Watch Commander Log: 7A Public Disturbance

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Watch Commander Log

7A PUBLIC DISTURBANCE At 00:05, 455/435/459 were dispatched to a public disturbance on Anderson Springs Rd, Middletown, going on scene at 00:10 hours, ran five people and cleared the incident (RT K9) at 00:56 (46 Mins) 3C TRAFFIC STOP At 00:29, 429 went out on a traffic stop on Collier Ave, Nice, ran one vehicle and cleared the incident (WA) at 00:32 (3 Mins) 3D FAMILY DISTURBANCE At 00:35, 429/448 were dispatched to a family disturbance on Foothill Dr, Lucerne, going on scene at 00:41 hours, and cleared the incident (GA) at 00:48 (7 Mins) 6C FAMILY DISTURBANCE At 00:58, 435/459 were dispatched to a family disturbance on Del Monte Way, Kelseyville, going on scene at 00:58 hours, ran one vehicle and one person and cleared the incident (GA) at 03:24 (146 Mins) 3E CORONER'S CASE At 01:15, 429 was dispatched to a coroner's case at Sutter Lakeside Hospital, Lakeport, going on scene at 01:28 hours, and cleared the incident (RT) at 03:02 (94 Mins) 3F INJURY TRAFFIC COLLISION At 01:28, 2P5/2R2/455/448 were dispatched to an injury traffic collision on N Forbes, Lakeport, going on scene at 01:29 hours, ran two people and one vehicle and cleared the incident (AR) at 03:01 (92 Mins) 6B MUSIC DISTURBANCE At 01:39, 459/435 were dispatched to a music disturbance at Maynards Sports Bar, Lower Lake, going on scene at 02:08 hours, ran one person and cleared the incident (AR) at 03:01 (53 Mins) 7A FOLLOW UP At 01:45, 435 went out on follow up at Twin Pines Casino, Middletown, and cleared the incident (OS) at 01:59 (14 Mins) 5A JUVENILE INCIDENT At 02:01, 455 was dispatched to a juvenile incident on Pauline Place, Kelseyville, going on scene at 02:16 hours, and cleared the incident (GA) at 02:21 (5 Mins)

3E TRAFFIC STOP At 02:38, 455 went out on a traffic stop on S State Highway 29, Lakeport, ran one vehicle and cleared the incident (WA) at 02:41 (3 Mins) 3C NOISE DISTURBANCE At 03:04, 429/455 were dispatched to a noise disturbance at World Mark Resort, Nice, going on scene at 03:04 hours, ran one person and cleared the incident (WA) at 03:35 (31 Mins) 3C SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE At 03:40, 455 went out on a suspicious vehicle at Keeling Park, Nice, ran one vehicle and two people and cleared the incident (WA) at 03:46 (6 Mins) 5A DUI TURNOVER At 06:12, 441/443 went out on a DUI turnover on S State Hwy 29, Lakeport, and cleared the incident (RT) at 06:55 (43 Mins) 3B TRESPASSING INCIDENT At 08:09, 441/443 were dispatched to a trespassing incident at Hi-way Grocery, Upper Lake, going on scene at 08:31 hours, and cleared the incident (GA) at 08:37 (6 Mins) 7A NOISE DISTURBANCE At 08:36, 463 was dispatched to call a reporting party regarding a noise disturbance and cleared the incident (GS) at 08:39 (0 Mins) 5A FOLLOW UP At 09:05, 441/443 went out on follow up on Konocti Rd, Kelseyville, and cleared the incident (GA) at 09:12 (7 Mins) 3D MENTAL ILLNESS DETENTION At 09:12, 441/443 were dispatched to a mental health detention at Country Club Mobile Home Park, Lucerne, going on scene at 09:42 hours, and cleared the incident (GS) at 10:09 (27 Mins) 4C SHOT HEARD At 10:47, 433/445 were dispatched to a shot heard on Crestview Dr, Clearlake Park, going on scene at 11:19 hours, and cleared the incident (GS GA) at 11:25 (6 Mins) 6A TRAFFIC STOP At 11:33, 445/433 went out on a traffic stop on Lakeshore Dr, Clearlake Park, ran one vehicle and two people, and cleared the incident (WA) at 11:38 (5 Mins) 4B TRAFFIC STOP At 12:17, 445/433 went out on a traffic stop on E State Hwy 20, Clearlake Oaks, ran one vehicle and two people, and cleared the incident (AR RT) at 13:47 (90 Mins)

