Pull Out All The Stops!

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The document provides 7 tips for protecting your home against burglars such as locking doors and windows, using alarms, and inviting experts for advice. It also discusses what to do after a burglary occurs.

Some tips mentioned are locking doors and windows, protecting valuables, turning on lights when away, arming alarms, and inviting experts for advice on additional measures.

The document states that most burglaries of homes occur during the day when residents are away, while most burglaries of offices happen at night when residents are likely home. Burglars generally want to avoid being seen.

Pull out all the stops!

7 tips how to protect your home against burglars

Your Police and the Swiss Crime Prevention an ofce of the ministries of justice and police of the Cantons.

Pull out all the stops!

7 tips how to protect your home against burglars

Introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lock the door! Lock the windows! Protect valuables! Keep your eyes open! Turn on the lights! Arm your alarm! Invite the experts! What to do after a burglary was committed? Contact addresses of the police forces

4 6 8 10 11 13 14 15 17 18

Editor Swiss Crime Prevention (SCP) House of Cantons Speichergasse 6, Postfach, CH-3000 Bern 7 Responsible: Martin Boess E-Mail: [email protected], www.skppsc.ch The brochure is available from every police ofce nationwide as well as from the police of the Principality of Liechtenstein. It is edited in English (online only), German, French and Italian. Downloads are available from www.skppsc.ch. Text and compilation Swiss Crime Prevention (SCP) in collaboration with the special commission of SCP and Weber & Partner, Berne Layout and illustration Weber & Partner, Berne, www.weberundpartner.com Copyright Swiss Crime Prevention (SCP) April 2014, 1st edition

Dear reader
Locking the door when leaving the house obviously goes without saying. Only: What kind of door is that? Is it made from steel or plywood? Or even partly of glass? If yes, what kind of glass? And how is it anchored? What about the lock? And what about the terrace door? And the caller door? Are all windows bolted, even the ones on the upper oor? Do you have an air shaft grate? How is it secured? If you cannot answer all of these questions easily, then you should carry on reading. Do you think that burglars only come in the dead of the night and only to rich people? Wrong! The majority of all burglaries in apartments is committed during the day, across all areas, and often already in the morning. Why? Because at this time most of the people are not at home but at work, shopping or just somewhere else. With burglaries in ofces it is the other way round: they are mainly committed at night, because at that time most people are back in their apartments. Or at least not in the ofce or shop. What do we learn from it? In general burglars dont want to be seen. And they dont want to encounter anyone. In most cases burglars are not violent criminals. They dont want to hurt anyone and dont want to be hurt themselves. For this reason they dread noise, effort, complications and in the dark the light. All must happen as quick, as quiet and as inconspicuous as possible. This is the reason why the majority of burglaries is not committed with blowpipe and glass cutter like in the movies, but with simple lever tools that t into every pocket, like for instance a screwdriver. And exactly here you should pull out the stops: if you eliminate all weak spots where for instance a screwdriver could work as a housebreaking tool, then you have already signicantly reduced the risk of burglary! Of course, you can go further; there are various options to increase security. We all know: there is no one hundred percent security in life. Therefore you should consider when your personal need for security is satised, i.e. which preventive measures seem reasonable and economically justiable in your case. Together with independent experts you should dene your individual safety objective. There are reliable prevention standards and resistance classes, which you should observe for structural new acquisitions and/or upgrades (e.g. doors and windows); also in this case ask experts for advice. Unfortunately, there are no certications for companies installing such standard building elements: what is the use of the strongest certied door lock if it is not professionally installed? In searching for the right installation expert still personal experience and trust in the respective skills count.

Most burglaries in apartments and private houses are committed during the day or early in the evening.

Most burglaries in business premises are committed at night.

Lock the door!

Simple tools (such as screwdrivers) are often used by burglars as levers. Normally doors without additional protection can easily be pried open. However, door manufacturers have responded and today offer a variety of doors, which are certied to be burglary-resistant, and in addition meet all esthetic requirements! Here with multipoint locking systems (see drawing left) prying is met with multiple resistance and in this way the obstruction of burglaries is signicantly increased. In most cases even an old door can be easily retrotted with additional locks but how to do this best should be checked by an expert on site. An additional layer for the front door (see drawing below) can also be an effective, although rather elaborate measure. It is also very important that all closing leafs are properly secured and anchored, since only in this way they form a functional unit with all additional locking devices. To prevent breaking off and unscrewing lock cylinders these must be protected with protective plates, which are secured from the inside.

Multi-point locking systems signicantly increase the safety of a door.

If the outside of a door is strengthened with an additional board, then the lever can no longer be applied between the door and inside of the frame (drawing left), but only totally ineffective between the frame and the board (drawing right).

Lock the windows!

Generally for windows applies the same as for doors: they are mostly pushed and pried open by burglars at their weak points; for this reason they should be secured with special locking mechanisms, so-called mushroom pins (see drawing below). They are integrated in the circular ttings and can be easily and comfortably locked via the window handle. Older windows can be retrotted for instance with locking rods, which are secured on the window frame. Every window handle must be lockable! According to the latest research window panes dont have to be made of laminated safety glass or covered with a special lm: even if the window is broken the lockable handle prevents that it can be opened from the inside. Roller and folding blinds offer additional protection but cannot replace the above-mentioned burglary resistance.

