Joint Design 2 (2001) - Nails, Staples & Screws
Joint Design 2 (2001) - Nails, Staples & Screws
Joint Design 2 (2001) - Nails, Staples & Screws
Introduction Fastener Specification and Application Nails Screws Joint Design Lateral Loads Withdrawal Fastener Spacings Connection Design Direct Force Connections Axial Type Moment Connections Computer Design of Moment Joints Specifications Other References
COVER PHOTO: Commercial hardwood decking fixed to sub-structure with hot dipped galvanised decking spikes Nailed plywood gussets provide moment joints for portal frames
steel and monel. Aluminium nails are used for fixing aluminium sheeting and fittings and the
others in boat building and where especially corrosive environments exist e.g., swimming pools. TABLE 1 NAIL TYPES (AS 2334) Type Application
Hardboard nail
Hardboard fixing
Wallboard nail
Wallboard fixing
Cement sheeting
Galvanised sheeting, other flexible sheeting Low density materials eg. plastics General fixing of thin sheets not recommended for structural connectors such as framing anchors
Plasterboard nail
Plasterboard fixing
Decking spike
Duplex nail
Roofing nail
Fencing staple
Pneumatically driven nails are also available in a wide range of length-diameter combinations with a common range of diameters being 2.0 3.3 mm and lengths in the range of 50 90 mm.
Applications and Head Types Plain wood screws are described in AS 1476, and self-drilling types in AS 3566. As with nails, plain screws are commonly classified by head type and, herein, this same description is extended to self-drilling types. Refer Table 3. In addition to head type, screws are also classified by the method of driving. Hot dipped galvanised nails or screws should be used in weather exposed situations Hot dipped galvanising involves the application of a zinc coating by hot dipping in a zinc bath. It leaves a rough surface with enhanced withdrawal and corrosion resistance characteristics. Manufacturers also coat pneumatically driven nails with plastics which are claimed to improve withdrawal resistance. The coatings are activated by the friction heat generated during driving and manufacturers indicate they increase short term withdrawal resistance by around 150 percent. A process called phoscoating is also in use. This involves the surface etching of an iron phosphate coating, which tends to roughen the surface and enhance the withdrawal resistance arising from friction. Preferred Diameter-Length Combinations In selecting nails, designers should be aware that diameters and lengths are available only in certain combinations. Refer Table 2 for bullet head nails and AS 2334, for details of other hand-driven nails. FIGURE 2 SLOTTED AND CROSS RECESSED SCREW HEADS Plain screw types are driven with a conventional screw driver in the case of a slotted head and with a Phillips driver in the case of cross-recessed heads. Refer Figure 2.
Power driven screws provide secure fixing. Countersunk heads may be appropriate for some applications
TRADITIONAL (AS 1746) Countersunk head slot and cross-recessed drive General finishing where the head must be flush
Raised counter-sunk head General finishing where the head is slot and cross-recessed featuring drive
SELF-DRILLING (AS 3566) TYPE 17 Hexagon washer head external hexagon drive Roof sheet fixing. Used with neoprene washer under head
General fixing in wood to wood connections General fixing of proprietary metal fastener to wood connections, where roof sheeting rests on fastener General fixing in wood to wood connections where uplift may be severe
Shank Size (mm) 2.74 3.45 4.17 4.88 5.59 6.30 7.72
The root diameter (the diameter at the base of the thread) is specified in the respective standards but the capacities provided in AS 1720, are in terms of the screw gauge. In plain wood screws a taper is used in the threaded portion. The taper angle is chosen at the discretion of the screw manufacturer. The common Type 17 screws have parallel shanks. An alternative shank is available with two threads, one with a high and one with a low profile which is claimed to have increased holding power.
Shank Dia. (mm) 1.98 2.29 2.64 2.97 3.33 3.68 4.04 4.39 4.72 5.38 6.05 6.76
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16
AS 1720.1 expresses fastener capacity in the form: Nj k1k13k14k16k17 Qk = = k1k13k14k16k17 Qk Where Nj design capacity on an individual fastener = Qk = characteristic capacity k1 = duration factor k13 = end/side grain factor k14 = double/single shear factor k16 = side plate factor k17 = multiple fastener factor The load, N*, acting on an individual fastener is given by: N* qdx qdy qmx qmy Where Fx Fy n M xm ,ym lp ri rm 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
FIGURE 3 NAILING PATTERNS TABLE 6 FASTENER SPACINGS AS 1720.1 (All Species) Along Grain Across Grain Directly driven 20d 10d Pre-drilled 10d 3d
NZS 3603 Softwood (density < 560 kg/m3) Along Grain Across Grain 12d 5d 10d 5d
N j
For a splice joint it is a simple matter to avoid any possibility of cross-grain shrinkage induced splitting by use of double side plates on each side, refer Figure 5, but this is normally unnecessary, for seasoned or a low shrinkage timber. The recommended joint is illustrated in Figure 4. The joint of Figure 5 could be considered for metal splice plates where shrinkage may be of concern e.g., with unseasoned ash type hardwoods.