5A FOLLOW UP At 12:48, 443 was dispatched to call a reporting party regarding follow up on Jeannie Ln, Kelseyville, and cleared the incident (GA) at 12:58 (1 Mins) 7A MISSING ADULT At 13:08, 463 was dispatched to a missing adult on Deer Hill Rd, Hidden Valley, going on scene at 13:22 hours, and cleared the incident (GS) at 13:46 (24 Mins) 3B SECURITY CHECK At 13:08, 441 went out on a security check at Running Creek Casino, Upper Lake, and cleared the incident (GS) at 13:11 (3 Mins) 3D PEDESTRIAN CHECK At 13:25, 441 went out on a pedestrian check at Lakeview Market - Lucerne, ran two people, and cleared the incident (GS) at 13:44 (19 Mins) 4B ALARM At 14:00, 445/441 were dispatched to an alarm at Tower Mart, Clearlake Oaks, units were cancelled enroute and cleared the incident (FA) at 14:02 (2 Mins) 5B PROBLEMS WITH SUBJECTS At 14:08, 443 was dispatched to call a reporting party regarding problems with people on Skyline Dr, Kelseyville, going on scene at 14:18 hours, and cleared the incident (CV) at 14:19 (1 Mins) 3B SECURITY CHECK At 14:28, 441/443 went out on a security check at Robinson Bingo & Casino, Upper Lake, ran two people, and cleared the incident (OK) at 14:54 (26 Mins) 7B THEFT UP TO $950 At 14:47, 463 was dispatched to a theft up to $950 on Meadow Dr, Cobb, going on scene at 14:47 hours, and cleared the incident (GS) at 14:59 (12 Mins) 3B TRAFFIC STOP At 14:54, 443 went out on a traffic stop on E State Hwy 20, Upper Lake, and cleared the incident (WA) at 15:01 (7 Mins) 6C ALARM At 14:57, 445/441 were dispatched to an alarm, Kelseyville, cancelled enroute and cleared the incident (DA) at (0 Mins) 5C SUSPICIOUS PERSON At 16:15, 443 was dispatched to suspicious person on Westlake Dr, Kelseyville, going on scene at 16:31 hours, and cleared the incident (GA) at 16:37 (6 Mins)

3B FOLLOW UP At 16:39, 441 was dispatched to call a reporting party regarding follow up at Robinson Bingo & Casino, Upper Lake, and cleared the incident (GS) at 16:40 (1 Mins) 3D SIMPLE BATTERY At 17:11, 441 was dispatched to a simple battery on Windsor Way, Lucerne, going on scene at 17:16 hours, and cleared the incident (GS) at 17:30 (14 Mins) 5A TRAFFIC STOP At 17:15, 443/441 went out on a traffic stop at Lucerne Roofing & Supply, Lakeport, ran one vehicle and one person and cleared the incident (AR) at 18:42 (87 Mins) 4B FOLLOW UP At 17:49, 438 went out on follow up at the Sheriffs Clearlake Oaks Substation, Clearlake Oaks, and cleared the incident (RT) at 17:52 (3 Mins) 6B CIVIL INCIDENT At 18:07, 425/430 were dispatched to a civil service or incident on Candy Ln, Lower Lake, going on scene at 18:07 hours, and cleared the incident (GS) at 18:46 (39 Mins) 4B THREATS INCIDENT At 18:14, 438 was dispatched to a threats incident on Lake St, Clearlake Oaks, going on scene at 18:19 hours, and cleared the incident (CV) at 19:00 (41 Mins) 6C WIRELESS 911 HANGUP At 18:46, 430 was dispatched to a wireless 911 hangup on Fairway Dr, Kelseyville, going on scene at 19:04 hours, and cleared the incident (GA) at 19:08 (4 Mins) 3D MUSIC DISTURBANCE At 18:59, 434 was dispatched to a music disturbance at Country Club Mobile Home Park, Lucerne, going on scene at 19:21 hours, and cleared the incident (GS WA) at 20:12 (51 Mins) 7A INDECENT EXPOSURE INCIDENT At 19:01, 438/430 were dispatched to an indecent exposure on Moon Ridge Rd, Hidden Valley, going on scene at 20:20 hours, and cleared the incident (GS) at 20:34 (14 Mins) 4B PROBLEMS WITH SUBJECTS At 19:16, 438/430 were dispatched to problems with people at Lake Haven Motel & Resort, Clearlake Oaks, going on scene at 19:21 hours, ran one person and cleared the incident (CV) at 19:53 (32 Mins) 3C VANDALISM At 19:21, 434/425 were dispatched to a vandalism on Floyd Way, Nice, going on scene at 19:21 hours, and cleared the incident (RT) at 19:45 (24 Mins)