Air shaft grates must be properly secured. Burglar bars protect windows, which cannot be designed burglary-resistant, for instance because there are increased ventilation requirements and the window must be open at all times. Burglar bars must be anchored in the brickwork and secured with non-detachable special screws. Also here an expert should be asked for advice, so that the bars are sufciently strong and the gap between the vertical bars is not too big. Additional welded crossbars prevent the bars from being bent apart. Air shaft grates must be properly secured (top drawing). Windows with a properly secured air shaft grate do not need additional security and can be left open. Always consider: a burglar can open tilted windows with a bit of dexterity and without the use of force: tilted windows are considered open windows also actuarially, which could lead to a reduced claim settlement!

Windows with circular safety ttings (mushroom pins) cannot easily be pried open.

Welded crossbars on burglar bars prevent bending the bars apart. 9

Protect valuables!
Your most valuable property should be in a safe! This includes jewelry, watches, gold coins, securities, stocks and bonds, etc. Contrary to a portable jewelry case this safe must be anchored in or at the masonry, so that it cannot be simply taken away and opened somewhere else without time pressure. For valuables that you only need infrequently, such as for special occasions, or that you really never touch, safe-keeping outside your house, for instance in a safe deposit box, may be advisable. Observe the different protection ratings when buying a safe. Contact your insurance company upfront to nd out, which one is right for you also with regard to efcient insurance cover. Decide denitely for a combination lock, since for key locks a burglar will always assume that there is a spare key somewhere hidden in the house. He will search for it and mess up your entire apartment; and in many cases even nd it!

Keep your eyes open!

Not high-tech, but still indispensable if you have no video camera at the front door: the good old spyhole. If somebody is at your door that you dont expect or know, then you dont have to open the door in the rst place. But for this person not thinking that nobody is at home, and possibly starting to break in, you should make clear to him via the intercom or through the window that you are not interested in the visit. With video surveillance you have all other areas of your property under control, but either you are at home at the crucial moment in any case, see the burglar and call the police, or you are not at home and your video system only records a burglary, which you could not prevent. A dummy camera cant even do that, so it cannot be recommended. One of the most efcient obstacles against burglars is a well-functioning neighborhood. From time to time feeding the neighbors cat at the weekend or watering his plants when he is absent, should be self-evident and ensures a trusting relationship.


A safe should have a combination lock and be anchored in the masonry.

But thats not uncle Peter!


The less neighbors seal themselves off from each other and the more they trust each other, the higher will be the willingness to have a watchful eye on the property next door. Just consider that the beautiful high hedge, which protects you sunbathing in summer, also protects a burglar when prying open your terrace door It is better to keep each other in the neighborhood actively informed, for instance with regard to vacations but it would be no good idea to publish this on a social network on the Internet... even burglars make use of the new media! In any case, if you are absent for a longer period of time, someone should take care of your mail; an overowing mailbox is like an open invitation for burglars.

Turn on the lights!

Although most burglaries are committed during the day, the role of lighting in obstruction of burglaries should not be underestimated. A house that stays completely dark in the evening, maybe several evenings in a row, sends the signal to the burglar that it is currently not inhabited. Therefore timers to automatically and irregularly light up some of the rooms of your house are a sensible measure. So not already from far can be seen that you are away (see drawing below). Motion detectors that switch on bright shock lighting on all sides of the house as soon as someone enters the premises also serve deterrence. Even if the burglar just quickly wants to come closer to spy out if you are on vacation. Consider that your evening and morning lifestyle habits can be read from internal lighting; consider that a burglar could watch you; so use your curtains, window and roller blinds.


Could you water my owers next week? I will be on holiday.

Who is not at home? 13

Arm your alarm!

Alarm systems can be a further effective addition to your burglar proong, but they are not always necessary. Alarm systems detect and report when unauthorized persons enter the premises. However, for their awless functioning lots of skills and experience are needed. A security concept captures the exact processes within the premises to exclude all factors, which could lead to a false alarm, such as the movement of pets. False alarms with police deployment can lead to charges! In theory you can install a contact on every door and every window and you can equip your entire home and premises with motion detectors however, the most important question is what has to happen after the alarm has been triggered. And where must it be triggered? Is it a silent alarm that is transmitted to an emergency call center, with the burglar not being aware of it until the police are deployed? Or is it a deafening local alarm, waking up the entire residential neighborhood everyone is stressed out but nobody responds? When installing an alarm system you need an intervention strategy. Best be advised by an expert.

Invite the experts!

