CG Question Bank
CG Question Bank
CG Question Bank
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Explain CRT. Give difference between raster scan and random scan display. Explain DVST. Give advantage and disadvantages of DVST. Explain plasma Panel display Give advantage and disadvantages of plasma Panel display.
Chap 3: 9. Explain DDA line drawing algorithm. 10. What are the advantages and Disadvantages of DDA algorithm? 11. Consider a line from (0,0) to (4,6).Using simple DDA algorithm, rasterize this line. 12. Explain Bresenhams line drawing algorithm. 13. Applying Bresenhams algorithm to draw a line from (20,10) and end point is (30,18) 14. Write down Mid-point circle algorithm and explain. 15. Explain Scan-line Polygon fill algorithm. 16. What are Inside-Outside tests? Explain with example. 17. Define Boundary-Fill algorithm. 18. Define Flood-Fill algorithm. 19. Define concave and convex polygon. 20. Explain Bitmap character generation. 21. Consider a line from (0,0) to (6,6).Using simple DDA algorithm, rasterize this line. 22. Consider a line from (0,0) to (6,7).Using simple DDA algorithm, rasterize this line. 23. Applying Bresenhams algorithm to draw a line from (0,0) to (6,6). 24. Plot a circle using mid-point algorithm whose radius=3 and centre is at (0,0). Chap 4:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Explain the area fill attributes and character attributes. Explain character attributes in detail. Define attribute parameter. Give examples. What is a line width? What is the command used to draw the thickness of lines. What is color table? List the color codes.
Chap 5:
6. 7. 8. 9.
What is transformation? Define translation and translation vector. Write the matrix representation for scaling, translation and rotation. Explain the following transformation with the matrix representations. Give suitable diagram for illustration, (i) Translation. (ii) Scaling. (iii) Rotation. 10. Write the composition transformation matrix for scaling, translation and Rotation. 11. How the rotation of an object about the pivot point is performed? 12. Prove that rotation R(1)+R(2) = R(1+ 2). 13. Discuss about the general fixed point scaling. 14. Prove that the multiplication of 2D transformation matrices for each of the following sequence of operations is commutative 1. Two successive rotations. 2. Two successive translations. 15. Translate a Square ABCD with the coordinates A(0,0), B(5,0), C(5,5), D(0,5) b y 2 units in X-direction and 3 units in Y-direction. 16. Translate a polygon BCD with the coordinates B(5,0), C(5,5), D(0,5) b y 3 units in left and 4 units in up. 17. Rotate a line AB from (1,2) to (4,6) by an angle 45 about origin. 18. Scale a polygon ABC with the coordinates B(5,0), C(5,5), D(0,5) by double in x direction. 19. Find out composite transformation matrix to reflect a triangle with vertices A (3, 7), B (6, 1 0 ) and C (5,5) about line x=2; 20. Find out composite transformation matrix to reflect a triangle with vertices A (-2, 1), B (-1, 2) and C (-2, 2) about line y=x+2. Also find the coordinates of reflected object. 21. Apply the shearing transformation to Square with A(0,0), B(1,0), C(1,1) and D(0,1) as given below: a) Shear parameter value of 0.5 relative to line Yref = -1 b) Shear parameter value of 0.5 relative to line Xref = -1 22. What is 2D shear transformation? Covert the unit square to shifted parallelogram using x-direction shear transformation operation where parameter shx = and Yref= -1 and unit square dimensions are (0,0), (1, 0), (0, 1) and (1, 1).
Chap 6:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Define Define window and view port. Define viewing transformation. Give the equation for window to viewport Coordinate transformation. Draw the block diagram for 2D viewing transformation pipeline. What is meant by clipping? What is line clipping and what are their parametric representations? Explain Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm? Explain liang-barsky line clipping algorithm?
9. Explain NLN line clipping algorithm? 10. Why liang-barsky line clipping is more efficient than Cohen Sutherland line Clipping? 11. Clip the line PQ having coordinates A(1,1) and B(8,8) against the clip window having vertices A(3,2) , B(7,2) , C(7,6) and D(3,6) using Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm. Mention the limitations of algorithm. How it can be overcome? 12. Clip the line PQ having coordinates A(1,1) and B(8,8) against the clip window having vertices A(3,2) , B(7,2) , C(7,6) and D(3,6) using liang-barsky line clipping algorithm. Mention the limitations of algorithm. How it can be overcome? 13. What is polygon clipping? Explain Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm 14. Explain Weiler Atherton polygon clipping algorithm 15. Give different way for text clipping with example.
Chap: 9 1. What is parallal and perspective projection? 2. Write about depth cueing. 3. How the visible line and visible surface identified in 3D object? 4. Define surface rendering. 5. Derive metrix for all projection.
Chap 10: 1. How the polygon table represented in 3D. 2. Explain Bezier Curve and give its properties. 3. Explain B-Spline Curve and surface. Chap 11: 1. Discuss the three-dimensional composite transformation. 2. Explain the 3-d transformation for translation, rotation, scaling. 3. Explain the 3-d transformation for rotation about arbitrary axis. Chap 12: 1. Draw the three dimensional transformation pipeline. 2. What is a 3-d projection? Explain with a neat diagram. 3. Differentiate parallel and perspective projection. 4. What is called axonometric and isometric projections? 5. Define vanishing point and principal vanishing point. 6. Derive the transformation matrix for producing parallal projection. 7. Derive the transformation matrix for producing perspective projection. Chap: 13 1. Explain Back Face Detection algorithm for visible surface detection. 2. Explain Depth Buffer visible surface detection algorithm.
3. Explain Z- Buffer visible surface detection algorithm. 4. Explain A- Buffer visible surface detection algorithm. Chap: 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain in brief basic Illumination models. explain Ambient Light, Diffuse Reflection and Specular reflection. Explain constant-Intensity Shading for polygon rendering. Explain Gouraud Shading for polygon rendering. Explain Phong Shading.
Chap 15: 1. Discuss the properties of light. 2. Define chromaticity, complementary colors, color gamut and primary colors. 3. What is color model? 4. Define hue, saturation and value. 5. Explain XYZ color model. 6. Explain RGB color model. 7. Explain YIQ color model. 8. Explain CMY color model. 9. Explain HSV color model. 10. What is the use of chromaticity diagram?