5C WELFARE CHECK At 19:36, 447 was dispatched to a welfare check on Orchard Dr, Kelseyville, going on scene at 20:22 hours, and cleared the incident (WA) at 20:39 (17 Mins) 4B COURT ORDER VIOLATION At 19:54, 438 was dispatched to a court order violation on 4th St, Clearlake Oaks, going on scene at 20:00 hours, ran two people and cleared the incident (UN) at 20:23 (23 Mins) 4B SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE At 20:23, 438 went out on a suspicious vehicle on Schindler St, Clearlake Oaks, ran one vehicle and one person and cleared the incident (AR) at 20:59 (36 Mins) 6B PROBLEMS WITH SUBJECTS At 20:44, 430 was dispatched to problems with people on Candy Ln, Lower Lake, going on scene at 20:51 hours, and cleared the incident (GA) at 21:01 (10 Mins) 4B PEDESTRIAN CHECK At 21:00, 438 went out on a pedestrian check on E State Hwy 20, Clearlake Oaks, ran one person and cleared the incident (OK) at 21:04 (4 Mins) 4B TRAFFIC STOP At 21:06, 438 went out on a traffic stop on E State Hwy 20, Clearlake Oaks, ran one vehicle and one person and cleared the incident (WA) at 21:11 (5 Mins) 6B SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE At 21:22, 430 went out on a suspicious vehicle at Wilson Storage, Lower Lake, ran one vehicle and cleared the incident (OK) at 21:28 (6 Mins) 4B PROBLEMS WITH SUBJECTS At 21:28, 438/430 were dispatched to problems with people on E State Hwy 20, Clearlake Oaks, going on scene at 21:58 hours, and cleared the incident (GA) at 22:03 (5 Mins) 5A NOISE DISTURBANCE At 21:29, 447 was dispatched to a noise disturbance on Konocti Rd, Kelseyville, going on scene at 22:25 hours, and cleared the incident (GA) at 22:47 (22 Mins) 3E TRAFFIC STOP At 22:08, 434 went out on a traffic stop on S State Hwy 29, Lakeport, ran one vehicle and one person and cleared the incident (WA) at 22:12 (4 Mins) 3D TRAFFIC STOP At 22:53, 434 went out on a traffic stop on Country Club Dr, Lucerne, ran one vehicle and cleared the incident (WA) at 22:57 (4 Mins)

6B CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL At 22:56, 438/430/425 were dispatched to a California Highway Patrol assist on S State Hwy 29, Lower Lake, going on scene at 23:11 hours, ran one vehicle and one person and cleared the incident (GS) at 00:39 (123 Mins) 3D NOISE DISTURBANCE At 23:00, 434 was dispatched to a noise disturbance on Foothill Dr, Lucerne, going on scene at 23:17 hours, and cleared the incident (GA) at 23:21 (4 Mins)

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