ples of procedures) for$s) check lists) etc( Included in the course are: A co$plete set of Auditor ISO 9001:2000 =heck >ists

A free copy of the /uality 0anage$ent ,Principles 1 Techni9ues. IS?@ 059A2B-915%52 is pro'ided "ith each course(

?usiness ?enefits
To pro'ide delegates "ith a thorough understanding of the principles and re9uire$ents of ISO9000:2000( =ourse delegates "ill !e a!le to as a conse9uence of this course: =onfident in interpreting the ISO9001:2000 standard A!le to apply to specific industrial areas e(g( 0anufacturing) Ser'ice) Soft"are) ProCects) etc( Identifying the $ost appropriate i$ple$entation approach Dnderstand the role of /uality +epart$ent in the i$ple$entation progra$$e =oherently ans"er 9uestions regarding ISO 9001:2000( ?e /01T 'alidated and certificated as a ISO 9001:2000 practitioner(

Who Should Attend

/uality Professionals and Senior 0anage$ent "ishing to introduce the ISO 9001:2000 standard /uality Auditors( 0anage$ent and Staff "ishing to understand the i$plication of the ne" ISO 9001:200 standard

=ourse Structure
Ite$s co'ered include: /A Principles ISO 900172000 /uality +epart$ent responsi!ilities ISO 9001:2000 Progra$$e and Planning ISO9001:2000 Processes) Procedures) =heck >ists and for$s Audit =heck >ists Audit feed!ack) reporting and closure(

The lecturing tea$ is co$prised of professionals "ho ha'e !een especially selected for their recognised kno"ledge and e#perience in the field of 9uality auditing and 9uality assurance( Including Ered Tickle "ho "as on the co$$ittee "ho helped "rite ISO 9001:2000(

=ourse dates and cost See Training =ourses for price list and order for$ for a one day course at the /01T Training centre(

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