The joint layout recommended on the assumption that little shrinkage will take place is illustrated in Figure 6. Where cross-grain shrinkage in the horizontal 90 x 35 mm member is likely to be of concern, the alternative is to use larger capacity fasteners such as a single bolt or a proprietary joist hanger. Refer Figure 7. For some loads and timber sizes, it may be possible to support the load on staggered fasteners; such as illustrated in Figure 8.
Nail lamination of two timber members can provide an effective means of making a large solid section
Ignoring sheeting and batten dead weight, each batten support point is loaded by a force = 4.33 x 0.9 x 0.6 = 2.34 kN. Using manufacturers literature or Table 4.8 of AS 1720.1, a Number 14 size Type 17 screw is adopted. The minimum depth of penetration is computed from Table 4.6 (A) which develops 100 N per mm of penetration. The withdrawal capacity of a Number 14 size Type 17 screw Nj = 0.85 () x 1.0 (k 13 ) x lp x 1.0 (n) x 100 = 85 lp N 2340 = 27.5 mm 85 Say 30 mm.
Required penetration:
Moment Connections In practice, moment connections are usually only used to form the joints of portal frames. While such joints are subject to both direct forces and moment, the latter dominates and the joint may be designed, for preliminary sizing purposes, for the moment only. According to AS 1720.1, the force in the nail most distant from the nail group centroid is computed using the formula: M rm Mrm q = Mrm = 1.5 = Ip rm ri ri1.5 The depth, d, is established by design of the frame and this, in turn, fixes one dimension of the joint. The other dimension, l, is most rapidly estimated on the basis of formulae derived by assuming the nail is smeared as shown in Figure 9 and has a shear capacity given by 2Q/s1s2 for staggered patterns and, because of the lower nail density, Q/s1s2 for rectangular patterns. The design criteria are therefore: for staggered patterns
M rm 2Q = 1.5 S1S 2 r dA
The integral can only be evaluated by quadrature which, for staggered patterns and using the Gaussian formula, leads to: 2Q/S1 S2 = 4.81M(l 2+d2 )0.25/ld[(l 2+d2)0.75-gh(g2 l2+h2 d2 )0.75] (10) It is common to select g and h which control the size of the vacant central position using g = h = 0.7 which reduces the expression for staggered patterns to:
l2 + d2 )
This equation is non-linear in l and is solved by substituting trial values of l into the right hand side until it equals the left hand side. Refer Example 4. A further consideration in joints of this type is the level of joint shear. In a portal joint, a very rapid build up of bending stress occurs over the length of the gusset. The joint shear is given by: fsj = 1.5 M/bd = 1.5M/lbd (12)
Example 4 Assume that a 532 x 80 mm, Douglas fir, glued laminated beam carries the following factored dead and live load moments: MDL = 26.1 kNm MDL + LL = 68.6 kNm The dead load plus live load moment is equivalent to a dead load moment of 68.6/0.77 = 89.1 kNm and hence the MDL + LL value controls. If 3.15 diameter nails are used then Q = 810 N (Table 4.1 B). Assume the nails are placed in a staggered pattern at spacings 60 mm and 30 mm along and across the grain respectively: j = 0.8() x 0.77 (k 1 ) x 1.1 (k 16 ) x 1.2 (k 17 ) x 810 = 659 N and 2Q/s1s2 d = 2 x 659/60x30 = 0.73 MPa = 532 mm
The right hand side of the appropriate formulae is computed for l = 1000, 900, 800 mm where M = 0.5 x 68.6 kNm since there are two nail groups sharing the joint moment. l 1000 900 (685) 650 2Q/S1S2 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 6.75 M/ld (l2=d 2)0.5 0.384 0.463 (0.733) 0.797
Computer Design of Moment Joints The simplest method for designing moment joints is to use a computer program. Assume that the program used in this instance indicates that dead plus live load is the critical condition and produces the output below. Gusset Detail Length 11 of gusset Nail Details Nail diameter Basic nail capacity = 3.15 mm = 810N JD4 Joint Group = 236 per side = 60 mm = 30 mm = 810 mm
Output from the computer program is given in Figure 10. Joint Shear The beam is a 532 mm x 80 mm Douglas fir of Strength Group SD5. fsj = 1.5M/dbI1 = 1.5 x 68.6 x 106/532 x 80 x 810 = 3.0 MPa
For detailed specification clauses, reference should be made to Datafile SP1, TIMBER SPECIFICATIONS. The following is a check list of some items which should be included in the specifications of fasteners/joints or alternatively, indicated on plans: Fastener type Fastener size/length etc. Number of fasteners, spacings etc. Material/protection e.g. galvanised, stainless steel Joint group of timber Workmanship Pre-drilling where appropriate
From Table 2.3A of AS 1720: Fsj Fsj = 6.1 MPa = 6.1 x 0.8 () x 0.97 (K 1) = 4.7 MPa