We have seen that there is a kind of 3-pillar principle of burglar-resistant measures. These three pillars are: 1. Behavioral patterns and organizational measures. This includes for instance not leaving keys in the locks, keeping all windows closed and the neighborhood watching out for each other. 2. Structural-mechanical measures. This includes, among other things, all your additional locks and locking mechanisms, burglar bars and the properly anchored safe. And nally 3. Electric/electronic measures. This includes motion detectors with shock lighting, the timer and possibly the alarm system. But hardly any of these measures on its own can significantly increase the burglary resistance; it is the combination that makes the difference! Imagine the burglary being like a hurdle race for the burglar: if he only has to clear one or two hurdles (e.g. only one additional lock and one timer switch in the living room), then he might risk the burglary. But if there are four, ve or six hurdles, even ones he cannot detect from the outset and which he encounters only during the burglary, then he will think twice about it and/or call it off. What he dreads is time consumed, noise and cumbersome tools. The more hurdles (= burglary-resistant measures) you install, the more difcult it will be for the burglar to break into your property.


For installing an alarm system you need a security concept!

Police security advisers gladly come to your home to discuss various protective measures.


What to do after a burglary was committed?

Security experts from the police will gladly advise you objectively (in most cases even free of charge!) and nd out together with you at your home, which measures in your individual case are the right ones. See the respective contact addresses in the Annex. If you want to ask commercial providers of security equipment for advice always keep in mind that here also economic interests come into play. Dont be rushed, for instance to buy an expensive alarm system, which you may not need! Always ask more than one independent expert for advice or invite several offers before making costly purchases or updates. When you nd out about a burglary at your home at rst you will be shocked, naturally! However, keep cool and immediately call the police (phone 117)! Do not tidy up the crime scene, so that no evidence is destroyed. Determine, together with the police, what was stolen. Best would be to have a list and even photos of your most important valuables at hand. This facilitates the search and at the same time makes it more difcult for the culprits to turn the stolen goods into cash. Such criminal violation of the privacy leaves for most aggrieved parties the unpleasant impression of insecurity and vulnerability. Many of you will ask themselves: Is my home still my castle? This is understandable. But remember that burglars dont zero in on you personally but only on your valuables. And your GP as the rst contact person surely has advice how to cope with your difcult emotional situation. But if you, what fortunately happens only rarely, catch a burglar by chance with his hands in the cookie jar, never try to detain or even subdue him! Withdraw immediately, lock yourself in! And call the police. This brochure aims to help you optimizing your burglary protection! Please use the offers of your police for advice (contact addresses in the Annex)!

Police security advisers gladly come to your home to discuss various protective measures. 16

Immediately call the police after a burglary and dont tidy up the crime scene!


Contact addresses and links of the cantonal and municipal police forces
Police force Kantonspolizei Aargau Kantonspolizei Appenzell I.-Rh. Kantonspolizei Bern Polizei Basel-Landschaft Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt Landespolizei Frstentum Liechtenstein Police cantonale Fribourg Police cantonale de Genve Kantonspolizei Glarus Kantonspolizei Graubnden Police cantonale jurassienne Luzerner Polizei Police neuchteloise Kantonspolizei Nidwalden Kantonspolizei Obwalden Kantonspolizei St.Gallen Stadtpolizei St. Gallen Schaffhauser Polizei Kantonspolizei Solothurn Kantonspolizei Schwyz Kantonspolizei Thurgau Polizia cantonale Ticino Kantonspolizei Uri Police cantonale vaudoise Police cantonale valaisanne Zuger Polizei Kantonspolizei Zrich Police municipale de Lausanne Polizia comunale di Lugano Stadtpolizei Winterthur Stadtpolizei Zrich Website www.polizei-ag.ch www.ai.ch www.police.be.ch www.polizei.bl.ch www.polizei.bs.ch www.landespolizei.li www.policefr.ch www.geneve.ch/police/ www.gl.ch/kapo www.kapo.gr.ch www.jura.ch/police/ www.polizei.lu.ch www.ne.ch www.nw.ch www.ow.ch www.kapo.sg.ch www.staposg.ch www.shpol.ch www.polizei.so.ch www.sz.ch/polizei www.kapo.tg.ch www.polizia.ti.ch www.ur.ch www.police.vd.ch www.police.vs.ch www.zugerpolizei.ch www.kapo.zh.ch www.lausanne.ch/police www.lugano.ch/sicurezza/ www.stapo.winterthur.ch www.stadt-zuerich.ch/ stadtpolizei Phone Security Counselling 062 835 81 81 071 788 95 00 071 343 66 66 031 634 82 81 061 553 30 66 061 267 82 84 00423 236 71 11 026 305 16 13 022 427 56 00 055 645 66 66 0800 80 30 50 032 420 67 03 041 248 84 88 032 889 90 00 041 618 44 66 041 666 65 00 058 229 38 29 071 224 61 14 052 624 24 24 032 627 71 11 041 819 83 54 052 725 44 77 0848 25 55 55 041 875 22 11 021 644 80 27 027 606 58 55 041 728 41 41 044 247 22 11 021 315 15 15 058 866 81 11 052 267 65 46 044 411 74 44


Kantonspolizei Appenzell A.-Rh. www.polizei.ar.ch


Schweizerische Kriminalprvention Haus der Kantone Speichergasse 6 Postfach 3000 Bern 7 www.skppsc.ch

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